Green World product catalog, prices. Green World product catalog, prices Paid promotion services

Paid promotion services

You can always buy promo points or server background GreenWorld v.2 1.8-1.12
Promo points give you the opportunity to be higher in the ranking, and therefore receive more attention from players. Beautiful backgrounds- This is an opportunity to stand out and be remembered for your individuality.

Links to server page

Place a link to this page with or without a signature (for example, “Our server is ranked - http://site/server/4577”). We give you extra points for posting links to the server. So, for a link on a site with a first-level domain, we give +5 additional fireproof points. You can read more about this offer. After posting the link, please write to us at info@site or Monitoring Support using the widget in the lower right corner.


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Widgets and userbars

We have generated a beautiful and informative widget for you that you can use at your discretion.
For using the widget on third-party sites (forums, server sites, etc.), we will be happy to award you additional points.
Just write to us at info@site or Monitoring Support using the widget in the lower right corner



Filling out the server profile

We welcome meaningful and beautiful content for the server. Players are always interested in a server that is designed with high quality. A beautiful server page is a guarantee that the owner is monitoring the server too. Players will more often choose your server and also share it in in social networks.

Therefore we give +1 point for the detailed description servers, +1 point for filling the server page screenshots from the game and +3 points - for the video posted on the server page. You can read more about the video.
After adding a description and screenshots, please write to us at info@site (or Monitoring Support using the widget in the lower right corner) and we will increase your rating

Paid promotion services

You can always buy promo points or server background GreenWorld 1.8-1.12 SURVIVAL.
Promo points give you the opportunity to be higher in the ranking, and therefore receive more attention from players. Beautiful backgrounds- This is an opportunity to stand out and be remembered for your individuality.

Links to server page

Place a link to this page with or without a signature (for example, “Our server is ranked - http://site/server/21693”). We give you extra points for posting links to the server. So, for a link on a site with a first-level domain, we give +5 additional fireproof points. You can read more about this offer. After posting the link, please write to us at info@site or Monitoring Support using the widget in the lower right corner.


Share on social networks

Widgets and userbars

We have generated a beautiful and informative widget for you that you can use at your discretion.
For using the widget on third-party sites (forums, server sites, etc.), we will be happy to award you additional points.
Just write to us at info@site or Monitoring Support using the widget in the lower right corner



Filling out the server profile

We welcome meaningful and beautiful content for the server. Players are always interested in a server that is designed with high quality. A beautiful server page is a guarantee that the owner is monitoring the server too. Players will more often choose your server and share it on social networks.

Therefore we give +1 point for the detailed description servers, +1 point for filling the server page screenshots from the game and +3 points - for the video posted on the server page. You can read more about the video.
After adding a description and screenshots, please write to us at info@site (or Monitoring Support using the widget in the lower right corner) and we will increase your rating

Green World's products are formulated with natural ingredients and manufactured using American equipment and technology in accordance with strict quality and safety standards.
Green World Products has gained a leading position in China, one of the world's largest markets, and is also well received in America and most European countries, Southeast Asian countries, especially Indonesia, and Africa.
Today, Green World products are divided into several groups:
1) Dietary supplements and biocorrectors. Dietary supplements from Green World have been widely used to prevent numerous diseases since they went on sale.
2) Tourmaline products. The Green World company has a wide range of tourmaline products, the use of which protects the human body from harmful effects electromagnetic waves, eliminates free radicals, which prevents the occurrence of many diseases, and also removes harmful substances from the body in a natural way.
3) Cosmetic line of the company “Green World”.
4) Personal hygiene products.
5) Home care products.
6) Health-improving devices.
To fully familiarize yourself with the company's products, we have created a Green World product catalog, where for your convenience our assortment is divided into separate categories.
The description of each item contains prices for the goods. Prices at Green World are indicated in rubles.