What documents approve the territory of the municipality. Documents of territorial planning of municipalities. See what "Documents of territorial planning of municipalities" are in other dictionaries

  • Chapter I.1. Formation of land plots
  • 11. Ownership of land: forms, types, content, grounds for occurrence.
  • 12. State ownership of land
  • 2. Land and other natural resources not owned by citizens, legal entities or municipalities are state property.
  • 13. Municipal ownership of land
  • 14. The procedure for delimiting state ownership of land
  • Federal Law No. 101-FZ of July 17, 2001 "On the Delimitation of State Ownership of Land"
  • 15. Ownership of land plots of citizens and legal entities
  • 16. The concept and classification of limited rights to land
  • 17. The right of permanent (unlimited) use and lifetime inheritable possession of a land plot.
  • 19. Lease of land
  • The main features of land lease:
  • Features of land lease:
  • Grounds for terminating a land lease agreement
  • 20. The right to free use of land
  • 21. Turnover capacity of land plots
  • 1.2.2. Turnover capacity of land plots
  • 22. Restrictions on rights to land
  • 23. General characteristics of the grounds for the emergence of rights to land
  • Grounds for the emergence of ownership of land
  • Grounds for the acquisition of land in the property:
  • Transfer of ownership of a land plot on the basis of an alienation transaction
  • Transfer of ownership of land plots by inheritance
  • Transfer of the right to a land plot that is in state or municipal ownership
  • Emergence of the right of ownership upon transfer of ownership of the building, structure and structure
  • 24. General characteristics and classification of grounds for termination of rights to land plots Grounds for termination of land ownership rights
  • Alienation by the owner of his land plot to other persons
  • Refusal of the owner of the right of ownership of the land
  • Compulsory seizure from the owner of his land plot
  • 25. Features of transactions with land plots
  • Provision of land for construction in the property without prior approval
  • The procedure for providing a land plot for construction without prior approval of the location of the object:
  • Provision of land plots for construction with prior approval
  • The procedure for providing a land plot for construction with a preliminary agreement on the location of the object:
  • 1) the Government of the Russian Federation, in relation to land plots that are in federal ownership;
  • 2) by a public authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in relation to land plots owned by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and land plots, state ownership of which is not delimited;
  • 3) Local self-government body, in relation to land plots that are in municipal ownership.
  • 27. Cases and procedure for granting land plots in state or municipal ownership without tenders.
  • 28. Cases of using land plots that are in state or municipal ownership, without providing land plots
  • 32. Registration of rights to land plots by the owners of buildings and structures
  • Redemption of land by the owners of buildings, structures and structures located on these land plots.
  • 33. Waiver of rights to land
  • 34. The procedure for the withdrawal of land for state and municipal needs.
  • Grounds for withdrawal of land plots for state and municipal needs
  • The procedure for the withdrawal of land plots for state and municipal needs
  • Bodies that make decisions on the withdrawal of land plots for state or municipal needs:
  • With a petition for the withdrawal of a land plot, the right to apply:
  • Petition for withdrawal of land:
  • Conditions for withdrawal of land plots for state or municipal needs
  • 35. Land reservation for state and municipal needs Land reservation for state or municipal needs.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 N 561 Moscow "on certain issues related to the reservation of land for state or municipal needs"
  • 36. Grounds and procedure for the forced seizure of land plots in connection with the improper use of land plots
  • Withdrawal of land by court decision
  • In case of forced seizure of a land plot, the court determines:
  • Temporary seizure of a land plot (requisition)
  • Withdrawal of a land plot due to its improper use
  • 37. System and powers of state executive authorities in the field of land relations
  • Competence of public authorities in the field of regulation of land relations
  • Competence of local self-government bodies in the field of regulation of land relations
  • 38. Functions of state administration in the field of land use and protection
  • The main tasks of state management of land resources:
  • The content of state administration in the field of land use and protection:
  • Management functions in the field of land use and protection
  • 40. Land management
  • Organization and procedure for land management
  • Main land management activities:
  • 41. Territorial planning. Types of territorial planning documents.
  • 42. Land monitoring
  • Content of state land monitoring:
  • Tasks of state land monitoring:
  • Types of land monitoring depending on the purpose of monitoring and the area under observation:
  • 43. Payment for land: types, procedure, legal significance
  • Forms of payment for the use of land:
  • Land tax
  • Taxpayers (Article 388 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):
  • Object of taxation (Article 389 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):
  • Land rent
  • 44. Evaluation of land plots: types, procedure, legal significance. Legal basis for land valuation
  • 45. State cadastral registration of land plots.
  • 46. ​​State registration of rights to land. Legal and legal documents.
  • Legal basis for state registration of rights to land:
  • Grounds for state registration of rights to a land plot (Article 16 fz):
  • The procedure for state registration of rights to a land plot:
  • State registration of rights may be denied:
  • Document types
  • Legal force
  • Loss of documents
  • 47. State land supervision. Bodies of state land supervision, their powers.
  • Chapter XII of the RF LC establishes the following types of supervision and control over the use and protection of land:
  • State land supervision (Article 71 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation)
  • Municipal land control (Article 72 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation)
  • Public land control (Article 72.1 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation)
  • 48. Types and content of legal liability for violation of land legislation Legal liability for violation of land legislation
  • 49. Legal regime of lands: concept, methods of establishment The concept of the legal regime of lands
  • Types of legal regime of lands:
  • Elements of the legal regime of lands:
  • Unity and differentiation of the legal regime of the lands
  • 50. Division of land into categories: content, legal significance. Land categories
  • 51. Zoning as a way to establish the legal regime of land and land. Permitted use of land.
  • 52. Legal regime of a land plot: concept, content
  • Subjects of agricultural land use:
  • The procedure for granting and withdrawing agricultural land
  • Features of withdrawal of agricultural land
  • 54. Legal regime of agricultural land
  • 55. Legal regime of lands of settlements
  • 57. Legal regime of lands of specially protected natural territories and objects
  • 58. Legal regime of forest fund lands
  • 59. General characteristics of the legal regime of the lands of the water fund The concept and general characteristics of the lands of the water fund
  • 60. Legal regime of reserve lands. Ratio of land to land redistribution fund
  • 41. Territorial planning. Types of territorial planning documents.

