Retail trade in food products. Organization of food retail trade. Organization of food trade

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Commodity supply is a system of measures to bring goods from the manufacturer to the places of sale or consumption.

The processes of production, circulation and consumption in society occur continuously. However, in a developed society there is no coincidence, both in space and in time, of these processes. Therefore, to ensure their continuity, inventory is needed.

The discrepancy between production and consumption in space and time is determined by the economic interests of society. Thus, production can be concentrated in the places of the raw material base, where commodity stocks are formed, which are then delivered to consumption points.

By its economic nature, commodity supply is a wholesale or small-scale wholesale turnover carried out by trading enterprises or individuals for the purpose of subsequent resale of purchased goods.

Properly organized wholesale purchases make it possible to form the necessary trade assortment of goods to supply the population or retail trading network, to influence manufacturers of goods in accordance with the requirements of consumer demand, provide efficient work trading enterprise.

To successfully carry out commercial operations for the purchase of goods, wholesale depots must systematically identify and study sources of purchases and suppliers of goods. Commercial workers should know well their economic region and its natural resources, industry, Agriculture, production capabilities and a range of manufactured products at industrial enterprises.

important role in commercial work is devoted to finding additional resources from local raw materials, products of the cooperative industry, auxiliary, farms, individual products labor activity. The commercial apparatus of wholesale bases should identify opportunities for the development of new types of production and the restoration of old forgotten crafts, especially artistic ones, keep records and study specific suppliers on a daily basis, identify and register manufacturers of goods that are not yet contractually connected with the base, prepare proposals for increasing the production of necessary goods , expanding the range, improving quality.

Given the great variety of suppliers of goods, they can be classified into different groups according to various criteria (functional, territorial, forms of ownership, departmental affiliation, etc.).

In a generalized form, all suppliers of goods can be divided into two categories: suppliers-manufacturers and suppliers-intermediaries who purchase products from their manufacturers and sell them. wholesale buyers(retailers, agents, brokers, retailers, etc.).

Intermediary providers can be wholesalers national (federal), regional level various product range (specialization), which form the basis of the wholesale structure system in the consumer market, wholesale intermediaries (distributors, brokers, agents, dealers), as well as organizers of wholesale turnover (wholesale fairs, auctions, commodity exchanges, wholesale and small wholesale markets , warehouse stores, etc.). wholesale food

Wholesale intermediaries in the conditions market economy acquire independent significance in the field of procurement (wholesale) activities.

Rational economic relations should be established with suppliers of goods, mainly direct and long-term contractual relationships, allowing you to purchase goods directly from suppliers-manufacturers on a stable long-term basis

At the enterprise OOO Yantar, the supply process is organized as follows.

Store managers on a daily basis generate a report on the movement of goods, on the basis of which they draw conclusions about the need to purchase certain product and determined by its quantity. This information is transmitted to the warehouse manager, who, in turn, analyzes the balance in the warehouse, makes a decision to move part of the goods to the trading floor and makes final conclusions about the purchase.

When ordering goods, the warehouse manager takes into account the current inventory balances. The formula for calculating the order of goods, which is used in the enterprise, is as follows:


  • - Sale - the average daily value of sales of goods;
  • - K - order calculation coefficient;
  • - Balance - the current balance of the goods at the time of order;
  • - Previous order - the quantity of goods in the previous day of the order.

The order settlement factor is calculated using the following formula:

K \u003d k + INSURANCE STOCK, (4)

  • - k - the number of days between two deliveries (inclusive), the current one (for which the order is made) and the next one (selected from the delivery schedule);
  • - Safety stock - value in the range from 1 to 3 days.

After the goods are received from the supplier at the warehouse, the storekeepers are engaged in posting them, after which part of the goods goes to stores, and the rest of the goods go to wholesale. Pricing in Yantar LLC is handled by the accountant of the enterprise, who makes a decision on the price depending on the minimum markup established at the enterprise, as well as an analysis of competitors' prices for similar products. The final decision on the price is agreed with the director of the enterprise.

Thus, all departments of the enterprise take part in the process of supplying goods at Yantar LLC: accounting, warehouse and retail store.

