The most beautiful names of companies, companies and brands in English. Naming is easy. How to come up with a name for a company What letters are best to use in a company name

It is impossible to register a company without a name. You will also not be able to open a bank account, enter an invoice or conclude a contract. The company name is an important component of the image and success of a business. It should be easy to remember, evoke only positive emotions among clients and partners, and also have a resource for the development of a separate brand. In the future, the LLC name will work for the owner, providing a certain level of income.

The name largely determines the prospects for business development. Some entrepreneurs take a lot of time and effort to get ahead, while others are lucky. There are statistics of positive changes in the financial condition of a company after a name change. The LLC name should be a strong marketing tool. Experienced specialists have long developed the principles and rules for composing the optimal business name.

But don’t rush to choose a name or use the first one that comes to mind. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of words in a person’s life. Many will remember the words of Captain Vrungel: “As you name the ship, so it will sail.” The second part of the article provides important information on the energy of words. It describes how to choose the right company name so that it reflects the scope of activity and contributes to prosperity.

How to name a brand

The term "brand" comes from the Old Norse word "fire", which means successful trade or service. A brand is a high-quality product with a good reputation, which is known to a wide range of consumers and is capable of creating a holistic image of the product in people’s minds. It has a unique name and symbolism. A brand can be any product or service: product, design, service, sign, etc.

If there are no plans to expand the business, for example, opening a small store in a small town, there are fewer requirements for the name, which allows you to follow the general rules. You can survey future clients about the name or offer to choose it from a list compiled by the owner.

Successful businessmen spare no expense in creating and promoting brands, the rights to which will become a source of income. A memorable logo and a good name guarantee the success and prosperity of the company in a highly competitive market. A beautiful name should be a commercial proposition, be based on a positive image of the product and offer unique opportunities to meet consumer requirements.

A successful LLC name will help save time when significantly expanding your business.

Basic principles for choosing a name

A brand is not a product, and its name should not be a description of the characteristics and essence of the product. It should highlight an important difference between the product and its competitors.

The name should express the company's value, create and maintain a connection between the product and the consumer. Almost any name can be a successful brand if efforts are made to unify it. For example, Marlboro reflects the area, Coca-Cola reflects the composition. The name should be related to the specifics of the product and focused on further development, regardless of the product situation.

  1. You should not give a direct description of the product - the name should highlight, not describe. To reveal the characteristics of a product, advertising and marketing are used; repeating information in the name will be unnecessary. A descriptive name will limit marketing opportunities when competitors have copies of the product. In the future, the trade name may become an unbranded product. A striking example is the name of the first antibiotics with penicillin - Terramycine, Vibramycine. Modern drugs are produced under patented brands - Tagamet, Zantac.
  2. A successful name may not reflect the characteristics of the product at all. This makes it unique for a long time (Apple).
  3. The name must take into account the time factor and remain unique for a long period. Poor examples include Radiola, which means “heat” in Latin, but is actually a non-heating household appliance. Sport 2000 is a reference to the year, which in the future may give the impression of being old-fashioned. EuropAssitance - binding to the region, which prevents expansion to other continents. Silhouette (silhouette) began to promote yoghurts for the health of the body, and not for weight loss. This principle is especially important for medium-sized businesses.
  4. The name must provide promising development in the international market. For example, the American brand CGE is often confused with its rival GE; Nike is not eligible for registration in a number of Arab countries.

Recently, the following methods of creating a brand name have been especially popular:

  • syllables or letters from the names (surnames) of the founders;
  • surname + prefix К°, off;
  • displaying the subject of the product in part of the name without direct mention (water, sea - Aqualor, Morenasal, Dolphin, Aquamaris).

Ideas for names can be found on specialized websites that generate lists of suitable names for free. You can also use the paid services of naming agencies, who will select a creative name that will bring good luck.

What name will bring good luck to an LLC?

When choosing a name for a company, the reactions and emotions of potential consumers of the product are taken into account. It must be understandable to the target audience. To make sure the name is successful, you can conduct a survey among future clients.

Naming experts have come up with several important rules:

  • The names on the list should be simple, pleasant and not misleading to consumers (the Vityaz florist shop, the Elena the Beautiful restaurant are inappropriate).
  • The name does not need to reflect information about the product. The main thing is that it should be easy to pronounce and evoke positive emotions.
  • It is not recommended to tie the name to a geographical location. This will allow you to quickly expand your business in the future without renaming.
  • If there are foreign words in the name, their meaning and interpretation should be clarified. Chevy Nova was renamed for the South American auto market, as it literally translated “doesn’t drive.”
  1. Use of full names and surnames. When selling a company, problems arise or negative personal associations may form among consumers.
  2. Use words that are complex or have a negative meaning.
  3. Use templates and hackneyed phrases.
  4. The Civil Code prohibits the use of full or abbreviated names of the state, authorities and local self-government, public associations, and contrary to the principles of morality and humanity.

The use of the words “Russian Federation”, “Russia” and derivative words requires special permission and an additional state fee (10-50 thousand rubles) is paid.

The name of a company that does not plan large-scale development may indicate the type of activity (production or installation of air conditioners - “Breeze”). A sense of proportion is important. Names that are difficult to remember or pronounce will not bring success in business: Moskavtotransservice, Stroypromkonsalt. But a draft beer store can safely be called with a definition of the characteristics of the product.

Directions for creating successful company names

A consonant name indicating the type of activity will be an ideal option for companies with great prospects. It should consist of 1-2 simple words. Consistency with well-known brands will negatively impact profits and may lead to lawsuits for copyright infringement.

