Measures to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources. Personnel of the organization and ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor force. Fund of working time and its use

concept labor resources and their classification, availability of labor resources of the agro-industrial complex

The labor resources include that part of the population that has the necessary physical data, knowledge and skills in the relevant industry. Sufficient provision of enterprises with labor resources, their rational use, high levels of labor productivity are of great importance to increase production volumes and improve production efficiency. In particular, the volume and timeliness of the performance of all work, the efficiency of the use of equipment, machines, mechanisms and, as a result, the volume of production, its cost, profit and a number of others depend on the security of the enterprise with labor resources and the efficiency of their use. economic indicators

Depending on age, the entire population can be divided into three groups:

persons younger than working age (currently from birth to 15 years old inclusive);

persons of working (working) age (women from 16 to 55 years old, men from 16 to 60 years old inclusive);

persons older than the working (i.e., retirement) age, upon reaching which an old-age pension is established (women from 55 years old, men from 60 years old).

Depending on the ability to work, they distinguish between able-bodied and disabled .. In other words, people may be disabled at working age (for example, disabled people of groups I and II of pre-retirement age) and able-bodied at a disabled age (for example, working teenagers and working old-age pensioners).

Based on the foregoing, the labor force includes the population of working age, with the exception of war and labor invalids of groups I and II and non-working persons receiving a pension on preferential terms, working persons of retirement age;

working teenagers under the age of 16. Under Belarusian law, teenagers under 16 years of age are hired when they reach the age of 15 in exceptional cases. It is also allowed, in order to prepare young people for work, to hire students of general education schools, vocational and secondary specialized educational institutions upon reaching the age of 14 (with the consent of one of the parents or a person replacing him), subject to the provision light labor that does not harm health and does not interfere with the learning process.

Currently, in the Republic of Belarus there is a noticeable decrease in the total population and the share of the population in pre-working age, the stabilization of the share of the population in retirement age and the increase in the share of the population in working age, i.e., the aging of the population, which in the future will lead to a decrease in the population of working age.

Since mid-1993, domestic statistics have made the transition to the recommended international conferences labor statisticians and the International Labor Organization system of classification of the population, according to which it is divided into economically active and economically inactive.

Economically active population (labor force) - is the portion of the population that provides supply work force for the production of goods and services. This population group includes the employed and the unemployed.

Employed in the economically active population include persons of both sexes aged 16 years and older, as well as persons under 16 years of age who, during the period under review:

· performed work for hire for remuneration on a full or part-time basis, as well as other income-generating work;

· were temporarily absent from work due to illness, vacation, days off, strike or other similar activities - performed work without pay in a family business.

The unemployed include persons aged 16 years and older who, during the period under review:

They did not have a job and earnings;

Registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job;

They were looking for work, that is, they turned to state or commercial employment services, to the administration of enterprises, placed advertisements in the press or took steps to organize their own business;

Were ready to get to work;

Undertook training or retraining in the direction
employment services.

For a person to be classified as "unemployed", the first four conditions must be present simultaneously.

Pupils, students, pensioners and the disabled are counted as unemployed if they were looking for work and were ready to start it.

The economically inactive population is that part of the population that is not part of the labor force:

Pupils, students, listeners, cadets studying in educational institutions in the daytime department;

Persons receiving old-age pensions and on preferential terms;

Persons receiving disability pensions;

Persons involved in housekeeping, caring for
children, sick relatives;

Desperate to find a job, that is, those who stopped looking for it, having exhausted all possibilities, but who can and want to work;

Other persons who do not need to work, regardless of the source of income.

IN modern conditions the real value for the economy is the number of economically active population - the labor force as a factor that forms the labor market.

To study the composition, structure and dynamics of labor resources, they can be classified according to a number of features.

For participation in production activities distinguish:

industrial and production personnel (PPP) - employees of the main, auxiliary, transport, auxiliary, side shops, security and plant management apparatus with its departments and bureaus;

personnel of non-industrial organizations that are on the balance sheet of the enterprise (ZhESy, kindergartens, sanatoriums, clubs, swimming pools, etc.).

By the nature of the functions performed, labor resources are divided into two groups, workers and employees. From the group of workers, workers of the main production and workers of service facilities (auxiliary) are distinguished. From the group of employees, managers, specialists, other employees (accountants, secretaries, clerks, etc.) are distinguished.

According to the nature and complexity of the work performed, labor resources are divided into professions, specialties, and qualifications.

At the enterprise, there are attendance, payroll and average payroll composition (number).

The turnout composition is actually those who came to work. The payroll includes all those hired for permanent or temporary work, except for employees involved in work on labor agreement, part-time, sent by the enterprise to study with a break from production. In connection with the hiring and dismissal of the payroll at the
acceptance is constantly changing.

The average list of employees for the month is calculated by summing the payroll for all days of the month and dividing by the number of calendar days in the month (the number of employees on weekends is taken from the previous working day). The number of employees is established according to the standards of standard management structures, taken into account when developing staffing tables.

In the agro-industrial complex, all the main technological processes are mainly carried out by their own labor resources, only in exceptional cases, during periods of the most intense work, seasonal and temporary workers from other industries are involved.

The labor market is a socio-economic form of the movement of labor resources. As an economic category, it is a system of production relations between the owners of the labor force, employers and the state regarding the exchange of individual intellectual and physical abilities for work for the fund of subsistence necessary for the reproduction of the labor force, as well as regarding the placement of workers in the system of social division of labor.

The labor market is a way of organizing labor activity in which the sale and purchase of labor power is associated with the commodity value of labor power.

The functioning of the labor market is determined by three components: the availability of labor force, freedom of disposal labor force, the demand for labor.

The demand for labor in the agro-industrial complex is determined by the needs of its individual enterprises and industries, and the supply is formed based on the territorial size and structure of the population.

The provision of the agro-industrial complex with a labor force is the most important condition for its effective functioning. At the same time, the demographic problems of the formation of labor potential become especially acute, since the development of the agro-industrial complex will take place in conditions of a quantitative imbalance in the labor market. This is due to serious changes in the economic, political, social spheres, which affects the formation and use of the labor market.

The amount of labor resources is determined by the historically established natural and economic conditions and the demographic characteristics of the reproduction of the population of a given region and does not directly depend on the volume of production.

As a result, in agriculture, as a rule, as many people are employed in production as there are in this farm, and not how much is needed to complete the work in the best agrotechnical terms.

