The system of international economic relations of the modern world economy. System of modern international economic relations What are international economic relations

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The existence of any economy in modern realities is impossible without international cooperation and diverse cooperation between countries. No state today can exist in isolation and remain successful. The development of international economic relations is the key to the normal functioning of the entire world economy.

What is the global economy and how does it work?

The world economy is a global and complexly structured system that includes the economies of different countries on the planet. The impetus for its formation was the territorial (and later global) division of human labor. What it is? In simple words: Country "A" has all the resources to produce cars, and country "B" has the climate to grow grapes and fruits. Sooner or later, these two states agree on cooperation and “exchange” of the products of their activities. This is the essence of the geographical division of labor.

The world (planetary) economy is nothing more than the unification of all national industries and structures. But international economic relations They are precisely a tool for bringing them closer together, ensuring their cooperation.

That's how it came about world economy. International economic relations were aimed equally at both the division of labor (which resulted in the specialization of different countries in the production of certain products) and the unification of efforts (which resulted in the cooperation of states and economies). As a result of industrial cooperation, large transnational companies emerged.

System of international economic relations

Relationships of an economic nature between countries, companies or corporations are usually called international economic relations (abbreviated as IEO).

International economic relations, like any other, have their own specific subjects. In this case, the role of such subjects is:

  • independent states and dependent territories, as well as their individual parts;
  • TNCs (transnational corporations);
  • international banking institutions;
  • individual large companies;
  • international organizations and blocs (including financing and controlling ones).

Modern international economic relations have formed key centers (poles) of economic and technological growth on the body of our planet. Today there are three of them. These are the Western European, North American and East Asian poles.

Basic forms of international economic relations

The main forms of IEO include the following:

  • international trade;
  • monetary and credit (or financial) relations;
  • international production cooperation;
  • movement (migration) of money and labor resources;
  • international scientific and technical cooperation;
  • international tourism and others.

All these forms of international economic relations are different in their role and significance for the world economy. So, in modern conditions It is currency and credit relations that hold the leadership.

International trade and monetary relations

International trade is understood as a system of export-import relations between countries, which are based on monetary payment for goods. It is believed that the world commodity market began to take shape in the modern era (from the end of the 16th century). Although the term “international trade” itself was used four centuries earlier in a book by the Italian thinker Antonio Margaretti.

Countries participating in international trade receive a number of obvious benefits from this, namely:

  • the possibility of growth and development of mass production within a specific national economy;
  • the emergence of new jobs for the population;
  • healthy competition, which is present in one form or another on the world market, stimulates the processes of modernization of enterprises and production;
  • The proceeds from the export of goods and services can be accumulated and used for further improvement of production processes.

Monetary and credit international relations mean the entire spectrum of financial relations between different countries or by individual entities. These include various settlement transactions, money transfers, currency exchange transactions, provision of loans, and so on.

Subjects of international financial relations can be:

  • countries;
  • international financial organizations;
  • banks;
  • Insurance companies;
  • individual businesses or corporations;
  • investment groups and funds;
  • individual individuals.

Scientific and technical international cooperation

In the second half of the twentieth century, scientific and technical cooperation occupied an important place in the IEO system. The subjects of such relations can be entire states, as well as individual companies and corporations.

The consequences of scientific and technical cooperation are very positive for all states that take part in it. Especially when it comes to developing countries of the world. The growth of industrialization, technical progress, strengthening the country’s defense capability, training highly qualified personnel - this is the goal and result of almost everyone international relations in the field of science and technology.

International tourism as a form of IEO

One of the forms of IEO is international tourism - a system of relations aimed at meeting the recreational and tourism needs of people. The subject of these relations are intangible, intangible services.

An era of active development international tourism began around the 60s of the twentieth century. There were several reasons for this: the growth of citizens’ well-being, the emergence large quantity free time, as well as the development of air transport.

Today, the most “tourist” countries in the world, based on the amount of income to the national budget from tourism, are Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Thailand.


So, if we imagine our global economy in the form of a human body, and all countries - in the form of specific organs performing their functions, then the nervous system that ensures the interaction of all “organs and systems” will precisely be international economic relations. They create the basis for effective cooperation of all national economies, corporations, individual companies and international unions.

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Subjects of international economic relations

Analysis of scientific literature makes it possible to conclude that international (interstate) relations are relations that go beyond the borders of states and arise between them. These relations are regulated by international law.

