My warehouse. My warehouse program - what is it? Example of work in my warehouse

This is undoubtedly the best program for inventory management. The advantages of the program include a simple user interface and ease of use. The program allows you to keep a full account of goods and money from a kiosk to a large wholesale base. For users who care about mobility, there is a version created using portable application technology (portable edition). The program in this version can be installed both on the computer's hard drive and on removable media (USB-flash, etc.) and freely move from computer to computer.

This is a simple, reliable and flexible program for automating trade, warehouse and production. Easy to deploy, the program requires a minimum of effort to implement, has an affordable price. There is a free trial version.

The program is intended for conducting operational warehouse accounting. The program allows you to track the balance of goods and materials in the warehouse and receive reports on the balance for any date. Commodity accounting is based on the maintenance of warehouse accounting cards.

The program "IP:Trading Warehouse" is included in the system of programs Info-Enterprise. "IP: Trading Warehouse" allows you to easily and conveniently automate warehouse accounting at a trading enterprise. Among the users of our program are wholesale and retail trade enterprises, chain stores, wholesale depots. Despite its trade orientation, "IP: Trading Warehouse" allows you to keep records of materials, finished products, MBP, i.e. The program can be used wherever warehouse accounting is required.

As in other FOLIO programs, no special knowledge is required for operation, except for familiarity with MS Windows.

Warehouse accounting "Warehouse+" is a very simple and convenient program that has the most necessary features. Formation of incoming and outgoing documents. Printing invoice, invoice, invoice and credit note. Calculation of three sales prices with given coefficients relative to the purchase price, with the subsequent possibility of choosing one of these prices to form sales prices for a specific buyer.

"1C: Accounting 8" is a universal mass-purpose program for automating accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting. This is a turnkey solution for accounting in organizations engaged in any type of commercial activity: wholesale and retail trade, commission trade (including subcommission), provision of services, production, etc. In addition, with the help of "1C: Accounting 8" individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system or the general taxation regime can keep records.

The program "Azhur-SKLAD" is designed to automate the accounting cycle of warehouse operations. The system includes a full cycle of accounting for all types of warehouse operations of receipt, accounting of expenditure operations and preparation of analytical reporting.

This is a trading and warehouse program for comprehensive control over the activities of wholesale, retail, wholesale and retail and other trading enterprises - from a kiosk to a supermarket. The program allows you to conduct and process all types of trade and warehouse operations, account for funds and control mutual settlements with customers, maintain all the necessary documentation and analyze the work of the entire enterprise.

"Microinvest Warehouse Pro" is an industry solution that is an automation system for “network” retail structures (self-service stores and/or counter shops), warehouse facilities and restaurants. "Microinvest Warehouse Pro" meets all the requirements in the movement of commodity resources in the enterprise itself or in a network of enterprises related to their commercial or industrial activities.

"Tirika-Shop" is a very simple but very powerful program for a store. It can do everything, but it is so easy to use that even an inexperienced user will master it in five minutes. The program is suitable for a store of any profile: products, building materials, auto parts, clothing, and so on.

"RM-SKLAD Warehouse accounting" is a program for warehouse accounting and trading operations at an enterprise of any form of ownership. It is primarily intended for small and medium-sized businesses. The program can be used in small shops, warehouses, production for operational accounting of goods and materials.

"Warehouse and trade" - a simple, reliable program for the automation of trade and warehouse accounting. It allows you to easily and quickly create primary documents (invoices, invoices, waybills, contracts, etc.), control stock balances, keep records of sales and receipts of goods, make reservations, keep records of customer and supplier debts, take into account purchase prices and calculate the cost of products in production, calculate the profit received and much more. The program has a wide range of interface settings.

It is difficult to overestimate the role that warehouse accounting plays in the accounting and management system of a modern enterprise. This book will be interesting and useful to readers whose professional activities are related to the warehouse management of the company: storekeepers, accountants, economists, etc. The casual and accessible style of presentation, as well as a large number of visual illustrations, contribute to the quick and easy assimilation of the proposed material.


In the nomenclature directory, information is entered, edited and stored about all inventory items, as well as works and services that are used in the enterprise. It is impossible to do without this directory: all items included in the shipping and warehouse documents must be included in it without fail.

To enter the mode of working with an item reference book, it can be selected in the directory selection window (see Fig. 6.1), or opened using the main menu command Warehouse?Nomenclature. In any case, the screen will display the directory window, which is shown in Fig. 6.2.

