What sells well on Instagram. What products sell well on Instagram, bringing in the maximum income? What to sell on Instagram

What to sell on Instagram?

Instagram can become a platform for a full-fledged business. I learned about this at one event, where a very young girl of 19 years old told how, thanks to the application, she moved from the outback to the city, bought an apartment and is preparing to open her own offline store. No, she was not a genius and did not possess any super-secrets of Instagram trading. It’s just that, at the very peak of the network’s development, I decided to try selling jewelry in my small village. The idea turned out to be more useful than ever, and the main clientele turned out to be not residents of her village, but subscribers from all over Russia. So it happened that in less than 2 years she achieved what in ordinary life, in Russia, it takes decades to achieve.

This is not an isolated case. There are quite a few such stories. At the very peak of Instagram’s popularity, when there were no filters to protect against mass following, when it was possible to gain more than 100k subscribers in a matter of months, and competition in trade had not yet appeared, then the majority of successful Instagram entrepreneurs appeared.

Now Instagram continues to grow and there are still free niches here. In addition, the competition on Instagram is not yet so strong and it is quite possible to take your place in trading through the application. Below I will give some examples and answer the question - " What to sell on Instagram?".

Who buys on Instagram?

The Instagram audience is quite young, more female. As with the Internet in general, women buy more often on Instagram. This is a very important fact and all successful niches are somehow connected with young women. This is worth taking into account. For a more detailed assessment of the audience, infographics will help you.

What to sell on Instagram?

To fully evaluate a niche on Instagram, a practical test is necessary. Therefore, below I will only list those goods and services whose sales I have already encountered.

#1 - costume jewelry and jewelry

The fact is that products of this type can be advertised very beautifully through Instagram. The success of such a store depends on the presentation of photographs. There are plenty of clients for costume jewelry and jewelry on Instagram, and despite the competition, you can still make money in this niche. Rate the presentation of the product by user @allazabarnaya.

#2 - children's educational toys

Another successful trend in Instagram trading. All mothers want their children to develop. By talking about interesting toys that help children master the world around them, you can inspire a caring mother to want to buy your product for her child.

#3 - products for pregnant women and newborns

Instagram is ideal for showcasing products, especially for pregnant women. According to their observations, pregnant women can spend hours looking at all kinds of dresses for pregnant women, clothes for unborn babies, strollers, cradles, wigwams and other accessories. Show me everything you have!

#4 - exclusive and handmade goods

Are you selling unique products? Instagram will be the best platform where you can implement it. The Internet loves creativity and unusual things always attract the eye. You paint unusual pictures, make furniture in a special style, or sell exotic fruits. All this will fit perfectly on Instagram.

#5 - hype products

From time to time, products appear on the market that literally explode from their very appearance, due to the fact that they were properly promoted before being released onto the shelves. For example, recently there has been a rush on the market with hoverboards, spinners, and quadcopters. The appearance of such a product on the horizon is an ideal reason to open an Instagram store. But hurry, each such product has a period of popularity, after which it will be difficult to sell the product.

#6 - recycled goods

A very relevant topic for Instagram trading. You can choose a niche and sell used goods from that niche. For example, used clothes, furniture, strollers, power tools, household appliances.

#7 - cosmetics and perfumes

Instagram is filled with videos of girls doing their own makeup and showing what cosmetics they used. After such advertising, there is often a desire to purchase the product.

#8 - accessories: belts, clutches, glasses, gloves, handbags, purses

Another common topic that many people think is becoming a thing of the past. But don’t rush to bury this niche. You can quite succeed here too by choosing accessories from one brand as a basis. Sell ​​accessories for those who adhere to a certain style. I’m sure it won’t be that difficult to find followers on Instagram.

#9 - phones and accessories

Popular phone models from global brands always attract the eye. Many people want to be aware of the latest technologies in this area. The whole point is not to show a picture and the price of the device, but to tell users what is special about each model. This way you will stimulate the desire to purchase mobile devices and accessories for them, and also increase confidence in your business as a specialist.

