Methods and methodology of financial analysis. Horizontal financial analysis. Systems and methods of financial planning

What is the relationship management accounting and economic analysis?

Economic analysis is not only the most important component of any of the management functions, but is itself a type management activities prior to the adoption management decisions, aimed at sustainable development organization's business. Thus, economic analysis occupies an intermediate place between the selection of information and the decision-making process and, depending on the nature of the decision, uses appropriate methods.

What is the subject and objects of economic analysis?

The subject of economic analysis is the reasons for the change in the results of management and their deviations from the target parameters. Knowledge of causal relationships in economic activity enterprises allows you to reveal the essence of the processes taking place in it and, on this basis, give a correct assessment of the results achieved in the current situation, identify reserves for improving work efficiency, justify plans and management decisions aimed at achieving the goals set.

List the tasks of economic analysis.

1. Establish patterns and trends of change economic indicators under the specific conditions of the enterprise.

2. Evaluation of the performance of the enterprise on the basis of an objective and comprehensive study of accounting and reporting information.

3. Scientific substantiation of current and future plans for the development of the enterprise

4. Monitoring the implementation of planned targets and the use of production resources.

5. Identification and measurement of internal reserves of the efficiency of the enterprise at all stages of the production process.

6. Development of measures for the use of production reserves.

7. Making optimal management decisions to improve the activities of the enterprise.

4. What is the content of the analysis and diagnostics of economic activity? The content of the analysis of financial and economic activity consists in a comprehensive study of the technical level of production, the quality and competitiveness of products, the provision of production with materials, labor and financial resources and the efficiency of their use. This analysis is based on systems approach, complex accounting of various factors, high-quality selection of reliable information and is an important function of management.

The essence of diagnosing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is to establish and study signs, measure the main characteristics that reflect the state of machines, instruments, technical systems, economics and finance of an economic entity, to predict possible deviations from stable, average, standard values ​​and to prevent disruptions in the normal mode of operation

5. Give a description of the relationship between the main economic indicators as the basis for a comprehensive analysis.

objects, purpose and objectives of the analysis, a plan of analytical work is drawn up; a system of synthetic and analytical indicators is being developed, with the help of which

the object of analysis is characterized;

collected and prepared for analysis necessary information;

a comparison is made of the actual results of management with the indicators of the plan of the reporting year, the actual data of past years, with the achievements of leading enterprises, industries, etc.;

factor analysis: factors are identified and their influence on the result is determined;

unused and promising reserves for increasing production efficiency are identified; assessment of business results, taking into account the action of various factors and identified

unused reserves, measures are being developed for their use.

6. List the tasks of analytical research on the topics of a comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity. Are common:

1. Assessment of the quality, validity and reliability of plans and standards.

2. Determination of basic indicators for planning for the coming period.

3. Control over the implementation of plans and evaluation of their implementation. It also evaluates the effectiveness of the use of material, labor and financial resources.

4. Determination of the influence of individual factors and their quantification. Isolation and measurement of the influence of internal (depending on the activities of the enterprise) and external (industry) factors.

5. Identification of reserves for increasing production efficiency.

6. Substantiation of managerial decisions and their optimization.

7. objective assessment financial condition business entity, its solvency, financial stability and business activity.

8. Identification of opportunities to increase equity, net assets, return on shares and improve the use of borrowed funds.

9. forecasting financial results, potential threat of bankruptcy.


Selection of partners according to the information published about them;

Evaluation and verification (due diligence) of the acquired organization (business);

Development of a methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of M&A transactions (mergers and acquisitions), determining the synergistic effect;

Improving the methodology of economic analysis, taking into account international experience and restructuring accounting and reporting on international standards;

Development of techniques for analyzing the effectiveness of investing financial resources in real and portfolio investment;

Improving methods for analyzing the quality, reliability of products, their competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets;

Analysis of the organization's capitalization and business growth potential;

Development of methods of social, regional analysis, environmental protection activities;

Analysis of the effectiveness of outsourcing implementation;

Development of non-traditional types of analysis: continuous, multivariate, strategic, diagnostic.

Run test

1. The fundamental principles of the method of economic analysis do not reflect the following feature of dialectics:

a) unity of analysis and synthesis;

b) the study of economic phenomena in their interrelation;

c) the study of economic phenomena in development, in dynamics;

G) unity and struggle of opposites.

