Alternative globalization 7th technological order. Technological structure. Concept, characteristics, impact on economic growth. It's all about psychology here.

I looked at Karaganov's website to read what he thinks about life there. And he writes about the sixth technological order, about which, they say, no one in Russia has ever heard of. Interested. It turned out that some people think about the seventh and this will be the time when psychology will merge in ecstasy with physics. I want everyone to live.

“The concept of the technological order was put into circulation by Russian economists D.S. Lvov and S.Yu. Glazyev. According to the most common point of view, the technological order is a set of technologies characteristic of a certain level of production development. In connection with scientific and technological progress, there is a transition from lower ways to higher, progressive ones. The foundations of the subsequent technological order are born, as a rule, during the period of domination and flourishing of the previous or even the previous one. But until the previous way has exhausted all the possibilities of its development, the sprouts of the next way remain in the shadows and do not receive wide development. Conventionally, it is considered that the duration of the technological order is 50–60 years. To date, economists identify 5 existing ways and talk about the onset of the 6th.

The first way (1785–1835) arose on the basis of the development of technologies in the textile industry and the widespread use of water energy. Although at that time there were already steam engines, they were not yet widely used.

The second order (1830–1890) refers to the era of accelerated development of transport (construction of railways, steam shipping) and the emergence of mechanical production in all industries based on a steam engine.

The third order (1880–1940) is based on use in industrial production electrical energy, the development of heavy engineering and electrical industry based on the use of rolled steel, new discoveries in the field of chemistry. Radio communication, telegraph, automobiles were introduced. There were large firms, cartels, syndicates, trusts. The market was dominated by monopolies. The concentration of banking and financial capital began.

The fourth order (1930–1990) appeared as a result of the further development of energy using oil and oil products gas, communications, new synthetic materials. This is the era of mass production of cars, tractors, aircraft, various kinds weapons, consumer goods. Computers and software products for them, radars appeared and became widespread. Atom is used for military and then for peaceful purposes. Organized mass production based on conveyor technology. The market is dominated by oligopolistic competition. Transnational and international companies that made direct investments in the markets of various countries.

The fifth order (1985–2035) is based on achievements in the field of microelectronics, computer science, biotechnology, genetic engineering, new types of energy, materials, development outer space, satellite communications, etc. There is a transition from disparate firms to a single network of large and small companies connected by an electronic network based on the Internet, carrying out close interaction in the field of technology, product quality control, and innovation planning.

The sixth technological mode will be characterized by the development of robotics, biotechnologies based on the achievements of molecular biology and genetic engineering, nanotechnology, systems artificial intelligence, global information networks, integrated high-speed transport systems. Within the framework of the sixth technological order, flexible automation of production, space technologies, the production of structural materials with predetermined properties, the nuclear industry, air transportation will be further developed. nuclear power, consumption natural gas will be supplemented by the expansion of the use of hydrogen as an environmentally friendly energy carrier, the use of renewable energy sources will be significantly expanded.

And what is the seventh technological mode? And isn't it too early to talk about it, even if the sixth order has not yet begun? In our opinion, it's not too early. As mentioned above, the sprouts of the next technological order always arise in the depths of the previous or even previous previous order. Today, our society is dominated by the fifth order. The contours of the sixth order are already clearly visible to everyone. And the sprouts of the seventh order are just beginning to erupt, and therefore they are visible only to those who are closely involved in the technologies of the seventh order. How will the seventh order differ from all the previous ones?

In our opinion, the fundamental difference between the seventh technological mode and all the previous ones will be the inclusion of human consciousness in the production. It can be said differently: human consciousness will become the same productive force that science once became. Such technologies can be called cognitive (English conscious - consciousness). Until now, the production of any product does not require the direct participation of human consciousness: in order to press a button on the machine and put the tool into operation, muscular effort is required, and even then only at the very initial stage, and then the worker can only observe the work of the tool, without interfering with his work. But in order to carry out this process, it is first necessary to manufacture a machine and spend great amount material, fuel, labor and time. However, when our consciousness itself becomes a productive force, we gain the ability to produce the product we need directly from the void, without resorting to to the preliminary manufacture of machinery or other equipment.

Full text here. But you can not read because bullshit.

First order (wave)

The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological order based on new technologies in the textile industry, the use of water energy.

Second order (wave)

The second wave (1830-1880) - the accelerated development of transport (the construction of railways, steam shipping), the emergence of mechanical production in all industries based on a steam engine.