Under market conditions, the liquidation of unprofitable enterprises will become commonplace, which will lead to a decrease in the number of jobs. The reduction in the number of employees will require qualitative changes in the personnel potential, the growth of competence, the professionalism of workers, and the transition to integrated professions.

A correct assessment of the availability of labor force makes it possible to implement rational employment.

In the agriculture of the Republic of Belarus, there is a reduction in the number of employees and the level of labor resources. This is due to the low educational level and vocational training; low mobility due to the lack of a housing market and transport services; due to the territorial dispersal of the uneven distribution of jobs in the territory; relatively high average age.

Agricultural enterprises, which employ less than 11 people per 100 hectares of agricultural land, constantly experience a shortage of labor. This deficiency is also experienced by almost all the farms of the republic during the most intense periods of agricultural work.

Sufficient provision of agricultural enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, and a high level of labor productivity are of great importance for increasing the volume of production and increasing production efficiency. In particular, the volume and timeliness of agricultural work, the efficiency of the use of equipment and, as a result, the volume of production, its cost, profit and a number of other economic indicators depend on the security of the economy with labor resources and the efficiency of their use.

Labor productivity as one of the indicators characterizing the efficiency of the use of labor resources

The efficiency of the use of labor resources of an enterprise characterizes labor productivity, which is determined by the amount of products produced per unit of working time, or the cost of working time for the production of a unit of output or work performed. Labor productivity in a broad sense is the ability of a particular employee to produce products and provide services.

Distinguish between individual and social productivity. The efficiency of individual labor costs is called the productivity of individual (live) labor.

Labor productivity, determined by the costs of not only living, but also materialized labor, is called the productivity of social labor. At the enterprise, two indicators are used to express labor productivity - production and labor intensity, calculated using the following formulas:

B \u003d VP / H cn, (1.1)

Tr \u003d T / VP (1.2)

where B is the output;

VP - the volume of gross output or work performed in natural or conditionally natural units;

H cn - average headcount working people

Tr is the labor intensity of products;

T is the time spent on the production of all products, standard hours.

The most common and universal indicator of labor productivity is production output. Product development - the most common and universal indicator of labor productivity, etc.

The indicator of production output in monetary terms is used to determine labor productivity at enterprises that produce heterogeneous products.

When using normalized working time, output is determined in standard hours, mainly at individual workplaces, in teams, at sites, as well as in workshops when producing heterogeneous and unfinished products that cannot be measured either in kind or in monetary terms.

Performance indicators also differ depending on the unit of measurement of working time. The output can be defined for one worked man-hour (hourly output), one worked man-day (daily output), for one average worker per year, quarter or month (annual, quarterly or monthly output).

At enterprises, depending on the unit of measurement of production volume, there are three main methods for measuring labor productivity: natural, cost and labor.

The natural method of measuring labor productivity characterizes the production of products in kind per unit of working time. Natural indicators of labor productivity - kilograms, meters, etc. The disadvantage of this method is that the scope is limited to mono-productions, that is, it can be applied only in those industries where products of one type are produced. There is a practice of applying this method in multi-product industries, but only in separate shops and redistributions (for example, in a foundry where products of only one type are produced). The natural method is used mainly when comparing the performance indicators of brigades, links and workers, as well as in determining the production standards and the level of their implementation. A variation of the natural method is conditionally natural . Conditionally natural meters are used here. The production rate for this method is calculated as follows:

Where P- the number of types of products;

VP i - the quantity (mass) of products of the i-th type produced for a specific period;

to priv- reduction factor, with the help of which the products i-r-

The species is conditionally reduced to one (base) species.

Reduction factor Rj for each type of product is found as the ratio of the labor intensity (mass) of products; j-th type to the labor intensity (mass) of the product taken as the base. The conditionally natural method is used in the canning, textile industry, etc.

The cost method for measuring labor productivity has become more widely used, especially in industrial enterprises, since it makes it possible to account for and compare various types of work by bringing them to a single meter. As one of the main indicators for planning and accounting for labor productivity, the indicator of output in value terms per employee employed in production is used. However, this method does not always correctly reflect the level of labor productivity, since its cost expression is affected by the structure of work, price factor and material consumption of products.

The labor method of measuring labor productivity characterizes the ratio of standard costs to the actual costs of working time. When using this method, an indicator of labor intensity is calculated (an indicator that is inverse to production). Distinguish labor intensity:

normative, reflecting the time spent on manufacturing a unit of production according to the current time standards;

planned, reflecting the time spent on production
units of production, taking into account the implementation of measures to reduce labor intensity;

actual, reflecting the actual time spent on the release of a unit of output, including the loss of a worker

Comparison of actual and normative labor intensity is characterized by the coefficient of fulfillment of time norms.

Depending on the composition of labor costs and their role in production, technological labor intensity, production labor intensity, production maintenance labor intensity, production management labor intensity and total labor intensity are distinguished.

Technological labor intensity includes the labor costs of workers who technologically affect the objects of labor.

Production labor intensity includes all labor costs of the main and auxiliary workers.

The labor intensity of maintenance consists of the labor costs of auxiliary workers.

The complexity of management consists of the sum of labor costs of employees.

The composition of the total labor intensity reflects the labor costs of all categories of industrial and production personnel of the enterprise.

Technological complexity is taken as the basis for calculating the need for the number of workers.

The advantage of the labor method of measuring labor productivity is that it reflects a direct relationship between the volume of production and labor costs. The use of the labor intensity indicator makes it possible to link the problem of measuring labor productivity with the factors and reserves of its growth, compare labor costs for the same products in different shops and sections of the enterprise, and calculate real labor costs and savings in working time, living and social labor. As scientific and technological progress, improving production, the share of social labor costs increases, as the worker is equipped with more and more new means of labor (from the simplest machines to electronic complexes). However, the main trend is that the absolute value of the cost of both living and social labor per unit of output is declining. This is the essence of increasing the productivity of social labor.

The labor intensity of production expresses the cost of working time for the production of a unit of output. Determined per unit of production in physical terms for the entire range of products and services; at large assortment products at the enterprise is determined by typical products, to which all the rest are reduced. Unlike the output indicator, this indicator has a number of advantages: it establishes a direct relationship between the volume of production and labor costs, excludes the impact on the labor productivity indicator of changes in the volume of supplies through cooperation, organizational structure production, allows you to closely link the measurement of productivity with the identification of reserves for its growth, to compare labor costs for the same products in different workshops of the enterprise.

