Advertising with description. An example of a product advertisement. Types of advertising. Not only good

Before determining where to deliver motivating information, you need to figure out how to make advertising sell better. Below we will talk about proven methods that allow entrepreneurs to get maximum results. I’ll say right away that I’m not an advertising genius and I didn’t come up with anything myself, these methods were invented a long time ago and have already proven their effectiveness!

What are advertising texts for?

Advertising as such has existed for hundreds of years. Even in ancient times, people used advertising to attract potential customers, for example, sellers at fairs composed sonorous and funny rhymes to attract the attention of the buyer.

Advertising created for the purpose of demonstration must attract the attention of the client, accustom him to the appearance and sound of the brand, so that the buyer forms an image of the desired product in his head. This is what the advertising campaigns of most major brands are focused on.

Motivational advertising is aimed at direct response from the buyer. That is, after watching the video or reading the text, the recipient should have a desire to call and order a product or use a service, etc. The effectiveness of advertising directly depends on it, so you should not neglect such a powerful development tool.

What is the difference between bad and good advertising copy?

At first glance, it seems that writing advertising texts is as easy as shelling pears. But in reality, it turns out that not everything is so rosy. Look around: our world is full of advertising. Wherever you turn your gaze, you will find examples of advertising texts: on the street, in public transport, on social networks, etc. At the same time, some ads catch your eye with a juicy headline, while others you didn’t even pay attention to, not to mention the desire to buy something. This is the difference between good advertising text and bad and ineffective one.

Bad ads convey dry information about a product or service.

For example, “The farm “40 years without a harvest” offers high quality products: meat, dairy products, sausages. There are discounts. Delivery within the city is possible. Phone number for inquiries: 5-555-555.”

This is what most commercial advertisements look like. Agree, this is not a very attractive offer, despite the fact that there is no doubt about the high quality of the products. This text is rather pale and gets lost among the general mass of similar advertisements.

What if you try to slightly change the presentation of information?

“Are you missing a juicy shish kebab made from fresh meat? Do you want real country milk, like grandma's? 40 Years Without a Harvest Farm will deliver the highest quality products straight to your home! To do this, you just need to call 5-555-555!”

So how? Sounds a lot better, doesn't it? Such an ad will definitely attract the attention of a potential buyer. And if he doesn’t immediately decide to dial the company’s number, then at least he will remember its name and when he needs these products, most likely the choice will be in their favor.

Any business requires practice and over time you will learn to write the best advertising texts that will make the buyer immediately want to purchase a product or use a service.

Sales text structure

Remember how at school we all wrote essays following a strict plan for constructing the text? It’s exactly the same here, although the structure of the advertising text is somewhat different from a school essay.

Any selling text consists of simple elements:

  • A slogan that can appear either at the beginning or at the end of the text;
  • Title (a succinct phrase that attracts attention);
  • Body text (the main element of the text);
  • Echo phrase (final element of the text).

When writing any text, try to structure it, i.e. break it down into logical paragraphs and, if necessary, highlight subheadings. All this is necessary to make reading easier. Agree, no one is interested in reading huge, boring sentences that are a whole paragraph long.

When forming sentences into paragraphs, try not to make them too long either. The optimal paragraph size is between 30 and 50 words. Less is not worth it, more is not necessary. Approximately every 3-5 paragraphs can be separated by subheadings so as not to bore the reader.

It would not be superfluous to use lists in the text (either numbered or bulleted). Organizing information into a list makes it easier to digest the information.

Imagine that all the information you want to present in the text looks like a pyramid. You should give it out starting from the bottom, that is, from the most important, gradually moving to the secondary.

It is imperative to indicate the company’s contacts in the ad, starting with the address and telephone number, since these are the main ones (people do not always have the opportunity to use the Internet). It is advisable to leave all contacts and additional information: email, website address, directions by car and public transport, office opening hours.

In essence, there is nothing complicated in the structure. The main thing is to choose the right words, because, as you know, a word has enormous power and can both hurt and heal.

How to write advertising text and make it selling

In order to answer the question of how to write selling texts, you need to understand why and for whom you are writing them. And for advertising texts to be truly effective, you need to write them correctly. Of course, not everything will work out right away, but with some diligence and training, after some time you will be able to write decent and effective texts. In the meantime, you can use the following algorithm:

Step 1: Determine where the text will be published

Where you are going to place your ad will depend on its size, style, presence or absence of pictures and videos. Adjust your text to the selected advertising space:

  • As a rule, ads on social networks are limited to one or two sentences, so learn to formulate clear and concise phrases;
  • In a newspaper format, you will most likely already have a paragraph or even a column;
  • For a web page, the volume of text becomes quite impressive and already amounts to several thousand printed characters.

Be that as it may, any format requires clearly formulated thoughts, specific information and a minimum of unnecessary words.

Step 2: Adapt to the target audience

Think about who your main customers will be. Of course, ideally, compose a text such that after reading it, any person would immediately want to buy your product.

However, in real life, it is almost impossible to write a text that would equally attract the attention of, say, an informal teenager and a literary critic. Since these categories of the population differ in habits, behavior, manner and style of communication, they will be attracted to completely different texts.

Any text can be classified into one of five styles: scientific, business, journalistic, artistic and colloquial. When writing an advertisement, you should not use the first two, since their effectiveness will be zero. Most texts are written in a conversational style.

And, conversely, when writing text for young people, it is worth using a conversational style, which is more informal, understandable and enjoyable for children and adolescents.

Step 3: Formulate the title

This stage can be the most difficult in writing advertising text, because an attention-grabbing headline is already half the success. If the title of your advertising article is vague or uninteresting, the reader will simply pass by without being interested in the product.

Therefore, it is very important to formulate a short and at the same time succinct name. Marketing research shows that names with emotionally negative connotations are more attractive. Using this little trick, you can create great headlines and grab the attention of potential customers.

Avoid obvious questions in the title like: “Do you want a new fur coat?...”. There are millions of such questions in the advertising world and the consumer is already quite tired of them. Try to come up with intriguing, emotional headlines that will be difficult to ignore.