    Territorial planning - planning the development of territories, including the establishment of functional zones, zones of planned placement of capital construction objects for state or municipal needs, zones with special conditions for the use of territories.

    Functional zones - zones for which the boundaries and functional purpose are defined by territorial planning documents.

    Zones with special conditions for the use of the territory - security, sanitary protection zones, zones for the protection of objects of cultural heritage of peoples Russian Federation, water protection zones, zones of protection of drinking water sources, zones of protected objects, other zones established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Urban planning regulations - types of permitted use of land plots established within the boundaries of the relevant territorial zone, as well as everything that is above and below the surface of land plots and is used in the process of their development and subsequent operation of capital construction facilities. Limiting sizes of land plots and limiting parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities, as well as restrictions on the use of land plots and capital construction facilities.

    Urban zoning - zoning of territories municipalities in order to determine territorial zones and establish urban planning regulations.

    Rules for land use and development - a document of urban zoning, which is approved by regulatory legal acts of local governments, regulatory legal acts bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - cities of federal significance Moscow and St. Petersburg and in which territorial zones, urban planning regulations, the procedure for applying such a document and the procedure for amending it are established.

    Territorial zone - a part of the territory that is characterized by a special legal regime for the use of land plots and the boundaries of which are determined during land zoning in accordance with land, urban planning, forestry, water legislation, as well as taxes and fees, environmental protection and other legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (paragraph 6, article 1, chapter 1 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 02.01.2000 No. 28-FZ "On State Lands number of cadastre).

    One of the important issues of territorial planning is the division of land according to the intended purpose into categories, as well as the zoning of the territory.

    The lands according to their intended purpose are divided into the following categories:

    - agricultural land;

    - settlements;

    - industry, energy, transport, communications, broadcasting, television, computer science, to ensure space activities, defense, security and land for other special purposes;

    – specially protected territories and objects;

    – forest fund;

    – water fund;

    - stock.

    Such a division of the lands of the Russian Federation into categories is the first stage of delimiting lands according to their intended purpose, in essence the first stage of a kind of spatial zoning of the territory of the state.

    At the same time, the boundaries of lands of various categories are determined by delimitation from each other, guided by the materials of land management, town planning and forest management documentation.

    According to the current legislation, certain categories of land can be divided into types, they may include land assigned to different territorial zones.

    In the section on the composition of lands of settlements, the positions of the Town Planning and Land Codes coincide and, on this basis, the named category of lands may include residential, public and business, industrial zones, engineering and transport infrastructure, agricultural use, recreational purposes, specially protected areas, special purposes, placement of military facilities and other types of territorial zones.

    The new Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ (as amended by Federal Law No. 343 dated December 27, 2009) establishes the following types of territorial planning documents:

    1) territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation in the region:

    - development of federal transport, means of communication, information and communications;

    Defense of the country and security of the state;

    Energy development;

    Use and protection of the forest fund;

    Use and protection of water bodies;

    Development and placement of specially protected natural areas of federal significance;

    Protection of the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation at risk of natural and man-made emergencies and the impact of their consequences;

    Development of space activities;

    natural monopolies;

    In other areas provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    2) schemes for territorial planning of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including: maps (schemes) of the planned development and placement of protected natural areas of regional significance, changes in the boundaries of agricultural land and the boundaries of agricultural land as part of agricultural land, as well as maps (schemes) of the planned placement of capital construction objects of regional significance, including:

    Objects of energy systems of regional importance;

    Objects of transport, means of communication, informatics and communications of regional importance;

    Linear objects of regional importance that ensure the activities of subjects of natural monopolies;

    Other objects, the placement of which is necessary for the implementation of the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation determined by federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    3) documents of territorial planning of municipalities:

    Territorial planning schemes for municipal districts;

    General plans of settlements;

    General plans of urban districts.

    According to Art. 19 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the territorial planning scheme of a municipal district includes maps (schemes) of the planned placement of capital construction facilities of local importance, including:

    Electricity and gas supply facilities within the boundaries of the municipal district;

    Public roads between settlements, bridges and other transport engineering structures outside the boundaries of settlements within the boundaries of the municipal district;

    Other objects, the placement of which is necessary for the exercise of the powers of local governments of the municipal district.

    Provided by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ (as amended by the Federal Law - No. 343 of December 27, 2009) and the Federal Law “On the Entry into Force of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation” of December 29, 2004 No. protection only as part of urban planning documentation.

    Firstly, the adopted concept of territorial planning proceeds from the interests of the development of settlements, as well as in some part of the planned placement of capital construction objects for industrial, transport, energy and other purposes. This concept at one time (late 60s - early 70s of the last century) also prevailed in economically developed foreign countries, primarily in Western Europe. This led to unregulated development, the growth of cities, and in conditions of land shortage and high population density, to a violation of the ecological stability of the territory.