An important stage of analytical work at the enterprise is the search for reserves of labor productivity, the development of organizational and technical measures for the implementation of these reserves and the direct implementation of these measures. The reserves for the growth of labor productivity are understood to be the opportunities that have not yet been used to save the costs of living and materialized labor. Intra-production reserves are due to the improvement and most efficient use of equipment and labor, reduction of working time, savings in raw materials and materials, rational use of equipment. Intra-production reserves include reserves for reducing labor intensity, reserves for improving and using working time, reserves for improving the structure of personnel, reserves for saving objects of labor and reserves for saving labor resources.

In domestic practice, the following classification of reserves for increasing labor productivity has become widespread.

1. Increasing the technical level of production:

mechanization and automation of production;

introduction of new types of equipment;

introduction of new technological processes;

Improving the design properties of products;

Improving the quality of raw materials and new design

2. Improving the organization of production and labor:

Increasing norms and service areas;

Reducing the number of workers who do not comply with the norms;

Simplification of the management structure;

Mechanization of accounting and computing work;

Changing the working period;

Increasing the level of specialization of production.

3. Structural changes in production:

Changes in the proportions of certain types of products;

Change in the labor intensity of the production program;

Change in the share of purchased semi-finished products and components;

Change in the share of new products.

The increase in labor productivity as a result of an increase in production volumes and a change in the number of employees is determined by the following formula:

ΔP = (100*ΔB + ΔP n) / (100 – P n), (1.4)

where ΔB is the percentage of growth in output at the enterprise in a given period;

ΔР n - the percentage of the decrease in the number of employees of the enterprise;

The growth of labor productivity of workers at the enterprise ΔР due to an increase in the share of cooperative deliveries of products is determined by the following formula:

ΔP \u003d (d k 1 - d k-

) / (100 – d k 1)*100, (1.5)

Where d k 1, d k 0 - the share of cooperative supplies and gross output of the enterprise, respectively, in the base and planning periods, %.

The growth of labor productivity as a result of better use of the working time fund is calculated by the formula:

ΔP = ((Ф e1 –Ф e0) / Ф e0) * 100, (1.6)

where Ф e1 , Ф e0 effective annual fund time of work of one worker, respectively, in the base and planned periods, man-hours

It should be noted that the indicator of marginal labor productivity depends on the factors of production and the available labor market.

Directions for improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources at the enterprise

Certification of personnel as one of the ways to assess the employees of the enterprise.

IN Lately administrations of enterprises and personnel services came to the conclusion that personnel certification is integral part programs to improve the use of labor resources in the enterprise.

The purpose of certification is to assess the effectiveness of the performance of their duties by managers and specialists. The main objectives of certification are the following:

1. An objective assessment of the results of the work of employees, their performance of their official duties and establishing suitability for their positions. This assessment is formed, first of all, taking into account the attestation characteristics prepared by the immediate supervisor, as well as taking into account the results obtained at the meeting of the commission.

For example, to assess the qualifications of employees at enterprises, the following indicators are used: general and special education, work experience in the specialty, professional competence, knowledge of the regulations required for this position, domestic and foreign experience, the ability to quickly make decisions to achieve the set goals and the ability to adapt to a new situation, the timeliness and quality of fulfilling the requirements of job descriptions, the ability to work with documents, communication style, creativity and self-esteem, as well as a number of other indicators.

2. Identification of the potential abilities of the person being certified in order to resolve the issue of including him in the reserve for promotion. Personnel officers are very well aware of the importance of compiling an effective reserve, as well as the need to constantly update it, based on the practical results of work.

3. Determining the need for further professional development. Here it is necessary to combine the desires of the employee and the capabilities of the enterprise. Many want to learn, but professional education today requires financial costs, and often considerable ones. Therefore, management needs to find the best option to maximize the satisfaction of the employee's training needs with the needs and capabilities of the enterprise.

4. Clarification job description a specific employee based on the results of certification. This is an important element of work with personnel. After all, it is no secret that practically no work is being done with this document after it has been drawn up and approved. And only when some ambiguous situation arises, it turns out that there is a gap in the job description in this regard. Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably and competently approach its clarification.

The employer decides on the certification, its frequency, the list of employees subject to certification, as well as on normative documents needed to carry it out.

For example, in the agro-industrial complex, the relevant provisions have been approved, the forms of both the attestation characteristics and the attestation sheet, and the protocol of the commission meeting, the interval between attestations has been set from 1 to 3 years.

At the same time, management needs to know that the following are exempted from certification:

Persons who have worked in this position or in this profession for less than 1 year;

Graduates of full-time educational institutions during the first year of work after graduation;

Pregnant women;

Employees who are on long-term treatment;

Women who were on leave to care for a child up to 3 years, during the first year after their entry into work;

Employees who are not subject to certification under the terms of contracts.

For example, at some enterprises it was decided not to involve working pensioners in certification, whose contract term ends this year.

Certification is carried out by certification commissions created by order of the head of the enterprise. Their number may vary depending on the number and structure of employees.

Certification is carried out sequentially, in several stages. The accumulated experience suggests the following scheme of work.

The attestation commission, consisting of the head of the enterprise, the chairman of the trade union committee, the chairman of the supervisory board (in OJSC), representatives of local authorities and higher ministries and departments, conducts certification of deputies and assistant directors, as well as managers structural divisions directly subordinate to him. Then the same commission in an expanded composition or a commission under the leadership of already certified deputy heads certifies the rest of the employees.

Preparation for certification takes much more time from the personnel service and heads of structural divisions of the organization than the process of certification of an employee directly. It includes:

Preparation of an order for certification;

Drawing up lists of employees subject to certification, employees temporarily exempted from it;

Establishment of the number of attestation commissions and their composition;

preparation of characteristics for employees subject to certification, and other necessary documents;

Preparation of forms of attestation sheets, minutes of meetings of attestation commissions;

Carrying out explanatory work on the goals and procedure for certification.

For each employee subject to certification, his immediate supervisor draws up a performance evaluation report. The characteristic should reflect: the performance by the employee of his duties in accordance with the job description; the quality and effectiveness of his work; employee's contribution to the decision main task the enterprise specified in the charter; development of an employee through the expansion and deepening of professional knowledge, improvement of skills and abilities; professional and business and personal qualities.