2. The mathematical equation Y = reflecting the relationship of the effective indicator with several factor indicators, belongs to the type of ... factor models. Additive

3. Economic and mathematical methods of analysis include:

A) operations research method:

b) trend analysis;

c) coefficient analysis;

d) horizontal analysis.

4. The method of their transformation (modeling) is not applied to the class of multiple deterministic factor models:

a) lengthening the factor system;

b) extensions of the factor system;

c) reduction of the factor system;

G) bifurcation of the factor system.

5. To determine the compliance of individual costs at the enterprise with the socially necessary, its organizational and technical level and place in a number of enterprises of similar production specialization allows:

a) comparison of reporting indicators with indicators of previous periods;

b) inter-farm comparison;

V) comparison with industry averages;

d) comparison of the performance of the enterprise with the average performance of the market economy.

6. Method chain substitutions... consists in obtaining a number of intermediate values ​​of the effective indicator by successively replacing the basic (planned) values ​​of factors with actual ones, followed by comparing the value of the effective indicator before and after changing the level of the factor under study.

7. The mathematical equation Y = , reflecting the relationship of the effective indicator with several factor indicators, belongs to the type .. mixed. factor models.

8. ..Vertical. analysis involves determining the structure of the final indicators of financial statements with the identification of the impact of each position on the result as a whole.

9. The horizontal (temporary) method of financial analysis involves:

a) determination of the structure of the final indicators of financial statements with the identification of the impact of each position on the result;

b) identification of the main trend in the dynamics of the indicator, cleared of random influences and features of individual periods;

c) comparison of each reporting position with the previous period with the identification of absolute and relative deviations;

d) comparison of the company's indicators with those of competing firms, with industry average and general economic indicators.

10. When using the method. absolute difference.. the magnitude of the influence of factors is calculated by multiplying the absolute increase in the value of the factor under study by the basic (planned) value of the factors that are in the model to the right of it, and by the actual value of the factors located in the model to the left of it.

11. Integral..... the method is based on summing the increments of a function defined as a partial derivative multiplied by the increment of the argument over infinitesimal intervals.

12. .Index Analysis.. are relative indicators of comparison of phenomena consisting of elements that are not directly summable:

a) indexes;

b) financial ratios:

c) interest;

d) average values.

13. The mathematical equation Y = , reflecting the relationship of the effective indicator with several factor indicators, belongs to the type. multiples.. factor models.

14. ... methods of economic analysis of economic activity are based on the use professional knowledge, experience and intuition of the analyst:

A) heuristic;

b) economic and mathematical;

c) factor;

d) statistical.

15. The method of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of economic activity, which involves assigning a weight coefficient to each indicator and its increment on a certain scale, is called the method:

b) scoring;

c) increase in the total resource;

G) financial ratios.

16. The method that involves comparing each reporting position with a number of previous periods and determining the main trend in the dynamics of the indicator, cleared of random influences and features of individual periods, is called. horizontal (temporary).. analysis.

17. To identify the reasons for the deviation of the actual values ​​of individual indicators from their predicted levels, a comparison is used:

A) reporting indicators with planned indicators;

b) reporting indicators with indicators of previous periods;

c) indicators of the enterprise with similar industry average data;

d) indicators of the enterprise with average indicators of a market economy.

18. The method of analysis, in which the effect of a number of factors on the performance indicator is excluded and one of them is singled out, is called:

a) rows of dynamics;

b) elimination;

c) detailing;

d) balance linkages.

19. An analysis method that involves comparing homogeneous objects to find similarities or differences between them is called:

a) graphic;

b) factorial:

c) selective and continuous observation;

G) comparison.

20. The economic and mathematical methods of analysis include:

A) calculus of variations;

b) trend analysis;

c) factor analysis;

d) vertical analysis.

21. Assessment of the dynamics of financial indicators is carried out using the method:

a) vertical analysis;

b) horizontal analysis;

c) financial ratios;

d) comparative analysis.

22. The calculation of relative indicators according to the financial statements, reflecting intra-balance sheet relationships or relationships between indicators of several reporting forms, is carried out on the basis of the method:

a) economic and mathematical analysis;

b) financial ratios;

c) comparative (spatial) analysis;

d) factor analysis.