#10 - software

If you have software that can make life easier for people working in any field, then hurry up and offer it on Instagram before your competitors do. Instagram is used by a lot of businessmen who want to advertise their business online. These businessmen themselves may be your target audience. Find it and offer your software to those who might benefit from it.

Useful post? Take it to your social networks so as not to lose it!

Hello my dear friend. The service team is in touch. Today we’ll tell you 5 options for making money on Instagram: 1. Sell goods or services 2. Sell other people's goods or services 3. Act as an agency 4. Sell advertising in your account 5. Have your own service or program 6. Bonus method Now let’s go over all the points in a little more detail.


Your task is to decide what you will sell, maybe it’s clothes, shoes, or you are a fitness instructor and want to sell nutrition and training programs. There are actually a lot of options, the main thing is to find what you like. Next, you post beautiful photos (at least photos with good lighting), write a detailed description of the photo. Posts should be published at least 1-2 times a day. Here's a video on what kind of photos you should have: Next you need to promote your account, we will talk about this later. They start writing comments under your photo, messages on WhatsApp or Viber, and here are your first orders.


Everything is basically the same as in the first version. Just what is the plan of action: you find some commercial account with the topic you want to deal with. Write to them via WhatsApp, Direct or Viber that you want to sell their products for a commission. As a result, you don’t need an office, a warehouse, and you don’t need any goods either, because your current partner has already implemented all this for you. If you do it even simpler, you can sell various goods or services through CPA networks. In simple terms, this is an agency that has many sellers who are willing to pay you money for the sale of goods or services. You will have detailed statistics on conversions, orders, sales and deductions of your money. Now one of the most popular CPA networks is Admitad
What can you sell through CPA networks? Yes, a lot of things: mobile applications (you get paid for installation), selling watches, weight loss creams, teas, etc. (pay for confirmed applications). Just register, confirm your account by email, choose what you want to promote and attract people through your social networks or other resources. The topic is working.


You need to master the basics of promoting on Instagram. After which you will be able to offer services for account promotion and charge a subscription fee. On average, such a fee is 3000-5000 rubles. It is clear that you will need a tool for promotion, but it will cost you no more than 800 rubles. for one account. For example, you need to make a simple landing page (so that you have something to show people) and again start writing to commercial accounts with an offer of cooperation, that you can attract real subscribers. Be sure to offer to test your services for 2-3 days to show the client that you are not just another person who wants to heat them up. From day one, deliver more than the client expects. Make a beautiful and clear profile description, share tips and simply help. Then there will be no problems with orders for your services. Taking 10 accounts under your control, here’s 30-50 tr. You can no longer go to a job you don’t like =)

If you run your own page and it is interesting to other people, great! If you have more than 10,000 subscribers, then you begin to be interesting to advertisers. You can place “native” (hateful, natural) advertising, you simply recommend something to your subscribers, and you get paid money for it, and not bad.
You see, Buzova unobtrusively advertises a brow bar, allegedly recommending a salon. But in fact, such a post costs her around 400,000 rubles. How much can you earn? From 100 rub. up to 500,000 rub. for one advertising post. The price depends on the quality of your audience and its quantity. What to do if you can’t take photos and post something interesting?! No problem, start a couple of public pages and post what you like, for example, on a cute topic or about sports. It is worth noting that earnings will not come immediately. Unless, of course, you don’t have money for PR for your public. If you don’t have much money, you will have to promote it yourself and it will take time.


If you are a good programmer, then you are in luck. You can write a script (robot) that will perform the actions of subscriptions, likes, comments, etc. In addition, you must understand marketing in order to successfully sell your program or service.
If you are not a programmer, that's okay too. You can find a programmer =) It’s true that it’s not so easy to find a smart one. While you are looking for a programmer for a project, you will be scammed several times for money. And only then, perhaps, you will find the one. . The advantages are that such a service allows you to save the time of your clients (your clients in this case are commercial accounts) so as not to sit all day long and not do this routine work. And customers are willing to pay for a good product, because this the service helps them earn money.. For example, a service is a multifunctional service that can perform many tasks, such as subscription, unsubscribe, liking, commenting, delayed photo posting, Direct mailing. . It will perform all these functions according to the parameters that you set for it. . Register and

Today we'll talk about Instagram as an effective sales channel. Initially, Instagram was created as a free application for sharing photos, but over time, sophisticated entrepreneurial minds came to the conclusion that it was possible to sell through this “graphic social network”. And sell great!

