The best freelance and remote work exchanges: for professionals and beginners. The best freelance exchanges for beginners Completing tasks and providing freelance services

Freelancing exchanges for beginners are a great way to earn your first money from remote work. We talk about the best sites for making money.

The ideal process of freelancing looks like this: choose an exchange, apply for several interesting projects, complete the task and get paid. In reality, everything is much more complicated, because you still need to find a good order, and then make sure that the client chooses yours out of dozens of applications. But first you need to find that freelance exchange for beginners where you can get a well-paid and exciting job. We talk about the best platforms, making money from freelancing, common mistakes and give tips that will help you get your first orders.

The best freelance exchanges for beginners

Freelance exchanges are not considered the main source of income for experienced professionals, but large platforms are an excellent option for beginners who still need to understand how the market works, how to communicate with customers, and what kind of work they can find in different areas.


An excellent Russian-language freelance exchange for beginners and experienced professionals, where you can find work in various fields: web design, photo processing, printing, website promotion, and so on. To start working on the Weblancer exchange, you will need to register, after which you will be credited with 30 universal applications; if you need more, you will have to pay for a tariff plan. Moreover, the more specializations you select, the more you will have to pay for using the exchange.


General knowledge about the work of freelance exchanges will be enough to get used to the new field, but in order to get more profit, you will have to create a selling portfolio, learn a lot about finding and attracting clients, engage in a commercial offer and develop a personal brand. You can learn about all the features of freelancing and how to earn a lot of money in the course.

According to forecasts, by 2020, every fifth Russian will work remotely. The number of freelancers in Russia is growing rapidly - they are joined not only by “experienced” office workers who are tired of the bureaucratic regime and the power of their bosses, but also by young students who are still at the stage of receiving their education.

I started joining the freelancing industry at the age of 15 and to this day I earn money remotely. The main advantages for me are that I don’t have to leave home, go through interviews, or spend 1-2 hours traveling on public transport. I started working at freelance exchange– on a site where performers (those who want to earn money) and customers (those who provide work) gather.

I am developing within one direction of freelancing (copywriting). Not everyone has the ability for this type of activity - some people like to draw, understand programming, are interested in photography, and so on. You can find work to your liking on the freelance exchanges that will be discussed in this article.

For you, I have collected more than 150 exchanges and divided them into the most popular areas of freelancing. What if there are no special skills? No problem! I myself “floated” for a long time until I found myself. I will also talk about exchanges for beginners.

WARNING: This article is lengthy. To make it easier to work with the article, many sections are hidden under spoilers (a tool for collapsing text allows you to hide voluminous images and long texts). To view the content, just click on its name - the spoiler will open. Pressing it again collapses it back.

What is freelancing? Who is this job suitable for?

Here we discuss the terms Freelance and Freelancer, tell you what freelancing looks like in practice, and also give the advantages and disadvantages of freelancing based on personal experience.

Basic terms and concepts (click here)

Freelancing- a process in which an individual (or company) hires a specialist to perform a particular job without being hired or officially employed. The work is carried out via the Internet through exchanges (or directly). This is usually a one-time job, but it can turn into long-term cooperation.

Freelancer- free worker. This person can be a schoolboy, student, adult, young girl, grandmother, grandfather. Age is not important - the main thing is how a person does his job and what skills he has.

What freelancing looks like in practice:

1 A person registers on a special exchange and fills out a profile;

2 Looks for orders that suit him, gets acquainted with the conditions and submits an application for them;

3 If the customer is satisfied with the application, he accepts it, and the freelancer begins to do the work (for example, write a short text - a review of an online store);

4 A person submits his work for inspection:

  • If it is accepted, he receives money to his personal virtual account on the exchange and can withdraw it to payment systems.
  • The work may be sent for revision with comments indicated or not accepted at all if the conditions are not met.

5 A newly minted employee gains experience in freelancing, increases his rating on the stock exchange and continues to work in the same way if everything suits him.

Benefits of freelancing:

  • Independence. From superiors, schedules;
  • Possibility to work from home. This is especially true for mothers on maternity leave and people with health problems;
  • You can also work outdoors/in boring classes at university/on a trip, if you have a laptop or tablet;
  • Lack of dress code;
  • Comfortable working conditions. You can finally set up your desired sleep and nutrition patterns;
  • You can also study in demand areas at home;
  • You can refuse to do uninteresting work;
  • Taxes are not deducted from the salary - only the service commission, which is generally small. Of course, if your income is high, then the tax office, in theory, may be interested in you. And by law, a freelancer, as a self-employed person, is required to declare his income and pay taxes on his own, but in practice, few people do this;
  • Prospects for long-term cooperation;
  • No additional costs (for transport, lunches in the office, etc.).

Disadvantages of freelancing:

You can highlight even more advantages and disadvantages - I just talked about those that were and remain relevant to me.

This section addresses the following issues:

  • Are documents needed?
  • What is required to register on exchanges;
  • How to withdraw money.

What you will need for work (click here)

Anyone can become a freelancer, the main thing is to have a working device (computer, laptop, tablet, phone) and access to the Internet.

Additionally, various programs will be required. For example, I use Microsoft Word for typing and Advego for checking uniqueness. What programs you will need depends on the chosen direction. Freelance exchanges always indicate what is required for the job.

Do you need documents?

No documents are needed for work. You act as a free worker without official employment. The only thing that may be useful is a variety of certificates/diplomas that confirm your skills.

How to register

Registration on freelance exchanges is the same as on any website. This is done using a login (username), password and email. If you don’t have the latter, I recommend reading the article.

Here's an example of registration on the website:

Step 1. We are looking for a registration button on the site. It is usually located on the main page or “hidden” somewhere in the control panel:

Step 2. Click the “Registration” button:

Step 3. Fill out the form below or use social networks to register:

Step 4. We confirm registration by email:

Step 5. Use your account login information:

Step 6. Fill in your information. For example, on this site you can choose a specialization, upload work to your portfolio, and so on:

Step 7 All! Now you can look for work on the freelance exchange:

How to withdraw money?

The money you earn goes to the exchange’s virtual account, and from there you can withdraw it to various electronic payment systems, such as:

The first two systems are the most popular for withdrawal, and we have full articles about them, I recommend you read them.

Each exchange has a minimum amount for payments. For example, on ETXT you can withdraw from 250 rubles to Yandex and WebMoney.