International economic relations arise and are established, first of all, between states, as political forms of function of society, which express the political power of the economically dominant class or the entire people.

Those. International economic relations are a form of connections between:

Individual states.

States and international organizations.

Between international organizations.

1. A large number of countries and international organizations that are subjects of the IEO.

2. The complexity and nature of these relations are significantly influenced by the socio-political system of countries.

The most important forms of international economic relations include:

· international trade in goods and services;

· currency and credit relations.

· movement of capital and foreign investments;

· labor migration;

· exchange in the field of science and technology;

· intercountry production cooperation;

Many of the goods and services we consume are produced abroad. Free import and export benefits citizens of all countries. Trade allows each country to specialize in what it is best at and provides each individual with a greater choice of goods and services.

International trade is the exchange of goods and services between national economies. It originated in ancient times, but only in the 19th century. has taken the form of a global market, since almost all countries of the world are drawn into it.

International trade differs from domestic trade in that:

· economic resources (including labor, natural, material, financial) are unevenly distributed between different countries;

Each country uses its own currency;

· international trade is more subject to political control.

In structure international trade two main blocks should be distinguished:

1. Export (export) of goods means that they are sold on the foreign market.

2. When importing (importing) goods, a country acquires goods produced abroad.

Different countries participate in world trade to varying degrees. The main indicators characterizing the country’s inclusion in foreign economic relations, are: the export quota, showing the ratio of the value of exports to the value of the gross domestic product, and the volume of exports per capita of a given country.

The dynamics and structure of world trade depend on the location of the main factors of production between different countries and on the structure of world production. So, if in the 19th century. international exchange was dominated by raw materials, food and products light industry, then in modern conditions the share of industrial goods, especially machinery and equipment, has increased significantly. The exchange of components and spare parts is increasing, and re-export is growing rapidly, for example, after appropriate assembly and installation of components and machines. Currently, the scope of international exchange includes the achievements of scientific and technological revolution (trade in licenses and know-how). There is a rapid development of trade in technologically complex products. Objects of international trade currently also include design work, leasing (long-term rental of equipment), consulting services.

International trade is beneficial to any country.

First, imports expand the choice of goods and services that are not produced locally but that consumers would like to purchase. International trade makes it possible to more fully satisfy the growing needs of humans as consumers.

Secondly, foreign companies, offering goods similar to domestic ones on the national market, thereby increasing their supply, which leads to a decrease in their prices.

In addition to trade, one of the forms of international economic relations is credit and financial, expressed in the provision of loans and credits, in the export and import of capital. The main exporters of capital remain the USA, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, and Japan, with 80% going to developed countries.

Credit financial markets are a set of banks, organizations, and stock exchanges through which the movement of global economic flows takes place.

Features of global financial markets:


No geographical boundaries.

24/7 operations on global financial markets.

Use of currencies of leading developed countries.

Access to the world financial market have 1st class banks and borrowers.

This market has a specific interest rate. As a result of competition, the following emerged: financial centers: New York, London, Luxembourg, Frankfurt am Main, Singapore, Tokyo, Bahamas. international import export trade world

Financial centers are centers of concentrated banks, credit and financial relations that carry out operations in the financial and credit markets.

The emergence of financial centers on the periphery: Singapore, Hong Kong, Panama, the Bahamas. This is due to lower taxes, currency legislation without restrictions.

Offshore are global financial centers in which banks carry out transactions mainly with non-residents and in foreign currency for of this state. Offshore banks are a tax shelter.

The global credit market is the sphere of market relations where the movement of money capital takes place on the terms of repayment and payment of interest and where the demand for loan capital is formed

The global financial market is part of the loan capital market, where the issue, purchase and sale of valuable papers.

World loan capital can be divided into three parts:

World money market - operations are carried out here to provide short-term loans for a period of up to one year.

The global capital market - medium and long-term lending is carried out on it.

Global financial market - the issue and purchase and sale of securities is carried out.

Classic foreign loans - based on the principle of the unity of the place of borrowing and the unity of the currency.

At the end of 50 The Euromarket gradually emerged - this is part of the loan capital market, on which banks carry out transactions in Eurocurrency.

International capital migration or capital export is carried out in the following forms:

· direct private investment;

· government loans;

international loans financial organizations.

The main function of the export of capital is to ensure the functioning of the world commodity market through the organization of foreign branches and subsidiaries, service department, repair and consulting base.

