Technology for raising broilers at home. Breeding broilers: is the business profitable and how to do it? Business plan for raising broilers for meat

One of the clear advantages of private home ownership in a village is the opportunity to organize a small business in your own yard without any difficulties or approvals. Breeding broilers at home is one of the most popular business ideas today.

How and where to start a business?

The main advantage of such a mini-enterprise is that it does not require huge investments and special skills, although it is also impossible to do without expenses and acquiring basic knowledge.

You should not immediately outline grandiose volumes; it is better to start with a small farm as an experiment. Then you will have the opportunity, without much damage, to gain experience and adjust the business plan in accordance with the real numbers.

There are two options for raising broilers at home:

  1. Purchase of one-day-old meat breed chickens.
  2. Purchase of eggs and their hatching.

As a rule, farmers choose the first method because both costs and risks are lower. Eggs are much cheaper than chicks, however, purchasing incubators is an expensive undertaking. In addition, a certain number of eggs most often turn out to be “rejected”, that is, the chickens from them will never hatch.

In most cases, broiler chicken farming begins for the purpose of producing and selling meat. Some farms specialize exclusively in breeding one-day-old chicks, the demand for which is always high. Large farms combine these types of activities.

Rooms and conditions for keeping poultry

The area of ​​the poultry house depends on whether poultry will be raised in it for the sale of meat or eggs will be hatched in incubators. Beginners are advised to start with the least troublesome and costly method - purchasing chickens and fattening them.

It must be taken into account that this type of chicken grows quickly - in just a couple of months they will be adults, large individuals. The minimum required area is 1 sq. m. for 10 birds.

It is important that the required temperature is constantly maintained in the chicken coop. Heat is of particular importance during the initial period of growth - the temperature should not be lower than 24° C, then it can be gradually reduced by a couple of degrees per week. To maintain this mode, you will need an incandescent lamp and.

It is necessary in the chicken coop, but drafts are absolutely contraindicated. Broilers do not need bright light, with the exception of small chickens.

Features of feeding

When drawing up a business plan, you should take into account the special, phased and necessary feed mixtures for each period. This entire cycle is divided into three stages:

  1. Pre-launch.
  2. Starting.
  3. Finishing.

The pre-launch period lasts 14 days, when chickens should be fed the mixture of the same name, starting with 10 g per day and increasing to 25.

Then the bird is transferred to the “start” until the 30th day of life, not exceeding 120g per day. The final stage of feeding continues until the chickens reach 2 months of age, when they are completely ready for slaughter. The daily norm is 140-160g.

Ready-made mixtures () contain the optimal complex of nutrients necessary for the most effective weight gain during each period of growth. If you plan to raise broilers as a business, it is better to refrain from experiments and follow a proven system. You should also not violate the quantitative feeding norms.

Broilers are less susceptible to diseases. However, it is imperative to keep the bedding, feeders and drinking bowls clean. In addition, you need to dilute the birds' menu with fresh grass. At home it is not so difficult.

Costs of raising broilers

Despite the fact that as a business, raising broilers is not a very expensive undertaking, you will still have to spend money. You can calculate the costs for a mini-farm of 500 broilers, but it will be approximate. As a rule, in fact, all figures are slightly adjusted due to changes in prices and other factors. Prices are given in US dollars.

So, the first stage is buying chickens. It is better to buy chickens no more than a few days old, they are the cheapest. One meat chicken costs an average of $0.40. Thus, it will cost approximately $200 to purchase 500 pieces.

You can build homemade cages for a total of $150. USA.

The minimum growth period for a broiler is one and a half months, which means it will take not 2500, but 3750 kg. With an average price of $0.25 per 1 kg, the total cost of feed will result in $930. Another $125 or so over the entire period will have to be spent on electricity and various overhead costs.

Income from sales

One of the reasons why broiler farming as a business is highly attractive is because it provides quick results. After just a month and a half of proper fattening, the chicken is ready for slaughter for a full-fledged meat carcass.

You should not raise a broiler for more than two months, as this will be a completely fruitless waste of feed.. In addition, the quality of meat deteriorates over time.

The average weight of a processed carcass is 1.5 kg. If we take into account the market price of chicken meat of 3 dollars per 1 kg, one bird can be sold for about 4.5 dollars.