And so that your shocking, mysterious headline does not look like a lie, it is immediately followed by a linking sentence with the main text, which will contain the whole point about your product or company. This link is needed to hold the buyer’s attention so that he wants to read the text to the end.

Step 4: Create a desire in the client to buy the product

Here you will need to manipulate the consumer, making him want to buy your product. Make a person think that he will have a much better life if he gets your product or uses your service.

And here, again, you can play on human emotions. Feelings of nostalgia for childhood (“…pancakes like grandma’s…”) or concern for the client’s health (“…it’s easy to quit smoking with our help…”), etc. will serve as excellent tools.

Step 5: Formulate small sentences and meaningful phrases

This is how the quality of an advertising article is determined. By formulating small, easy-to-understand sentences and organizing them into small paragraphs and paragraphs, you create effective, easy-to-read text. Try to avoid cumbersome compound sentences. After all, if the client loses interest at the very beginning of the message, then the effect of such text will be zero.

Step 6: Focus on benefits, not comparisons

Many copywriters make a similar mistake: in their advertising texts they compare a product or service with a similar product from a competitor. It's not entirely effective. It will be much more useful to talk about the direct benefit that the client receives by ordering the product from you.

Step 7: Use feedback from other customers about your products or services

Often, someone’s positive review serves as a very powerful incentive to buy a particular product. Therefore, when writing advertising texts, feel free to use this tool to attract customers.

Step 8: Attract attention with small time-limited bonuses

“Free” bonuses are an integral part of any advertising, having a powerful psychological impact on the consumer. We are all very pleased to receive gifts and bonuses.

Therefore, if your product costs more than 1000 rubles, try to accompany it with free bonuses or small gifts. But only these bonuses should be limited in time. The word “now” produces an effect similar to the effect of a sale and stimulates the client to purchase a product or service.

As a bonus, you can use something that is not too expensive for you, but useful for the client.

Step 9: Simplified ordering procedure

The sequence of actions should be extremely simple and clear: “Make a call right now...” or “Fill out a simple order form...”. For a quick order, everything should be as clear and easy as possible.

Models for composing advertising text

EDP ​​model

It is obviously popular and is suitable for short sales ads of 3-4 sentences.

If your ad text is limited and you cannot write out the entire offer, then this model will be an effective alternative. This model is ideal for contextual advertising, on bulletin boards, flyers, business cards and so on.

Stands for: limitation/call to action/suggestion.

Offer or suggestion- This is some kind of advantageous offer that is made to the client. Ideally, it should stand out from competitors’ advertising, for example, in terms of the properties of the product, its benefits for the client and the uniqueness of the selling proposition.

Example of an ad: “Product with a 53% discount”; “3 for the price of 2” and so on.

These are the messages that instantly create value for the client.

Choose your offer that will be most attractive to customers, and also find an effective way to convey it.

Here are some working examples: “first lesson is free”; “installation is free” and so on.

Deadline or restriction for purchasing an offer. If its goal is to attract attention, then the limitation motivates the client to buy right now. In other words, its goal is to make sure that a person does not postpone the purchase “for later”, but purchases the product and uses the service right now.

A time limit of 2-3 days works very well.

Example: chairs for 99 rubles, only 2 days!

It's much easier to change deadlines on the Internet. For offline advertising, this is a little more complicated, so the promotion period is often extended to several weeks.

Call to action is an explanation to the client of what he needs to do right now to get the result he needs (buy your product).

Example: buy and get a discount!

Nowadays, due to the large flow of information, a person needs to have a step-by-step explanation of the procedure. You may have noticed how effectively a commanding tone works in communication.

Order “come here”, “do this”, and you will see that people willingly obey, because they do not need to bother their heads with a bunch of unimportant things. They will be happy to shift the responsibility of making the decision to you.

Advertising is exactly the case when the client doesn’t care at all. He needs a solution to some problem, and you must provide it, explain what needs to be done to get it. Make it easier for your clients, tell them how easy it will be for them to cooperate with you.

AIDA model

If you need to write a selling text or letter, then use this model. This is a way of writing selling advertising text, based on certain verification criteria that influence a potential client.

Attraction - attracting attention, must be implemented in the first part of the text. Your goal is to “catch” the client’s attention. The best way would be a flashy headline, a catchily worded offer.

Examples: secret ways...; what they are keeping silent about... and so on.

With the first paragraph, you motivate to continue reading the text, revealing some secrets, and creating a kind of “trailer” for the text. Many media outlets do this.

Interest - interest. You need to create interest in your products among potential clients. Describe well the prospects for using your product and the negative consequences if he tries to do without it.

Be sure to describe the benefits of purchasing your products in this part of the text. It is known that people do not make purchases for the drill; they need straight holes. Describe the client's possibilities and prospects if he makes holes in the wall with your drills!

Deadline - deadline. We have already noted that this is a limitation. You are artificially creating a shortage of supply and a buying rush for your products. Most often this is a time or quantity limit.

Since you have the opportunity to write a detailed text, describe the reasons for the restrictions. Tell the customer why there is a shortage, why time is so limited, and so on.

Action - action. What does a person need to do to purchase your product right now or get results that very minute?

It's great if you give your customers a choice.

According to this model, your actions should follow the following sequence:

  1. attracting attention to your product;
  2. arousing interest and desire to buy your product;
  3. setting restrictions at the peak of desire so that a person wants to make a purchase now;
  4. Explaining to the potential customer what he must do to receive the product right away.

A striking example of how this model works is the TV show “Shop on the Sofa.”

This model will be effective for online stores, websites, etc.

CEWD model

It involves influencing the emotional component of a potential client. This model will work both on paper and orally.

According to this model, you will need to sell to the right side of your prospect's brain. This kind of advertising is good because emotions are determined by the right hemisphere of the brain, which you will influence.

Let's decipher the abbreviation CEWD.

The goal is the preparatory stage. You choose what goal you are pursuing, what you will describe to a potential client, and formulate the end result to which you are trying to lead the client. Formulate a clear goal for yourself, what you want, what result you want to achieve, what the client should do, etc.

Emotions are preparation. You must determine the emotion that will sell the product. Emotionally describe all the benefits that the client will receive; be sure to tell us about the process of manufacturing and using the product.

