Rat offers on cars. Rationalization proposal for reducing production waste: calculating the economic effect. Making an improvement proposal: ideas must work

The fact that foreign companies actively use this tool is known to everyone interested in this topic. What do we have?

Just recently, about 5 years ago, a German production organization consultant who worked for us asked in surprise: “I’ve been to many Russian enterprises, and have never seen a working system of improvement proposals. Why did you ruin it, we once even came to you to learn from experience!” Indeed, until recently, most companies “had no time for this.”

Now the rebirth of this instrument is taking place. In addition to the familiar name “rationalization proposal”, it can be called “kaizen proposal”, “total production optimization”, “improvement proposals”, or even “Stop wasting!”, as in the Russian divisions of Alcoa. Of course, each of these names implies its own specifics, its own characteristics, but common goal They have one - to use the initiative of employees, find internal reserves and force them to benefit their company.

We bring to your attention a brief overview of the best Russian experience, prepared using materials posted by the companies themselves on our Production Management portal and in other media.

Economic effect of improvement proposals

What economic effect can be obtained from rationalization proposals, is it worth spending time and effort on this? What costs are required for this?

Even a quick analysis shows that the results are very good:

  • "Uralelectromed"I've already saved money in three years 22 million rubles thanks to the improvement proposals. It is expected that by the end of this year it will correspond to the level of 2009 - more than 9 million rubles. Since the beginning of this year, over 1,000 applications have already been received from Uralelectromed employees, of which about 200 works have been completed at the level of rationalization proposals and are being implemented in production. The initiators of these developments were paid over 1.2 million rubles.
  • On KAMAZ in 2008 alone, 48 thousand kaizen proposals were received aimed at improving all areas of activity. Over three years, based on proposals received, 2,700 projects were opened, 1,300 units of equipment and 90 thousand square meters were released. meters of production space. Economic effect of development production system KAMAZ in three years amounted to 1.6 billion rubles, with costs of 16 million rubles.
  • Total optimization in enterprises Severstal Group in 1998-2002 brought in tens of millions of dollars through the implementation of effective and at the same time low-cost activities. For example, at the head enterprise of the group, 2,388 activities were initiated during this period, and by the beginning of 2002, 1,835 of them had been implemented. The total economic effect was $60.5 million. Since 2000 at JSC " Karelian pellet"Five target programs have been developed within the framework of the TOP project. The actual effect of the implementation of framework activities of three of them is about 5 million dollars.
  • On Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant in 2001 alone, the economic effect from the implementation of 369 proposals exceeded $3.5 million.
  • Since 2008, thanks to projects implemented by employees Alcoa SMZ within the program “Stop losing!”, was saved more than 253 million rubles., and the best proposal of the competition to reduce losses will allow Alcoa SMZ to save over 35 million rubles.
  • On UAZ As a result of the implementation of our own program to reduce costs and production costs, over the 11 months of 2009, 383 measures were implemented with an economic effect by the end of the year more than 160 million rubles.
  • The economic effect of the introduced rationalization proposals for Gorky Railway made up more than 79 million rubles in the first half of 2010.
  • On Neftekamsk Automobile Plant in 2009, 3,833 kaizen proposals were submitted, of which 3,042 were introduced into production. Over the 8 months of this year, 11,000 kaizen proposals were already submitted, of which 7,028 were introduced into production. As a result of the implementation of proposals, more than 12 thousand square meters were released at the plant meters of production space, which created a reserve for organizing new production.
  • The economic effect of implementing "Kaizen" in Agroholding "Kuban" at the end of 2009 amounted to 107 million rubles.
  • In company " Severstal-metiz"In the first half of 2010, 90 rationalization proposals were introduced into production out of 130 submitted. At the Cherepovets site of Severstal-metiz, 62 rationalization proposals were implemented. The economic effect of previously implemented rationalization proposals in the first half of the year was more than 11 million rubles. Since the beginning of the year, the Oryol branch of Severstal-metiz has introduced 13 ideas with an overall economic effect more than 3 million rubles. During the first half of the year, the Volgograd enterprise implemented 15 improvement proposals, the effect of which is now being calculated.
  • IN Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant in the first half of 2010, 739 rationalization proposals were introduced into production with a total economic effect of over 8.9 million rubles.
  • In the first half of 2007, the company Industrial tractor", which is part of the Tractor Plants Concern, saved money due to the technical creativity of its employees 7.4 million rubles. At the same time, the enterprise experienced a significant increase - by 46.1 percent. - labor productivity increased.
  • Implementation of the TOP program (“Total Production Optimization”) at Cheboksary Aggregate Plant within two years gave the company savings of 80 million rubles.
  • IN " Orelenergo» a program to improve operational efficiency is being implemented. To date, 48 employees have already made their proposals to improve operational efficiency. The result was 16 proposals with an expected total economic effect of 91 million rubles.
  • Oktyabrskaya Railway - economic effect for 2010 already compiled 21.8 million rubles.
  • At the Novokuznetsk Metallurgical and West Siberian Combines ( EVRAZ Group of Companies) in a year and a half, they introduced about 1000 proposals and inventions. The economic effect is impressive - 300 million rubles.

Many companies are one of main success factors These projects mark the maximum involvement of enterprise employees in optimization processes.

“We try to involve the company’s employees as much as possible in the process of optimizing the production process. And for its part, the management " Uralelectromed“supports research and inventive activities in every possible way,” says the boss technical department"Uralelectromed" Alexander Krestyaninov - Since the beginning of this year, over 1000 applications have already been received from Uralelectromed employees, of which about 200 works have been completed at the level of rationalization proposals and are being implemented in production. Mostly these initiatives relate to the production sector, but there are also proposals to optimize management processes and reduce production costs. The initiators of these developments were paid over 1.2 million rubles.”

IN Neftekamsk Automobile Plant One of the priorities is to involve each employee in the improvement process, and this is done by submitting kaizen proposals. In order to motivate and involve as many employees as possible in this process, the plant has developed a Regulation on financial incentives for each proposal submitted (regardless of the presence or absence of effect), for each proposal implemented.

Employee training is an important factor in project success

In order to popularize innovation activity employees " Uralelectromed» under the age of 30 regularly undergo training within program "Rationalization and Invention". At the seminars, in particular, they are told how to properly draw up and defend an innovation proposal, are introduced to the basics of patent science, etc.

The Kaizen management system is being gradually introduced in all structural divisions Agroholding "Kuban" since 2006. In 2009, the company trained 1,366 people in the basics of industrial psychology Kaizen. During this time, 197 employee proposals were implemented.

Industrial site Volgograd aluminum smelter Recently, for a week, it became both a testing and training ground - a landing party of specialists for the development of the production system of RUSAL enterprises landed at the enterprise. In five days, the four teams into which the mermaids were divided developed dozens of improvement projects. The first one worked with the machine in the foundry department. The result is 34 kaizen improvements, of which 20 have already been successfully implemented. As a result, the operation time has decreased and the productivity of the casting machine has increased. Oleg Buts, project manager for the “Development of the Production System of the Sayanogorsk Aluminum Smelter,” who was part of this group, is completely satisfied with the expected economic effect. The second team was able to significantly restructure the work of the operators of one of the teams in the electrolysis buildings. “The first two days were spent assessing the situation and fixing problems,” said Andrey Kartavtsev, head of the electrolysis production department of the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter. - And then the actual work on improvements began. The third group got rid of defects in the forging and foundry department of the VgAZ-SUAL-Remont enterprise. Now there are practically no defects here, but there is a new table to simplify work, a production analysis stand and a work plan for the next six months. As a result, it will be possible to save more than 1 million rubles. We also standardized the work in the jack repair area, and also reduced the number of emergency stops.

Some companies hold special competitions for innovation proposals

For example, on Irkutsk Aviation Plant SME employees began submitting the first kaizen proposals a year ago, and in 2010, leaflets with requests for improvement began pouring into special boxes more actively, notes the plant’s press service. During the implementation of this BP tool in Mechanical Assembly Production, 700 kaizen proposals were submitted. Of these, 225 have been implemented (the number is increasing all the time). According to SME managers, on average, 8-10 quite reasonable proposals are received per week to improve production processes. When evaluating “kaizens,” many factors were taken into account: the simplicity and originality of the solution, the speedy implementation of the project, the effect of improvement, repeatability (replication of previously submitted proposals), the activity of the competitors and, of course, the mandatory implementation of the proposal by the department, with virtually no additional funds involved. The results were summed up in terms of overall equipment operating efficiency (OEE). The results obtained cannot but rejoice. For example, the winning machine MCFV-1680 (workshop 269) “produced” an OEE indicator of 81.9%. For comparison: in Japanese enterprises 65% is considered a good ratio, in the USA - 75%. That is, on a single machine, IAZ workers exceeded global overall efficiency indicators. In workshops 201, 217, 221, the winners' indicators are somewhat more modest, but still they are not lower than 73.5%. Conventionally, the economic effect obtained from increasing the efficiency of high-performance equipment can be equated to the purchase of two additional machines. The organizers are unanimous in their assessments - the competition was a success, with 105 winners awarded as a result of the competition. According to the organizers, such competitions will now be held twice a year.

