How to open notepad on a macbook. Notepad on Mac: Disable text formatting in TextEdit on macOS. How to disable text formatting in TextEdit on Mac

Notebooks is the only notepad you'll ever need. It allows you to create great amount records. It will become the one and only repository for not only all your journals, ideas, notes, drafts, stories and diaries, but also for your projects, task lists, documents, files and everything else you want to keep at hand. Notebooks stores and displays virtually any type of document: plain text, PDF, web pages, MS Office documents, photos, videos, music and more.

The program can share its files with mobile versions of Notebooks on iPad and iPhone, which will allow you to conveniently work with documents not only on your desktop. Notebooks supports synchronization between devices, supports Dropbox and many WebDAV servers (Dropbox is currently the most convenient option).

What's new:

Version 2.0.1
Plain Text

  • Ignore keyboard shortcuts when a document is set as read only.
  • Correctly align text on ruled background when overscrolling is enabled.
  • Text documents no longer show a dark stripe instead of the scrollbar on macOS 10.13 or earlier, with scrollbars set to "always visible".
Formatted Documents
  • When adding a table in the middle of a line, the table is added immediately after the current paragraph.
  • Toggling the list style with cmd-i now includes checklists.
  • Fine tuned the way automatically insert closing characters works.
  • Notebooks" default Markdown converter correctly resolves multiple references to the same footnotes.
  • The outline uses the setting Use color label as background color from preferences.
  • The selected book's font remains dark (light theme).
  • New option to select a fixed font size for print and PDF conversion.
  • The setting for line spacing accepts all available values.
  • Sharing from a document"s action menu tries to send the text instead of an attachment, if possible.
  • Sharing from the File Menu or document list always sends the selected items as attachment.
  • Duplicating a task with due date copies the due date as well.
  • The toolbar buttons appear with correct size and without overlapping title.
  • Notebooks no longer quits when closing the last window.
  • If the document browser is hidden when closing Notebooks, it remains hidden after relaunch.
  • Keyboard shortcut cmd-alt-B shows the document browser.
  • Extra document windows are restored in correct back to front order when starting Notebooks.

According to time management professionals, it is very harmful to keep all tasks, affairs and other current information in your head. This has a very negative impact on our productivity, taking away some of the brain’s “resources” for memorizing information on current tasks, instead of completing them. Nowadays, few people use paper to take notes; it is much more convenient to make notes and notes in special applications, especially since they are available on any platform and are presented in large quantities.

Apple gives us built-in Notes in OS X and iOS, which are quite convenient and, thanks to cloud syncing, a great tool. But not ideal. Therefore, let's look towards alternative applications that could replace our native Notes.

Evernote hardly needs any introduction; many of us know and use this service for creating and storing notes. In terms of the number of functions and their implementation, at least one other application can hardly compete with it. You can create regular notes, lists, upload photos and videos, assign tags and create many notebooks on the same topic. Thanks to the iOS version and browser extensions, creating notes is incredibly easy and you can do it at any time, no matter what device you have at hand.

If you prefer to put everything into shelves so that you can quickly find the thing you need, Evernote is 100% your choice.

As the name suggests, Simplenote is a very simple application. However, it has all the necessary functions and even more: synchronization (there is a version for iOS), tags, quick search, note versions, statistics (word and character counter), sharing of lists and individual notes and the ability to stick the necessary notes at the top of the list. Plus, a clean, minimalistic interface, without unnecessary frills, is exactly how it should be in a simple functional notepad.

If you need an app for simple text notes, you won't find a better one than Simplenote.


NoteSuite is also an app for regular text notes, but unlike Simplenote, it has formatting support. The application interface has a “tab” mode (quite nice), which facilitates simultaneous work with several notes or allows you to keep the necessary things always at hand. Thanks to formatting, you can create lists, and this allows you to use NoteSuite as a simple To-Do manager (of course, it’s a stretch, but if you need an all-in-one solution, then why not). There is also an iOS version (though only iPad), which synchronizes with Mac via iCloud. NoteSuite also has a browser extension for creating notes (similar to Evernote webclipper).

If text notes are enough for you, but you need formatting, pay attention to NoteSuite.

Notational Velocity

Another simple app with a simple interface for taking regular notes and an interesting concept. Notational Velocity has three panels: Search, Notes List, and detailed view notes. To create a new note, we are asked to use the search field (we enter the title directly into it) and if the entered text is already present in one of your old notes, the application will immediately display a list of matches. When you press Enter, we will go into editing mode for an existing note. If the search did not find anything, click Enter Notational Velocity will create a new note with the title you entered.

If you need to quickly search and manage your notes using just your keyboard, you can try Notational Velocity, especially since it's free.

According to time management professionals, it is very harmful to keep all tasks, affairs and other current information in your head. This has a very negative impact on our productivity, taking away some of the brain’s “resources” for memorizing information on current tasks, instead of completing them. Nowadays, few people use paper to take notes; it is much more convenient to make notes and notes in special applications, especially since they are available on any platform and are presented in large quantities.