23. Mathematical equation Y \u003d (a + b) / c, reflecting the relationship of a performance indicator with several factor indicators, belongs to the type of ... factor models:

a) additive;

b) multiplicative;

c) multiples;

G) mixed (combined)).

24. Medium... the value expresses distinguishing feature given set of phenomena, establishes the most typical features of this set.

25. factorial... analysis studies the impact of input values ​​on the performance indicator using deterministic research techniques.

26. To identify trends in the development of an enterprise and the dynamics of the main parameters of its economic and financial position used:

a) comparison of reporting indicators with planned indicators;

b) comparison of reporting indicators with indicators of previous periods;

c) inter-farm comparison;

d) comparison with industry average data.

27. Economic and mathematical methods of analysis do not include methods:

a) elementary mathematics;

3) b) mathematical programming;

c) operations research;

G) elimination.

28. Mathematical equation Y \u003d , reflecting the relationship of a performance indicator with several factor indicators, belongs to the type .. multiplicative. factor models.

29. Methods ... allow you to give comprehensive assessment financial condition of the enterprise:

a) mathematical statistics;

V) deterministic factor analysis;

d) mathematical programming.

30. Standard techniques (methods) for analyzing financial statements include ... analysis:

a) regressive;

b) correlation;

V) horizontal;

d) differential.

It is a process of researching the financial condition and main results financial activities enterprises in order to identify reserves to increase its market value and ensure further effective development.

The results of financial analysis are the basis for making management decisions, developing a strategy further development enterprises. Therefore, financial analysis is an integral part, its most important component.

Basic methods and types of financial analysis

There are six main methods of financial analysis:

  • horizontal(temporal) analysis— comparison of each reporting position with the previous period;
  • vertical(structural) analysis- identification specific gravity individual articles in the final figure, taken as 100%;
  • trend analysis- comparing each reporting position with a number of previous periods and determining the trend, i.e. the main trend in the dynamics of the indicator, cleared of random influences and individual characteristics of individual periods. With the help of the trend, possible values ​​of indicators are formed in the future, and therefore, a prospective predictive analysis is carried out;
  • analysis of relative indicators(coefficients) - calculation of ratios between individual reporting positions, determination of interrelations of indicators;
  • comparative(spatial) analysis- on the one hand, this is an analysis of the reporting indicators of subsidiaries, structural divisions, on the other hand, a comparative analysis with the performance of competitors, industry averages, etc.;
  • factor analysis– analysis of the influence of individual factors (reasons) on the resulting indicator. Moreover, factor analysis can be both direct (analysis itself), when the resulting indicator is divided into its component parts, and reverse (synthesis), when its individual elements are combined into a common indicator.

The main methods of financial analysis carried out at the enterprise:

Vertical (structural) analysis- determination of the structure of the final financial indicators (the amounts for individual items are taken as a percentage of the balance sheet currency) and identifying the impact of each of them on the overall result of economic activity. The transition to relative indicators allows for inter-farm comparisons of the economic potential and performance of enterprises that differ in the amount of resources used, and also smoothes Negative influence inflationary processes that distort absolute indicators.

Horizontal (dynamic) analysis is based on the study of the dynamics of individual financial indicators over time.

Dynamic analysis is the next step after the analysis of financial indicators (vertical analysis). At this stage, it is determined which sections and items of the balance sheet have undergone changes.

The analysis of financial ratios is based on the calculation of the ratio of various absolute indicators of financial activity among themselves. The source of information is the financial statements of the enterprise.

Most important groups financial indicators:
  1. Turnover indicators (business activity).
  2. Market Activity Indicators

When analyzing financial ratios, the following points should be kept in mind:

  • the value of financial ratios is greatly influenced by the accounting policy of the enterprise;
  • diversification of activities makes it difficult to compare coefficients by industry, since the standard values ​​can vary significantly for different industries;
  • normative coefficients chosen as a basis for comparison may not be optimal and may not correspond to the short-term objectives of the period under review.

Comparative financial analysis is based on comparing the values ​​of individual groups of similar indicators with each other:

  • indicators of this enterprise and average industry indicators;
  • financial indicators of the given enterprise and indicators of the enterprises-competitors;
  • financial indicators of individual structural units and divisions of the enterprise;
  • comparative analysis of reporting and planned indicators.

