Computer presentation of practical achievements of the professional activity of a mathematics teacher. My pedagogical credo

Portfolio as an assessment of teacher's professional achievements

MBOU Gremyachevskaya secondary school


Ryzhevskaya Natalya Nikolaevna

computer science and mathematics teacher

MBOU Gremyachevskaya secondary school

Experience pedagogical work-23 years old

Higher education

Availability qualification category- first

Awards- Certificate of honor Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Topic: "Project activities of students as a means of forming key competencies"

"The only way that leads to knowledge is

it's an activity"

Conditions for the formation of a personal contribution

teacher in the development of education

  • course preparation;
  • work in methodical associations of the region;
  • self-education;
  • diagnostics of own experience;
  • open lessons;
  • teachers' councils, method councils;
  • studying
  • educational standards

Organizational and pedagogical conditions

  • offers to consider phenomena in various positions;
  • encourages making comparisons, generalizations, conclusions;
  • asks specific questions;
  • poses challenges

Methodical conditions:

  • development of training materials for the organization of training;
  • study of literature on the topic

Research conditions:

The relevance of the teacher's personal contribution to the development of education

Contradictions and difficulties

The relevance of project activity today is determined, first of all, by the need to understand the meaning and purpose of one's work, independently set professional goals and objectives, think over ways to implement them, and much more that is included in the content of the project. It is no coincidence that the basic curriculum [FGOSNOO Basic curriculum] has a new line about project activities, and one of the parameters of the new quality of education is the ability to design. Thus, the Federal component of the state standard notes "the participation of students in project activities, in the organization and conduct of educational and research work ... creative solution of educational and practical problems; independent implementation creative works, projects ... creation of own works, ideal and real models of objects, processes, phenomena, including the use of multimedia technologies".

Basic course of the school curriculum

Project requirements

Increasing the level of knowledge

Time allotted for the basic course

Theoretical substantiation of the teacher's personal contribution to the development of education

Department of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

“On the use of textbooks and teaching aids in the educational process”

Letter No. 03-105 of February 10, 2011

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

“Federal State Educational Standard (FSES)”

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1897 of December 17, 2010

  • Student personality development
  • UUD development:
  • Know how to learn

    get knowledge,


    select information,


  • Development of programs and selection of elective courses
  • Selection of educational and methodical publications
  • Use of the school's IOS

The purpose and objectives of pedagogical activity

Purpose: to ensure the development of children's creative abilities through the developmental potential of the project method.

  • development of communicative qualities of a person;
  • the ability to work with a computer;
  • formation of skills for searching and processing information;
  • development of independence;
  • education needs to constantly develop.

Main end result:

the formation of children's skills and abilities of thinking, that is, the ability to self-study.

presenter pedagogical idea:

Development of creative abilities of students through the developing potential of project activities.

The activity aspect of the teacher's personal contribution to the development of education

Purpose - through the individualization of practice-oriented learning to motivate students to scientific research to ensure the assimilation of not only the basics of science, but also the very process of obtaining knowledge, to develop the cognitive and creative abilities of students.

Place in the structure of the educational process

  • Informatics and ICT is a subject included in the Federal Basic Curriculum.
  • Project-Form state control learning outcomes.

Implementation technology

1. Step-by-step training in research skills based on program material.

2. Using the methods of problematic, partially exploratory, research learning to develop the mental abilities of students.

3. Organization of educational activities mainly in the form of independent work of students (group, individual).

4. The systematic use of ICT and DER in the classroom as a means of enhancing the cognitive interest of students.

5. Monitoring of learning achievements, the level of creative thinking.


  • this is a person who knows how to comprehend, evaluate and present himself, his activity and its results, that is, a person with information, educational, research, communicative, personal competencies formed to one degree or another, with identified dominant interests, with a formed worldview and personal position, which ultimately will contribute to its successful self-realization.