Returning to the costs included in the business plan, we can calculate that the following fixed costs were incurred per bird:

  • to buy a chicken – 0.4 dollars;
  • for fattening - $1.85.
  • for electricity and related expenses – $0.25.

We must not forget about the construction of cells. But the amount spent will pay for itself after the first sale of the product.

So, the total cost of raising one individual will be approximately 2.5 US dollars. Thus, at a price of $4.5 per carcass, each chicken will bring $2 in profit in one and a half to two months.

I must say, 44.4% is more than high profitability for a small business at home. Although, if we were talking about 100 chickens and fattening them, the profit would be only $200!

It is unlikely that this amount would be worth so much trouble and labor. But for 500 birds the profit is quite significant - $1000. If the outcome is successful, the second batch of chickens can be increased to 1000 pieces, and the income can already be 2000 dollars.

It turns out that, having decided to raise broilers for subsequent slaughter for meat, it is advisable to start not with small, but with medium volumes. With a competent approach to business, the risks are low, and most importantly, completely justified.

There are many directions to choose in the agriculture niche. You can take up crop farming and grow greens, cabbage, strawberries, flowers and other crops, or you can start raising rabbits, chickens, and broilers. Raising broilers for meat is a fairly profitable business, especially if you follow the rules for raising broiler chickens.

How to start raising broilers?

It is important to decide what you ultimately want to get. If you are interested in how to raise broilers at home for the needs of your family, then extensive breeding technology is suitable. When you plan to breed broilers at home for a profitable business, you need intensive technology.

Extensive technology

There is only one advantage, but for many it is decisive. Keeping and raising broilers at home requires minimal investment, saving time and effort.

To breed 100 birds, an area of ​​10 square meters is enough. meters (excluding utility rooms).

Extensive technology involves floor breeding, selection of unpretentious poultry breeds, and the use of inexpensive feed and fertilizer.

Steps to raise broiler chickens at home for beginner poultry keepers:

  • Selection of premises. Selected at the rate of 1 square per 10 heads. In addition to the calculated area, you need to take into account the area for storing equipment and feed storage. For utility rooms, 5 square meters is enough. meters.

So, to breed broilers of 100 heads, you will need a room of at least 15 square meters. meters.

When raising broilers all-season, you need a heated room.

  • Preparing the premises. The main thing is to create conditions where the percentage of diseases is reduced. This is the cleanliness of the room and the flow of fresh air.

It is necessary to organize forced ventilation (natural ventilation will not be enough if there is a high density of birds per 1 square meter). The walls of the room must be plastered and freshly whitewashed before releasing the birds.

The floors are prepared as follows: a layer of sawdust or straw is poured onto a thin layer of lime.

When planning, you also need to take into account the location of the feeders, so that when feeding you do not disturb the bird once again. It is better to raise the drinking bowls to a level at which the water will splash the least.

  • Purchase of necessary tools, feed and nutritional supplements. You can make feeders and drinkers yourself, and it’s also easy to put together a feed storage facility, dividing it into sections for grain, mixed feed and food additives.
  • Breed selection. Extensive technology is not always suitable for expensive and meaty breeds.

For the extensive method, the Cochin, Cornish, Brahma, Langshan, Faverol, and Dorking breeds are suitable. If you are confident in your abilities, then it is a good idea to purchase the ROSS308 breed, the difference of which is that adult chickens have good egg production. And this, in the presence of an incubator, solves the issue of replenishing young animals.

  • Purchase of poultry. Chickens require the care of an experienced owner.

It will be optimal if you choose chickens that are between a week and two weeks old. When choosing, focus on the appearance of the chicken: there should be no visible defects or significant differences in size. The main sign of health is mobility; chickens with poor bone structure usually do not survive to slaughter. Recent studies have shown that the final weight of our broiler carcass directly depends on the growth rate of the chicken in the first 7-10 days. Therefore, it is not recommended for beginning farmers to take chickens less than 7 days old.

Intensive technology

Technology requires effort, time and investment. But broiler breeding will become a profitable enterprise. Raising broilers in cages at home will be the main argument in favor of intensity.

  • Heated room. In addition to forced exhaust, for the flow of fresh air, you will also need a forced supply (with heating during the cold period).
  • Special cells. Raising broiler chickens at home for beginners will be more rewarding if you use cages. Cages are needed not only for the efficient use of room space. Another important factor with cages is the ability to automate feeders and drinkers.