IN Agroholding "Kuban" held a competition among employees "Best Kaizen 2009" and identified four leading developments to improve production processes. The winners were chosen in the following categories: " Efficiency", "Profitability", "Novelty of thought", "Originality of technical solution" In the end, the development of the Seed Growing division was recognized as the most effective, the economic effect of which exceeded 6 million rubles. Four workers improved the process of collecting and shipping grain waste in the calibration shop. As a result, the team doubled the seed storage capacity to 360 tons. The implementation of the development also made it possible to eliminate manual labor. The most profitable project at the end of last year was the project of a specialist from the Grain Storage and Processing department, who improved the technological scheme of the feed mill. Having spent only about 1.4 thousand rubles, it achieved an economic effect of 478 thousand rubles, that is, the profitability exceeded 99%. For the originality of the technical idea, the company rewarded an employee of the Agricultural Enterprise division, who proposed to improve the bearing assembly of the cultivator. This made it possible to double the service life of the mechanism, and the economic effect amounted to 3.47 million rubles. His idea is recognized as an innovation in the agricultural sector.

"Dry" also holds competitions for projects to improve the production system. It is divided into two stages: the first, qualifying, takes place at each enterprise and the final - in the Moscow office of the holding. The winners are determined in three categories: " Development" - a project that started before the beginning of this year and has a positive dynamics of development." New project "should be started this year and be under implementation with a developed phased implementation plan. In the nomination " Quick effect" projects are participating that have given a specific positive effect and the implementation of which took no more than two months. The evaluation criterion is the reduction in the time of production of products, performance of work or provision of services, as well as the share of the improved process in the total volume of processes of the Sukhoi production system. The winners of the competition will receive material encouragement: Members of working groups may be offered promotions, salary increases, or personal bonuses.

At leading enterprises " Concern "Tractor Plants" there are also incentive programs creative initiative and employee activities - such as “600 hours”, “TOP”, “Golden shots”.

Every year at enterprises Alcoa Russia in Samara and Belaya Kalitva a competition is being held for the best innovation proposal as part of the corporate loss reduction program “Stop losing!”. Authors of proposals to improve the work process, products or production activities In general, they are employees of the production and resource departments of the enterprise. Losses can be reduced by improving the safety of working conditions, reducing costs, improving quality, or reducing the time or effort spent on work. In February-March best deals from each directorate were considered by a commission headed by General Director plant M.G. With a match. “Stop Losing!” program has been operating at Alcoa Russia enterprises since 2008. It is aimed at encouraging employee initiative and their contribution to reducing company losses. Rationalization proposals, or proposals for improvement, can relate to any area: production, labor protection, safety environment or improving the working conditions of employees. In addition to recognizing the initiative of each program participant, the company stimulates employees in the following way: each accepted proposal adds 50 rubles to the virtual piggy bank - “ Barrel of honey" When 500 thousand virtual rubles accumulate in the “barrel”, the company converts them into real money, which is spent on charitable purposes or on improving the working conditions of the company’s employees. In 2008, with funds from Barrels of Honey No. 1, equipment for correctional treatment was purchased for Samara boarding school No. 113 for children with developmental disabilities. The second "Barrel" was spent on improvement living conditions Alcoa SMZ employees: refrigerators, kettles and microwaves. In 2009, employees decided to provide assistance to Samara boarding school No. 4, where 140 deaf and mute children are educated and educated. A decision is currently being made on where the funds from the fourth and fifth “Barrels” will be allocated.

IN " Tatneft» youth scientific and practical conferences are held, which are held by the committee of the youth organization and the Central Council of Young Specialists (CSMS), created 10 years ago by Tatneft, one of the first in the industry. The purpose of these associations is to intensify and give a systematic character to the production and creative activity of the company's youth. At the last conference, after preliminary consideration by the central expert commission, out of 766 applications submitted, 228 scientific papers in 13 sections were allowed to participate in the conference. Required condition For all work presented at the conference, this includes the preparation of a title of protection (a patent for an invention, a utility model), rationalization proposals, calculation of the economic effect of the implementation of the proposed development, as well as examination in the Engineering Center and Investment Management of OAO Tatneft. The innovation of this year’s youth scientific and practical conference is that in all the presented works the economic effect of implementation was calculated.

Rationalization activities are an integral part of the strategy of OJSC Russian Railways» to improve efficiency and quality of work. Within its framework, corporate competitions and technical training on the topic “ Development of technical creativity and innovation».

A well-functioning system of proposals was created at Petro LLC(part of the Japan Tobacco International group of companies). In 2008, two thousand employees of Petro LLC submitted 3,068 proposals, and in ten months of 2009 - 1,415 proposals. “This process is only gaining momentum here,” says Konstantin Ozerov. — If at the company’s factories in Japan each employee submits on average 20-30 proposals or more per year, then at our enterprise on average 1.5 proposals are received from each employee. But this is on average. There are activists who submit 50-60 proposals or more.”

“Since 2009, our factory has reached a new level in the development and submission of proposals,” says Konstantin Ozerov, administrator of the business support department, chairman of the Petro Proposal System committee. — If in past years we observed a significant number of small proposals, for example, on the organization of workspace, administrative issues (working of the canteen, wardrobe, corporate transport), now more attention is paid to very serious projects related to the management of technological processes, modification of equipment, labor safety."

Currently, approximately 35 percent of all proposals are being implemented at Petro. Authors whose innovation proposal has been implemented receive a financial reward from the company, which is paid strictly and immediately. The bonuses are small - 300, 600 and 1500 rubles. However, as many years of experience show, much more important in this process is moral satisfaction, and not material interest.

In conclusion, we can quote Alexandra Shevelev, executive director of the Cherepovets site of Severstal-metiz: “Rationalization, as a continuous process, is today an important tool in a continuous improvement program. It would be impossible to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of equipment and technologies, and improve working conditions without non-standard solutions and ideas offered by our company’s employees.”

What could be the rationalization proposals?

How is efficiency expressed?

How to choose a formula for calculating economic efficiency?

It is possible to reduce the cost of manufactured products by optimizing the costs of the enterprise. One of the methods for increasing the efficiency of an industrial enterprise is the rational use of resources and the reduction of waste and losses during the production process. To motivate employees to look for options to reduce waste, enterprises are developing and implementing regulations on innovation.

Economic efficiency rationalization activities at the enterprise are expressed in increasing production output, improving product quality, reducing losses from manufacturing defects and waste, shortening the production cycle, saving material and energy resources, reducing production costs, increasing labor productivity and making it easier. When calculating real savings from the implementation of proposals, only those cost items for production of products are taken into account that actually change as a result of the implementation of this proposal. All costs associated with implementing the proposal are deducted from the savings.

In order to motivate employees to search for such solutions, it is necessary to develop and implement a regulation on innovation at the enterprise.

Rationalization proposal is a proposal of a production and technical nature that directly improves manufacturing process by more effective use equipment, materials or labor of workers, but not significantly changing the design or technological processes of production.

It is necessary to distinguish rationalization proposals in the field of organizing production from rationalization proposals in the field of organizing the management of an enterprise, farm, etc.

In the first case, the author of the accepted rationalization proposal receives a reward, the amount of which, as a rule, depends on the amount of annual savings obtained from applying the proposal; in the second - a bonus in the amount established by the head of the enterprise or institution.

In the second case, it is only necessary to evaluate whether the proposal is rationalization or not. And in the first, economists must calculate the economic effect of the rationalization proposal.

The choice of formula for calculating the economic effect depends on the type of rationalization proposal.

Enterprise economists most often calculate the economic effect of the first type of technical solutions using the formula:

E = (Z 1 - 3 2) × A 2 = [(C 1 - C 2) - E × (K 2 - K 1)] × A 2, (1)

where E is the annual economic effect, rub.;

Z 1, 3 2 - reduced costs of a unit of production (work) produced before and after the implementation of the rationalization proposal;

C 1 , C 2 - cost per unit of production (work) for changing cost items before and after the start of use of the invention or innovation proposal;

E is the coefficient of reduction of capital investments;

K 1, K 2 - specific capital investments in production assets before and after the start of using the rationalization proposal, in rubles;

A 2 is the annual volume of production (work) using the rationalization proposal, in natural units.

Let us consider the procedure for calculating the economic effect using the example of rationalization proposals to reduce industrial waste.

There are 2 types of rationalization proposals in this area:

  1. to reduce returnable waste and its rational use;
  2. on the use of irrecoverable waste.

We are interested in a rationalization proposal to reduce production costs as a result of reducing returnable waste and using it more rationally. In this case, the economic effect is the difference in the cost of the main product, during the production of which waste was generated, for those cost items that are affected by the rationalization proposal. This takes into account the prices set for the sale of waste.

And since returnable waste is minus, the cost of the main products can be calculated using the formula:

C o = N m × (C m + P t) - O m × C o, (2)

where C o is the cost per unit of the main product, rub.;

N m - consumption of basic material, raw materials per unit of production;

Р t — transportation and procurement costs for delivery of a unit of material, raw materials to the enterprise, rub.;

C m - wholesale price per unit of material, raw materials, rub.;

О m - waste of material, raw materials per unit of production;

Ts o - price for selling a unit of waste, rub.

Let's substitute formula 2 into formula 1:

E = [(N m1 × (C m1 + P t1) - O m1 × C o1 - N m2 × (C m2 + P t2) + O m2 × C o2) - E × (K 2 - K 1)] × A 2. (3)

If R t1 = R t2, C m1 = C m2, C o1 = C o2, etc., the formula for calculating the economic effect will look like this:

E = [(C m1 + P t1) × (N m1 - N m2) - C o1 × (O m1 - O m2) - E × (K 2 - K 1)] × A 2. (4)

To calculate the economic effect of a rationalization proposal for using irrevocable waste instead of high-grade materials for production, the cost of manufacturing products from high-grade materials is compared with the cost of manufacturing products from irrecoverable waste. In this case, only changing cost items are taken into account.

