Starting a business after forty: six great success stories. Starting a business after forty: six great success stories Business at 50 examples of success

According to statistics, the majority of aspiring entrepreneurs are young people between 20 and 40 years old. And this is quite understandable, since young people want everything at once, they are more prone to risks, more mobile and open to new things.

However, oddly enough, many people start their own business after 50 years of age. This is explained by the fact that retirement is approaching, the size of which does not allow one to hope for prosperity.

In addition, the children have already grown up, there is a lot of free time and, finally, you can do what you had no time to do in your youth.

Start a business at 50 years old.

Another reason that people start a business at 50 years old is because they have some capital that they want to invest before inflation eats it up.

Start a business at 50 years old.

All these reasons play their role in organizing their own business by mature people. But the main role, of course, is played by the desire for self-realization.

Start a business at 50 years old.

After all, with age, people already know how to set priorities and know exactly what they really want.

Start a business at 50 years old.

How successful are late starts?

Everything again depends on the set of knowledge and skills of the novice entrepreneur, on his experience accumulated earlier.

1) The most successful people are have gained experience working in commercial structures.

Start a business at 50 years old.

Those who come from commercial structures already know what risks arise when doing business; are able to calculate not only income, but also expenses; soberly weigh their options.

Start a business at 50 years old.

2) Another successful category of people, those starting a business at 50 years old are middle and senior managers power structures. Extensive connections acquired over the years of work allow us not only to see the development potential, but also to solve many issues with the help of acquaintances.

3) It is more difficult for those who have worked in the public sector all their lives in secondary positions. However, among them there are successful businessmen who achieved success due to high motivation and practical skills acquired during their work.

What needs to be done to start your own business at age 50 or later?

1) First of all, evaluate your potential, reconsider your skills and knowledge, understand what you really want to do in order to realize yourself fully. Only self-employment that brings satisfaction can lead to success. It is impossible to build your own successful business by doing something you are not passionate about.

2) In addition, you need to estimate the amount of capital that can be invested in the business. without bringing yourself to complete ruin. After all, your own business always carries risks, so you need to be prepared to part with some part of the money, considering it as tuition fees.

Start a business at 50 years old.

Start a business at 50 years old.

You just need to treat it as a non-repayable investment in your business.

3) And you also need to enlist the support of family members.. It is difficult to achieve success if, instead of support, you receive reproaches for wasting time and money.

Examples of other people's successful endeavors should keep us optimistic and confident in the success of our business. And then everything will definitely work out.

Start a business at 50 years old.

Start a business at 50 years old.

1. Who said that at 56 the first thing is lumpy?

Ernestine Shepard is an 80-year-old woman from America, whose figure and fortitude will be the envy of young athletes. She is the oldest bodybuilder in the world, her name is included in the Guinness Book of Records. “An athlete since childhood,” many will say when they look at her for the first time. But it was not there! Ernestina took up sports at the age of 56, attending an aerobics class. She says about her years: “Age is just a number.”

Ernestine Shepard

2. Learn ballet at 79? Easily!

“Ah, ballet... This dance captivates from the first movements! What a pity that my parents didn’t send me to the studio twenty years ago, because now it’s too late to start,” - this is what many ballet fans think, but not John Lowe, a resident of Great Britain. He always loved dancing and everything connected with it, but until the age of 79 he remained just a spectator. It was at this age that John decided to firmly pursue his dream: first he learned to tap dance, and only then he reached his main goal. And today John is a theater artist, and he does not perform in the background, but performs a solo part! “Dancing makes me keep my back straight and allows me to cheat time,” he says of his hobby.

John Lowe

3. 85 years is a reason to look down on the world

Grandmothers are very worried when their children and grandchildren go hiking or get involved in extreme sports. We have an exception to this rule: Doris Long was delighted with one of the unusual sports. The 85-year-old British woman's passion is abseiling - descending a steep slope or vertical wall using a rope. “I’ll do this at least until I’m one hundred,” she promised and kept her word. At 101 years old, she made the legendary 94-meter descent. Maybe it's really not as scary as it seems?

Doris Long

4. 49 years old - it's time to become a model

Cindy Joseph has been at the center of fashion all her life, working as a professional make-up artist and make-up artist. However, she never imagined herself as a model, observing them only from the side. Despite her rich professional experience, Cindy preferred the “naturalness at any age” strategy, which attracted the attention of a modeling agency. She began to master a new profession at the age of 49, however, having become a sought-after model, she did not abandon her destiny in the world of beauty. Cindy founded a cosmetics skin care brand for mature women. Her life credo: “Look good, feel great - and you will find the meaning of life.”