Implementation conditions

Informatics and ICT class


  • Spreadsheet creation and editing software
  • Text creation and editing software
  • Presentation software
  • Keyboard trainer
  • Image, sound and video processing and editing software
  • Animation creation and editing software
  • Digital image database

Teacher PC

Student PC

Internet access point

The range of the teacher's personal contribution to the development of education and the degree of its novelty

  • Teaching the subject “Informatics and ICT”
  • Extracurricular work (circle "Computer graphics")

Benefit Demonstration

Guseva Ekaterina- regional stage winner All-Russian competition creative projects "Atomic Science and Technology".

Ershova Milena - prize-winner regional competition"Time forward".

The effectiveness of professional pedagogical activity and the achieved effects

Quality monitoring

3 year progress data

Number of students

excellent students

good guys

beats achievers



  • Data on progress in grades 5 - 11 by year
  • Monitoring the quality of middle and senior management for 3 years:

Translatability of practical achievements professional activity

Implementation mechanism

Target orientation

Stages of work on the development and implementation of project activities

  • Teachers-masters - for use in their methods
  • Beginning teachers for applications in preparation for lessons in their subjects

Difficulties and risks:

  • lack of curiosity in children, fading of interest in learning new things in the process of learning;
  • ability to apply by teachers Total ICT recruitment for all stages of project preparation;
  • a large gap between the topics of the basic course programs.


  • Guzeev E.A. Development of educational technology. - M., 1998.
  • Novikov T.A. Design technologies in the classroom and in extracurricular activities / / Public education, 2000. #7
  • Palivanova K.I. Project activities of schoolchildren.-M: Enlightenment, 2008
  • Internet resources.

Thank you for your attention

Data on progress in grades 5 - 11

  • performance is stable at 100%;
  • in 2012 the number of good students increased;
  • in 2013, the number of excellent students increased.
Quality monitoring middle And senior links for 3 years:

Conclusions: the quality of training of senior and middle managers is consistently high.

Digital educational resources

Stages of work on the development and implementation of project activities

1st stage: 5-6 grades

Independent performance of tasks of a research and creative nature, aimed at establishing cause-and-effect relationships, teaching the ability to draw up and read charts and tables; performance of tasks of a creative nature under the guidance of a teacher.

2nd stage: 7-8 grades

3rd stage: 9th - 10th grade

The formation of research skills, the ability to put the acquired knowledge into practice, the involvement of students in project activities.

Acquisition of the simplest knowledge, skills and abilities to master the methods design work, teaching the basics of independent activity.

Description of the presentation individual slides:

1 slide

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Municipal Budgetary Society educational institution secondary school No. 5, Tsentralny settlement, Volodarsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region Computer presentation of practical achievements of professional activity of Bachikhina Svetlana Ivanovna

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Formation of cognitive universal learning activities for students in mathematics lessons “A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it” (A. Diesterweg)

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Conditions for the emergence and formation of pedagogical experience. Relevance of the chosen topic. The relevance of the topic is due to the needs of modern society Factors that influenced the emergence and development of pedagogical experience. Studying the experience of colleagues Course preparation Diagnosis of own experience The concept of modernization of Russian education

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Controversy Problem Creation of conditions that ensure the formation of cognitive ULD in students as a separate planned learning outcome

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Conditions for the formation of a teacher's personal contribution to the development of education Studying the works of G.A. Shchukina, A.G. Asmolova, G.V. Burmenskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya, N.B. Shumakova Participation in the work of the ShMO. Lesson development, methodological developments, educational projects Speech at a meeting of the ShMO and a school seminar on the problem of the formation of cognitive UUD in students in mathematics lessons

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The relevance of the teacher's personal contribution to the development of education; insufficient level of students' ability to see the problem, formulate a goal and achieve results; insufficient level of students' ability to cooperate effectively in groups, to be open to new contacts and cultural ties. the formation of UUD for students in mathematics lessons (the use of techniques and teaching methods) learning without coercion, based on success

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Psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the development of educational material by students in accordance with age characteristics The level of intrinsic motivation of students in the 5th grade in the study of mathematics (13 people were surveyed)

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"Theoretical substantiation of the teacher's personal contribution to the development of education" The concept of universal learning activities (A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burmenskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya, etc.) Leading idea: Universal learning activities - a set of student actions (as well as related skills of educational work with them) that provide independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process development in students necessary for independent research activities thinking and research skills GEF requirements - student achievement three types results (personal, meta-subject, subject) Project and research competence is the main meta-subject result. Lesson is the basis for the implementation of the standard