In this case, you can use formula 4. Provided that O m1 = O m2, the formula will take the form:

E = [(C m1 + P t1) × (N m1 - N m2) - E × (K 2 - K 1)] × A 2. (5)

Table 1

Calculation of the economic effect of an innovation proposal that changes production waste




Before use

After use


Unit cost


consumption of basic material per unit of production

wholesale price of material per 1 kg

transportation and procurement costs per 1 kg

waste per unit of production

waste unit price

Economic effect

58 800,00

R. V. Kazantsev,
Financial Director of LLC Management Company "Teplodar"

So, it all starts out easy. A proposal for improvement (the so-called PPU) can be submitted on a form (direct managers have applications, you can print them yourself from the system) or through internal portal JSC ChMP (ISU PPU). Members of small groups (MG) don’t even have to do it on paper. It is enough to discuss the idea at general meeting MG, and the leader of the MG will help register the PPU. STO-158, which regulates the submission of PPU, states that the manager must help the employee formulate the PPU.

After registering the PPU in the system, it is assigned a category and a person responsible for implementation is assigned.

1 category assigned to proposals that help improve working conditions (WU). These include proposals for improving existing work processes, incl. more rational placement of equipment, improving the condition of workplaces, and refining office algorithms. The payment for them is 300 rubles. Implemented in 2015 automatic system submission of PPU (MIS PPU) not only registers all PPU, but also itself includes the authors of PPU in the statement for payment of remuneration, which is automatically sent immediately after changing the status “Registered” to “Accepted for implementation”. The decision on this is made by the working group. It is she who determines the feasibility, significance of the PPU and those responsible for carrying out the activities. The system also changes the statuses “Registered” to “Accepted for testing” or “Implementation” automatically.

The arithmetic is simple: 10 PPU per month for 300 rubles. = 3000 rubles - a good increase in salary.

Co. 2 categories include proposals for organizational and technical improvement (OT). The payment for them is 700 rubles. These include ideas for organizing a new process (production, office - for example, with changes in planning, financing, information systems, etc.) or technical solutions (obtained by design, programming, calculation or experiment) that do not create savings or allow obtaining economic effect up to 50 thousand rubles.

Category 3 - the most significant proposals - rationalization proposals (RP). New and useful organizational or technical solutions that allow you to obtain an economic effect of more than 50 thousand rubles in 1 year of use. After considering these at the scientific and technical council of the enterprise (STC) and making a decision to “implement”, 1 thousand rubles are paid.

If the economic effect of the PPU is over 50 thousand rubles, then the remuneration is calculated depending on the economic effect of its use. It will be considered after the PPU is implemented. Those. remuneration is paid upon actual basis. This is explained simply - the planned expenses were the same, but the actual expenses for equipment or repairs of premises, for example, will turn out to be different. For NTS, in order to be transferred to the category with an economic effect, a certificate from an economist will be sufficient that the PPU will help save the enterprise, for example, more than 4 thousand rubles.

Sometimes you don’t have to wait a year for payment. For example, in 2016, Sergei Gorbushin, an engineer for the provision of railway transport in workshop 11, proposed using serviceable wheel sets of decommissioned (by service life) cars to repair operating railway tanks. Thanks to this, ChMP saved 1.49 million rubles. The effect was calculated immediately and confirmed by the act. The remuneration amounted to 72 thousand rubles, the co-author received 22 thousand rubles. (No. 182-311-2016-RP). The remuneration amount is divided among all authors depending on the remuneration distribution they determined when submitting the proposal. The MIS system automatically calculates authorship.

By the way, remuneration is paid not only to those who submit PPUs, but also to those who actively help implement them.

In 2016, for example, more than 7 million rubles were paid to participants in the process of submitting and implementing PPU. Of these, 6.25 million rubles. paid as a bonus for PPUs accepted for implementation, about 880 thousand rubles. - authors of rationalization proposals for the use of their ideas. More than 260 thousand rubles. received by employees who actively help implement innovation proposals.

If all implementation activities have been completed, the status “Accepted for implementation” changes to “Implemented” - the last stage of implementation of the PPU.

PPUs of the first group, as a rule, are implemented promptly. Difficulties begin at the stage of introducing PPU of other categories. A recent engagement survey showed that implementation of PMPs that involve procurement procedures (due to the length of their implementation) and proposals for changes to office procedures are particularly challenging. SAP systems, EOSDO, supported by Greenatom CJSC.

All information on the PPU (category, activities responsible for implementation, amended documents, start date of use of the proposal) is entered into the system by the IR Commissioner. If controversial issues arise regarding entering information into the system, you should contact the IR Commissioner.


This is a proposal aimed at improving performance. Useful and new solution.

It is useful if, upon implementation, an economic, technical or other effect can be obtained, i.e. higher result than before.

New is, first of all, an initiative proposal, i.e. that which is not imputed functional responsibilities and not determined by the instructions of the manager, which was not a consequence of the execution of plans and orders, which is not provided for by mandatory regulatory documents enterprise or higher organization.

Suggestions for improvements may include:

  • for more efficient organization of the workplace or improvement of the work process (production and office environment),
  • technical solutions: to change the design of products, the technology used, to refine programs, production technology, material composition;
  • organizational decisions to save labor and other resources.

Proposals that are aimed at correcting errors and inconsistencies or that only pose a task, indicate a problem or an effect that can be obtained, without a specific solution or method of achievement, cannot be recognized as PPU.

Suggestions of the same type are not improvements. For example, a laboratory assistant offers a container he has improved for the safe and secure transfer of tests from room A to room B. This is an improvement for which the employee will be paid. But if it is proposed to use the same container for carrying other tests or a different route is involved (from room B to room C), then this proposal is not an improvement followed by a bonus, because its essence repeats the PPU, for which the premium has already been paid.

Prepared for printing by Natalya Pleteneva, infographics by Alisa Korobeinikova


2 The business portal “Production Management” has been successfully developing since 2010. It was created on the basis of the magazine “Production Management” of the same name (the first issue was published in 2008) by transferring it to the Internet format. Currently we only work in this format. In September 2011, a large strategic investor entered the project, which made it possible to begin implementing a new concept for the development of the portal. Today our portal provides its audience with various sections and services. These are various sections in the Internet magazine, Library, News and Forum. This is an opportunity to find best shots using the Work section and don’t miss it important events. After all, the Events section is available to the audience. We are also appreciated for the fact that we create a whole range of unique projects. Best experience(or “best practice”) is the core of our portal. Almost all of him are exclusive interviews with professionals in various fields of production management. TOP managers of leading domestic and foreign companies share their management experience, talk about difficulties and successes completed projects. According to experts, this is what made the portal the most high-status specialized project on the Russian-language Internet. The key topics of the portal are: development of production systems, modern technologies organization of production, modernization and technical re-equipment, strategic management, quality management, labor productivity, personnel management in production, cost reduction tools, management accounting and reporting, logistics of a manufacturing enterprise, MRO, information technology and production automation, innovation and R&D. The portal's editorial team is a team of professionals with significant practical experience at manufacturing enterprises, in publishing, consulting and business education on production topics. Having our own Research and Analytics Center allows us to conduct unique research projects, ratings, create analytical materials and practical guides. Availability of a portal in the team professional translators, specializing in production topics, makes it possible to provide the portal audience with relevant materials from foreign production sources (English, German and French), as well as interviews with the management of iconic foreign companies. The audience of the portal consists of top managers of well-known companies (including Persons with whom we have published exclusive interviews), heads of production units, and managers of industrial companies, government representatives (geography: Russia and the CIS countries Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan). In 2011 and 2012, the business portal “Production Management” became a winner of the Competition of Journalistic Excellence, organized by the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia and the Union of Journalists of Russia.

3 Copyright Portal "Production Management". This analytical review or any part of it cannot be distributed without the written permission of the Business Portal "Production Management" or reproduced in any way. It is prohibited to transfer the review to third parties. Organizations that purchased or received this report from the Business Portal "Production Management" are responsible for its non-distribution. All rights reserved. This analytical review was prepared by the Research and Analytics Center of the Business Portal "Production Management" for informational purposes only. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable by Business Management but should not be construed, directly or indirectly, as investment advice. All opinions and assessments contained in this material reflect the opinions of the authors on the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. Business Portal "Production Management" is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from the use by any third party of the information contained in this report, including published opinions or conclusions, or for consequences caused by incompleteness of the information presented. The information presented in this report is obtained from open sources or provided by companies mentioned in the report. Legal address: Moscow, Mira Ave., 52, building. 3, room III. for letters: , Moscow, PO Box 109. Website -

4 Information about the Business Portal “Production Management” Welcome speech 5 1 Rating methodology 6 2 Results of the rating “100 best innovation proposals in industry 2012” Structure and assessment of rating participants Winners of the rating “100 best innovation proposals in industry 2012” 13 3 State and trends of innovation in Russia What is the nature of the rationalization proposals received as part of the rating? What are rationalization proposals in Russia and in the world? What is the economic efficiency of innovation? Who is the source of rationalization proposals? What is the system of motivation and bonuses for rationalization activities at the enterprises participating in the rating? 4 Conclusions

5 Welcome speech Dear ladies and gentlemen, The Center for Industrial Research of the Business Portal “Production Management” brings to your attention the first all-Russian rating “100 best rationalization proposals in industry 2012”, aimed at assessing the rationalization movement existing in the domestic production environment and providing both industrial companies and up-to-date benchmarking data to the general public. The innovation movement has historically been highly developed in our country, and today it is gaining momentum again. More and more companies are recalling the Soviet traditions of scientific labor organization; many are guided by the modern experience of the world's leading companies, including the Toyota Corporation. This is evidenced by the results of the study “Russian Production Systems”, according to which rationalization is the most common tool among enterprises implementing modern methods optimization of production, about 180 companies out of 500 announced this. This prompted the Business Portal “Production Management” to launch Russia’s first unique rating “100 best rationalization proposals in industry 2012”, designed to evaluate and stimulate the implementation of this tool in our country. And we are happy to report that it was a success. The main goals of the rating were as follows: to promote the popularization of the innovation movement among Russian enterprises and their employees; make a snapshot of the situation by the nature of rationalization proposals at the end of 2012; determine which rationalization proposals are most common and what they are aimed at; 5 systematize the experience of market leaders in submitting innovation proposals; evaluate the effectiveness of this tool for enterprises; understand the prospects for innovation in Russia. It can be argued that our experiment was a success; the first independent rating of rationalization proposals in the history of Russia took place. We plan to make it an annual event and are looking forward to your suggestions for its improvement.