Third order (wave)

The third wave (1880-1940) is based on the use of industrial production electrical energy, the development of heavy engineering and the electrical industry based on the use of rolled steel, new discoveries in the field of chemistry. Radio communication, telegraph, automobiles were introduced. Large firms, cartels, syndicates, trusts appeared. The market was dominated by monopolies. The concentration of banking and financial capital began.

Fourth order (wave)

The fourth wave (1930-1990) formed a way based on the further development of energy using oil and oil products, gas, communications, and new synthetic materials. This is the era of mass production of cars, tractors, aircraft, various types of weapons, consumer goods. Computers and software products for them, radars appeared and became widespread. The atom is used for military and then for peaceful purposes. Organized mass production based on conveyor technology. The market is dominated by oligopolistic competition. Transnational and multinational companies appeared, which made direct investments in the markets of various countries.

Fifth order (wave)

The fifth wave (1985-2035) is based on achievements in the field of microelectronics, computer science, biotechnology, genetic engineering, new types of energy, materials, space exploration, satellite communications, etc. There is a transition from disparate firms to a single network of large and small companies connected by an electronic network based on the Internet, carrying out close cooperation in the field of technology, product quality control, innovation planning.

Sixth and subsequent orders

According to Maxim Kalashnikov, the sixth techno-structure will be characterized by the following directions [ non-authoritative source?] :

  • Investing in a person, the education system of a new level
    • High humanitarian technologies, increasing the abilities of a person and organizations
    • New medicine (health development, health restoration)
  • Robotics, artificial intelligence, flexible systems"unmanned" production
  • Laser technology
  • New environmental management (high eco-technologies)
  • Compact and ultra-efficient energy, shift away from hydrocarbons, decentralized smart grids
    • Use of hydrogen as an environmentally friendly energy carrier
    • Perfect Energy Storage Devices
    • Biofuel from forestry and agricultural waste, as well as marine plants
    • New harmless technologies for the use of coal [ not in source]
  • Closing technologies in former industries (fund-, energy- and labor-saving)
  • New types of transport (heavy load, speed, range, low cost), combined transport systems
  • Manor urbanization of the "fabric" type, city-policies
  • Production of structural materials with predetermined properties
  • Chipization of all things and animals [not in source]
  • Designing a living
    • Technologies of assembly and destruction of social subjects
  • Designing and managing the future

see also



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See what the "Technological order" is in other dictionaries:

    Technological order- the concept of the theory of scientific and technological progress, introduced into domestic science by economists D.S. Lvov and S.Yu. Glazyev: a set of associated industries (interconnected technological chains) that have a single ... ...

    technological order- The concept of the theory of scientific and technological progress, introduced into domestic science by economists D.S. Lvov and S.Yu. Glazyev: a set of associated industries (interconnected technological chains) that have a single technical level and ... ...

    Covers a closed reproductive cycle from prey natural resources And vocational training personnel to non-productive consumption. Within the framework of technical specifications, a closed macro-production cycle is carried out, including the extraction and production of ... ... Glossary of business terms

    Way: Economic way Technological way List of meanings of a word or phrase with links to relevant articles. Es ... Wikipedia

    Technological order- the set of complexes of technologically related industries that has developed in the economy. The technological order assumes a single technical level of its constituent industries, connected by qualitatively homogeneous vertical and ... ... Dictionary " Innovation activity". Terms of innovation management and related fields

    Or a "socio-economic structure" - a type of economy based on a certain form of ownership of the means of production and the corresponding relations in the course of this production. The economic structure of society may not be limited ... ... Wikipedia

    Economic cycles Cycle name Characteristic period Kitchin cycle 3 4 years Juglar cycle 7 11 years Kuznets cycle 15 25 years Kondratiev cycle 45 60 years Kondratiev cycles (K cycles or K waves) periodic cycles of the modern world economy ... ... Wikipedia

    Technology- 1. According to the definition of E. Jancz, a wide area of ​​targeted application of the physical sciences, life sciences and behavioral sciences, which includes the entire concept of technology, as well as medicine, Agriculture, management organization and others ... ... Economic and Mathematical Dictionary

    technology- A set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties of the form of raw materials, material or semi-products in the production process. [MU 64 01 001 2002] technology 1. According to the definition of E. Jancz, a wide area of ​​targeted application ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

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  • Methodology and theory of innovative development of higher education in Russia. Monograph, Romanov E.V. Innovative development higher education is considered as an intellectual foundation, breaking through a new technological order in the context of implementing the concept of a new ...