In addition, cages make it easier to clean up litter (litter is collected on special trays).

Keeping birds isolated from each other significantly reduces the risk of transmitting infectious diseases.

In addition, the cages limit the bird’s mobility, which helps accelerate weight growth.

  • Selection of breeds. To breed broilers at home for beginner poultry farmers using intensive technology, you need to select a breed. The “commercial” category of breeds are the so-called crosses, breeds with a specific selection focus. Of the domestic breeds, Smena 8 is considered the best, and of imported breeds, KOBB500.

Such broiler chickens are distinguished not only by the rapid gain of meat mass, but also by the “commercial” appearance of the carcass - the color of the skin is clean, white.

  • Care. Broiler rearing in care cages is different from floor rearing. The answer to the question “how to raise broilers at home” mainly lies in the features of caring for the bird. The diet and proper care of the bird guarantee that the business will have good profits.
  • Storage and sale of poultry meat. The mistake of novice entrepreneurs is that, when investing in production, they forget about the commercial side of the matter. Raising is an important task, but it’s not enough to just raise chickens, because if you can’t preserve and sell the meat, then your idea of ​​earning money will be in serious jeopardy.

Therefore, what is important is not so much how to keep broilers at home, but how to take care of refrigeration equipment.

Even before you get chickens, try to negotiate with retail outlets about sales and find the necessary authorities for product certification.

How to care. The secret of the “supertushka”.

If, in addition to regular feeding and cleaning, you apply some other care secrets, you can speed up the growth of broilers and ultimately get massive “super birds” at the same cost as with traditional breeding.

  • Start. To start raising chickens, it is better to choose the spring months - March or April. At this time, it is still cold outside the house, so the chickens will have to be kept at home for the first weeks.

A passage is cut out in the combined walls. In one box we have feeders and drinkers, and in the other there will be a compartment for rest.

Above the “bedroom” you need to hang a lamp, the power of which depends on the temperature in the house; when it’s warm, 40 watts will be enough.

The warmth for the chickens can be adjusted by the height of the lamp above the box: if the chickens do not lie down under the light spot, it means they are hot, the lamp needs to be raised. If they gather in a heap under a lamp, it’s cold. Normal warmth when the chicks are spread evenly throughout the box.

For the first time, the chickens are given crumbled egg yolk mixed with millet and a syrup consisting of a teaspoon of sugar and a liter of boiled water.

  • Preventive measures. There are many opinions about drug prevention. Many experts believe that this is necessary. Therefore, on the second day we feed the chickens with Enrofloxacin (1 dose per liter) (feed for three days in a row).

For three days, the chickens' feet are rinsed in vodka in the morning and evening.

From days 4 to 6, chickens are given a solution of ascorbic acid (1 sachet per 3 liters) to stimulate the immune system.

The seventh day is the beginning of the addition of biovit and chiktonik solution. Biovit is given once a day along with feed, in the proportions of 1 teaspoon per 50 chickens. Duration – 2 weeks. Chiktonik in the proportion of 1 dose per liter of water, for 10 days.

Most chicken diseases occur due to improper drinking of water. Water must always be present: fresh, clean and at room temperature (18 - 22C), chickens do not drink water with a temperature above 30C. The water needs to be changed several times a day.

When feeding broilers at home in the form of additional calcium and vitamin “D”, they give the drug “Calcemin”, dripped into water 2-3 days a week.

Manganese is also added to the water a couple of times a week to prevent the disorder.

  • Temperature conditions.

I week: 33 °C

Week II: 30 °C

  • Nutrition

If you decide to raise broilers for sale, then only feed will suit you. When feeding with feed, you will have a broiler carcass in 40-45 days of growing it weighing 2400 kg. Feeding front 6-10 cm per beak. Below is a table of 4-period feeding of chickens.

Chicks are gradually tamed to adult food. But fattening is implied from the first days.

In the first days, the chicks are given a boiled egg and millet.

Starting from the third day, you can add finely chopped greens to your food. If there is no grass in the yard yet, then grain is sprouted for this purpose.

By the fifth day, vitamins and crushed shells are added to the diet.