We must understand that the number of basic emotions is extremely limited. Emphasize fear, love, superiority, power, greed, pride.

After setting a goal, establishing the desired emotion and describing your benefits, you can move on to the next, practical stage.

Visualization. At this stage, you need to paint a picture that will evoke the required emotion, and at its peak, all you have to do is complete the deal.

In the picture and world you create, the potential client should feel comfortable and warm from your offer (product, service). Convince the person that he will receive all the benefits that the product provides.

The next point will be final. It's about action. At the peak of emotions, you give the person specific instructions, that is, his strategy for purchasing the product right now.

This model is similar to the AIDA model. It differs only in its focus on emotions and appeal to them.

The sequence of your actions when using this model:

  1. goal setting (heading and first paragraph setting the goal);
  2. determination of the desired emotion (the key emotion is described);
  3. visualization (describes the benefits of the product);
  4. action (describes the client’s actions to purchase a product or service).

Model PPHS

This model was known back in the time of Socrates. It is relevant and effective today. This advertising method is especially good when a potential client hesitates for a long time and cannot make a decision. Experts say that PPHS will be more understandable for novice entrepreneurs who have decided to realize themselves in the field of buying/selling.

Let's consider the features of using this model.

"Pain" or pain. You will need to describe in all colors the nuisance, the problem of a potential client, which your product will help get rid of.

"Pain More" or more "pain". You are reinforcing the problem, meaning you are telling what will happen if the problem is not eliminated right now.

"Nore" or hope. At the peak of the described problem, you need to give the potential client a solution - your product (service).

"Solve" or decision. Now you must sell the solution to the problem, in particular describe the benefits, advantages of the proposal, as well as how to purchase it.

This is what many websites selling anything for weight loss do.

Writing advertising messages is an exciting, creative process that can be endlessly improved. Creating a special reality, working with emotions and associations, motivation - all these are just some of the features of advertising text that a skillful author uses to achieve a certain result.

Use only reliable information. Using unverified or deliberately false information, you risk getting into an unpleasant situation, so carefully check your texts every time.

More specifics, less water. By using general phrases in the text, you scare away the potential client, since he does not get the feeling that the information is truthful. It is best to use specific numbers and data - such text will inspire more confidence in the consumer.

Use personal information. Often the consumer identifies himself with the hero of the advertisement. This technique has been used quite actively for a long time, which has led to an oversaturation of the advertising sector with identical first-person advertisements.

Decorate texts with adjectives and adverbs. There is a fairly widespread opinion that when choosing a product, the consumer is guided only by logic. This is wrong. People are very emotional creatures. Emotions influence our behavior and actions. And the success or failure of the advertising campaign will depend on what emotions a person experiences while reading your advertising text.

To begin with, you can create a rational core of the text, and then breathe into it emotions and colorful descriptions of the buyer's life with your wonderful product. Try to use bright emotions to attract the buyer’s attention and force him to purchase your product. Use lively language, not just a dry presentation of information.

An indispensable guarantee of product quality. Any client who doubts a purchase will become much more confident if he has at least a hypothetical possibility of returning the product. By guaranteeing the quality of your product, you dispel the fears and doubts of your client, thereby gaining his trust.


  • Advertising text should be bright, clear, bold, filled with emotions and attractive to the consumer;
  • It should not contain unnecessary information and, especially, untruth;
  • He must have clear goals (motivation to buy a product, use a service, watch a movie, etc.);
  • The text should be as informative as possible, as well as beautiful and understandable for the target audience.

You can find examples of selling texts anywhere - just open several online store sites, or better yet. Which texts caught your attention and why? What's special about them? What did you like and what didn't you? By answering the questions and reading this article, you will become a little closer to answering the question of how to write advertising texts that will help in...

In conclusion, I want to say that these models of writing advertising text are not a panacea; you can come up with something of your own, add, mix, but the main thing is not to “overdo it.” But the main thing is to know that what is written above has already been tested on many people and shows good results! And one last piece of advice... Check your texts before releasing them to the masses. Let's read them to your colleagues, friends, acquaintances, etc. If they are interested in your product or service after reading, then the text has a greater chance of success. Something like that.

Ask your questions in the comments, share your ideas and let's discuss! And most importantly, provide your services efficiently and sell only necessary and high-quality goods, then selling will be much easier.

Convincing a person to part with his own money is a tricky business. It is for this reason that writing advertising texts cannot be compared with any other type of copywriting. You can drag out informational copy and you'll be forgiven for it, but if you drag out sales copy, you'll lose a client. And his money.

Everything here is serious from start to finish.

A person who wants to understand the mechanics of producing advertising content is usually lost from the abundance of introductory information.

To prevent this from happening to us, in our article we will divide the rules for writing advertising text into stages. For each stage a set of specific techniques will be given. Still, structured and homogeneous material is always easier to digest.

Two stages of creating advertising text

  • Audience analysis and fact collection.
  • Writing advertisements.

We recommend that you leave your work for ten minutes and go with us on an interesting journey through the world of copywriting. We promise that in just half an hour your skills will improve significantly, and you will definitely find the right answers to many questions.

The first stage of writing advertising text. Facts and audience

The reader's peak attention limit is not that high. Therefore, we will try to give only the meat itself. The main introductory notes: the names of important points, and then their decoding. Later, when you want to do advertising copywriting yourself, you will only need to look at the required section to immediately remember the procedure.

First stage. Understand your target audience

Women believe in emotions. Men love facts. Children want pictures. Who are you writing for?

Understand your target audience, find the bait that attracts them. We give you our word: any person is caught by something, the main thing is to choose the right bait for representatives of a specific target audience. It's not a fact that you'll catch everyone, but you don't need to. If you catch one out of ten, that’s great.

A clear (homogeneous) target audience is a real godsend for a copywriter. You are lucky if the product or service is intended for people of the same gender, age, from the same social niche, and so on. Here you can already create a portrait of the average representative of the group and “work for him.” If you write advertising text for one, you write for thousands, because the target audience is homogeneous.