Foreign investments are all types of investments by foreign investors in business and other activities for the purpose of making a profit.

Direct investment is the purchase of shares in a foreign enterprise that is substantially owned or controlled by the investor. This is the most dynamic form of international economic relations. Such investments can take various forms - joint ventures, ownership of a controlling stake in a firm in the recipient country; opening a branch that is wholly owned by a transnational corporation.

Portfolio investments - lending or purchasing shares in a foreign enterprise that is not owned or controlled by the investor, investments in the market for state and municipal securities. Various forms of international credit can be classified according to several main characteristics that characterize individual aspects of credit relations:

· by sources (domestic, foreign and mixed lending);

· by purpose (commercial, financial, bridge loans);

· by type (commodity, currency);

· by loan currency (in the currency of the debtor country, in the currency of a third country, in international currency units);

· by terms (short-, medium- and long-term).

To create a favorable investment climate, reliable protection of property rights, a fairly liberal economy, developed market infrastructure, and preferential taxation are necessary. To attract investment and technology to the most depressed regions, territories with preferential tax treatment are being created - free economic zones (FEZ).

External labor migration is the voluntary movement of people outside the country for the purpose of carrying out paid work.

Man is the most vulnerable of all objects moving from country to country. Migrants (“guest workers”, “campesinos”) risk a lot, their appearance in a new country causes concern for others, even those who are migrants themselves. They face a lot of dangers, but the average winnings are very high. If this were not so, migrants would not decide to live in a foreign country permanently or temporarily.

There are at least three types of non-market impacts of migration:

· obtaining knowledge that has significant economic value - modern technologies, artistic talents, a large share of the effect of this knowledge extends to other people;

· overcrowding (can cause costs such as crime, conflicts, excessive noise);

· social conflicts.

Many countries (especially the United States) have policies that select immigrants allowed into the country. The rules are being revised to encourage "brain gain" and limit the influx of unskilled individuals, who are most susceptible to unemployment and social conflict.

An important form of international economic relations is scientific and technical cooperation, expressed in the exchange of patents, licenses, and joint research and development work.

International production cooperation, consisting of specialization and international cooperation of enterprises, has received great development.

International economic cooperation is one of the main factors that influence today the level of the global process and the development of the economy of an individual country. There are 200 large and small independent states on the globe. Each of them pursues its own policy, creates its own economy, and at the same time enters into various international relations, in particular of an economic nature.

In the process of international economic cooperation between states, between organizations and other participants, certain relationships arise (are strengthened or interrupted) that require appropriate regulation.

serve as a tool legal norms, the system of which constitutes the MEP - an independent branch of world law.

International economic law is the main regulatory regulator of relations that arise in the field of international economic cooperation.

The subjects of these relations can be international organizations - economic, etc.

These include at the macroeconomic level: individual countries and their subjects (including unrecognized states, for example, Abkhazia, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, etc.), international economic integration groups, large cities, TNCs, global corporations, etc.:

· at the microeconomic level: small and medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives, etc., as well as individuals (in particular, the so-called “shuttles” or “peddlers”), etc.;

· at the supranational level: international economic organizations and supranational institutions.

Transnational corporations (TNCs).

The modern world economy is characterized by a rapidly moving process of transnationalization. In this process, the main driving force is transnational corporations (TNCs). They are business associations consisting of a parent company and foreign branches. The parent company controls the activities of the enterprises included in the association by owning shares (participation) in their capital. In foreign branches of TNCs, the share of the parent company - a resident of another country - usually accounts for more than 10% of the shares or their equivalent. On turn of XX-XXI centuries there is an unprecedented scale foreign economic activity(international economic transactions), in which TNCs are traders (merchants), investors, distributors modern technologies and stimulators of international trade migration. They largely determine the dynamics and structure, the level of competitiveness in the global market for goods and services, as well as international movement capital and technology (knowledge) transfer.

TNCs play a leading role in the internationalization of production, an increasingly widespread process of expanding and deepening production ties between enterprises in different countries.

TNCs are international in the scale of their activities and national in capital and the nature of control. They expand their power through direct investment in their overseas subsidiaries and businesses.

Global diasporas, large trans-regional associations and strategic alliances of countries, world cities, communes, provinces, etc. are becoming increasingly important subjects: IEOs, along with states and TNCs.