6 I Rating Methodology When preparing the rating, we planned that its results would be assessed based on the effectiveness of rationalization proposals and the magnitude of financial indicators achieved through their implementation. The main criterion on the basis of which proposals were to be ranked was the economic effect: both relative (percentage of enterprise cost reduction) and absolute (in thousands of rubles). This decision was explained by the desire to give enterprises of various sizes and specifics the opportunity to participate in the rating on equal terms. However, having considered the rationalization proposals submitted by participating enterprises, we were forced to adjust the methodology for evaluating them. At first glance, financial indicators are a universal measure of efficiency, but after analyzing the questionnaires and discovering how different and dissimilar they are from each other, we came to the conclusion that it makes no sense to compare them directly. As evidenced by the data obtained, the concept of rationalization today includes a wide variety of proposals put forward at Russian enterprises: replacing old equipment with new ones; use of new raw materials and materials; changes in product design; standardization and regulation; optimization without financial result; 6 process optimization; use of recycled materials; mechanization manual labor; eliminating unnecessary operations, etc. For a more objective assessment, we decided to group them as follows within the first rating of the hundred best innovation proposals: Group 1 - rationalization proposals that have a pronounced economic effect and are aimed at optimizing processes and operations. We arrived with the correct registration (filling out all points of the questionnaire, a detailed description of the essence of rationalization and a schematic (photo) image). This group included proposals that our experts identified as optimization aimed at various types of optimization, including, for example, optimization of resource use. That is, the first group is proposals, from our point of view, closest to the world concept of “kaizen” (rationalization proposal). Naturally, when the rationalization proposal was described in detail and qualitatively in the questionnaire, the essence of optimization and its quantitative and qualitative results were explained, and it was easier to evaluate it. Group 2: rationalization proposals that have a pronounced economic effect and are aimed at modernization and reengineering. To the second group we included proposals characterized as modernization or technological (engineering) those that are aimed at changing the elements of the work system.

7 system and technological process, for example, the use of new raw materials, the use of new equipment. There is no need to enter into a debate now and find out what a real kaizen proposal is and whether real rationalization is essentially reengineering, since there are a great many opinions on this matter. We believe that in conditions of depreciation of fixed assets and inefficiently organized work systems, with a high potential for modernization, any proposal that allows enterprises to improve their processes or increase financial performance deserves to be called rationalization. Thus, the first group included 36 rationalization proposals. Basically, they were ranked according to the economic effect parameter, however, tracking quantitative indicators, we could not help but pay attention to quality indicators. Therefore, particularly elegant and interesting solutions were also noted. The second group included 64 rationalization proposals, and when evaluating them, the main criterion was the economic effect. When dividing into groups, factors such as the speed of implementation of proposals, positions occupied by their authors, non-financial effects, originality of proposals, etc. were taken into account. 7

8 II Results of the rating “100 best innovation proposals in industry 2012” Despite the short period for submitting questionnaires (2 months) and the decision to conduct the rating in early August, Russian industrial enterprises responded vividly to our idea. More than 70 enterprises in various industries from various regions of Russia expressed their desire to take part in the rating of “100 Best Innovation Proposals in Industry 2012”. Unfortunately, due to the fact that such a competition is being held for the first time, many enterprises were unable to comply with all the requirements for registration and filling out application forms, and we were forced to exclude their candidacies. As a result, 17 enterprises were allowed to participate in the rating. Structure and evaluation of rating participants. The finalists of the competition (17 enterprises) collectively submitted more than 150 innovation proposals to participate in the rating. It was extremely difficult for us to select the top hundred among them, and we hope for the understanding of the participants. The candidates for the finals were selected in such a way as to demonstrate the diversity of innovation proposals from Russian industrial enterprises. As part of the “Production Systems 2013” ​​rating, we plan to evaluate and compare systems for submitting and implementing innovation proposals, and we hope that the finalists of the “100 Best Innovation Proposals in Industry 2012” rating will take part in it. But, despite this, we believe it is correct to assess what kind of enterprises participated in the rating, how and what rationalization proposals they submitted and what results this led to. The industry structure of the participating enterprises was quite expected, although the absence of representatives of the Russian energy industry among them, who are traditionally strong in the field of innovation and implementation of optimization solutions, was somewhat surprising. It should be noted that the absolute majority of the rating participants (90%) are large manufacturing enterprises with a number of personnel from 700 to people and with revenue from 700 million to 110 billion rubles. 8 Fig. 1. Structure of participants by industry

9 As we can observe in Fig. 1, mechanical engineering and metallurgy are leading, which indicates both a strong tradition of innovation that has not been lost over the past 20 years, and the presence of great potential for optimization in these industries. The reason for the latter largely lies in outdated technologies and fixed assets. Geographically, 12 regions were represented among the rating participants Russian Federation, which, in principle, demonstrates the sufficient prevalence of the movement of innovators. Table 1. Number of participants by region. Region Number of participants St. Petersburg, Leningrad region 3 Republic of Tatarstan 2 Yaroslavl region 2 Vologda region 1 Republic of Buryatia 1 Republic of Bashkortostan 1 Nizhny Novgorod region 1 Vladimir region 1 Krasnodar region 1 Irkutsk region 1 9 Sverdlovsk region 1 Murmansk region 1 The leading region is the Leningrad region together with the “City of Peter”. They are followed by the Republic of Tatarstan, where the development of production systems has traditionally been strong, and the Yaroslavl region. Unfortunately, a number of enterprises from various regions were unable to participate in the rating due to the busyness of senior managers or their absence due to vacations. Otherwise, the picture of the regional prevalence of innovation would probably be more complete. Separately, it should be noted that the development of rationalization systems of participating enterprises occurs as part of the implementation different concepts production management(although we do not exclude that there is confusion with terminology, which is common in domestic practice). The majority of participating enterprises (more than 50%) are actively implementing the QMS (quality management system), the concept of “Lean Manufacturing” and the Production System. The age of the system for submitting and implementing rationalization proposals is also fundamental. After all, it depends on how involved and trained the employees are, how well the submission and implementation of proposals are worked out, and how well the enterprise’s economists are able to calculate the economic effect obtained from the implementation of the proposal. Therefore, the questionnaire included a question about how long the innovation system has been in operation.

10 Table 2. List of enterprises finalists in the rating “100 best innovation proposals in industry 2012” Participating enterprise Age of innovation system, years 1 Apatit-Electromashservice 14 2 Armtel 2 3 BaselCement-Pikalevo 2 4 EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works 75 5 Irkutskkabel 7 6 NPO Nauka 10 7 NPF Packer 6 8 OMZ-Special Steel Izhora Plant 2 9 OMK Almetyevsk Pipe Plant OMK Vyksa Metallurgical Plant PA ElAZ Russian Paints 4 13 Severstal Severstal-Metiz Selenga Pulp and Cardboard Mill Management Company AgroHolding Kuban 5 17 Management Company ODK Saturn Gas turbines 41 During the survey, a number of enterprises noted the continuity of innovation traditions dating back to the times of the USSR. Basically, these were large metallurgical and machine-building enterprises. More than half of the enterprises (11 participants) have been implementing innovation proposals for no more than 10 years. And a particularly pleasant surprise was the participation in the rating of enterprises with very little experience (2 years), but despite this, they are ready to demonstrate that they have something to be proud of. There were four such participants. Now let's get to know our participants better. Apatit-Elektromashservice presented to our analysts a number of rationalization proposals, which, moreover, were perfectly designed: the financial effect was calculated both in equivalent per unit of production and in relation to total annual indicators. All proposals can be divided into two areas: improvement and optimization of operations and work processes screw-cutting lathe and optimization of repair activities. Rationalization proposals of employees are quick and inexpensive to implement, their effect is clear, it is easy to calculate, both the presence of “savvy” of employees and a high culture of designing the proposals themselves can be traced, which indicates a developed system of rationalization. Armtel presented only one proposal aimed at standardization processes, registration