Short description

The purpose of the study is to determine the organization of trade food products in the trading network.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were formulated:

Firstly, to consider the theoretical features of the organization of trade in food products in the trading network;

Secondly, to study the characteristics of the market environment of CJSC "Assorti";

Thirdly, to investigate the organizational, legal and economic characteristics of CJSC "Assorti";


1. Theoretical features of the organization of trade in food products in the trading network
1.1 Essence and functions of trade………………………………………………………………...6

1.2 Features of the organization of trade in food products…………………..12

2. Characteristics of the market environment……………………………………………………………...18

3. Organizational - legal and economic characteristics of CJSC "Assorti"

3.1 Organizational and legal characteristics of the enterprise…………………………..........21

3.2 Financial Analysis - economic situation enterprises………………………...23

3.3 Organization of bulk purchases……………………………………………………………..39

3.4 Formation of assortment and prices…………………………………………………………..41

3.5 Organization of the sale……………………………………………………………………....46


List of used sources………………………………………................................................ ..56

Work content - 1 file

Figure 1.2 - Types of trade

Wholesale trade is the activity of selling goods to those who purchase them for the purpose of resale or professional use, i.e.:

Downstream sellers (retailers or other wholesalers in the trade chain),

For production use in an industrial or craft enterprise,

To a large consumer, for example, shares of economic assistance to other countries or regions affected by natural disasters, etc.

Table 1.1 - Types wholesale trade

Classification sign Type of wholesale trade Example
1 2 3
by function PURCHASING WHOLESALE TRADE Procurement of secondary raw materials, purchase and marketing of agricultural raw materials
WHOLESALE TRADE BY INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Purchasing leather from a tannery and selling it to a shoe factory (semi-finished products); purchase and sale of tools (finished products)
WHOLESALE TRADE IN RAW MATERIALS (DISTRIBUTION WHOLESALE TRADE) Buys goods in large volumes from manufacturers and sells in smaller volumes to retailers or individual manufacturers
according to the degree of specialization of the nomenclature WHOLESALE TRADE IN A WIDE RANGE OF GOODS Wholesale of food products
SPECIALIZED WHOLESALE Wholesale of electrical products

Purchasing (purchasing, collecting) wholesale trade.

Purchasing trade primarily performs the task of quantitative equalization (balancing) of volumes in the procurement market, it collects small volumes of goods and offers them to its customers in large quantities. The subject of purchases are agricultural products (eg grain, potatoes, vegetables), wood, secondary raw materials, waste, etc. Often these types of products require additional sorting, for example into categories.

Figure 1.3 - Scheme of purchasing wholesale trade

Wholesale trade through industrial relations.

Wholesalers buy semi-finished products and finished goods, sell them for later use, most often in industrial enterprises. This kind of wholesaling connects successive stages of the production process.

Examples: Wholesale of ferrous metals (hardware). Wholesale of engineering products. Wholesale of building materials.

Figure 1.4 - Scheme of wholesale trade by industrial relations

Wholesale of raw materials and materials (distributive wholesale).

Wholesalers buy goods in large quantities from manufacturers and sell in smaller quantities to various merchants or small businesses, such as textiles, spare parts, food.

Figure 1.5 - Scheme of distribution wholesale trade

Differences between wholesale and retail:

Volumes of wholesale transactions are usually larger than retail ones;

The service area of ​​a wholesaler is usually larger than a retailer's;

Less attention is paid to the location of the trading enterprise, advertising.

Features of wholesale trade in means of production:

Special nomenclature and industry affiliation of goods;

Smaller number of product groups by nomenclature;

Heterogeneity of markets for many types of means of production.

Retailers receive goods from wholesalers or manufacturers and sell them to end consumers.

Table 1.2 - Main types of retail trade

Feature classification Types of retail
by type of transfer of goods STATIONARY (SHOP! TRADE Trade is carried out in a permanent premises (shop)
SHOP SHOP The customer selects a product from a catalog and the retailer sends the order to his home
MOBILE TRADING Trading in which the seller himself is looking for a buyer
according to the nomenclature specialization TRADE IN A MIXED ASSORTMENT Offer of goods of various kinds
SPECIALIZED TRADE Offer of trade in one industry, possibly with additional types of goods Eg. Clothing store.
SPECIAL TRADE Offering only one type of product in one industry, possibly with an additional assortment For example: Men's shirt shop

Store trade.

The main type of retail trade, in which customer service is carried out in stationary premises (shops, pavilions). Store trade:

Provides customers with a wide range of goods and services;

Creates comfortable conditions for shopping;

Attracts buyers with the opportunity to get acquainted with new products (layout in salesrooms, promotional materials, demonstrations and tastings of goods);

Provides maximum guarantees for the protection of consumer rights (psychological factors, preservation of the company's image).

At the same time, the larger the trading enterprise, the more obvious these advantages.

mail order

A type of retail where a customer can purchase a product without visiting a store. This type of trade is currently gaining popularity. The expediency of the development of mail order trade is determined by such factors as:

Reduction of time for the implementation of the purchase of goods;

Creation of economical ways of goods distribution;

Expansion of the assortment offer of goods in hard-to-reach and remote areas;

Offering a wide range of goods in a small quantity (volume).