In addition, the characteristic must contain one of three conclusions:

Corresponds to the position held;

Corresponds to the position held, subject to improvement in the work of re-certification in a year;

Doesn't fit the position. When attesting managers of various levels, a reference and digital data on the work of the unit as a whole or in certain areas of activity can be attached to the characteristic.

The attestation sheet contains: basic personal data about the employee (full name, position held and date of appointment to it, year of birth); data on his qualifications (education, what and when he graduated; specialty and qualifications according to the diploma, work experience in the specialty and on this enterprise When and where did you take the advanced training? assessment of the effectiveness of the employee's performance of their duties based on the results of voting and recommendations of the commission. The attestation sheet is signed (with date) by the chairman, secretary and members attestation commission, the certified person gets acquainted with him under the signature.

Regulation of working hours.

The whole life of a person takes place in time and during it he can engage in a variety of activities. In this regard, the measure of one of the types of activity - labor - is work time, the norm of which is determined by the level of development of society, political and economic factors. At the same time, labor legislation gives this measure a universally binding character.

The definition of working time given by the Civil Code of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code) indicates that working time, firstly, fixes the measure of work of an employee in fulfilling his job duties V common process the work of the organization and Secondly, provides the employee with the opportunity to have free time for rest, nutrition, restoration of working capacity, health promotion and other personal needs. The execution of this task prohibits as general rule to increase the length of working hours in comparison with the established norm. This is possible only in exceptional cases provided for by law.

The most important tool for achieving compliance between the need for labor and the actual capabilities of both one employee and the team as a whole is the regulation of working hours.

The working hours of employees are developed on the basis of the working hours used by the employer. Working hours can be the same for all employees of the organization or different for individual units. By agreement of the parties to the employment contract, it is possible to establish an individual mode of work for any employee, if this does not worsen his working conditions in comparison with those established in the legislation or the collective agreement.

The working hours of employees may coincide with the working hours of the organization and correspond to a five-day or six-day working week. At the same time, the organization can function continuously, without days off or with days off, but in several shifts. And then the working hours of employees will differ from the working hours of the organization.

The working time regime is determined by the internal labor regulations or work (shift) schedule. The established mode of working hours is brought to the attention of employees no later than one month before its entry into force.

It should be noted that the majority of employees work on a five-day basis working week with two days off, at the same time, in some organizations, based on the nature of production, working conditions and expediency, employees work in six day work week with one day off. However, for both a five-day and a six-day working week, any of the working hours provided for by the Labor Code can be applied.

The choice by the employer of "one or another mode of working time is made in order to ensure the normal functioning of the organization, the fulfillment of the tasks facing it, and is determined by the characteristics of both production in general and the work of certain categories of workers, organizational forms, the nature of the types of work performed in various areas ah activities, available and required number of employees, and other economic and social reasons.

Based on the goals and conditions noted, the so-called non-standard modes of work began to be increasingly used, which provide for the possibility of working out working hours both less and more than the standard hours of the working day (shift) or working week, the distribution of norms for the daily working hours of an individual an employee or a team of employees, different from their standard layouts.

Non-standard modes of operation, based on exceeding the norm of working time upwards, are used, as a rule, for a clearly defined period (week, month, quarter, year, etc.), when the “processing” of the norm of hours of a working day or working week into one periods is compensated by their "defect" in others.

The effectiveness of the use of non-standard working hours depends on many conditions and, above all, on the specifics of production. To a greater extent, these modes have been used both in industries and in organizations with uneven activity, production load. In this regard, when deciding on the application of one or another non-standard working time regime, a full and comprehensive assessment of its effectiveness is required in terms of taking into account personal and public interests, the interests of production, working capacity, labor productivity and physiological capabilities of workers.

Consider certain types non-standard working hours - division of the working day into parts, flexible working hours.

The general rule is that the norm of hours of the working day (shift) established in accordance with the legislation is distributed in such a way that it is worked out by the employee in a row, with one break provided for rest and food lasting at least 20 minutes and not more than two hours.

Article 127 of the Labor Code allows an exception from this rule - the possibility of dividing the working day into parts, subject to the following procedure for its application:

The working day is divided into separate parts, the number of which is not limited by law;

• either one or two or more breaks may be provided, including a break for rest and meals;

· the time of any chosen break during the working day from those stipulated by the legislation is not included in the working time;

· Working hours should not exceed the established duration of daily work.

Based on the said procedure, Art. 127 of the Labor Code also defines the main possibilities for using this non-standard working time for workers employed in those jobs where the use of dividing the working day into parts is caused by a need due to the special nature of labor or uneven intensity of work during the working day (shift).

According to part 3 of Art. 317 of the Labor Code for livestock workers, a working day can be established, divided into no more than three parts, between which breaks of at least two hours are provided, including a break for rest and meals. At the same time, the total duration of working time should not exceed the duration of daily work for this category of workers.

The grounds and procedure for applying the division of the working day into parts for employees of certain industries are also provided for by the regulations on working time and rest time for such employees.

Training and advanced training of agro-industrial complex personnel.

The training of qualified workers is carried out taking into account specific conditions, the economic situation, scientific justifications and forecasts about the state of the labor market. The specifics of employment in countryside in comparison with the urban one, it is expressed in a lower level of industrial and non-industrial sectors in it, in the features of the agricultural sector, which in a generalized form are characterized by the specifics agricultural labor compared to industrial. Accordingly, a specific and demographic structures workers, the ability to meet the needs of people in the choice of activities is limited.

Employees are trained in schools, vocational schools, colleges, universities. It is important to purposefully raise the prestige of professions so that the future employee, consciously choosing his profession or, if necessary, changes the type of his activity.

In connection with the emerging variety of forms of management, there is a need for training, improving knowledge, and retraining cooperators, tenants, and farmers. This is possible by creating a wide network of training and retraining centers at agro-industrial universities, faculties, technical schools, research institutes, experimental stations, and enterprises. Training can also be individual program, including a private form of employee training.

The organization of the system of education and industrial and technical training on the basis of employment services provides for training with taking into account all registered vacancies. Training in the latest specialties is being developed, including through the retraining of persons with obsolete specialties; training for employees who are new to labor activity, workers changing jobs.

Training and retraining of personnel is also carried out on the basis of enterprises. In addition to the above types of training, courses are organized to improve specialists, periodic internships in order to avoid dequalification of employees.

Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources

Kolesnikov Alexey Vladimirovich,

student of the Kerch State Marine Technological University.