11 lamentation and formalization of processes, and, nevertheless, it has already been implemented and brings a positive result to the enterprise. Armtel's rationalization system is at the very beginning of its development, and we are confident that participation in the competition will allow them to develop it to an international level. BaselCement-Pikalevo, winner of the “Production Systems 2012” rating in the “Advanced Production System” category, presented several proposals, some of which do not have a large financial effect, but fully comply with the world standard of “kaizen proposals”, both in design, so in essence. In addition, they presented proposals that demonstrated a good level of financial performance and a noticeable reduction in costs. The main directions of rationalization: optimization of existing processes and operations and optimization of repair activities. EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works, a large metallurgical enterprise with rich traditions, presented a large number of rationalization proposals that are very serious financial results. Moreover, for the most part, they fall under the classical type of Soviet rationalization, that is, they belong to the scope of activity of engineering and technical services to change and improve elements of the working (technological) system, namely: replacement of equipment and raw materials, modernization, changes in product designs, etc. . Therefore, of all the rationalization proposals presented by the enterprise, we were able to include only two proposals aimed at optimizing resources (for example, electricity) in the first group. At the same time, it is necessary to note the colossal potential for modernization, which the company is quite skillfully implementing. Irkutskkabel, one of the leaders in the “Production Systems 2012” rating, also provided a large number of rationalization proposals for the rating. Some of them are modernization, some are optimization, and some are aimed at saving resources. In terms of the number of proposals that made it to the finals, especially in the first group, Irkutskkabel occupies a leading place, not to mention the fact that the glory of the best rationalization proposal in Russia this year went to it. A reliable system for calculating the economic effect and production costs, a rationalization system that covers everyone, from directors to ordinary workers, have become, in the opinion of our experts, the key to the enterprise’s victories. NPO Nauka submitted quite a lot of rationalization proposals to the rating, but, unfortunately, most of them did not meet the basic selection criterion of having a recorded financial and economic effect. Despite this, a number of proposals have all the optimization properties and are submitted by workers “from the machine”, which is one of the most valuable characteristics of the rationalization system. Many proposals are aimed at changing designs, technologies, standardization and regulation. It should also be noted that the best proposals focus primarily on improvement and optimization at the operations, process and product levels. NPF Packer provided three rationalization proposals, two of which met the requirements for classic kaizen proposals, but, based on the small volumes of production, the resulting financial effect was small compared to the proposals of other participants. For a confident victory in the rating of “100 Best Rationalization Proposals in Industry 2012”, enterprise employees are recommended to draw up rationalization proposals in a more detailed and high-quality manner and develop innovation aimed at optimizing processes and organizing flows. OMZ-Special Steel Izhora Plant, a metallurgical enterprise, like EVRAZ, has distinguished itself by a considerable number of rationalization proposals that are effective from an economic point of view, which, however, are also of an engineering, modernization nature. Therefore, of all the rationalization proposals, we were able to include in the first group only one proposal aimed at optimizing resources (rational use of 11

12 charge) and brought a serious economic effect to the enterprise. OMK Almetyevsk Pipe Plant submitted only two rationalization proposals, but one of them deservedly took second place in terms of efficiency and focus on process optimization (technological transitions). A detailed and high-quality description of the essence of the proposal, a high economic effect (more than 1 million rubles), rapid implementation (within 1 month) all this testifies to the promise of the OMK system of rationalization proposals and its reliable traditions. OMK Vyksa Metallurgical Plant, like other metallurgists, presented several rationalization proposals, also related to the area of ​​improving elements of the working (technological) system, although they have an economic effect. This resulted in the fact that only one proposal could get into the first group, but in the second, OMK’s rationalization proposal turned out to be the most effective in financially(58 million rubles of economic effect). ElAZ software, which became the winner of the “Production Systems 2012” rating in the “Intelligent Production System” category, submitted mainly rationalization proposals with changes in technologies and designs of a purely engineering nature and, due to small production volumes (against the background metallurgical giants), could not take a worthy high place among the finalists of the rating. But based on ElAZ’s success in developing the Production System, we are confident that at the next competition it will present the most progressive kaizen proposals aimed at optimizing processes. Russian paints, an enterprise with good references and results in implementing a system of rationalization proposals, provided three rationalization proposals of an engineering nature, and all of them have a good financial effect. But we were able to classify only one as optimization, close to kaizen, due to the fact that it was associated with a revision of the entire product identification system at the enterprise. The proposals of the Severstal group of companies were also of a more engineering nature, which led to the inclusion of only one proposal in the first group, but in the second group there were several of them. Unfortunately, the participant did not provide the names of the factories that submitted and implemented the proposals, which caused additional difficulties. We hope that in the future the successes of our market colleagues will push Severstal to more carefully prepare for such ratings. Severstal-metiz, unfortunately, presented only two rationalization proposals, one of which on the recycling of the resource (neutralized water) was able to take its rightful place in the first group of proposals. Selenga Pulp and Cardboard Mill, which has been developing an innovation system for only two years, provided a number of proposals from several (apparently pilot) production sites with classic elements of modernization and reengineering. An additional advantage was that the economic impact was calculated for each proposal, but only one proposal could be included in the first group. The rest competed with the proposals of metallurgists and machine builders. Management Company AgroHolding Kuban participation in the rating of “100 best rationalization proposals in industry 2012” of one of the country’s largest agricultural holdings was a very positive sign, designed to show the path to rationalization for all agricultural enterprises and representatives of the agro-processing complex. Despite the specifics of the proposals and the difficulties of comparing them with metallurgists and machine builders, the innovation proposals of the Kuban team were able to take worthy places in our rating. We consider it extremely promising path, elected by the employees of Management Company AgroHolding Kuban, especially in the conditions of Russia’s dependence on food imports, and we call on all enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and Food Industry be equal to Kuban. 12

13 UK ODK Saturn Gas turbines, this unique enterprise in the mechanical engineering industry, provided a number of proposals aimed at changing the design and technology, and only one of them was included in the first group, where, thanks to the economic effect, it took its rightful place. The rest competed with metallurgical enterprises in terms of economic efficiency Winners of the rating “100 best rationalization proposals in industry 2012” Since, according to our methodology, proposals that best fit the concept of “kaizen” were selected in the first group, and modernization and engineering transformations were concentrated in the second group, the results were also divided into two parts as follows: Table 3. Group 1, the best rationalization proposals in Russia according to the criteria of “compliance with international standards of rationalization,” “high-quality description and design,” “speed and ease of implementation,” and “economic effect of implementation.” Proposal Enterprise 1 Changing the process of marking drums with cable products Irkutskkabel 2 3 Adjusting the welding stand of the mill during technological transitions Kaizen project “Organization of work on the restoration of machine parts in the OMK ERC Almetyevsk Pipe Plant Apatit-Electromashservice 13 4 Manufacturing of a mobile lift for the repair of pressure regulators BaselCement- Pikalevo 5 Device for drilling on a screw-cutting lathe in a continuous manner Apatit-Electromashservice 6 Device for pressing roller radial spherical double-row bearings 3614 according to GOST into a part Apatit-Electromashservice 7 Longitudinal stops for precision processing on a screw-cutting lathe Apatit-Electromashservice 8 Device for quick centering of holes sty on a screw-cutting lathe Apatit-Electromashservice 9 Structural modification of the protective ring of the suction pipe of the 1GrT 1250/71 pump in order to improve operation and increase the overhaul mileage Apatit-Electromashservice 10 Installation of oil indicators in the gearboxes of BaselCement-Pikalevo disc feeders 11 Installation of an emergency stop button for BaselCement elevators - Pikalevo

14 Proposal Enterprise Change the operation algorithm of GP-7 in emergency situations (with one faulty lifting table) Use of non-marketable materials as a sublayer for power cables Change the design of the KVOU GTA-6/8RM in order to reduce transport dimensions and transportation costs Reuse of neutralized water for cooling drawing mills OMK Vyksa Metallurgical Plant Irkutskkabel UK ODK Saturn Gas turbines Severstal-metiz 16 Recycling of lead Irkutskkabel 17 Cleaning of metallurgical equipment (electric motors, electrical cabinets, contactors, etc.) by cryogenic blasting (cleaning with dry ice granules) Severstal 18 Rational use of charge. OMZ-Special Steel Izhora Plant 19 Organization of transportation of drum sets in Irkutskkabel containers 20 Use of alternative containers for transporting cables in PVC insulation with a conductor cross-section of 1.5-10 sq. mm Irkutskkabel Use of underutilized steam energy for drying cordel Irkutskkabel Replace diesel fuel with an aqueous solution of the “Poliprom” detergent Reduce energy consumption when switching the power supply to the automation systems of the PGR section and refrigerators from power voltage (380V 50Hz) instead G-D systems(rotating converters) Irkutskkabel EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works 24 Recycling of polyethylene Irkutskkabel 25 Optimization of labels on boxes Russian paints Changing the drainage pattern of the waste line from washing stations. Using cardboard for sheathing products on reels 7 Changing the manufacturing operation of the “Plate” part APRS Selenga pulp and cardboard mill Irkutskkabel Production Association ElAZ 29 Device for testing electrical equipment Agroholding Kuban 30 Hydrotesting of KCM. PACKER 31 Use of a gas-air burner to ignite gas at the top when stopping blast furnaces at PPR. EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works

15 Offer Enterprise Improvement of the design of the air distributor in the adsorbers Measuring system for the water level in the “warm tank” reservoir Design of the refrigerator lid and the method of its implementation during repairs. Changing the method of marking inscriptions on the “Body” part according to clause 10 of the TT drawing Introduction of technological improvements to the “Clamp” part NPO SCIENCE NPO SCIENCE NPO SCIENCE NPO SCIENCE NPO SCIENCE Table 4. Group 2 the best rationalization proposals of Russia according to the criteria “modernization”, “change” technology", "reengineering" and "economic effect of implementation". Offer Enterprise 37 Casting wheel steel into seven-blank molds combined with profit, the internal diameter of which is 507 mm, the height of the molds is 2870 mm. OMK Vyksa Metallurgical Plant 38 Matrix for the manufacture of TPG with a cross section of 240 sq. mm with an angle of 120 degrees Irkutsk cable Use of high-carbon ferrochrome instead of medium-carbon when smelting chromium-containing steel grades in the converter shop of EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works 40 Obtaining additional quantities of blast furnace additive 41 Increasing the production of krypton-xenon concentrate 42 Reducing the cost of fuel oil facilities PSTS EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant 43 Reducing the production time of cable products Irkutskkabel 44 Change the design of the OMK workpiece pusher Vyksa Metallurgical Plant 45 Use of lime dust from gas purification and aspiration systems of the lime-dolomite shop in the charge of AGTs-3 Severstal 46 Waste processing naphthalene distillation department EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant plant 47 Change in design of fuel supply for engine D049 from GTES-2.5 UK ODK Saturn Gas turbines