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Description of the slide:

The purpose and objectives of pedagogical activity to provide conditions for the formation of cognitive universal learning activities for students in teaching mathematics Tasks to determine the conditions necessary for the formation of cognitive UUDs for students to develop and implement a system of mathematics lessons aimed at the formation of cognitive UUDs to develop and implement a system of tasks aimed at forming cognitive UUD to reveal the dynamics of the level of formation of cognitive UUD in students

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Description of the slide:

"The leading pedagogical idea" Formation of cognitive universal learning activities for students in mathematics lessons System-activity approach - methodological basis GEF Conditions for the formation of cognitive UUD Application of interdisciplinary learning technology, which is based on the research method Inclusion in the content of the lesson tasks for the formation of cognitive UUD

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Types of lessons and various pedagogical technologies used in them for the formation of educational and cognitive competence. TEACHING METHODS: story, conversation, lecture, discussion, work with a book, demonstration, exercises, practical work, laboratory work, cognitive game, programmed learning method, learning control, situational method, ESM Types of lessons Pedagogical technologies Lesson of communication of new knowledge ICT, problem-dialogic technology. ICT knowledge consolidation lesson, collaborative learning, critical thinking technologies Repetition lesson Games, group work, case-technology (case method). Lesson of systematization of the studied material ICT, project method, training in cooperation, group forms of work. Technology for evaluating educational success. Combined lesson All technologies can be used

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Description of the slide:

Stages of the lesson aimed at the formation of cognitive learning activities Stage of the lesson Functional purpose of the stage Formed cognitive UUD Motivation Creation of a problem situation that ensures the emergence of a question and the formulation of a problem or the emergence of assumptions, Formulation of a problem, formulation of a hypothesis Research Search for facts to substantiate or refute a hypothesis-generalization or to solve problems The ability to find the necessary information in the text, present this information in the form of a diagram, table. Classification, comparison, formulation of a definition of a concept, etc. Exchange of information Presentation of research results The ability to consciously and arbitrarily build a speech statement Organization of information Sorting or classification of materials obtained as a result of research Classification, formulation of a conclusion Linking information Discovery and formulation of new knowledge. Formulation of a conclusion about the evidence or understatement of a hypothesis Formulation of a general conclusion Formulation of a conclusion about the correctness of hypotheses Reflection Evaluation of the extent to which a solution to the problem has been achieved. Reflection of the thinking process Awareness of the course of the process of formation of cognitive skills Application Use of new knowledge in new conditions, providing a true understanding of new knowledge Classification, comparison, formulation of a conclusion, etc.

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Translatability of scientific and methodological activities teacher- Municipal Festival of pedagogical projects. Social project"Virtual School Museum" - Conducting open environmental lessons. - Participation in the Internet project "The Amazing World of Physics" - Participant in public discussions of the exemplary OOP LLC. Municipal Festival of Pedagogical Projects. Social project "Virtual School Museum" Conducting open environmental lessons. Participation in the Internet project "The Wonderful World of Physics" Participant in public discussions of the exemplary OOP LLC.

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Publications of teaching materials on the portal for Teachers 1. Website of MBOU secondary school No. 5 2. Network of educational sites "Teacher's site" of the project "Infourok" http://Teacher's site 3. Remote educational portal"Prodlenka" 4. "" - school educational network