A special role in the system. IEOs begin to play anthropostructures, i.e. cohesive groups and associations that use network forms of organizing activities and cultural policies for active participation in world processes. The most notable among them are, in particular, the environmental organization Greenpeace and anti-globalist organizations. At the beginning of the 21st century, there are up to half a million such public organizations in the world.

International organizations are very numerous, none of them affects economic and social life.

Organizations with a significant share in economic relations:

Organizations that have their own powers or means: means and, as a result, have the opportunity to influence both international and national, economic and financial development.

Organizations that provide forums where governments can express their views, where unity of approach and appropriate recommendations for policy in individual countries are developed.

International organizations that provide information collection and publication of statistical data.

What these organizations have in common is that they all contribute to the development of communication and cooperation between countries.

International organizations are divided into four categories:

I. World organizations are organizations designed to deal with world problems and were established mainly immediately after the end of the Second World War.

II. Organizations created at the initiative of the West are organizations initiated by Western states and which unite developed countries with market economies.

III. European organizations are organizations associated with European construction.

IV. The bodies for regional or bilateral cooperation with the countries of the Third World and Eastern Europe are various departments of regional or bilateral cooperation.

World organizations are: organizations operating in the field of economics and monetary and financial relations fall within the sphere of influence of the UN. The UN's own activities in these areas are limited. In practice, it is completely replaced by UNCTAD (this is the UN Conference on Trade and Development). Among the specialized organizations dependent on the UN, a very important role is played by the bodies created under the Bretton-Woods agreements and GATT, replacing the special agencies of the UN.

The UN is an international organization established on the basis of the voluntary joining of efforts of sovereign states to maintain and strengthen peace and security, as well as develop peaceful cooperation between states. The UN Charter was signed in 1945. Main bodies: general assembly, security council, economic social council, trusteeship council, international court and secretariat, which is headed by the UN Secretary General.

GATT - the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - is a multilateral international agreement on the reciprocal provision of tariff benefits, concluded in 1947 by twenty-three countries. The purpose of the GATT: the gradual elimination of various forms of discrimination in trade, the reduction of customs tariffs, the exchange of quantitative restrictions on imports.

Now GATT is an international organization operating on the basis of a multilateral intergovernmental treaty, which contains the principles and rules of international trade that are binding on participating countries. Valid since January 1, 1948. There are a large number of intergovernmental bodies, commissions and secretariats within the GATT framework. In 1989, the number of full members of the GATT was 97 countries, another 28 countries are de facto participants in the GATT, and 20 are observers. The supreme body of the GATT is the session, and the operational and executive body is the council of representatives.

Russia is not a member of the GATT, however, in connection with its accession to the IMF and the World Bank, closer contacts with the GATT are inevitable and necessary, since the activities of the GATT, the IMF and the World Bank are largely interrelated.

The IMF is an intergovernmental organization that regulates monetary relations between countries and also provides credit resources in cases of currency difficulties. 178 countries are members of the IMF.

Objectives of the IMF:

Monitor the rules of foreign exchange behavior of countries. These rules are fixed in the Charter.

Providing loans to member countries of the fund in the event of an imbalance in payments, repayment of external debts, or a negative balance of payments to stabilize the exchange rate of the national currency.

The IMF is structured according to the JSC principle, i.e. The fund's capital is made up of contributions from participating countries. The size of the contribution depends on the quota and is expressed in special monetary units - SDR, special drawing rights and US dollars. The quota is determined from the level economic level countries. The size of the quota also determines the number of votes. Voting is carried out according to the principle of weighted voting.

IBRD (World Bank) is an intergovernmental organization that provides long-term loans for the purpose of economic stimulation of development of the bank's member countries. The members of this bank are 176 countries. The Bank operates under the control of developed countries. A condition for membership in the bank is membership in the IMF.

Main branches of the IBRD:

International financial corporation, IFC - is engaged in lending to private businesses in developing countries.

International Development Association, IDA - created to provide financial assistance and issues preferential loans for 35-40 years.

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, MIGA - provides guarantees for loans from private banks. The bank itself provides loans to the most profitable projects.

OECD is an organization for economic cooperation and development. Now its members include 24 developed countries of the world. Goal: coordination of economic and monetary policy, carrying out research work, developing economic forecasts for the development of OECD member countries. The Paris Club is an informal organization of industrialized creditor countries that deal with issues of regulating the external debts of developing countries. The Bank for International Settlements, BIS, is a center for cooperation between central banks of developed countries, i.e. coordinates the monetary policy of central banks.