16 Offer Enterprise Elimination of gaps between the wide and narrow walls of the CCM-4 mold without mechanical impact. Increasing the actual durability of narrow plates of CCM-4 crystallizers Changing the design of the annealing furnace of the galvanizing unit Changing the operating program of the hydromechanical expander in the production of double-seam pipe Reducing the consumption coefficient per strip for the production of thrust brackets Using new SIP designs to reduce production costs Change technological scheme pumping out waste from the container board production shop to the cooking and washing shop. EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant Severstal-Metiz OMK Vyksa Metallurgical Plant EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant Irkutskkabel Selenga Pulp and Cardboard Mill 54 Reducing costs for the cost of XPE cables Irkutskkabel 55 Input and sintering charge of waste wood chips Severstal 56 O restored and performance of the Sictra AL drawing machine Irkutskkabel 57 Use of circular knives drawing with critical wear in cutting coiled steel on APR-2 (made in Korea) OMK Almetyevsk Pipe Plant Technology of loading iron ore materials into blast furnaces. Severstal 59 Reducing the level of defects in the production of thrust brackets from 0.5% to 0.3% EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works 60 Reducing steam consumption for the hot water supply and heating systems of the administrative and administrative building of the car cleaning section of the copper shop. Severstal 61 Replacement of filling material in the design of Irkutskkabel cables Use of an additional heat exchanger in the circuit of the condensate line of separators for continuous blowing of boilers of the medium pressure unit. Replacement of the separating layer material in cables of the KVVGE, AKVVGE brands. Use of MKRL tape instead of a refractory cord when casting ingots weighing up to 120 tons. Installation of VFDs on feed (network) pumps of steam boilers Application of digital processing of signals coming from the TK6-2RUHLZ turbogenerator in the GTA-6RM self-propelled control system BazelCement-Pikalevo Irkutskkabel OMZ-Special Steel Izhora plant Russian paints UK ODK Saturn Gas turbines

17 Offer Enterprise 67 Replacement of material for the separating layer Irkutskkabel 68 Change in the design of “Sections” BC and BC included in the “Cyclone Blocks” for ground-related products UK ODK Saturn Gas Turbines 69 Installation of a liquid meter to account for dilutions of the verstat Agroholding Kuban Division Sugar Reduction of time changeovers and the amount of waste when moving from section to section when twisting copper round TPGs on Cortinovis 371 Increasing the yield of commercial products of solvent, BS-1 and indene-coumarone resin Changing the design of hot air distribution to the KVOU of GTA-6/8RM units Optimization of grain shipment from the elevator LV 3*175 production site 1 Modernization of the electric drive of the sulfate feeder of the soda recovery boiler 3. Irkutskkabel EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works UK ODK Saturn Gas turbines Agroholding Kuban Ust-Labinsky KHP Selenga pulp and board mill 75 Increasing the yield of marketable products pitch distillate 76 Replacement of diesel locomotives T GM-6 on TGM- 4 EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant One-time reduction in costs for equipment of workshop 20 due to the involvement of batch 47 into production. Installation of a device for removing premium milk from the milk pipeline Transfer of processing of grooves of the “Nut” part from C630 machining centers to milling machine FSS400 Use of metal bags made of galvanized iron from Metallopttorg LLC for smelting semi-products in chipboard-120. Optimization of filtration of pentaphthalic varnishes in the varnish release department of shop 1 on one thread. Reduction of the consumption coefficient for smelting 10GN2MFA steel using the ESR method from cast electrodes in a crystallizer with a diameter of 1700 mm. The use of polypropylene tape to fasten the flexible sheathing of baras-bones change in the pumping scheme of white strong alkalis to the workshop for the production of forest chemical products of the OMZ-Spitsstal Izhora plant agricultural holding Kuban production association OMZ-Petsstal Izhora Plant OMZ-Spetsstal Izhora Irkutsk Cabinet of Irkutsk Cabinet Caucasus Pulli Posuvoli Punstelovski Loszno cardboard plant

18 Offer Enterprise Replacement of a part of metal manganese Mp-95 not cheaper ferromanganese FMP 78. Change in the manufacturing process of the part “9T TsN pump frame” Change in the design and manufacturing technology of the part “Bottom” TsKB R B04, included in the “Special sewer drains” TsKB R and TsKB R Changes in the technical process of forging with subsequent cutting on the USAY 1010 saw. A mechanized method for loading alumina at a complex of treatment facilities. Change in the design of winches AR, APRS and APRS 60/ OMZ-Special Steel Izhora Plant Production Association ElAZ UK ODK Saturn Gas turbines OMZ-Special Steel Izhora Plant Selenga Pulp and Cardboard Mill Production Association ElAZ 91 Change in the design of the CN cover Production Association ElAZ 92 Siphon casting steel ingots 42CrMo4A with reduced profitable part. OMZ-Special Steel Izhora Plant Fastening bronze bushings in the working cylinders of a 1250 tf press. Changing the design of the pipeline layout of the oil sulphurizing system B of the block-container unit GPA-6 RM V OMZ-Spetsstal Izhora plant UK ODK Saturn Gas turbines Using waste from the thrust housing UPR 80/ElAZ 96 Production Association Changing the design of the air duct section and installing reinforced gate valves air flow Agroholding Kuban Korenovsky elevator 97 Optimization of the process of loading grain into floor storage warehouses at production site 2 Agroholding Kuban Ust-Labinsky KHP 98 Changing the design of the drive of the running gears and oil pump at the KShP Agroholding Kuban Korenovsky elevator 99 Manufacturing of a rolling and rolling device for the MTZ-80.82 tractor ,82.1 Agroholding Kuban 100 Replacement of the filter element in the oil system of the turboexpander unit DT 5/220. OMZ-Special Steel Izhora Plant Choosing a single winner among so many proposals is not an easy task. And having carefully analyzed each one, our experts awarded first place to S.I. Dobretsky, OJSC Irkutskkabel, who presented a completely new look at the process of marking drums with cable products. The introduction of this proposal made it possible to reduce the cost of marking drums and improve it appearance and eliminate unattractive

19 working places with harmful conditions labor: marker 15 units, painter 3 units. As a result, the implementation of the proposal brought 1.7 million rubles of economic effect. The team of F.A. Khabirov, A.V. Sandrevsky, D.G. Matveev and A.V. Kulagin deservedly took second place. (“OMK Almetyevsk Pipe Plant”) for the proposal to adjust the welding stand of the mill during technological transitions. This proposal was implemented in 3 days and brought a financial effect of 1.1 million rubles. The fact of saving the standard time for switching from one standard size to another was reduced by 16 minutes; there were 61 transitions in the base period; savings amounted to 16.3 hours; the average productivity of the mill increased by 31.37 tons/hour. As a result, additionally produced products amount to 511.33 tons. Third place (as well as places from 5 to 9 inclusive) was taken by Apatit-Electromashservice. Proposal for organizing work on the restoration of machine parts at the ERC Finka A.O. is a classic proposal aimed at optimizing the process rather than the technology itself. Its implementation not only brought economic benefits, but also significantly improved the working conditions of staff. It should be noted that the proposals of Apatit-Electromashservice were the best in terms of the quality of preparation and elaboration and were closest to the kaizen standard. Although they did not bring a multimillion-dollar effect, like proposals for replacing raw materials from other participants, they can indeed be called rationalization in in the best sense this word. I would especially like to note the 6th category turner of the Apatit-Electromashservice enterprise, Andrey Nikolaevich Kuznetsov, who put forward three proposals for rationalization for working on a screw-cutting lathe. The ease of their implementation, the elegance of the idea itself, as well as the clear and tangible effect at both the process and operational levels, evoke sincere pride in the ingenuity of the Russian production worker. Fourth place (as well as 10th and 11th places) was taken by the proposals of BaselCement-Pikalevo. Like Apatit-Elektromashservice, this enterprise has a high culture of preparing rationalization proposals. Kaizen proposal by Grigoriev S.V. to manufacture a mobile lift for repairing pressure regulators revolutionized the operation, freeing up two workers, reducing labor intensity and improving safety, all in just 9 days. Separately, I would like to highlight the rationalization proposal of the Irkutskkabel enterprise, which took 22nd place. It consisted of replacing diesel fuel with detergent. Someone will laugh and ask: “Where is the rationalization here?” But, apparently, diesel fuel was used for cleaning floors for many years, and no one was concerned that it was unprofitable, harmful, and a fire hazard. The problem was simply not noticed until V.I. Gorbachev. and Shcherbo I.I. did not pay attention to it and did not submit a proposal to eliminate it. Their example is instructive for every production worker: look around, because the basis of rationalization is the constant desire to do better than it was, and the absence of inertia of thinking. No less progressive is the direction of increasing the efficiency of electricity consumption in production, a striking example of which is the proposal by I.B. Bezdenezhnykh. and Gulyashcheva P.V. (“EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant”) to reduce electricity consumption when switching the power supply to the automation systems of the PGR section and refrigerators from power voltage (380V 50Hz) instead of the G-D system (rotary converters). This proposal took 23rd place, which is not surprising, because the world's leading economies (Japan and Germany) have long been increasing the efficiency of use of all types of energy resources in enterprises, reducing their consumption and improving the cost structure of products. It is impossible not to mention Fattakhov R.A. and a group of his colleagues, authors of a number of interesting proposals from the ElAZ Production Association. The proposals of his group show non-banality - 19