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Literature Dautova O.B., Krylova O.N., Matina G.O., Pivchuk E.A., Management of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard general education/ Dautova, O.N. Krylova, G.O. Matina, E.A. Pivchuk.-SPb.: KARO, 2013. Professional activity of a teacher during the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of basic education. Theory and technologies / E.Yu. Rivkin.-Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. Modern pedagogical technologies of the basic school in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard / O.B. Dautova, E.V. Ivanshina, O.A. Ivashedkina, K.B. Kazachkova, O.N. Krylova, I.V. Mushtavinskaya.-SPb.: KARO, 2013. Formation of universal educational activities in the primary school: from action to thought. Task system: teacher's guide / A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burmenskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya and others/; under. ed. A.G. Asmolova.-2nd ed. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011. Shamova T.I. Pedagogical analysis of the lesson in the system of intraschool management / Ed. T.I. Shamova / Series. School in Management.-M: UTs "Perspektiva", 2010. Dzida G.A. The development of students' cognitive skills in the process of solving educational problems: Diss. Dr. ped. Sciences. Chelyabinsk, 2001. Litovchenko O.V. Cognitive skills of students: problems of formation in a modern school.//News of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen, No. 153-1, 2012. Matyushkin A.M. Psychological structure, dynamics and development of cognitive activity // Questions of psychology. - 1982. - No. 4.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Municipal budgetary educational institution Arzinskaya secondary school Computer presentation of practical achievements of professional activity Completed by: mathematics teacher Volkova Elena Alekseevna p. Arzinka - 2015.

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"Visiting card" Volkova Elena Alekseevna teacher of mathematics MB OU Arzinskaya secondary school [email protected]“The goal of knowledge is not memorization of huge factual material in the smallest detail, but the ability to easily and quickly navigate in this area.” (A.N. Terenin)

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the theme of the presentation is "Activation of cognitive activity of students in mathematics lessons and after school hours using information and communication technologies."

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Relevance of the topic It is generally recognized that mathematics is a labor-intensive subject that requires constant, painstaking independent work from students. In order to maintain interest in the subject and make the educational process of high quality, I use ICT in the lessons, which increases the effectiveness of teaching and the quality of emerging knowledge and skills. The use of ICT in mathematics lessons allows the teacher to reduce the time to study the material due to the clarity and speed of work. The goals of using a computer in mathematics lessons: development of interdisciplinary connections between mathematics and computer science; formation of computer literacy; Development of independent work of students in the classroom

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Modern Information society sets the school the task of preparing graduates who are able to: flexibly adapt to changing life situations, independently think critically; competently work with information; be communicative, contact in various social groups; independently work on the development of their own morality, intellect, cultural level. Novelty and practical significance of pedagogical experience

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Conceptual foundations The problem of stimulating schoolchildren to learn is not new: it was posed as early as the 1940s and 1950s. I. A. Kairov, M. A. Danilov, R. G. Lember. L. V. Zankov, A. A. Okunev, and many other scientists and teachers worked on this problem. Studies of teachers show that in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities by students, their cognitive activity, the ability of the teacher to actively manage it, occupies an important place.

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The purpose of the experiment is to create psychological and pedagogical conditions for increasing the cognitive activity of students in mathematics lessons and after school hours through the use of information and communication technologies.

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Tasks to study the theoretical and methodological literature on the topic "The use of ICT in mathematics lessons as a means of increasing the cognitive activity of students"; .to study the methodology and technology for selecting audiovisual technical means; include ICT tools in the educational process; select the conditions for the positive dynamics of the cognitive activity of students in mathematics lessons and after school hours through the use of ICT; identify the effectiveness of work using ICT tools at various stages of the lesson and extracurricular activities.

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The leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience is to increase student initiative for effective use their skills and abilities when performing various mathematical tasks, tests and final assignments through the use of information and communication technologies.

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Forms of using ICT In the process of teaching mathematics, information technologies can be used in various forms. The directions I use can be represented in the form of the following main blocks: new topic; checking knowledge in the classroom; preparation for the exam extracurricular activities

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Exploring a new topic multimedia presentations(presentation lesson on the topic "Decimal fractions" Grade 5) Video lessons (lesson on the topic "The first sign of equality of triangles" Grade 7) Visual aids (lesson on the topic "Commutative law of addition of positive and negative numbers")

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Knowledge test Test work (with filling in empty spaces) (lesson on the topic "Vertical angles" grade 7) Tests (lesson on the topic "Coordinate plane" grade 6) Tasks on finished drawings (lesson on the topic "Quadangles" grade 7)