It is important to understand that Omsk Furniture will not be in demand in Moscow. The name should be easily readable in common languages ​​of the world. The words must at least remotely indicate the activities of the LLC - the consumer must understand what is being offered to him.

An abbreviation would not be the best option for a name, as it confuses potential customers and depersonalizes the company. However, there is an exception to all rules: BMW (Bavarian Motor Plant).

Owners initials

The first option for the name is always the initials of the owners. The option is good if the person is respected and famous among others.

Popular companies are named by the names of the owners or their initials: TM “Mersedes”, “Honda”, “Tinokov”. You can recall the famous company “Siemens”, founded by Werner van Siemens and “Phillips” - the name of the founders of the business.

Play on words

A good option might be a merger of two words or an acronym made from the first sounds. The world company Lego comes from the Danish phrase leg godt - “play well.” Additionally, the name is translated from Latin as “collecting.” The brand name was created by a non-professional, but its popularity is growing every year.

A good example would be FaceBook. The method is convenient for quickly creating a name. StroyGrand is a universal name that is easy to remember.

The sports shoe manufacturer Adidas is named after the company's owner, Adolf Dassler.

Good examples of names indicating the location of the company are ZIL (Likhachev Plant), KamAZ (Kama Automobile Plant).

Often names are boring and unappealing to clients. A creative name popularizes the brand.

Fictional and historical characters

Beautiful names of companies that have earned worldwide recognition were sometimes named after mythical or historical characters. A notable example is "Canon" - a modified name for the Buddhist deity Kwanon. The owners of Blue Ribbon Sports changed their name to Nike Inc in honor of the Greek goddess of victory.

There are also companies on the Russian market named after famous characters - “Napoleon”, “Lincoln”. Many brands have proven to be tools of popularity for their developers. Successful brands have made their owners legends.

Associations and environment

History has known successful variants of a name with a word that describes a natural phenomenon or an abstract concept that evokes associations with the company’s product. “Hyundai” translates as “modernity”, and “Samsung” means “3 stars”.

The name according to Feng Shui, which provides for a harmonious combination of symbols with a positive meaning, can be roughly included in this category. There is a limit on the number of letters - no more than 5. The last one must be a vowel. A good example would be the Sony brand. The name comes from the Latin sonus - “sound”, and in English it sounds like sunny - “sunny”. However, in Japanese, sonny is a loss. This was the main reason for the abandonment of one letter n in the middle of a word.

Examples of names of transport companies

A successful transport company must have a beautiful name that makes it stand out from its competitors. You can use English words:

  • artway - art + road;
  • arrive - to arrive;

It is allowed to combine the initials of co-owners or parts of their surnames. The company name should sound easy: Azimu, AutoTrans, VestOl, TransLogistic, Rota Leasing, Inteltrans, TransAlyans. When creating a unique LLC name, you can work in the following directions:

  • connect the prefixes (auto-, trans-) and part of the name (AlRosa, RusAl);
  • associations with speed, transportation, road (Trajectory, Fast transportation);
  • resort to metaphors or play on words (Avis - bird);
  • use derivative words from “express”, “trans”, “speed”;
  • apply abbreviations (BNK - Fast, Reliable, Qualitative);
  • neologism is a new word.

Whatever activity the company is engaged in, its name should be easy to pronounce and quickly remembered, be harmonious, not have multiple interpretations, exclude floating stress and negative associations when pronunciated, and evoke pleasant visualizations.

Construction company name

The name of the construction company should create a feeling of trust, reliability and comfort (UyutDom, Domstroy). Similarities with competing companies and their abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible.

The name of the LLC in this area can reflect the profile of the proposed work (StroyMaster, GarantElit, StreamHouse). You can try to play on the profile word: build - Build-ka, StroyMig, PoStroy. Today there are names with prefixes (Derwold&Co).

A large number of new construction companies on the Internet does not negate the importance of the name and the principles of its composition.

Law firm name

A good lawyer must be reliable, inspire confidence and trust in clients. Similar requirements apply to law firms. The title should not be long, which interferes with quick memorization (“Right”).

The owner often combines their names in Russian or a foreign language: Yukov, Spencer and Kaufmann, SayenkoKharenko. A foreign basis can be used in the slogan: Avellum - A (the first letter of the Greek alphabet) + vellum (parchment for legislative acts).

  • use no more than 3 words;
  • the search should begin with Russian words, then Latin;
  • neologisms must be deciphered in the company slogan to indicate the scope of activity;
  • an abbreviation of a name consisting of several words should be euphonious;
  • avoid legal terms - banal and hackneyed;
  • do not use a common name to avoid difficulties in registering a trademark.

The name of a law firm should reflect the professionalism and personal values ​​of its employees and owners. Particular attention is paid to the color scheme and graphic design of the unique logo.

Furniture manufacturing company name

The product of a company in this field of activity should evoke a sense of style, leadership, luxury, and comfort. When choosing a name, use the following methods:

  • use georeference: Eden;
  • play with foreign words: glass (glass) - Sunglass;
  • furniture base: Mebelink, MebelStyle;
  • highlighting the scope of activity: Soft lines, Interior;
  • emphasis on positive associations: Formula of Comfort, Residence;
  • add prefixes or symbols: Prima-M, Glebov and Co;
  • play with the words: Furniture, Mebelius;
  • foreign base: MebelStyle;
  • use first or last name: Furniture from Ivanov.

Accounting company name

The name should indicate solidity, evoke trust and positive emotions. It is strictly forbidden to play on humorous names (BukhAccountingConsultingAudit - BUKA). The name should make clear the type of activity and seriousness of the organization: ExpertPlus, Glafbukh, guarantor, Balance, Accountant, Your accountant. It is allowed to play with foreign words: TaxOff, Account.

