Technological equipment. General requirements for assembly manufacturability Technological equipment. General requirements for assembly manufacturability

Introduction date 01.07.88

This standard applies to process equipment to be installed outside the manufacturer, as well as pipeline valves and gate valves (hereinafter referred to as equipment) manufactured by all industries. National economy.

The standard establishes general requirements for assembly manufacturability, factory readiness and completeness of equipment in order to reduce the cycle time for the creation of construction objects and achieve design indicators.

This standard does not apply to equipment installed on vehicles, as well as manufactured by order of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR.


1.1. IN terms of reference, design and regulatory and technical documentation for the equipment, it is necessary to provide for its testing and transportation to the customer in assembled form.

1.2. If the equipment, due to the conditions of transportation, cannot be sent assembled, then, in agreement with the customer and the ministry (department) carrying out the installation (or the organization on its behalf), the documentation under clause 1.1 divides it into its component parts and determines the requirements for their control assembly and testing.

1.3. Equipment for lubrication, hydraulics, cooling, interstage equipment of compressors, etc., together with pipelines, communications and parts for connecting control and automation devices, must be mounted as part of technological equipment or be done in the form assembly units installed on a common supporting structure (frame).

1.4. The equipment and components must be provided with slinging devices or structural elements (places) for capture by lifting equipment used in the process of transportation and installation.

The equipment design should provide for the possibility of using slinging devices in accordance with GOST 13716-73, GOST 14114-85, GOST 14115-85, GOST 14116-85, and, if necessary, cableless grips, special pins, etc.

Cases of vertical vessels and apparatuses must be calculated taking into account the loads arising during installation.

1.5. Slinging devices or structural elements of the equipment provided for slinging, as well as removable gripping devices, must be designed for lifting weight, taking into account the mass of equipment, metal structures, stairs and service platforms, pipelines and their fastenings, thermal insulation, anti-corrosion coating and other elements fixed on the equipment before it is lifted and installed in the design position at the place of operation, as well as the simultaneous action of the loads specified in GOST 14116-85.

1.6. IN design documentation the method of installation of the equipment must be indicated (the design of the connection of the equipment with the foundation or foundation):

directly on building structures;

on temporary or permanent support elements (adjusting screws, support shoes, special jacks, wedge pads, etc.).

1.7. In the design documentation for equipment to be aligned during installation, alignment bases should be indicated indicating the fixation points for the equipment axes, as well as platforms or surfaces for setting levels and other overhead measuring instruments, if necessary, adjusting screws are provided.

Equipment alignment instructions included in the design documentation are given in the recommended appendix.

Separate parts and (or) surfaces of the equipment, to which there is free access to carry out the necessary measurements during the installation process, can be used as alignment bases.

The choice of alignment bases should provide the necessary accuracy of control of permissible deviations during installation using standard measuring and control tools without disassembling the equipment.

1.8. The design of the equipment to be poured with concrete when installed on the foundation should provide for the possibility of carrying out this operation without dismantling the equipment.

1.9. The design of equipment transported in parts must be provided with pins, bolts, straps or other fixing parts, as well as markings (risks) that ensure the repeatability of the factory assembly.

1.10. The design of vertical vessels and apparatuses, the installation of which in the design position is supposed to be by the method of rotation without taking off from the ground, must be provided with a slewing device.

1.11. The design of the equipment to be tested for strength or tightness in the field shall be such that the test medium can be filled and removed.

For vertical vessels and apparatuses, it shall be possible to test them in the design as well as in the horizontal position.

1.12. The design of the equipment to be aligned during installation with rotation of rotating parts (shafts) must be provided with a turning device if the turning force applied to the rotating part exceeds 300 N with a lever length of 1 m.

1.13. The design documentation must indicate the places for installing seals on the connectors of the equipment.


2.1. The equipment, as well as the pipelines, electrical equipment and wiring included in it, must be assembled, tested and completed. In order to avoid damage during transportation, pipelines after pre-assembly and testing can be disassembled into assembly units.

Electrical equipment not required for equipment testing at the manufacturing plant, upon agreement with the customer, can be installed at the construction site.