20th technological and engineering thought and serious experience gained over the years, which allowed them to take 28th place with the proposal “change in the manufacturing operation of the “Plate” APRS part.” Simple solutions, quick implementations, focus on technological operations, these are the factors that, with proper development, high-quality design of proposals and a slightly greater focus on optimizing processes rather than technologies, will allow this team and the enterprise itself to compete worthily in the fight for victory next year. The best rationalization proposal (engineering) for financial indicators, which took 37th place was the proposal of OMK Vyksa Metallurgical Plant for casting wheel steel into seven-blank molds combined with profit, which was submitted by a group of engineers and technologists of the plant (first place among technological and engineering proposals). The effect of implementing this proposal amounted to 58.1 million rubles. In this case, we must not forget about the effect of scale, but it does not prevent anyone from using “Pareto analysis” and finding out on which processes, operations and technologies the enterprise spends the most resources, and concentrating its optimization efforts in these areas. To summarize the above, I would like to note that the total effect of implementing more than 150 proposals submitted for our consideration by 17 enterprises from different industries amounted to about 300 million rubles. 20

21 III State and trends of innovation in Russia What is the nature of the innovation proposals received as part of the rating? One of the goals of the rating “100 best rationalization proposals in industry 2012” was to provide enterprises with the opportunity to see the whole picture that has developed with rationalization proposals in Russia, so that any manager could compare his system of rationalization proposals and its product with the results of our rating and make appropriate conclusions. When planning this rating, we took as a basis similar ones conducted in England, France, Austria, China, India, Malaysia, Taiwan, and assumed that our main task would be the distribution of rationalization proposals (kaizen) by type, as is done all over the world: aimed at workplace(5S), aimed at repair and maintenance (TPM), aimed at logistics and logistics, aimed at optimizing processes and operations, etc. Then, depending on the number of certain proposals, we had to create nominations or separate ratings for them, as for example in India, Taiwan and Malaysia, where the most popular is the rating of proposals and TPM systems. But having received the results of the survey, we discovered that the scheme familiar abroad does not work in Russia, and we divided all 150 rationalization proposals into the following types (see Fig. 2). 21 Fig. 2. Types of rationalization proposals of participating enterprises. The presented types of rationalization proposals are, in fact, a product of systems for submitting and implementing rationalization proposals, that is, they indicate which ones

The system “passed” 22 proposals for implementation over the past 2 years. The creation of such a classification did not present any difficulties, since it does not even require additional explanations and studies. A quick look at the list of rationalization proposals, any reader will see that proposals with the names “Change of design” and “Replacement/Modernization” prevail in it, that is, classic rationalization proposals from the point of view of NOT, which in the total number turned out to be more than 50%. Having analyzed the information that is in the public domain, although enterprises like to talk more about the overall effect than about specific rationalization proposals, we are convinced that this classification and the percentage correspond to the general market situation (with a deviation of no more than 5.5%). Next year’s rating, “100 Best Innovation Proposals in Industry 2013,” will help us understand how actively this situation is changing, and we hope that current participants will look forward to it and prepare for it with no less impatience than we do. We did not divide optimization proposals into types, as is customary abroad, due to their lack of large quantity only 8% of the total. On the other hand, we are pleased with the fairly large percentage of rationalization proposals for the recycling of raw materials and materials - 12% of the total. This suggests that in the minds of managers and employees, the attitude “Russia is a country with innumerable and rich resources” began to change to “saving even 100 rubles will help the enterprise to be competitive.” A high percentage of proposals aimed at optimizing resources (raw materials, supplies, energy) 13.3% of the total, on the one hand, is a very good trend, and on the other hand, it indicates that when designing, planning and organizing production (technological, working) systems at Russian enterprises do not know how to reduce resource consumption. What surprised us was the presence of this type of rationalization proposals, such as the replacement of raw materials and materials 16.7% of the total. As a rule, these proposals are submitted by engineers, technologists, supply specialists, department heads, and such a large percentage of the total number indicates both the existence of high potential for modernization and optimization of production, and the need to carefully monitor all global trends in the development of technologies and the emergence of new types of raw materials and materials with new properties and qualities. Also, six proposals that we classified as “regulation, standardization, formalization” were not included in the classification, since, although they bring an effect, they are not rationalization in nature, but fall under the tasks of QMS and process management in production. The fundamental issue is always the timing of the implementation of the innovation proposal. On the one hand, this is a measure of the effectiveness of the system for introducing rationalization proposals, and on the other, an assessment of the complexity (the magnitude of fundamental changes in production) of implementing proposals. Considering that up to 70% of innovation proposals are aimed at modernizing and changing designs and technologies, the presence of such a large number of innovation proposals with an implementation period of 3 months or more is not surprising. At the same time, 34% of rationalization proposals were implemented in less than a month, which indicates a high degree of readiness of enterprises for changes and a well-functioning system for implementing proposals. I would like to note that within the framework of the modern Kaizen Blitz methodology, it is believed that “A proposal that cannot be implemented over a weekend is not worth considering.” We were 22

23 are pleased to note that more than 10% of the innovation proposals of the rating finalists meet this requirement! Rice. 3 Structure of rationalization proposals by implementation time. So, we can conclude that rationalization proposals in Russia have a clear focus, they: correct errors in technological processes; change the design of products (designed with errors); 23 initiate replacement/repair of outdated equipment or its components; change materials and raw materials for production to more efficient and modern ones; optimize the use of various types of resources (loss of energy, raw materials, materials); propose to effectively reuse raw materials and materials in the production process; optimize processes, operations, technologies. A sample of 70 enterprises and more than 500 rationalization proposals (of which 17 enterprises and 150 proposals were admitted to the finals), with an emphasis on rationalization in mechanical engineering and metallurgy, seems to us sufficient to formulate such conclusions. To leave no doubt, we lack enterprises in the automotive and energy industries in the ranking. But we hope that, having become interested in the results of our rating and based on the competitive Olympic principle, they will take part in the rating of “100 Best Innovation Proposals in Industry 2013.” What are rationalization proposals in Russia and in the world? The results of the rating “100 best innovation proposals in industry 2012” were in many ways surprising for us. Having analyzed the potential emails sent to us

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Rationalization, or kaizen, suggestions from employees help companies save money and earn additional profits. The Kuban holding was the first to introduce a kaizen system in the agro-industrial complex, achieving an effect of 800 million rubles in seven years. During a crisis, the relevance of improvement proposals increases significantly.

Lyudmila Kremneva

The state increases support Agriculture in order to replace imports with domestic products, which is certainly beneficial for farmers. However, their production costs increased significantly after the weakening of the ruble. To make a profit, companies must improve efficiency and reduce costs by encouraging employees to do the same. A program of innovation, or kaizen, proposals can help do this.

A properly implemented system of improvement proposals can bring tangible benefits, says Michael Germershausen, managing director of the recruiting company Antal Russia. “I know of a case where a cleaning lady won the competition for the best improvement proposal,” he says. An employee noticed that one of the company’s branded stores is always empty for the first two hours after opening, but in the evening before closing there are always queues. She suggested changing the store's opening hours by moving the opening time two hours later. This innovation immediately had a positive impact on sales volumes - they increased by about 15%. The cleaning lady was awarded a valuable gift.

The idea works

Operator's manual cellular communications Back in 2011, MTS initiated a project to collect improvement proposals - “Ideas Factory”. Over the three years of its implementation, the company received $37 million in additional profit. One of the brightest ideas can be called a proposal from an employee of the operations department information technologies. He developed a billing system that is unified for several platforms, which allows you to calculate the cost of communication services for each specific client based on the tariff he has chosen. The effect of its implementation amounted to $1 million.

The Baltika brewing company also believes that thanks to the ideas of its employees, it is possible to significantly save money and increase profits. In 2007, two projects were launched here: for sales department employees - the “I have an idea!” program, for production personnel- “Your idea works.” As a result, approximately 900 improvement proposals were collected in the first year. For example, two engineers came up with the idea of ​​using condensate, which is formed during the production process and is not used in any way, to heat water in boilers. Thanks to this, it was possible to reduce gas consumption.

Another idea proposed by the sales department manager on the eve of the New Year holidays contributed to an increase in beer sales by 300%. He advised installing it in every supermarket where Yarpivo is sold ( trademark"Baltika"), installations in the form of New Year trees, made from coasters - cardboard stands for beer mugs to attract buyers' attention to the product. Experience has shown that the idea worked.


Director of Human Resources at Nokian Tires Russia (tire production), Liliya Yasakova, believes that it is advisable to pay bonuses to department heads depending on the initiative of their employees only if the standard for improvement proposals is met. Thanks to this incentive program, which was launched in 2013, the company received 1,350 ideas versus 929 in 2012, and the amount of savings increased from 12 million rubles. up to 28 million rubles.

Similar techniques are applicable in the agricultural sector. For example, the Kuban agricultural holding (part of Basic Element) became the first agricultural company in Russia to begin implementing a production system based on kaizen principles in 2007. “According to it, everyone, from ordinary workers to mid-level employees, is working to modernize technologies, reduce time and labor costs,” said the then general director of Kuban, Fyodor Druzhinin, in an interview with Agroinvestor in 2008. - For the first time in Russia, this system was introduced at GAZ. As a result, labor productivity there increased fourfold.” Druzhinin and the company’s specialists were trained at the car plant, although at first the manager doubted its feasibility. “A car plant is machines, walls, heat, a monotonous technological process every day. And today we have a drought, tomorrow the fields will be flooded, then it will be hit with hail... After unlearning, I realized that I was wrong,” he recalled.