Modern names often contain abbreviations (Accounting Reporting Tax Returns - BOND), parts of the names of the owners in a euphonious form.

How to come up with a monetary name for an LLC, taking into account the energy of words

Each letter has a digital analogue, the vibration of which it obeys. This is clearly visible in the table.

To determine the energy of the name, the numerical names of the letters are combined to obtain a common number. For a clear example, let’s look at the name “Elite”:

4 (E) + 4 (L) + 1 (I) + 2 (T) + 1 (A) = 12

After the calculation, you can proceed to deciphering the name:

  • UNIT - the beginning of the beginning. It brings good luck to companies introducing new and unusual products to the market. The names are suitable for innovative developments and new technologies. The new brand will be easy to promote and will gain the trust and support of consumers. The star patron of the unit is considered the Sun, which symbolizes courage and power.
  • TWO is suitable for organizations whose purpose is to care for people (kindergarten, school, clinic). The figure is favorable for cleaning companies, landscaping companies (landscape design, gardening), hairdressing salons, manicures, etc. The patron of the deuce is the Moon, filled with femininity and sophistication.
  • TROIKA improves the welfare of businesses in the entertainment sector: restaurants, bowling alleys, cinemas, children's play centers, attractions, cultural palaces, etc. Helps in the production and supply of food products: cafes, pizzerias. Troika will ensure the success of acting studios, advertising agencies, and design studios. Her patron is Jupiter, the fusion of opposites, their interaction and unification. Thus, the name will convey balance and perfection.
  • FOUR is the number of large companies, a symbol of the birth of organized matter and creation. Will bring profit and success to agricultural, forestry, woodworking organizations. Many successful metallurgical and engineering plants have names that are consonant with the four. It is ideal for design bureaus and construction companies. The protector will be Uranus, stable and manageable.
  • FIVE has favorable energy for companies in the field of recreation and sports: fishing and sports stores, fitness clubs, SPA, baths and saunas, sanatoriums. Will promote the active development of tourism organizations and guides. Will bring profit to the dealership of cars or spare parts for them. The patron is Mercury, leading to change and perfection.
  • SIX is ideal for creative or artistic activities (artists, art salon). Good energy for an antique store, selling flowers and souvenirs. Everything that can decorate a house and bring comfort to its owner (furniture, decor stores) will be included in their number. Success is guaranteed for beauty salons, clothing salons, cosmetologists, and medical centers. Venus will help in development. Six reflects the ideal of human perfection.

  • SEVEN is the elite. It is favorable for expensive stores and elite clubs, companies with unusual and expensive products. Suitable for travel companies with exotic resorts or unusual forms of recreation. The star patron will be Neptune, symbolizing the spiritual and cultural basis of things.
  • EIGHT is the patron of large financial companies with large cash flow. Brings good luck to banks, accounting and auditing companies. Saturn will help, combining extreme materialism and infinity.
  • NINE will help charitable organizations and private educational organizations. Suitable for psychological rehabilitation centers and practicing psychologists. Patron - Mars, the end of the old and the beginning of the new.

So, before opening any business, you need to calculate everything, both literally and figuratively.

Examples of successful names

To see the importance of the energy component, you can consider several examples of successful companies:

  • Sberbank - 1+2+6+9+2+1+6+3=30 3+0=3;
  • Ochakovo - 7+7+1+3+7+3+7=35 3+5=8;
  • Russian Sea - 3;
  • Euroset - 1;
  • Megafon - 6;
  • Tape - 1;
  • Gazprom - 8;
  • Yandex - 9;
  • Pharma - 2;
  • Magnet - 1.

If the name is chosen taking into account the laws of numerology, then the success of the company is guaranteed; they should not be neglected. Use the recommendations above and consider your chosen name options.

Any successful business cannot function fully without a beautiful name. Determining it is a complex task that requires taking into account many nuances. Regardless of the field of activity, the name of the LLC should be simple, harmonious and evoke positive associations. The name of the company should make people want to cooperate with it.

Be sure to take into account the scale of the business: it is inappropriate to call large companies fairy-tale characters or words in a diminutive form. An associative word would be an excellent option.

If you can’t find a beautiful name on your own, you can contact agencies that specialize in naming. For their services, specialists can demand up to 30 thousand rubles. A free source of ideas will be sites with name generators that will provide a list of suitable names.

Remember that the name determines the marketing policy and product promotion on the market.

Choosing a good company name, brand or firm is a very important step. The name should “work” for the business, embody its values ​​and characterize your enterprise from the best side.

Large businessmen even hire marketing professionals who, for a very substantial sum, are ready to develop the name itself, the logo, and even help in its promotion. But what about beginning entrepreneurs whose budget does not allow them to use the services of hired specialists, but want to come up with a beautiful name?

There is only one way out– do the work yourself, having previously familiarized yourself with examples of successfully invented options. I have compiled this list of titles in English.

The most beautiful names of companies, companies and brands


  • Apple- a simple, laconic and beautiful name was not part of Steve Jobs’s original plans, but since his partners could not come up with anything worthwhile, he had to name the company after his favorite fruit. This, by the way, is where the name of one of the products came from – Macintosh (a popular apple variety in the USA).
  • Canon- a popular manufacturer of photographic equipment received its name in honor of the Buddhist god of mercy Kwanon, but in order to avoid litigation with religious organizations and to improve the perception of foreign buyers, the name was simplified.
  • Daewoo– Kim Woo Chong, the owner of the company, came up with a modest and sonorous brand name, translated from Korean meaning “big universe.”
  • LG– the company was formed as a result of the merger of two little-known brands Lucky and Goldstar and became one of the most famous manufacturers of various electronic devices and household appliances.
  • Nintendo– three Japanese characters “nin”, “ten”, “do” are taken as a basis. The literal translation of the phrase is “heaven bless hard work.” In my opinion, it is original, fresh and beautiful.