    At the end of the 20th century, the concept of territorial planning abroad began to focus on public values ​​and primary service. public interest. It is carried out under the mottos: "Ecology for all", "Nature protection and the creation of sustainable production", and in rural areas - "Socio-economic development of rural areas and maintaining the environmental sustainability of the area." At the same time, unshakable foundations are affected private property on land and other real estate, and national and public interests, the processes of "socialization of land use" are put at the forefront.

    In this regard, territorial planning is carried out on the basis of state, regional and municipal plans for the use of land and their protection, taking into account the zoning of the territory. The plans are binding and publicly discussed. Moreover, depending on the level of planning and the type of territory (rural and urban), the types and content of plans differ significantly.

    Secondly, the territorial planning documents established by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, in contrast to land management documentation for planning the use of land and their protection, consider the land (territory) only as an object of urban planning, which in practice can lead to unjustified development of agricultural land, forest fund, specially protected areas, etc.

    Thirdly, given the fact that urban planning regulations as components of the Rules for Land Use and Development, in accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 36 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, are not established at all for lands of forest, water funds, reserve lands, most of specially protected natural areas (with the exception of lands of medical and recreational areas and resorts)”, agricultural lands as part of agricultural land, more than 90% of all lands of the country cannot be covered by the relevant norms and rules of land use, and, therefore, be in the field of territorial planning and urban zoning. Therefore, for all the above categories of land not covered by town planning regulations, planning of land use and their protection should be the area of ​​land management activities and be carried out on the basis of land management documentation.

    Fourthly, territorial planning is a tool for implementing the land policy of the state. Therefore, it should be end-to-end, that is, hierarchically interconnected at various levels. government controlled, realizing and linking federal, regional and local interests through a system of logically, informationally and technologically interconnected territorial planning documents. All over the world, the development of territorial planning documents goes from the general to the particular both vertically (state - region - municipality) and horizontally (the entire economy - sectors of the economy). In this regard, territorial planning should be either comprehensive or sectoral.

    At the same time, the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 9-19) does not provide for the development of comprehensive territorial planning documents, which will introduce serious difficulties in balancing the development of industries and compiling a consolidated land explication of the territory being developed. In addition, different types of territorial planning documents related to different levels of government do not correlate with each other either in name or in content.

    From the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    1. Urban planning activities in the form of territorial planning, as well as the Land Use and Development Rules, apply to the categories of land subject to urban planning regulations, namely: land of cities and towns, industry, transport and that part of other categories where land plots are occupied by capital construction projects.

    Urban planning zoning, carried out within the framework of urban planning activities, has the authority to resolve land use issues only to the extent that it can be provided with information about the quality of land, the conformity of quality to the intended purpose of land, and the organizational and economic prerequisites for the development of land use. This suggests that the territorial specificity of land use, displayed on urban planning schemes, is of a secondary nature, that is, it is the result of territorial zoning of land, which must be carried out as part of land management, since the study of land is within its competence.

    Therefore, territorial planning should not be an object of urban planning, but an object of land management activities.

    The history of the prototype of the scheme of territorial planning of the municipality is known in the Russian Federation in the form of district planning schemes. District planning schemes were drawn up by land management organizations on the territory of all administrative regions of our country in the 1960s and early 1970s. They solved the issues of improving the system of resettlement, distribution of productive forces on the territory of the region, territorial organization of production and placement of industrial and social infrastructure facilities (capital construction facilities of local importance).

    In total, more than two thousand district planning schemes were developed during this period. Subsequently, in the development of these schemes on the territory of administrative districts, land management organizations compiled land management schemes, which detailed the issues of development, transformation and land reclamation, development of the agro-industrial complex of the districts and nature protection.

    2. Relations relating to the zoning of territories outside the boundaries of settlements should be regulated not by the town planning code of the Russian Federation, but by land legislation. For this reason, it is necessary to develop and implement the federal law"On zoning of territories", introduce additions and amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Land Management" and other regulatory legal acts containing provisions on zoning of territories.

    3. Due to the fact that when establishing the border of a settlement, the interests of various administrative-territorial formations collide with each other, the owners of land plots, the boundaries of categories and the legal regime of land change, the priorities for the development of different types of land use (urban, agricultural, forestry, water, etc.) are determined, the establishment of the border of settlements should be included in land management, and not urban planning actions, which will ensure an independent and objective solution to these issues. This situation has already taken place in our country and justified itself in practice. In the context of the developing market turnover of land, this will ensure transparency, validity and social justice of decisions made. Therefore, paragraph 2 of Art. 84 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

    4. Taking into account the fact that only 5.2 million hectares (27.3%) out of 19.1 million hectares 1 of lands of settlements and roads are occupied, and the remaining areas are: agricultural land - 9.1 million hectares (47.6%), forest land and plots under tree and shrub vegetation - 2.6 million hectares (13.6%), other lands and water bodies - 2.2 million. ha (11.5%), the organization of the use of undeveloped territories should be carried out on the basis of plans for the land management of cities, also related to land management documentation. The procedure for the development and content of such plans, which have justified themselves in the practice of organizing rational land use in cities, are well known in land management.

    In general, for a scientifically based solution and regulation of all issues of territorial planning, it is necessary to correct the newly adopted urban planning and existing land legislation, which determines the main provisions for planning the rational use of land and their protection in the system of land management documentation.