The London Club is an informal organization of creditor countries that deal with the settlement of private foreign debts.

European Union, EU - includes 15 states Western Europe. In the future, this union is expanding, the countries of Eastern (Poland) and Central Europe (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) are joining.

Russia has concluded a cooperation and partnership agreement with the EU.


international economic trade

1. Belokrylova O.S., Mikhalkina E.V., Bannikova A.V., Agapov E.P. Social science. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006.

2. Kasyanov V.V. Social science. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007.

3. Kokhanovsky V.P., Matyash G.P., Yakovlev V.P., Zharov L.V. Philosophy for secondary and special students educational institutions. Rostov n/d, 2008.

4. Kravchenko A.I. Social science. M.: Russian Word, 2006.

5. Kurbatov V.I. Social science. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007.

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In the course of their activities on the world economic arena, subjects of the world economy enter into certain economic relations - international economic relations - MEO, which represent, in a broad sense, a system of economic relations between the national economies of individual countries, represented by various economic entities, as well as international economic organizations and financial centers.

These relations form the subject of a special training course - “International Economic Relations”. Therefore, in this textbook we will briefly consider them in the aspect of the structure of the modern world economy.

The development of international economic relations depends on a number of factors:

A) natural (natural-climatic, demographic, etc.). For example, to become major exporter oil or natural gas, the country must have appropriate stocks of these species natural resources. Despite all the scientific and technical achievements of recent decades, the basis of high-performance Agriculture in various countries and, accordingly, dynamic exports of agricultural products nevertheless lie in favorable natural and climatic conditions. It is impossible not to take into account the significant role that demographic factors play in the global economy;

b) acquired (production, scientific and technical, political, social, national-ethnic, religious). The enormous role of general political factors in the development of international economic relations is obvious, when, for example, there is a “thaw” in relations between countries around the world or, on the contrary, a sharp aggravation (up to military conflicts). Scientific, technical and production factors play a decisive role in the development of almost all forms of modern international economic relations. The role of social, national-ethnic and even religious factors (for example, interfaith relations both in the interaction of different countries and within individual states, etc.) is also extremely large.

At the beginning of the 21st century. to the main forms of international economic relations included:

■ international trade in goods;

■ international trade in services;

■ international specialization and cooperation of production - MSCP;

■ international scientific and technical cooperation - ISTS and exchange of scientific and technical results;

■ international capital movements, international monetary and credit financial relations;

■ international movement work force;

■ international information exchange;

■ activities of international economic organizations and cooperation in solving global problems.

One of the traditional forms of international economic relations is international trade in goods, which originated and developed many centuries ago, in ancient civilizations and states of the world.

Over time, international trade is complemented by other forms of international trade, many of which began to develop in the 20th and early 21st centuries.

Sometimes the forms of international economic relations also include international economic integration (see Chapter 15). The authors do not share this point of view, believing that international economic integration is a synthetic process that includes almost all currently existing forms of international economic relations (from international trade in goods and services to international information exchange).

In modern conditions, various forms of IEO are closely interconnected and actively interact with each other. This growing interconnectedness and intense interpenetration make it possible to view IEO as an emerging and developing system of international economic relations.

We think for ourselves. In what forms of IEO is the systematic nature of modern international relations manifested most clearly, and in what forms - less clearly? Why is this happening?

The modern world economy is a market economy. Therefore, the question arises of how its main provisions are implemented in the system of the modern world economy. In the classical scheme market economy These include: subjects of the emerging relationships (sellers and buyers); the determining influence on the development of market relations on the supply and demand side; development of competition.

All these general provisions market economies also take place in the system of the modern world economy, but at the same time its certain (in some cases very significant) specificity is manifested. Thus, in the sphere of the world economy, the multiplicity of subjects participating in market relations is sharply increasing, while the freedom (invariance) of choice and partners (countries and their unions (groupings), international organizations, corporate business, individuals), and the forms of economic relations implemented in this case. The same pattern is manifested in the action of supply and demand in the global economy. Finally, the scope of competition is expanding significantly, and international competition becomes more intense and tough compared to competition within the national economy.