“A Minute of Tenderness” received 464 thumbs up. Imagine how many of them are your potential customers...

Instagram works with visual images, and this is its strength and weakness. If you have a “tasty” product/service, taking a few nice photos is not a problem. But what if you sell building mixtures, electrician services or used spare parts?

According to statistics, the most “selling” niches on Instagram are:

  1. cosmetics, clothing, accessories
  2. exclusive products
  3. handmade
  4. boutiques, shopping centers, showrooms
  5. cafes, restaurants
  6. hotels, inns, hostels
  7. delivery (pizza, sushi)
  8. services (cosmetology, dentistry).

If your business is not on this list, don't be upset! Even carburetors can be “packaged” in such a way that you will want to buy them. There are a lot of tricks, but more on them below.

First, let's talk about the basics: account registration, basic settings, tags...

First you will need to download and install the program

Instagram is maximally adapted to work from mobile devices, so it immediately offers to do this through the AppStore or GooglePlay.

You need to start working with any service by filling out a social profile

The following must be indicated: phone number, contacts on Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, email, links to your website/groups on social networks, logo. Attention! There is only 1 clickable link, so choose the most “selling” resource.

Lifehack #1. Fill out your profile in Russian (English) and take care of the “juicy” design

Lifehack No. 2. Create a unique tag with your company name. For example, #MotorBall. If the name turns out to be non-unique, like #fashionbags, don't be discouraged and get creative. You can add a prefix (#bestfashionbags or #fashionbagsonline), which makes the name unique.

Lifehack No. 3. To segment your products, all you need to do is add the prefix #fashionbags#clutch to your nickname and place it under the photo. Using this tag, subscriber clients will be able to immediately go to a selection of photos with clutches.

Lifehack #4. Create your own Insta business card to post on your website

Lifehack #5. Your profile must be public. Just in case, check your privacy settings.

Take care of visuals

If your products/services are not in the entertainment sector, try to add a little visual appeal from the outside. You can upload photos from vacations, corporate events and other everyday joys.

Immediately structure the topics of your posts

For example, select the following blocks: product PR, useful information, corporate life, competitions/promotions, exclusive materials. Over time, it will become clear what the audience responds to better and which segments can be cut off.

An example of selling “head-on”. Suitable for product PR.

And here’s a little “yummy” to brighten up the news feed. Isn't it time to talk about serious things?

Lifehack #1: For complete statistical analysis of your profile, use Statigram, BlitzMetrics, InstagramAnalytics or Curalate tools. This way you can optimize your work plan and achieve maximum results.

Develop a publication schedule

No matter how valuable the content is in your eyes, you should not clog up your subscribers’ news feed with too frequent posts. Most companies make 1-2 posts per day. Through trial and error, you will find out what time of day your subscribers most actively “like” posts and set up your publishing schedule.

Use hashtags (for example, #babydoll)

An example of tagging from a popular blogger. With an invitation to put the hashtag #askrita on your Instagram under a photo with a question to the blogger.

Using tags, you 1. will help your target audience easily find you online, because tags help sort pictures by topic, 2. you can use them for competitions and promoting new trends. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it.

Lifehack #1. Use 2-5 hashtags. A larger number will reduce the loyalty of the target audience, but will help attract non-targeted traffic. For example, #ferrari is a very specific tag. Leave it without additions, and you will be liked by subscribers who love Ferrari. But if you add #car#fashion#luxurycar#speed, etc. to this tag, then you will get 10-20 likes in 1 moment.

Lifehack No. 2. Write tags in the comments to the post, not in the photo description. This way you can quickly remove, replace or restore.