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Extracurricular activities credit work on the topic, performed by students in the form of a presentation (lesson on the topic “Signs of divisibility”, Grade 6) educational projects(topic "Mathematics around us" Grade 7) distance learning

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The effectiveness of professional pedagogical activity. Grade 9 1. What kind of lesson organization do you like best? Regular lesson. 12% Lesson with computer support 88% 2. What kind of work do you prefer? Work with a teacher. 52% Independently work with the program. 48% Satisfaction of parents of students with teaching the subject "mathematics" 2011-2012 ac. 2012-2013 academic year 2013-2014 academic year d. Is your child interested in mathematics? 87% 91% 92% Do you think mathematics is an important subject in your child's education? 100% 100% 100% Increased your child's interest in the subject when using computer technology? 45% 64% 72%

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The effectiveness of professional pedagogical activity No. Indicators 2011-2012 academic year. 2012-2013 academic year 2013-2014 academic year d. 1. Overall performance % 100 100 100 2. General quality training, % 75 80 83

Fadeeva Tatyana Viktorovna MBOU secondary school No. 9 with an in-depth study of individual subjects in the city of Pavlovo. Pavlovo, 2014 Informatics and ICT teacher Work experience 2 years Education: higher, NSTU im. R.E. Alekseeva, software engineer

The use of project methods in the middle link E. S. Polat gives the following definition of the project method in the modern sense: “... a method that involves “a certain set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow solving a particular problem as a result of independent actions of students with the obligatory presentation of these results." The design method is always focused on independent work students. With the help of it, students not only receive the sum of certain knowledge, but also learn to acquire this knowledge, use it to solve cognitive and practical problems.

Conditions for the formation of the project method Specifications: modern computers; software; special equipment; multimedia equipment. Implementation of the project method: network projects; scientific and practical conferences; contests; Flash - mobs; etc. Organizational and pedagogical conditions: Performances on ped. councils, RMOs and SMOs; Internet publications; creative groups

Relevance of personal contribution to the development of education Traditional learning Project-based learning 1. Students' target setting. Get a good mark. Demonstrate your abilities, do an important job. 2. Organizational forms of work. Individual. Combination of individual, pair and group work. 3. Sources of information. Usually one or two sources. Various sources from different fields of knowledge. 4. Subject area. One academic subject. As a rule, the content is multi-subject. 5. The nature of the work on the content. Referencing. As a rule, a combination of theoretical and practical methods research. 6. Presentation or protection of work. Not required. Required.

Theoretical substantiation of the teaching materials "Informatics and ICT" for grades 5-7, the author Bosova L. L. The teaching materials "Informatics and ICT" for grades 8-9, the author Bosova L. L. "Designing and staging innovative forms of training sessions in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard general education.” G.A. Ignatieva, M.N. Kraynikova, A.S. Molkov, O.V. Tulupova, O.E. Fefelova New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E.S. Polat - M., 2000

Goals and objectives of pedagogical activity Purpose: To form the creative personality of students Tasks: To involve students in an educational research, project situation. control of knowledge and skills on the material covered; to form in the mind of the student an information picture of the world; develop the skills of searching and processing information; develop independence; develop the ability of personal confidence in each participant in project-based learning; develop research skills.

The leading pedagogical idea Inclusion of students in their own research search in computer science, as well as extracurricular and extracurricular work through the development of projects apply the acquired knowledge, the development of reflex (in the terminology of John Dewey or critical thinking). ... The problem establishes the goal of thought, and the goal controls the process of thinking.

Tasks: to develop cognitive, creative skills of students, to be able to independently construct their knowledge, to be able to navigate in the information space, to develop critical thinking; to form the skills of cognitive, research and creative activities Project method The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which is performed for a certain period of time to solve a problem. And the solution of the problem involves, on the one hand, the use of a combination of various methods and teaching aids, and on the other hand, the need to integrate knowledge and skills from various areas Sciences. This is also a pedagogical technology, which includes a set of research, search, problem methods and can be implemented using various means training (books, reference books, videos, etc.), including those using new information technologies (virtual libraries, multimedia, etc.).