2.2. In the cases provided for in clause 1.2 of this standard, the components must pass acceptance tests (acceptance control) before being sent to the customer, including pre-assembly of mating constituent parts, or control of their size, shape deviations and location.

2.3. Manufacture, control and installation of equipment for single and small-scale production, assembled at the place of operation - in accordance with GOST 15.005-86.

2.4. The condition of the internal surfaces of the equipment and pipelines (pipes), subject to the established storage and installation rules, should ensure the operability of the equipment during testing and operation without carrying out work to clean them from contamination and corrosion during installation.

2.5. The equipment and pipelines must be coated with lead, plastic, enamel, hot-hardening varnishes, gumming, etc., as provided for by the design documentation, as well as the surfaces to be shotcrete, lining with piece materials and applying an anti-corrosion coating in the design position after installation.

2.6. On equipment and components in accordance with the design and other technical documentation must be:

1) docking surfaces, holes, brackets are prepared for fastening equipment or assembly units sent from other enterprises directly to the customer;

2) connectors of equipment (assembly units) are sealed;

3) parts for fastening fences, pipelines, heat and sound insulation, cladding, lining (including gunning) and metal structures for maintenance, instruments and automation equipment, parts and structures for placing electrical equipment and for laying and protecting electrical wiring (pipes, brackets, casings) etc.), manholes, slinging devices, as well as parts for centering and screeding equipment parts;

4) intermediate parts (linings) are made in cases where it is necessary to weld parts to the bodies of vessels and apparatuses during the installation process, which are under the control of state supervision bodies, passed heat treatment and (or) having anti-corrosion coatings (gumming, enameling, etc.);

5) the rotating assembly units (parts) of the equipment are balanced;

6) the edges of the joints to be welded at the installation site are prepared;

7) protected from deformation or displacement during transportation of the internal devices of the equipment;

8) elements (parts) are installed to prevent deformation of the vibration isolating devices during transportation.

2.7. The connecting flanges of pipeline fittings and gate valves must have holes for fasteners and mating surfaces, except as otherwise specified by the customer.

2.8. The internal surfaces of the equipment subject to corrosion protection for the period of transportation, storage and installation must be preserved with compositions and methods that do not require disassembly of the equipment for depreservation.

2.9. Apparatuses containing toxic products during operation, as well as tubular heat exchangers that are under the control of state supervision bodies, must be sealed before transportation and, if indicated in the operational documentation, filled with inert gas or air with excess pressure.


3.1. The completeness of the equipment must be determined in the terms of reference, design and regulatory and technical documentation for the equipment.

3.2. In general, a set of equipment should include:

1) foundation bolts with embedded parts;

2) cleaned and mothballed assembly units of pipelines, and for pipelines, the wiring of which is carried out along the foundations and structures of buildings and structures, pipes and necessary connecting parts (flanges, fittings, bent elements with a diameter of more than 40 mm, bends, tees, transitions, etc. );

3) means of technological support for specified requirements and (or) indicators of assembly and installation accuracy, including: support and adjustment tools for aligning equipment on foundations (adjusting screws, support shoes, special jacks, wedge pads, etc.); templates for installing foundation bolts on the most critical or repeating (structurally) types of equipment; conductors for assembling repeating (structurally) assembly units (assemblies) of equipment; special removable lifting devices(clamps, traverses, etc.), as well as special equipment for hydraulic and pneumatic testing, etc.;

4) sealing gaskets, sealing composition and sets of compensating gaskets for installation in connectors of components (assembly units) transported separately;

5) slewing and other devices for installing equipment in the design position;

6) welding consumables (electrodes, welding wire and fluxes) for welding pipelines made of stainless steels and special alloys, as well as pipes for control welding;

7) special tools and fixtures required for installation and testing of equipment. When sending a batch of equipment to one facility, in agreement with the customer, these products are included in the set of the first piece of equipment;

8) products for fixing heat and sound insulation and various internal coatings installed on the equipment, if necessary, specified works during the installation process;

9) flanges (including mating flanges of all types) to equipment, pipeline fittings and gate valves.