Integral () financial analysis allows you to get the most in-depth assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise.

The financial analysis is a process of studying the financial condition and the main results of the financial activity of an enterprise in order to identify reserves to increase its market value and ensure further effective development.

The results of financial analysis are the basis for making managerial decisions, developing a strategy for the further development of the enterprise. Therefore, financial analysis is an integral part of financial management, its most important component.

Basic methods and types of financial analysis

There are six main methods of financial analysis:

· horizontal (temporal) analysis - comparison of each reporting position with the previous period;

· vertical (structural) analysis - identification of the share of individual articles in the final indicator, taken as 100%;

· trend analysis - comparing each reporting position with a number of previous periods and determining the trend, i.e. the main trend in the dynamics of the indicator, cleared of random influences and individual characteristics of individual periods. With the help of the trend, possible values ​​of indicators are formed in the future, and therefore, a prospective predictive analysis is carried out;

· analysis of relative indicators (coefficients) - calculation of ratios between individual reporting positions, determination of interrelations of indicators;

Comparative (spatial) analysis - on the one hand, this is an analysis of the reporting indicators of subsidiaries, structural divisions, on the other hand, a comparative analysis with the indicators of competitors, industry averages, etc.;

factor analysis - analysis of the influence of individual factors (reasons) on the resulting indicator. Moreover, factor analysis can be both direct (analysis itself), when the resulting indicator is divided into its component parts, and reverse (synthesis), when its individual elements are combined into a common indicator.

The main methods of financial analysis carried out at the enterprise:

Vertical (structural) analysis - determining the structure of the final financial indicators (the amounts for individual items are taken as a percentage of the balance sheet currency) and identifying the impact of each of them on the overall result of economic activity. The transition to relative indicators allows for inter-farm comparisons of the economic potential and performance of enterprises that differ in the amount of resources used, and also smoothes out the negative impact of inflationary processes that distort the absolute indicators of financial statements.

Horizontal (dynamic) analysis is based on the study of the dynamics of individual financial indicators over time.

Dynamic analysis is the next step after the analysis of financial indicators (vertical analysis). At this stage, it is determined which sections and items of the balance sheet have undergone changes.

The analysis of financial ratios is based on the calculation of the ratio of various absolute indicators of financial activity among themselves. The source of information is the financial statements of the enterprise.

The most important groups of financial indicators:

· Liquidity ratios.

· Indicators of financial stability and solvency.

· Indicators of profitability.

· Indicators of turnover (business activity).

· Indicators of market activity

When analyzing financial ratios, the following points should be kept in mind:

the value of financial ratios is greatly influenced by the accounting policy of the enterprise;

· diversification of activities makes it difficult to compare the coefficients by industry, since the standard values ​​can vary significantly for different industries;

· normative coefficients chosen as a basis for comparison may not be optimal and may not correspond to the short-term objectives of the period under review.

Comparative financial analysis is based on comparing the values ​​of individual groups of similar indicators with each other:

· indicators of the given enterprise and average industry indicators;

· financial indicators of the given enterprise and indicators of the enterprises-competitors;

financial indicators of individual structural units and divisions of the enterprise;

· Comparative analysis of reporting and planned indicators.

Integral (factorial) financial analysis allows you to get the most in-depth assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise.

Financial stability analysis. With the help of these indicators, the composition of funding sources and the dynamics of the ratio between them are assessed. The analysis is based on the fact that the sources of funds differ in the level of cost, degree of availability, level of reliability, degree of risk, etc.

Profitability analysis. The indicators of this group are designed to assess the overall effectiveness of investing in this enterprise. Unlike the indicators of the second group, here they abstract not from specific types of assets, but analyze the return on capital as a whole. The main indicators are therefore the return on advanced capital and the return on equity.

Analysis of the situation and activity in the capital market. As part of this analysis, spatial and temporal comparisons of indicators characterizing the position of an enterprise in the securities market are performed: dividend yield, earnings per share, share value, etc. This fragment of the analysis is performed mainly in companies registered on securities exchanges and selling their shares there . Any enterprise that has temporarily free cash and willing to invest in securities, also focuses on the indicators of this group.