Inclusion of gaming technology in the project method The implementation of gaming techniques and situations in the lesson form of classes takes place in the following main areas: the didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task; educational activity is subject to the rules of the game; educational material used as a means of learning activities an element of competition is introduced, which translates the didactic task into a game one; successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result. In a project method, you can integrate different kinds games: implement project protection in the form of a game; organize the search and collection of information in the form of a quest; scenario of own development; etc. Stages of creating a project

Stages of preparation of the project 1) Preparation a) definition of the problem and the goals and objectives arising from it; b) putting forward a hypothesis for their solution; c) discussion of research methods; 2) Planning a) identification of sources of information; b) determining how to collect and analyze information; c) determining how the results will be presented; d) establishing procedures and criteria for evaluating results and the process; e) distribution of tasks (duties) between team members. 3) Research a) collection of information; b) solving intermediate problems. 4) Results and/or conclusions. a) analysis of the received data; b) formulation of conclusions. 5) Evaluation of results and process; a) registration of final results; b) summarizing, adjustment, final conclusions.

Conditions for successful learning of the project method Information subsystem Activity subsystem Psychological subsystem Content-regulatory conditions Normative-organizational conditions Psychological and pedagogical conditions methods

Projects In my practice, I use the project method quite often, for example: in the 5th grade, this is the system of lessons "Creating animation in MS PowerPoint"; in the 6th grade - a lesson "Creating crossword puzzles" on various topics in MS Word; in the 7th grade, the lesson "Creating models"; in the 8th grade - the lesson "Creating a portfolio", in the 9th grade - "Semantic network". I implement the integration of the game method into the project method, for example, in the “Semantic Network” project and in the 5th class “Creating Animation in MS PowerPoint”: Semantic Network: Studying the theory of semantic networks Creating your own network - fairy tales another student (may be staging) Creating animation in MS PowerPoint: Studying the theory of work in the program Writing a script Thinking through the text and words of the characters Checking the result by acting out scenes (choosing an actor, playing according to the scenario) Implementation in MS PowerPoint Program debugging the result An example of a script for a training task

Scenario of a lesson Stage of a lesson or other form of UVP Sub-stage of a lesson or other form of UVP Actions of a teacher (teacher) Actions of students (exemplary versions of answers) 1. Motivationally indicative 1.1. Getting in touch Hello guys. Let's start our lesson. Let's start with a short video. A shortened cartoon "Smeshariki" is launched. 1.2. Actualization of the subjective experience of students What do you know about cartoons and how they are created? The students answer the question. Express their opinion, put forward possible options. 1.3. Creating a problem situation Do you think it is possible to create a cartoon using the programs that we have studied this year? The students answer. Actually it is possible. To do this, you can use a program already familiar to you for creating and editing PowerPoint presentations. More often than not, the answer is no - impossible. Since students are familiar with presentations only in the form of a report. 2. Operational - performing 2.1. Goal-setting and planning Would you like to try yourself as a multiplier? The students answer. So what is your task today? Of course we would. Create your own cartoon. 2.2. Finding a way to solve a problem situation What do you think needs to be done before starting to create a cartoon? The students answer. Draw heroes; come up with words; create a story. 2.3. Choosing the right solution, fixing the found method You answered correctly. The characters for your raging tales are already drawn, so what's your next step to think about the plot or the words? The students answer. That's right, first you need to think about the plot of your fairy tale. The easiest way to do this is in the form of a plan. Think about the plot. 2.4. Working out the open method in the system of exercises, specific practical actions Each of you has a manual on your computer on how such cartoons are created, it is in the 5th grade folder and is called "Animation". And now I will show you how it is done, after that you will sit down at the computers and try it yourself. The teacher explains the material, then the students complete the task. 3. Reflective - evaluative 3.1. The situation of control over the implementation of educational activities You all worked successfully and fruitfully today. First, you made a plan - a plot, then added characters to the slides, wrote words to them. I have a question for you, is it easy to implement your plan - the plot, what difficulties did you encounter? It's hard to create a story. Too complicated plot. Too much time wasted choosing the characters and background for the slide. It's hard to get the characters' actions right. 3.2. Situation of evaluation of educational results At the end of our lesson, I ask you each to evaluate your actions. To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire. Look, each question begins in a different way: “I know that…”, “I can”, “I know why…”. You can choose one of the suggested options or add your own. And you answer the last question yourself - “What has changed in me”, two or three phrases. Each student answers the questions on their own.