You can withdraw money from payment systems to a bank card. This can be done using internal functions or using exchangers (you can track them on the BestChange website). You can withdraw money from the card.

Some exchanges provide the ability to withdraw money directly to your card. Usually, when withdrawing to a card, the commission is higher and the minimum withdrawal amount is higher, but this is still ultimately more profitable than a double transfer (from the exchange to the electronic wallet, and from there to the card).

Money is withdrawn to the card within a period of three days to two weeks, depending on the exchange. Some of them provide the possibility of urgent withdrawal, in which the money is received immediately, but then the commission is much higher.

Here is information on the most popular types of freelance work in 2018-2019:

Spoiler (click here)

In 2018-2019, the following areas are in demand:

The average salary of specialists in this area is 40-50 thousand rubles.

Freelance exchanges

  • General for beginners and professionals;
  • For schoolchildren, students;
  • For copywriters, rewriters;
  • For programmers, developers;
  • For photographers, actors, models;
  • etc.

General for beginners/professionals

On general exchanges you will find a wide variety of work: writing texts, creating websites, design, programming and much more. Both beginners and professionals will be able to find work.

Exchanges and general websites for beginners/freelancing professionals

The following exchanges are suitable for schoolchildren and students. On them they will find the usual work that they do during the school year: homework, coursework, essays, reports and more.

Exchanges and websites for schoolchildren/students

In addition to the exchanges listed below, I also recommend Kwork and MoguZa to schoolchildren and students, where there are tasks for social networks, YouTube (write a comment, like, repost, etc.) and other areas close to young people.

Exchanges for those who know how to express their thoughts competently. Copywriters on the RuNet are people who can write various texts (informational articles, short comments, store reviews, and so on).

I myself started my activity on copywriting exchanges. It is much easier for beginners to get on them than on freelance exchanges, because... special, but low-paid orders are created for them. They can earn ratings and experience, which opens the way to more expensive work.

Exchanges can be divided into three types:

  • Open– free registration, no need to pay or complete test tasks. All functions are available immediately;
  • Half open– After registration you need to pass a short exam. Such exchanges are not suitable for those who do not know what copywriting is;
  • Closed- for real masters of the text (but it’s not a fact that they are any better than amateurs). It is difficult to get there, but there are expensive orders there.

Open exchanges

Exchanges for lawyers, accountants and other similar professionals are a great way to make money on your knowledge without leaving home. Why work in an office when you can help people online? Among orders in this niche, paid consultations and assistance with documents are often in demand.

Exchanges and websites for lawyers, accountants, HR managers

  • is the largest Russian HR order exchange. Work is posted frequently, and the work is varied: updating resumes, conducting audits, building a sales department, and so on. Official employment in any company is also possible. There is a rating, top performers, and a Pro account.
  • – here lawyers can answer questions and earn money this way. There are also various vacancies posted in the “Job for Lawyers” section. In addition, various interesting articles are published on the main page.
  • is a consultation exchange. The contractor can answer the user’s question and subsequently provide paid consultation. To access the site you need to contact the administration by mail or phone.
  • – after registering on this site you will be able to answer questions, receive calls and draw up various documents. At the time of writing, over 1,800,000 questions were asked on the site, with an average cost of 1,000 rubles each. Popular site - about 50 questions are published daily.
  • is a website with online consultations. Work is offered to experts in various fields (law, psychology, esotericism).

The following freelance exchanges are intended for specialists in the field of architecture, engineering, and construction. They can also use their skills to help people from a distance.

Exchanges and websites for architects, builders, engineers

  • is an exchange with a variety of projects. Without registration, you can see the latest tasks and their conditions. There is a top specialists that you can get into. Unfortunately, there is not much work to do.

This page presents the best freelance exchanges and sites where you can find remote work on the Internet according to your taste or find a contractor to work on your projects (orders). Exchanges can be used by both beginners and experienced users, contractors and customers...

Freelance exchange: what is it?

A freelance exchange or remote work exchange is an Internet site that brings together customers and performers, and the exchange itself acts as an intermediary and guarantor of a secure transaction between the parties.

All freelance exchanges are united by a common goal - helping customers find performers to complete various projects (orders, tasks), and performers, in turn, helping them find remote work to earn money.

Remote work exchanges are convenient because you are not tied to a specific workplace. If you have a laptop with Internet access at hand, then you can be anywhere and still complete or place orders.

To find a remote job or a performer, you need to register on the freelance services exchange, fill out a detailed profile (portfolio, questionnaire) with data “about yourself” and use the remote job search (for performers) or create a project for freelancers (for customers).

Are freelance exchanges free? Paid account

As a rule, freelance exchanges use in their work the concept of a PRO account (paid account or subscription). This is a necessary measure to maintain the quality of freelance services at the proper level, develop the service and, of course, this is the income of the creators of freelance exchanges.

Note. A PRO account allows freelancers to use all the capabilities of the exchange, increase their rating, gain access to all orders and, accordingly, increase their earnings.

This approach may seem counterintuitive—why should a freelancer pay anyone else? However, this will also allow us to weed out unscrupulous and unserious performers who may let customers down. This means that in order to fully use the freelance exchange, you need to buy a subscription or VIP/PRO account.

Of course, you don't have to or are obligated to buy anything. On many freelance exchanges you can start working without purchasing a paid subscription, but if you are serious about working remotely and collaborating with any freelance exchange, then a paid account is a must.

Will they be deceived on the freelance exchange? Secure transaction

Will the customer pay for the work performed? Will the contractor complete the work properly - with high quality and on time? In order for the transaction between the customer and the contractor to take place without fraud on either side, the service " is used on freelance exchanges safe transaction".

In a nutshell about a safe transaction and guarantees.

Guarantee of payment to the performer. The customer creates an order and deposits a certain amount (deposit) to pay for it to his account on the exchange, while amount is reserved. The contractor takes the order into production and upon completion delivers it to the customer. The customer accepts the work and the reserved amount is automatically credited to the contractor.

Money back guarantee to the customer. In the event that the contractor did not complete the work or performed it poorly (not according to the customer’s specifications, for example), and even missed the deadline, then the allocated amount for the project is returned to the customer.

Note. You will find detailed information about how a secure transaction works on freelance exchanges. Any controversial issues are sent to exchange arbitration.

