Types and methods of maintenance of computer systems. Control work for the CSC group in the discipline "maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes"

Complex or network) consists of technical and system maintenance of the system and its use for its intended purpose - for data processing. Maintenance(technical operation) - ensuring the operability of the system by creating the required operating conditions (power supply, temperature, etc.) and carrying out preventive and repair work. The main indicator of the quality of maintenance is the availability of the system (components), which characterizes the proportion of "time during which the system (components) is operational. The increase in the availability of the system is achieved by reducing equipment downtime due to preventive and repair work. On the effectiveness of maintenance most significantly affect the following factors: 1) operating conditions of the system (power supply stability, temperature, cleanliness of the environment, etc.): 2) reliability and maintainability of the system, the degree of perfection of monitoring and diagnostic tools; 3) mode of service and qualification of service personnel; 4) completeness of data on failures and failures technical means. To improve the efficiency of maintenance, the systems provide for the accumulation of data on errors, failures and failures. Data is collected by recording the state of the system at the time of the error detected by built-in controls or programs. Data registration is performed by the operating system in a special system log - an area of ​​​​a magnetic disk drive. Data from the system log is periodically or, if necessary, printed out and used by maintenance personnel to identify sources of errors, failures and failures in order to carry out preventive and repair work.

System maintenance

System maintenance (system maintenance) - ensuring the efficiency of using the system, aimed at reducing the cost of data processing, improving system performance, the quality of user service, etc. The main tasks of system maintenance: 1) selection and adaptation of operating systems, including system-wide software; 2) setting the operating system for the workload - the organization and selection of system operation parameters that provide the required quality of user service and maximum performance; 3) improving the configuration of the system - the composition of the device and the connections between them. All system tasks technical operation are reduced to mutual coordination of the configuration, system operation mode and workload to ensure the required quality of user service - organizing the necessary data processing modes, increasing productivity, reducing response time and data processing cost. The choice of the operating system is made based on the configuration of the computing system (processor performance, RAM capacity, composition of external memory and input-output means), the need for data processing modes (concentrated, telecommunications, network, batch, interactive, etc.) and the main workload properties (composition and characteristics of tasks solved by the system). The operating system adapts to the configuration of the computing system and the needs of users by generating a variant, which should contain necessary funds device and memory management, data access methods and provide the required data processing modes. In this case, the RAM and external memory are divided into areas provided to the system and application software. The system-wide software includes the necessary tools for automating programming, working out symbolic and graphic information, database management, teleprocessing, etc. The resulting version of the operating system determines the possible modes of operation of the computer system and data processing with an accuracy of parameter values ​​that set the level of multiprogramming, the value of the quantum of processor time, the number of system I / O processes and other indicators that are set and changed during the operation of the computing system by adjusting the operating system to the current workload.

Operating system setup

When generating an operating system, the workload can only be roughly predicted. Moreover, it changes over time. Therefore, the adjustment of the operating system to a real workload is carried out on a working computer system and is repeated many times. The purpose of tuning is to improve system performance and provide the required processing speed - the required response time. Tuning comes down to assigning operating system parameters: multiprogramming level, processor time quantum, buffer sizes, job and task scheduling algorithms, memory and device management algorithms, etc. containing monitors and means of processing measurement data. The functioning of the computing system is evaluated by the combination of the following characteristics: 1) resource intensity of the work performed, workload and system load; 2) loading of system resources and structural loading; 3) system-wide - performance, response time and process profiles. By analyzing the registered Characteristics, overloaded and underused system resources and bottlenecks that negatively affect performance and response time are identified. Using the operating system settings, you can change the level and structure of resource loading, process profiles and, consequently, performance and response time. The effect achieved by changing the tuning parameters is predicted either heuristically, based on a priori ideas about the degree of influence of the parameters on the system characteristics, or using performance models. The way information is placed in system memory has a significant impact on performance and response time. Thus, the intensity of external memory access strongly depends on which operating system modules are declared resident and placed in RAM. The access time to magnetic disk drives significantly depends on the order in which data sets are placed on the drives and within each drive. With the help of monitors, the intensity of calls to each of the drives (data volume) and data set is determined, as well as the distribution of the intensity of calls by the cylinders of the drives. Due to the redistribution of data across volumes, uniform loading of external storage devices is ensured, and, consequently, the access time to external memory is reduced. 3a, by moving data sets within each volume, the access time to the drives is reduced. Systematic work on measuring and analyzing the functioning of the computer system and setting the operating system allows you to optimize the values ​​of the tuning parameters. In this case, further tuning cannot provide significant improvements, and in order to improve performance, it is necessary to improve the system configuration: increase the number of devices or use devices with higher characteristics.