Cindy Joseph

5. Master of Yoga at 76-why not?

Yoga is a wonderful activity for the soul and body, which, it seems, if not everyone, then most certainly have tried it themselves. Sometimes it happens that people get very involved in this hobby, like, for example, Ida Herbert. She started going to yoga at the age of 50, but soon realized that her real calling was to teach. At 76 years old, Aida became a yoga instructor, the bulk of her students are women aged 50 to 90 years, for whom she is a living motivation. Today, Ida Herbert is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest yoga teacher.

“In my groups, I’m still the oldest,” notes Aida. - It’s important to understand: you can’t be too old to move. Everyone can move."

Ida Herbert

6. Centennial anniversary on the cover of glossy magazine

If deep down in your soul you really want something, it will certainly come true. Another example is Bo Gilbert, an ordinary former factory worker who, at the age of 100, ended up on the pages of fashion magazines. According to Mrs. Gilbert, she always loved fashion and tried to dress with taste. “I just wanted it myself. I definitely don’t dress up for guys,” the model says in her interview. And then one day she had the chance to get on a glossy cover.

Beau Gilbert

7. Get into character after 65 years

Who among us has not at least once felt like the heroine of a Hollywood film? Kay D'Arcy painted herself in this image all her life, but in reality she was an ordinary nurse, a mother of many children and a happy grandmother. It would seem that this in itself is the basis of the script for the film, but without the phrase “Lights, camera, motor” everything is not the same. The former nurse decided to realize her dream of becoming an actress only at the age of 67. The path was not easy: acting school, castings, master classes. And now the dream came true: at the age of 80, Kay received her first leading role in the TV series “Agent 88”. “The best time of my life has come. I studied enthusiastically and did what I loved, not paying attention to prejudices and social stereotypes. This in itself is a great happiness,” the actress notes with a smile.

Kay D'Arcy

Reading the stories of these people, you remind yourself that all life is in our hands, or rather, in our heads. Monday and the new month are not a panacea for laziness.

How to make money for active women after 55-60 years old? A question that worries many. This is especially relevant in our time, when it can be difficult to live on a small pension. But this is exactly the age when you can apply your accumulated experience, skills, talent, reveal your unrealized potential, and learn a new specialty.

How to make money for a woman over 55 - this is what our article is about.

Depending on the level of computer skills, health status, or simply in order not to go crazy from idleness, every woman after 50 can choose a business to her liking that will bring her good profits and give her feminine happiness.

Let's turn our hobby into an idea for earning money, open our own business and start receiving a stable income!


Many of you know how to cook well, make delicious and beautiful pastries. So why not take orders to prepare a gorgeous cake, be it a family celebration, birthday, banquet or other event. Doing what you love can bring good money if you want to create a mini-bakery at home, prepare and sell baked goods, semi-finished products, set lunches for the office (catering).


If you taught at school or are deeply versed in this area, have a special approach to the child, then you can safely transfer basic knowledge of the subject to the student, be it Russian or English, history, chemistry, physics. Creative activities with children, as well as writing coursework, essays and dissertations to order can also become a source of income.


Embroidery, sewing, knitting and crocheting, making your own jewelry, scrapbooking, soap making and much more appealed to creative people. You can give free rein to your imagination, create, create unique things. Handmade crafts are now in high price, hand-made items are sold out quickly, bringing profit to mature women.

Nanny job

Women over 50 who cannot find work in an institution due to their age can work as a nanny, which is very popular now. This is a great way to earn money, since adults are trusted more and have vast experience in dealing with children and grandchildren. That is why pensioners are initially considered for the position of nanny, teacher or nurse.

Land plot

Dacha privilege is trending among people of retirement age. If you have a personal plot, start making money by growing juicy fruits and vegetables, berries and herbs, flowers and seedlings for later planting. Many people enjoy gardening, spend long hours in the garden, and prepare pickles. This is not only an idea for earning money, but also useful exercise for health and fresh air.


Owners of their own home and small farm can make money by breeding rabbits, chickens, geese, pigs, sheep, goats, and cattle. This is a very profitable business, since natural products - milk, eggs, meat and wool are always in demand. This type of income is suitable for those who are physically healthy, have some experience and are engaged in farming for the family.

Earning money on the Internet

Real ways to make money on the Internet and generate income involve running your own blog on Youtube with adding videos on preparing delicious dishes; copywriting - writing custom articles or event scripts; performing simple tasks - following links, surveys, translating texts, writing reviews, completing tests, viewing advertisements.

Network marketing

You can become a distributor for the distribution of perfumes, cosmetics, children's products, special clothing or food. Many people become “networkers” after 50; there are no age restrictions. All you need is activity, communication with interesting people and the ability to convince the client of the need to purchase the product. Pensioners can make good money from advertising or selling courses to earn money.

Own business

Why not start your own business, there are a lot of opportunities available to you. If you have initial capital, you can open a grocery store, a beauty salon, a private kindergarten, a small cafe or a sauna. The grandchildren will definitely think over a business plan, help with registering an individual entrepreneur and will start purchasing the necessary goods. The main thing is to get down to business with enthusiasm, promote the business you have started and earn income.