List of freelance exchanges

There are quite a lot of Internet sites providing freelance services - you can find dozens, or even hundreds of projects. But in the list I included only the best Russian general-purpose freelance exchanges and a few new ones (relatively), as well as specialized and foreign projects: from large and popular to a couple of small ones.

Universal (general) freelance exchanges

First, let's look at universal sites, that is, general-purpose freelance exchanges that offer various types of remote work and vacancies for freelancers, for example, for programmers, designers, translators, photographers, layout designers, accountants, copywriters and rewriters, etc.

General freelance exchanges
Freelance ExchangeLaunch yearPRO accountShort description
2005 free account (available) 1399 RUR/1 month. 4880 rub./3 months. (7% savings) RUB 16,790/1 year (20% savings) is the No. 1 freelance services exchange - the largest exchange for finding performers and customers. Due to serious competition, it is difficult to become a successful freelancer here. Your aspirations and high quality of services provided will help you advance on this exchange. And purchasing a PRO account will increase your chances significantly.
2015 is a relatively new freelance exchange, but thanks to the experienced team of developers (Mirafox), it can easily be considered one of the best remote exchanges. Well suited for both beginner freelancers and professionals. The volume of any work is determined by the “work”, which is equal to 500 rubles.
2009 free account (no) 440 rub./3 months. (there are discounts)— a proven remote work exchange. Both beginners and professionals can sell their knowledge and skills. There are a lot of tasks for freelancers here. There is a performer rating system. To start working on Workzilla you need to pass testing and pay for a subscription.
1999 free account (yes) 540 rub./1 month. (S account) 750 rub./1 month. (XL account) 1099 rub./1 month. (2XL account) the oldest freelance exchange. Convenient search for projects by category. Over 3.5k projects. Safe transaction.
2003 The cost of the tariff plan depends on the category, there are free ones (more details on the exchange) a popular freelance exchange. Search for projects by category, type, status. Payment in USD
2012 no, only site commission 20%— freelance exchange "MoguZa" with a convenient search for work in all popular categories (text, graphics, IT, websites, etc.).
2006 free account (available) 49 RUR/1 month.— an exchange for remote work and additional services. Search for freelancers by category. Search for orders by filter. Over 20 thousand projects. Inexpensive VIP account. Safe transaction.
2006 free account (available) 150 rub./1 month.— remote work exchange for professional freelancers. This is the position of this exchange. Sorting by category "by date added" or "by rating". Relatively inexpensive VIP.
2005 free account (available) 250 rub./1 month. 750 rub./3 months. 1250 rub./6 months.— the best Ukrainian freelance exchange. It is a convenient service for customers and performers. Safe transaction (safe). The exchange will be of interest not only for freelancers from Ukraine, but also from Russia. Payments to Yandex wallet and WebMoney, cards of a Russian bank.

Note. For current information on subscription prices, see freelance exchanges.

Specialized freelance exchanges

Often, most freelancers or clients have enough broad-based remote work sites, but I will still list specialized freelance exchanges (maybe it will be useful to someone).

For copywriters and rewriters:

  •— perhaps this is the best remote work exchange for copywriters, rewriters and translators. A user-friendly interface and wide functionality will not leave you indifferent to this site. In addition, the exchange is completely free. I recommend!;
  •— this exchange is almost as popular as the previous one; there are orders for both beginners and more advanced freelancers;
  •— I think this site is also worthy of the list of freelance exchanges for copywriters.

For web developers and optimizers:

  • a universal portal for remote work, but more emphasis is placed on web development, creation and optimization of websites.

For programmers and 1C specialists:

  •— provide services or place your tasks on 1C, the exchange works with all CIS countries;
  •— a freelance exchange for providing programming services will be of interest to both performers and customers.

For designers and illustrators:

  •— a popular remote work site for illustrators;
  •— a project for freelancers who are passionate about creativity, design and art.

For tutors, teachers, students:

  •— a popular portal for ordering educational papers (tests, coursework, dissertations, abstracts, etc.);
  •— a freelance exchange of verified authors who are ready to offer online assistance to students, there is a price list for ordering student work;
  •— an exchange of performers and customers of any educational and scientific work;
  •— exchange of online help for students, easy navigation through sections;
  •— an automated exchange for solving various educational problems.

For photographers and videographers:

  •— photographers and videographers for any of your tasks, search by country and city;
  •— a popular community of wedding photographers and camera operators, there is a forum;
  • photovideoapplication.rf— a freelance exchange for finding a professional in photo and video shooting.;
  • an exchange for photographers where you can post and sell your work.

For lawyers:

  •— online legal advice exchange;
  • similar site.

For engineers, architects, builders:

  •— exchange of orders for the construction of buildings and renovation of premises, apartments, offices. Search for performers and customers by country, region, city;
  • is a popular construction portal in Russia.

For translators:

  •— an international freelance exchange for linguistic services of any complexity.

New freelance exchanges

  • - a relatively new remote work exchange for finding freelancers and clients, a PRO account is provided;
  • - a new exchange of freelance services for business and home;
  • - new freelance services store, simple registration;
  • - freelance exchange for online work.

Other remote work sites

The following sites present not only offline work, but also remote work vacancies:

  •— a popular job site where you can find “remote work” through a search;
  •— an exchange with a convenient built-in search - just type in “remote work” and indicate the city;
  • - a site for searching offline and remote work. Search for “remote work” using the search form;
  • a well-known portal about offline work, there is a catalog of vacancies for remote work.

Foreign freelance exchanges

In addition, there are several foreign freelance exchanges:

  • a universal freelance exchange, translated into many languages, incl. Russian;
  •— a Western freelance exchange where many professions are in demand;
  •— a popular foreign freelance exchange with many categories for freelancers;
  •— this “foreigner” is more suitable for creative people;
  •— this freelance exchange mainly specializes in IT and graphics;
  •— an exchange for web developers, administrators, designers, translators, managers;
  •— the freelance exchange will be of interest to marketers, designers, video and audio editors.

The list is not exhaustive, but it is comprehensive enough to help you find the right remote work exchange.

Which freelance exchange should a performer choose?

Why do I focus on the "performer"? This is because it is more difficult for the performers, and not the customers, to find “their” exchange.

It’s quite difficult to decide among the many remote sites. Which freelance exchange should you choose? Which one should you prefer? On which exchange can you really make money?

After studying reviews on the Internet, I concluded that the ideal freelance exchange does not exist. There are both good and bad reviews about this or that service... But as they say, you won't know until you try.