The buyer chooses the product based on the assortment presented in catalogs, brochures, TV stores. The catalog includes: serial number of goods; its name; image (photo); appointment and short description goods; certificate or other document confirming its quality; price (with indication of its validity period).

Not only end-customers (the population), but also enterprises use mail-order services.

For the organization and implementation of mail order trade, it is necessary to create specialized trading enterprises or divisions of manufacturing enterprises. Consumers of goods for industrial purposes use this form of trade to receive small batches of tools, spare parts, repair kits, including those without individual orders - standard parcels.

Computerization contributes to the development of the parcel trade. The opening of virtual mail order stores provides users of computer networks with the opportunity to order and receive the necessary resources with maximum comfort. In this case, parcel trade enterprises must develop a procedure for receiving, processing, executing orders for the supply of goods by parcels and bringing them to buyers on time.

However, it should be noted that the deterrent in the development of this type of trade is the legal insecurity of the consumer, not even because of the lack of legal norms, but the difficulties of their practical implementation.

From the point of view of the consumer, the risk in such a purchase is minimal if the buyer has the opportunity to freely exchange or return the product.

Mobile (traveling) trade.

Paddling is a form in which a vendor carries goods (such as dairy products) from house to house. In this form, it has limited development. Currently, this type of trade also includes the delivery of various goods by truck to buyers living in rural areas.

Petty trade - merchants organize the sale of hot goods (tobacco products, sweets, newspapers, flowers, etc.) in busy places from counters (kiosks).

Street trade - the sale of goods of everyday demand, organized in residential areas with the help of mobile vehicles (bread, dairy products, eggs, fruits, vegetables).

1.2 Features of the organization of trade in food products

The sale of food products accounts for about 70% of all sales in Russia. As part of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55) (as amended and supplemented), a separate chapter II "Peculiarities of the sale of food products" was adopted.

On the basis of this regulatory act as the main one, as well as other special acts regulating the specified area of ​​trade, sellers of food products before directly selling the relevant goods to the buyer are obliged to provide him with the following information:

Information about food products provided v similar to other types of goods (general information). In accordance with paragraph 11 of these Rules, the seller is obliged to promptly, in a clear and accessible form, bring to the attention of the buyer the necessary and reliable information about the goods and their manufacturers, which ensures the correct choice of goods. Such information must contain the following information:

a) the name of the product;

b) company name (name) and location (legal address) of the manufacturer of the goods, location of the organization (organizations) authorized by the manufacturer (seller) to accept claims from buyers and carry out repairs and maintenance of the goods;

c) designation of standards, the mandatory requirements of which the product must comply with;

d) information about the main consumer properties of the goods;

e) rules and conditions for the efficient and safe use of the goods;

f) expiration date, if it is established for a specific product (most food products are considered unsuitable for their intended use after the expiration date - List of goods that, after the expiration date, are considered unsuitable for their intended use (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 1997 No. No. 720);

In the territory Russian Federation federal health regulations and regulations which are mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs And legal entities:

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them";

SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products";

Managers of trade enterprises are obliged to ensure:

availability of personal medical books for each employee with a mark on the passage of periodic medical examinations;

Conducting classes on the study of these sanitary rules by persons entering the work, as well as an annual check of the sanitary and hygienic knowledge of the personnel with a mark on passing the test for hygienic training in a personal medical book;

selective check of sanitary and hygienic knowledge at workplaces and re-examination with acceptance of offsets in case of identified violations of sanitary requirements or in the absence necessary knowledge;

Availability of sanitary and uniform clothes in accordance with current standards, regular centralized washing and repair of sanitary clothes;

availability of a sufficient number of production equipment, utensils and other items of material and technical equipment;

Carrying out measures for disinfestation and deratization in accordance with the contract with decontamination departments;

Carrying out additional preventive measures according to epidemiological indications;

· the presence at the enterprises of the magazine of daily examinations for pustular diseases;

Availability of first aid kits for first aid and their timely replenishment;

organization of sanitary and educational work through seminars, talks, lectures.

Food trade organizations- These are organizations intended for the sale of food products and food raw materials. The activities of trade organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, are allowed on the basis of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by the Rospotrebnadzor authorities on compliance with their sanitary rules.

Product range ( product range; commodity nomenclature) is a set of goods united by any one or a combination of characteristics.

