How to obtain SRO permit for design. How to apply for a design deadline. By contacting us regarding joining the project SRO, you can count on

We provide assistance in joining self-regulatory organizations in the field of architectural and construction design (SRO in the field of architectural and construction design, SRO in design, SROP) for companies and individual entrepreneurs located in any region of Russia, accredited branches and representative offices of foreign organizations, foreign companies from any region of the world. By contacting us, you are turning to professionals who can reduce the time required for joining an SRO to several hours, find the specialists necessary for admission to an SRO, obtain admission to particularly dangerous and technically dangerous complex work, obtain an ISO certificate in a few hours, train specialists on staff (perform advanced training), i.e. provide the full range of services necessary for obtaining a turnkey project permit.

Design organizations and entrepreneurs, as well as project SROs, are not subject to the principle of regionality under Federal Law 372, which only affects construction SROs. As before, the extraterritorial principle of joining an SRO in the project area applies, and SRO certificates are valid as before throughout the country.

List of documents required for joining the project SRO (scanned copies):

Articles of association;
. OGRN (OGRNIP) certificate (required), State Registration Number for all changes in constituent documents(if there were);
. TIN certificate;
. Decision to approve the current version of the Charter;
. The decision to elect the current director and the Order to assume the position of director:
. Full details of the organization,

Operating procedure:

You need to send by email sro@site copies of the documents listed above, in response we send you invoices for payment of all necessary fees and charges (you pay them), we prepare a complete set of documents, submit this set to the SRO, receive certificates of admission to work, hand it over to you and sign the Certificate of Services Rendered . We are waiting for your call, tel.: 8-800-555-30-74 all Russia (free call).

Terms of provision of services in the field of self-regulation in design:

Registration of a certificate of admission to general project work - from 2 hours to 2 days
- Registration of access to particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique works in the field of design - from 3 to 5 working days.
- Registration of an ISO certificate - from 2 hours to 1 working day.

List of types of work (SRO classifier):
When obtaining a design permit, you must select design work that can be carried out after receiving the permit. Works are divided into general project, especially dangerous, unique and technically complex. The list of types of work has been approved by the Ministry of Regional Development. Select the types of work you need - .

Additional services related to joining an SRO, membership in an SRO, purchasing companies with clearances:

  • Search for specialists with the required qualifications to join an SRO (the service is provided for companies and individual entrepreneurs from all regions of Russia) - The cost of searching for one specialist for companies and individual entrepreneurs who join an SRO on their own starts from 3,500 rubles. Detailed information in the section -;
  • Assistance in improving the qualifications of specialists (the service is provided for companies and individual entrepreneurs from all regions of Russia, foreign companies and individual entrepreneurs) - in educational institutions Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don and Yekaterinburg for joining the SRO in design - from 5,500 rubles. Detailed information - ;
  • Providing a loan or loan to pay for the compensation fund (the service is provided for companies and individual entrepreneurs from all regions of Russia, foreign companies and individual entrepreneurs) - conditions for providing a loan or loan: - you must pay 50,0000 rubles, the remaining amount is paid in installments (interest-free loan), i.e. e. upon joining an SRO in design, 100,000 rubles are paid throughout the year (monthly, in equal installments), detailed information - ;
  • Registration of ISO and OHSAS certificates (when issuing a certificate of admission to particularly dangerous, unique and technically complex work, an ISO certificate is required) - 15,000 rubles, detailed information - ;
  • Civil liability insurance upon joining an SRO -;
  • Registration of permission for particularly dangerous, unique and technically complex work, detailed information -;
  • Registration of admission to foreign companies, detailed information in section - ;
  • Joining an SRO in as soon as possible(everyone joins an SRO in a day, we join an SRO in an hour) detailed information -;
  • Purchase of a company with SRO clearance as designers, detailed information in the section -;
  • Making changes to the SRO's permit (due to a change of address, change of name (full name for individual entrepreneurs), expansion of the list of works and other cases), detailed information in the section -;
  • Providing assistance during inspections of SROs (inspections can be scheduled (at least once a year) and unscheduled), detailed information in the section -.

Transfer of funds upon joining SRO design:

Cash in payment of a contribution to compensation fund, entrance fee, target fee (sometimes there is, sometimes there is not, depends on the SRO) and the annual membership fee are transferred to the current account of the self-regulatory organization of designers;
- Funds under the insurance contract are transferred to the current account of the insurance company;
- Funds for advanced training of specialists (training of specialists) are transferred to the relevant educational institution;
- Funds for issuing an ISO certificate are transferred to the certification center;
- Funds for preparing the case of a candidate for SRO membership are transferred to the bank account law firm- representative of a self-regulatory organization.

You can find out detailed information on joining self-regulatory organizations in design (SRO in design) by contacting our specialists from the SRO Entry Department by phone, e-mail, chat, skype, telegram indicated in the “ ” section.


Legal entities and entrepreneurs who plan to carry out design work in the construction industry are required to obtain an SRO for design. This is considered confirmation that the enterprise fully complies with all requirements of Russian legal standards. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly expand your own capabilities, primarily through participation in tenders for government orders and carrying out specific types of work for which you need to obtain permission.

Joining the SRO of designers and obtaining a certificate for design work

To obtain a certificate of admission to design, you must join the SRO of designers, which is a non-profit partnership. It consists of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities who are engaged in design in the field of construction and architecture. In this case, information about such an SRO must be entered into the state register.