One way or another, the following tips and recommendations will help you choose an exchange:

  1. You must know exactly what you will be doing, that is, what work on freelance exchanges you can perform efficiently and on time, depending on your capabilities, knowledge, skills, experience;
  2. A freelancer only needs one or two (maybe three) exchanges that can load him with work. There is no need to chase quantity; it will be difficult to earn a reputation as an honest and reliable performer on several exchanges at once. Promoting an account is not easy or quick;
  3. Regarding the choice of freelance exchange. Pay attention to the popularity of the site, find out whether it pays, and also whether the exchange will provide you with the necessary amount of work, and whether it works through a secure transaction.

This concludes the article, and I wish you to find “your” freelance exchange.

Good luck to you, Patience and Good Luck!


Hello! In this article we will talk about freelance exchanges.

Today you will learn:

  1. Freelance exchanges for beginners and experienced;
  2. How much can you earn from them?
  3. How to choose the most suitable sites for making money on the Internet.

Freelancing was created for people who can work without outside control and have a high level of self-discipline and self-organization. If you are already a freelancer, or are just planning to join their ranks, this article is for you.

Today we’ll talk about exchanges for remote work and freelancing. We will list the best ones, where work can be found for both beginners and professionals, and only then we will compile the TOP of the most popular exchanges among performers, based on reviews.

More than 100 best freelancing exchanges for beginners

Before we begin the review, let us clarify that if you are a beginner, you can find exchanges where the prices are high; if you are a professional, you can find exchanges where the most expensive orders are placed.

For copywriters

  1. Etxt— The exchange is very powerful. You can work on it both as a performer and as a customer. You can sell articles, or you can buy content for your projects. There is always enough work and even a complete beginner can find an order for himself. Of course, not for a lot of money, but from 7 to 20 rubles per 1000 characters is quite possible. And then with experience you can raise prices. The advantage of working here is this: you gain experience, acquire skills, and experience, as we know, is priceless.
  2. Advego— A major player in the market. Many call this exchange the leader among other exchanges working with copywriters and rewriters. Registration here is simple, there are always a lot of orders, work is in full swing.
  3. Copylancer— This one employs mainly those who create really high-quality content. The rules by which texts are written are strict here, but the price for 1000 characters is appropriate: 80 - 100 rubles. The point is different: this is a store that sells articles, but this does not mean that your articles will be quickly purchased.
  4. Text.ruNot just an exchange, but also a service for checking material for uniqueness. A distinctive feature of the exchange is that expensive orders for serious professionals are placed here. The price varies from 100 to 200 rubles per thousand characters.
  5. Textbroker— It is a community of professional copywriters. If you grow to this level, you can sell your articles for very decent money. But the texts must be perfect. Working here, you can achieve the highest level.
  6. Turbotext— New resource. Orders have been placed for writing texts for various sites, and you can post your own materials for sale.
  7. Textovik— New resource. There is a store for selling written articles.
  8. Contentmonster— Exchange with a wide selection of tasks. To get started, you need to pass a test for knowledge of the Russian language.
  9. TextBroker— A popular resource where you can sell your article, and at a relatively high cost.
  10. Miratext— Payment for an article on this exchange reaches 150 rubles/1000 characters. To confirm your qualification level and start working here, you are tested.
  11. Makesale— Positions itself as an exchange whose main specialization is texts. Although there are also orders in other directions. Everything is free for performers; payments are made through a secure transaction system. The exchange is not yet the flagship of the market, but this only simplifies the work for beginners. There are practically no specialists who work for serious money here, especially in the field of working with texts.
  12. My-publication— A resource for professional copywriters. Job vacancies and various projects have been posted.
  13.— A young project for working with texts. Suitable for beginners.
  14. Ankors— An exchange where you need to compose texts for links. The work is relatively simple, although the exchange assures that this can cost about $100 per month.
  15. QcommentA site where you can make money by writing comments. It’s not particularly suitable for the main income, but as a part-time job it’s quite good. Although, this is only the personal opinion of the author. Some performers say that here you can earn about 300 rubles a day.
  16. Votimenno— An exchange for those who know how to come up with names for companies or memorable slogans.
  17. SnipercontentNew resource. This is not to say that there are a huge number of orders, but you can register for the future.
  18. Smart copywriting— There are vacancies for recruiting assistants, journalists, and proofreaders.
  19. Revolance— This is a free freelance exchange. It is difficult to highlight other advantages, due to the fact that the exchange is not particularly popular. Analyzing user reviews online, you can see that negative ones predominate. Many people talk about a large number of orders from scammers who give a task to work on, and after receiving it, disappear. This exchange does not have a secure transaction system; a direct payment option is used. Users also note that new orders appear very rarely, at best once a week. Perhaps everything will gradually change for the better, but this is how things stand today.

