The use of ICT in the development of a child as a creative person. Presentation "The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of the dow" The use of ICT in the educational process of the dow presentation

Ksenia Vorobieva
Presentation "ICT - technologies in preschool educational institutions"

Information and communication technologies in education, it is a complex of educational and methodological materials, technical and computing tools technology in the educational process, forms and methods of their application to improve the activities of specialists in educational institutions (administration, educators, specialists, as well as for education (development, diagnostics, correction) children.

Use of information technologies in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

Use of information and communication technologies in DOE is an enriching and transformative factor. Computer equipment can be used in working with children with unconditional observance of physiological and hygienic and psychological and pedagogical norms and recommendations. Computer gaming and educational technologies are applied in accordance with the psychophysical capabilities of a preschool child

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Slide 1 Hello, dear colleagues. I, teacher Gladkova V.V. from kindergarten No. 27 "Rainbow" p. Khorol I present my presentation.

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Presentation on the topic "The use of ICT in preschool." can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Various. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 16 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is “a wide range of digital technologies used to create, transmit and disseminate information and provide services (computer equipment, software, phone lines, cellular, e-mail, cellular and satellite technologies, wireless and cable networks, multimedia, and the Internet)”.

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Regulatory framework on this issue.

Federal government requirements to the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education (requirements for information and methodological support) to create and edit spreadsheets, texts and presentations; to form and practice keyboard writing skills; use interactive didactic materials, educational resources; to carry out interaction between participants in the educational process, including remote (through local and global networks), the use of data generated in the course of the educational process to solve the problems of managing educational activities qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and employees (order No. 593 of August 14, 2009) of the MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION). Chapter " Qualification characteristics positions of educators" The teacher should know: the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment.

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The relevance of the use of ICT in preschool educational institutions.

ICT is an excellent assistant to teachers in the organization of educational and upbringing. Informatization of education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widespread adoption into the practice of new methodological developments aimed at implementing innovative ideas of the educational process. ICT is: is Additional Information, which for some reason is not in the printed publication, this is a diverse illustrative material, when selecting visual aids for the lesson. this is the most democratic way to disseminate new methodological ideas and new didactic aids, regardless of the place of residence and income level of teachers.

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Designing the educational process based on the use of ICT capabilities; -increasing the level of information competence of teachers; - the formation of teachers' skills in working with social services.

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Expanding the use of information computer technology, approbation of multimedia support of the educational process; - Increasing the level of information competence of teachers, their motivation for the systematic use of modern pedagogical technologies in practice. - Development of a system for organizing advisory methodological support in the field of improving the information competence of teachers.

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Expected result.

Creation and accumulation of a bank of presentations (in methodological work, in work with parents, in work on the development and education of children preschool age etc); Teachers mastering the PowerPoint program for creating multimedia presentations -100%; Teachers' mastery of the Microsoft Word program -100%; - Improving the quality and effectiveness of pedagogical work through the system of organizing advisory methodological support;

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DOW problems.

Insufficient financially technical base DOW No access to Internet networks. Computers are not merged into local network Insufficient bank of multimedia presentations. Insufficient level of information competence of teachers Creation of websites for teachers of preschool educational institutions

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The results of the introduction of ICT in the system of work with teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Teachers are able to create graphic and text documents (independently draw up group documentation, diagnostics, etc.); Teachers are able to use electronic didactic and pedagogical software; Teachers use information technology in the educational process; Teachers have the skills to search for information on the Internet; Teachers are proficient in PowerPoint for creating multimedia presentations; Teachers are able to design lessons using information technologies; Teachers know the ways and methods of using computer technology in working with children and parents.

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The use of ICT in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions.

Regulatory legal documents; Annual planning; Self-examination materials ( general information o preschool educational institution, survey of the subject-developing environment); Analytical materials (diagnostics of the implementation of programs - forms, analytical material - reports of teachers); Certification (portfolio of teachers, tools for the certification procedure); Current documents - questionnaires for parents and teachers, statistical data; Materials for demo systems, presentations; Organization of methodological support in the field of increasing the information competence of teachers.

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. the speaker's clothes also play big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

Usage computer presentations in educational activities with preschool children.
Defining rules for creating presentations.