    Also, planning of the use of land in settlements is carried out on the basis of the development of a master plan, which is the main document for planning the land of settlements for the future and in which, based on an analysis of land use, a forecast for the development of economic sectors and population, a scientifically based determination of the prospective area of ​​a settlement, its borders, functional, territorial zoning, rules for land use and development, all issues of territorial planning of settlements are resolved.

    Chapter 9 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation states that Territorial planning is aimed at determining the designation of territories in territorial planning documents based on a combination of social, economic, environmental and other factors in order to ensure sustainable development territories, development of engineering, transport and social infrastructures, ensuring that the interests of citizens and their associations, the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and municipalities are taken into account.

    Territorial planning is the planning of various territories to establish functional zones, determine the planned placement of objects of various significance (federal, regional, local), which include:

    Objects of federal significance are objects that are not public infrastructures tied to a specific territory and associated with the use nuclear energy, defense, security, space activities;

    Objects of regional and local importance - are allocated based on technical and budget characteristics, i.e. there is no clear gradation;

    The list of objects of various values ​​can be defined in three ways:

    a) legally - with a listing of the characteristics of the relevant objects;

    b) determination of these objects in the process of territorial planning;

    c) the combination of the first two is considered the most optimal.

    Urban planning documentation is developed taking into account the fact that its implementation - difficult process developing in time and space. This process needs to be managed. To do this, it is necessary to develop appropriate management programs, which should contain:

    1. A set of subprograms implemented by industry and individual territories, including for unique territorial proposals;

    2. Results monitoring system with a set of benchmarks;

    3. The system of normative and legislative framework regulating the development of the territory;

    4. Organizational structures able to make management decisions.

    To prepare programs for managing the development of a territory, the administration, together with the developers, conducts a series of workshops at which algorithms for managing the territory and sets of indicators characterizing the progress in the implementation of territorial planning documents are being worked out. Efficient Management development of the territory is given in table 1 (app.)

    Territorial planning and urban planning, urban planning. Legal documents defining territorial planning

    The boundaries of urban planning and urban planning, on the one hand, can be designated as an obvious connection with architecture, with landscaping, and on the other hand, as a discipline, a sphere of professional activity:

    1) activities related to the entire sphere of management of the development and functioning of cities.

    2) activities that take into account the features of the spatial location of the object.

    3) activities involving the interaction of subjects of the urban environment.

    Legal documents defining territorial planning

    A significant place in the Town Planning Code is given to the regulation of territorial planning. It should be aimed at determining the designation of territories in territorial planning documents, based on a combination of social, economic, environmental and other factors in order to ensure the sustainable development of territories, the development of engineering, transport and social infrastructures, ensuring that the interests of citizens and their associations, the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities are taken into account.

    Documents of territorial planning also have three levels - documents of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities. They determine the urban planning policy of the appropriate level and are mandatory for public authorities, local governments when they make decisions and implement such decisions. Apparently, first of all, decisions on the allocation of budgetary funds, as well as the allocation of land plots, are implied.

    As documents of the territorial planning of the Russian Federation, the Town Planning Code defines the territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation, developed in thematic areas, for example, in the field of national defense and state security, in the field of development of means of communication, information and communications, etc.

    These schemes should be developed based on the results of engineering surveys, taking into account the federal development programs of the Russian Federation, territorial planning documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, and also taking into account the proposals of interested parties. In cases specified by law, they are subject to agreement with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Local self-government bodies take part in the consideration of draft schemes for territorial planning of the Russian Federation from the point of view of taking into account their interests in them. Coordination with municipalities is also subject to issues of placement of capital construction facilities of federal significance, which may have a negative impact on environment.

    The territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    At the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, more specific territorial planning schemes are also being approved. The law defines in detail the subjects and procedure for the approval of territorial planning documents different levels.

    The documents of territorial planning of municipalities are:

    1) territorial planning schemes for municipal districts;

    2) general plans of settlements;

    3) general plans of city districts.

    The Town Planning Code describes in detail the composition, the procedure for preparing documents for territorial planning of municipalities and plans for the implementation of such documents. However, it can be clarified by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the regulatory legal acts of local governments.

    In cases specified by the Town Planning Code and specified by the Government of the Russian Federation, these documents are subject to state expertise and approval by higher authorities.

    General plans and territorial planning schemes are subject to public hearings and are approved by representative bodies of local self-government. Master plans in cases to be determined by the Government are subject to mandatory state expertise. In other cases, territorial planning documents may be sent for examination on the initiative and at the expense of authorities and local self-government, associations of citizens.

    Since the issues of territorial planning often affect the interests of bodies of different levels, the Code provides for a procedure for the joint preparation of draft documents.

    Document's name:
    Document Number: 1169/51
    Document type:
    Host body:
    Status: current
    Acceptance date: December 30, 2014
    Effective start date: January 01, 2015
    Revision date: July 24, 2019

    On approval of the Regulations on the preparation of draft documents for territorial planning of municipalities of the Moscow Region and their submission for approval to the representative bodies of local self-government of the municipal district, city ...



    On approval of the Regulations on the preparation of draft documents for territorial planning of municipalities of the Moscow Region and their submission for approval to the representative bodies of local self-government of a municipal district, urban district

    Document as amended by:
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region www.mosreg.ru, 07/19/2017);
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region www.mosreg.ru, December 15, 2017);
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region www.mosreg.ru, 01.08.2018);
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region www.mosreg.ru, 07/25/2019).