General exchanges - for everyone

  1. Work-zilla— An exchange where you can find tasks that do not require serious time investment, a maximum of an hour and a half. To get started, you need to buy a subscription, which costs about 400 rubles. If this is not done, the contractor will only see orders and will not be able to take them into work. Payment for work and communication with customers occurs through the website. The exchange takes a commission from the performer for withdrawing funds.
  2.— It is considered one of the major exchanges. Previously it was a forum.
  3.— The exchange is advanced, it began its activities as a blog.
  4. Kadrof— It is an exchange for specialists working in different fields. Orders come in different types - from, to writing term papers or essays. Orders are updated quite frequently. Registration is free; you do not need to buy a paid account to start working. Contact details of customers are publicly available; you can study the details of the project and respond to the customer without even registering.
  5. Kwork— The exchange positions itself as a freelance services store. All services provided by the exchange cost the same. Today the cost is 500 rubles. Customers themselves choose the appropriate quarks for them. On the exchange you can offer your services in a wide range: from writing various articles to professional photo editing. The exchange also has disadvantages: for example, a large commission for the performer, on average 100 rubles. There is no direct transaction without commission; communication with the customer is only possible through the website.
  6. FL— The exchange offers a huge selection of orders. Both review writing and software and application development are required. The site interface is accessible, it’s easy to search for orders based on your profile. All orders are divided into 2 types: those paid through a secure transaction and those with direct payment. To work fully, you need to purchase a Pro account, it costs about 1,200 rubles. Customers leave feedback on the performer’s work, and he increases his rating.
  7. Moguza— An interesting project, a kind of exchange on which microservices are provided. Everything is simple here: after registration, you can add services that the contractor can provide. The prices are also set by the contractor himself. There are 12 thousand performers in the catalog of this exchange. The range of services provided is wide: programmers and artists, those involved in rewriting and writing music offer their services.
  8. Weblancer— A popular project, even among beginners. You can register for free, but in order to respond to a project, you need to activate a tariff plan. Its cost is calculated individually; it will depend on how many specializations the freelancer has chosen for work. You can post your portfolio on the site, and there is also a review and rating system. Disadvantages: the customer can post the project for free, and scammers often take advantage of this. Payment for orders is only direct.
  9. Allfreelsncers— The exchange is not bad, although customers are not very active. Orders appear approximately once every 30 minutes. There is a secure transaction system, as well as orders that are paid directly. The competition here is low, it is quite possible for a beginner to take an order.
  10. Free-lance— An interesting project. You can post advertisements and respond to vacancies without registering. Here they carefully monitor projects and delete messages from scammers.
  11.— The exchange is new, but is trying to intensify its development. The customer can receive a bonus for placed orders at his own expense. Agree, the approach to work is unusual. The disadvantages include a decent number of fraudulent advertisements, which are high cost and too simple to operate.
  12. Freelancehunt— Excellent website design, more than 100 thousand freelancers. The exchange is young, but aims to develop successfully.
  13. Proffstore— Orders were placed on the exchange for various areas of activity. Recently, the resource has focused more on Western countries, so translators can find orders here.
  14. Superjob— To a greater extent, this is a resource for finding work. If you need a stable job, not a part-time job, this site is suitable.
  15. Ayak— Not an exchange in the full sense of the word, but rather a service for remote employees. You need to buy the PRO version to work fully. But before you buy a paid account, you should think carefully, since the site does not work fully, and according to user reviews, it practically does not fulfill its obligations.
  16. Questions— The site is very interesting, it can also be considered a freelance exchange. The job is to answer questions. The customer lays out the task, the performers offer their ideas for its implementation. The author of the best idea gets paid. Among the minuses, it is worth noting the poor development of the site.

Websites with tenders and competitions of various types

  1. E-generator— Competitions are held under the terms of which you need to come up with names for companies, various slogans, and so on. Whoever wins gets a reward.
  2. Citycelebrity— Large companies often hold competitions here. A great opportunity to demonstrate your skills.

For those involved in programming

  1. Devhuman— The site is an exchange where different people place their orders. You can post your ideas and select a team of specialists to implement them.
  2. 1clancer— Exchange for programmers working with 1C. About 20 new orders appear every day.
  3. Modber— A project for programmers involved in 1C. Not only are vacancies posted here, but there is also a forum, materials to help newcomers are posted, and so on. Some of the advantages include: a user-friendly interface, the presence of a separate block with orders for freelancers. Cons: moderators have little control over the content of projects, so there are a lot of fraudulent ads. When working with the stock exchange, you should proceed with caution.
  4. Workspace— Projects are posted for website developers to support and optimize websites.

For those involved in photography

  1. Shutterstock— Exchange with photographs, which is considered the largest in the world. And this is its most important characteristic.
  2. Laurie— A relatively new photo bank, which currently contains more than 17 million images, as well as 200 thousand videos.
  3. PressFoto Bank— A bank with really high-quality images. And, by the way, they are not cheap.
  4. Photo bank fotolia- Contains 76 million photos and images. There are a number of resources that are ready to cooperate with students in this direction and are happy to include them in the ranks of regular authors.
  5. Photovideoapplication.rf— A resource for those who consider photography not only a hobby, but also a job.
  6. Photo store on Etxt— You can sell and buy photographs. The price is regulated by the author.
  7. Fotoimena— Vacancies for video operators and photographers.
  8. Weddywood— Vacancies for wedding specialists, camera operators, photographers.
  9. Wedlife— Catalog for wedding photographers and operators. There is a rating system.

For creative people

  1. Birza-truda— Information about various castings and filming is posted.
  2. Virtuzor— Exchange with vacancies for artists, musicians and other creative people. Projects were placed in the cultural and leisure sphere, in the field of entertainment and art.

For students

  1. Author24— The project is large, it is an exchange on which the customer selects a contractor. To take good orders, you need to earn a rating, without it you won’t be able to work effectively. Registration is free, there is a service that sends notifications of new orders by email.
  2. Student assistance service "Kursar"— The company has been on the market since 2006. He is distinguished by clarity and honesty in fulfilling his obligations to authors. If the work is done adequately, you will receive your payment on time and in full. Each author has a personal account, registration and all services on the site are free for the artist. Money can be withdrawn in all possible ways: to cards of Russian banks, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, and so on.
  3. Studlance— An exchange for students and those who are ready to fulfill their orders. Operating principle: the more complex the order, the greater the amount of payment for it.
  4. Vsesdal— Assisting students in completing work and assignments.
  5. Reshaem— Ability to solve problems in different disciplines. To get started, just contact the site administration.
  6. Help-s— Job openings for authors of essays, coursework, and so on;
  7.— Tutoring vacancies, you can find employment offers as domestic staff.
  8.— Work for couriers. The resource operates in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

For those involved in design and drawing

  1. Dance— Designed to sell ready-made website designs. If you create templates for different engines, sell them here.
  2. Prohq— There are more than 75 thousand registered users on the exchange, among them web designers, illustrators and just artists.
  3. Illustrators— Projects appear daily, vacancies are mainly for those involved in illustration.
  4. Topcreator— A service for posting portfolios of people involved in various creative endeavors.
  5. Russiancreators— Good projects for designers, many projects with a high budget.
  6. Logopod— You can sell logos on the stock exchange.

For lawyers, legal experts, personnel officers

There are several services that allow lawyers, advocates and personnel service employees to earn money remotely.

  1. 9111 — A service where you can work as a lawyer remotely. In addition, here you can get a free consultation with a specialist.
  2. Legal— This is a resource for lawyers and lawyers. Users ask their questions, the specialist receives money for the answer. You can start working by going through the registration procedure.
  3. HRspace— Service for recruiters. Recruitment requests are published here. If you fill this vacancy, you will receive payment.
  4. HRtime— Exchange for personnel officers, recruitment specialists.
  5. JungleJobs— Thanks to this service, recruiters can earn money remotely by recruiting personnel. If a suitable candidate is found, you will receive a reward.

There are also services for builders and people involved in architecture.