Assortment list goods is a part trade assortment goods that must be constantly on sale. The range and volume of goods sold are subject to agreement with the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor. The range of food raw materials and food products sold in a trade organization must correspond to the type and type of trade organization. Subsequently, when changing the range of products sold (expansion or reduction), it is subject to renegotiation.

Criteria for retail premises, equipment, inventory, list of services are established by sanitary standards, safety regulations, fire safety and other requirements.

When organizing food trade, in accordance with Article 15 federal law"On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases and mass non-infectious diseases (poisoning), sanitary rules must be followed. Every business must have sanitary rules.

Sanitary regulations and hygienic standards - normative acts that establish criteria for the safety and harmlessness for a person of environmental factors and requirements for ensuring favorable conditions for his life.

At food trade enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, the safety of life and health of consumers must be ensured, subject to the observance of sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the circulation of food raw materials and food products in them") .

There are the following main types of food trade enterprises:

A) retailers

grocery store is a trade enterprise that sells certain groups of food products, and, if necessary, non-food products of private demand.

A grocery store is a trade enterprise with an area trading floor from 100 sq. m. which sells a wide range of food products by the traditional method of service and provides additional services to the population.

The supermarket is a comfortable trade enterprise with a trading floor area of ​​600 sq. m., with modern organization trading process and selling at least 2,000 types of food products and a wide range of related non-food products, as well as providing the population with a wide range of additional services.

B) small retail trade enterprises:

A pavilion is a lightweight structure, usually for 2-4 workplaces, with a utility room and a trading floor.

Kiosks - buildings for 1 - 2 workplaces without a trading floor.

Trade organizations can be located both in a separate building and in attached, built-in, as well as built-in - attached to residential buildings, in buildings for other purposes, can be located on the territory of industrial and other facilities to serve the employees of these organizations.

The territory of the market is delimited into functional zones: trade, administrative and warehouse, economic, parking for vehicles.

Sheds for storage of containers and areas for collecting garbage and food waste are arranged in the economic zone. For the collection of garbage and food waste, separate containers with lids (or specially closed structures) are provided, installed on hard-surfaced sites, the dimensions of which exceed the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the containers by 1 m in all directions. Garbage and food waste collection sites are located at a distance of at least 25 m from trade organizations. It is allowed to reduce the specified distance, based on the local conditions of placement of trade organizations.

Organizations specializing in the sale of food products are the most difficult in the field of trade. This is due to various difficulties in organizing a business on the part of the law, which makes high demands on retail stores. This area is actively developing and, according to experts, in the near future those stores that are focused on the middle and lower price segment will become the most stable.

Any trading activity subject to the rules of trade, which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Qualified lawyers of our portal have the ability to free of charge, provide advice and explain what trading rules exist and about the changes made in 2019.

The sale of goods is the most popular type of business that entrepreneurs choose. Each category of goods (food, non-food) has its own rules and characteristics. At the legislative level, the Government adopts and publishes requirements that every seller must know and use in their work activities.

The rules for the sale of food products for retail stores in 2019 imply the order of the preparatory process before sale. The following are the 2019 requirements that must be met throughout the entire retail sales process:

  1. Retail pavilions are required to have a legal form, have an address, a name, a sign with a mode of operation and a profile of activity.
  2. Preparation. All products must be put on the counter before the start of sales. The goods must be sorted by type, type and department, observing the storage mode. The presence of price tags and a brief description of the goods is mandatory.
  3. Sellers. The employees of the food products department are required to have a medical book, uniform, neat appearance and the presence of a headdress. Each employee is required to wear an information plate indicating the organization, position held and full name of the employee.
  4. Goods. The main requirements include - expiration date, storage conditions, sales procedure, price, etc.
  5. Other requirements. Basically, they include those conditions that are aimed at observing the rights of consumers - scales, a cash register, the presence of a book of complaints and a consumer corner.

These are just the basic rules and requirements that are put forward for the sale of food products. retail stores. Next, the sanitary rules, norms, standards and changes that came into force in 2019 will be considered.

Separately, it is necessary to note the rules and regulations that apply to the organization of the work of the trade pavilion. Based on the foregoing, the store must have an external sign, which must contain information about the organization. With regard to the rules of internal organization, the store manager is obliged to place guidelines for the consumer by the department, namely:

  • pointers about the location of sections or groups of goods;
  • Name of employees of the sales department;
  • Price list for services provided in the store (if any).

Also in the corner of the consumer, it is necessary to provide customers with information about the rules for the retail sale of products and contact information about the organizations that regulate the activities of the store.

It should be noted that if the pavilion sells raw meat, then in a place visible to the buyer, you need to place an information poster about the cutting of meat by its varieties.