Computer system configuration

Improving the configuration of the computer system is carried out in the same way as setting up the operating system. With the help of measurements, the necessary data on the functioning of the computing system are obtained, in particular, data on the loading of devices. If the load of individual devices or groups of relative devices is close to the limit and the operating system setting is not able to change the load, you need to increase the number of appropriate devices, for example, magnetic disk drives, communication channels, or use devices with the best performance. Performance models are used to evaluate the impact of system configuration improvements that predict system performance and identify best option configuration development. Changing the configuration entails the need to work on adjusting the operating system to the new configuration and workload. The possibilities of evolutionary development of the configuration and improvement of the processing mode to meet changing requirements may be exhausted. Then there is a need for qualitative changes - a complete replacement of computers with a more productive or preferable one in terms of other characteristics. This task in the practice of systematic exploitation is called the problem of choice. In a rigorous formulation, the choice problem is a complex multi-parameter and multi-criteria optimization problem, the methods for solving which are far from complete. In practice, the problem is solved in terms of choosing from a certain number of industrially mastered or planned for release systems. The choice is based on resource estimates and experience in using available funds. For selection, the following data should be obtained: 1) on the use of available resources by tasks of various classes; 2) on the use of resources to provide various processing modes (batch, online).


The forecast of changes in the volume and composition of the load, processing modes and maintenance requirements should be based on the relevant organizational and technical and economic prerequisites. The complexity of forecasting lies in the fact that in order to obtain a reliable forecast, it is necessary to have data on the resource intensity of various classes of tasks and their impact on computer utilization indicators. To obtain such data, it is necessary to analyze the entire process of using computers in a particular field of application. The forecast of needs for computing resources is associated with planning and economic data, for example, with a planned change in the volume of output or the volume of design and other work. The prediction results should determine the required service rate for the main types of resources (processor and I/O device) for each task class and processing mode. The second step in the selection is to compare the predicted resource requirements with the characteristics of potential configurations. Initially, the processor performance is selected, which should be sufficient to process the task flow. The performance score is obtained by summing the service rate across different task classes for batch and online mode and operating system. Based on the score obtained, the nominal processor performance is selected. The choice of the input-output system configuration consists in determining the composition of peripheral devices, including channel equipment, sufficient for the predicted load. It is necessary that throughput I/O, primarily disk storage, was in line with the predicted I/O rate, given online response time constraints.


  • Aven OI, Gurin NN, Kogan Ya. A. Quality assessment and optimization of computing systems. Moscow: Nauka, 1982.
  • Larionov AM Computer systems, systems and networks. Leningrad: Energoatomizdat. Leningrad branch. 1987.
  • Ferrari D. Performance evaluation of computing systems: Per. from English. M.: Mir, 1981.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

At the beginning of the internship, there was a safety briefing. After passing the briefing, familiarization with the activities this enterprise and the study of his work, as well as the consolidation and deepening of the knowledge gained during the training sessions.

Share work on social networks

If this work does not suit you, there is a list of similar works at the bottom of the page. You can also use the search button


1. General information about the enterprise (history of creation, development and structure of the enterprise). ……………………………………………..5

2. Enterprise computer software. …………….7

3. Control of the technical condition of computer equipment and computer systems. …………………………………………….8

4. Safety precautions at the enterprise. ………………………9

5. Approximate content of the practice. ……………………………..

5.1. Special programs used in the enterprise for diagnostics and maintenance of the operating system and equipment of a personal computer. ………………………………….

5.2. Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes. …….. 21

5.3. Application of computer equipment repair skills…. 22

Conclusion. ……………………………………………………………..26

Bibliography. ………………………………………………27

Appendix ………………………………………………..29



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Vaseeva V.V


Mikhailov M.M.

N. Contr.

Mikhailov M.M.



GOU SPO "ZabGK im. M.I. Agoshkov"

Gr. KS-13-1(230113


The production practice took place from June 22 to July 4 at the enterprise ZabGK named after M.I Agoshkov. The director of the enterprise is Zykov Nikolai Vasilyevich, the deputy director of the enterprise is Efimenko Tatyana Ivanovna, the head of the practice is Mikhailov Mikhailovich.

The purpose of the internship is:

Familiarization with the activities of the enterprise;

To consolidate theoretical knowledge on all issues of maintenance of computer equipment;

Show primary professional skills in maintenance of computer equipment and computer networks;

At the beginning of the internship, there was a safety briefing. After passing the briefing, they got acquainted with the activities of this enterprise and studied its work, as well as consolidating and deepening the knowledge gained during training sessions.

Computers and information technologies are intensively developing in the spheres of material production. Specialists of various professions are increasingly using a computer in their workplace, as well as using information and communication technologies in their professional activities.