    In accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, and in order to implement the provisions of the Law of the Moscow Region 106/2014-OZ "On the redistribution of powers between local governments of municipalities of the Moscow Region and state authorities of the Moscow Region", Law of the Moscow Region N 107/2014-OZ "On vesting local governments of municipalities of the Moscow Region with separate state powers of the Moscow Region", taking into account the decision of the City Planning Council of the Moscow Region dated 09.09. 12.2014, Government of the Moscow region


    1. Approve the attached Regulations on the preparation of draft documents for territorial planning of municipalities of the Moscow Region and their submission for approval to the representative bodies of local self-government of the municipal district, urban district.

    2. The Main Directorate for Information Policy of the Moscow Region shall ensure the publication of this resolution in the newspaper "Ezhednevnye Novosti. Podmoskovie" and placement (publication) on the Internet portal of the Government of the Moscow Region.

    4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region M.A. Fomin.
    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

    Moscow region

    Regulations on the preparation of draft documents for territorial planning of municipalities of the Moscow Region and their submission for approval to the representative bodies of local self-government of the municipal district, urban district

    Government of the Moscow Region
    dated December 30, 2014 N 1169/51

    I. General provisions

    1.1. The Regulation on the preparation of draft documents for territorial planning of municipalities of the Moscow Region and their submission for approval to the representative bodies of local self-government of a municipal district, city district (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) determines the procedure for preparing draft schemes for territorial planning of municipal districts, draft master plans for settlements, draft master plans for urban districts (hereinafter referred to as the draft document of territorial planning) and sending them for approval to the representative bodies of local self-government of a municipal district, urban district.

    Preparation of draft territorial planning documents is carried out in accordance with government programs Moscow region at the expense of the budget of the Moscow region.
    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43)

    1.2. The preparation of draft documents for territorial planning of municipalities is provided by the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body).
    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of July 24, 2019 N 443/22.

    1.3. The territorial planning scheme of a municipal district is approved by the representative body of local self-government of the municipal district.

    1.4. The general plan of the settlement is approved by the representative body of local self-government of the municipal district, which includes the settlement.

    1.5. The general plan of the urban district is approved by the representative body of local self-government of the respective urban district.

    1.6. Placement of the approved document of territorial planning of the municipality in the federal state information system of territorial planning (hereinafter - FSIS TP) is provided by the authorized body.
    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43.

    1.7. The preparation of a draft document of territorial planning of a municipal formation on amendments to the approved document of territorial planning of a municipal formation is carried out in the manner prescribed by this Regulation for the preparation of a draft document of territorial planning of a municipal formation.

    Government authorities of the Russian Federation, government authorities of the Moscow Region, local authorities of municipalities of the Moscow Region, interested individuals and legal entities has the right to apply to the authorized body with proposals to amend the territorial planning documents.
    (The paragraph is additionally included from December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43)

    In the cases specified in the second paragraph of this paragraph, the interested parties have the right to finance the introduction of changes to the territorial planning documents at their own expense.
    (The paragraph is additionally included from December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43)

    II. The procedure for preparing draft documents for territorial planning of municipalities of the Moscow Region

    2.1. The authorized body ensures the organization of interaction between the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region specified in the appendix to this Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the interested body), local government bodies of the municipal district, local government bodies of the urban district in order to prepare a draft terms of reference for the preparation of a draft document of territorial planning of the municipality (hereinafter referred to as the draft terms of reference).
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43.

    2.2. The preparation of the draft terms of reference is carried out with the participation of interested bodies on issues of their competence.

    The term for sending data to the authorized body for the preparation of a draft technical assignment is 15 working days from the date of the request of the authorized body.

    The prepared draft of the terms of reference is sent by the authorized body for approval with the local governments of the municipal district, local governments of the urban district.

    The term for approval of the draft technical assignment cannot exceed 15 working days from the date of its receipt by the local government bodies of the municipal district, local government bodies of the urban district.

    Local self-government bodies of the municipal district ensure the coordination of the draft terms of reference with the local self-government bodies of the settlements that are part of the municipal district.

    In case of failure to receive approvals within the time period established by this paragraph, the draft terms of reference shall be considered agreed with the local governments of the municipal district, local governments of the urban district.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43.

    2.3. The clause became invalid from December 16, 2017 - ..

    2.4. The draft decision of the authorized body on the preparation of a draft document for the territorial planning of the municipality and the agreed draft terms of reference within 10 working days from the date of receipt from the authorized body are subject to consideration at a meeting of the Urban Planning Council of the Moscow Region.

    2.5. The authorized body, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the minutes of the meeting of the City Planning Council of the Moscow Region, decides on the preparation of a draft document for the territorial planning of the municipality.

    2.6. The decision to prepare a draft document for the territorial planning of a municipality is drawn up by order of the authorized body and is subject to posting on the official website of the authorized body within 2 working days from the date of adoption of the said decision.

    2.7. The authorized body ensures the preparation of a draft territorial planning document of a municipal formation, the placement of a draft territorial planning document of a municipal formation and materials on its justification in the FSIS TP and sending a notification to interested authorities, local self-government bodies of municipal districts, local self-government bodies of urban districts about providing access to the draft territorial planning document and materials on its justification in the Departmental Information System of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region (hereinafter - VIS GUAG) for consideration and preparation of conclusions.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 26, 2019 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of July 24, 2019 N 443/22.

    Interested bodies send to the authorized body the information necessary for the preparation of personal data (schemes, materials and proposals) on issues related to their area of ​​​​authority, agreed with local governments of municipal districts, local governments of urban districts, with the exception of data officially submitted by the Federal State Statistics Service.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43.