Rice. 6.2.

The left part of this window contains a hierarchical list of item groups, the right side contains a list of items that are included in the current group (for convenience, it is recommended to combine items of the same type into groups - for example, Household appliances, Clothing, Footwear, etc.). For each item in the stock list, the following information is displayed in the corresponding columns: stock item code, short and full name, unit of measurement, number of the cargo customs declaration, country of origin, VAT rate, and an arbitrary comment.

To add a new item group to the reference book, execute the Actions? New group command or press the key combination Ctrl+F9. As a result, the window shown in Fig. 6.3.

Rice. 6.3.

Note that in the same window you can also edit product groups: in this case, you need to select the group with a mouse click and execute the Actions? Edit command or press the F2 key.

In the corresponding fields of this window, enter the code and name of the group of goods (the value of the Code field is generated automatically by the system, but it can be edited from the keyboard; the Name field is filled in from the keyboard). The Parent field specifies the group of products to which the created group will be subordinate (the value of this field is selected in the window opened using the selection button). If this group should be located in the Nomenclature root directory, which is created in the program by default, then the Parent field should be left empty.

The process of creating (editing) a product group is completed by pressing the OK or Save button. The Close button exits this mode without saving changes.

To add a new stock item to the reference book, you need to select the group to which it is to be included by mouse click and execute the main menu command Actions? Add or press the Insert key. To switch to the editing mode of a previously entered position, select it in the list with a mouse click and execute the Actions?Edit command or press the F2 key. When performing any of the listed actions, the input and editing window will be displayed on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 6.4.

Rice. 6.4. Entering and editing stock items

This window defines the values ​​of the parameters listed below. Note that not all of them are mandatory.

Item group - this field indicates the item group to which this item should be assigned. The desired value is selected in the group list box opened with the select button. In this window, select the desired group by clicking the mouse and press the Select button or press the Enter key.

Short name - here the short name of the stock item is entered from the keyboard, which will be displayed in the list and selection interfaces.

Code – this field contains the item code. The value of this field is generated automatically by the program when a new position is created, but it can be edited if necessary. To do this, use the Actions? Edit code command to enable the code editing mode, and then enter the required value from the keyboard.

Full name - in this field, the full name of the nomenclature position is entered from the keyboard, which will be displayed in printed forms of documents.

Service - this checkbox must be checked if the current stock item is a service.

Unit of measure - in this field, the unit of measure for the stock item is selected. To fill in the field, press the select button, then in the opened window of the classifier of units of measure (we will get acquainted with it later), select the required position with the mouse click and press the Select button or the Enter key.

Comment - in this field, if necessary, additional information of an arbitrary nature, related to the current nomenclature position, is entered from the keyboard.

The remaining parameters of the stock item, depending on their purpose and functionality, are grouped on the Default, Prices, Specifications, and Accounting tabs. Let's take a look at the contents of each.


The tabs Prices, Specifications and Accounts become available only after saving this stock item using the OK or Save button. In this case, it is more appropriate to use the Save button, because after pressing the OK button, the data will be written and saved with the simultaneous closing of the window, and it will have to be reopened.

The Default tab defines the values ​​of the parameters that will subsequently be offered by default for a given stock item when registering various documents. The following parameters are filled in here.

VAT – in this field, from the drop-down list, you select the value added tax rate applied to the current stock item.

CCD number - in this field, from the CCD number classifier, which is called by pressing the selection button, the number of the cargo customs declaration is selected. Obviously, filling in this field makes sense only for imported inventory items. The selected value will be used by default when registering receipts and selling this stock item.

Country of origin - the name of the country of origin of this nomenclature position is indicated here. The required value is selected in the world classifier window, which is called up on the screen by pressing the selection button. The selected value will be used by default when registering receipts and selling this stock item.

On the Prices tab (Fig. 6.5), information about the prices of an item item is entered.

Rice. 6.5. Pricing Tab

The table displays a list of price types that were previously included in the list price types reference book. To specify a price, you need to mark it with the corresponding flag and use the keyboard to enter its value in the Price field.

The contents of the Specifications tab are shown in fig. 6.6.