The creation of SROs for designers was carried out with the aim of preventing damage to citizens, their property, the environment and cultural heritage sites through erroneous implementation of work that affects construction safety. In addition, another important goal of creating an SRO is to constantly improve the quality of the design and implementation of repairs, construction and engineering work, which are carried out by representatives of the SRO designers.

Joining the SRO of designers is urgently beneficial for the organization, as it receives undeniable advantages:

    protection of your rights and legitimate interests;

    mutual assistance from other partner enterprises;

    the quality of labor at the enterprise improves;

    systematic support in increasing the qualification level of personnel;

    information assistance;

In addition, the SRO of designers constantly holds joint meetings, symposiums and conferences, which always allow timely receipt of fresh information on issues of self-regulation and design work.

Availability provides construction company significant advantages, namely:

    participate in dangerous, unique and technically complex construction work Oh;

    participate in expensive tenders;

    perform general contracting;

    attract new partner companies and cooperate with the most reliable partners;

    work with government orders.

In accordance with legislative norms, the price of joining an SRO for designers usually consists of the following fees:

    insurance of own civil liability - from 5 thousand rubles. annually;

    payment to the compensation fund for securing obligations under concluded contracts - from 150 thousand rubles;

    payment to the compensation fund for damages - from 50 thousand rubles;

    payment as a representative of the SRO, paid every month - from 5 thousand rubles;

    entrance payment - from 5 thousand rubles;

As a result, the minimum price for joining an SRO for design designers is approximately 215 thousand rubles.

All this is necessary to obtain a design certificate. Thus, the procedure for obtaining a certificate from an SRO for design work is accompanied by monetary investments. It is important to take into account that the certificate cannot be cheap, due to the fact that a fairly impressive amount is deducted directly to the SRO fund.

After contacting the specialists of your SRO, the company is provided with detailed consultations, the necessary documentation is selected, the staff is staffed and the necessary SRO certificate is found extremely quickly.

It may take from two hours to two days to obtain the certificate. When preparing the permit, it is important to correctly indicate required types design work. They can be technically complex, unique, project-wide and especially dangerous.

The certificate is a license from the SRO of designers and does not have any restrictions in the area of ​​application. This document is issued for an indefinite period. Although the certificate may be declared invalid if the construction company - a representative of the SRO - was removed from the register of SRO representatives or when the SRO that issued the permit was removed from the state register maintained by Rostechnadzor. In such cases, the construction company will need to join another SRO of designers if it plans to carry out its own work in the future.

Important changes in legislation since 2017

In order to carry out specific types of activities and carry out work in the construction industry, carry out major repairs, reconstruct capital construction projects, it was necessary to obtain the appropriate permit and join an SRO - a self-regulatory organization. This is necessary in order to legalize professional level own activities in the chosen field.

Thus, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 624, which was approved on December 30, 2009, a list of types of work in the field of design development was adopted, for which organizations and individual entrepreneurs need to be members of the SRO of designers.

But from July 1, 2017, the division of work into varieties is no longer used. In other words, representatives of a self-regulatory organization can carry out any design work, including at particularly hazardous facilities.

More recently, in order to obtain an SRO certificate for design, organizations and individual entrepreneurs had to meet specific requirements that were established by a specific SRO of designers, namely:

    specialized education and work experience in the specialty of five years (for individual entrepreneurs);

    at least three specialists with higher education and work experience of three years or five employees with secondary education and work experience of five years (for legal entities).

After the application and the necessary documentation were received, the SRO commission determined whether the candidate met all the necessary requirements. For this purpose, on-site verification activities were organized and the provided documentation package was carefully studied. If a positive decision was made, the candidate made membership and admission payments directly to the compensation fund. After this, he received a certificate allowing him to work in the construction industry, in which he specialized.

But today, a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who seeks to engage in design must only be members of the SRO. In this case, you do not need to obtain permission to carry out design work. that occurred in the legislative field. It was they that led to the cancellation of permits, starting from July 1, 2017.

It can be noted that the main legislative changes consist, first of all, in the fact that the requirements for SROs and their regionalization have become more stringent, since from now on work can be performed exclusively in the Russian region where the SRO is registered. In addition, the requirement to be a member of an SRO applies only to general contractors who participate in government and municipal procurement. At the same time, entrepreneurs and organizations that are not members of an SRO can carry out any design work in a monetary amount of up to 3 million rubles.

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Contrary to popular belief that you can design anything only after completing specialized courses or studying as a correspondence student, design is one of the most regulated industries in construction. The slightest error in calculations can result in losses worth millions of rubles and a criminal case if people die. Without SRO approval, only low-rise buildings, private houses, garages, etc. are designed. Since July 1, 2017, however, the requirements for SRO permits for certain types of work have been partially lifted. More details about all this further on this page.


Changes in the legislation on SRO for design from July 1, 2017

As practice shows, not every one of our compatriots knows what an SRO of designers is. In reality, there is nothing complicated: SRO of designers is a non-profit partnership consisting of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in construction and architectural design. Today we will talk about why such partnerships are needed, and what changes have affected SROs for design since 2017.

What is it and why is it needed

As already mentioned, SRO of designers (abbreviated as SROP) is a non-profit partnership. At the same time, data on such a self-regulatory organization must be entered into the state register.

Self-regulatory organizations of designers were created with the aim of preventing harm to individuals, their property, the environment and cultural heritage sites through incorrect performance of work that affects the safety of capital construction projects.

Moreover, another goal of creating the SROP was to constantly improve the quality of the design and execution of engineering, repair and construction work carried out by members of the SRO designers. Important: The SROP Compensation Fund bears subsidiary liability for failure to fulfill its own obligations by partnership member companies, as well as for causing harm.