For builders, architectural specialists

  1. Repairman ru— Orders relating to construction and repairs have been placed on the exchange.
  2.— Tender exchange for engineers.
  3.— An exchange for those directly involved in construction. You can find orders for renovation and decoration of apartments and office premises. The exchange charges a commission for services.
  4. City of masters— A kind of forum where they are looking for construction crews and craftsmen working privately.
  5. Profi— The resource brings together more than 200 thousand specialists, as well as about 500 types of construction and repair services. Customers and freelancers can register absolutely free.
  6. MyHome— There are vacancies for specialists in architecture, repair and finishing work.
  7. Devil-master— Work for specialists with technical education
  8. Forumhouse— Construction projects both small and large.
  9. Houzz— Work for specialists in design, architecture and landscaping.
  10. We're home— Work for those involved in architecture, construction, and engineering systems.

It is worth paying special attention to foreign exchanges, the clear advantage of which is higher payment compared to domestic ones. Here you can find really high-paying projects. Let's look at some of the most popular resources.


  1. Upwork— It is one of the largest foreign exchanges. At first it was American, then customers from a number of other countries began to appear here. Orders vary widely, from cheap to expensive. Disadvantages: you need to know English. Although this is not a disadvantage, but rather a necessity if you want to work here. After all, there are translation apps.
  2. Freelancer— The largest resource in the field of freelancing. It has more users than people in some countries, and there are customers from the CIS countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan). In terms of payment level it surpasses domestic exchanges, and by a lot. But communication is provided in English. Work is paid through foreign payment systems, so you need to register with them.
  3. Guru— A site on which 2 million customers and performers are registered. There is work here even for the rarest professions. The order base is replenished frequently, but competition between performers is high. In addition, to get started, you definitely need a portfolio. It’s better if you know some foreign language, and not necessarily English; the customer can be from anywhere in the world.
  4. Freelancewritinggigs— Specialization: copyright. Everything is free for performers; in order to post a project, the customer buys a subscription for one month. Orders are placed from different countries. There is one thing: in several countries there have been trials accusing this exchange of fraudulent activities. But performers from the CIS countries most often show the necessary caution when working, so whether it is worth registering here is a personal matter for everyone.
  5. Freelance-info- French Exchange. It is free for both the freelancer and the employer. There is no English version of the site. It turns out that you need to know French for normal and full-time work.
  6. Proz— The exchange is mainly for those who speak several foreign languages. Specializes in translations. New orders appear every 15 - 20 minutes.

There are also exchanges for freelancers in the CIS countries. Let's look at them in more detail.

Exchanges of the CIS countries

  1.— Characterized by a variety of job categories and low competition. Initially developed for Ukrainian freelancers. Even a beginner without experience can start earning money here. The higher your qualifications in any field, the more you will earn.
  2. Proffstore— Ukrainian resource, started operating recently. Directories of freelancers are available, and a feed of offers is generated.
  3. ITFreelance— A Belarusian resource for remote work, and a very convenient one at that. After registration, you can use the service both as a freelancer and as an employer.
  4. Kabanchik (Throw the hog)— A very popular Ukrainian exchange. There are vacancies for builders, for those involved in repair work, and small household services.

Recently launched projects

  1. Freelancerbay— The exchange is promising; performers have the opportunity to set up an account and portfolio. The price for a paid account is not gigantic. Many orders for translations, design, website development.
  2. Golance— Exchange for teamwork.
  3. wowworks— Orders are placed for couriers and small household services.
  4. Vakvak— Job openings for those involved in translations. There is a free version and a paid option.
  5. 5bucks— Exchange for the provision of microservices, the cost of which is fixed.
  6. Webpersonal— An exchange for a wide range of specialists. The service is free, registration and any services of the service are available to any user.

As can be seen from our review, there are a huge number of exchanges for freelancers, both for narrow specialists and a wide range of remote workers.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that this work cannot be called simple: on each exchange there are experienced performers who have many reviews and high ratings. You need to try to stand out against their background and at the same time not run into scammers who trade in large numbers on the exchanges.

Any exchange has its own characteristics, we will look at a few.

Scheme of work:

  1. Publication of the project by the customer;
  2. Studying the task by freelancers and submitting applications for completion;
  3. Client's choice of performer;
  4. The contractor does the work, the client pays for it.

Freelancers directory.

Available almost everywhere. It is formed according to the rating of performers. On the first pages are those who are the lucky winners of the highest ratings. The customer often chooses the contractor from here and offers him the job directly.

To get into such catalogs you need to earn a high rating.

Safe transaction.

A service through which transactions between the customer and the contractor take place. Freelancers with experience work only this way. This is a kind of guarantee, protection against fraudulent activities.

Paid accounts.

Usually present at large venues. Used by freelancers to attract the attention of serious customers.

In this case, we have characterized the features inherent in most exchanges. Each site has its own nuances, but you can become familiar with them by registering on the resource you like. In the meantime, let's discuss how to choose it.

How to choose an exchange

  1. First, consider the list of exchanges;
  2. Follow the links and form your opinion and first impression based on the following criteria: is the site convenient to use, do you like the design, pay attention to whether the service is a secure transaction;
  3. Read reviews from other freelancers, especially those related to scams;
  4. Find out whether there is a commission, whether you need to pay for accounts, how funds are withdrawn.

For example: You can simply choose the largest exchange on the RuNet. But you won't be able to start working until you buy a Pro account. Such nuances need to be clarified in advance.

How much can you earn

The most common question. Your income level is directly dependent on the volume of tasks you complete. That is, the principle applies: the more you work, the more you earn.

But it is worth considering that at the beginning it will be difficult to get high-paying tasks. First of all, make a name for yourself, gain experience. Only then will it be possible to take on truly high-paying projects.

Taking these points into account, on average a freelancer, working 7-8 hours a day with coffee breaks, can earn about $600. At the current exchange rate it's quite good.

Freelancers who have extensive work experience and an impeccable reputation earn several thousand dollars a month. But to achieve this, you need to go all the way from beginner to pro.

How to withdraw money

The main problem for a freelancer is often the withdrawal of earned funds from the exchange. We list the main methods below.

Yandex money.

To use the wallet, you only need to register in the system. It is simple and does not cause any difficulties. On some exchanges, money for withdrawal must be ordered in advance, and the withdrawal itself is carried out once a week on a specific day.