Starting from four weeks of age, part of the feed (10-15%) can be replaced with crushed wheat and corn in equal proportions. If this additive does not cause distress in the chicken, then we increase the share of the crushed mixture to 35-40% of the total diet.

Older chickens are fed with soaked feed, chopped fish or other seafood. Fermented milk products are also good for weight gain: cottage cheese, yogurt.

The rule that must be followed to get a super carcass: the feeder should always be full, but the food in it should not turn sour.

How to calculate the payback of a broiler farming business?

Start over. It is best to start such a business in rural areas. Even if there is no barn, you can always put one together. There is no point in registering a legal entity yet; to begin with, the consumers of broiler meat will be your acquaintances and the acquaintances of your acquaintances.

We start raising chickens in May, in the south it is possible from March-April. We accept that every month we will buy 80-100 seven-day-old chicks. Thus, in 4.5 months of summer we will be able to grow 320-400 heads.

Purchasing 100 seven-day-old chicks (“Change 8”) will cost 100*90=9000 rubles. Conventionally, we believe that in our project there will be no mortality of broilers.

Chicken coop equipment. We are not going to build an industrial-scale farm, so we don’t need expensive equipment. For equipment, we will need feeders and drinkers for chickens, infrared lamps, heaters, and a thermometer. Everything can be bought secondhand, the estimated cost of all equipment is 5,000 rubles.

Since we will be raising broilers using the floor method, the additional starting costs for sawdust and straw on the floor in the chicken coop will be 500 rubles. Further, the cost of straw when changing it will be taken into account in other expenses.

We will summarize the obtained figures into a general table of required investments.

Table 1. Investments in broiler farming.

Purchase of equipment

Buying chicks

Working capital

Total investment

The calculation of the amount of feed is as follows.

Table 2. Feed calculation.

At an average wholesale cost per 1 kg. – 150 rubles, average weight – 3.5 kg. We will calculate the revenue.

Table 3. Private household revenue

Let's put the available expenses into a table and see the total for the year.

Table 4. Costs

Table 5. Income and expenses plan

Let us summarize the data obtained to calculate the payback and profitability of the planned private farm for raising broilers.

Table 6. Calculation of revenue and profitability

Even superficial calculations suggest that breeding broiler chickens at home for beginning poultry farmers can be the first confident step into their own business. Growing broiler chickens at home is available to everyone if desired.

Today, many people want to live well and get rich. Some people wonder how to raise broilers and where to sell them then? Will this bring positive results and significant revenue? There is an answer, raising broilers is profitable!

We are talking not only about financial enrichment, but also about the live meat that you will have on your farm. After all, broilers are a food product, you will always be sure that this meat is without antibiotics or other negative impurities or chemicals. From this perspective, raising broilers has become very popular and profitable at home. After all, if we consider the issue of raising chickens for meat supply, this is perhaps the ideal option.

Naturally, a broiler bird is not an ordinary chicken. Such an animal matures much faster and gains live weight. If you do everything correctly (care for, feed), then in a couple of months you can get a broiler’s net weight of up to 4 kg. Of course, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance; there are also minor difficulties in growing. Such difficulties concern small chickens and baby broilers. They are quite tender than ordinary chicken babies, and accordingly require more attention and scrupulousness, especially in the first weeks of their existence.

Growing and breeding broilers at home

Before starting such a business, you should at least try to raise a dozen broilers from a very young age, and only then send them for sale. If you start growing it first, you can kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, you yourself will experience all the theoretical knowledge in practice, you will have a clear idea of ​​the whole process, and already during cultivation it will be clear whether it is profitable to put them on sale, whether the cost part will pay off. Even if at first glance it seems that such a business is not profitable, you should not be upset, because for your efforts you will receive fairly good meat in good quantities. When raising chicks, the first three weeks are the most difficult. Sometimes people despair, become disillusioned with their chosen business and begin to look for other ways to make a profit.