As a rule, target groups differ in the following indicators:

Buyer gender
Average age
Family status
Approximate income
Hobbies, interests

And a couple of tricky questions immediately arise:

But in order to understand this, you need to find out what your target audience wants. Therefore, the next point is exactly about this.

Second phase. Find the reader's needs

If there is no clear composition of the target group, then a certain need of the reader comes first.

Let's take the same dog food as an example.

Everyone buys it, from youngsters in their dad’s cars and brutal rockers, to pensioners and pop stars. There is almost nothing in common between these groups, except perhaps the need to buy good food for the dog.

Accordingly, it is this need that becomes the main one when creating future advertising text.

To avoid confusion, let us repeat the options again:

Option 1.If we write advertising text for a clear target group(same gender, same age and, say, approximately the same income), we can find additional stylistic, emotional, informational and other baits that attract representatives of this group. Of course, we also include needs in the list, but we don’t forget about other tools for attracting attention.

Option 2. If we write advertising text for a mixed target audience, then the main lure becomes precisely the general need of the group, because all other lures will no longer be able to work at full strength. If we write emotionally, harsh men will spit; if we write dryly and with numbers, women will not appreciate it. And there are plenty of such nuances.

If the article is created for a mixed target audience, the style and format of the text should be average. That is, one that would be accepted by grandmothers, bank directors, and students.

Below we will talk in even more detail about how to write advertising texts of the “standard sample”, but for now we will just lift the veil.

  • Facts and evidence
  • Short sentences and not too complex words
  • Minimum of emotions and delight
  • Clear structure
  • Solving specific customer needs
  • Graphic images

Now let's return to the buyer's needs. Well, we found it: everyone in our mixed audience needs dog food.

What should be the description of the product in order for everyone to remember it, appreciate it and want to buy it without exception?

The answer is below.

Stage three. Collect the main advantages of the product or service

There is no need to do this. Many advantages - not as good as is commonly believed. Do you know why?

Because it is better to make 2-3 strong blows than 10 medium ones. Psychologists say that if a person is told about two advantages, he is more likely to remember them than if he is told about ten advantages at once. Such is human nature.

Any experienced marketer knows that a huge assortment is often harmful. People are more likely to make a purchase if there are only a few options to choose from than when the list of products consists of hundreds of items.

Don’t waste the reader’s attention, focus on 3-4 main advantages, which will be your trump cards. Honestly, it will turn out better.

Let's go back to the dog food and our advertising copy. Let’s say food is positioned as inexpensive, versatile and healthy. Therefore, our advantages will be:

  • Favorable price of goods
  • Suitable for all breeds
  • Benefits for dogs

Now all we have to do is collect facts and information that will make our advantages convincing. Yes, yes, a stamp like “our food is the best” has not convinced anyone for a long time.

Do you want to be believed? Prove this with facts in your advertising copy.

Stage four. Collect all the stereotypes about the product or service that you will destroy

Writing advertising text is largely a matter of dealing with reader objections. Each of us has a certain set of stereotypes that are formed from everything: news, rumors, stories from friends and other sources.

Once again, dog food will help us understand the mechanics of collecting stereotypes.

Five stereotypes about dog food:

  • Dog food spoils the dog's stomach
  • Dog food is made from some kind of crap, not good meat.
  • Chemicals are added to dog food for taste and smell.
  • Dog food is unnatural for a predator because it is dry (for dry food)
  • All dog food has the same ingredients

Each product or service has its own stereotypes. If your intuition has dozed off and does not suggest the main stereotypes of the target audience, go to forums, review sites and portals with questions - these are excellent places to look for myths, misconceptions and stereotypes.

If you have collected the main stereotypes, you have already done a third of the work: when the reader sees that his objections are being closed one by one, he melts and is more and more inclined to buy.

Stage five. Decide in advance on the main purpose of the advertising text

Good advertising copy should have a specific purpose. If you want a person to make a purchase, encourage him to buy. If you want the reader to remember that your food is the healthiest, be sure to emphasize this.

The material must leave some kind of “aftertaste”, otherwise everything was in vain.

Be clear about what exactly you want from the reader. Have you decided? Then let the ending be as “loaded” as possible with the main goal, since the ending has the greatest power for memorization and a call to action.

  • We have identified the target audience of the advertising article (clear or mixed)
  • Found the reader’s main needs (one or more)
  • Collected the main benefits (facts, figures, surveys, etc.)
  • We found out the most dangerous stereotypes that we will destroy
  • Decided on the main purpose of the advertising text

Great! Now that we have stocked up with enough facts, it’s time to move on to creating material.

Part two. Rules for creating advertising text

Material title

Capture attention immediately

The text is written so that from the first sentence the reader “enters” the material. How to achieve this? Lots of options:

  • Start the first paragraph with the reader's problem.
  • Tell us about an unusual fact (within the advertising text, of course)
  • Intrigue
  • Tell a story
  • And so on

Do whatever you want, but don't let the first paragraph be empty and uninformative. The advertising article is by no means informational; there is no room for long-winding. If you delay, the reader will leave.

Give up empty delights

Don't draw conclusions for the reader

“We are sure this will be your best purchase of your entire life” is a bad, overly presumptuous conclusion. A person must decide for himself whether this purchase will be the best or not.

Don't talk into the void

Form an image in your head of the person for whom you are writing, and address a specific person. Trying to tell everyone is not telling anyone.

Believe what you write

If you don't believe your text, your readers won't believe it either. Find what you can love about the material, help yourself believe what you are telling others.

Don't change your style

Your material should be in the same style. It is unacceptable to jump from one style to another.

More active verbs, fewer adjectives

Small paragraphs and small sentences

Avoid the subjunctive moods

“If”, “could”, “suddenly” and other subjunctive moods express uncertainty. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to use them at work. How to write advertising text without subjunctive moods? Use active verbs, let the material exude complete confidence.

Don't try to impress the reader with complex words

Speaking in sophisticated language is the lot of weak copywriters. Strong authors must be able to convey complex ideas and associations in the simplest words.

Repeat the name of the product or service regularly

So that even after reading the reader remembers what exactly he read about, it is important to periodically repeat the name of the product or service. Advertising text does not have to sell immediately; it is often written solely to increase brand awareness and increase trust in it.