It should be noted that the amount of contribution to the compensation fund varies. Each organization independently establishes requirements for third party liability insurance. Despite the fact that from an economic point of view it is much more profitable for a candidate to pay for insurance than to pay a fee to the fund, in this case it will be possible to insure civil liability only to third parties, but not to the customer.

By joining the SROP, organizations receive a number of undeniable advantages, including:

Is design work possible without SRO approval?

Until recently, Part 1 of Article 55.8 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation stated that in order to carry out work that has at least some impact on the safety of capital construction, SRO approval is required. At the same time, the list of types of work for which design tolerances are required was approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 624 of December 30, 2009.

However, since July 1, 2017, the situation has changed, and now design work can be carried out without the approval of an SRO.

Cancellation of SRO for design from July 1, 2017

Changes in legislation

More recently, there have been changes in legislation affecting SROs in the field of design.

  • SRO permits to perform work that affects the safety of capital construction projects have been cancelled;
  • participants in the procurement of design and survey work must be members of the SRO, the only exceptions being unitary enterprises, municipal and state institutions, as well as legal entities with state participation, but only for the types of contracts defined by part 2.1 of article 47 and part 4.1 of article 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • participants in the procurement of any reconstruction, major repairs and construction work must still be members of an SRO; exceptions are provided for unitary enterprises, municipal and government agencies, legal entities with state participation and for contractors engaged in construction and installation work under contracts worth no more than 3 million rubles;
  • subcontractors are not required to be members of the SRO (part 2 article 47, part 4 article 48, part 2 article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • a member of the SRO who wishes to take part in an auction or any other competitive procurement is obliged to contribute money to the compendium for securing contractual obligations, which, in turn, is an additional insurance for the auction organizers against unscrupulous contractors;
  • if the customer files a claim for improper performance of contractors’ obligations, then SROs can protect the interests of their participants in court.

Types of jobs

According to the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development dated December 30, 2009 No. 624, the list of types of work in the field of development of design documentation, for which legal entities and individual entrepreneurs must be members of the SRO of designers, is as follows:

  • preparation work:
    • land planning schemes;
    • constructive solutions;
    • architectural solutions;
    • technological solutions;
    • information on the list of engineering and technical activities, engineering equipment and networks of engineering and technical support;
    • projects for organizing construction, dismantling and demolition of buildings, extending the period of conservation and operation;
    • projects to ensure fire safety;
    • protection projects environment;
    • projects of measures to ensure access for people with limited mobility.
    • work on the development of special sections of project documentation;
    • work on inspection of building structures;
    • work on organizing the preparation of project documentation.

However, from July 1 of this year, the division of work into types, as such, is no longer applied. In other words, members of the SRO can carry out absolutely any design work, including at particularly hazardous facilities.

How to apply for and obtain SRO approval for design?

Until recently, in order to obtain access to design work, organizations and individual entrepreneurs had to meet certain requirements established by a specific self-regulatory organization of designers, namely:

  • at least 3 employees with higher education and with work experience of 3 years or 5 employees with secondary education and work experience of 5 years (for legal entities);
  • availability of specialized education and work experience in the specialty of at least 5 years (for individual entrepreneurs).

After receiving the application and document, the SROP committee reviewed the candidate for compliance with established requirements, organizing on-site inspections and a thorough study of the provided package of documents. After receiving a positive decision, the applicant paid entrance and membership fees to the compensation fund, after which he received a certificate of admission to the work in which he specializes.

However, at the moment, an organization or individual entrepreneur wishing to engage in project activities, must only be members of the SRO, and obtaining a design permit is not required. The reason for this was changes in legislation, which resulted in the abolition of permits from July 1 of this year.

SRO for individual entrepreneurs for design: what you need to know

According to current legislation, the rules for performing design work apply to individual entrepreneurs the same as to organizations, namely:

  • work under contracts for the preparation of design documentation concluded with a technical customer, developer, regional operator or other person responsible for the operation of a structure should be performed only by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are members of an SRO in the field of architectural and construction design, unless otherwise provided by the relevant article. At the same time, the execution of work is ensured by specialists in design organization: chief architects and project engineers;
  • work under contracts for the preparation of project documentation concluded with other persons can be performed by persons who are not members of the SROP.

SRO insurance in design

According to Russian legislation civil defense insurance when joining an SRO in the field of design may be provided for by local regulations. This possibility is stipulated by Article 55.4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ and is a dispositive norm. In other words, the SROP can either introduce the need to insure its own members or completely abandon it.

In the case of civil liability insurance, the legislation provides for the possibility of reducing contributions to the compendium - for SROs in the field of design, the contribution can be reduced from half a million to 150 thousand rubles.

Civil liability insurance is an important mechanism to protect members of the SROP and significantly reduce financial risks, in the event that at least one member of the self-regulatory organization causes harm as a result of incorrect execution of design work. First of all, compensation for losses is carried out at the expense of the insurance company in accordance with the concluded contract and insurance policy, and in case of insufficiency financial resources compensation for losses is carried out at the expense of the compensation fund.


According to current legislation, the cost of joining the SROP usually consists of:

  • contribution to the compensation fund – from 50 thousand rubles;
  • contribution to the compendium for securing contractual obligations – from 150 thousand rubles;
  • entrance fee – from 5 thousand rubles;
  • monthly membership fee – from 5 thousand rubles;
  • civil liability insurance – from 5 thousand rubles per year.

Thus, the minimum cost of joining an SRO in the field of design is about 215 thousand rubles.