The workshop is aimed at beginner teachers of a preschool institution, inexperienced users. In practical activities, teachers generalize knowledge about the use of ICT technologies in organizing directly educational activities with preschool children. They analyze the main points of creating presentations aimed at kindergarten students.
“Without striving for something new, there is no life, no development, no progress”
V.G. Belinsky

Target: creating conditions for improving the professional skills of teachers in mastering ICT competencies.
1. summarizing the knowledge of teachers about the use of presentations in practical activities with preschoolers;
2. getting to know new form presentations - Prezi - presentation;
3. defining the rules for creating a presentation focused on a preschool child;
4. development of teachers' interest in the use of ICT in educational activities with participants in educational relations.
The workshop is aimed at novice preschool teachers, inexperienced users.
Conduct form: round table.
Preliminary work: Preparation of Prezi - presentations for the speech “The use of computer technologies in the educational activities of a preschool institution. Parsing common mistakes when creating presentations for preschoolers.

1. projector, laptop (to demonstrate the presentation on the content of the speech);
2. laptop for each teacher (or one for two);
3. presentations of teachers on which they will work during the workshop;
4. camomile with questions for the exercise "Camomile of questions";
5. bell.
senior caregiver(invites teachers to stand in a circle and conducts a psychological mood for joint activities. Teachers speak about how they master ICT, whether they use presentations in their work):
I take the bell
I'll tell you what I KNOW.
And I'll give you a smile.
Exercise "Chamomile questions"
Senior teacher: Dear colleagues, look, a miracle flower has grown on our Fairy Meadow - chamomile. Let's answer together the questions that blossomed on chamomile petals (There is a brief discussion on each issue. The senior educator makes a generalization on each issue. In the course of the workshop, the definition of the rule, the conditions that must be taken into account when creating the presentation are signed on the poster).
- What is a presentation?
Generalization: Today, ever higher demands are placed on the work of preschool institutions. After all, the level and nature of the child's achievements depend, first of all, on the professional competence of the teacher, his ability to work on himself, to constantly improve professionally.
The possession of ICT is currently the most relevant, due to the fact that a modern child is a progressively developing personality, and this development occurs not only through education and socialization in an educational institution under the patronage of a teacher and parents, but also through various gadgets that have access to Internet.
IN professional standard"Teacher", it is said that the teacher must have such labor actions as the formation of skills related to information and communication technologies.
Possess ICT competencies:
general user ICT competence;
general pedagogical ICT competence;
subject-pedagogical competence.
A presentation is a brief and visual presentation of information that helps the speaker to reveal the essence of his work in more detail.
A computer presentation is a set of slides (electronic pages), the sequence of which may change during the presentation.
The presentation is a multimedia document, each slide can include various forms of information presentation (text, tables, diagrams, images, sound, video), as well as include animation of the appearance of objects on the slide and slide transition animation.
A multimedia presentation is an interactive way of presenting information on the principle of "Tell and show".

- What are the presentations?

- Where can presentations be used in the practice of a teacher?
Generalization: To improve the professional skills of teachers on this topic in kindergarten, the following consultations were held: “Using PowerPoint presentations in the work of a preschool teacher”; master class "Creating PowerPoint presentations"; competition of multimedia presentations "Kaleidoscope of presentations"; consultation "Prezi presentations as a new tool for the work of a teacher". This allowed teachers to actively use presentations when conducting:
consultations, round tables, psychological drawing rooms, parent meetings, pedagogical councils. Particularly interesting are the presentations of teachers at the final teachers' council, compiled as reports on self-education or the results of the past academic year;

for children's morning performances and entertainment, the presentation serves as a demonstration material. It replaces many pictures, posters and audio recordings;
when organizing activities with children.
Thanks to this, kindergarten teachers are introducing new approaches that contribute not to replacing traditional methods, but to expanding their capabilities.
To bring some static objects to life, educators use various forms of animation. This helps to influence the minds of children not only through hearing, but also visually. Thus, children not only see and perceive images, they experience emotions. If the information caused emotions, then it will be better deposited in the memory of the child. This should be taken into account when developing a presentation.