It should be said that the procedural part of the methodology for analyzing financial and economic activities is regulated by a number of principles:

  • consistency;
  • complexity;
  • unity of the information base;
  • materiality;
  • consistency of schemes of analytical procedures;
  • comparability of results;
  • purposefulness.

Conducting an effective financial analysis of the activity of an economic entity involves the development of a system of consistently implemented measures based on uniform principles that subjugate all elements of the system and allow providing a strictly defined circle of users with the most relevant information at the moment.

Financial analysis Bocharov Vladimir Vladimirovich

1.4. Methods of financial analysis

The key goal of financial analysis is to obtain a certain number of basic (most informative) indicators that give an objective picture of the financial condition of the enterprise:

? changes in the structure of assets and liabilities;

? dynamics of settlements with debtors and creditors;

? the value of profits and losses and the level of profitability of assets and sales.

At the same time, the analyst and the manager (manager) may be interested in both the current financial position of the enterprise and its forecast for the near future.

The initial basis for financial analysis is accounting and reporting data, the study of which helps to restore all key aspects commercial activities and completed transactions in a generalized form, i.e. with the degree of aggregation necessary for the analyst.

Practice has developed the main methods of financial analysis, among which are the following:

? horizontal analysis;

? vertical analysis;

? trend analysis;

? comparative (spatial) analysis;

? factor analysis;

? method of financial ratios.

Horizontal (temporal) analysis consists in comparing the financial statements with those of previous periods. The most common horizontal analysis techniques are:

? simple comparison of reporting items and the study of their abrupt changes;

? analysis of changes in reporting items in comparison with fluctuations in other items.

Wherein Special attention is given to cases where the change in one indicator by economic nature does not correspond to the change in another indicator.

Vertical analysis is carried out in order to determine the share of individual balance sheet items in the overall final indicator and then compare the result with the data of the previous period.

Trend analysis is based on the calculation of relative deviations of reporting indicators for a number of periods (quarters, years) from the level of the base period. With the help of the trend, possible values ​​of indicators are formed in the future, i.e., a predictive analysis is carried out.

Comparative (spatial) analysis is carried out on the basis of on-farm comparison of both individual indicators of the enterprise and inter-farm indicators of similar competing firms.

Factor analysis is the process of studying the influence of individual factors (reasons) on the performance indicator using deterministic or stochastic research methods. In this case, factor analysis can be both direct (analysis itself) and reverse (synthesis). With the direct method of analysis, the performance indicator is divided into its component parts, and with the reverse method, individual elements are combined into a common performance indicator.

An example of factor analysis is the DuPont three-factor model, which allows you to study the reasons that affect the change in net income to equity:

PE SK \u003d PE / SK \u003d (PE / BP) ? (VR/A) ? (A/SK), (1)

where NP SK - net return on equity (percentage or fractions of a unit); PE - net (retained) profit for the billing period; SK - equity as of the last reporting date ( section III balance sheet); VR - proceeds from the sale of products (excluding indirect taxes); A - assets at the last reporting date.

If, as a result of the analysis of financial statements, it is established that the net profit attributable to equity has decreased, then it turns out due to what factor this happened:

1) decrease in net profit for each ruble of sales proceeds;

2) less effective management assets (deceleration of their turnover), which leads to a decrease in sales proceeds;

3) changes in the structure of the advanced capital (financial leverage).

Let's take a digital example. Data for the first quarter of the reporting year: net profit - 9 million rubles; sales proceeds - 60 million; assets - 120 million; own capital - 30 million rubles. Data for the second quarter of the reporting year: net profit - 9.9 million rubles; sales proceeds - 63.6 million; assets - 126 million; own capital - 30 million rubles.

PE SK1 = (9/60) ? (60/120) ? (120/30) ? 100= 30%

PR SC2 = (9.9 / 63.6)? (63.6/126.0) ? (126.0/30.0) ? 100= 33%

1. As a result of the growth of net profit, an increase net profitability equity by 1.14% (31.14–30.0):

(9,9/63,6) ? (60/120) ? (120/30) ? 100= 31,14 %

2. As a result of the acceleration of asset turnover, an increase in the net return on equity by 0.3% (30.3 - 30.0) was achieved:

(9/120) ? (63,6/126,0) ? (120/30) ? 100= 30,3 %

3. As a result of improving the capital structure, an increase in the net return on equity by 1.5% (31.5 - 30.0) was obtained:

(9/120) ? (60/120) ? (126/30) ? 100= 31,5 %

4. The combined effect of the three factors is: 1.14 + 0.3 + 1.5 = 2.94% or about 3% (33–30).

The method of chain substitutions was used for the calculation.