However, the reality of the modern world economy is such that there is also a significantly higher monopolization (oligopolization) of economic relations. At the same time, you can see few examples of free (pure) competition, since the rules of the game in the global economy at the beginning of the 21st century. determined by the most powerful players - the leading countries of the world, the largest transnational corporations and banks with a global scale of activity, the most authoritative international organizations. In the sphere of the global economy, compared to the national economies of individual countries, they have a more significant impact political factors. The role of states, their institutions and unions in the global economy, despite a certain liberalization of economic relations in last years, remains very significant. Therefore, in subsequent sections of this textbook, much attention will be paid to the place and role of individual leading countries, their groupings and alliances in the modern world economy.

In the course of their activities on the world economic arena, subjects of the world economy enter into certain economic relations - international economic relations - MEO, which represent, in a broad sense, a system of economic relations between the national economies of individual countries, represented by various economic entities, as well as international economic organizations and financial centers.

These relations form the subject of a special training course - “International Economic Relations”. Therefore, in this textbook we will briefly consider them in the aspect of the structure of the modern world economy.

The development of international economic relations depends on a number of factors:

  • A) natural (natural-climatic, demographic, etc.). For example, to become a major exporter of oil or natural gas, a country must have adequate reserves of these types of natural resources. Despite all the scientific and technological achievements of recent decades, highly productive agriculture in various countries and, accordingly, dynamic exports of agricultural products are nevertheless based on favorable natural and climatic conditions. It is impossible not to take into account the significant role that demographic factors play in the global economy;
  • b) acquired (production, scientific and technical, political, social, national-ethnic, religious). The enormous role of general political factors in the development of international economic relations is obvious, when, for example, there is a “thaw” in relations between countries around the world or, on the contrary, a sharp aggravation (up to military conflicts). Scientific, technical and production factors play a decisive role in the development of almost all forms of modern international economic relations. The role of social, national-ethnic and even religious factors (for example, interfaith relations both in the interaction of different countries and within individual states, etc.) is also extremely large.

At the beginning of the 21st century. to the main forms of international economic relations included:

■ international trade in goods;

■ international trade in services;

■ international specialization and cooperation of production - MSCP;

■ international scientific and technical cooperation - ISTS and exchange of scientific and technical results;

■ international capital movement, international monetary, credit and financial relations;

■ international labor movement;

■ international information exchange;

■ activities of international economic organizations and cooperation in solving global problems.

One of the traditional forms of international economic relations is international trade in goods, which originated and developed many centuries ago, in ancient civilizations and states of the world.

Over time, international trade is complemented by other forms of international trade, many of which began to develop in the 20th and early 21st centuries.

Sometimes the forms of international economic relations also include international economic integration (see Chapter 15). The authors do not share this point of view, believing that international economic integration is a synthetic process that includes almost all currently existing forms of international economic relations (from international trade in goods and services to international information exchange).

In modern conditions, various forms of IEO are closely interconnected and actively interact with each other. This growing interconnectedness and intense interpenetration make it possible to view IEO as an emerging and developing system of international economic relations.

We think for ourselves. In what forms of IEO is the systematic nature of modern international relations manifested most clearly, and in what forms - less clearly? Why is this happening?

The modern world economy is a market economy. Therefore, the question arises of how its main provisions are implemented in the system of the modern world economy. In the classical scheme of a market economy, these include: subjects of the emerging relationships (sellers and buyers); the determining influence on the development of market relations on the supply and demand side; development of competition.

All these general provisions of a market economy also take place in the system of the modern world economy, but at the same time its certain (in some cases very significant) specificity appears. Thus, in the sphere of the world economy, the multiplicity of subjects participating in market relations is sharply increasing, while the freedom (invariance) of choice and partners (countries and their unions (groupings), international organizations, corporate business, individuals) and the forms implemented in this case are significantly expanding. economic relations. The same pattern is manifested in the action of supply and demand in the global economy. Finally, the scope of competition is expanding significantly, and international competition itself is becoming more intense and tough compared to competition within the national economy.

However, the reality of the modern world economy is such that there is also a significantly higher monopolization (oligopolization) of economic relations. At the same time, you can see few examples of free (pure) competition, since the rules of the game in the global economy at the beginning of the 21st century. determined by the most powerful players - the leading countries of the world, the largest transnational corporations and banks with a global scale of activity, the most authoritative international organizations. In the global economy, compared to the national economies of individual countries, political factors have a more significant impact. The role of states, their institutions and unions in the global economy, despite a certain liberalization of economic relations in recent years, remains very significant. Therefore, in subsequent sections of this textbook, much attention will be paid to the place and role of individual leading countries, their groupings and alliances in the modern world economy.