Technological order- ... a set of related industries that have a single technical level and develop synchronously. The change in the technological structures that dominate the economy predetermines the uneven course of scientific and technological progress (author Lopatnikov, 2003)

Theory of Periodic Cycles of Development socio-economic formations is substantiated by a significant number of researchers. The largest number supporters has a model developed in the 20s last century, Soviet economist Nikolai Kondratiev. He drew attention to the fact that in the long-term dynamics one can observe the cyclical regularity of economic indicators. Kondratiev calculated that the phases of economic growth and recession phases alternate with a frequency of 45-60 years. Such fluctuations in the economy were called "Kondratieff cycles" by followers. The theory has a significant number of opponents and critical reviews, but nevertheless provides an opportunity to substantiate the timing of global crises, as well as periods and main drivers of active growth.

At the end of the 20th century, using new opportunities, the periods of "Kondratieff cycles" were specified and a model of technological structures was developed. The key characteristics of the ways are clearly illustrated by the table

"Periodization of technological patterns"

way of life

Main period

Significant event

Dominant Technologies



First industrial Revolution. Creation by R. Arkwright of the “Water frame” spinning machine and textile factory in Cromford

Water engine; Iron smelting; Iron processing; Canal construction.



The Age of Steam. Steam locomotive "Lokomotion No. 1", Railway Stockton - Darlington

Steam engine; Coal industry; mechanical engineering; Ferrous metallurgy; Machine tool building.



Age of Steel. Second industrial revolution. Establishment of the Edgar Thomson Steel Works in Pittsburgh based on the Bessemer converter.

Steel production; Heavy and electrical engineering; Shipbuilding; Heavy weapons; Not organic chemistry; Standardization; power lines.



Age of oil. The introduction of a conveyor belt at the enterprises of G. Ford, the beginning of the production of the Ford Model T car.

Automotive; Synthetic materials, Organic chemistry; Nuclear power; Electronic industry.



EpochIT. Scientific and technical revolution. The creation of the Intel 4004 microprocessor, the first use of the name "Silicon Valley"

Computer Engineering; Space technology; Telecommunications; Robotics; Artificial intelligence; Biotechnology.


?? 2007 - 2040 ??

Nanotechnologies. Intel announced the creation of a processor with structural elements less than 45 nm.

Technologies virtual reality; Nanoelectronics; Molecular and nanophotonics; Nanobiotechnology Nanosystem technology.

There is an opinion that Russia can get significant advantages by “jumping” from the 4th Technological Order to 6 TUs at once, without spending resources on catching up the developed countries in technologies of the 5th Technological order.

According to experts, the economy of Russia and the United States is represented by technologies of various modes in the following proportion:

way of life





Russian Federation










Prepared by the consultant of "SAVOR Consulting" Yanov I.V. based on the materials of published articles and speeches of the participants of the forum "TECHNOPROM 2013"

Technological order is one of the terms of the theory of scientific and technological progress (STP).

The world owes the appearance of this concept to the scientist-economist Nikolai Kondratiev. He held a responsible post in the Provisional Government of Kerensky, and then headed the famous Moscow Market Institute. Studying the history of capitalism, Kondratiev came to the idea of ​​the existence of large economic cycles lasting 50-55 years, which are characterized by a certain level of development of productive forces (“technological order, cycle”). The beginning of each cycle is characterized by the rise of the economy, while the end is characterized by crises, followed by the transition of the productive forces to a higher level of development.

Based on this and other theories, Russian economists developed the concept of technological modes. In the early 1990s, Dmitry Lvov and Sergei Glazyev proposed the concept of "technological mode" as a set of technologies characteristic of a certain level of production development, and identified five already implemented modes. Each such cycle begins when a new set of innovations is available to manufacturers. The foundations of the subsequent technological order are born, as a rule, even during the heyday of the previous, and sometimes the previous previous order.

The criterion for attributing production to a certain technological mode is the use in this production of technologies inherent in this mode, or technologies that ensure the production of products that, in terms of their technical or physical and chemical characteristics, can correspond to the products of this mode.

First technological order (1770-1830) - First industrial revolution. Based on new technologies textile industry, the use of water energy, which led to the mechanization of labor and the beginning of mass production.

Leading countries: UK, France, Belgium.

The second technological order (1830-1880) is also called the "Age of Steam".

It was characterized by the accelerated development of railway and water transport based on steam engines, widespread introduction steam engines in industrial production.

Leading countries:UK, France, Belgium, Germany, USA.

Third technological order (1880-1930) was called the "Age of Steel" (Second Industrial Revolution).