3.3. Each piece of equipment should generally be accompanied by documentation that includes:

1) passport or form and installation instructions in accordance with GOST 2.601-68;

2) picking and packing lists;

3) Assembly drawing equipment and its components (when transporting equipment in parts) in accordance with GOST 2.109-73;

4) installation drawing, except for products for which such drawings are not developed, in accordance with GOST 2.109-73;

5) circuits (hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.) according to GOST 2.701-84;

6) working drawings, passports, certificates, etc. for pipelines, materials and parts for their manufacture, necessary for processing documentation on the delivery of pipelines to state supervision bodies.

3.4. When sending a batch of equipment to one object, the accompanying documentation is included, as a rule, in the set of the first piece of equipment.


1. The design documentation must specify the main and, if necessary, auxiliary axes of the equipment, the binding dimensions between the axes of the equipment and the axes of the holes for foundation bolts and adjusting screws.

2. The choice of hole sizes in the equipment for foundation bolts - according to GOST 14140-81.

3. General requirements as indicated on the drawings of the alignment bases, they must comply with GOST 2.314-68, while:

the locations of the mounting marks are indicated on the drawings general view and an assembly line-leader, on the shelf of which the inscription is made: "Installation risk";

instructions on mounting risks indicating fixation in terms of the main and auxiliary axes of the equipment are performed with an appropriate explanation, for example: “Longitudinal axis of the drive”, “Transverse axis of the apparatus”;

the designation of surfaces accepted as alignment bases in the general view drawing and on the assembly drawing is made in the form of a rectangle, the inscription is made on the shelf of the leader line: “Level installation location”;

the place for installation on the equipment of the calibration ruler is indicated on the general view drawing and on the assembly drawing and the inscription is made: “Installation location of the calibration ruler”.

4. The design documentation must indicate the permissible deviations of the equipment from horizontal, vertical, parallel and coaxial.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Assembly and Special construction works USSR


B.V. Popovsky, Dr. tech. sciences; V.A. Karasik, Ph.D. tech. sciences; P.P. Alekseenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.Ya. Eidelman; IN AND. Golovanov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.A. Kalugin; I.P. Petrukhin; M.L. Elyash; I.S. Goldenberg, Ph.D. tech. sciences; M.I. Uritsky; B.N. Kogan; V.A. Sidelnikov; N.P. Polezhaev; D.N. Smirnov; V.A. Kharitonov; A.A. Krasovitsky; V.G. Naumov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; IN AND. Kobtsev; M.S. Leites; K.K. Anisovich.

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards No. 4746 dated December 21, 1987

3. Term of check - 1992; inspection frequency 5 years

4. REPLACE GOST 24444-80


6. REPUBLICATION. November 1988

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Date of introduction 01.07.88

This standard applies to process equipment to be installed outside the manufacturer, as well as pipeline valves and valves (hereinafter referred to as equipment) manufactured by all sectors of the national economy.

The standard establishes general requirements for assembly manufacturability, factory readiness and completeness of equipment in order to reduce the cycle time for the creation of construction objects and achieve design indicators.

The standard does not apply to equipment installed on vehicles, as well as manufactured by order of the Ministry of Defense.


1.1. In the terms of reference, design and regulatory documentation for the equipment, it is necessary to provide for its testing and transportation to the customer in assembled form.

1.2. If the equipment, due to the conditions of transportation, cannot be sent assembled, then, in agreement with the customer and the ministry (department) carrying out the installation (or the organization on its behalf), the documentation under clause 1.1 divides it into its component parts and determines the requirements for their control assembly and testing.

1.3. Equipment for lubrication, hydraulics, cooling, interstage equipment of compressors, etc., together with pipelines, communications and parts for connecting control and automation devices, must be mounted as part of process equipment or made in the form of assembly units installed on a common supporting structure (frame).

1.4. The equipment and components must be provided with slinging devices or structural elements (places) for capture by lifting equipment used in the process of transportation and installation.

The equipment design should provide for the possibility of using slinging devices in accordance with GOST 13716, GOST 14114, GOST 14115, GOST 14116, and, if necessary, cableless grips, special pins, etc.

Cases of vertical vessels and apparatuses must be calculated taking into account the loads arising during installation.