Rice. 6.6. Specification tab

The content of this tab is usually used by enterprises engaged in production activities, as well as by other business entities. Here is formed a list of specifications that determine the composition of this product. To add a new specification to the list, you need to execute the Actions? Add command on this tab or click the Add button in the toolbar (the name of the button is displayed as a tooltip when you move the mouse pointer over it), or use the Insert key. When performing any of the listed actions, the window shown in Fig. 6.7.

Rice. 6.7. Create a BOM

In the tabular part of this window (it is called Initial components), a list of materials and components necessary for the manufacture of one unit of the product is formed. This product is specified in the Output product (product, semi-finished product, service) area in the Nomenclature field. To add a position, you need to click the Add button in the toolbar or the Insert key - as a result, a new position will appear in the list, the number of which will be generated automatically. After that, in the Nomenclature field, you need to press the selection button, and in the window of the nomenclature reference book that opens, select the material (semi-finished product, etc.), and in the Quantity field, from the keyboard, enter the quantity of this item required to manufacture one unit of the product. The formation of the specification is completed by pressing the OK or Save button.

In accordance with the specification, materials, semi-finished products and components will be written off to the cost of one unit of the product.

If several specifications have been formed for an item item, then one of them can be assigned as the main one. To do this, on the Specifications tab (see Fig. 6.6), select it with a mouse click and press the Main button.

On the Accounts tab (Fig. 6.8), a list of accounting and tax accounts is formed, which will be substituted by default for this stock item in the corresponding configuration documents.

Rice. 6.8. Accounts tab

To enter information about accounting accounts, you need to click the Add button on this tab. As a result, the window shown in Fig. 6.9.

Rice. 6.9. Account information

The program implements the ability to enter data on stock item accounting accounts separately for each organization that is part of a corporation. This is convenient when, for example, one organization produces a product, and another sells it. It is obvious that this product will be in the first organization as a finished product, and in the second - as a purchased product. In addition, this mechanism is convenient to apply in a number of other cases. The choice of the organization for which information about the accounting accounts of this nomenclature position is entered is carried out from the drop-down list in the Organization field.

In addition, information about accounting accounts can be entered in the context of warehouses and types of warehouses, which are specified in the Warehouse and Warehouse type fields, respectively.

After that, in the appropriate fields, you need to specify the accounting and tax accounts of this nomenclature position. All these fields are filled in the same way: you need to press the select button, and then double-click on the required position in the account directory window that opens. After entering all accounts, you need to save the data by pressing the OK or Save button.

To change the previously entered information about accounting accounts, you need to select the corresponding position on the Accounts tab (see Fig. 6.8) with a mouse click and click the Change current element button in the toolbar of this tab (the name of the button is displayed as a tooltip when you move the pointer to it mouse) or execute the Edit context menu command. As a result, the input and editing window will be displayed on the screen (see Fig. 6.9), in which the required adjustments are made.

The entry and editing of the nomenclature item is completed by pressing the OK or Save button in this window. The Close button exits this mode without saving the changes made. All of these buttons are available regardless of which tab is currently open.

Directory "Nomenclature" v 1C Accounting Enterprise 8 has a much wider application than the same directory in Accounting version 7.7.

Let's look at it in detail with an example. 1C Accounting 8 edition 3.0.

In the "eight" this directory is used to store information about all inventory items and services enterprises. Unlike version 7.7, in which each type of goods and materials had its own directory, here all information is stored in a general directory in different groups.

This directory stores information about materials, products, semi-finished products, containers, equipment, goods, services, overalls and special equipment.

Find reference book "Nomenclature" You can in the accounting section "Nomenclature and warehouse" by clicking on the hyperlink "Nomenclature". The directory list form will open.

The directory has a multi-level hierarchical structure. By default, it already has groups by types of goods and materials, for storing information about which it is intended, however, the user can create his own groups.

When you create a group, you can go directly to for that group.

Let's consider in detail the details of the directory when entering a new element.

Required details are the short name of the item and the unit of measurement of the item. Moreover, the unit of nomenclature when entering a new element of the directory is filled in automatically. The rest of the details can be left blank, but this will affect the automatic filling of documents when selecting this element of the directory.

The "Group" attribute contains the directory group to which this element belongs. By default, the directory group " Nomenclature» are types of goods and materials. By default, the system has made settings for product groups specified in advance item accounting accounts, so if you enter a directory element outside the existing groups or in the wrong group, you should be prepared for incorrect filling of accounting accounts in receipts and sales documents when using this directory element.