It is worth considering in detail the design of price tags for products. So, in 2019, the following requirements apply to the design of price tags:

  1. Products packaged in the store must have an insert indicating the name, weight and price. The packaging must contain the same standards.
  2. The details of the organization indicated on the price tag must be easy to read and be certified by the seal of the company and the signature of the employee who is financially responsible.
  3. The presence of scales in the store is a must. Any measuring equipment must be in good working order and have marks of inspection by the proper authority.
  4. Goods that have some kind of defect or defect must be equipped with an information plate. When purchasing this product, the customer must also be informed of its defect orally.

Thus, by observing all the standards for the sale of food products in 2019, you can protect yourself from unscheduled inspections by Rospotrebnadzor, and always keep the reputation of the organization at a high level.

Sanitary standards and requirements

The main act that regulates the rules for facilities where goods are sold is SanPiN No. 2.3.5. 021-94 "Sanitary rules for food trade enterprises". It contains generalized rules of other legislative documents: SNiPs, GOSTs, resolutions, etc. These standards are still valid in 2019. Rospotrebnadzor exercises control over the fulfillment of all the requirements of SanPiN.

There are rules that apply to all companies involved in the food trade: warehouses, distribution bases, storage facilities, retail and wholesale stores, etc. In the case of designing a new facility or reconstructing old ones commercial premises, it is necessary to adhere to SanPiN-a. Only in agreement with Rosprotrebnadzor can new facilities be put into operation.

All standards of the above document are divided into the norms of "cut-off" and "compliance". From a legal standpoint, "cut-offs" make it difficult for retail stores to open. And the "compliance standards" allow for proper completion of the premises in order to fulfill all the requirements and open a trading pavilion.

It is forbidden:

  1. Accommodation fish shops, the total area of ​​which is more than one thousand square meters, in residential buildings on the ground or second floors.
  2. It is forbidden to load and unload goods near windows or entrances to the house. It is necessary to carry out these actions only from the end of a residential building, which do not have window openings, from the side of the road, if the store has special premises equipped for this.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to carry out night delivery, loading and unloading of goods to stores located in a residential building. If claims are received from the tenants, this will be the reason for the visit of the inspection body.

If violations are detected, penalties may be imposed on the organization, which range from five minimum wages and more. In the event that serious or repeated violations are found, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to suspend the work of a retail outlet for three months or close the store altogether.

Most of the requirements and rules of SanPiN and SNiPs refer to "compliance standards". The fulfillment of all of them depends on the knowledge, experience and integrity of the organization.

You can get complete information about all the rules for the sale of food products in force in 2019 from qualified lawyers of our portal. Employees will answer all your questions around the clock online free of charge.

Norms and standards in the choice of land

When building a new retail pavilion, it is necessary to check with SanPiN for 2019 at the stage of selecting a land plot. The main requirements include:

  • the area under the site is selected not swampy;
  • lack of nearby garbage dumps;
  • the absence of a number of animal breeding organizations and processing enterprises, etc.

SNiP 2.04.01-85 regulates the premises of the pavilion of food products in the area of ​​​​the water supply system. Based this act it is forbidden to erect a new building without internal system sewerage. In the event that the store is located, for example, in a residential facility, then its sewerage should not be combined with the sewerage system of the house. Thus, it is necessary to equip a separate branch. This is due to the fact that food pavilions carry a large load on the central drainage system.

In addition, the rules of this SNiP-a spell out other additional requirements that must be taken into account when selecting premises for a grocery store.

Additional requirements

Regarding the ventilation system, when choosing an object for a food pavilion, Rospotrbnadzor does not make so many requirements. Basically, the autonomy of the system is checked.

Norms of lighting fixtures, at the moment, are not a problem, because. all modern lighting are made on the basis of SNiP-a “Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards".

You should also familiarize yourself with the norms and standards that relate to the equipment and decoration of food pavilions. Much attention is paid to the characteristics of the premises. So, refrigeration equipment or showcases must fit into the overall layout and at the same time comply with fire regulations. Also, on the basis of SNiP-a No., standards and requirements for the arrangement of "change houses" for employees should be observed. Often they are easily observed during the construction of the object. In 2019, these norms and standards continue to operate without changes.

In the event that the store belongs to a specific category, for example, selling fresh food products, then such a retail outlet is required to have a warehouse equipped with ventilation, temperature and humidity conditions and lack of natural light.

Those heads of organizations who do not find time to study the requirements, norms and standards for the arrangement of trade pavilions can contact qualified lawyers on our website who can advise for free and around the clock.