Lifehack No. 3. To attract new (mostly non-targeted) subscribers, you can use the tags #follow #followforfollow #follow4follow #followback #followme #ifollow #like #likeforlike #like4like #likeback #likeme #ilike.

Lifehack #4. tagsforlikes.com is a service that helps you select the right hashtags for your topic.

Use the services of a professional photographer or become one yourself

Children's publishing should, a priori, be colorful and evoke positive emotions

But the pet food store doesn't look so attractive anymore

Improve your skills in Photoshop so that your posts are bright, rich, and colorful. People are led by positive emotions. Photos of carburetors taken on the knee will have the opposite effect.

Lifehack #1. Even try to take personal photos in such a way that elements of your corporate identity accidentally fall into the frame.

Lifehack No. 2. Walk your potential buyer through the process of creating your product. Involve him in the details of production, but do not overload him with technical nuances. Posts must be entertaining in nature.

  1. Services for pumping images: Vscocam, Kwote
  2. Service for creating collages: Instacollage
  3. Services for uploading pictures in full format (Instagram auto-formats pictures): Instasize, Squaready

Actively interact with your subscribers

Here is an example of active interaction with subscribers. In the comments to the photo studio, the blogger directly addresses the subscriber and continues the conversation

Lifehack #1. Never leave comments unanswered. If you don’t have time or the necessary information, write that “clarify this point later.”

Lifehack No. 2. Give back likes, thank your subscribers, encourage them, and take an interest in their lives.

Lifehack No. 3. Ask provocative questions: “Which clutch do you like better - blue or pink? What shoes would you pair them with?” Create a feeling of the presence of a real person on the other side of the profile.

Lifehack #4. Ask customers to leave a comment about your product/service tagged in their feed. Be sure to repost positive reviews about you. To do this, use the Repost for Instagram (for IOS), PhotoRepost (IOS, Android), Websta, Iconosquare applications. Or you can take a screenshot of the post from your phone or tablet.

Use the ability to add 15-second videos

And this is an example of a video from the Eiffel Tower, created specifically for Instagram using the InstaSize service

Video on Instagram is a super-format that will allow you to announce new products, make mini-reviews, entertain the audience, address them directly, and appear as the main character of the company. People are more likely to watch this video than click on a Youtube link.

Lifehack #1. The video must be of high quality. To do this, use the application https://instagram.com/videoalbum/.

Lifehack No. 2. There is an opinion that it is optimal to publish videos on Instagram from 20:00 to 7:00, because it is problematic to watch videos with sound during working hours.

Create momentum around your product/service

Remember that your goal is to sell. Be generous with gifts and competitions, and people will flock to you.

Lifehack #1. Rock your audience: organize a photo contest - let your subscribers “sparkle with beauty” while hugging your product.

Lifehack No. 2. Encourage your subscribers. Post their photos with reviews. Personal PR will be received with gratitude and will increase the loyalty of subscribers. Mention your most active subscribers in your posts using the @ symbol - this will ensure that they will receive a notification about the mention. For example, “Today @yanamoroz visited our showroom! So what would you think? She left us with a stunning red clutch #fashionbags#clutch!

For example, the women's clothing store UOI Boutique posts the best photos of its customers in branded clothing not only on Instagram, but also publishes them on its website using the hashtag #uoionline

Lifehack No. 3. Promo codes for purchasing things work well, as well as Giveaway promotions (offer to like your post in exchange for participation in a prize draw; set a date and do not forget to indicate that the winner will be determined randomly, that is, using the https://www.random service. org/).

An example of how, using the program https://instagram.com/repostapp/, users take part in a drawing for a valuable prize. Conditions: be a subscriber of the group, repost and open your profile during the competition. Users are assigned separate numbers, according to which the prize will be drawn (using a random number generator)

Lifehack #4. Be sure to give customers the opportunity to pre-order/reserve simply in the comments to the product photo.

Sign partnerships with bloggers/popular people/opinion leaders

Hair extension salon Limelight Extensions involved beautiful models in its PR campaign on Instagram. In exchange for posts with a link to the @limelightextensions profile, girls receive a percentage of sales, fixed amounts or free services

Of course, this mainly applies to the fashion industry, but can also be applied to more specialized technical fields.