In the "Full name" attribute, you can specify the name of the item, as it will be printed in the documents. By default, the short name is duplicated in the full name after entering it.

The “Service” checkbox is checked if this item of the nomenclature refers to services (which the organization provides or which third parties provide our organization). To reflect in the program the receipt or sale of services, the documents provide for special tabular sections, and the system will not allow to reflect the receipt of services in the tabular section “Goods”.

In the "Manufacturer" attribute, if necessary, you can specify the manufacturer of the goods (material, equipment) by entering it into the "Contractors" directory and selecting it in the attribute.

In the attribute "Article" the article of the goods is indicated. It can be used in printed forms of documents if configured appropriately.

The unit of measurement of the nomenclature is selected from the "Classifier of units of measurement" reference book. By default, the value is automatically set to "piece". You can change it if necessary.

The attribute "VAT" is filled in with the default VAT rate and this value is substituted in the receipt and sale documents.

The attribute "Nomenclature group" is filled in with the value from the reference book "Nomenclature groups" and is used when accounting for the costs of production and sale of the nomenclature, as well as when determining the proceeds from the sale of products, goods, services. Nomenclature group should not be confused with the “Nomenclature” directory group - this is the most important section of analytics in 1C Accounting, and there will be a separate article about this. The value of this attribute is substituted into the implementation documents.

The next group of details is filled in only for imported goods and is used for substitution in receipt documents and invoices.

  • The attribute "Importer" is selected from the reference book "Contractors".
  • The attribute "Country of origin" is selected from the classifier "Countries of the world"
  • The requisite "GTE" is filled in with the number of the cargo customs declaration from the corresponding directory.

Details "Cost Item" and "Specification" are used for automatic setting in documents of transfer to production of materials and semi-finished products. The cost item is selected from the "Cost Items" directory, the specification is the main specification of the item from the "Specifications" directory.

On the left in the form of the element of the reference book "Nomenclature" there is a navigation bar for this element.

Panel elements are related to different types of goods and materials and therefore all are not used at the same time.

For example, the item "Counter release" opens the register of information "Counter release of products, services", which is designed to set up the rules for calculating the cost of counter release of products and services and write them off for your own needs.

The item "Assignments of use" opens the directory "Assignments of use". It is designed to store information about

The item "Rules for determining accounting accounts" opens a list of rules configured in that apply to this item of the nomenclature.

You can enter a new rule for determining accounting accounts for this element by selecting the item " Item accounting accounts».

The item "Information on alcoholic products" opens the register "Information on alcoholic products", which is filled out only for the nomenclature that is alcoholic products and serves to fill out a declaration on the volume of retail sales of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.

The "Specifications" item opens the list of specifications for this nomenclature and is used for the type of goods and materials - products, semi-finished products of own manufacture, services.

In the "Item prices" item, you can specify all types of effective prices for this element of the directory. By clicking on the "Record prices" button, the document "Setting item prices" is created for each type of prices for the date specified in the "Get/set prices for the date" variable. By clicking on a cell with a link to the document, you can activate the row and use the button to view the document.

With the daily input of documents, an accountant can greatly facilitate the process of stuffing invoices if he uses nomenclature selection mechanism from the manual, which is described in detail.

Video tutorial:

In this article, we will look at how to set up interaction between your online store on AdvantShop and the MySklad system.

  1. Synchronization setup
  2. The most common errors and questions that arise during work

The "MySklad" module ensures the interaction of the store with the MySklad system and automatically uploads data from the "MySklad" system to the store and uploads orders from the store to the "MySklad" system.

Reverse synchronization, i.e. to automatically unload goods from the store to MySklad, is not available.

There is only a one-time download of goods from the store to MySklad for the case when the goods were initially added to the store. We will discuss this in the section “Setting up synchronization: Goods are loaded into the store, MyStorage is "empty".

Description of MyStorage module settings

Let's consider the basic settings of the module, which are necessary during operation.

Section "Commodity Items"

Property Synchronization Type

"Add/Update to the product from MySklad" - if set to add, then only those that came from MS will be added or updated (ie those that did not come will not be deleted).

"One-on-one with MySklad" - if the option "One-on-one with MySklad" is set, then all the properties that the product had are first removed, then those that came from the MC are added.

"Do not sync" - properties from my warehouse will not come.