It is based on the use of electrical energy in industrial production, the development of heavy engineering and the electrical industry based on the use of rolled steel. Many discoveries in the field of chemistry. Radio communication and telegraph were introduced. Automobile. There were large firms, cartels, syndicates, trusts. The market was dominated by monopolies. The concentration of banking and financial capital began.

Leading countries: Germany, USA, UK, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Netherlands.

Fourth technological order (1930-1970), the so-called "Age of Oil".

Characterized further development energy with the use of oil and oil products, gas, communications, new synthetic materials. The period of mass production of cars, tractors, aircraft, various types of weapons, consumer goods. The widespread use of computers and software products. The use of atomic energy for military and peaceful purposes. Conveyor technologies are becoming the basis of mass production. Formation of transnational and international companies that make direct investments in the markets of various countries.

Leading countries: USA, Western Europe, THE USSR

Fifth technological order (1970-2010). - technologies used in the microelectronics industry, computing, fiber optics, software, telecommunications, robotics, gas production and processing, rendering information services; production based on the use of biotechnology, space technology, chemistry of new materials with desired properties.

There is a transition from disparate firms to a single network of large and small companies connected by an electronic network based on the Internet, carrying out close interaction in the field of technology, product quality control, and innovation planning.

Today the world is on the threshold sixth technological order. Its contours are just beginning to take shape in the developed countries of the world.

VItechnological order- these are nanotechnologies (nanoelectronics, molecular and nanophotonics, nanomaterials and nanostructured coatings, optical nanomaterials, nanoheterogeneous systems, nanobiotechnologies, nanosystem technology, nanoequipment), cellular technologies, technologies used in genetic engineering, hydrogen energy and controlled thermonuclear reactions, as well as for creating artificial intelligence and global information networks - the synthesis of achievements in these areas should lead to the creation, for example, of a quantum computer, artificial intelligence, and ultimately provide access to fundamentally new level in control systems of the state, society, economy.

Forecasters believe that while maintaining the current pace of technical and economic development, the sixth technological mode in the developed countries of the world will actually come in 2014 (!) - 2018, and will enter the phase of maturity in the 2040s. At the same time, in 2020-2025, a new scientific, technical and technological revolution will take place, the basis of which will be developments that synthesize the achievements of the above-mentioned basic areas. There are grounds for such predictions. In 2010, the share of the productive forces of the fifth technological order in the most developed countries averaged 60%, the fourth - 20%, and the sixth - about 5%. Obviously, the ratio of the share of technological modes in the country's economy as a whole determines the degree of its development, internal and external stability. Unfortunately, the United States unequivocally seized the initiative in the implementation of the Sixth Order. Individual advanced works in the countries of the post-Soviet space cannot compete with this array.

For reflection:

The opinion of Vladimir Lepsky, chief researcher of the Russian Academy of Sciences, president of the Innovative Development Club, is interesting, who believes: “If you cannot catch up, you must get ahead ...”. He expressed the idea of ​​moving to the Seventh technological order: “The sixth order implies the production of technologies, and the Seventh should be understood as the production of people capable of creating technologies, organizing living conditions and forms of consciousness.”

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Technological order-one of the terms of the theory of scientific and technological progress. Means a set of related industries that have a single technical level and develop synchronously. The change in the technological structures that dominate the economy predetermines the uneven course of scientific and technological progress. Leading researchers on this topic are Sergey Glazyev and Carlota Perez.

Some researchers of Kondratiev's long waves paid a lot of attention to the study of the innovation process. Already Joseph Schumpeter noted that the development of innovations is discrete in time. Schumpeter called the periods of time in which there is a surge of innovations "clusters" (bundles), but the term "waves of innovations" is more firmly established. discreteness scientific and technological revolutions Simon Kuznets also acknowledged (in a 1940 review of Schumpeter's book.

In 1975, the West German scientist Gerhard Mensch (German) Russian. coined the term "technical mode of production". Mensch interpreted the Kondratieff cycle as the life cycle of a technical mode of production described by a logistic curve. In 1978, Mensch's ideas were repeated by East German economist Thomas Kuchinsky. In 1970-1980, an adherent of the idea of ​​diffusion of innovations, Englishman Christopher Freeman formulated the concept of "techno-economic paradigm", which was subsequently developed by his student Carlota Perez.

The term "technological mode" is used in domestic economic science as an analogue of the concepts of "waves of innovation", "techno-economic paradigm" and "technical mode of production". It was first proposed in 1986 by Soviet economists D. S. Lvov and S. Yu. Glazyev in the article “Theoretical and Applied Aspects of STP Management.