During the first year of operation of the kaizen system, the agricultural holding received 336 improvement proposals, 286 of which were implemented. This brought the company 21.3 million rubles. additional profit. “I’ll give you an example. The milk bucket for the calf is usually hung on a hook. The calf pushes him, the bucket falls and the milk spills. It’s always been like this on state farms,” said Druzhinin. “But as soon as the workers started thinking about reserves for improving production, someone suggested using a ring instead of a hook: it secures the bucket more securely.” Another idea is to optimize the transport of calves. Previously, several milkmaids literally lifted two or three animals in a small cart drawn by a horse, then sat in it themselves and held the calves during the move so that they would not run away. The company's employees came up with the idea of ​​making carts with higher walls and a folding side at the back that turns into a ladder. As a result, transporting calves began to be handled by one person instead of three.

“The Kaizen system can be successfully applied in all industries. One such illustrative example of the implementation of kaizen in Kuban, which is relevant for all companies, is the reduction of energy costs, says Elena Artyushchenko, deputy general director of the holding (quoted from the company’s press release). “In 2009, we analyzed electricity consumption at enterprises, reduced it where possible, and over five years received an economic effect of about 36 million rubles.”

Since 2007, Kuban employees have developed and implemented about 4.6 thousand standards and over 3.4 thousand improvements, including more than 500 kaizens last year. Labor productivity during this time increased three times - from 106 thousand rubles. up to 333 thousand rubles. gross profit per employee per year, which allowed to double wages. Inventors receive a bonus for ideas introduced into production. In 2014, employees were paid a total of 2.8 million rubles. for improvement proposals; the total amount of prizes for ideas since 2007 has exceeded 13 million rubles. Last year, the holding received an economic benefit from the implementation of the production system in the amount of 86 million rubles; in total, over seven years, this amount exceeded 800 million rubles.

Submitting an improvement proposal is easy

Despite the fact that such risks are possible, Rusagro operates a transparent scheme - the “Your Idea Works” program. “The employee prepares his proposal in writing and submits the application to the program manager at the enterprise,” says the director of personnel and organizational development sugar business direction of the group Olga Fedorova. “The manager registers it and sends it to experts, who evaluate the idea and either put it into action or reject it.” Fedorova believes that this method of submitting improvement proposals works: during the year approximately 130 kaizens were submitted, 60 of them have the status “in progress”, 25 have already been implemented.

CEO of a recruiting agency SQ-Team Alexey Gorbunov is of the opinion that sometimes it is enough to ask employees the question: “If the company belonged to you, what would you change first?” One trading company This is what they did, posting it on the corporate website and asking store managers to convey the issue to employees. Management pursued two goals: to reduce costs and stop talking about ineffective management and salaries. In two weeks, approximately 400 written proposals were received, of which 50 ideas seemed practical and interesting. Some of them were aimed at saving money, others were more radical in nature: fire some managers and use the money to buy equipment. As a result, 17 improvement proposals were implemented, and the topic of conversations was also changed - now employees are discussing how to get into the working group that decides what programs will be launched within the area, Gorbunov shares. “People want to get involved because they believe the ideas will help them solve work problems better,” he adds.

Who promotes ideas

Employees willingly take on the role of project moderators. For example, at the Nikiforov Sugar Factory (part of Rusagro), these duties are performed by process engineer Tamara Khludentsova. Her colleagues helped implement one of her ideas. It was necessary to find a way to process substandard sugar faster and easier. At the beginning of the sugar beet processing season, when all the centrifuges are started, the first batch of sugar turns out to be non-compliant with GOST. Previously, this sugar was dried, packaged and sent to a warehouse for subsequent reprocessing. Now, instead of releasing a low-quality product, the massecuite mass is dissolved in boiling devices to a certain value and dumped into a clearing mixer with further return to the process flow. “To achieve this and thereby eliminate unnecessary stages of work, my colleagues and I used a conventional pipeline that was previously in another section,” explains Khludentsova. “We have improved the equipment and put it into operation.”

After the implementation of this project, the team’s joint work to improve production efficiency did not end. Shop employees, noticing how much Khludentsova takes part in the “Your Idea Works” program, come up to her for advice: they ask how to describe their idea, whether it makes sense. The specialist helps them because he sees that management values ​​the suggestions. According to Gorbunov, the very fact that the company has employees who care about the production process and are ready to support colleagues and management in the necessary changes or suggest them indicates that the company can count on success.

At TechBioKorma (sale of feed for farm animals), the site manager personally helped cow feeding specialist Galina Ivanova to improve her rationalization proposal. It was to improve the safety of animals and increase the average milk yield by changing the daily diet of cows. To achieve the desired result, it was necessary to constantly monitor the cattle, control the process of feeding and digestion of feed, and, if something did not go according to plan, change the diet.

In the course of her work, Ivanova came to the conclusion that it is optimal to add 0.3-2 kg of chopped straw per animal/day to animals, increase the proportion of structural fiber and reduce the content of starch and easily digestible carbohydrates by reducing the portion of ground grain by 0.5-1. 5 kg per head/day. Thanks to this correction of the diet, cows will suffer less from diarrhea and subclinical acidosis, the specialist noted. In addition, their process of secondary chewing activity will be restored, which will lead to greater secretion of saliva, which helps prevent acidification of the rumen and the death of microflora. At the same time, the fat content in milk will not decrease. The lifetime productivity of cows was increased from 40 thousand kg of milk to 70 thousand kg, and the safety of animals also increased.

At Cherkizovo Group, not only ordinary employees, but also managers are actively involved in the process of submitting improvement proposals. The company has developed a plan that reflects how many proposals each department should provide and how many are actually received. Many branches even exceed the plan for kaizen proposals. Director of Human Resources for the Meat Processing segment, Sergei Peskov, is confident that thanks to this practice, managers are better aware of how useful it is for them to promote the ideas of their subordinates.

Reward in two stages

An incentive scheme, when an employee is first rewarded for submitting an improvement proposal and then for the fact that thanks to it the company managed to save money, is used in almost every enterprise. For example, at Rusagro, the author of the idea receives a T-shirt with the symbol “Your idea works” and a small bonus. “If the idea is approved and implemented, the employee is paid an additional bonus depending on the size of the annual economic effect, but not more than 5%,” comments Fedorova. The most active program participants are invited to corporate events, for example, New Year's celebration in Moscow. The company pays for the flight and hotel accommodation. Project participants live and work in the Tambov and Belgorod regions, and for them to come to the capital for a celebration, where their merits will once again be noted, is a strong motivator, Fedorova notes.


However, according to Khlebnikov, sometimes it is better to reward the author of an idea confidentially, especially if he himself wants it. As a survey conducted by HeadHunter shows, only 27% of respondents seek public recognition of their contributions. Many are simply afraid of gossip and envy of colleagues.

At Cherkizovo, each employee receives a bonus if his idea is recognized as rational and included in the list of kaizen proposals that will be implemented. The reward amount is 500 rubles. The innovator will receive the second bonus - 5% of the planned economic effect - after implementation. 5% of the amount of the effect obtained for the year is also paid. True, you won’t be able to earn millions: the program rules have a limit on the amount of bonuses - their total size cannot exceed 100 thousand rubles.

If the idea was proposed by a group of employees, then the first prize is 500 rubles. every person receives. After implementation, the idea gives 8% of the economic effect for everyone. “The amount is distributed depending on the degree of employee participation in the implementation process, the complexity of the project, and the timing of its implementation,” lists Peskov. - The total amount of the bonus, again, cannot exceed 100 thousand rubles. to the team."

In addition to awards for proposing and implementing innovations, a company employee can receive a bonus for participating in a competition for the best kaizen proposal. If the idea takes first place in one of the nominations, then he will receive 50 thousand rubles, if the second - 30 thousand rubles, for the third they pay 10 thousand rubles.

Of course, cash bonuses are not the only way to encourage a company. A photo of a distinguished employee appears at the plant stand, and an article about his achievement appears in the plant newspaper. Became the hero of several publications chief mechanical engineer Ulyanovsk branch of the Cherkizovsky meat processing plant Sergey Vishnyakov. One of his ideas is to supplement the installation through which the sausage mince moves with an air supply piston to ensure the necessary pressure inside it. Due to the fact that this machine, which resembles a pipeline, is very long and the pressure is not enough (and two pistons cannot be installed), it was decided to shorten the pipeline where possible. As a result, all the minced meat in the plant is now used to produce sausages, whereas previously some of it was washed away as waste at the end of the production cycle. The idea was written about in the company’s corporate newspaper to encourage the specialist and to show other employees that simple technical proposals are also accepted. Vishnyakov is confident that by presenting the idea of ​​a pipeline and a piston, he not only contributed to improving the operation of the enterprise, but also simplified his work.

The President of the Meat Council of the Common Economic Space (SES) Mushegh Mamikonyan is confident that, although Vishnyakov’s innovation is targeted, his contribution is so significant that neither the economic effect nor the optimization of resources can be compared with it. “The important thing is that the industry has highly qualified mechanics, with innovative thinking and sparkling eyes, like Kulibin in his time,” the expert is sure.

Michael Germershausen from Antal Russia also thinks that the value of improvement proposals is not only in their commercial benefits. If an enterprise implements employee ideas, then there is an effect of motivating staff to come up with more ideas, increasing loyalty and involvement, which ultimately improves the company’s brand. An organization that listens to employee suggestions and encourages their initiative looks more attractive on the labor market compared to its competitors, Germershausen is convinced.