Once the money is credited to your e-wallet, you can withdraw it to your bank card. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 500 rubles + system commission.


In order to register, you will need a passport, phone number and email address. Registration is free. In order to withdraw funds from your wallet, you need to send a scan of your passport to the security service.

Also a common option for withdrawing funds from the exchange. Registration is fast and free.

Bank cards.

Many exchanges have this method of withdrawing funds. Typically this should be a card from any Russian bank, Visa or Mastercard.

If the exchange is Ukrainian, withdrawal to hryvnia cards is possible.

How to avoid scammers

Cheating on the Internet is widespread – this is already an axiom. But most often, beginners fall for scammers, although professionals also encounter scammers in their work. We will discuss further how to reduce this risk.

Signs characterizing fraud:

  • Negotiations are conducted in an inappropriate style. The customer addresses you on a first-name basis, speaks in the tone of an old friend, or, conversely, is too impudent. It often happens that the scammer is too kind and expresses admiration for your work;
  • The customer limits the methods of communication. For example, it leaves only an email address for communication, and it was created a few days ago;
  • The customer suppresses any talk about prepayment. In this case, they will refuse to cooperate with you, even if you are already a professional.

The most common schemes for deceiving freelancers.

Most often, novice freelancers and others are deceived using the so-called “test task”. The scheme is simple: the performer is offered a task to complete - write an article. He is immediately told that there will be no payment for the test task.

It is clear that as soon as a person sends the finished material, all contact with him is stopped. This type of deception has simply reached global proportions online. There are even companies that fill their websites with content this way.

Similar manipulations are done with designers, translators and programmers. No one is insured.

The second level in popularity is occupied by gross fraud. Those. Initially, the freelancer is told that he will receive, for example, 1000 rubles for his work. As soon as the work is completed, the contractor is faced with the fact that there will be no payment, the order was poorly completed.

It is very difficult to prove such actions, since most often there are no written agreements between the customer and the contractor. In this case, electronic correspondence is also not evidence.

To avoid such situations and protect yourself from the actions of scammers, experienced freelancers recommend:

  • Find out as much information as possible about the potential employer, ask for his phone numbers and address;
  • Try to find reviews about him on the Internet, he’s probably already collaborated with someone;
  • Look for information on freelance forums, ask colleagues.


So, let's summarize. There are many benefits to working remotely. You can choose your own schedule and the type of activity you want to do. But all the advantages that freelancing provides must be used wisely.

Such a large level of freedom does not benefit everyone. You need strict self-discipline and responsibility. As for the exchanges, it’s real on them, the main thing is to have patience and not be lazy.

Very popular. After all, it’s convenient to work in a cozy, homely environment with a flexible schedule.

Hundreds of online resources offer services for supervising business relationships between customers and performers. Among them there are large freelance portals, general thematic exchanges, small little-known projects, and services specializing in certain areas.

Among all this diversity, it is sometimes difficult for a beginner to decide on the choice of exchange, and he rushes from one resource to another.

Below is a list of ten freelance exchanges that are most suitable for green freelance beginners, according to the site magazine.

TOP 10 best freelance exchanges for beginners

Exchange No. 1. Work-zilla

It is no coincidence that Workzilla opens the TOP. After all, it is the best option for beginners in remote work. And all because a large number of simple tasks are published here, which require a minimum set of knowledge and skills from the performer.


  • a lot of easy tasks;
  • there is an affiliate program;
  • guarantees the security of transactions;
  • many options for withdrawing money;
  • paid (subscription cost for three months is 490 rubles). After the subscription expires, it must be renewed: 1 month – 100 rubles, 3 months – 250 rubles, 6 months – 400 rubles.

Conclusion! Workzilla is a great place to start making money online.

Exchange No. 2. Kwork

Kwork is a popular hypermarket of freelance services. The site began operating in 2015 and within a few years has grown into a well-known service for remote workers.


  • fixed payment for any service (500 rubles);
  • affiliate program (up to 6% from each transaction);
  • fair arbitration;
  • many customers;
  • high system commission (the site retains 20% of the transaction amount).

Conclusion! An excellent service for training your professional skills and gaining the necessary experience. The main disadvantage of the project is the large commission fee from service sellers.

So if you sell a service for 500 rubles, then you will receive 400 rubles, and give 100 rubles to the service administration.

Exchange No. 3.

Moguza is a freelance services store at affordable prices. The service is very similar to the previous project. Here, freelancers offer their services for sale at a fixed rate of 100, 200, 300, 500, 700, 1000, 3000 or 5000 rubles. Interested buyers purchase services and pay for them in accordance with the established tariff.


  • the minimum amount for withdrawal is only 50 rubles;
  • a wide range of freelance directions: social. networks, graphics, audio and video, texts, programming, websites, etc.;
  • profitable partnership (for attracted users, the site shares profits from 10 to 40%).
  • the service commission for mediation is 20%; (for example, if the cost of a service is 1000 rubles, the seller will be charged 200 rubles);
  • transfer of funds only to WebMoney wallet.

Conclusion! The service as a whole is not bad, but not all freelancers will like the high developer commission.

Exchange No. 4.

– a young freelance exchange. The site is still in its infancy and development. The main ideas and features were copied from the Kwork project.


  • one price for all services ($5);
  • low competition among performers;
  • there is a referral program (5%);
  • the system withholds 10% from the authors of works (30 rubles from 300 rubles per service);
  • there are a lot of negative reviews about the project on the Internet.

Conclusion! The 5bucks exchange is not as popular as similar services, and, therefore, there is little competition here. Therefore, it is much easier for a novice freelancer to find a customer on this site than on other resources.

It’s disappointing that there is a commission, although it is half as much as on the Kwork website. It is also alarming that users on the network mostly speak negatively about the 5bucks exchange. Most negative feedback comes from clients, not freelancers. In any case, whether you try to work for 5bucks or not is up to you.

Exchange No. 5. FL

– one of the largest Russian freelance exchanges. Founded in 2005. Previously the project was called free-lance.

The high popularity of the service attracts many customers.


  • large selection of specializations;
  • a lot of “fat orders”;
  • 100 percent payment for work;
  • paid. To be able to respond to requests from employers, a freelancer must purchase a Pro account and renew it every month. At the time of writing, the cost of a basic monthly subscription is 1,549 rubles;
  • high competition.

Conclusion! The FL exchange is a brand and customers willingly cooperate with it, but due to high competition, it is difficult for new freelancers to find a suitable order.