In conclusion, it is worth summing up by saying that the main innovations lie, first of all, in tightening the requirements for self-regulatory organizations and for their regionalization, because now work can only be carried out in the region of registration of the SRO. In addition, the requirement for mandatory SRO membership applies only to general contractors participating in municipal and public procurement. At the same time, companies and entrepreneurs that are not members of self-regulatory organizations can carry out any design work worth up to 3 million rubles, which has significantly simplified the lives of many institutions and individual entrepreneurs.


List of types of work that require and do not require permission

Types of work on the preparation of project documentation:

1. Work on preparing a scheme for the planning organization of a land plot:

1.1. Work on preparing a master plan for the land plot

1.2. Work on preparing a layout plan for the route of a linear facility

1.3. Work on preparing a planning organization scheme for the right-of-way of a linear structure

2. Work on the preparation of architectural solutions

3. Work on preparing constructive solutions

4. Work on the preparation of information on internal engineering equipment, internal networks of engineering support, on the list of engineering activities:

4.1. Work on the preparation of projects for internal engineering systems of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, smoke ventilation, heat supply and cold supply

4.2. Work on the preparation of projects for internal engineering systems of water supply and sewerage

4.3. Project preparation work internal systems power supply*

4.4. Work on the preparation of designs for internal low-current systems*

4.5. Work on the preparation of projects for internal dispatching, automation and management of engineering systems

4.6. Work on preparing projects for internal gas supply systems

5. Work on preparing information on external networks of engineering support, on the list of engineering activities:

5.1. Work on the preparation of projects for external heat supply networks and their structures

5.2. Work on the preparation of projects for external water supply and sewerage networks and their structures

5.3. Work on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks up to 35 kV inclusive and their structures

5.4. Work on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks of no more than 110 kV inclusive and their structures

5.5. Work on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks of 110 kV and more and their structures

5.6. Work on the preparation of projects for external networks of low-current systems

5.7. Work on the preparation of projects for external gas supply networks and their structures

6. Work on preparing technological solutions:

6.1. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for residential buildings and their complexes

6.2. Work on the preparation of technological solutions public buildings and structures and their complexes

6.3. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for industrial buildings and structures and their complexes

6.4. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for transport facilities and their complexes

6.5. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for hydraulic structures and their complexes

6.6. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for agricultural facilities and their complexes

6.7. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for special-purpose objects and their complexes

6.8. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for oil and gas facilities and their complexes

6.9. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for waste collection, processing, storage, processing and disposal facilities and their complexes

6.10. Work on preparing technological solutions for facilities nuclear energy and industry and their complexes

6.11. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for military infrastructure facilities and their complexes

6.12. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for treatment facilities and their complexes

6.13. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for metro facilities and their complexes

7. Development work special sections project documentation:

7.1. Engineering and technical measures for civil defense

7.2. Engineering and technical measures to prevent natural and man-made emergencies

7.3. Development of a declaration on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

7.4. Development of a safety declaration for hydraulic structures

7.5. Development of justification for radiation and nuclear protection

8. Work on the preparation of construction organization projects, demolition and dismantling of buildings and structures, extension of service life and conservation*

9. Work on preparing draft environmental protection measures

10. Work on preparing projects for fire safety measures

11. Work on preparing draft measures to ensure access for people with limited mobility

12. Work on the inspection of building structures of buildings and structures

13. Work on organizing the preparation of project documentation, attracted by the developer or customer on the basis of a contract legal entity or individual entrepreneur(general designer)

* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of approval for types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction project, in the case of such work being performed at the sites specified in Article 48.1 of the Town Planning Code Russian Federation.

What is it - SRO of designers?

SRO of designers - what is it? Many entrepreneurs, businessmen, company executives and ordinary citizens still do not understand the essence of this institution. It's simple: this is a non-profit partnership consisting of individual entrepreneurs, legal entities engaged in architectural and construction design, abbreviated as SROP. Data on the organization of self-regulation must be entered into the state register.

SRO of designers and builders: how it all began

It was decided to create an SRO in construction and design in the Russian Federation following the example developed countries, where these principles have successfully taken root. In addition, by 2009, there was an urgent need in our country to carry out administrative reform. It was supposed to sharply reduce administrative barriers and free business from unnecessary government intervention. Therefore, the number of licensed activities was reduced from 2 thousand to 200.

The rest were obliged to switch to self-regulation. Officials were physically unable, and more often than not, simply unwilling to control the licensees. It is clear that professionals know the intricacies of the work better than an official, they understand where exactly a failure can occur. labor activity and how to avoid it. In addition, officials were still not responsible for anything, and the real guarantees of quality were the conscience and professionalism of the people. When developing a law for SRO designers and builders basic principle became solidary material liability all members of self-regulation for the results of the activities of each member.

Regulation consists of 3 elements: establishing uniform standards, checking each company for compliance with established standards and issuing a permit, monitoring and supervising work and compliance with standards.

What was it created for?

Self-regulatory organizations of designers were created with the aim of preventing harm to individuals, property, the environment and cultural heritage sites due to incorrectly performed work, which affects the safety of capital construction projects. In addition, the design self-regulatory organization was created to constantly improve the quality of design, engineering surveys, as well as all construction, reconstruction, and overhaul work carried out by members of the SRO of designers.

Compensation fund

The compensation fund of SRO designers, within the limits of financial resources, in accordance with Part 1 of Article 55.16 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, necessarily bears subsidiary liability for failure to fulfill these obligations of member companies and causing harm. Moreover, the amount of contribution to the comp fund varies. Each organization establishes requirements for liability insurance. Of course, it is more profitable for the candidate to pay for insurance than to pay a contribution to the comp fund. But you can only insure liability to third parties, and not to the customer. Compensation for damage to the customer is made from the funds of the compendium.