  • Pepsi– the Pepsi-Cola trademark does not have an official version of the origin of the name, but there are more than enough “fan” theories. Some believe that Pepsi-Cola is an anagram of the word Episcopal (near the pharmacy where the creator of the brand worked, there was an Episcopal cathedral). Others consider the word Pepsi to be an acronym that stands for “Pay Every Pence to Save Israel.” The latter theory arose from suspicions among the drink's manufacturers of colluding with the Zionists.
  • Knorr– the history of the company’s origins is quite banal. Its creator, Karl Heinrich Theodor Knorr, simply decided to perpetuate his name by writing it into the title.
  • Coca-cola– the most expensive brand in the world from 2005 to 2011. Its name comes from the two main ingredients of the original version of the drink. Leaves of the coca tree (from which, by the way, one of the most potent drugs, cocaine, is produced) and tropical cola nuts.
  • LEGO– this brand has long become synonymous with the phrase “children’s construction set”. The name, coined by Ole Kirk Kritiansen, comes from two Danish words: leg and godt, and literally translates as “play well.” According to another version, this is a translation from Latin. Lego – “I connect.” Both are suitable. It is difficult to judge how beautiful it is, but it is definitely sonorous and memorable.
  • HotMail– Contrary to popular belief, the word “hot” in the name of this email service was not initially assigned any meaning. Founder Jack Smith simply noticed that the name contained the abbreviation HTML, which is the name given to the web page markup language, and decided to leave it as an option.


  • Kalipso– a company providing a full range of tourism services. The logic of the name for such an organization is questionable, because Calypso in the myths of ancient Greece was the name of the nymph from the island of Ogygia, where Odysseus was thrown out after a shipwreck. But it sounds nice.
  • LegalHelp– an excellent, understandable and beautiful name that briefly and clearly reflects the essence of what the law firm does. Legal help translated from English means “legal assistance”.
  • DoggyStyleDesigns– the owners of this company that makes clothes for dogs approached the name with humor. Almost any adult, after reading it, has completely different associations in his head.


As you can see, everything ingenious is simple. The above beautiful English names are simple, concise, original in their own way and can easily remain in the memory of business partners and clients. So why not come up with something of your own using these developments?

Just don’t get too carried away by imitating well-known companies. The legal departments of well-known companies are not asleep and can easily drag you through the courts, causing significant losses. And, even worse, the reputation will be damaged, which will be very difficult to restore.

Have you decided to open your own company? Take care to choose a good name for her. Without a name, you will not be registered with the tax authorities and the pension fund, you will not be able to open your own account, sign various contracts and conduct business activities. But how to come up with a company name and what should it be? You should think about the name in advance before you go to register with the licensing authorities. It should be euphonious, short and memorable, attracting customers, not scaring them away. Don't know how to choose the right name? Let's look at this moment.

Key principles

The local tax office can register almost any company name. But you shouldn’t take the first word or expression that comes to mind - think carefully about the name of your company and try to make it reflect its essence.

The name of the company should reflect its essence

Observe the following rules:

  1. The name should resonate with the type of activity of the company.
  2. It should be easy to read, simple and memorable.
  3. The big plus is originality. Research registries in your city to find something unique. Enter the name in an Internet search engine - the fewer pages found for your query, the better.
  4. Try to avoid ambiguity and word play: the simpler and more positive, the better.

Note: often the tax authorities do not register a company with a name that is already active in the city. You should ensure that the name is unique.

Why is it important

Most people select companies either based on reviews from friends/acquaintances, or by finding them on the Internet. A sonorous, beautiful, memorable name is attractive and sets you up for positivity and communication. Think for yourself who you would contact - the Leader company or PishPromBytDostavka. The leader will be immediately remembered, it will be easy to find her on the Internet, recommend her to friends and write down her number in the phone book.

But when choosing a name, you should be careful. People often make the mistake of naming their businesses controversial names. For example, the Gorgon beauty salon or the Atlantis travel agency are not the most reasonable decisions precisely because the name has a hidden meaning that negates the successful activities of the company.

Explore the market

When writing a business plan, you will likely conduct market research and draw a portrait of your client. Focus on it, but don't overdo it. If most of your customers are teenagers and young people, then you can use some slang word (for example, Bomb store). But such a name will probably not appeal to older people who are poorly versed in modern trends.

The company name should be simple and memorable

Also try to tie the name to what you will be doing. For example, the name “Cheap workwear” immediately determines the type of your activity and the company’s pricing policy. It will be of interest to a wide range of workers who use workwear, as well as management who are looking for interesting offers for their production. But the name “Inexpensive luxury mink fur coats” will, on the contrary, scatter your audience. Those looking for an elite mink will not want to go to an inexpensive store for the general public, and those who need inexpensive fur coats will immediately reject your option because of the eliteness.

Get attached to the activity

People often choose fancy company names that have nothing to do with their job profile. But this is not so bad - there are situations when the name misleads the client and creates a large flow of non-target audiences. For example, you sell optical sights and night vision devices for hunting. Your company is called “Sharp Eye”. Most visitors will think that you can buy contact lenses, glasses, or, in extreme cases, spotting scopes and binoculars, but not NVGs.