Use comparisons

Product comparisons are good not only in TV advertising (regular powder and N powder) but also in advertising notes. Comparison is one of the best techniques for quickly convincing you of some kind of competitive advantage.

No excessive negativity

As an opportunity to identify a problem, some negativity is possible, but as the basis of a text, it is unacceptable. Good advertising text is always positive material. Here, as in Disney films, good triumphs over evil.

The bad material is that which consists only of direct advertising. The reader quickly gets tired of this molasses, so be sure to use useful information, stories and interesting facts in order to refresh the reader’s interest in the material.

Not only good

People don't like perfect pictures; they scare them a little and stress them out. Our life is an alternation of good and bad; excessive gloss causes concern. To write effective advertising text for a website or business in general, try to include some minor flaw or controversial fact in the material.

Not “We”, but “You”

The classic rule: no need to praise yourself and the product, talk about what the product will give to a person. Less about yourself, more about the reader.

Don't talk about controversial or obvious benefits

If you are selling a TV, you should not focus on the fact that it can be used as a monitor or reads movies from a Flash card. All modern TVs have this functionality, what is the value then? The reader may think, “Yeah, since they even present such nonsense as an advantage, maybe their other advantages are just as cheap?”

Don't forget about subheadings

Don't give ultimatums

The reader does not like to be given ultimatums. Writing something like “buy this TV or you will regret it more than once” is not the best decision.

Don't make empty promises

“With our TV you will become the happiest person in the world”: the promise is too controversial and smacks of a cheap farce. News first: the reader, fortunately, is not an idiot. The second news is that advertising texts are actually read, and this reading may end after one of these stupid promises.

One of the great marketers said something like this: “The advertising text should be such that you would not be ashamed to show it to your mother.” Very rightly noted.

Don't forget about "because"

As psychologists have found, the response to a phrase with “because” is about 30% greater than without it. The secret is that people love specifics and explanations. If you were told, for example, that a piece of jewelry would make a lasting impression on a girl, be sure to explain why.

Consistency is everything

The structure of the advertising text is a capricious lady. Try to separate the material exactly into blocks. Blocks can be separated by subheadings. In one block there is a problem, in another - its solution, in the third - facts, in the fourth - additional benefits, and so on. There is nothing stupider than an advertising text in which the author jumps from fifth to tenth.

It seems that the facts have already been presented, the reader has already believed, and again, for some reason, after a couple of paragraphs, the copywriter is trying to convince the once convinced reader. Stupid? Very. Be consistent.

Avoid using italics and bold fonts

Italics, as well as bold font, work great in articles intended for advertising. The only condition is that everything should be in moderation. If a third of your message is in italics and bold, the reader will simply be confused. Since it is customary to highlight the most significant points of the text in this way, a person will not understand what you yourself consider important and what you should pay attention to.

There are products that should only be advertised in a certain style. Let’s say, it’s stupid to make an advertising text about funny toys in a tough official setting. It is equally stupid to talk about new software for accountants in the spirit of “hee hee - ha ha”. Be sure to ensure that the style of the advertising text matches the object of the advertisement.

No exclamation marks

How to write an advertising text so that it immediately becomes clear that its author is an amateur? Use as many exclamation marks as possible, optimally three in a row. This is an ideal way to show that you cannot emotionally color the material, and therefore use unnecessary props.

Now that we've covered the most important rules for writing advertising copy, it's time to get to the sweet stuff. Our final section will focus on types of advertising copy. This is also important to know.

Types of advertising texts

Selling text

The goal is to protect a certain brand, to protect the buyer from purchasing goods or services that are similar to the brand, but are not part of the brand. As an option, show how the original differs from a fake. For example, protective advertising texts are often written for some luxury goods such as Swiss watches or original designer clothing.

It is very difficult to surprise an ordinary user with anything, much less to induce him to make a particular purchase. This is especially true for completely new and unknown products. Therefore, manufacturers and marketing firms go to great lengths to promote their new brands in such an overloaded consumer market. In any case, to attract attention you need to have a creative approach and a lot of creative ideas. We will tell you more about what successful advertising of a product from a new line is like below.

Difficulty launching a new product

Most PR professionals know firsthand how difficult it is to promote a new product. Especially when you are dealing with an iconic brand. In this case, advertising the product simply forces you to take risks. And, as they say, “he who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne.”

This is exactly what the creators of the energy drink Red Bull did. Firstly, they came up with a jar that was small in size and visually resembled a battery. And, secondly, they deliberately increased the cost of the drink (about 2 times) and began to place it not only in the beverage departments, but also in others, for example, bread or dairy.

Moreover, branded cars with a huge can of drink on top began to drive along city streets. Beautiful young girls were driving. On certain days, they stopped in crowded places and handed out cans of new energy drinks for free. Such complex and unusual product advertising brought results. The product became recognizable and took its place of honor alongside such giants as Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

If you want to advance yourself, remind you of useful and ordinary things

When promoting a new brand or trademark, they often use traditional approaches that do not bring results. For example, taxi companies choose tactics that have been proven for years, but are partially ineffective. Most often, they publish advertisements in the press, less often they make videos on TV, and even use asphalt to create a stenciled inscription indicating the name of the service and telephone number.

However, product advertising does not always have to be the same type and standard. Sometimes creative ideas are perceived much better by people. Moreover, skillfully presented and partially veiled advertising, which also brings a certain benefit to the buyer, will be an excellent tool.

This is exactly the approach taken by a Canadian taxi service called Mike. They not only printed advertising brochures with the address, telephone number and a brief description of the service, but also made a kind of map of local cafes and restaurants. A potential client opens such a booklet and sees which places serve the most delicious Viennese waffles. And then he reads the phone number and the name of the taxi service that can take him there. Original, isn't it?

There's no such thing as too much advertising

Advertising of a new product should be constantly in front of users. Representatives of the famous marketing company HBO used this method in their advertising. Shortly before the third part of the continuation of the cult series “Game of Thrones” began to be broadcast on big screens, a huge shadow of a winged dragon periodically appeared in newspapers, magazines, on transport and even on the walls of buildings.