    2.8. The term for approval of the draft territorial planning document is calculated from the date of receipt by the interested bodies, local governments of municipal districts, local governments of urban districts of notification of providing access to the draft territorial planning document and materials on its justification in the VIS GUAG and is 15 working days.

    The local self-government bodies of the municipal district shall ensure the coordination of the draft document of territorial planning of the municipal formation with the local self-government bodies of the settlements that are part of the municipal district.

    The results of the approval of the draft territorial planning document are drawn up in the form of a conclusion.

    The opinion on the draft document of territorial planning (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion) may contain a provision on agreement with the submitted draft territorial planning or disagreement with such a draft with proposals for its adjustment.

    In case of non-receipt within the established period of the conclusion from the interested bodies, local self-government bodies of municipal districts, local self-government bodies of urban districts, the draft document of territorial planning of the municipality is considered agreed with such a body.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43.

    2.9. Conclusions received from interested bodies, local self-government bodies of municipal districts, local self-government bodies of urban districts on agreement or disagreement with the draft territorial planning document are subject to consideration by the authorized body within 10 days.

    The authorized body ensures consideration of the draft territorial planning document at the Town Planning Council of the Moscow Region.

    In the event that the City Planning Council of the Moscow Region decides to approve the draft document for the territorial planning of the municipality, the draft master plan for the settlement, the draft master plan for the urban district is sent to the local government of the municipal district or to the local government of the city district for public hearings or public discussions.
    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of August 1, 2018 N 484/26.

    In the event of a negative decision of the Town Planning Council of the Moscow Region, the draft territorial planning document is subject to revision in accordance with the conclusions of the interested bodies, local governments of municipal districts, local governments of urban districts within 60 days after receiving the conclusions and re-sending for consideration at a meeting of the Town Planning Council of the Moscow Region.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43.

    2.10. The minutes of the meeting of the City Planning Council of the Moscow Region on the approval of the draft document for the territorial planning of the municipality, including the basis for sending the draft master plan of the settlement, the draft master plan of the urban district to the local government of the municipal district or to the local government of the city district for public hearings or public discussions.
    (Item as amended, entered into force on December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43; as amended by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of August 1, 2018 N 484/26.

    2.11. The authorized body, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the minutes of the meeting of the Town Planning Council of the Moscow Region specified in paragraph 2.10 of these Regulations, sends the draft master plan of the settlement, the draft master plan of the urban district to the local government of the municipal district or to the local government of the city district for organizing and holding public hearings or public discussions.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on August 2, 2018 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of August 1, 2018 N 484/26.

    The local self-government body of the municipal district or the local self-government body of the urban district, following the results of the public hearings or public discussions, shall send the said conclusion and the protocols of the public hearings or public discussions to the authorized body within three working days from the date of publication of the conclusion on the results of the public hearings or public discussions.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on August 2, 2018 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of August 1, 2018 N 484/26.

    The authorized body considers the conclusion on the results of public hearings or public discussions and protocols of public hearings or public discussions containing provisions on agreement or disagreement with the draft territorial planning document. Based on the results of consideration, the uncoordinated draft of the territorial planning document is subject to revision in accordance with the conclusion on the results of public hearings or public discussions within 60 days after receipt of the conclusions and re-sent for consideration at a meeting of the City Planning Council of the Moscow Region.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on August 2, 2018 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of August 1, 2018 N 484/26.

    The authorized body also sends a notification to the interested bodies, whose powers include the finalized issues, local governments of municipal districts, local governments of urban districts to provide access to the draft territorial planning document and materials on its justification in the VIS GUAG for approval.

    Coordination of interested bodies, local self-government bodies of municipal districts, local self-government bodies of urban districts is carried out within 10 working days from the date of providing access using the VIS GUAG.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43.

    2.12. In the cases provided for by and , the authorized body sends to the federal body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation executive power and / or local government notification of providing access to the draft territorial planning document and materials on its justification in the FSIS TP.

    Upon receipt from the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation and / or local government, certain and 25 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation conclusions containing provisions on disagreement with the draft territorial planning document and justification for such disagreement, the authorized body within 30 days from the date of expiration established by law on urban planning activities of the term for agreeing on the draft document of territorial planning of the municipality makes a decision on the creation of a conciliation commission.

    Organizational and technical and Information Support activities of the conciliation commission, including the collection and storage of protocols, decisions and other documents related to its activities, is carried out by the authorized body.

    The authorized body, within 5 working days from the date of the decision to establish a conciliation commission, shall notify the parties to the conciliation commission of the start date of the work of the said commission.

    The authorized body sends the signed protocol to the parties of the conciliation commission within 10 working days from the date of the meeting of the conciliation commission.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43.

    2.13. The authorized body ensures consideration at a meeting of the Urban Planning Council of the Moscow Region:

    1) conclusions on the results of public hearings or public discussions on the draft master plan of the settlement, the draft master plan of the urban district, received from the local government body of the municipal district or the local government body of the city district;
    (Subparagraph as amended, put into effect on August 2, 2018 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of August 1, 2018 N 484/26.

    2) protocol and materials of the conciliation commission (if any).

    2.14. The City Planning Council of the Moscow Region considers the documents specified in paragraph 2.13 of these Regulations no later than 10 working days from the date of their receipt from the authorized body.

    2.15. The authorized body, after receiving the minutes of the meeting of the City Planning Council of the Moscow Region, ensures:

    sending the draft document of territorial planning of the municipality for approval to the representative body of local self-government of the municipal district, the representative body of local self-government of the urban district;

    sending the draft document of territorial planning of the municipality for revision.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43.