Broiler breeds

Although it seems that broilers do not have such a clear breed, there are still some varieties, they are called crosses. The most common and early ripening crosses:

  1. One of the most famous crosses is Cobb 500. The subspecies is very effective and popular due to its tenacious qualities and the ideal ratio of weight gain to food consumed. In addition, the color of the carcass of this subspecies is very beautiful and has a pleasant yellow color, this is a good external indicator for sales. In one month, broilers grow up to 2 kg, during this period and another ten days it is recommended to kill the broiler.
  2. Very fast weight gain has a subtype called Ross 308. So the gain per day is approximately 60 grams. The disadvantage of Ross 308 is its pale tint of the carcass. Over a period of two months, the weight of the carcass is equal to two kilograms. Just two months is the most optimal period for slaughtering broilers.
  3. is a brother of Ross 308. This subspecies gains maximum weight in a month, 40 days, and the carcass weight gains 3 kg. This category of broiler is considered optimal today. The only downsides are the pale color and high price.
  4. The lowest consumed type of broiler is broiler-61; this category eats 2 kg of feed and gains 1 kg of live weight.

After purchasing the chicks, they need to be fed with medications, this will strengthen their health and immune system. Any distributor at a veterinary pharmacy will tell you how and what to water them with, although you can also get this information from those people who sell chickens. In the first ten days, broilers gain their health and immune system; if a small broiler gets sick, freezes or gets wet, then it will be lethargic for the rest of its days, and will not gain the required weight. In the first month, the chicks are very tender; they need a lot of attention and warmth, and the warmth should be in the literal sense. Babies should be kept warm. In addition to such procedures, their nutrition deserves a separate topic. In order for broiler chickens to quickly and fully gain weight, they must eat from the heart, with all their strength, accordingly, the feeders must always be full, this applies to both food and water. We will return to the issue of food later. It is still very important to make a warm abode for the chicks in the first days. Red lamps can help. As a rule, one such 250W lamp is used, but if a line for raising broilers is installed, then several lamps are used, but of lower power.

Also, baby broilers need sufficient space, this is necessary for their movements. Since they are not athletes and won't run that much, they just need a place to move away from the lamp when it gets too hot and come back under the lamp when it gets cool. It is worth considering that the lamp will not turn off during the first three weeks until the little chicks get stronger. Of course, the lamp can be turned off for a certain period, but you need to feel the edge and turn it on so that the broilers do not freeze. The signal will be their squeak so that it will be clear when to turn it on.

It is worth noting an important point. Small broilers should not have cold feet. So floor insulation is also an important part. Naturally, insulation is achieved in different ways, but if you decide to start growing it at your dacha, then the easiest and cheapest way is to lay a layer of hay, put a polyethylene film on top of it and then a piece of cotton rag. Of course, this method is not very pleasant, because the rag will have to be changed twice a day, a kind of “diaper”. If you have a lot of broilers and the process is put on line, then, of course, this method will not work.

Food and accommodation

In the chosen business, you should not forget about the important cost part called food and housing. The easiest way to feed birds is to give them feed. So you will need feeders and drinkers, which you can build yourself, or you can purchase in specialized stores. Feeders will help reduce the hassle of feeding broilers. For a clear example, if you feed broilers without using dry mixtures, then the birds will need to be fed 6 times a day. The intervals between such feeding are about three hours, and breaks are made only at night from 21:00 to 06:00. Such feeding requires giving both dry food and mash. At the same time, the mash should not linger in the feeders, because it quickly deteriorates.

The important point is that if raising broilers is a business and then the fattened chickens go for sale or slaughter, then you cannot do without compound feed. Compound feed includes many useful and necessary microelements and substances for broilers. So he will be able to fully ensure their rapid and full growth.

As for housing for broilers, a small box may be suitable for them, of course, if there are not hundreds of chickens, but if the option with a box is not very suitable, then the cage can also become a home. Moreover, building a cage will not be difficult. Such birds are raised for distant slaughter, so they do not need a lot of space. Their route should be from the lamp, where it is nice and warm, to the feeder and waterer, but also a small free area so that the chickens can cool off by moving away from the lamp. Approximate square footage for broiler livestock: 1 square meter for 30 chickens. meter, before slaughtering the bird, in adulthood they already need 1 square. meter for 10 broilers, this is approximately 8 weeks. Using this data, you can roughly calculate and build housing for the birds. Practice shows that when broilers reach the 4th week, during the period when they are no longer basking under the lamps, they are released from cages, boxes into a barn or large rooms. Having taken this step, do not forget about cleanliness and replacement of the litter.