Using the power of the PowerPoint program, our kindergarten teachers have developed presentations on many topics. Here are just a few of them: Rules traffic”, “Zarinsk City”, “Birds of the Altai Territory”, “World of Professions”, “Walk in the Autumn Forest”, “Horses”, “Pets and their cubs”, “Mysteries of the Lukomorye”, “From what tree leaf” and others .
The completed presentations replenish the multimedia library of each teacher, group and preschool educational institution as a whole.

- Do you know how to create a presentation, how often do you use a presentation in your practice?
Generalization: Determine the level of proficiency of teachers in creating presentations and their application in their own professional activity. The need to provide assistance to teachers on issues of interest is determined.

- What should be considered when developing a presentation?
Generalization: event, presentation recipients, age, show time, number of slides.
If we talk about the age of preschoolers, it is important to remember the pedagogical expediency of information. The presentation can be used as a backdrop for a holiday, a surprise moment - the appearance of a hero in the NOD, as an illustrative material (if there is no necessary picture, for example).
The timing of the demonstration is based on the logic of the GCD, taking into account the change in activities during the lesson. If a video fragment is used in the presentation, then the time of continuous viewing should be 3-4 minutes at the younger preschool age, no more than 6-7 minutes at the senior preschool age. At the eighth minute, the fatigue of children begins. After that, a transition is made to another practical activity, a demonstration of another material.
The volume of illustrative material comes from the age characteristics of the child. At younger preschool age, 3-5 pictures can be shown sequentially, continuously. In the older age - 5-8.
Senior teacher: In order for our chamomile to bloom successfully, it is necessary to create special conditions.
Moving on to the practical part of the workshop. Each teacher, in the course of discussing problems, analyzes his presentation for advantages or disadvantages. Together they discuss ways to eliminate errors, determine the rule for creating presentations for preschool children.
Senior teacher: Next, we will talk about defining the rules that must be followed when creating a presentation.
I will continue my speech with a presentation made in the Prezi-presentation program, you can compare, see the difference, take note of this information.
A little about Prezi - presentations. is a web service that allows you to create interactive multimedia presentations with a non-linear structure.

The entire presentation can be collapsed into one picture, and vice versa, each element of the presentation can be enlarged (accentuated) for more detailed study and attracting attention.

You can easily find all the information on creating such a presentation on the Internet, devote some time to the formation of new skills and improve your professional work.
Today, the main thing for us is to determine the basic rules for creating a presentation. Open your presentation. Let's move on to the first mistake that is often found in the work of educators. (Teachers work in laptops on their presentations. Draw conclusions. Determine the rule for creating a presentation).
Exercise 1: Determine if there is a title page. Required Information on it: who performed, for what age the presentation is intended, date of development.
Rule #1: It is always necessary to indicate: topic, age of children, information about the author, where to use, date of development.

Task 2: Determine if there is text on the slides, for whom is it intended?
Rule #2: A presentation is not a cheat sheet for a teacher.
Presentation slides aimed at preschool children should contain a minimum of text. You will say all the text yourself, and the slides should contain illustrations to increase the visibility of your lesson. The caption for the picture should be located outside its borders, and not on the image.
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 3: What is the background for the slides?
Too bright and active, containing many different elements, the background of the presentation. Such a background interferes with the perception of information from the slide, tires the audience, and does not carry any pedagogical value. The background of the slide does not match with the theme of the presentation.
Rule #3: The background image should not contain elements that are inconsistent with the content of the slide. It must be remembered that the use of ICT serves only for a variety of methods, techniques and forms of work of a teacher.
For this reason, the background for the slides must be chosen in a consistent color scheme. For the background, it is better to use pastel or cold colors (purple, blue, cyan, blue-green, green), red and white colors should be avoided.
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 4: What photos or drawings are selected on the slide, how many?
Not a good location, not clear blurry photo, superimposed on each other. Many images on one slide (four images or more) is a lot for preschoolers to perceive. It is unacceptable that they overlap each other, have a low resolution.
Rule #4: On one slide - one big picture. If the object is for comparison, then two, on which signs for comparison are well traced, objects in the same perspective, profile. The picture must be clear and of good quality.
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 5: Is there a list of references on the final slide?
Rule #5: Respecting the work of another person, it is necessary to make a slide indicating links to sources of information (books, websites).
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Senior teacher: Well, our chamomile has blossomed its petals with renewed vigor, all the conditions - the rules have benefited it. Thus, creative educators Those striving to keep up with the times need to study the possibilities of using and implementing new ICTs in their practical activities, to see their place in these technologies, to be a guide for the child into the world of new knowledge, to form the foundations of the information culture of his personality. It should be emphasized that any pedagogical innovations must be used competently, and the teacher must always be guided by the principle: “The main thing is not to harm!”
senior caregiver conducts a reflection of the event (teachers pass the bell to each other, expressing their opinion, impression of the workshop):
I take the bell
I'll tell you what I KNOW.
And I'll give you a smile.
Senior teacher: Dear colleagues, thank you all for your work. Believe in yourself and remember that only the walking one can master the road. Creative success to you.