How to become successful, what should a woman do after 50 to earn money? Believe me, there are really many opportunities for additional income:

  • real estate services;
    cleaning service;
    assembly of goods at home;
    call center manager;
    cloakroom attendant.

Remember, retirement is not a death sentence for active work. You can earn money in any way, the main thing is to understand what you are doing and enjoy the result of the work done. A good income for a woman over 50 is quite possible!

Have you read the article - How to make money for a woman over 55? Thank you for your attention

In retirement, former realtor Richard Pawlowski decided to pay more attention to his physical condition. Since childhood, he loved riding a bicycle and began to move mainly on this type of transport. The idea for the business came naturally. Pawlowski suggested attaching mobile billboards to bicycles. “This is a big and fun business. Just imagine: I get paid $250 a day just to attach an advertisement to my bike,” the entrepreneur tells the story of his company Bike Billboards.

Over time, prices increased, and he began to charge up to $500 for mobile advertising. He was approached by a variety of advertisers: from pizzerias to global retailers like IKEA. The business is now 10 years old, and Pawlowski is 71 years old. He began to have competitors all over America. Once the market leader, Bike Billboards lost ground due to Pawlowski's illness. Now the entrepreneur is going to sell the business or find a partner, but still speaks of the company as the fruit of his labor and love.

If you think it's too late for you to start something that you lack brains, health, money and something else in order to start a new life - then this article is for you! In it, I collected dozens of success stories of people who are over 50, 60 or more years old, and who have achieved great results in life, in business, in art and sports, science, etc. These people are from big cities and small villages, from other countries and our compatriots, contemporaries and people who no longer exist.

« If you think that you are capable of something, or you think that you are not capable of it, you are right in both cases! - Henry Ford. (It’s all in our head, friends! :)

With the development of the Internet, the number of opportunities has increased astronomically. Never before in the history of mankind has it been so easy and cheap to start something new. All that is required of a person is to do what he loves and believe in himself!

😎 Hello everyone! Timur Mazaev is with you, akaMoneyPapa - Family finance expert.

Personal story

My personal heroes are my parents! Simple Soviet engineers who started life from scratch several times, changing countries and cultures, but never giving up. Having a higher education, experience as a manager, the title of inventor of the USSR, my father did not shy away from work in difficult times and worked as a loader, taxi driver, market seller, etc. Mom, at the age of 45, changed her profession and turned from an engineer to an accountant.

Parents moved to Russia after the collapse of the USSR, with $5,000 in my pocket and no home. For $1,500 they bought me a computer, which “fed” me for many years (I wrote and sold accounting programs throughout my student years). There was a time when their only source of income was the little money that I, a student, managed to earn. There was a time when they ate mushrooms found in the nearest forest belt))). They've been through a lot.

And they never, never, never lost heart, They didn’t blame anyone for anything, they always held on to each other and their children, they were (and are) always positive, they always smiled and found great happiness in small trifles and joys. They were not afraid to start life over again. And now, closer to 70, they are ready for serious changes on all fronts that are happening in our family. God bless you, my dear ones!

Quotes on the topic

“People who fail to motivate themselves will settle for mediocrity, no matter how impressive their talents.” – Andrew Carnegie

Everyone knows the story of Colonel Sanders, who created the KFC brand after 60 years

Hollywood is not a dream, but a reality

Sylvia has gone through a difficult path, which included a few orders from friends and a serious illness - however, all this is left behind, and now 82-year-old Sylvia is the main supplier of cakes for world-class celebrities, loves her job and creates without days off; Each cake is decorated with her signature logo - an image of her round glasses with black frames.

Always on the top

Rock the dance floor? Easily!

"Tornado in a Turban"

Beat cancer by dancing

Michelangelo began work on the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel when he was already 61 years old (work on the Sistine Chapel lasted five years). He became the chief architect of St. Peter's Cathedral at the age of 71.

"Diana and Actaeon"


It's never too late to change your life and start from scratch! However, success does not fall on your head and may require several years of work, and strength and health after 50-60-70 may be significantly less than at a young age! Therefore, it is so important to do what you love so as not to notice physical and moral fatigue. All the people from this article are the same people as us, made from the same “stuff”, no smarter and no more stupid than us. This means that anything is possible! The main thing is not to rush (despite your age) and move at your own pace, breaking big goals into small, “edible” steps!

Call to action

2. Download the Goal Setting Matrix, which I use - and try to come up with and write down your (new and old) goals into steps that can be completed. Read articles about goal setting.

3. For those who want to find a new job— download for free Sample Resume + Cheat Sheet “10 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions with Examples of (Correct) Answers.”

It will be useful!


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👋 And I wish you well-being in finances, family and in life!
Timur Mazaev was with you, aka MoneyPapa - an expert on family finances.