Broiler breeding for sale

One of the important factors in raising broilers is a reliable and constant supplier. It depends on the supplier how high quality the chickens will be and whether he will slip a “pig in a poke”. The first rule when choosing a young broiler is not to chase the low cost “the miser pays twice.” The second important factor is the external behavior of the young animals and appetite. A healthy chicken is very mobile and clearly reacts to sharp sounds. The broiler's sleepy appearance and low activity indicate poor health or maintenance of the chickens; it is better not to buy these. You should also look at the back of each baby; the butt should be clean without any fecal residue. Broiler fluff should have a shiny appearance and be soft. To accurately understand the situation with the health of chickens and their activity, you can place a small batch of broilers in a box during purchase and drum your fingers on the side of the box. If the chickens are healthy they will follow the sound. Never buy broilers from factories. These people will never sell normal birds; they take them to their factory and sell them as defective birds, sometimes for ridiculous amounts of money.

Having tried to breed a small flock, it will become clear what the main costs will be (feed, electricity) and it will become obvious how profitable it is to raise poultry for sale. The geographical location should be taken into account, because the cost of meat varies in different areas. There are also different feedstuffs, both in cost and quality. But in 80% of cases, broilers for sale are a very profitable business. When raising a small herd, the cost part may seem large, but if it is a breeding line, then all the costs will wash away.

For example, on farms when raising a large number of broilers, they use deep litter or a mesh floor; this also allows them to earn money by selling valuable fertilizer. Also, the heating is computerized with temperature sensors; when the mark on the thermometer reaches the desired temperature, the lamps go out; when the space begins to cool, the lamps turn on. This computerization allows you to save on electricity. In any case, the details of the business plan and all calculations must be made based on the location.

Broilers can be sold in markets that specialize in agricultural activities. There you can sell poultry as meat and as a product for resale. Broilers can also be offered to markets or other stores, or to simple single buyers. The profitability of such a business is quite high.

Possible risks

The main risk that can be encountered in this matter is the mortality of chickens. Although the mortality rate is very high, with proper care and compliance with all rules and requirements, broilers will grow very quickly. In order for chickens to grow normally and not die, they must not eat food from the table, that is, human food. No vermicelli, meat, or bread should fall into the chicks’ feeder.

As a result, it can be noted that people did not just come up with automatic drinkers, automatic feeders, etc. All this was invented to save time. Take advantage of this.

The boiler breeding business falls into the category of profitable ideas. Broiler is a type of chicken that is raised by farmers and villagers for meat. In the business of raising these chickens, there are two types of farming - fattening adult chickens with further slaughter and breeding small chickens for sale. A poultry farm will bring profit to its owner only when a business plan is drawn up correctly and certain aspects are developed.

Broiler breeding concept

Poultry farming is very different from livestock farming in terms of economy. To raise, for example, a cow for meat, a farmer needs to spend up to two years, and to fatten broilers it takes a little more than two months.

The poultry farm has the following activities:

  • breeding chickens and feeding them;
  • breeding chickens using incubators;
  • obtaining new species, breeds of chickens and crossing them;
  • sale of poultry meat and related products;
  • production of compound feed.

To get big profits, you need significant investments. When it is not possible to organize the raising of broilers as a business on a large scale, try to raise chickens. The price of 1 egg is 10 rubles/piece, and live chickens are three times more expensive. Profitable sales of poultry quickly recoup the funds spent on purchasing eggs.

Positive aspects and risks of business

The obvious advantages of a chicken business are the short time it takes to raise them and the minimal area of ​​the chicken coop. With rational feeding, a broiler reaches up to 2 kilograms of weight in 2–2.5 months. In a chicken coop with an area of ​​1 sq. m. fits 25 heads.

Important: Breeding broilers does not require additional costs for the purchase of equipment or the purchase of exclusive feed. They just need a bright and warm room, regular and balanced nutrition.

Risks in this business may be as follows:

  • infections that lead to the death of birds;
  • low-quality feed, which inhibits the development of broilers;
  • regular increase in prices for poultry meat.

To ensure that the entrepreneur does not suffer from the identified risks, purchase eggs only from verified poultry farms, which can present certificates for the goods upon request. Hatchery stations offer small chicks for sale with a quality guarantee. Try to fatten as many chickens as you can keep and sell.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a poultry farm

Of course, breeding broilers at home as a business requires compliance with mandatory conditions. You need to register your farm as an individual enterprise and choose suitable premises. To begin, purchase a small number of chickens to assess all the advantages and risks of your future business.