According to the definition of S. Yu. Glazyev, the technological order is a holistic and sustainable formation, within which a closed cycle is carried out, starting with the extraction and obtaining of primary resources and ending with the release of a set of final products corresponding to the type of public consumption. The complex of basic sets of technologically related industries forms the core of the technological order. Technological innovations that determine the formation of the core of the technological order are called the key factor. Industries that intensively use a key factor and play a leading role in the spread of a new technological order are carrier industries.

A simpler definition was given by Yu. V. Yakovets: a technological order is several interrelated and successively successive generations of technology that evolutionarily implement a common technological principle. For C. Perez, the techno-economic paradigm is the sphere of production and economic relations with all its inherent phenomena (income distribution, technology, organizational and managerial methods). At the same time, under key factors, Peres understands the same thing as Glazyev.

Earth civilization in its development has gone through a number of pre-industrial and at least 6 industrial technological modes and now developed countries are in the 5th technological mode and are intensively preparing for the transition to the 6th technological mode, which will provide them with a way out of the economic crisis. Those countries that are late with the transition to the 6th technological order will be stuck in economic crisis and stagnation. The situation in Russia is very difficult, since we did not move from the 4th technological order to the 5th, in connection with the deindustrialization of the industrial potential of the USSR, i.e. did not move into the 5th post-industrial order and are forced, if we succeed, to jump immediately into the 6th technological order. The task is extremely difficult, if not almost impossible, especially in the absence of an industrial policy of the country's leadership. The well-known thesis of K. Marx, on which more than one generation of Soviet people was brought up, that the productive forces and production relations determine the socio-economic system, can be significantly corrected in the light of the theory of N. D. Kondratiev.

Pre-industrial ways were based on the muscular, manual, horse energy of humans and animals. All the inventions of that time that have come down to our time concerned the strengthening of the muscular strength of man and animals (screw, lever, wheel, gearbox, potter's wheel, furs in the forge, mechanical spinning wheel, hand loom).

The beginning of the industrial periods of technological structures falls on the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries.

First technological the way is characterized by the use of water energy in the textile industry, water mills, drives of various mechanisms.

The second technological order. The beginning of the 19th - the end of the 19th century - using the energy of steam and coal: a steam engine, steam engine, steam locomotive, steamships, steam drives for spinning and weaving machines, steam mills, steam hammer. There is a gradual liberation of a person from a heavy manual labor. A person has more free time.

The third technological order. Late XIX- the beginning of the XX century. The use of electrical energy, heavy engineering, electrical and radio engineering industry, radio communication, telegraph, Appliances. Improving the quality of life.

Fourth technological order. Beginning of XX - end of XX century. Use of hydrocarbon energy. Wide use of motors internal combustion, electric motors, cars, tractors, aircraft, synthetic polymer materials, the beginning of nuclear power.

Fifth technological order. End of XX - beginning of XXI century. Electronics and microelectronics, nuclear power, information Technology, genetic engineering, the beginning of nano- and biotechnologies, space exploration, satellite communications, video and audio equipment, the Internet, cell phones. Globalization with the rapid movement of products, services, people, capital, ideas.

Sixth technological order. Beginning of the XXI - the middle of the XXI century. It overlaps the 5th technological order, it is called post-industrial. Nano- and biotechnologies, nanoenergy, molecular, cellular and nuclear technologies, nanobiotechnologies, biomimetics, nanobionics, nanotronics and other nanoscale productions; new medicine, household appliances, types of transport and communications, the use of stem cells, engineering of living tissues and organs, reconstructive surgery and medicine, a significant increase in the life expectancy of humans and animals.

Table. Technological structures

Technological modes (TU)

Key Factors

Technological core

Textile machines

Textiles, iron smelting; iron processing, water engine, rope

steam engine

Railways, steamships; coal and machine-tool industry, ferrous metallurgy

Electric motor, steel industry

Electrical engineering, heavy engineering, steel industry, inorganic chemistry, power lines

Internal combustion engine, petrochemistry

Automotive, aircraft, rocket, non-ferrous metallurgy, synthetic materials, organic chemistry, oil production and refining

Microelectronics, gasification

Electronics industry, computers, optical industry, aerospace, telecommunications, robotics, gas industry, software, information Services

Quantum vacuum technologies

Nano-, bio-, information technologies. Purpose: medicine, ecology, improving the quality of life

In my essay, I touched on the third technological order (1880-1930), which was called the “Age of Steel” (Second Industrial Revolution), and I will consider the history of the creation of the escalator in it.

technological structure escalator performance