1.5. Slinging devices or structural elements of the equipment provided for slinging, as well as removable gripping devices, must be designed for the lifting weight, taking into account the weight of the equipment, metal structures, ladders and service platforms, pipelines and their fastenings, thermal insulation, anti-corrosion coating and other elements fixed on the equipment before it is lifted and installed in the design position at the place of operation, as well as for the simultaneous action of the loads specified in GOST 14116.

1.6. The design documentation must indicate the method of installation of the equipment (the design of the connection of the equipment with the foundation or foundation):

Directly on building structures;

On temporary or permanent support elements (adjusting screws, support shoes, special jacks, wedge pads, etc.).

1.7. In the design documentation for equipment to be aligned during installation, alignment bases should be indicated indicating the fixation points for the equipment axes, as well as platforms or surfaces for setting levels and other overhead measuring instruments, if necessary, adjusting screws are provided.

Equipment alignment instructions included in the design documentation are given in the recommended appendix.

Separate parts and (or) surfaces of the equipment, to which there is free access to carry out the necessary measurements during the installation process, can be used as alignment bases.

The choice of alignment bases should provide the necessary accuracy of control of permissible deviations during installation using standard measuring and control tools without disassembling the equipment.

1.8. The design of the equipment to be poured with concrete when installed on the foundation should provide for the possibility of carrying out this operation without dismantling the equipment.

1.9. The design of equipment transported in parts must be provided with pins, bolts, straps or other fixing parts, as well as markings (risks) that ensure the repeatability of the factory assembly.

1.10. The design of vertical vessels and apparatuses, the installation of which in the design position is supposed to be by the method of rotation without taking off from the ground, must be provided with a slewing device.

1.11. The design of the equipment to be tested for strength or tightness in the field shall be such that the test medium can be filled and removed.

For vertical vessels and apparatuses, it shall be possible to test them in the design as well as in horizontal positions.

1.12. The design of the equipment to be aligned during installation with rotation of rotating parts (shafts) must be provided with a turning device if the turning force applied to the rotating part exceeds 300 N with a lever length of 1 m.

1.13. The design documentation must indicate the places for installing seals on the connectors of the equipment.


2.1. The equipment, as well as the pipelines, electrical equipment and wiring included in it, must be assembled, tested and completed. In order to avoid damage during transportation, pipelines can be disassembled into assembly units after preliminary assembly and testing.

Electrical equipment not required for equipment testing at the manufacturing plant, upon agreement with the customer, can be installed at the construction site.

2.2. In the cases provided for in clause 1.2 of this standard, components must pass acceptance tests (acceptance control) before being sent to the customer, including pre-assembly of mating components, or control of their dimensions, shape and location deviations.

2.3. Manufacture, control and installation of equipment for single and small-scale production, assembled at the place of operation - in accordance with GOST 15.005.

2.4. The condition of the internal surfaces of the equipment and pipelines (pipes), subject to the established storage and installation rules, should ensure the operability of the equipment during testing and operation without carrying out work to clean them from contamination and corrosion during installation.

2.5. The equipment and pipelines must be coated with lead, plastic, enamel, hot-hardening varnishes, gumming, etc., as provided for by the design documentation, as well as the surfaces to be shotcrete, lining with piece materials and applying an anti-corrosion coating in the design position after installation.

2.6. The equipment and components, in accordance with the design and other technical documentation, must have:

1) docking surfaces, holes, brackets are prepared for fastening equipment or assembly units sent from other enterprises directly to the customer;

2) connectors of equipment (assembly units) are sealed;

3) parts for fastening fences, pipelines, heat and sound insulation, cladding, lining (including gunning) and metal structures for maintenance, instruments and automation equipment, parts and structures for placing electrical equipment and for laying and protecting electrical wiring (pipes, brackets, casings) etc.), manholes, slinging devices, as well as parts for centering and screeding equipment parts;

4) intermediate parts (overlays) are made in cases where it is necessary to weld parts during installation to the bodies of vessels and apparatuses that are under the control of state supervision bodies, that have undergone heat treatment and (or) have anti-corrosion coatings (gumming, enamelling, etc.);

5) the rotating assembly units (parts) of the equipment are balanced;

6) the edges of the joints to be welded at the installation site are prepared;

7) protected from deformation or displacement during transportation of the internal devices of the equipment;

8) elements (parts) are installed to prevent deformation of the vibration isolating devices during transportation.