An analysis of the net profit indicator attributable to equity is used when deciding how much an enterprise can increase its assets in the future without an increase in the attracted capital of loans and borrowings, i.e.:

1) when choosing a rational capital structure;

2) when deciding the issue of investments in fixed and working capital.

The method of financial ratios is the calculation of the ratios of financial statements data, the determination of the relationship of indicators. The analysis should take into account the following factors: the effectiveness of the applied planning methods, the reliability of financial statements, the use various methods accounting (accounting policy), the level of diversification of other enterprises, the static nature of the applied coefficients.

In the practice of Western corporations (USA, Canada, Great Britain), the following three coefficients are most widely used: ROA, ROE, RO@@C.

Profit attributable to total assets (ROA) = (Net income + Interest? (1 - tax rate)) / Total assets? 100(2)

This indicator reflects how much the company has earned on total assets generated from its own and borrowed sources. The ROA ratio is often used by the company's top management to evaluate the performance of individual business units. The head of the division has significant influence over the assets, but cannot control their financing, because the branch of the company does not take bank loans, does not issue stocks or bonds, and in many cases does not pay its own bills (for current liabilities).

Return on Equity (ROE) = Net Income / Shareholder Equity? 100 (3)

This ratio shows how much was earned from the funds invested by the shareholders (either directly or through retained earnings). The ROE ratio is of interest to existing or potential shareholders, as well as to the management of the company, designed to best consider the interests of shareholders. However, this ratio is not of particular interest to branch managers, since they are required to effectively manage assets, regardless of the role of shareholders and creditors in financing these assets.

Invested capital, also called fixed capital, is the sum of long-term liabilities (credits and loans) and equity capital. Therefore, it expresses the monetary resources that are in the circulation of the company for a long time. It is assumed that short-term liabilities tend to fluctuate automatically associated with changes in current assets.

Return on investment capital (RO?C) = (Net income + Interest? (1 - tax rate)) / (Long-term liabilities + Equity capital) ? 100% (4)

Invested capital is also equal to working (working) capital plus fixed capital. This fact indicates that owners and long-term creditors should finance the firm's property and equipment, other long-term assets, and that part of current assets that is not reimbursed by short-term liabilities.

Individual firms often use RO?C to measure the performance of their affiliates, often referred to as return on capital employed (ROCE) or " net assets» (assets minus current liabilities). This parameter applicable only when the branch's management has significant influence on decisions about the acquisition of assets, credit policy (accounts receivable), cash management and the level of its short-term liabilities.

Profit per invested capital equals net income divided by investment. RO coefficient? can be seen as the combined result of two factors: return on sales and use of investment.

(Net income / Investment (RO?)) = (Net income / Sales volume) ? (Sales/Investments)

Each of the two terms on the right side of the equation has its own special economic meaning. Net profit divided by sales is the economic return on goods sold (ROS).

The second indicator - the volume of sales divided by investments - characterizes the turnover of the latter.

These two ratios show two main ways to improve this indicator (RO?). First, this can be achieved by raising the rate of profit. Secondly, this indicator can be improved by increasing the investment turnover. In turn, the turnover of the latter can be increased, either by increasing the volume of sales, keeping the amount of investment unchanged, or by reducing the amount of investment required to maintain a given value.

In addition to wanting a satisfactory rate of return, investors would like their capital to be protected from financial risk. Return on equity (ROE) could be increased if additional investment in new projects was achieved solely through debt. Of course, provided that the profit on these additional investments should exceed the interest costs on these obligations.

However, such an investment policy would increase the risk of shareholders losing their investments, since interest and principal payments are fixed and failure to pay them will inevitably lead the company to bankruptcy. The degree of risk in each case can be measured by the relative amounts of liabilities and share capital and funds allocated to pay off liabilities. This analysis also requires the use of financial ratios.