The article considers the essence and characteristics of labor resources. The main problems limiting the development of the labor resources of the enterprise and the country as a whole are identified. The main directions for improving the development and use of labor resources are proposed.

Keywords:labor resources, efficiency of use, unemployment, education.


Currently, the Russian economy is undergoing market transformations that affect the entire sphere of social reproduction, as a result of which changes are taking place in social and labor relations. All this necessitates the increase in the efficiency of development of various sectors of the economy, which in turn is not possible without the regulation of the movement of labor resources.

In addition, the development of society is primarily determined by the number and composition of the population, which is understood as the totality of people living in a certain territory - in a country, region, municipality, district, city. However, the factor of economic growth is only that part of the population that can be classified as "labor resources".

The purpose of the article is identification of the main problems hindering the development of labor resources, as well as the proposal of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources in Russia.

Presentation of the main material

For the first time the term "labor resources" was used by Academician S.G. Strumilin in the 1920s. In addition, this problem is covered in the works of Kibanov A.Ya., Vechkanova G.S., E.S. Eremina, Odegova Yu.G., Maguri M. I. .

Table 1.

Definitions of the term "labor resources" of various authors.


Kibanov A.Ya.

“Labor resources” is the able-bodied part of the population that has physical and intellectual capabilities, is able to produce material goods or provide services.

Vechkanov G.S.

"Labor resources" as an economic category expresses the relations that develop between society, the labor collective and the individual regarding the production, distribution, redistribution and use of the formed working capacity, corresponding to their interests, social needs and the level of development of scientific and technological progress.

Magura M.I.

Human Resourcesthis is a part of the population of the country, which, in terms of its physical development, mental abilities and knowledge, is able to work in the national economy.

Ostapenko Yu.M.

"labor resources"- this is the number of people who can be forced to work, that is, who are physically able to work.

Summarizing the opinions outlined above, it can be argued that labor resources should be considered in terms of their qualitative and quantitative characteristics. From the qualitative point of view, the labor resources of the country are characterized by the level of education, vocational training, quality of health, spiritual and moral level of the able-bodied population, as well as creativity and mobility. On the quantitative side, labor resources are characterized by the population of working age.

A characteristic feature of every economic system is that one of the powerful factors in improving the quality of products and services, increasing productivity and labor efficiency, and in general expanding the volume of social production is the improvement of a person’s natural and acquired abilities to work.

In modern economic conditions, the development of labor resources in Russia and in particular the Crimea is not possible without eliminating or reducing the influence of factors that limit their development. These factors include the low quality of health care and socio-cultural services, the negative demographic situation, the growth of open and hidden unemployment, the low level of the system for the reproduction of qualified personnel, the “brain drain”, the complication of the environmental situation, as well as the overall instability of the economy.

Consequently, the policy of the state in the field of increasing the efficiency of development and use of labor resources should be aimed at the transition Russian economy from a raw material orientation to an innovative developed economy, with developed production, intellectual potential, and advanced technologies.

It is advisable to group the main directions for improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources (Fig. 1).

Thus, the most relevant reserve for increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources by enterprises of various forms of ownership is the reduction of staff turnover as a result of improving the microclimate, optimizing the conditions of payment, work and leisure, providing housing and improving the service sector.

Rice. 1. Directions for improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

However, the implementation of these areas will be effective only with the intervention and support of the state, which, first of all, should be expressed in improving the legislative framework, as well as providing support for young professionals at the state level. It is obvious that the task of the state is to redistribute labor resources in favor of labor-deficient regions and cities by increasing the geographical mobility of the population, expanding the scale of labor migration, and also stimulating the interest of workers in mastering new professions and territories.

The most acute problem at the present time is the growth of unemployment in all its forms, especially this situation concerns regions remote from the central part of Russia. In table. 2 presents the data of the Federal Service state statistics on the number of unemployed in the regions Russian Federation.

Table 2.

The number of unemployed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on average per year (according to sample surveys of the population on employment issues), thousand people

federal district







Russian Federation







Central Federal District







Northwestern Federal District







Southern Federal District







North Caucasian Federal District







Volga Federal District







Ural federal district







Siberian Federal District







Far Eastern Federal District







One of the solutions to this problem may be to increase employment in small businesses, which would be possible as a result of additional legal measures and a reduction in the interest rate when applying for a loan. The implementation of these measures will contribute to the growth of small business, which in turn will reduce the unemployment rate.

Under the condition of increasing employment of the population and increasing the efficiency of its reproduction, the state will face the task of directing more investment in housing construction, education, culture, healthcare, science, and other sectors of social infrastructure.

To solve these problems, a large amount of financial resources is needed, as well as the improvement of the legislative framework. One of the sources of financing could be the funds of the population, accumulated in order to create financial mechanisms for long-term lending. In addition, at the initial stage of implementation public policy workforce development financial resources could be obtained by redistributing part of the national wealth located in private property as a result of breaking the law.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service (Table 3), the largest share of the country's population is employed in wholesale and retail trade, repair, as well as in the hotel and restaurant business.

Table 3

Employed population of the Russian Federation by types economic activity at the main job, on average per year, % .

Share of employment








Agriculture and forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming


Manufacturing industries







Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water


Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household and personal items, hotels and restaurants







Transport and communications

Financial activities, real estate transactions, rent and provision of services

Public administration and ensuring military security, social security


Health and Social Service Delivery

Other economic activities

Special attention should be given to improving labor law. In this direction, it is necessary to toughen the responsibility of unscrupulous employers for violation of labor laws.

The development of the education sector also remains an urgent problem. Modern tendencies are such that over the past 10-15 years the professional and qualification structure of the employed has changed significantly. This is due, firstly, to a decrease in the share of engineering and technical specialists of all profiles and areas (the main reason for this phenomenon is a decline in production and low wages), and secondly, an increase in the number of managers, financiers, economists, as well as workers with new professions in the service and tourism business.

As a result, the supply for most specialties exceeds the need for them, and every year the number of specialists who do not have the opportunity to show their professional qualities in practice is growing due to an overabundance of their number. This discrepancy is due to the fact that most educational institutions provides training for specialists in those specialties that are popular among the population, while not in demand in the real labor market.

This situation is typical both for the whole of Russia as a whole and for the Republic of Crimea, where the main problem in the development and effective functioning of labor resources is an overabundance of university graduates who have mastered the most popular specialties (economists, financiers, lawyers) and a lack of workers in engineering and technical specialties, the need which increases in connection with the new state policy towards the Republic of Crimea, aimed at the restoration and development of industrial and agricultural enterprises.