Product description synchronization type

"Do not sync" - the description that you added in my warehouse will not be uploaded to the store. Required when the description is added directly to the product in the store.
If you unload the description from my warehouse, it will overwrite the data in the store.

"Unload only when creating a product from MyWarehouse" - when creating a product with an added description, this description will be unloaded. Further, the description will not be updated, even if the description is changed in my warehouse.

"Always" - the description will always be updated, so if there are any changes, they will be added to the store.

Activate product

"Do not activate" - when creating a product in my warehouse, with the setting set, it will come to the store inactive. Accordingly, the store will look empty.

"Only new" - if the option "Only new" is selected, the activity is set only for new products (i.e. if you update and turn off some products manually, they remain off)

"When it comes from MyWarehouse" - if the option "When it comes from MyWarehouse" is selected, the product is always set active when adding and updating.

Currency of imported goods

If you need to upload goods to the store in different currencies, then you need to add the currency to as in the store, the name and codes must match.
It is necessary to hover over the account icon in the upper right corner, go to the Settings - Currencies section - click on the button, as shown in the figure (see Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Currency settings

Figure 2. Adding a currency

In the product card, an additional choice of currencies will appear at the price.

If it is necessary for the price to be uploaded for a product in another currency, i.e. in the store in the administration panel, the product must have a currency, for example, euro, then the price that should be unloaded is entered in the product card in My warehouse (see fig. 3).

Figure 3. Currency selection in the product card

In the module settings, select "Take from the base retail price of the product" (see fig. 4).

Figure 4. Setting the currency on the side of the module

The base retail price also applies when there are products in different currencies, i.e. some goods must be unloaded in euros, others in rubles.

If all goods are in euros or dollars, or any other currency, then the corresponding currency is set in the module settings.

Deactivate goods not received (deleted) from MyWarehouse- if the product was deleted in my warehouse, and this option is enabled, then the product will become inactive in the store, but will not be deleted.

Delete modifications that have not arrived (deleted) from MyStorage- if modifications were deleted in my warehouse, then when this option is enabled in the store, they will also be deleted.

Delete modifications that are not available- if there is a zero balance in my warehouse for some position, then this modification will be removed from the store.

Activate new categories from MyStorage- when adding new categories in my warehouse and when unloading them to the store, they will be immediately active if this option is enabled.

If there is no need for new categories to be immediately visible in the store, i.e. were active, this option is not used.

Refresh products only (no leftovers)- it happens that there is a need to unload goods from my warehouse, but without taking into account the balance.

Very often this happens when the product is out of stock, but it can be brought from another warehouse, and there is no need to show zero quantity of the product in the store.

Installation of goods under the order if not available- if the goods are not available on the side of my warehouse, but it can be ordered, including this option, the checkbox for the goods "under the order" is put in the store.

Do not change the article of the modification to the article of the product if there is 1 modification
Do not update the quantity of products- all parameters will be unloaded, only without quantity.

Do not update prices (cost) for products- the cost of the goods will not be unloaded to the store.
Sometimes it is required if in my warehouse the prices are set only for accounting, or wholesale, and in the store they must be retail.

Section "Other"

Accept a product catalog and balances in a zip archive- obsolete setting, currently not used.

The name of the retail price in MyWarehouse

By default, there are three types of prices in MS: "retail" (in my warehouse it is called "sales price"), "purchase", "minimum".

Two are unloaded into the store: retail and purchasing (see Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Price types in my warehouse

For the sale price, or retail price, you can add another price with a different name. It will be uploaded as a retail price, for example, "Retail price" if it is specified in the synchronization settings (see fig. 6).

Figure 6. Price setting during synchronization

In the module settings on the store side, this field "Retail price" should always be left empty.

The name of the characteristics in My Warehouse

Here, characteristics mean modifications. Color and the size, i.e. these are the characteristics, depending on which the residuals can change.

By default, the store has two characteristics Color and Size. In my warehouse, they may be called differently.

To unload product modifications from the "MySklad" system to the store in the module settings in the "Name of characteristics in My warehouse" section, in the "color" and "size" fields (these are properties of the store), specify the name of the modifications that the goods in my warehouse have (this is either also color / size, or taste / weight, etc.) (see fig. 7).

Figure 7. Setting up unloading modifications

Compliance of properties with the characteristics of the goods:

To upload such properties, you need to create additional fields on the side of my warehouse, Goods - Goods and services - Settings (see fig. 8).