Note: if you can’t link the name to the activity, then take a neutral, expressive name. This is a good option for large and small companies.

The more original, the more clients

If you take some banal name, for example, the Aphrodite beauty salon, then you simply will not be found in search engines or directories, since there will be a huge number of the same salons in all regions of our country. Try to choose something unique - this way you will quickly be found on the Internet, and you can easily rise to the TOP without major investments.

Read also: Innovative ideas for small businesses

Only positive emotions

How to name a company so that it is successful, profitable and attracts customers? Try to evoke positive emotions with her name. Avoid negativity and controversial situations. For example, the Nif-Nif cafe will evoke associations with a children's fairy tale for some, and a pigsty for others. The Garden of Eden clothing store is also not the best choice, because in Paradise, according to legend, everyone wore Adam and Eve costumes.

Come up with a few options and experiment with them by discussing with friends and colleagues

It is also not recommended to call the business by your first or last name. At the very least, play with it somehow to get an interesting name. For example, the owner Vladislav Dorn decided to open his own travel agency and name it after his name. In this case, the name “Lord of the Roads” would be a good alternative. But the hairdressing salon “Lana” has a right to exist, since the name here is quite abstract. Another reason not to name the company by your own name is the possible sale of it in the future. It is unlikely that the new owner will want to manage a company named after someone unknown.

Simplicity and Memorability

The simpler the name, the easier it is to remember. Don't overload your clients with unnecessary information. For example, you decide to open a confectionery shop. You can call it “Delicious cupcakes with raisins from Valya,” but this name is unlikely to be popular. But “Funny Marmalades” will certainly be remembered and will attract many new visitors with children.

Come up with a few names and “test” them with your friends. Give them a name, find out what associations it evokes. Carry out the same experiments with children - they may give you unexpected results.

Remember the laws

The law clearly regulates the requirements for company names, so be sure to carefully study this section. Let's figure out how to name a company so that it is successful. The list of title requirements is as follows:

  1. All foreign names in official papers and in advertising must be written only in Russian letters. That is, when coming up with an English name, think about how it will look in transcription. Foreign letters can only be used in the abbreviated name.
  2. The name includes the form of ownership of the company. That is, you can be called “Nimfa” LLC for short, but officially you will be a limited liability company “Nimfa”.
  3. The company name should not contain the names of countries or official names of government agencies. You will not be able to name the company “Form for the FSB”, “Lawyers from the GPU” or “Beer from the Czech Republic”.
  4. Brands of well-known companies cannot be used. You will not be able to register the company “Apple Laptops” or “Voronezh Sprite”.
  5. It is not allowed to use names that offend the feelings of believers or certain categories of citizens.

Note: you can register two names for a company - one official, the other a short one. This will allow you to significantly expand the company's capabilities.

Brevity is the sister of talent, the simpler the name, the more clients will remember it

For example, your company’s official name is “Irkutsk Specialist Management Company”, or “IFUS” for short. IFUS is an interesting and memorable name that will appear in advertising and colloquial language, and in official documents there will be a full decoding of this name.

Choosing a name is one of the most important and responsible stages in creating a new company or opening a branch. While much attention is paid to the search for premises and its design, personnel selection and other organizational issues, the choice of name is often postponed until later, until the start of the advertising campaign.

But developing a name for an enterprise is a highly professional job, which ideally should be performed by PR specialists. However, in Russia there are still not many qualified workers in this field. Often, names hastily invented by the founders themselves turn out to be ineffective or even have a negative impact on the company's image. This happens especially often when opening a new branch or when releasing a new product. Of course, one should not exaggerate the meaning of the name. Even if it is not very successful, the store will be visited one way or another, the product will be sold. Another thing is that a good name would attract more buyers. However, even a not very attractive name can become effective if you invest enough money in its promotion. The question is whether you are willing to waste money. If not, it is better to immediately involve PR specialists, which will allow you to significantly save on advertising in the future.

Developing a name is a creative job. A good, original and memorable name may go against all established rules. Let's highlight the main mistakes that are made most often. To do this, let us turn to the psychology of visual and auditory perception. It is important that the name is clear and easy to understand. All famous brands are recognizable, and this, of course, is a great merit of advertising. However, a new cafe or store must attract the attention of the target audience. Signage plays a significant role in this. When reading it, two types of perception are involved: visual and auditory. This means that the name should be easily recognizable visually and pleasant to the ear. Names consisting only of letters that do not extend beyond the line (“a”, “o”, “n”, “p”, “k”, “t”, “i”, “s”) are visually poorly perceived ", "G"). On the contrary, words containing letters whose elements are projected downwards or upwards (“u”, “f”, “r”, “b”, “d”) are perceived much better. Visually, the names “Choice”, “Cactus”, “Phobos” look more advantageous than, for example, “Itis”, “Camelot”, “Union” or “Jasper”. It is especially important to take this rule into account if you have come up with a new word as a name that does not make sense. The name Kodak was such a meaningless author's neologism.