Used materials:
G. V. Glushkova. The use of computer presentations in the educational process of a preschool organization. Analysis of typical mistakes, webinar of the publishing house "Education of a preschooler" dated 30.03.2017;
photos and fragments of training presentations from the Internet;
kindergarten presentations.

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Slides captions:

Possibilities of using ICT in the cognitive development of preschoolers Educator Grigorieva I.S. MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 75", Vladimir 2015

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are being actively introduced into the educational process of preschool educational organizations.

Informatization of preschool education

The main areas of application of ICT in preschool educational institutions

1. The use of ICT in the work on cognitive development When teaching preschool children, various computer tools can be successfully used: projectors, interactive whiteboards, tables.

The use of ICT for the purpose of cognitive development of children: "Cognitive development" Tasks of using ICT Sensory development determination of the color, size, shape of objects; the formation of skills for grouping objects according to sensory characteristics research activities providing drawings, diagrams, samples for buildings on a computer Formation of elementary mathematical representations mastering the skills of comparing groups of objects (in length, width, height, thickness), counting, orientation in space; in parts of the day, days of the week, seasons of the year social world expansion of ideas about a person, about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; about the culture of everyday life, the man-made world, your city, country Acquaintance with the natural world expansion of ideas about animate and inanimate nature

The main directions of using ICT for working with preschoolers: Formation of information and communication culture of children

presentation of developmental and educational information

consolidation of acquired knowledge (interactive games)

Types of classes using ICT Lesson with multimedia support Diagnostic lesson computer, projector, screen. interactive board

One of the main means of expanding children's ideas about the world are presentations, slide shows, multimedia photo albums and educational videos.

Educational presentations are great helpers in the work on the cognitive development of children

The interactive whiteboard allows you to write and draw on it with electronic ink and save all your notes.

Features of working with an interactive whiteboard OD include children's activities at the blackboard, cognitive conversation, games, eye exercises and physical exercises Time = 20 to 25 minutes. ! Using the screen for direct activities of children is no more than 7-10 minutes. The material must be carefully selected according to the age of the children.

Benefits of ICTs: ICTs transmit information faster. Presentation of information in a playful way; The use of ICT provides visibility, a figurative type of information understandable to children; Implementation of polysensory perception of the material; Slide shows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the outside world, the observation of which is difficult. life situations which cannot or is difficult to show and see in everyday life; The use of information technology encourages children to search for research activities, including searching on the Internet on their own or together with their parents.

2. Application of ICT in work with parents

Informing parents

Informing parents

Informing parents

3. The use of ICT in work with teachers Absent: a methodology for using ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions; systematization of computer developing programs; unified program and methodological requirements for computer classes.

Areas of application of ICT by teachers of preschool educational institutions 1. Maintaining documentation. Registration of group documentation Preparation of consultations, memos for parents and teachers, design of booklets, materials for various directions activities. Preparation of an electronic portfolio for certification.

Improving the ICT competence of teachers ICT competence includes: Selection of illustrative material for classes; Creating presentations in the Power Point program for children and parents. Use of digital cameras and photo editing software. Using the camcorder and video editors.

Application of ICT for professional self-development of teachers: Web catalogs In the form of publications and presentations for colleagues; On the website of the DOW; In online communities (website) professional excellence Contests children's creativity electronic educational materials exchange of experience participation in competitions conducting master classes

The use of ICT in the educational process EER Library: Author's developments (in electronic form) Audio library; Video library; Library of educational presentations (for teachers and children); web directories.