2.7. The connecting flanges of pipeline fittings and gate valves must have holes for fasteners and mating surfaces, except as otherwise specified by the customer.

2.8. The internal surfaces of the equipment subject to corrosion protection for the period of transportation, storage and installation must be preserved with compositions and methods that do not require disassembly of the equipment for depreservation.

2.9. Apparatuses containing toxic products during operation, as well as tubular heat exchangers that are under the control of state supervision bodies, must be sealed before transportation and, if indicated in the operational documentation, filled with inert gas or air with excess pressure.


3.1. The completeness of the equipment must be determined in the terms of reference, design and regulatory and technical documentation for the equipment.

3.2. In general, a set of equipment should include:

1) foundation bolts with embedded parts;

2) cleaned and mothballed assembly units of pipelines, and for pipelines, the wiring of which is carried out along the foundations and structures of buildings and structures, pipes and necessary connecting parts (flanges, fittings, bent elements with a diameter of more than 40 mm, bends, tees, transitions, etc. );

3) means of technological support for specified requirements and (or) indicators of assembly and installation accuracy, including: support and adjustment tools for aligning equipment on foundations (adjusting screws, support shoes, special jacks, wedge pads, etc.); templates for installing foundation bolts on the most critical or repeating (structurally) types of equipment; conductors for assembling repeating (structurally) assembly units (assemblies) of equipment; special removable lifting devices (clamps, traverses, etc.), as well as special equipment for hydraulic and pneumatic testing, etc.;

4) sealing gaskets, sealing composition and sets of compensating gaskets for installation in connectors of components (assembly units) transported separately;

5) slewing and other devices for installing equipment in the design position;

6) welding consumables (electrodes, welding wire and fluxes) for welding pipelines made of stainless steels and special alloys, as well as pipes for control welding;

7) special tools and fixtures required for installation and testing of equipment. When sending a batch of equipment to one facility, in agreement with the customer, these products are included in the set of the first piece of equipment;

8) products for fixing heat and sound insulation and various internal coatings installed on the equipment, if necessary, to perform the specified work during the installation process;

9) flanges (including mating flanges of all types) to equipment, pipeline fittings and gate valves.

3.3. Each piece of equipment should generally be accompanied by documentation that includes:

1) passport or form and installation instructions in accordance with GOST 2.601;

2) picking and packing lists;

3) assembly drawing of equipment and its components (when transporting equipment in parts) in accordance with GOST 2.109;

4) installation drawing, except for products for which such drawings are not developed, in accordance with GOST 2.109;

5) schemes (hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.) according to GOST 2.701;

6) working drawings, passports, certificates, etc. for pipelines, materials and parts for their manufacture, necessary for processing documentation on the delivery of pipelines to state supervision bodies.

3.4. When sending a batch of equipment to one object, the accompanying documentation is included, as a rule, in the set of the first piece of equipment.



1. The design documentation must specify the main and, if necessary, auxiliary axes of the equipment, the binding dimensions between the axes of the equipment and the axes of the holes for foundation bolts and adjusting screws.

2. The choice of hole sizes in equipment for foundation bolts - according to GOST 14140.

3. General requirements for indicating the alignment bases on the drawings must comply with GOST 2.314, while:

The locations of the mounting risks are indicated on the general view drawings and the assembly leader line, on the shelf of which the inscription is made: “Mounting risk”;

Instructions on mounting risks indicating fixation in terms of the main and auxiliary axes of the equipment are followed with an appropriate explanation, for example: “Longitudinal axis of the drive”, “Transverse axis of the apparatus”;

The designation of surfaces accepted as alignment bases in the general view drawing and on the assembly drawing is performed in the form of a rectangle, the inscription is made on the leader line field: “Level installation location”;

The place for installation of the calibration ruler on the equipment is indicated on the general view drawing and on the assembly drawing and the inscription is made: “Installation location of the calibration ruler”.