SRO in design: members and their advantages

By joining an SRO, design organizations receive a number of important advantages:

When obtaining permission from a self-regulatory organization for design, Building company strives to establish itself on industry market, improve your competitive advantages and, if possible, obtain approval from the project SRO cheaply.

Registration of SRO approval for design: why is this important?

According to Part 1 of Article 55.8 of the Civil Construction Code of the Russian Federation, only the approval of an SRO for design allows an individual entrepreneur or legal entity to carry out work that at least somehow affects the safety of capital construction. The list of types of work for which design approvals are required was approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development dated December 30, 2009 No. 624. Thus, approval is the only option for designers to legally carry out activities in the construction industry, become a competitive company, improve activities and earn more. Permits are issued without restrictions on the period and territory of validity.

How to obtain SRO approval for design

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities that meet the requirements for issuing a permit can obtain an SRO for design work. Each SROP sets its own requirements for its members and the amount of contributions. But the minimum requirements are:

  1. the presence of at least 3 employees with higher education with work experience of 3 years or 5 employees with secondary education and 5 years of work experience;
  2. the individual entrepreneur has an education in the relevant profile, work experience of at least 5 years only in his specialty;
  3. advanced training for employees and individual entrepreneurs at least once every 5 years.

After receiving the documents, the committee of the self-regulatory design organization considers the candidate for compliance with the requirements of the NP. When the SROP has checked the submitted package of documents or carried out an on-site inspection and made a positive decision, the applicant pays entrance, membership, and fees to the NP comp fund. After the company is officially accepted as a member of the self-regulatory organization of designers, it receives a certificate of admission to the types of work in which it specializes.


When you do NOT need to join an SRO and do NOT need to obtain a Work Permit

Types of work that do not affect the safety of capital construction projects, the performance of which does not require joining an SRO and obtaining a certificate of access to work

When is joining an SRO not required?

Since the abolition of licensing for engineering surveys, design and construction of buildings and structures, the heads of many construction companies are puzzled by the question of the need to join an SRO and the possibility of working without one.

There is a lot of information on this issue, and on the Internet it is often either false or presented in such a way that there are even more questions than concrete answers.

Summarizing the available information and relying strictly on current legal norms, we will try to provide our commentary on this question in an accessible form in such a way that each applicant can answer it independently.

Membership in an SRO is NOT necessary when it comes to:

1) About individual housing construction, i.e. detached residential buildings with no more than three floors and intended for residence of no more than two families in each house;

2) On the construction of residential buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of several blocks, the number of which does not exceed ten and each of which is intended for one family. These houses have a common wall(s) without openings with the adjacent block(s). They are located on separate plots of land and have access to public territory (blocked residential buildings);

3) About construction apartment buildings with a number of floors of no more than three, consisting of one or more block sections, the number of which does not exceed four. Each block section contains several apartments and common areas. Each block section has a separate entrance with access to the common area;

4) About the construction of a garage on plot of land provided to an individual for purposes not related to the implementation entrepreneurial activity, as well as about construction on a land plot provided for gardening and dacha farming;

5) On the construction and reconstruction of objects that are not capital construction projects (kiosks, sheds and others);

6) About the construction of buildings and structures for auxiliary use on the land plot;

7) On changes to capital construction projects and (or) their parts, if such changes do not affect the structural and other characteristics of their reliability and safety and do not exceed the maximum parameters of permitted construction and reconstruction established by town planning regulations;

8) On the performance of the following types of work during construction, reconstruction and major repairs of capital construction projects*:

  • 1.1. Marking work during construction< * >
  • 1.2. Geodetic control of the accuracy of geometric parameters of buildings and structures< * >
  • 2.1. Dismantling (dismantling) of buildings and structures, walls, ceilings, flights of stairs and other structural and related elements or parts thereof< * >
  • 2.2. Construction of temporary: roads; platforms; utility networks and structures< * >
  • 2.4. Installation and dismantling of inventory external and internal scaffolding, technological waste chutes< * >
  • 3.1. Mechanized soil development< * >
  • 3.5. Soil compaction with rollers, soil compactors or heavy rammers< * >
  • 9.1. Construction of building structures and structures made of natural and artificial stones, including cladding< * >
  • 9.2. Construction of brick structures, including those with cladding< * >
  • 9.3. Construction of heating stoves and hearths< * >
  • 11.1. Installation, strengthening and dismantling of structural elements and enclosing structures of buildings and structures, including glued structures< * >
  • 11.2. Assembly of residential and public buildings from factory-produced parts< * >
  • 12.3. Protective coating with paints and varnishes< * >
  • 12.11. Pipeline thermal insulation work< * >
  • 13.1. Installation of roofs made of piece and sheet materials< * >
  • 13.2. Installation of roofs from roll materials< * >
  • 13.3. Installation of self-leveling roofs< * >
  • 14.1. Surface cladding with natural and artificial stones and linear shaped stones< * >
  • 14.2. Installation of ventilated facades< * >
  • 15.1. Installation and dismantling of water supply and sewerage systems< * >
  • 15.2. Installation and dismantling of the heating system< * >
  • 15.4. Installation and dismantling of the ventilation and air conditioning system< * >
  • 15.5. Power supply system design< * >
  • 15.6. Installation of electrical and other networks for controlling life support systems of buildings and structures< * >(see text in the previous edition)
  • 20.1. Construction of power supply networks with voltage up to 1 kV inclusive< * >
  • 20.13. Installation of external communication lines, including telephone, radio and television< * >
  • 23.5. Installation of compressor units, pumps and fans< * >
  • 23.6. Installation of electrical installations, equipment, automation and alarm systems< * >
  • 23.24. Installation of enterprise equipment Food Industry < * >
  • 23.27. Installation of equipment for cinematography enterprises< * >
  • 23.28. Installation of equipment for electronics and communications industry enterprises< * >
  • 23.29. Installation of equipment for healthcare institutions and medical industry enterprises< * >
  • 23.30. Installation of equipment for agricultural production, including fish processing and fish storage< * >
  • 23.31. Installation of equipment for consumer services and utilities< * >
  • 23.33. Installation of communication facilities equipment< * >
  • 24.7. Commissioning of automation in power supply< * >
  • 24.10. Commissioning of automation systems, alarm systems and interconnected devices< * >
  • 24.11. Commissioning of autonomous systems adjustment< * >
  • 24.12. Commissioning works for complex adjustment of systems< * >
  • 24.13. Commissioning of telemechanics equipment< * >
  • 24.14. Setting up ventilation and air conditioning systems< * >
  • 24.18. Commissioning of refrigeration units< * >
  • 24.21. Commissioning works of hot water heating boilers< * >
  • 24.22. Commissioning of boiler and auxiliary equipment< * >