In this regard, financial investments of capital in the field of education should be targeted and directed to those areas and industries that are in demand in the real labor market.


Thus, at present, the main factors that hinder effective development and the functioning of labor resources, are the instability of the economic system, the mismatch between supply and demand for skilled labor and certain specialties, insufficient state regulation of employment and the need to improve labor legislation, taking into account the interests of not only employers, but also employees.

At the state level, the interaction of leading entrepreneurs and heads of state corporations with state higher educational institutions should be ensured in order to identify the need for certain specialists and train them according to special programs.

Subject to the implementation of these measures, it will be possible to direct the necessary resources to a nationwide revival, which will ultimately contribute to an increase in the efficiency of development and the use of labor resources.


1. Vechkanov G.S. Problems of labor resources in Russia: Socio-economic study / G.S. Vechkanov. - St. Petersburg: Petropolis, 1995. - P. 20.

2. Kibanov A.Ya. Human resources management: textbook / ed. AND I. Kibanova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009. – 284 p.

3. Magura M. I. Evaluation of personnel work: Prakt. manual for managers of different levels and specialists personnel services. / Magura M. I., Kurbatova M. B. - M., 2001. - 347 p.

4. Ostapenko Yu.M. Labor Economics: textbook. settlement / Ostapenko Yu.M. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003. – 296 p.

5. Fedyakin V.V. Formation of a strategy for motivational management of labor resources for industrial enterprise/ Fedyakin V.V. // Entrepreneurship. - 2007 - No. 5. - S. 84-91.

3.1 Measures to improve labor productivity

The labor force as the most important factor of any production is becoming a key resource of economic activity. This is primarily due to changes in the content and nature of labor. Since the time of Taylor and Smith, labor has changed under the influence of technological progress: it has become more intellectual, more perfect forms and principles of its division have developed, it requires a large expenditure of human mental energy.

The prospective development of an enterprise should include the task of forming a labor management system, the functioning of which contributes to the achievement of high competitiveness, and hence, strengthening the position of a particular business entity in the goods market.

New more complex tasks of managing labor resources at the enterprise place increased demands on the structure, composition and forms of work of the personnel service.

The human resource management system at the enterprise includes three interrelated blocks:

Formation of the labor resources of the enterprise;

Development of the labor resources of the enterprise;

Improving the quality of the working period of life;

The development of the labor resources of an enterprise (company) is a personnel policy and an enterprise strategy in the field of personnel development and its optimal use, taking into account both work with an already formalized staff and the implementation of forecasts to meet the need for labor. These activities are primarily aimed at the qualitative development of the potential of employees, increasing labor productivity.

Fig.1 Formation of the labor resources of the enterprise

Rice. 2 Improving the quality of the working period of life

The need for professional orientation and social adaptation of an employee in the enterprise team is caused by the specifics of each specific team, workplace and relationships created in the team, microclimate and social environment.

A newly arrived worker in a team needs elementary orientation, as well as adaptation of his experience, knowledge, skills, standards of relations to a given workplace and team. In the implementation of this important set of familiarization activities with a newly arrived employee, the main role is assigned to the personnel service of the enterprise. Along with this, reference books, instructional materials, other means and methods specially prepared for this purpose can be used. The main part of career guidance and familiarization work with a newly arrived employee falls on the first day and first week of his stay in the team, but the process of acquaintance and adaptation does not end there, but lasts for some more time.

Improving the quality of the labor resources of an enterprise on the basis of professional training and retraining of personnel is a system of measures aimed at maintaining the compliance of the labor force with socio-historical requirements dictated by the development of productive forces, primarily scientific and technological progress. The logical expression of this should be an increase in labor productivity. This should take into account the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

It is necessary not only to subordinate the activities of each individual employee to the main goals of the enterprise, but also to provide an individual approach to each, find the key to his talent, abilities, and attach him to the common cause. To do this, I propose to use a number of methods for the professional development of employees of the enterprise, the main of which include:

Full and comprehensive motivation of the goals, objectives and consequences of training;

· Maximum use of acquired knowledge and "secrets" in the workplace;

· Evaluation of the diligence and quality of the acquired knowledge, both in the course of training and in the workplace;

· Ensuring the implementation of the knowledge and skills acquired during the training at the same or a new workplace.

Performance appraisal of personnel is not an appraisal of everyone

a specific employee in the course of his training, and the study by the immediate supervisor of the quality of each operation performed by a trained employee at his workplace for a certain period of time.

As a result of such a comprehensive comprehensive assessment, the manager informs the employee about the level of efficiency of his work, indicates areas for improvement.

2 Project to improve the productive use of labor resources

To improve the use of labor resources, it is necessary to review their structure and develop measures to improve the use of working time. Particular attention should be paid to:

streamlining the practice of granting short-term administrative leave without saving wages, since these holidays are often given without serious intentions;

the study of each case of violations of labor discipline in order to strengthen it, using for this not only administrative measures, but also forms of both moral and material influence on its violators;

careful study (according to disability certificates) of the nature of morbidity in certain groups of workers and the development of preventive measures on this basis (for example, to improve labor protection and safety, organize dietary nutrition, etc.) that reduce morbidity.

Particular attention should be paid to the organization of labor production, since compliance with the principles rational organization production process is the basis for the normal conduct of financial activities with the most favorable economic indicators.

The main measures for the rational organization of the sale of goods and labor are:

division of labor and placement of workers in the enterprise;

organization of workplaces and their maintenance;

introduction of rational labor processes;

creating a favorable working environment;

organization of wages and material incentives;

organization of training;

occupational health and safety.

At the enterprise, it is also necessary to carry out measures to improve the production culture: maintaining order and cleanliness in stores, organizing medical care, flower beds, lawns on the territory, etc. These measures not only facilitate human work, but also significantly affect economic performance. For example, the skillful organization of the color environment and lighting can increase productivity by 15 - 25%. Color design will cost much less than the losses from industrial injuries and the decrease in efficiency caused by the end of the working day. Establishing the right science - based ventilation system contributes to an increase in labor productivity by about 10 - 15%. Labor productivity increases from 5 to 10% if production noise is reduced to the norm.

All of these activities help to increase the economic efficiency of the use of labor resources and, ultimately, increase the sale of goods at the enterprise.

Conclusions and offers

A person of labor plays a decisive role in the development of trading activities, the improvement of its organization and management in order to obtain the greatest return from their work.