4. The design documentation must indicate the permissible deviations of the equipment from horizontal, vertical, parallel and coaxial.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Assembly and Special Construction Works of the USSR


Technological equipment. General requirements for assembly manufacturability

current This standard applies to process equipment to be installed outside the manufacturer, as well as pipeline valves and gate valves manufactured by all sectors of the national economy.
The standard establishes general requirements for assembly manufacturability, factory readiness and completeness of equipment in order to reduce the cycle time for the creation of construction objects and achieve design indicators.
This standard does not apply to equipment installed on vehicles, as well as manufactured by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense

Text GOST 24444-87

Other GOSTs

GOST R 53028-2008 Technological equipment for foundry production. Noise characteristics and methods of their control
GOST 31545-2012 Technological equipment for foundry production. Noise characteristics and methods of their control
GOST 27962-88 Technological equipment for flour mills. General specifications
GOST 28693-90 Technological equipment for the meat and poultry industry. Sanitary requirements
GOST 16318-77 Technological equipment for trade enterprises and Catering. Terms and Definitions
GOST R 50139-92 Technological equipment for assembly and assembly production of radio electronic means. General specifications
GOST R 51282-99 Technological equipment for launch and technical complexes rocket and space complexes. Design and test standards
GOST 23833-95 Commercial refrigeration equipment. General specifications
GOST 30768-2001 Wellhead oilfield production equipment. Test Methods
GOST 30894-2003 Wellhead production equipment. General technical requirements
GOST 33724.3-2016 Pneumatic brake equipment for railway rolling stock. Safety requirements and control methods. Part 3: Automatic brake linkage adjusters
GOST 33724.2-2016 Pneumatic brake equipment for railway rolling stock. Safety requirements and control methods. Part 2. Auxiliary brake valve, emergency emergency braking valve, pneumatic backup brake control valve, driver's crane attachment

GOST 24444-87




Official edition


UDC 658.27:006.354 Group I 08



General requirements for assembly manufacturability GOST

processing equipment.

General assembly and technological requirements

MKC 21.020 OKSTU 0070

Date of introduction 01.07.88

This standard applies to process equipment to be installed outside the manufacturer, as well as pipeline valves and valves (hereinafter referred to as equipment) manufactured by all sectors of the national economy.

The standard establishes general requirements for installation manufacturability, factory readiness and completeness of equipment in order to reduce the cycle time for creating construction objects and achieve design indicators.

The standard does not apply to equipment installed on vehicles, as well as manufactured by order of the Ministry of Defense.


1.1. In the terms of reference, design and regulatory documentation for the equipment, it is necessary to provide for its testing and transportation to the customer in assembled form.

1.2. If the equipment, due to the conditions of transportation, cannot be sent assembled, then, in agreement with the customer and the ministry (department) carrying out the installation (or the organization on its behalf), the documentation under clause 1.1 divides it into its component parts and determines the requirements for their control assembly and testing.

1.3. Equipment for lubrication, hydraulics, cooling, interstage equipment of compressors, etc., together with pipelines, communications and parts for connecting control and automation devices, must be mounted as part of process equipment or made in the form of assembly units installed on a common supporting structure (frame).

1.4. In equipment and components, slinging devices or structural elements (places) must be provided for capture by lifting equipment used in the process of transportation and installation.

The equipment design should provide for the possibility of using slinging devices in accordance with GOST 13716, GOST 14114, GOST 14115, GOST 14116, and, if necessary, cableless grips, special pins, etc.

Cases of vertical vessels and apparatuses must be calculated taking into account the loads arising during installation.

1.5. Slinging devices or structural elements of the equipment provided for slinging, as well as removable gripping devices, must be designed for the lifting weight, taking into account the weight of the equipment, metal structures, ladders and service platforms, pipelines and their fastenings, thermal insulation, anti-corrosion coating and other elements fixed on the equipment before it is lifted and installed in the design position at the place of operation, as well as for the simultaneous action of the loads specified in GOST 14116.

Reprint prohibited

Official Edition ★

© Standards Publishing House, 19X8 £> IPK Standards Publishing House. 2004

S. 2 GOST 24444-87

1.6. The design documentation must indicate the method of installation of the equipment (the design of the connection of the equipment with the foundation or foundation):

Directly on building structures;

On temporary or permanent support elements (adjusting screws, support shoes, special jacks, wedge pads, etc.).