As well as work performed by a general contractor (work on organizing construction, reconstruction and major repairs by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur engaged by a developer or customer on the basis of a contract), performed at the following facilities:

  • 33.1.8. Enterprises and objects light industry < * >
  • 33.1.9. Food industry enterprises and facilities< * >
  • 33.1.10. Enterprises and facilities of agriculture and forestry< * >
  • 33.2.7. Enterprises and public transport facilities< * >

9) On the performance of the following types of work when preparing design documentation for capital construction projects*:

  • 4.3. Work on the preparation of projects for internal power supply systems< * >
  • 4.4. Work on preparing projects for internal low-current systems< * >
  • 8. Work on the preparation of construction organization projects, demolition and dismantling of buildings and structures, extension of service life and conservation< * >

10) On the performance of the following types of work as part of engineering and environmental surveys*:

  • 4.5. Study of vegetation, fauna, sanitary-epidemiological and medical-biological studies of the territory< * >

* Types of work marked with “< * >» do not require obtaining a certificate of admission when performing them on general construction sites. When carrying out work marked with the sign "< * >» at particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique sites listed in Article 48.1 of the Urban Planning Code of Russia, it is necessary to join an SRO and obtain a certificate of admission to these works. Particularly dangerous and technically complex objects include:

1) nuclear energy facilities (including nuclear installations, storage facilities for nuclear materials and radioactive substances, storage facilities for radioactive waste)

2) hydraulic structures of the first and second classes, installed in accordance with the legislation on the safety of hydraulic structures

3) communications structures that are especially dangerous and technically complex in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of communications

4) power lines and other power grid facilities with a voltage of 330 kilovolts or more

5) space infrastructure facilities

6) aviation infrastructure facilities

7) infrastructure facilities railway transport common use

8) subways

9) sea ports, with the exception of specialized sea ports intended for servicing sports and pleasure vessels

10) thermal power plants with a capacity of 150 megawatts and above

11) cable cars

12) hazardous production facilities subject to registration in state register in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities:

a) hazardous production facilities of hazard classes I and II, where hazardous substances are produced, used, processed, generated, stored, transported, and destroyed

b) hazardous production facilities where melts of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, alloys based on these melts are produced, transported, used, using equipment designed for a maximum amount of melt of 500 kilograms or more

c) hazardous production facilities where mining operations are carried out (with the exception of the extraction of common minerals and the development of placer deposits of minerals carried out by open-pit mining without the use of blasting), and work on mineral processing.

Unique objects include capital construction projects, the design documentation of which provides for at least one of the following characteristics:

1) height more than 100 meters

2) spans of more than 100 meters

3) the presence of a console of more than 20 meters

4) deepening of the underground part (in whole or in part) below the planning level of the ground by more than 15 meters

To summarize, we come to the conclusion that the list of works for which you do not need to join an SRO is quite extensive. If among this list you do not find the types of activities that you are engaged in, then you definitely need to join an SRO and obtain a certificate of admission to work.


This article was relevant before it came into force new edition Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2017.

Architectural design is a very important stage in the construction of structures, their reconstruction and repair than direct construction. Ensuring and monitoring the proper implementation of design work is legally assigned to self-regulatory organizations of designers. By presenting the same requirements to members of the organization, it has become possible to reduce the number of unscrupulous performers in the market for design services and to develop companies operating professionally. At the moment, design work can be carried out without SRO design approval, and all contracts that exceed three million rubles can only be signed with him. You can join the SRO of designers with our help.

Inclusion in the register of a design SRO means that the organization can carry out work exceeding this amount, act as a general designer and take part in various tenders and auctions. Currently, extracts from the SRO register are issued on the basis of Federal Law 372 dated July 3, 2016. (Order 624 of the Ministry of Construction has lost force). Due to the fact that legislation is constantly changing, new requirements are being added to applicants for membership, the most optimal solution is to join the SRO of designers through an authorized consulting company.