Business registration and certification

You can register your business under several categories:

  • farming (farm);
  • individual entrepreneur (IP);
  • limited liability company (LLC).

The table below contains a complete list of documents for registration.

For individual entrepreneursFor LLCFor farming
Application from an entrepreneurForm P11001 (Application for state registration)Copy of owner's passport
Passport and its copyReceipt for payment of state duty
Receipt for payment of state dutyMinutes of the founders' meetingForm P21002 (application to open a farm)
Agreement on the establishment of a companyTax notice (extract)
Notification (extract) about
Copy of the company's charter

Important: After submitting a complete package of documents for his activities, the entrepreneur receives permission from the fire inspection authorities and the sanitary and epidemiological service. In the future, farm products must be accompanied by a certificate and certificates of quality compliance.

Requirements for the site and premises of the chicken coop

There are some features of keeping birds in a chicken coop, and they are regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

  1. Premises for keeping birds must be fenced and equipped with gutters for drinking water.
  2. The walking area is protected from the main area.
  3. Ventilated and clean room.
  4. The floors are covered with sawdust or straw.
  5. The holding room is equipped with a ventilation system.
  6. Feeders and shelves are convenient for eating.
  7. Electric heating of the room.
  8. Availability of lighting system.

Broilers are usually housed in special cages or on the floor of the chicken coop. The floor should be covered with wood shavings or straw. Renew the litter whenever you change broiler batches.

Use automatic drinkers and tray feeders. For week-old chickens it is better to use drinkers with a vacuum, for adult broilers - automatic ones.


For large-scale production, an entrepreneur will need more assistants. If a farmer sees his broiler chicken farm as a business with minimal investment, it will be enough to hire the following personnel:

  • electrician - 1 person;
  • mechanic - 1 person;
  • poultry house - 2 people;
  • general workers - 2 people;
  • watchman - 1 person

Important: For a business to be profitable, you should choose reliable employees who are not afraid of dirty work and have experience interacting with birds.

Purchase of equipment

To breed chickens for sale you will need an incubator. It is very important to choose models with ventilation and a battery with autonomous mode. This will help avoid overheating of the birds in case of unexpected lighting interruptions.

To raise broilers you need the following equipment:

  1. Feed chute.
  2. Drinking bowls.
  3. Heating lamps 100 W.
  4. Ventilation system.
  5. Fan heater.

Important: Uneven heating can cause the death of birds.

How to choose eggs and chicks

To obtain high-quality broilers, it is customary to use the method of crossing meat breeds. The result is a hybrid bird with a higher level of productivity. Pay attention to dominant and successive chicken breeds. Their advantage is rapid growth and weight gain.

Important: Try to choose chicks that are two weeks old. They should be clean, their feathers smooth, and their eyes clear. The wings must be proportional, intact and fit snugly to the body. Fluffy feathers on chickens indicate their excellent health.

When choosing eggs to put in the incubator, pay attention to their smooth surface, weight and even shape. Try to purchase birds and eggs for rearing at industrial enterprises. Purchasing goods from the market for breeding poultry for meat cannot guarantee healthy offspring.

Features of keeping and feeding birds

During the first days of life, little chicks are force-fed. Their diet includes small pieces of eggs and dairy products. Compound feed for small chicks is gradually added to the diet. A chicken needs about 5 grams of food per day.

Grown-up chickens are given grated cabbage and carrots, dandelion leaves, and chopped nettles as food. Compound feed is added to the diet. The norm of food in the second week of life is 20 grams.

After two weeks, the birds are given pieces of fish, small greens and grated potatoes. You can add soy or baker's yeast to the feed.

After three weeks, you need to gradually introduce meat and bone meal, grains and legumes into the diet.

At one month of age, chickens should be fed with mixed feed and broiler mixtures. To be on the safe side, you can prepare the feed yourself, taking into account the standards for chickens and adult birds.

For little chicksFor adult broilers
Wheat grains - 20%Bone meal - 20%
Chopped grass - 5%Feed yeast - 5%
Corn shuck - 50%Wheat - 15%
Baker's yeast - 5%Corn - 48%
Fishmeal - 10%Ground chalk - 1%

To purchase quality food, you should evaluate:

  • its composition and flowability;
  • cleanliness;
  • Are the granules even?
  • amount of minerals;
  • speed of swelling.