If possible, sign a contract with a famous person. It doesn't have to be a pop star. Perhaps a famous person in your niche is a successful artist, architect, etc. A post a la “expert opinion” or a recommendation from an authoritative person who has already earned the trust of the audience will work as a “plus” for you.

Be tactful

Perhaps part of your audience is not ready to buy publicly. For such cases, you should use Instagram Direct, a service for exchanging personal and group messages.

A little humor wouldn't hurt

The style of posts should be open, conversational, and close to ordinary people. A humorous tone is attractive. Search the Internet for funny memes on your topic (maybe not on your own, but on the topic of the day) and post it! The main thing is to avoid political topics.

How to monetize your Instagram posts?

You need to collect maximum targeted subscribers. Collect quickly

  1. Paid posts. It makes sense to order them from well-promoted users/groups with several thousand subscribers. It’s best if the topics of your posts are similar, so you’ll immediately reach your target audience. The cost of 1 post is negotiable.
  2. Attracting subscribers through PR studios.
  3. Autoposting system http://www.latergram.me/. You can spend 1-2 days collecting valuable information and preparing bright photo posts, and then put them on delayed posting. This way, publications will appear regularly, regardless of your personal participation.
  4. Massfollowing— mass subscription to Instagram profiles on your part, when the bet is that they will follow you in return. This way, in a matter of hours, you will gain up to 10,000 subscribers, some of whom will leave you over time due to a lack of mutual interest. With the help of special services, the process can be automated, but a more valuable audience will be provided by another option - manual subscription.
  5. Manual subscription. If you have a lot of time, you can manually subscribe to user accounts, first filtering them by topic, by place of residence...
  6. Conducting competitions/ limited-time promotions / gifts in exchange for posts about you on their profile.

One last little trick...

The worse the weather outside, the more actively people buy. You don’t want to go out, but a pleasant purchase is a great source of good mood.

Still running your business through a website? Or are you trying to find a place with inexpensive rent? You are behind on life! More than 10 million entrepreneurs have long switched to the coolest and most modern platform for selling - Instagram!

Now everyone knows about this social network, but only a small percentage of users understand what business opportunities this system offers. What is better to sell on Instagram and how to do it in order to get the maximum return from the business, that is, profit?

Why Instagram?

Let's look at why it is so profitable to run your business on this site:

  • Because Instagram is loud! Everyone knows and talks about him.
  • Because there are more than 1 billion registered users here. And each of this number can be your potential buyer.
  • You don't have to pay to open your online store - it's a completely free app.
  • You can present your product in the most favorable light. Tell about it so that you want to buy it. Take a photo so that all its capabilities and advantages are clear.
  • Instagram developers take care of businessmen in their network and offer many tools to promote their business.
  • And one of the most important arguments is that users trust Instagram and are much more loyal to what and who is happening here.

What's better to sell on Instagram?

Before answering the question of what will work best on this social network, you need to know what kind of audience is concentrated here. These are young people and among them girls most often make purchases.

So what can you sell here? You won't believe it, but that's it! Absolutely everything can be sold in this online world. No one promises that sales will be successful, but there is not a single thing that is not bought. The main condition is presentation. It should make the user want your product or service. How you make the flame of desire flare up in his soul is not so important, because you want to make a profit, and on Instagram any means are good for this.

But even here there are some popular products that everyone buys:

  • Cloth
  • Shoes
  • Toys
  • Accessories (hats, glasses, belts, cases and phone chargers, etc.)
  • Goods for pets
  • Books, stickers
  • Flowers

Now users make a lot of money from selling their services and knowledge. Earnings come both from personal consultations and from popular marathons, webinars and master classes.