Apple gives us built-in Notes in OS X and iOS, which are quite convenient and, thanks to cloud syncing, a great tool. But not ideal. Therefore, let's look towards alternative applications that could replace our native Notes.

Evernote hardly needs any introduction; many of us know and use this service for creating and storing notes. In terms of the number of functions and their implementation, at least one other application can hardly compete with it. You can create regular notes, lists, upload photos and videos, assign tags and create many notebooks on the same topic. Thanks to the iOS version and browser extensions, creating notes is incredibly easy and you can do it at any time, no matter what device you have at hand.

If you prefer to put everything into shelves so that you can quickly find the thing you need, Evernote is 100% your choice.

As the name suggests, Simplenote is a very simple application. However, it has all the necessary functions and even more: synchronization (there is a version for iOS), tags, quick search, note versions, statistics (word and character counter), sharing of lists and individual notes and the ability to stick the necessary notes at the top of the list. Plus, a clean, minimalistic interface, without unnecessary frills, is exactly how it should be in a simple functional notepad.

If you need an app for simple text notes, you won't find a better one than Simplenote.


NoteSuite is also an app for regular text notes, but unlike Simplenote, it has formatting support. The application interface has a “tab” mode (quite nice), which facilitates simultaneous work with several notes or allows you to keep the necessary things always at hand. Thanks to formatting, you can create lists, and this allows you to use NoteSuite as a simple To-Do manager (of course, it’s a stretch, but if you need an all-in-one solution, then why not). There is also an iOS version (though only iPad), which synchronizes with Mac via iCloud. NoteSuite also has a browser extension for creating notes (similar to Evernote webclipper).

If text notes are enough for you, but you need formatting, pay attention to NoteSuite.

Notational Velocity

Another simple app with a simple interface for taking regular notes and an interesting concept. Notational Velocity has three panels: search, note list, and note detail view. To create a new note, we are asked to use the search field (we enter the title directly into it) and if the entered text is already present in one of your old notes, the application will immediately display a list of matches. When you press Enter, we will go into editing mode for an existing note. If the search did not find anything, click Enter Notational Velocity will create a new note with the title you entered.

If you need to quickly search and manage your notes using just your keyboard, you can try Notational Velocity, especially since it's free.

Many of us have to do a whole lot of notes during the working day. For these purposes, most people still use regular notepads. But paper notes can easily get lost or damaged, so let's look at something simple and convenient. app for mac called "Quick Note".

In the last review, we already wrote about a very convenient Mac application for small notes called “”. Today, we will look at another interesting and convenient virtual notebook. The program is very easy to use and very much resembles the original notepad for iOS devices.

In order to add an entry you just need to click on the plus sign “ + " in the upper right corner of the control panel in the application. After this, you can start making notes on a very nice designed yellow piece of paper.

To the right of the “note” itself is a list of earlier ones in chronological order, which is also useful as a tool quick search. Everything is very simple and convenient in Quick Note.

If you need to synchronize notes with other computers, then the Quick Note application, at the moment, only supports the cloud service. In the future, according to the authors of the program, support for Google Docs, DropBox and other cloud services will be added.

As a result, we can say that Quick Note is a very good option for organizing notes on your Mac. It has an intuitive iOS application interface, allows you to quickly make notes, and most importantly, it is completely free.

General information about the program

Type: Productivity.

Devices: Mac.

Version: 1.3.2.

Developer: Diigo Inc.

Price: For free.

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 or higher.

Tested on MacBook Pro.

“Switchers” from Windows on Mac often yearn for the “notepad” from Windows. Webmasters (“admins”) love it for its lack of formatting (it doesn’t copy someone else’s style), ordinary users love it for its almost Zen-like minimalism (white background, black letters. Steve would approve). And how many words could be put in one line!.. In general, we will return Notepad from Windows to you - more precisely, we will make it an almost perfect copy of the “Apple” one. TextEdit.

In contact with

What’s especially nice is that you don’t have to put in extra effort for this. All we need is an application open on Mac TextEdit and its settings. Open TextEdit possible from Dock(if you pinned it there), via Programs or a search query in Spotlight.

How to disable text formatting in TextEdit on Mac

1 . Open TextEdit, in the menu bar, click on the name of the program (i.e. TextEdit), then on Settings.

2 . In the window that appears, we are interested in the upper part of the settings, Format. By default, this option is enabled Rich text. Change it to Simple text.

In the tab Opening and saving You can also set "plain text" options for HTML and RTF files:

Ready! Open a new file and enjoy a minimalistic “sheet” of electronic “paper” without any signs of formatting! Click on the “plus sign” in the window - and expand your sheet to almost the entire screen, and then - write whatever your heart desires and without the slightest fear of getting formatted text, and, therefore, an extra headache when transferring information to another text editor.

If formatting is still needed, return to the TextEdit settings and activate the setting Rich text. Again, all changes will be applied to the new file, and not to the currently open one.

Well, that’s one less argument in favor of the dubious thesis “I’ll stay on Windows.” Other useful tips for those who have just switched to Mac or are planning to do so, you can read below.