1.7. In the design documentation for equipment to be aligned during installation, alignment bases should be indicated indicating the fixation points for the equipment axes, as well as platforms or surfaces for setting levels and other overhead measuring instruments, if necessary, adjusting screws are provided.

Instructions for equipment alignment, included in the design documentation, are given in the appendix.

Separate parts and (or) surfaces of the equipment, to which there is free access to carry out the necessary measurements during the installation process, can be used as alignment bases.

The choice of alignment bases should provide the necessary accuracy of control of permissible deviations during installation using standard measuring and control tools without disassembling the equipment.

1.8. The design of the equipment to be poured with concrete when installed on the foundation should provide for the possibility of carrying out this operation without dismantling the equipment.

1.9. The design of equipment transported in parts must be provided with pins, bolts, straps or other fixing parts, as well as markings (risks) that ensure the repeatability of the factory assembly.

1.10. The design of vertical vessels and apparatuses, which are supposed to be installed in the design position by the method of rotation without taking off from the ground, must be provided with a slewing device.

1.11. The design of the equipment to be tested for strength or tightness in the field shall be such that the test medium can be filled and removed.

For vertical vessels and apparatuses, it shall be possible to test them in the design as well as in horizontal positions.

1.12. The design of the equipment to be aligned during installation with rotation of rotating parts (shafts) must be provided with a turning device if the turning force applied to the rotating part exceeds 300 N with a lever length of I m.

1.13. The design documentation must indicate the places for installing seals on the connectors of the equipment.


2.1. The equipment, as well as the pipelines, electrical equipment and wiring included in it, must be assembled, tested and completed. In order to avoid damage during transportation, pipelines can be disassembled into assembly units after preliminary assembly and testing.

Electrical equipment that is not required for equipment testing at the manufacturer, upon agreement with the customer, can be installed at the construction site.

2.2. In the cases provided for in clause 1.2, components must pass acceptance tests (acceptance control) before being sent to the customer, including pre-assembly of mating components, or control of their dimensions, shape and location deviations.

2.3. Manufacture, control and installation of equipment for single and small-scale production. assembled at the place of operation - according to GOSG 15.005.

2.4. The condition of the internal surfaces of the equipment and pipelines (pipes), subject to the established storage and installation rules, should ensure the operability of the equipment during testing and operation without carrying out work to clean them from contamination and corrosion during installation.

2.5. On equipment and pipelines, coatings with lead, plastic, enamel, hot-curing varnishes, gumming, etc., provided for by the design documentation, must be made, and surfaces to be shotcrete, lining

GOST 24444-87 S. 3

roving with piece materials and applying an anti-corrosion coating in the design position after installation.

2.6. The equipment and components, in accordance with the design and other technical documentation, must have:

1) docking surfaces, holes, brackets are prepared for fastening equipment or assembly units sent from other enterprises directly to the customer;

2) connectors of equipment (assembly units) are sealed;

3) installed parts for fastening fences, pipelines, heat and sound insulation, cladding. lining (including shotcrete) and metal structures for maintenance, instruments and automation equipment, parts and structures for accommodating electrical equipment and for laying and protecting electrical wiring (pipes, brackets, casings, etc.), manholes, slinging devices, and also parts for centering and screeding parts of equipment;

4) intermediate parts (overlays) are made in cases where it is necessary to weld parts during installation to the bodies of vessels and apparatuses that are under the control of state supervision bodies, that have undergone heat treatment and (or) have anti-corrosion coatings (gumming, enamelling, etc.);

5) the rotating assembly units (parts) of the equipment are balanced;

6) the edges of the joints to be welded at the installation site are prepared;

7) protected from deformation or mixing during transportation of the internal devices of the equipment;

8) elements (parts) are installed to prevent deformation of the vibration isolating devices during transportation.

2.7. The connecting flanges of pipeline fittings and gate valves must have holes for fasteners and mating surfaces, except as otherwise specified by the customer.

2.8. Internal surfaces of equipment to be protected against corrosion during transportation. storage and installation, must be preserved by compositions and methods that do not require disassembly of equipment for depreservation.

2.9. Apparatuses containing toxic products during operation, as well as tubular heat exchangers that are under the control of state supervision bodies, must be sealed before transportation and, if indicated in the operational documentation, filled with inert gas or air with excess pressure.