    2.16. The clause became invalid on December 16, 2017 - Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43 ..

    2.17. In the event that the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation and / or the local self-government body, defined by parts 3, 4 of articles 21 and 25 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, do not receive conclusions containing provisions on disagreement with the draft territorial planning document, the authorized body within 5 working days from the date of expiration due date approval ensures that the draft document of territorial planning is sent for approval to the representative body of local self-government of the municipal district, the representative body of local self-government of the urban district.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43.

    2.18. The decision to approve the territorial planning document is sent by the representative body of local self-government of the municipal district, the local self-government body of the city district to the authorized body within 3 working days from the date of such a decision.

    2.19. Placement of the approved document of territorial planning and materials on its justification in FSIS TP is carried out by the authorized body within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the decision of the representative body of local self-government of the municipal district, the representative body of local self-government of the city district on the approval of the document of territorial planning.

    Application. The list of central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region involved in ensuring the preparation of draft technical specifications for the preparation of draft territorial planning documents, in providing ...

    to the Regulations on the preparation of projects
    territorial planning documents
    municipalities of the Moscow
    areas and sending them for approval
    to the representative bodies of the local
    self-government of the municipal district,
    city ​​district

    List of central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region involved in ensuring the preparation of projects terms of reference for the preparation of draft documents for territorial planning, for the provision of personal data for the preparation of draft documents for territorial planning of municipalities

    1. Ministry Agriculture and food of the Moscow region;

    2. Ministry physical education and sports of the Moscow region;
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 20, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

    3. Ministry of Investments and Innovations of the Moscow Region;

    4. Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Moscow Region;
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 20, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

    5. Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region;

    6. Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region;

    7. Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region;

    8. Ministry of Energy of the Moscow Region;

    9. Ministry of Housing Policy of the Moscow Region;
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 26, 2019 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of July 24, 2019 N 443/22.

    10. Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region;

    11. Ministry social development Moscow region;
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 20, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

    12. Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region;
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 20, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

    13. Ministry of Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region;

    14. clause has become invalid since July 20, 2017 - ;

    15. Ministry of Property Relations of the Moscow Region;

    16. Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region;

    17. the clause became invalid on July 20, 2017 - Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22;

    18. Committee for Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region;

    19. Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region;
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 20, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

    20. the clause became invalid on July 20, 2017 - Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22;

    21. Main Department of Territorial Policy of the Moscow Region;

    22. Main Department of Cultural Heritage of the Moscow Region.
    (The paragraph was additionally included from December 16, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2017 N 1055/43)

    Revision of the document, taking into account
    changes and additions prepared
    JSC "Kodeks"

    On approval of the Regulations on the preparation of draft documents for territorial planning of municipalities of the Moscow Region and their submission for approval to the representative bodies of local self-government of a municipal district, urban district (as amended as of July 24, 2019)

    Document's name: On approval of the Regulations on the preparation of draft documents for territorial planning of municipalities of the Moscow Region and their submission for approval to the representative bodies of local self-government of a municipal district, urban district (as amended as of July 24, 2019)
    Document Number: 1169/51
    Document type: Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region
    Host body: Government of the Moscow Region
    Status: current
    Published: Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region www.mosreg.ru, December 30, 2014

    Daily News. Moscow region, N 24, 02/12/2015

    Acceptance date: December 30, 2014
    Effective start date: January 01, 2015
    Revision date: July 24, 2019

    Activities for the preparation of territorial planning documents is a complex multi-stage process, including a set of interrelated actions.

    The process and procedure for territorial planning in accordance with the provisions of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation includes the following stages.

    • 1. Primary. During this stage, the existing territorial planning documents are evaluated, a decision is made to correct them or develop new documents. A regulatory and legal framework is being formed, tasks are being prepared for the development of a territorial planning document, a competition is being held to select a contractor for the preparation of a territorial planning document.
    • 2. Collection of initial information. At this stage, data is prepared for further use in the development of a territorial planning document.
    • 3. Formation of the draft document of territorial planning. Based on the analysis of the modern use of the territory, strategic goals, objectives, priorities set out in a comprehensive program of social and economic development, a system of goals and objectives is being formed, functional zoning is being carried out, measures are being determined, maps and diagrams are being prepared, as well as a justification for the project.
    • 4. Project approval. The result of the coordination of the draft territorial document is the conclusion of the relevant executive bodies of state power or local self-government. In particular, the coordination of the scheme of territorial planning of the municipal district is carried out:
      • with local self-government bodies of settlements of the municipal district (if it is planned to change the boundaries of land plots owned by settlements);
      • with local self-government bodies of municipal districts that have a common border with the municipal district in respect of which a territorial planning scheme has been developed;
      • with the highest executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation, within whose boundaries the municipal district is located;
      • with the federal executive body (in cases where it is planned to change the boundaries of land plots that are in federal ownership or planned for the construction of objects of federal significance). The document can be approved only in the absence of negative conclusions.

    When agreeing on a draft master plan, public hearings on the draft master plan are held in advance, and then the following is agreed with the interested authorities:

    • with the local self-government body of the municipal district in terms of taking into account the provisions of the territorial planning scheme, as well as in cases of placement on the territory of a settlement (urban district) of objects that provide Negative influence on the environment;
    • with local self-government bodies of municipal districts that have a common border with a settlement (urban district) (in cases of placement on the territory of a settlement (urban district) of objects that have a negative impact on the environment):
    • with the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. within the boundaries of which a settlement (urban district) is located (in cases where it is planned to change the boundaries of land plots owned by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation planned for the construction of objects of regional significance, as well as in cases of placement on the territory of a settlement (urban district) of objects that have a negative impact on the environment);
    • with the federal executive body (in cases where it is planned to change the boundaries of land plots that are in federal ownership or planned for the construction of objects of federal significance). The term for approval of the master plan is three months.
    • 5. Approval of territorial planning documents. Territorial planning schemes for districts and master plans for settlements are approved by decisions of representative bodies of local self-government. The territorial planning scheme of a municipal district is approved by the representative body of local self-government of the municipal district. Prior to approval, the draft territorial planning scheme must be published on the official website of the district on the Internet (at least three months before its planned approval).