Because of this successful, in our opinion, advertising stunt, people simply could not help but think about the release of a new season of the series. As a result, the number of viewers watching the series amazed the imagination of even the most malicious film critics. And the TV saga itself was recognized as the most successful project in the entire history of the marketing company. As it turns out, HBO advertisers know how to make product advertising noticeable and effective.

Great ideas don't grow in garden beds

Sometimes old rivalries are used to advertise new products. For example, a similar trick is clearly demonstrated by high-quality advertising of food products from a farm in Dallas. On the beautiful poster you can see fresh vegetables neatly packed in a red box. Notice the similarities? This picture looks like French fries from the famous McDonald's. And this is the confrontation between natural food from the farm and unpleasant fast food.

Advertising that evokes a surge of fantasy

Some PR people create advertising with a special meaning. And they do it in such a way that different people have the most unexpected associations. For example, this is the case with shoe advertising. When creating a bright poster for TM Brazilia Shoes, a white background was chosen, on which there were female legs in magnificent colored tattoos.

It is noteworthy that they were without shoes. The girl whose legs are shown in the photo stood up on imaginary heels. On the one hand, such advertising said that the advertised shoes were so light that you practically didn’t feel them. This was evidenced by the birds depicted on the legs and the legs themselves, raised on half toes. On the other hand, they seemed to emphasize that ordinary Brazilian girls do not wear shoes and this is the prerogative of wealthier ladies. Who knows what was meant? Perhaps the author just liked such graceful female legs?!

Successful product advertising: examples

The originality of PR people's ideas is sometimes off the charts. For example, the Orbit chewing gum company turned to graffiti artists for help. They, in turn, depicted huge faces of women and men on the asphalt. Moreover, instead of a mouth they had pits, drains, sewer and ventilation hatches.

Such product advertising (photo can be seen below) is symbolic and needs further explanation. In particular, with such drawings, the authors of the advertisement wanted to draw an analogy between a mouth with an unpleasant odor. In other words, if you haven’t eaten two Orbit records, your mouth will look like the one in the picture. Simple and clear.

In everyday life, people constantly encounter printed information of various kinds. But have you noticed that we pay attention to one text, and only glance at another? Why is this happening? All of them are compiled according to a certain algorithm: topic, content, contacts. This means that this matter has its own subtleties that need to be learned before starting to compile.

Advice: Remember the purpose of the ads. It is about ensuring that as many people as possible receive and assimilate information that encourages action.

Let's define the terminology. An advertisement is a type of written notice printed in a magazine, newspaper or posted in some prominent place in order to interest readers and, as a result, satisfy their needs.

To start, you need to think about the following questions:

  • For what purpose are you posting an ad (selling real estate, looking for employees, announcing a store opening)?
  • How to present content correctly?
  • What are some places you can use to effectively convey information to your audience? Usually the more there are, the better.

Now let’s take a closer look at all the components of the ad.


The headline can be compared to the face of your news. An interesting title can attract the attention of a potential client in seconds, forcing him to fully read the text. Remember that a trivial, inconspicuous headline can be the main reason why your alert goes unnoticed and does not bring any results. Seeing something repulsive in the title, a person will not even want to start reading, despite the fact that the text may be perfectly worded.

So, what are the nuances behind a successful title? Let's find out the details using an example of an advertising ad:

  1. First, use phrases that require immediate attention from the client. For example: “Only today!” or “For the first time in history!” Such a title should contain words that pull people out of their gray everyday life and draw them into a bright world. These may be expressions that a person does not see every day.

Important: the words “new”, “new” and their synonyms can only be used in the first six months after the product appears on the market.

  1. In the title, indicate the result you will help achieve. For example, when advertising a foreign language school, pay attention to the end result: the client’s goal is to speak fluent English (German, Polish, etc.). You can write: “You still don’t speak English? After our classes you will forget about the language barrier forever!”
  2. Present advertising as news. For example: “Researchers have discovered 5 secrets that can change the look of your hair forever.” A sensation always arouses interest, as many people are constantly looking for new ways and methods of solving problems. Remember that any product can become a new product.
  1. Do something nice for consumers. For example: “The first 3 months of the Internet are free,” “If you buy two shampoos, the third one is free!” Consider the feasibility of the offer for the client. If you offer a product that most people don’t need, then even a free promotion won’t work. Such a service must be without pitfalls, otherwise you will lose your reputation.
  2. Use intrigue. For example: “Did you know about these properties of dietary supplements?” or “Do you also make this mistake when choosing a tablet?” Our brain is designed in such a way that when we see a question, we begin to subconsciously look for an answer to it. Tasks that reveal the benefits of a product encourage the client to think about the need to purchase it. Do not use a question that can be easily answered, then the buyer will quickly make a decision against you.
  3. Add a title to the header. For example: “Your day will be great with Danone yogurt!” The main advantage of this approach is memorability. A person who reads such an advertisement will, if necessary, remember the brand of the product, and then, already in the store, most likely will choose it.
  4. Highlight the benefits. For example: “Internet installation - low prices, suitable tariffs, 2 years warranty.” By clearly and clearly formulating the “header” of your ad, you can win the reader’s attention.
  5. Use the words "before" and "after". For example: “After this product, your yellowed bathtub will be like new!” This way you give the buyer the opportunity to compare the current state with the effect that he can achieve as a result of cooperation with your organization.

Important: To create a catchy headline, you can combine the methods listed above. Write several options and choose the brightest and most creative one.