In addition to timely and carefully selected nutrition, chicks need vitamins for growth. With the intake of vitamins, after two weeks of life, chickens increase in weight, which leads to increased profits.

Broiler growing technologies

A well-drafted business plan for raising broilers will help you choose the right poultry premises, purchase equipment, prepare the necessary feed, and develop a diet. If you are planning to raise broilers to produce meat and then sell it, it is very important to organize the technological process correctly.

To get meat

The technology involves raising meat chickens until they are two months old - then their weight will be up to 2 kg. The products should be sold in the future in the form of processed carcasses. Processing a broiler carcass makes it possible to obtain a large amount of meat and other parts for sale. The percentage of clean meat yield from a carcass weighing 2 kg is about 70%.

For sale of chickens

The correct technological process for raising chickens guarantees high quality products. With proper maintenance and compliance with the diet, the chicken grows quickly, gains weight and acquires a marketable appearance. This method can be practiced at home, even in the smallest garden plot.

Slaughter and preparation for sale

When the broiler growing cycle has come to an end, you need to use the services of a slaughtering specialist. The bird is not fed 10 hours before slaughter. They begin to catch them carefully, without unnecessary injuries. Slaughter scheme and preparation for sale:

  1. Trapping and slaughter.
  2. Decapitation.
  3. Evisceration and dismemberment.
  4. Processing and washing.
  5. Package.
  6. Freezing.

Sales of finished products

The implementation time should be agreed upon in advance. An entrepreneur will be lucky if he finds a regular buyer for his products. A good option would be to sell products:

  • On the market;
  • in butcher shops and retail outlets;
  • at collection points for chicken products;
  • independent sale.

Important: Additional income can come from selling eggs and small chickens. To ensure that farm products are in demand, sell quality products.

Business advertising

There is considerable competition among chicken farms. The quality of farm products is much higher than factory products, so when advertising your product, focus on the ecology of meat. Try to promote your business:

  • on the Internet and on your own website;
  • using business cards;
  • advertising posters;
  • on city notice boards;
  • at agricultural fairs.

Conclusions: is broiler farming really profitable?

Only an enterprising person can start a business from scratch. Profitability can be assessed after some time, about a year. Then you can make your first profit and think about expanding your farm. The main thing is to quickly find places to sell your products and have valid quality certificates.

Natural farm products are always in demand. For a novice farmer, the idea of ​​​​breeding broiler chickens as a business will provide an opportunity to evaluate their abilities and receive rewards for their work.

Breeding broilers as a business is a profitable business. If you decide to organize your income in this way, you will need to know the basics: what is required for cultivation, what are the costs and what will be the profit from this business idea. Next, we will discuss whether raising chickens is profitable or not, and also provide tips that will allow you to make money from broilers at home.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to decide how you will raise chickens and what kind of sales you will engage in.

There are 2 ways to run a home business using broilers:

  1. Buying eggs and an incubator for them. A good method for those who want to engage in this type of income for a long time, because... incubators save your costs. But this method also has a disadvantage, that not all eggs can hatch.
  2. Purchasing chickens. You buy broiler chickens and raise them without thinking about incubation. A fairly simple method that saves you time.

Let's consider how much profit you can get in each option, as well as how much money you need to spend on it.

Calculations and comparisons

When choosing a way to run a broiler business from scratch, the question will arise: “at what age should I sell?”

If you want to make money by selling meat at home, you first need to buy broiler chickens, and then feed them for 70-80 days (during this time their carcass should gain about 2 kg). After 80 days, chickens begin to be slaughtered for sale, because... breeding them beyond this period is considered not economically feasible.

If you want to raise chickens for sale, keep in mind that the birds grow quickly, gaining weight and needing more space. If there is no such problem, then feel free to take on this business.

So, let’s compare which way to make money from broilers at home is more profitable.

1 broiler egg costs from 8 to 10 rubles. After a chicken hatches from an egg, it already costs from 25 to 30 rubles. In one season (January-August) 8-10 incubations are carried out. In turn, adult broilers cost 80-90 rubles per kg of weight.

Let's roughly calculate how much profit will be. Let's take the highest price. An egg will cost 10 rubles, a chicken – 30 rubles, and a broiler – 200 rubles per 2 kg.