Prospects for the use of ICT in kindergarten Mastering a special program for an interactive whiteboard. Independent creation of educational interactive resources. Update and replenishment of the ESM library. Creation of an interactive studio in the preschool educational institution.

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Slides captions:

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 88 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg ICT in preschool education Avanesova Marina Antonievna Senior educator

ICT as a means of interactive learning that allows you to stimulate the cognitive activity of children and participate in the development of new knowledge. We are talking about games created by teachers that meet the program requirements. These games are designed to be used in the classroom with children. Interactive game tools allow you to create PowerPoint. ICT is a means of interactive learning that allows you to stimulate the cognitive activity of children and participate in the development of new knowledge. Educators create games that meet program requirements. These games are designed to be used in the classroom with children. The development of technology with the inclusion of ICT is based on complex (integrated) classes (leisure). The technology is being developed for any of the educational areas (music, fiction, cognition). Classes include a variety of productive activities for children based on FGT. The interactive board allows the child to see himself from the outside, to observe the actions of the partners in the game. Children get used to assessing the situation without completely immersing themselves in the virtual world one on one with the computer. Scientists note the developing role of the computer-game complex in kindergarten in working with children from the age of five.

With proper use technical means, at proper organization educational process computer programs for preschoolers can be widely used in practice without risk to children's health. At present, the main task of developing ICT in preschool educational institutions is the creation of educational complexes as a means of learning and as a component of the educational and educational system of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the FGT. The advantages of these educational complexes are that they include funds for the education, upbringing and development of children, and allow for effective monitoring of the assimilation of the educational program. The interactive whiteboard in the preschool educational institution opens up new opportunities for organizing joint activities of children and the teacher. The collective participation of children in the game contributes to the development of communication and social skills: it helps children overcome their egocentrism, teaches them to act according to the rules, accept the point of view of another, make their own independent decisions, make an informed choice.

The use of ICT in kindergartens allows: to develop the ability of children to navigate the information flows of the world around them; to master practical skills of working with information; develop versatile skills that allow the exchange of information using modern technical means. The use of ICT during classes allows you to: move from an explanatory-illustrated way of teaching to an activity-based way, in which the child becomes an active subject, and not a passive object of pedagogical influence. This contributes to the conscious assimilation of knowledge by preschoolers.

The use of ICT in the classroom helps children navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical ways of working with information, and develop skills that allow them to exchange information using modern technical means. The use of ICT in the classroom enhances: the positive motivation for learning activates the cognitive activity of students. The use of ICT in the classroom made it possible to fully implement the basic principles of enhancing cognitive activity: the principle of equality of positions feedback the principle of taking a research position.

The use of ICT allows to conduct classes: at a high aesthetic and emotional level (animation, music) provides visibility; attracts a large number of didactic material; increases the amount of work performed in the classroom by 1.5 - 2 times; provides a high degree of differentiation of training (individually approach the child, using multi-level tasks). The use of ICT: expands the possibility of independent activity; forms the skill of research activity; c helps to improve the quality of education

Preschoolers are characterized by psychophysiological age characteristics, individual (visual, auditory) perception system, low degree of development of cognitive abilities, learning motivation. A feature of the educational process with the use of information technology is that the child becomes the center of activity, which, based on his individual abilities and interests, builds the process of cognition. The teacher often acts as an assistant, consultant, encouraging original discoveries, stimulating activity, initiative, and independence.

THE USE OF MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATIONS IN THE CLASS combines many components necessary for the successful teaching of children. This is a television image, and animation, and sound, and graphics. An analysis of such classes showed that cognitive motivation increases, mastering complex material is facilitated. In addition, fragments of classes that use presentations reflect one of the main principles for creating modern classes - the principle of fasciation (the principle of attractiveness). Thanks to the presentations, the children, who usually were not very active in the classroom, began to actively express their opinions and reason. A fairly wide distribution of multimedia projectors can significantly increase visibility due to the use of multimedia presentations by the teacher during the lesson.

Requirements for a teacher working with the use of ICT to master the basics of working on a computer. and have skills in working with multimedia programs. know the basics of working on the Internet. create your own educational resources

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