The indicators given in this table can be used by external users of financial statements, such as investors, shareholders and creditors. For preliminary assessment the financial condition of the enterprise, it is advisable to divide the above indicators into two groups that have qualitative differences between themselves.

The first group includes indicators for which normative values ​​are determined. These include indicators of liquidity and financial stability. At the same time, both a decrease in the values ​​of parameters below the normative values, and an excess, as well as their movement in one of the above directions, should be interpreted as a deterioration in the financial condition of the enterprise.

The second group includes non-standardized indicators, which are usually compared in dynamics over a number of periods or with the values ​​of the same indicators at similar enterprises. This group includes indicators of profitability and turnover of assets and equity, the structure of property and capital, etc.

For this group of indicators, it is advisable to rely on the study of trends in indicators and establish their improvement or deterioration.

The complexity of the current situation in Russia lies in the fact that in many enterprises, employees of the accounting service do not have enough knowledge of the methods of financial analysis, and specialists who own them do not have time (due to the workload of their main work) to read and analyze documents of analytical and synthetic accounting.

In this regard, it is advisable for enterprises to allocate a service (a group of specialists) involved in the analysis of the financial and economic state. The main tasks of this service can be:

1) development of input and output analytical forms with indicators of liquidity, financial stability, business and market activity. The accounting department completes these forms at intervals that are appropriate to support the work of the financial department of the enterprise;

2) periodic (monthly, quarterly, annual) compilation of explanatory notes to the output forms with calculations of the main analytical indicators and deviations from the planned, normative, industry average values.

An exemplary functional diagram of the relationship for the implementation of the financial and economic analysis of the enterprise is shown in fig. 1.3.

Rice. 1.3. Approximate functional diagram of relationships for financial / economic analysis (according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation)

Based on the results of the financial and economic analysis, the financial policy of the enterprise for the coming period (quarter, year) can be formulated. In particular, a decision may be made to restructure property complex(sale of unused tangible assets, renewal of heavily worn out fixed assets, revaluation of fixed assets taking into account their market value, change in the depreciation mechanism, etc.). The decisions taken by the management of the enterprise should be aimed at increasing its profitability, market value and business activity.

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From the book Financial Analysis author Bocharov Vladimir Vladimirovich

1.1. The purpose and objectives of financial analysis modern conditions the independence of enterprises in making and implementing managerial decisions, their economic and legal responsibility for the results of economic activity is increasing. Objectively increases

From the book Financial Analysis author Bocharov Vladimir Vladimirovich

1.2. The role of financial analysis in making managerial decisions Financial analysis is an important component of financial management. Financial management is the art of managing the finances of enterprises, i.e. monetary relations associated with

From the book Financial Analysis author Bocharov Vladimir Vladimirovich

1.3. The relationship of financial and management analysis Financial analysis - component a general analysis of the economic activity of enterprises, consisting of closely related sections: 1) financial analysis; 2) production management

From the book Financial Analysis author Bocharov Vladimir Vladimirovich

7.7. Features of the financial analysis of enterprises with signs of insolvency (bankruptcy) in a transitive (transitional) economy modern Russia the insolvency of many enterprises can be episodic or chronic. If the enterprise is chronically

From the book Economic Theory: Textbook author Makhovikova Galina Afanasievna

1.1.2. Methods of economic analysis Economic theory, being a symbiosis of political economy and economics, applies research methods inherent in both areas of economic science. A method is a set of methods and techniques for understanding economic phenomena and

From the book Bankruptcy Accounting and Analysis author Baykina Svetlana Grigorievna

3.1. Sources of information used to analyze the financial condition of an enterprise The problem of preventing insolvency (bankruptcy) of enterprises, their survival in an environment of a large-scale non-payment crisis worries the economic community. For

From the book Sales Management author Petrov Konstantin Nikolaevich

Cost Analysis Methods Speaking of sales management, it should be noted that cost analysis (or, as it is sometimes called, cost-benefit analysis) is more often applied to products than to customers. Most companies conduct cost-benefit analyzes by product type, and only

From the book Economic Analysis author Klimova Natalia Vladimirovna

Question 63 Purpose, objectives and information base analysis of the financial condition The purpose of the analysis of the financial condition is to identify on-farm reserves to strengthen the financial position and increase the solvency of the organization. Tasks