  • Psychologists talk about creating a strong family, finding one’s self, coping with stress, and gather a large audience around them who are willing to pay for information.
  • In addition to standard services, photographers offer to teach how to process photos, shoot beautiful videos, learn not to be afraid of the camera, and ultimately get cool content. Recently, they have also been offering their sets of presets for Lightroom for purchase.
  • People who promote sports to the masses profit, again, from their knowledge. They make motivational videos, launch sports marathons, organize active tours, and sell their products.

Separately, it is worth noting that products that are created in the handmade style evoke a great response from buyers. It is much more pleasant to purchase an item when you know that the seller put not only his hands, but also his soul into its creation. Agree, this is much cooler than faceless mass production.

Where to start selling?

First of all, you need to register on Instagram. Immediately after this, proceed to creating a profile. A blank, faceless page scares away buyers, and if this is not the result you expect, then:

  • Create a name. It should be light and understandable. People are lazy, and they won’t sort through the jungle of letters that contain the name of the company.
  • Upload your avatar. It should have your logo on it.
  • Go to the page header. Tell us in one short sentence what you offer and why people should buy from you. How you do this, seriously or humorously, depends on personal preferences. Indicate your contacts and website (if you have one).
  • Post the first 9-12 photos. Before doing this, think about how you will do this. Pointless placement will not work. You can take these design examples as a sample.

Or create templates on special sites. Find your style and follow it.

  • Switch your page to a business account. Immediately after this, new features will become available to you: statistics, the “Promote” button, you can configure the category of your page.
  • Don't forget about Stories. They can contain information about new posts, the process of creating products, reviews, etc.
  • Do advertising. There are several options: targeting through Facebook, the “Promote” button, or purchasing an ad from a popular blogger.
  • To get a quick start, use special promotion services, for example,

And I am sure that the share of your clients (potential and actual) in this social network is no less than this number.

If your company doesn’t have an account there yet, then quickly look for a smart SMM manager or scold what you already have. Because the prospects for this application are enormous: user activity in it is higher than on Twitter, Pinterest and even Facebook (15 times according to 2014 data).

Here are 8 golden rules for promoting a brand on Instagram. They are very easy to use for the benefit of your company.

How to build an audience on Instagram

1. You cannot use any filters. According to statistics, photos with the MayFair filter – warm and cozy – receive the most comments and likes. In second place are photographs without filters.

Let me remind you that likes are useful not only because they help you understand what users like best. They are needed so that your photos are displayed in the news of those who have not yet subscribed to the brand page.

2. Post photos during peak hours.

There is a magical service called IconoSquare - it helps you determine at what time users were most active in your photos. Use this time in the future.

However, it only works when your Instagram page is already several months old.

3. Poach competitors' subscribers.

Another magical service is Just Unfollow. It tracks your competitors by name or hashtags used. By finding competitors, you gain access to their subscribers - people who are most likely interested in your product/service.

All you have to do is tag them in the comments under your photos and like their pictures. In general, do your best to attract their attention to your page.

Don't forget to also evaluate your competitors' gallery and then make it even better.

4. Work with popular Instagram bloggers.

Look for people who post photos in your style. For example, if you sell clothes, then find fashion Instagrammers who post instyle photos. Bribe the fattest ones: let them post a photo where the hero is wearing clothes of your brand, let them tag you in the photo. If the photo is successful, you can count on an influx of subscribers.

You can find fat people by searching hashtags that describe your product.

5. Remember that subscribers come for beautiful photos, not text. Therefore, there is no need to publish advertisements in the form of pictures. Whatever you want to say, write in the comments under the photo. And the photo should be pristinely clean and beautiful.

How to turn your audience into clients

6. Create scarcity. A hackneyed salesman's trick also works on Instagram: we publish a photo of a product or service during rush hour, write that there is very little left of either these things or time before the end of some promotion. We wait.

Popular clothing store Fox & Fawn posts several photos of dresses from their current inventory each day. And their managers say that 30% of the brand’s sales are due to Instagram.

7. Publish new products immediately, this second. Many people like to skim the cream and be the first.

8. Post photos “in the context of life.” No need for dresses on hangers. We need dresses for girls who ride bikes, drink coffee, and meet friends. We need to show the practicality and beauty of things in everyday life.