    The quality of the project and compliance with the deadlines for its implementation depend on the reliability and relevance of the initial data collected and transferred to the developer of the territorial planning scheme (master plan). Sources of initial information are: federal, regional, municipal informational resources; current comprehensive programs for the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipalities), territorial fragments of targeted programs, sectoral and infrastructure strategies; charters, passports, reporting documents of municipalities and enterprises and organizations operating on their territory. At the stage of collecting and analyzing information, the previously developed urban planning documentation is assessed for compliance with temporary priorities and tasks. socio-economic development and modern use of the territory and identification of problems of its development. The result of work at this stage is the section "Analysis of the state of the territory, problems and directions of its integrated development", included in the materials on the justification of the draft document of territorial development.

    The direct development of territorial planning documents is preceded by the stage of substantiating the decision to prepare documents, based on the formation of an appropriate information system, analysis and comprehensive assessment of the conditions for the development of the territory.

    A comprehensive assessment of the conditions for the development of the territory provides for the analysis of:

    • macroeconomic conditions at the levels of the country, district, region and municipality, highlighting the main trends, scenarios for the development of the relevant economic system;
    • internal potential of the territory in the context:
      • - natural resource potential,
      • - demographic potential,
      • - labor market,
      • - economic potential,
      • - financial system,
      • - investment climate,
      • - tourist and recreational potential,
      • - social sphere,
      • - engineering and transport infrastructure,
      • - housing and communal services,
      • - environmental sphere;
    • SWOT analysis of the development of the territory, including the identification of the socio-economic problems of the object and external threats, the definition competitive advantage and external opportunities and the formation on this basis of key success factors, points of growth, flagships of the object's economic development.

    At the same time, predicted trends in the current situation are also taken into account.

    Based on the results of the analysis on the totality of factors affecting the implementation of the needs for the functional use of the territory, for each of its directions, a summary assessment of the conditions for the use and resources of the territory is carried out. results integrated assessment territories should contribute to the most effective satisfaction of the requirements various kinds use of the territory and be used as an objective basis for measures of economic regulation of the use of its parts. Related to this are the main conditions for its correctness of binding to the functions for which it is assessed, and to administrative and legal measures of regulation by their types.

    For the development of territorial planning documentation, modern information Technology. In particular, the St. Petersburg Research and Production Institute (NPI) "ENKO" is widely introducing geographic information systems (GIS) into practice. GIS are used in the preparation of various documents for the management of the development of the territory, the creation of urban planning documentation for the spatial planning of a new generation. As an example, let's consider a package of documentation for the territorial planning of the city of Perm, developed by NPI "ENKO": Master Plan - Project of zones for the protection of cultural heritage objects - GIS of the transport complex.

    "General plan" - the main type of documentation on the territorial planning of the city, which determines the urban planning strategy and the conditions for the formation of the living environment. In accordance with the project periods, it defines the main parameters for the development of the city, proposes a planning concept, and develops measures for the main functional zones, transport and infrastructure development of the territory.

    "The project of zones of protection of objects of cultural heritage" is a mandatory document for any historical settlement. The main goal of the project is to ensure the protection of immovable historical and cultural monuments, valuable historical and cultural territories and landscapes during the reconstruction, development and planning of the city. Borders and regimes of urban planning and economic activity, established by the Project of protection zones, are taken into account when developing the Rules for the development and land use of individual urban areas.

    For each monument of history and culture, a corresponding cartographic and semantic database has been created, i.e. all monuments are reflected in graphical form on the electronic map of the city, equipped with digital photographs and the complete information available on each of them, coinciding with the content of the Annotated List of Monuments. The same applies directly to the zones of protection of monuments and urban planning regulations: they are also presented on an electronic map and contain relevant descriptive information.

    "GIS of the transport complex" - a project that comprehensively analyzes state of the art transport system and conditions of transport service for the population of the city. The purpose of the document is to create an electronic geoinformation system that reflects the state and phased formation of the configuration and parameters of the city's street and road network and artificial transport structures for the period provided for by the general plan of the city.

    The next regulatory legal document territorial planning of Perm are the Rules of land use and development, where zones of various functional purposes and territories with a normalized regime of urban planning activities are allocated on the territory of the city. Further, urban planning regulations for the use of land plots were developed for these zones.

    Such a development scheme makes it possible to ensure the interconnection of not only these two important documents for the city, but also to integrate them with a set of thematic blocks and individual cartographic layers: space image high-resolution, current state and use of the territory, transport and engineering infrastructure, engineering and construction conditions, minerals, ecological situation, protected natural areas, planning restrictions.

    The next stage of urban planning was the development of territory planning projects.

    The territory planning project is necessary in order to ensure the sustainable development of the territory in accordance with the principles laid down in the master plan and the Land Use and Development Rules, the elements of the planning structure and urban planning regulations established in them. The graphic materials of the project are developed on a scale of 1:2000, 1:1000.

    • See: ENKO LLC website: enko.spb.ru