3.1. The completeness of the equipment must be determined in the terms of reference, design and regulatory and technical documentation for the equipment.

3.2. The set of equipment in the general case should include;

1) foundation bolts with embedded parts;

2) cleaned and mothballed assembly units of pipelines, and for pipelines, the wiring of which is carried out along the foundations and structures of buildings and structures, pipes and necessary connecting parts (flanges, fittings, drinking elements with a diameter of more than 40 mm, bends, tees, transitions, etc. );

3) means of technological support for specified requirements and (or) indicators of assembly and installation accuracy, including: support and adjustment tools for aligning equipment on foundations (adjusting screws, support shoes, special jacks, wedge pads, etc.) ; templates for installing foundation bolts on the most critical or repeating (structurally) types of equipment; conductors for assembling repeating (structurally) assembly units (uhts) of equipment; special removable lifting devices (clamps, traverses, etc.), as well as special equipment for hydraulic and pneumatic testing, etc.;

4) sealing gaskets, sealing composition and sets of compensating gaskets for installation in connectors of components (assembly units) transported separately;

5) slewing and other devices for installing equipment in the design position;

S. 4 GOST 24444-87

6) welding consumables (electrodes, welding wire and fluxes) for welding pipelines made of stainless steels and special alloys, as well as pipes for control welding;

7) special tools and fixtures required for installation and testing of equipment. When sending a batch of equipment to one facility, in agreement with the customer, these products are included in the set of the first piece of equipment;

8) products for fixing heat and sound insulation and various internal coatings installed on the equipment, if necessary, to perform the specified work during the installation process;

9) flanges (including mating flanges of all types) to equipment, pipeline fittings and gate valves.

3.3. Each piece of equipment should generally be accompanied by documentation, including:

1) passport or form and installation instructions in accordance with GOST 2.601;

2) picking and packing lists;

3) assembly drawing of equipment and its components (when transporting equipment in parts) in accordance with GOST 2.109;

4) installation drawing, except for products for which such drawings are not developed, in accordance with GOST 2.109;

5) schemes (hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.) according to GOST 2.701;

6) working drawings, passports, certificates, etc. for pipelines, materials and parts for their manufacture, necessary for processing documentation on the delivery of pipelines to state supervision bodies.

3.4. When sending a batch of equipment to one object, the accompanying documentation is included, as a rule, in the set of the first piece of equipment.

GOST 24444-87 S. 5



The design documentation should include the main, and if necessary, auxiliary axes of the equipment, the attachment dimensions between the axes of the equipment and the axes of the holes for foundation bolts and adjusting screws.

2. The choice of hole sizes in equipment for foundation bolts - according to GOST 14140.

3. General requirements for indicating the alignment bases on the drawings must comply with GOST 2.314. at

The locations of the mounting marks are indicated on the general arrangement drawings and the assembly leader line. on the shelf of which the inscription is made: "Installation risk":

Instructions on mounting risks indicating fixation in terms of the main and auxiliary axes of the equipment are carried out with an appropriate explanation, for example: “Longitudinal axis of the drive”. "Transverse axis of the device";

The designation of the surfaces taken as alignment bases on the drawing of the general pitchfork and on the assembly drawing is performed in the form of a rectangle, the inscription is made on the leader line: “Location for setting the level”:

The place for installation on the equipment of the straightedge is indicated on the general view drawing and on the assembly drawing and the inscription is made: "Installation site of the straightedge".

4. The design documentation must indicate the permissible deviations of the equipment from horizontal, vertical, parallel and coaxial.

S. 6 GOST 24444-87


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Assembly and Special Construction Works of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR according to the standards of December 21, 1987 No. 4746

3. REPLACE GOST 24444-7480



Editor V.P. O.-urzol Technical rslakgor P.N. Prusakoaa Proofreader M.N. Psrshina Computer layout I.L. Ialeikipoy

Them. eggs. No. 023S4 dated 07/14/2000. Handed over to the set 05/31/2004. Signed for publication on 11.06.2004. Us.«. Chech. l. 0.93. Uch.-ed_1. 0.S4.

Circulation 89 zke. From 2639. Law. 578.

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