Figure 8. Setting up additional fields in my warehouse

The weight of the product is not unloaded from the "Weight" field in my warehouse. To unload the weight, you need to add an additional field in the product card, for example, Product weight (see fig. 9).

Figure 9. Adding an additional field

In the module settings, specify the name of this field "Product weight" (see fig. 10).

Figure 10. Field name on the module side

In the product card, this parameter will be indicated in the Weight field.

Dimensions - from this field the dimensions of the goods are unloaded: height, width, length.
As in the case of weight, a field is added in my warehouse, the name of this field must be specified in the module settings.

Manufacturer - in my warehouse can be called anything. Those. as well as in the case of weight and dimensions, you need to add an additional field. Unloaded to the store will be in the parameter in the product card Manufacturer.

Discount - uploaded to the product card in the discount parameter. On the side of the module, you need to write the name of the discount field from my warehouse (similarly as with weight, dimensions, and arbitrator).

Gtin - unloaded in the field Code of international marking and accounting of logistic units in the product card. Just as in the case of the Weight, Dimensions parameters, to unload this parameter from my warehouse, you need to add a field, on the side of the MyWarehouse module, specify the name of this field.

Properties not to be loaded - if any properties are not to be loaded, list them in this field - each on a new line.

All described settings are shown in the figure below (see fig. 11,12)

Figure 11. Additional fields in my warehouse

Figure 12. Specify the name of the fields on the side of the module

Synchronization setup


When working with the service, priority is given to my warehouse, i.e. data on the catalog structure, product names, balances, modifications must come from the MySklad service.

Why is it important to perform the first synchronization correctly and without errors?
During the first synchronization, parameters such as the article number in the store and the external code of my warehouse are glued together.
The unique field of goods in the store is the article, in my warehouse - the external code.

If the database does not match the external code and article, then in the future there will be such errors as duplication of goods, orders, substitution of other items of goods in orders in my warehouse.

The first thing to do is set up the "MyWarehouse" module in the store. In the administration panel, menu item Store - Modules - "My Warehouse" - Settings. In the window that opens, check the box "Module activity" and make the necessary settings (see fig. 13).

Figure 13. Module activation

To implement data exchange in the "MyWarehouse" system, you need to create a synchronization (in the upper right corner, by the user's sign in the pop-up menu, select "Settings")
(see fig. 14).

Figure 14. Setting up synchronization on the side of my warehouse

On the page that opens, go to the "Online stores" tab, then "Add a store" - select "AdVantShop" from the list (see fig. 15).

Figure 15. Adding a store

Next, in the site address field, enter "domain/Modules/MoySklad/1c_exchange.ashx", for example, .
In the login field, specify and the password field specify the data for entering the administration panel of the online store, then click "test connection" - the message "connection successfully established" should be displayed
(see fig. 16,17).

Figure 16. Adding settings

Figure 17. Checking and saving settings

Option 1. The store is empty and not filled with goods, the goods are loaded into MyStorage

The ideal option for working with my warehouse when there are no goods in the store and unloading occurs initially from my warehouse

After you set up synchronization, you need to unload the goods in the store. On the side of my warehouse, set the time for unloading goods according to the schedule, then click "unload now"
(see fig. 18).

Figure 18. First sync

Thus, the goods will be unloaded into the store.

Here it is also important to pay attention to the following settings:

  • from which warehouse to unload (see fig. 19 below, item 1)
  • which group of goods, i.e. You can upload a specific category (see Figure 19, below, item 2)

But important! in this case, only one category will also be uploaded to the store

Price - what price will be uploaded to retail. if there are no different prices, then you can not write anything (see fig. 19 below, item 1).

Figure 19. Additional settings during synchronization

Option 2: Items are loaded into the store, MyStock is empty (used only once, to fill my stock)

So My Warehouse is empty. To upload goods from the store to MyStorage, go to the module settings in the store, go to the "Unloading goods" tab and click Export goods from the store (see fig. 20).

Figure 20. Forming a file on the module side for uploading to my warehouse

Figure 21. Importing a file into my warehouse

After the file has been uploaded, a window of the following type will open: (see fig. 22)

Figure 22. The result of the uploaded file

Here you need to make the following settings:

Change the encoding to Utf-8 (see Figure 23).