Why is it faster and easier to obtain SRO design approval through us:

  • collection of a complete package of documents for obtaining SRO approval for design (excluding the selection of specialists for the LDC) - only 10 thousand rubles, consultations are all free;
  • extensive work experience - we have been helping builders, designers, surveyors join SROs since 2010, we will provide feedback from almost any region of the Russian Federation;
  • It doesn’t matter to us what region you are in and what NP you want to join - our specialists are familiar with any issues of any SRO, we do not hesitate to call regional SROs and ask questions regarding the design license, the correctness of paperwork;
  • we take on all the tedious work of filling out applications, sending documents and coordinating with SRO employees all controversial issues and emerging issues;
  • We have a minimum cost for collecting a full package of documents - call 8 800 500 5990, we will always agree;
  • We will professionally check the documents of your specialists for compliance with the requirements of the NRS NOPRIZ, all consultations are completely free.

In accordance with the standards of an organization that is a member of an SRO or planning to obtain SRO approval, it is necessary to have on staff at least two specialists included in the NRS NOPRIZ. The National Register of Design Specialists began to operate on July 1, 2017 on the basis of No. 372-FZ. - these are leading specialists and managers with higher education, the required construction work experience, who have passed the appropriate certification in the construction, design and engineering survey industries.

Fees for project admission to SRO Level of responsibility Sum
Membership fee 5,000 rub.
Entrance fee 5,000 rub.
The contribution to the compensation fund consists of two funds: a compensation fund and a fund for securing contractual obligations (if the company does not participate in the tender, then the second fund does not need to be paid). First level

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

50 / 150 t.r.

150 / 350 t.r.

500 / 2 500 t.r.

1,000 / 3,500 t.r.

Liability Insurance individually
Document preparation services 10,000 rub.
Selection of NOPRIZ specialists for admission individually

Joining the SRO of designers is an opportunity for you:

  • get the opportunity to fulfill government contracts - it so happens that the state is the largest customer today and is often a “lifesaver” in times of crisis;
  • Having access to government contracts, the organization has the opportunity to act as a general contractor or general designer and distribute work between your contractors;
  • establish constructive relationships with other companies working in the field of design, government agencies;
  • improve the quality of order execution through timely advanced training of employees, management personnel and their certification;
  • obtain guarantees for the protection of the rights and interests of your company and its employees;

To start cooperation you will need:

  • conclude an agreement for the provision of services - we are a “white” company, we work under an agreement and accept transfers to the current account;
  • provide a package of documents according to the list;
  • if liability insurance is necessary, enter into an agreement with an insurance company;

Legal entities from abroad wishing to join the SRO of designers must meet the following requirements:

  • to the reliability of data - provide only truthful information about yourself, supported by documents;
  • to the competence of employees - the presence of a certain staffing;
  • to property - execution individual works perhaps if you have office space (rent is allowed), machinery, equipment, instruments, etc.;
  • to obligations - liability insurance is a guarantee that in the event of an emergency, you can fully compensate for damage to property or health.

By contacting us regarding joining a project SRO, you can expect:

  • to receive truthful answers to questions about the need to join the SRO of designers, obtaining permits, paying membership fees, since tracking changes in legislation allows you to operate only with up-to-date information;
  • for full documentary support of the process;
  • to help in selecting a reliable insurance partner and a proven self-regulatory organization - we cooperate with NPs whose data is recorded in the register;
  • to organize training of specialists and - these are short-term advanced training courses from accredited training centers;
  • to obtain a permit for design work according to the list approved by the Town Planning Code.

To start cooperation, you don’t need to waste time traveling to our office, since you can get permission from SRO designers remotely. Our specialists will do the rest! We offer you the full cooperation and support you need for your successful development. designers with us means doing everything quickly and efficiently.

If you have any questions, you can contact us free of charge by phone. 8 800 500 5990.

Please note that you can also use the information indicated on the website

Practice shows that not all legal and individuals know the nuances of how to obtain SRO approval for design. In this regard, a number of problems arise at the stage of collecting documents and obtaining permission from the relevant authorities. In fact, there are no difficulties here. SRO of designers is a kind of partnership, the participants of which are an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity. They are united by one goal - to carry out activities in the sector of architectural and construction design. But it’s worth considering that 2017 saw some changes, which we’ll talk about in the article.

SRO is an abbreviation that stands for “self-regulatory organization.” This term refers to a group of experienced people who are licensed to perform certain jobs. In our case, we are talking about admission to architectural and construction design. A SRO participant, by default, is a legal representative of his segment, having the right to conduct activities. Today there are many organizations licensed to carry out design work, so difficulties with choosing the appropriate option are usually rare.

It is worth noting that SRO of designers (SROP) is a non-profit partnership, information about which is reflected in the state register. The purpose of creating such organizations is to eliminate potential harm to citizens, material assets, cultural heritage sites, as well as the environment due to errors in the implementation of construction activities.

Having an SRO permit confirms the professionalism of the performers and helps improve the quality of work performed during construction, repair or installation of utilities. SROP organizations have a special fund that is responsible for failure to fulfill its obligations and for damage caused as a result of errors during the construction process.

The amount of payment to the compensation fund may vary and depends on the terms of the SROP, as well as the specifics of its operation. There is an opinion that it is more profitable to take out insurance than to replenish the mentioned fund. This is not true, because in this case you can insure civil liability (civil liability) to third parties, and not in relation to the customer. In case of losses arising from construction errors, the damage is covered from the accumulations of the compensation fund. That is why such insurance is more profitable.

SRO approval has the following advantages:

  • Receiving help from other partners (if necessary).
  • Efficiency of protecting one's own rights.
  • Improving the quality of work.
  • Regular training of employees and improvement of their qualifications.
  • Effective information support.
  • Organizing various gatherings to discuss the most important issues and keep abreast of current innovations in the construction sector.

How to obtain SRO approval for design?