Recently, there has been a tradition of writing names exclusively in capital letters. Moreover, if a word consists of more than five characters, then its perception will be difficult. For example, the name “TEREMOK”, written in capital letters, is perceived worse than in lowercase letters (“Teremok”). That is why it is worth comparing the spelling of the name in lowercase and uppercase letters and choosing the best option. Using Cyrillic and Latin letters at the same time is, of course, an attractive technique (let’s remember “Yandex”). The only problem, perhaps, is that it is very difficult not to descend into the banal “Smirnoff-Petroff-Sidoroff”. In addition to the graphic appearance of the name, you need to pay attention to its sound. The word "Geo Reimbursement", for example, is acceptable from the point of view of the visual component, but is completely ineffective from the point of view of the auditory one. It is poorly perceived by ear, too complex and cumbersome. It is enough to do a little research: say the word “Georemburs” out loud and ask the subject to talk about his associations. You will hear the words “rebus”, “beam”, “theorem”, “geology” and even “bus”. If these associations do not seem entirely suitable to you, then it is better to abandon this name. Cumbersomeness and semantic load interfere with memorization. Subjects cannot reproduce this name within a few minutes after perception (“something construction”, “geology”, “geo something there” - these are typical answers). Similar complex names include “Zuda-Food”, “Zuyd-West”, “Capri Cornus”, “Stavotino”. Or, for example, “Vorskla”, which is too complex due to the fact that four consonants in a row are an atypical phenomenon for the Russian language.

The choice of font deserves special attention. As we noted above, today it is customary to simplify the spelling of a name by using capital letters of a simple style. The abundance of such primitive signs makes it difficult to perceive. However, you should not try to stand out with an overly original sign. Letters that are too ornate are difficult to read. Since a person walking down the street spends a fraction of a second looking at signs (and even less for those traveling in public transport), there is a high probability that a potential consumer will simply pass by or, worse, go straight to your competitors. Ornate writing is acceptable only for establishments with an oriental theme, but even in this case it is important that next to the ornate name, its type is indicated in a regular, easy-to-read font (cafe, esoteric goods store, hookah bar).

The name must be original. It doesn't have to be typical. Another bookstore, sports club, cafe, workshop appears - “Voskhod”, “Volna” or “Aurora”. The consumer is confused by such names, since they are found too often, and the Absolut company can be both a manufacturer of furniture and baby food. Having settled on any option, take the time to check how many organizations with that name are in your city. It is possible that there are already several dozen companies “Victoria”, “Style” and about a hundred enterprises starting with the word “Stroy” (for example, “Stroymontazh”, “StroyVest”, “Stroy-Inform-Invest”, “Stroy-Master” ", "Stroy-service"). This name does not provide any information about the company. Typicality can also manifest itself in sound. For example, words such as “Garant”, “Galant”, “Grant” are very similar. When coming up with a name, you should take the time to look at the Yellow Pages.

Meaningless names deserve special attention. Of course, they are original, since it is unlikely that anyone will come up with the same thing. That's a plus. A significant disadvantage of such names is that they do not mean anything, therefore, they are less memorable (“Rassana”, “Ravas”). When remembering the name, the consumer usually goes through a number of options and does not always remember the present one. An example is the Majestic company. If a person has read or heard this word only once, then when trying to reproduce it, he will rack his brains: “Ma... something there”... “Tin and something else.” In order for a meaningless name to become familiar to the consumer, a large advertising campaign is needed. If you are not ready to carry it out, it is better to refrain from such names. By the way, some initially meaningless names have become household names (for example, Xerox). Another pitfall due to which fictitious names “sink” is the emphasis: “Rekon”, “Luhles”, “Lusaf”, “Mako”. Of course, in order to go to a store, you don’t need to know what it’s called. However, communication plays a big role in promotion. Consumers tell each other about a good store, a workshop where shoes or watches are repaired efficiently, inexpensively and on time, etc. If the consumer does not know how to pronounce a word correctly, then he is likely to forget the name, which means he will not tell others about you.

The name should evoke only positive associations among the consumer. A potential client, seeing the name “Debut” in an advertising message, will think that the company is making its debut on the market, and will feel distrustful of the quality of the services provided. An advertiser who spares money and combines two ads into one falls into the same trap. For example, when in an advertisement for a company that manufactures and installs metal-plastic windows “quickly, efficiently, inexpensively,” you can also read that the company invites movers. Firstly, the likelihood that the target audience (potential clients - window buyers) will be interested in the job offer is very low. Secondly, those reading this sentence begin to fear that the windows will never be shipped to them, because there are no or not enough loaders in the company. Thus, "saving" reduces the number of sales. Or, for example, the Abwehr company. A word that sounds beautiful looks great in print, but causes negative associations and, as a result, a natural reluctance to deal with such a company. The name of the hairdressing salon “Feona” will amaze only the unenlightened with its euphony. Of course, if the target audience of the establishment is pensioners who are served at discounted prices, then the author of the name may consider his creation unique, since nowhere else will he find a hairdresser with such a sign. However, the majority of people under 40 can easily imagine the heroine of a famous cartoon, and there are unlikely to be many who want to be like her in appearance... I give this example only to show that human imagination is limitless, and the Last Supper cafe, probably still waiting for its visitors...

The name should not evoke inappropriate associations among the consumer. What do we mean by inappropriate associations? It is important that when a potential buyer sees the name, he understands what is being offered to him. So, at first glance it is clear that the Rubin or Turquoise store sells jewelry. Having seen the sign “Three Minnows” (everyone remembers the fairy tale about Pinocchio), we naturally think that there is a cafe or restaurant under it. The name “Papa Carlo” is suitable for a furniture showroom or framing workshop, but a plumbing store with that name is puzzling. Or, for example, seeing the pleasant name “Piglet”, a potential buyer of children’s goods will rush to it. If, when he comes closer, he finds a small inscription “deli”, he will be disappointed. The name “Shelter” chosen for children’s furniture can hardly be considered a good choice. The consumer will immediately begin to think about abandoned children and, naturally, will experience negative emotions, and especially impressionable ones will simply refuse to purchase. The name "Stork" is more suitable for a maternity hospital than for a cafe. The beautiful Spanish La alegra (“joy”) will not cause joy in Russian-speaking people. The fact is that one of the features of perception is to simplify, to adjust the information received to what is already available. Most potential buyers will read this word as “allergy” and think that the sign is, for example, a medical center, and not a jewelry store. Other foreign words and expressions have already become so integrated into Russian speech that they are perceived as banal (Violette, Camo mile, Chercher la femme). Once again, the name should be associated with the services offered or be neutral and not cause inappropriate associations.