Figure 23. File upload encoding selection

In the first column, which is called "do not load", select Groups (see fig. 24)

Figure 24. Parameter setting for loading categories

Choose which warehouse you are loading the goods to and click the green button "Download goods"

Figure 25. Download process

After the goods are loaded, they will appear in the Goods - Goods and Services section, in the same form (catalog structure) as they are in the store (see fig. 26).

Figure 26. File upload result

Go to the tab Data exchange - Synchronization. Set the unload time settings, from which warehouse to unload, if the store has goods with modifications, specify "Unload with modifications"
(see synchronization settings).

On the side of the module in the store, it is also important to set all the settings at once in accordance with their description, which is necessary. After save the settings and click "Upload now"

After the goods have been unloaded, your store is synchronized with the MySklad system.

Order synchronization

To set up synchronization of orders, go to MySklad Data exchange - Synchronization - Synchronization of orders, set:

If the option "Copy order numbers from the store" is not set, then the number will be the same as in the store, you can also add a prefix if synchronization occurs across several stores (see fig. 28).

Figure 28. Order number upload

Description of module settings for order synchronization

Order synchronization type

Only new (when creating an order)- the order will be unloaded, but when it is changed in the store, for example, status changes, product changes, etc. changes will not be uploaded

Full (for any changes in the order)- any changes will be transferred to MySklad

In order for additional fields to be unloaded as the payer's address, payment method, payment, on the side of my warehouse, you need to add additional fields Sales - Buyer Orders - Settings (see fig. 29).

Figure 29. Setting up additional fields in orders

Add a field with the required name (pay attention to the type of the added field) (see fig. 30).

Figure 30. Adding additional fields for orders

Such fields will appear in the order; when synchronizing orders, they will be filled with information from my warehouse, respectively (see fig. 31).

Figure 31. Added fields in the product card

Synchronization via MySklad API

Using the API, you can synchronize data on counterparties. To do this, on the side of the store, in the module settings, specify the login and password for my warehouse (see fig. 32).

Figure 32. API synchronization for unloading counterparties

For counterparties, the update occurs immediately after the change in the store. Name, email, phone, administrator's comment changes. A unique field for counterparties is CustomerId.

Changes to counterparties are not sent from my warehouse.

Also, from MySklad you can send a change in the status of an order, i.e. on the side of my warehouse, the status of the order was changed, the same status will be displayed for the order in the store. If there is no such status in the store, it will be created. According to the status API, synchronization occurs every 15 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

1. In synchronization in MS, you must specify the full address "". If synchronization fails and gives an error, check if the address, username and password are correct.

2. Photos are not uploaded from My Warehouse. There is no such possibility, since it is not provided for by the technical documentation of MySklad. It is also not possible to upload a photo through a file from the store to MyStorage

3. If the goods in the store are transferred via export in the module from the store to MySklad, then after the transfer and synchronization, you need to check the category in the MC "Goods from the store". You need to add it to the archive so that it does not come to the store again. In my warehouse, switch to category editing mode and click “Archive” (see Figure 33).

Figure 33. Adding categories to the archive

5. The balances need to be changed only in the MS, since it is directly intended for this.

6. If it is necessary to unload a certain category into the store, then this one category will be unloaded into the store, i.e. the structure that exists in my warehouse is unloaded.

7. Duplicates of goods may occur due to goods that came from previous orders, if the store and MyWarehouse were not synchronized, or due to incomplete synchronization. To avoid duplicates due to orders, you need to add the category "Products from the online store" to the archive. With incomplete synchronization, you need to look because of what such a situation arose. If you renamed the external code, then it needs to be changed both in the store and in my warehouse. If there is no external code, you need to register the necessary one in the store yourself. This can be done through the database. To do this, you need to contact technical support by email [email protected] site

It is better not to change the external code!

8. If a modification was created in my warehouse in manual mode, it was not specified in the external code for it (see fig. 34).

Figure 34. Adding a modification in manual mode

This modification will come to the store with an automatically generated external code, which will be generated according to the article number with the addition of numbers (see fig. 35).

Figure 35. Modification display on the shop side

This can be fixed by entering an external code for the modification in my warehouse and manually entering the same modification article in the store. In automatic mode, the external modification code will not change, such is the peculiarity of working with modifications in my warehouse.