How to write an ad correctly? There are main factors influencing the reader’s perception of the entire text. Here are some of them:

  • Spelling. One of the main elements of success is the “body” of the ad. The presence of errors will ensure that even carefully crafted content fails. Readers react negatively to typos that catch their eye. To avoid this, re-read what you wrote several times or check it using special electronic programs. It is better to use the second method in addition to the first, since machine verification is not 100% reliable.
  • Concentration. The text is intended to reveal to the reader the content of the title. When writing about services, focus on the main topic and report on one type of service. Don’t get carried away by a lot of promises: they say, we’ll do everything at once. This does not happen, and the client will understand this. Encourage the consumer to make the right decision with verbs in the imperative mood: “Click!”, “Call!”, “Come!”.
  • Price. If your ad is of a commercial nature or indicates the cost of something, approach this issue responsibly. Research competitors' offers, analyze prices. Remember that an underestimated price can undermine confidence in the quality of the product, and a very overpriced one will scare away the client or force them to look for a more loyal pricing policy.
  • Uniqueness. Ad texts can be boring or interesting. To be effective, your offer must stand out from others. Include specifics in the text (for example, discount, guarantee, fast turnaround time, delivery, home service, free consultation). Please indicate how you can pay: bank transfer or credit card. At first glance, these are small things, but they can be the reason that an interested client will choose you among many others.
  • Knowledge of the matter. Provide facts that demonstrate that you personally understand what you are offering. Pay attention to experience. This is necessary so that the customer understands that he is dealing with a reliable person.

Background and photo

By adding a high-quality photo to your ad, you will already stand out among the mass of other faceless notifications. The customer is closer to purchasing the product and more interested if he sees an image of it. You can insert several pictures that show the product from all sides. This will help the future buyer make an informed choice. A few rules for creating a successful photograph:

  • Good natural lighting will best show off the details of your product.
  • Try not to use flash while shooting, as unnecessary shadows and highlights will distract attention.
  • Pay attention to the background: eliminate anything unnecessary, such as personal items.
  • Correctly determine the distance to the object; it should not be far or too close.

What about the background of a paper ad? By analyzing the rules, you can find useful tips:

  • A bright background attracts much more attention than a white one.
  • The red color is especially striking, but the main thing here is not to overdo it.
  • Use simple fonts, as intricate patterns can be difficult to read.


In order for a selling ad to bring you money, you definitely need to establish contact with a potential buyer. This is what feedback is for. Customers must be given the opportunity to communicate with the seller, shown that they can send ideas and wishes, complaints and dissatisfaction. This will show that the organization is interested in its consumers and that their opinions are important. For a seller, customers' ideas can become a reason to invent a new product. So, include as much contact information as possible in your ad: several phone numbers, email, a website, or an address where people can send letters.

Ad texts - examples

Taking all of the above into account, you can beautifully write your own ad. Where to start and where to end? This question is easy to answer with sample advertisements in front of you. Next, we'll look at examples of alerts that cover various topics.

About work

What do you need to include to create a job ad that will get a lot of people to respond to it? Here are the main components: title, description of the proposed position, place where you can apply (place of employment), separately - the address of the work, requirements for applicants, description of job responsibilities, contact information of the employer. It will be an advantage to indicate a high salary, although it is not always appropriate to mention its size.

Advice: in the requirements area, you must indicate the desired age, education, number of years of experience, and work experience in the desired industry.

What a successful ad looks like:

About the sale

Let's look at a few rules that underlie the announcement of each product sold. It is worth describing the following points: maximum information about the benefits, high-quality photos, a suitable price, truthful information about the contact person. For example, you need . Here's how to write an ad:

Selling the painting “Tree of Life”!

I also sell other oil paintings. Paintings on canvas (no frames), can be framed for an additional fee.

Size: 40 x 60 cm, consists of 3 equal-sized parts.

Price: 5,500 rubles.

I accept orders! Write, I will answer with pleasure.

Name: Alexander.

Contact number: 238-77-65.

About rental

Let's consider tips from realtors that will help you create effective text. It must include the following data: specific information about the object, transport links (if any), rental period, condition of the apartment (availability of repairs, furniture and appliances, television, Internet access), personal contact information. It is also worth indicating the requirements for future tenants, for example, “I will rent a room to a married couple,” and mention your attitude towards having pets. Here's a sample:

Rent a two-room apartment!

Apartment in a block-type building. The rooms and bathroom are separate, the loggia is glazed, there is enough furniture, a refrigerator, TV, Wi-Fi, and an automatic washing machine.

Total area: 56 m².

Floor: 13th.

Address: Petrozavodsk, st. Leonida Parfenova, no. 7.

Price: 10,000 rubles per month + utilities + electricity.

Additional Information: possible with children.

Contact details: Edward (phone: 587-76-54).

About missing animals

When composing such an advertisement, it is worth considering important details: adding a photograph, preferably in color, mention of the reward (do not indicate a specific amount), description of the pet (breed, gender, age, coat length, color, special features, presence of a collar or lack thereof), information about the area where the animal was lost. Example:

The dog is missing!

Moscow city. Last seen on January 10, 2018, in the area of ​​the Akademicheskaya metro station, near the Darwin Museum.

Breed: American cocker spaniel (red color).

Special signs:

  • The mouth is skewed to the left side;
  • There is a large mole under the eye.

Nickname: Amur.

Reward guaranteed! Call at any time of the day.

The contact person: Lesya.

Phone number: 811-34-54.

About the opening of the store

Compose such an announcement especially carefully, because you need to convince to attend the event, and people these days are lazy and slow-moving. An alert of this kind differs from others in the small amount of information. Data should be presented in the style of “What? Where? When?". In capital letters, you must indicate that a new establishment will open soon or a presentation will be held, indicate the time and place, describe what benefit the visitor will receive (sale, raffle, discount cards). Example of an ad from a department store:

In honor of the holiday:

  • When purchasing from 500 rubles - a guaranteed GIFT;
  • The main gift is a CERTIFICATE for purchases of 30,000 rubles (raffled between visitors).

About the provision of services

Your ad should be unobtrusive, but at the same time clearly necessary for the client. Properly written advertising is easy and enjoyable to read. Indicate the main points: specific name of the service; reasons why it should be ordered from you; describe what problem can be solved by using this service; write an adequate price.

Advice: Our goal is to increase our competitiveness. To do this, you need to achieve uniqueness. Is the service provided the same as everyone else? In this case, add an accompaniment. These could be temporary promotions, bonuses, discounts for the second referred client. You can prepare small surprises for everyone who contacts. People like these things and encourage them to act more decisively.

Below is an example of a successful ad.

Computer equipment repair and setup at home!