Only experienced remote workers can afford a monthly subscription, but for beginners, the amount of one and a half thousand rubles may be unaffordable.

Exchange No. 6.

Weblancer is one of the oldest popular Russian-language freelance exchanges.

The project was launched in 2003.


Conclusion! Large and reliable freelance portal.

Exchange No. 7. Advego

– a well-known portal for specialists in writing and proofreading texts. Now this site can be regarded as a full-fledged exchange for finding remote work from home.

Advego was literally created for beginning freelancers as there is a large selection of earning opportunities. Even performers who don’t really know how to do anything will pick up tasks here.


  • many simple tasks;
  • availability of assistant tools for performers;
  • the minimum payment amount is 500 rubles;
  • partner reward (up to 25%).

Conclusion! A good resource for earning extra money online.

Exchange No. 8. Etxt

Etxt is a popular copywriting exchange. With this service you can earn money by writing articles, translations, proofreading services and selling your photographs. The site was founded in 2008.


  • small commission (10%). Divide into two equal parts of 5% between the buyer of the article and its seller;
  • many customers;
  • there is a referral program;
  • career growth;
  • built-in messenger for communicating with customers.

Conclusion! Etxt is the best place to work for aspiring copywriters.

Exchange No. 9.

positions itself as the number one freelance exchange for students and teachers. This is partly true because the service is really good.

Available tasks for execution are divided into many types: from coursework and translations to problem solving.


  • authoritative portal;
  • the presence of a rating system;
  • ensures the protection of payments and personal data through the use of SSL and PCI DSS technologies;
  • commission from 12 to 22%.

Conclusion! Author24 provides a chance to make money on your skills in writing academic papers. If you know how to competently write essays, term papers and dissertations, then feel free to choose this platform as your main working tool.

Exchange No. 10.

Copilancer is a service recognized by many authors of articles. Here the “master of the pen” will find a stable income for himself.

The exchange monitors its reputation and carefully selects performers.


  • The system includes a messenger for communication between authors and employers;
  • high average price for articles;
  • top performers earn more;
  • the commission is deducted only from the customer (20%).

Conclusion! At the initial stage of your career, there are not very many orders on this service. But, as your rating and experience increase, the number of applications increases, and your earnings also increase.

Free freelance exchanges for beginners in 2020

In this section you will get acquainted with freelance exchanges where performers work for free. That is, they do not have to pay monthly fees for access to employer applications.

I would like to note right away that there are very few such exchanges. This is understandable, because for developers of freelance platforms, the financial issue always comes first. For the services of providing work, they require comparable remuneration from freelancers.

Service No. 1. Freelancehunt is one of the largest Ukrainian remote work platforms. Not only Ukrainians, but also citizens of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries make money from it.


  • free for both customers and performers;
  • There are paid services that improve the comfort of working on the stock exchange;
  • referral fees (3%);
  • safety;
  • high competition for “fat” orders.

Conclusion! Freeness and security are the main advantages of the freelancehunt exchange. Beginners should definitely try their hand at such a large freelance service resource.

Service No. 2. Freelancejob– another free remote work service.


  • little competition;
  • without investments;
  • site age. The project has been online since 2006;
  • few available orders;
  • Payment for work performed is made directly from the customer.

Conclusion! The good thing is that you don’t need to pay any additional subscriptions to use the site. But you will have to resolve financial issues with the employer yourself, because the exchange is free and it does not provide guarantor services.

Service No. 3. Myfreelancing– a young and free Russian freelance exchange. Myfreelancing is essentially a remote work job board.


  • communication forum;
  • does not act as a guarantor of the relationship between the employer and the applicant;
  • few customers.

Conclusion! There is a high risk of stumbling upon scammers, since the exchange does not undertake financial obligations to support transactions.

The main mistakes of beginning freelancers

Freelancing is fashionable and popular. Newbies in this field often make mistakes that lead to the loss of clients and orders and hinder the career advancement of a freelancer. What kind of mistakes do employees make when they start working remotely? Let's start looking at these factors.

Mistake #1. Violation of labor discipline

A remote employee is given freedom and works when it is convenient for him. A freelancer manages himself. He does not have a boss who would motivate him and force him to work at critical moments.

Therefore, in freelancing, the main human quality is the ability to maintain discipline. It is important to be able to mobilize your strength even when little is happening.

Mistake #2. Lack of a competent portfolio

When choosing a contractor for his task, the customer compares the accounts of different users. He needs a professional writer at an affordable price.

What does the employer pay attention to? He reviews and evaluates the profiles of potential performers. The following characteristics are important for it:

  • overall rating among all freelancers;
  • rating by specialization;
  • reviews;
  • work examples;
  • other statistics.

It can be argued that a beautiful profile design is the key to success on any freelance exchange.

Mistake #3. Poor quality of work

When fulfilling orders from employers, you need to comply with deadlines, but also not forget about the quality of work. Haste is the enemy of the freelancer. Therefore, always take into account your capabilities and take on as many orders at the same time as you can complete.

It is better and more profitable to make one order as well as possible so that the client is satisfied than several works of average quality. Customers love and appreciate efficient and responsible freelancers who do their work at a high professional level. Such personnel will always be in demand in the remote services market.

Mistake #4. No clear work planning

Planning is an essential attribute of any successful freelancer. It is important to be able to build a plan for your work on an order and strictly follow it. The process of drawing up a plan, although it takes a freelancer’s time, will subsequently save time when working according to the developed scheme.

In addition to saving time, the plan also disciplines a person, and for a freelancer, self-discipline is very important.

Mistake #5. Reassessment of your capabilities

A new freelancer needs to objectively assess his abilities before starting to search for remote assignments. You need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • what can I do;
  • how well can I do this;
  • how much can I ask for my services.

A beginner should not immediately jump into complex and expensive orders. This way you may not complete the work on time or not complete the task at all. This will lead to negative consequences: lower rating, bad review.

It is best to start with simple and cheap orders. Light assignments are a great test of a freelancer's skill level. Over time, you can smoothly move on to more complex and expensive tasks.


Well-known professional freelancers were once also “green” newcomers. They did not have high rank, experience or positive reviews. They became master freelancers through perseverance, hard work, self-improvement and determination.

I wish that everything works out for you and that you achieve professional excellence in your business. The main thing is don’t give up and don’t deviate from your intended path.