9. If you need to upload goods to the store in different currencies, then you need to add the currency to as in the store, the name and codes must match. In the settings, select Take from the retail price of the product. A very common mistake is choosing Euro or another currency in the module settings: all prices are changed to this currency.

10. Important!!! Photos of products are not uploaded from my warehouse, as this is not provided by the API on the side of my warehouse.
You can upload photos for products by creating a zip-archive of the photo, and upload it through the administration panel along with a csv file, where the article of the product and the name of the photo data will be indicated.

11. Error 500 during synchronization occurs when:

  • store address is incorrect in the sync section
  • login and password are incorrect
  • due to module malfunctions, in this case, you need to contact our support by email [email protected] website and provide access to the MySklad system and the store administration panel

"The program incorrectly substitutes accounting accounts for the item and I have to constantly change them in documents by hand!" I often hear this phrase from accountants working in the 1C: Accounting 8 program. Those who work with us have long known what and how to do so as not to suffer with accounting records in documents. Today I will tell you all the "secrets" of this simple question.

Traditionally, I will consider an example using the 1C: Accounting 8 program (rev. 3), but everything I will tell you is also true for the previous version of the program.

So, what will we actually talk about? Well, for example, our organization received the goods Milk "House in the village". We have already created such a stock item in the program before, and now, when filling out the "Goods Receipt" document, we simply select this product by name:

And as soon as we select the position we need, the program itself puts down the inventory account in the line:

And in this case, the account 10.01 was automatically put down. And we then come the goods! We then need an account 41.01. Or vice versa, we are doing a shipment of goods and when choosing the same stock item, the program will again pull into the document the wrong invoice that we need.

And the eternal struggle between the user and the program begins. In each document, the accountant tries to "pacify" the recalcitrant 1C: Accountants, interrupting the accounting account with his hands. Constant search through documents and balance sheets, where did we post this or that material.

There are also more advanced users in my practice who somewhere read something or heard about fixing accounting accounts for items in the program and .... Yes! To EVERY nomenclature position in its card, they "tie up" an accounting account. Wow, what a job! And how much time was spent on it! And how many records have been made in the program!

But in fact, everything is much simpler. First, let's turn to the "Nomenclature" reference book. During the initial installation of the 1C: Accounting 8 program, this directory is not empty. It always has this set of "daddies", which is set in the program by the developers:

The folders themselves are empty. And each user fills these folders in the course of his work.

In this directory, there are two hyperlinks at the top "Types of items" and Accounts for item accounting, following which we get into the information registers of the same name. First, open the register "Types of nomenclature:

This register practically duplicates the "daddy" nomenclature groups. Each entry of this register is a plate with the name of the type of nomenclature and an indication of whether this type of service is or not.:

Now let's go to the register "Accounts for item accounting"

In this register, accounting accounts are assigned to each type of nomenclature, which will be substituted in the documents of receipt, sale, movement, etc.

In the program, by default, accounting accounts are determined depending on the type of item.

Those. in order not to interrupt each time the accounting account in the document, it is necessary to correctly indicate the Type of nomenclature in the card. For example, in our case Milk "House in the village" is indicated as "Materials". It is necessary to exchange for goods, and voila. The program understood

Some accountants will ask me what should I do if the registers do not contain the types and accounts I need. Well, for example, at a transport enterprise it is necessary to take into account various types of fuels and lubricants, and this is account 10.03. No problem. We ourselves can add the missing positions in the registers.

We return to the register "Types of nomenclature" by the "Create" button, add the type of fuel and lubricants to the list.

After that, we go to the register "Nomenclature accounting accounts" and create a new record for the type of fuel and lubricants, putting down the information we need:

Now we create a new nomenclature and indicate the corresponding type:

Thus, in order not to fight with the program every time you create documents, you need to carefully select the type of nomenclature when creating elements of the "Nomenclature" directory.

Similarly, you can set up accounting accounts not for an item type, but for an item group. Those. the accounting account will be determined depending on which "daddy" we placed our nomenclature position in:

In addition, accounting accounts can be configured depending on the organization or warehouse. If you set several parameters, then the accounting invoice will be inserted into the document if all conditions are met simultaneously.

That's the whole secret. I hope my article has helped you better understand what happens in the program when creating documents.

If something remains incomprehensible to you, then you can ask questions about working in 1C to our specialists in our groups in social networks.

Thanks for being with us.

Your consultant, Victoria Budanova.