I am engaged in private practice, I have an engineering education and 10 years of experience in this field. I provide repair services for laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

I can offer:

  • installation of software of any kind;
  • selection of computers, purchase and assembly with further installation of network equipment;
  • improving Windows performance without reinstalling the operating system;
  • data recovery from various types of media;
  • cleaning the system, replacing thermal paste;
  • replacing the hard drive with an SSD;
  • replacement of the motherboard, power supply.

The price is negotiable, visit and diagnostics - 300 rubles without subsequent repairs, the rest - depending on the scope of work.

The contact person: Vyacheslav.

Mobile phone: 092-21-11.

There are two options for resolving this issue: free and paid placement. Of course, the opportunity to disseminate the necessary information without financial costs is always more attractive, but at the same time there is no guarantee that your ad will be effective and will be seen. Often on free sites, user posts end up at the very bottom of a long list after just a few days.

  • Blogs. The advantage of this option is the division of sites according to specific topics. There are free methods, as well as paid ones, where your products and services are advertised as . It is possible to order a banner that will be visible to everyone.
  • mass media. Even in times of information technology, people continue to receive a significant part of their information from printed publications. Why not contact your local newspaper about placing your ad? This will require money, but a large number of people will see the text. Don’t forget about media sites: if you contact the person in charge (administrator), you can agree on the publication of an advertising article or the placement of a banner.
  • Social media. Now social networks are confidently approaching the peak of popularity, so they can become a good platform for promoting your ad. There is a chance to become an administrator of a thematic group for free, but such activities will take a lot of time and effort. It is necessary to gain subscribers, establish communication with them, and answer questions from those interested. Many admit that with the right approach to business, this method is effective.

Where can I order an advertisement?

If you require quality and speed in promoting your publication, use the services of experts who know what it is. They can be found on all kinds of freelance exchanges. One of them is the site (not advertising!).

The order takes place in 3 steps:

  1. Posting your assignment indicating your requirements and wishes.
  2. Freelancers offering their services.
  3. Selecting the best one with analysis of reviews and length of stay on the site.

The price for such a service varies, but you have the right to set your budget and wait to see who agrees to these terms.

Advantages of this method:

  • Reliability. On exchanges, all performers are checked by the service administration before registration. An indicator of professionalism is reviews from grateful clients.
  • Speed. You won't have to wait long; within a few minutes after your publication, offers from performers will begin to arrive.

This option saves you effort and time, but may be a little expensive on your budget.

How to place an ad on Avito?

Avito is one of the largest trading platforms in Russia. Thousands of new advertisements for purchase and sale, provision of various types of services, etc. appear here every day. Officially, the site has been operating since 2007, and during this period it has managed to gain success among users.

No doubt you've thought about posting your message on this board. But there are certain rules for this:

  1. Heading. We have already written about how to make it catchy. It remains to add that you can focus on the number of views and calls: if this does not satisfy you, change the name of the publication and select several other options. What should not be written in the title of an ad on Avito? It is not allowed to indicate price, contact information, or website address in the title.
  2. Words to search. There are keywords in the Avito description that will help you find your ad among millions of others. To do this, use well-known expressions. For example: instead of saying "Cute hamsters", use "Cute hamsters". This way you have a better chance of being viewed.
  3. Structure. Divide your text into several paragraphs, so it will be easier for the reader to become familiar with its content.
  4. Simplicity. Using too literary language will discourage people from purchasing your product simply because it is difficult to understand its description.
  5. Reason for sale. The price that is normal for you may be too low or high for the buyer. It is better to immediately indicate why you are getting rid of this or that product. For example, you are selling a phone not because it is faulty, but because you have a new model. Such information reassures the potential client.
  6. Benefit. Don't forget to include in the text how your product can be used. Take the time to explain all the different ways it can be used. And the buyer who has done without a thermal mug realizes how much he needs it.
  7. Call to action. To encourage the client to make a purchasing decision, leave a certain intrigue that will only be resolved through a phone call. Let's say you offer to find out about the gift. Also show that the buyer has a unique opportunity that will not be repeated, such as purchasing at the old price (or there are a limited number of units left).

Save the article in 2 clicks:

By following the above tips, everyone is able to create a high-quality ad that achieves the desired effect. Whether you're at a gathering or just posting flyers on the street, make your copy more appealing to your audience.

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This article was produced by our experienced team of editors and researchers, who reviewed it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

If you run a business, you know that to attract consumers and get results you need advertising. A well-written advertisement attracts attention, stimulates interest in your product, and leaves consumers with a clear desire to purchase it. Skip to step one of this guide to learn the basic principles of writing compelling, powerful, and effective sales copy.


Mastering the Basic Principles

    Adapt the text to suit your audience. What consumers are you targeting? Ideally, everyone who reads your ad should want to buy the product. But in reality, you'll get better results if you tailor your copy to a specific segment of buyers who are inherently more interested in your product than the rest of the population. Use the language and concepts related to the audience your product is aimed at. This may alienate other groups of the population, but remember that the main goal is to reach the hearts of those who have the potential to become your “loyal customers”.

    • For example, if you are selling a service that allows consumers to self-publish their books, you should present the information with writerly elegance. This way, your target audience - people who have written books and want to publish them - will know that they are in good hands with your company.
    • If the product you are selling appeals to young people (for example, a new type of candy that will paint your mouth in all the colors of the rainbow), then throw out the formalities and speak in a language that your target audience understands - children who are willing to spend their pocket money on candy. which can force parents to buy them your sweets.
  1. Don't start with a question. You can use very unusual, creative and attractive questions, but stay away from standard opening phrases like “Do you want a new car?” Consumers have already read thousands of similar questions and are tired of answering them all the time. To capture their attention, you need to dig deeper. Find a creative, unusual way to tell others that you have what they need without asking the obvious questions.

    Tell us how to purchase the product. At the end, write a strong closing text that tells you what to do next. Provide readers with simple steps through which they can buy or explore the product.

    Improve your text

    Brevity is the soul of wit. Regardless of where you publish your text, it should be short, to the point and sweet. People don't have time to read ads that require them to spend more than 30 seconds (or even less). They come across your ad while doing something - reading an article or getting off the train or bus they are traveling on. You must create a strong impression in a minimum number of words.