The title should be clear to most people. It is this path that often turns out to be wrong when choosing a name. Everyone knows that Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. However, such a name can hardly be called successful, because, most likely, the city already has a beauty salon, clothing store or hairdresser with such a sign. But not everyone knows the name of Minerva (the goddess of wisdom, art, war and cities, the patroness of artisans). Accordingly, you should not call a restoration workshop or a stained glass salon that way, because this name is known to craftsmen and artists, but not to customers. The same applies to the active use of foreign words. Most Russians do not know foreign languages, so it is not worth calling a company that produces or sells windows Das Fenster (“window”), hoping that the German word will emphasize the reliability of the products. Or, for example, the name La facilite (ease) for many will be nothing more than “something French,” not to mention the fact that the majority of people are simply not able to read this word correctly. Names that are understandable to a significant portion of consumers (Bon vin, Coffe House, Ile de Beaute) or a specific target audience (Make Up Station) are more successful.

The name must correspond to the place, time and concept. Sometimes a good idea fails for organizational reasons. For example, initially there was an idea to open a cafe “under the roof” with an appropriate interior. They even came up with a cute name (albeit not very original, but very memorable) - “Attic”. Unfortunately, the owners did not find suitable premises, and the cafe was located on the second floor of a five-story building in the old building. Not only did the name completely not reflect the actual location of the cafe, but also the interiors turned out to be similar to those of a palace (high ceilings, large windows). In such a room, the furnishings of the attic (artificial cobwebs under the ceiling, bats hanging on beams specially built for this purpose, and even elements of old life) seemed inappropriate and even stupid. Let's give another example. The beautiful name “Passage” sometimes also seduces with its promotion (the famous department store is popular not only in St. Petersburg, but also in the regions). I had a chance to visit a store with that name in a small Russian town. Walking through the hall, I did not find the second exit and asked the seller to show it to me, which caused bewilderment among the trade workers (of course, all readers know that the St. Petersburg “Passage” has both access to Nevsky Prospekt and Italianskaya Street). According to Ushakov’s dictionary, a “passage” is: 1. A covered gallery with a row of shops on both sides, connecting two streets. 2. A musical phrase, part of a melody, usually of a virtuosic nature. 3. An unexpected incident, a strange turn of events. Perhaps the authors of the name relied on a third meaning of the word... However, some customers who expect to walk through the store will be disappointed and experience negative emotions due to the need to go back, which may lead to a reluctance to enter such an “arcade” again.

The name “Atrium” may also be inappropriate. It is known that the atrium is the center of the ancient Roman house, where the hearth stood and where all the chambers adjoined. In modern atriums, the central element is often a fountain. An ordinary cafe with such a name may disappoint the visitor with the ordinariness of the interior. Another important point is the assortment of the store, the menu of a cafe or restaurant, and the variety of services. It is quite obvious that the name must correspond to the general concept of the establishment. If I come to the “Luxury Car Wash” service organization, then I expect a “luxury” level, and I will be disappointed if it suddenly turns out that the car wash does not, has not, and probably will not have “interior dry cleaning” services. Having planned dinner at the Eternal Student cafe, I will be unpleasantly surprised by the restaurant prices, and going to the Troika or Three Bears cafe, I expect to get borscht and pies, but not Japanese cuisine, despite its wild popularity. A reasonable solution is to “bind” the name to the place. The Bereg cafe, located by the pond, is an adequate solution.

How do you know if a title is effective? To do this, it is necessary to conduct a special study that will test the name. Unfortunately, in our country it is practically not customary to resolve such issues with the help of psychologists working in the field of advertising, although it is more logical to first pay money to a specialist for developing a good name than to suffer losses later. If for some reason you are not ready to turn to a professional, you can conduct a simple study yourself, which will at least allow you to see some gross mistakes. So you've come up with a name for your organization that feels right to you. Try asking at least a dozen people what they associate this name with, what company/cafe/store is it suitable for? Let's give an example. We interviewed ten people to find out what they thought the Barbos company could do. Seven participants in the experiment answered that this was a pet supply store, one was a veterinary hospital, and two were undecided. This is enough to understand that you shouldn’t use such a name for a steak bar.

Brand. Brand

Method #2 - Name

Method No. 3 - Last name

McDonald's restaurant chain

Method #4 - Nature

Internet hypermarket "Platypus"

Method #5 - History

Method #6 - Mythology

Mikhail Goncharov,

Method #7 – Compound Word

Method #8 – Acronym

Method #9 – Quote

For hobbyists, the product brand does not matter much. They are often indifferent to which company produces cardboard blanks. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and satisfies the need for creativity. This gives the Leonardo company scope to create its own brands, bypassing the difficult path of dealership of international brands. Read more naming, which is part of branding and dedicated to the development of commercially effective names for brands, has at least 30 main methods. It is worth noting that the brand name should not only please its owner, but also evoke the associations necessary for positioning among the target audience and be based on iconic symbols and established concepts. All this is achieved through appropriate research. In addition, the brand name must be protectable. Before investing money in promoting a brand, it is important to clearly understand that the latter has exclusive rights in relation to the relevant goods and services.”