Effectiveness of the project method Sample projects

Practical achievements

Semantic networks

Interregional network project "We live on this Earth" Information about the project

Software Products

Translatability of practical achievements The project method can be used by both novice teachers and teachers with a high level of skill. Difficulties and possible risks: pairing design assignments with the requirements of educational standards; difficulty in formulating project tasks in such a way that standard knowledge, skills, and abilities can be used; selection of materials for the project; a complex system for evaluating the results of projects. Scope: lesson; lesson system; extracurricular activities; extracurricular activities. Broadcast of the result: publications on the Internet (nsportal); performances of students at the NPC, competitions; participation in network projects.

References "Designing and staging innovative forms of training sessions in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education." G.A. Ignatieva, M.N. Kraynikova, A.S. Molkov, O.V. Tulupova, O.E. Fefelova. N.Novgorod, Volga region, 2013-75p.2. EMC "Computer Science and ICT" for grades 5-7, author Bosova L. L. Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (grades 5-9) Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (grades 5-9) , Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897

Thank you for your attention!

Professional achievements of Sapegina Elena Anatolyevna Teacher of technology of the highest qualification category, MOU "Secondary School 16", Vorkuta Competition for the best teachers for high achievements in pedagogical activity in the Komi Republic in 2010

The results of extracurricular activities of students on technology Circle " sewing Studio» Decorative and Applied Art Club Elective Course on Clothing Design Municipal and republican contests and exhibitions of decorative and applied arts City competition “Vorkutaugol – through the eyes of the young” mock-up project Dynamics of growth in student attendance at the Sewing Atelier club City exhibition of decorative and applied arts "Rainbow of inspiration" IV Republican exhibition children's creativity"Mirror of Nature"

The results of my activities class teacher Methodical theme“Creation of conditions for the development of the spiritual and moral, socially adapted personality of the student. Education of an active, enlightened citizen and patriot, a person of high culture, who loves his Motherland, city, school, family "Leisure Teaching Patriot Health Communication Culture Native land I am a citizen MY WORK AREAS

Use of modern educational technologies Presentations of creative works Design and research, design and technological, research work Development of creative abilities Overcoming individual shortcomings in ZUN Independent search for information Technology of individually differentiated learning Technology of presentations Technology of projects Information and communication technologies Educational programs Developing education

Generalization and dissemination of own pedagogical experience 2010 - Publication of the additional educational program "Sewing Atelier" on the website of the professional community of teachers "Methodists", materials registered under 2978 Generalization of experience on the topics: "Activation of students in technology lessons" (2007) "Lesson structure technologies. Algorithm for drawing up a plan-summary of a lesson on technology "(2008)" Innovative approach: the method of "Internal game in the educational process" (2009) Open lessons and extracurricular activities Open lessons and extracurricular activities Participation in subject weeks Participation in subject weeks Assistance to young teachers Assistance to young teachers Organization and holding of city Olympiads and master classes Organization and holding of city Olympiads and master classes Introduction innovative technologies through seminars, reports, readings Implementation of innovative technologies through seminars, reports, readings Head of school and city methodical association technology teachers Head of the school and city methodological association of technology teachers

Advanced training and professional retraining Courses for advanced training of teachers in the State secondary educational institution vocational education Komi Republican Institute for the Development of Education and Retraining of Personnel under the educational program "Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the formation of creative activity of students in technology lessons." Syktyvkar, 2005 Full member lecture courses (academician) Russian Academy education, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor M.M. Potashnik "Lesson of the 21st century" and "Restructuring methodological work with teaching staff in a developing school". Vorkuta, 2005 Refresher courses in GOUDPO "Komi Republican Institute for the Development of Education and Retraining of Personnel" under the program "Problems of Teaching Technology and Entrepreneurship in the Conditions of Pre-Profile and Profile Education". Syktyvkar, 2008