People invent and produce tools and means of production, organize a rational division and cooperation of labor at various levels of commercial activity, from the workplace to organization within the entire national economy.

The labor force, as a combination of physical and spiritual abilities of a person, is the main productive force of society and constitutes the labor resources of all enterprises and institutions belonging to various sectors of the economy.

The labor resources of each sold unit are part of the labor resources distributed across the industries of the enterprise.

The sphere of labor is an important and multifaceted area of ​​the economic and social life of society. It covers both the labor market and the direct use of labor resources in a trade organization. On the labor market, the value of the labor force is assessed, the conditions for its employment are determined, including the amount of wages, working conditions, the possibility of obtaining education, professional growth, job security, etc. The labor market reflects the main trends in the dynamics of employment, its main structures (sectoral, vocational, demographic), i.e. in the social division of labor, as well as the mobility of the labor force, the scale and dynamics of unemployment.

An equally important component of the world of work is personnel work at enterprises (firms), labor motivation and labor relations. It is at the micro level that the direct use of the country's labor resources takes place, their contribution to the economic growth as an economic resource and sales factor.

my goal term paper consisted in the analysis of labor resources at OOO Trade House Baris. It was necessary to find out what is the composition and structure of labor resources, and how it changes under the influence of certain factors.

After analyzing the composition of the labor resources at LLC Trade House Baris, the following was established: in 2009. there was an increase in the number of workers compared to 2008. for 12 people.

Thus, we can conclude that the problem of the efficiency of using the personnel of an enterprise in the conditions of market relations is of particular relevance, since it is human capital is the main factor in the economic growth of the enterprise.

Based on the above, it is obvious that the problem of labor resources is a key issue in a market economy, and without solving it it is impossible to establish an effective operation of the economy. The problem of labor resources and unemployment is especially acute now in Russia, which is not surprising, because. The state of the Russian economy is now depressing. The huge economic downturn, having ruined the industry, could not but affect the labor market. Over the past 4 years, the number of employed people has decreased by 9 percent.

Until recently, the Government of Russia did not pay due attention to this problem, which caused fairly fair concerns. But the situation has partly changed with the adoption of the "Program of social reforms in the Russian Federation for the period 1996 - 2000", which focuses on improving market mechanisms for regulating employment. Let's hope that this normative act will be effectively implemented, becoming a prerequisite for the economic revival of Russia.


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Numerous interdependent factors for increasing labor productivity indicators can be conditionally combined into the following main groups, characterizing:

  • - improvement of engineering and technology. This group of factors includes everything that is determined by modern scientific and technological progress;
  • - improvement of the organization of production, rational distribution of productive forces, specialization of enterprises and industries, the most complete use of existing equipment, the rhythm of production, etc.;
  • - improving the organization of labor, i.e., improving the use of human labor (improving the skills of personnel, the cultural and technical level of workers, strengthening labor discipline and improving the wage system, labor rationing and personal material interest of all workers; ensuring average labor intensity).

One of the most important conditions for the implementation of the production plan. increase in output per member labor collective, as well as the rational use of labor resources is the economical and efficient use of working time. The efficiency of work, the fulfillment of all technical and economic indicators depend on how fully and rationally the working time is used. Therefore, the analysis of the use of working time is an important part of the analytical work in an industrial enterprise.

The completeness of the use of labor resources can be assessed by the number of days and hours worked by one employee for the analyzed period of time, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund. Such an analysis is carried out for each category of workers, for each production unit and for the enterprise as a whole.

The working time fund (FRV) depends on the number of workers (KR), the number of days worked by one worker on average per year (D) and the average length of the working day (P):

PDF \u003d KR * D * P

The policy in the field of remuneration is an integral part of enterprise management, and the efficiency of its work largely depends on it, since wages are one of the most important incentives in the rational use of labor. And this must always be remembered.

Reducing the cost of production is ensured primarily by increasing labor productivity. With the growth of labor productivity, labor costs per unit of output are reduced, and, consequently, the share of wages in the cost structure also decreases.

The success of the struggle to reduce costs is determined primarily by the growth of labor productivity of workers, which ensures in certain conditions savings on wages. Let us consider under what conditions, with the growth of labor productivity at enterprises, the costs of wages of workers are reduced. An increase in the output per worker can be achieved through the implementation of organizational and technical measures, due to which, as a rule, the norms of output change and, accordingly, the prices for the work performed. An increase in output can also occur due to overfulfillment of the established norms of output without organizational and technical measures. Norms of production and prices in these conditions, as a rule, do not change.

Ways to improve work motivation are grouped into five relatively independent directions: material incentives, improving the quality of the workforce, improving the organization of labor, involving personnel in the management process and non-monetary incentives.

The first direction reflects the role of the motivational mechanism of remuneration in the system of increasing labor productivity. It includes as elements the improvement of the wage system, the provision of opportunities for staff to participate in the property and profits of the enterprise.

Of course, the motivational mechanism of remuneration is given big role, but the constant increase in the level of wages does not contribute to both maintaining labor activity at the proper level, and the growth of labor productivity. The application of this method can be useful for achieving short-term increases in labor productivity. In the end, there is a certain imposition or addiction to this type of exposure.

Although labor in our country, unlike highly developed countries, is currently considered mainly only as a means of earning money, it can be assumed that the need for money will grow to a certain limit, depending on the standard of living, after which money will become a condition for a normal psychological status, the preservation of human dignity. In this case, other groups of needs related to the need for creativity, achievement of success, and others can act as dominant ones. It is very important for a manager to be able to recognize the needs of employees. A lower level need must be satisfied before the next level need becomes a larger determinant of human behavior.

Needs are constantly changing, so you can’t expect that motivation that worked once will be effective in the future. Thus, the process of motivation by satisfying needs is endless.

The next direction for improving motivation - improving the organization of labor - contains setting goals, expanding labor functions, enrichment of labor, production rotation, application flexible schedules and improvement of working conditions.

Goal setting assumes that a correctly set goal, through the formation of an orientation towards its achievement, serves as a motivating tool for an employee.

The expansion of labor functions implies the introduction of diversity into the work of personnel, that is, an increase in the number of operations performed by one employee. As a result, the work cycle for each employee is lengthened, and the intensity of labor is growing. The use of this method is advisable in case of underloaded workers and own desire them to expand the range of their activities, otherwise this may lead to strong resistance from workers.