Today, businessmen are more willing to pay good money for professional naming - the development of a commercially effective name for a trademark. But before you pay money to naming specialists, you can try to come up with a name yourself. Often, the result of such an amateurish approach, after an examination carried out by reputable branding specialists, is considered very successful. Vadim Gorzhankin, General Director of PR & Brand of the Krasnoye Slovo agency, an expert in the field of marketing communications, talks about the 10 simplest methods for developing a name for a brand that can be adopted by every businessman.

Method No. 1 - Toponym (geographical name)

Pay attention to where your business is located or where your product or key ingredient comes from. According to this principle, such brands as the Rublevsky meat processing plant, Essentuki mineral water, Klinskoye beer, Vologodskoye butter, Finlandia vodka, Ochakovsky kvass, Shatura furniture, Winston cigarettes, liqueur were created Malibu, telecommunications company Nokia.

Method #2 - Name

One of the easiest ways to name a company or product is by the person's name. Based on this principle, such brands as chocolate “Alenka”, beer “Afanasy”, frozen semi-finished products “Daria”, men’s magazine “Maxim”, women’s magazine “Liza”, car “Mersedes”, chain of dry cleaners and laundries “Diana”, fast food products were created. preparations of "Alexandra and Sophia".

We initially planned that the brand would be a first-price product in its price segment. This is where the name came from, which seems to say “put me on the end”. And our main task is to participate in promotions, this is the peculiarity of promotion.

Method No. 3 - Last name

Along with the name, the surname can be the basis of the brand. As a rule, the brand name becomes not just a surname, but the surname of the company founder. For example, the Ford automobile concern, A. Korkunov chocolate products, Bochkarev beer, Smirnoff vodka, McDonald's restaurant chain, Levi's jeans, Brooke Bond tea, Jacuzzi hydromassage equipment ", Martini vermouth, Boeing airplanes, Parker pens, sportswear manufacturer Adidas.

Method #4 - Nature

Nature can be a source of inspiration not only for artists and musicians, but also for naming specialists. It is worth noting that often an animal, plant or natural phenomenon is associated with the properties of a product: the Grad multiple launch rocket system, the Sapsan high-speed train, the Utkonos online hypermarket, the Kangaroo chain of salons for children and expectant mothers, cars Jaguar, Puma sportswear, Alligator car alarms.

Method #5 - History

Often, a significant historical event or character becomes the name of a brand. It is worth noting that the exploitation of history is especially often used to form restaurant names. Examples include the Moscow restaurants Godunov, Pushkin, Graf-Orlov or Petrov-Vodkin. Many examples of “historical naming” are found in other areas of business: Napoleon cognac, Stepan Razin beer, Belomorkanal cigarettes, Lincoln cars, the Borodino trading and production group of companies.

Method #6 - Mythology

Naming specialists have not ignored mythology, which has become one of the most productive sources for brand names. For example, the Mazda automobile concern received its name in honor of the Zoroastrian god of life named Ahura Mazda, and the idea for the name of the drink “Sprite” was born in the 40s of the 20th century. At that time, baby Sprite, an elf with silver hair and a wide smile who wore a drink cap instead of a hat, was especially popular in advertising campaigns. A little later, his name became the name of a new carbonated drink - “Sprite”.

Mikhail Goncharov, On the network development strategy in the new market

– How did you translate the name of the network?

– We did not translate the name of the network in any way; the spelling will be in Latin transcription – Teremok. It doesn’t bother anyone that the phones are called Apple. There is a pharmacy chain called Duanereade in the USA, you can’t even read it. In America, strange names do not bother anyone. And we can tell you that there is a fairy tale in Russia about a teremok.

Method #7 – Compound Word

Quite often, a brand name becomes a compound word formed by adding two words together. For example, commercial bank Alba Bank, Aeroflot airline, cellular operator BeeLine, Volkswagen automobile concern, Aquafresh toothpaste, Sunsilk hair care product line, MasterCard credit cards, TV channel Euronews, weekly socio-political magazine Newsweek.

Method #8 – Acronym

An acronym is an abbreviation formed from initial letters, parts of words or phrases, pronounced as a single word rather than letter by letter. Example: the abbreviation “GUM”, derived from “Main Department Store”, is pronounced as a single word gum, and not ge-u-um. i.e. not by letter. Well-known acronyms include the name of the musical group “ABBA”, formed from the first letters of the names of its members: Agnetha, Björn, Benny, Anni-Frid, or the name of the automobile brand “VAZ” (Volzhsky Automobile Plant).

Method #9 – Quote

A well-remembered brand name, due to its consolidation in the minds of consumers, can be a name or expression from a work of mass artistic culture: cinema, animation, music, literature, etc. Examples include brands such as Prostokvashino dairy products, the White Sun restaurant Deserts", a chain of leather and fur stores "Snow Queen", a chain of stores of building materials "Old Man Hottabych".

We held a master class at the Leonardo hobby hypermarket. Is it always necessary to create your own brand?

For hobbyists, the product brand does not matter much. They are often indifferent to which company produces cardboard blanks. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and satisfies the need for creativity. This gives the Leonardo company scope to create its own brands, bypassing the difficult path of dealership of international brands. Read more naming, which is part of branding and dedicated to the development of commercially effective names for brands, has at least 30 main methods. It is worth noting that the brand name should not only please its owner, but also evoke the associations necessary for positioning among the target audience and be based on iconic symbols and established concepts. All this is achieved through appropriate research. In addition, the brand name must be protectable. Before investing money in promoting a brand, it is important to clearly understand that the latter has exclusive rights in relation to the relevant goods and services.”

retail, brand, business https://www. 2019-11-24 2019-11-25 https://www.