Until recently, applicants had to appear before a commission to receive admission. The latter assessed the applicant's ability to work in a particular sector and whether he had the qualifications to perform such tasks. The rules for admitting new members in each SRO varied, but most often the following requirements were imposed on applicants:

  • Employees must have specialized education. In the case of small companies, it is necessary to have at least three employees who have graduated from universities in their field specialty. The same requirement was imposed on individual entrepreneurs who received SRO approval in design.
  • Work experience in the field of design must be at least 10 years (for individual entrepreneurs) and at least 5 years (for a company employee).

To begin with, the applicant submitted an application, after which it was reviewed by a commission (committee) for compliance with the requirements discussed above. In many cases, inspections were organized that involved studying the existing papers of the company and individual entrepreneurs, as well as their compliance with the stated criteria. If the decision was positive, the applicant had to deposit a certain amount into the compensation fund and receive a document granting the right to work in the chosen field.

Today, companies and individual entrepreneurs who plan to engage in design can avoid such a procedure, thanks to the cancellation of admission. Now, to perform work, it is enough to be members of the SRO. This became possible thanks to a number of changes in legislation. So, from July 1, 2017, there is no need to obtain permission.

What are the features of innovations?

Let's consider the list of main innovations that applicants for membership in the SRO who are planning future activities in the field of design should know about:

  • The need to obtain permits to carry out design work that increases the safety of building structures has been cancelled.
  • Organizations and individual entrepreneurs performing major repairs, restoration or construction of buildings must be full members of the SRO. This requirement does not apply to unitary companies, state or municipal institutions, as well as legal entities with state participation and contractors carrying out work under a contract worth up to 3 million rubles.
  • The implementation of design and survey activities is permitted only by those companies and individual entrepreneurs that are members of the SRO. This does not apply to unitary organizations, state and municipal enterprises, as well as legal entities with state participation, but only for certain types of contracts. The latter are indicated in Art. 48 Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part 4.1) and art. 47 (part 2.1).
  • Subcontractors must not have SRO membership.
  • A participant in a self-regulatory organization who plans to participate in a procurement or auction is required to replenish the compensation fund by a certain amount. Such a payment acts as security for obligations under the contract and insures the organizers of such events against dishonest contractors.
  • If the customer applies to a judicial authority with a claim about the poor quality of work performed by the contractor's employees, the SRO has the right to protect the interests of its members in court.

Types of jobs

A detailed list of works related to the development of project documentation and requiring executors (individual entrepreneurs and legal entities) to become SRO members is set out in Order of the Ministry of Regional Development number 624, issued on December 30, 2009. This list includes the following works:

  • For the preparation of structural, architectural and technological solutions, land plot planning schemes, information on the list of engineering works, equipment used and support networks.
  • To prepare a number of projects - organizing the process of erection, dismantling and demolition of buildings, as well as measures to protect the environment, guarantee fire safety and provide access to small groups of the population.
  • To create individual sections of the project.
  • According to the specifics of project preparation.
  • Inspection of building structures.

It is worth noting that since the beginning of July 2017, the division into types of work, as before, does not exist. It turns out that legal participants of the SRO have the right to carry out any activity in the field of architectural and construction design, including on structures classified as particularly dangerous.

Cost of obtaining admission

Based on current legislation, when obtaining membership in the SROP, you must be prepared for the following expenses:

  • Payment to the compensation fund created to cover damage if there is harm - from RUR 50,000.
  • Payment to the compensation fund for contractual obligations - from RUB 150,000.
  • Monthly payment - from 5,000 rubles.
  • Entry fee - 5,000 rubles. and more.
  • Civil liability insurance (civil liability) - 5,000 rubles. and more.

As a result, the minimum amount of expenses when joining the SROP requires expenses in the amount of 215,000 rubles. and more.

SRO admission for individual entrepreneurs

If we consider the requirements of the current legislation related to the performance of work for individual entrepreneurs or companies (legal entities), they are no different. The following points are worth highlighting here:

  • Work under contracts involving the preparation of projects and concluded with the developer, customer, local operator or other party responsible for the operation of the facility should be performed only by members of the SRO (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) in the architectural and construction design sector. An exception is possible only if otherwise provided by the relevant article of legislation, as well as by engineers or architects.
  • Work under agreements on the preparation of projects concluded with other persons can be performed by organizations and individual entrepreneurs that are not participants in the SROP.

List of required documents

To obtain an SRO permit, the following package of papers is required:

  • Certificate of assignment of OGRN (must be certified by a notary).
  • Charter of the company (for legal entities).
  • A document that would confirm registration with the Federal Tax Service (certificate).
  • Memorandum of association (for companies).
  • Diplomas of employees and managers (enough copies). These documents must confirm the qualifications of applicants and the ability to perform design work.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Company details in the bank.
  • A lease agreement for buildings (premises) or papers that would confirm ownership of real estate.

In the case where entry is planned to expand the list of work performed, and the applicant already has an SRO certificate for carrying out design work, this paper must also be presented.

It is worth noting that the requirements considered took place earlier, before the changes in legislation came into force. Now there is no need to obtain a separate permit.


Innovations in 32017 in the field of SROs imply more stringent requirements for potential applicants for membership. Now all work can be carried out only in connection with the region in respect of which participation is registered. As for the requirements for mandatory membership, it applies to general contractors who participate in procurement at the state and municipal level. If the company and individual entrepreneurs are not members of the SRO, they have the right to carry out design work, provided that the final estimate does not exceed 3 million rubles. This innovation has significantly simplified the process of activity for individual entrepreneurs and companies.