The enrichment of labor implies the provision of such work to a person that would enable growth, creativity, responsibility, self-actualization, inclusion in his duties of some functions of planning and quality control of the main, and sometimes related products. This method is expedient to apply in the field of work of engineering and technical workers.

For mass working professions, it is best to use production rotation, which involves the alternation of types of work and production operations, when workers periodically exchange jobs during the day, which is mainly characteristic of the brigade form of labor organization.

Improvement of working conditions - acute problem today. New level social maturity of the individual denies the adverse conditions of the working environment. Working conditions, acting not only as a need, but also as a motive that encourages work with a certain return, can be both a factor and a consequence of a certain labor productivity and its efficiency.

Recently, Japanese methods of productivity management have been introduced as an experiment at our advanced enterprises, one of which is to improve the culture of production. Compliance with the five principles of work is one of the elements of labor morality.

  • - Eliminate unnecessary items in workplaces
  • - Properly arrange and store the right items
  • - Maintain a clean and tidy workplace at all times
  • - Constant readiness of the workplace for work
  • - Learn discipline and observe the listed principles.

The condition of the workplace is assessed daily when checking the point score for compliance with its content to the specified rules. The workers have a direct interest in constantly maintaining their place in good condition, since in this case the tariff part of their earnings increases by 10%. The use of such a system allows to increase the level of production culture and contributes to the growth of labor productivity.

group student



“Improving the efficiency of using

Labor resources at the enterprise»


Coursework Coursework

admitted to the defense defended with a rating of ""___""

__________________________ _________________________________

manager's signature manager's signature

''____''_________________2006 ''____''_________________2006


Explanatory note 52 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, 7 sources, 30 formulas.

Personnel, Labor resources, profession, specialty, qualifications, industrial and production personnel, payroll, wages, remuneration structure, forms and systems of remuneration, wage fund, labor incentives, personnel policy, personnel management, labor productivity.

The purpose of this course work is to study and improve the use of labor resources in the enterprise.

The object of the study is to increase the efficiency of the use of labor resources in industry.

As a result of the analysis, an event was proposed for the commissioning of new equipment.

As a result of the implementation of the measure, coal mining will increase, the working conditions of workers will improve, the average monthly wage of the enterprise's employees will increase, which in turn will increase the interest of workers in work, and increase their labor productivity.

use of labor resources 30

The labor force, as interpreted in the course of economics, is the totality of the physical and mental abilities of a person, his ability to work. In the conditions of market relations, the “ability to work” makes labor power a commodity. But this is no ordinary product. Its difference from other goods is that, firstly, it creates value more than it costs itself, secondly, without its involvement it is impossible to carry out any production, thirdly, the degree (efficiency) of using the main and negotiable production assets.

The concept of efficiency is a complex of factors and criteria for the rational organization of labor: conscientious work of employees; productive labor, which provides a high level of productivity not only depending on a combination of factors, but also on the desire of workers; efficient use of working time; favorable working conditions for employees; establishing the correct relationship between the results of labor and its payment; stimulating high-quality work at the minimum cost of resources and material liability for poor quality work.

Therefore, it is possible to achieve high production and economic results of the economy by achieving high efficiency in the use of the enterprise's labor resources.

One of important factors that affect the efficiency of the use of labor resources in the enterprise are working conditions and wages, which should be simple, accessible and understandable. It is the working conditions and wages, and often only it, that is the reason that brings the worker to his workplace. Wages have a motivational effect: money makes a person work, and their amount stimulates labor activity and increases labor productivity.

The purpose of this course work is to study and improve the use of labor resources in the enterprise, analysis operating system and forms of remuneration. Taking into account the results of the research, develop measures to improve the efficiency of the use of the enterprise's labor resources.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be completed.

First, it is necessary to determine the essence of labor resources and industrial and production personnel.

Second, consider modern systems remuneration, determine the basic principles of organizing wages and study the system of organizing remuneration at the enterprise, analyze labor productivity, payroll and wages at the enterprise.

Thirdly, to develop specific measures that could increase the labor resources of the enterprise, the satisfaction of employees with their salary.

The object of the study is to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources in the enterprise.

The subject of the study is the increase in the use of labor resources in the branch of OAO Southern Kuzbass - Sibirginskaya Mine.

The production of each country and each industry depends on a number of factors. These factors are personnel, labor and wages.

Labor is a purposeful human activity. The company uses the labor of people of various professions

Cadres are the most valuable and important part of the productive forces of society. In general, the efficiency of production depends on the qualifications of workers, their placement and use, which affects the volume and growth rate of manufactured products, the use of material and technical means /1/.

That is, the use of labor resources of the enterprise is directly related to the change in the indicator of labor productivity. The growth of this indicator is the most important condition for the development of the country's productive forces and the main source of growth in national income.

Labor resources are part of the population of both sexes, which, due to their psychophysiological and intellectual qualities, is able to produce material goods and services and be in social and labor relations with a certain enterprise /5, p. 101/.

Sufficient provision of enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, and a high level of labor productivity are of great importance for increasing production volumes and improving production efficiency.

In particular, the volume and timeliness of all work, the efficiency of using equipment, machines, mechanisms, and as a result, the volume of production, its cost, profit and a number of other economic indicators depend on the availability of labor resources and the efficiency of their use.

Age limits and the socio-demographic composition of labor resources are determined by a system of legislative acts.

The workforce includes:

1) population of working age, with the exception of war and labor invalids of groups I and II and non-working persons receiving pensions on preferential terms;

2) working persons of retirement age;

3) working teenagers under the age of 16.

By Russian legislation adolescents under 16 years of age are employed upon reaching the age of 15 in exceptional cases. It is also allowed, in order to prepare young people for work, to employ students in general education schools, vocational and secondary specialized educational institutions upon reaching the age of 14 with the consent of one of the parents or a person replacing him, provided that they are provided with light work. Not harmful to health and not interfering with the learning process.

The labor resources of the enterprise are distributed according to professions, specialties and qualifications.

Profession is special kind labor activity, which requires certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Specialty is a kind professional activity, which has specific features and requires employees additional knowledge and skills (economists: planners, marketers, financiers, and so on).

Qualification is the degree of mastery employee any profession or specialty.

All employees working at the enterprise are divided into two groups: industrial and production personnel (employed in production activities) and personnel of non-industrial divisions (employees employed in housing, communal and subsidiary farms, health centers, dispensaries, educational institutions) / 5, p. 101/.