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PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes


The formation of the Trans-Baikal Mining College as an educational institution that trains specialists for mining industry originates in 1917. In the distant 1917, full of political events of historical significance, when polytechnic courses were organized in the city of Chita with a mining department headed by mining engineer Banshchikov A.N. (“Zabaikalskaya Nov”, June 20, 1917).

  • Since September 1917, it has become an independent mining department at the Polytechnic School. It was headed by mining engineer A.N. Banshchikov.
  • In September 1947, the Polytechnic School received the status of a technical school and the name "Chita Mining College".
  • In January 1994, the Chita Mining College, which was under the jurisdiction of Zabaikalzoloto JSC, was taken under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
  • In August 1996, the Chita Mining College was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of General and vocational education and is called - State educational institution secondary vocational education Chita Mining College.
  • In September 1997, the Training and Course Combine (UCC) at the Chita Mining College resumed work for theoretical and practical training in professional training programs.
  • In October 1998, the training and consulting center (UCP) in Krasnokamensk resumed its work to train mid-level specialists in correspondence courses at the PIMCU enterprise.
  • In September 2002, a branch was created in Krasnokamensk on the basis of UKP.
  • In September 2005, the Mining College became a college and acquired a new name Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education Zabaikalsky Mining College.



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PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes

  • In May 2009, by order of the Federal Agency for Education dated May 27, 2009 No. 544, the institution was renamed the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education

Transbaikal Mining College named after M.I. Agoshkova

  • In October 2012, he became the Laureate of the competition in the nomination "100 Best Colleges of Russia" (St. Petersburg 2012)



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PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes

2. Enterprise computer software

During my internship, I worked with the computer labs of the college, in which there were from 10 computers for each classroom. When working with these computers, I studied their characteristics (which are given below). Basically, these computers are suitable for working in this area, since they mainly work with the standard Microsoft Office package (most often MSWord and MSExcel). And on these computers, programs for teaching computer literacy are used. Also, these computers do not have specialized or other software that does not meet the characteristics of this computer and does not require large resources.

Computer name: 302 - 1-9

Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP 2 Language-Russian (standards: Russian)

Processor: IntelInsidePentium 4

Memory: 512 MBRAM

Version: DirectX DirectX 9.0

Current screen mode: 1024x768 (32bit)

Brand : LG Disk 3.5(A:) Yes

Disk (D:): For CD-RW

Disk Capacity: (C:) 80 GB

Videos card : VGA Tech Graphics. Controller

Keyboard Standard keyboard: 101/102

Brand: Genius Mouse Optical NTFS File System



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PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes


Computer technology in the educational institution is in excellent condition.

All computers have been updated and replaced recently, many of them have been replaced with parts that greatly increased the performance of the PC. System administrators monitor the state of all equipment located in the Mining College. At the moment, many PCs do not require any investments. The technical condition of monitors, printers, system units, as well as other peripheral devices are under control. In the event of a breakdown of computer equipment, measures are immediately taken to eliminate all problems. If necessary, replace RAM, hard drives, motherboards, video cards, if these components cannot be repaired.

Technical condition of computer networks.

On the second floor, almost all classrooms have Internet access and are currently in excellent condition, which allows students and college staff to access the Internet without much difficulty. On the first, third and fourth floors there is also Internet, but partially. All cables are insulated and protected by special protective cases. If there is any breakdown in the network, it is eliminated without much effort. The main focus is only on software for convenient operation on PC.



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PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes


Before you start repairing your computer, perform the following steps in the order listed:

1. Turn off your computer and all peripherals.

2. Before touching the inside of the computer, touch an unpainted metal surface on the computer chassis, such as the metal trim around the card slot opening on the back of the computer. During operation, periodically touch an unpainted metal surface of the computer case to dissipate static electricity that can damage internal components.

3. Unplug your computer and peripherals from electrical outlets. You should also disconnect your computer from all telephone and communication lines. This reduces the risk of injury or electric shock.

In addition, always follow the following safety precautions:

When disconnecting a cable, pull it by the plug or by the special loop, but not by the cable itself. Some cable connectors are equipped with locking tabs: when disconnecting these cables, press the locking tabs before disconnecting the cable. When disconnecting the connectors, try to space them in a straight line so that the contacts do not bend. Also, make sure both connectors are properly oriented and aligned with each other before connecting the cable.

Handle components and boards with care. Do not touch components or pins on the board. Hold the card by the edges or by the metal mounting plate. Hold electronic components, such as a microprocessor, by the edges, not by the pins.

Caution: There is a danger of a new battery exploding if it is incorrectly installed. Replace the battery only with the same type or as recommended by the battery manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.



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PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes


5.1 Special programs used at the enterprise for diagnostics and maintenance of the operating system and personal computer equipment.


    1. basic software
    2. OS
    3. utility programs
  1. Applied software.

Under software(Software) is understood as a set of software and documentary tools for the creation and operation of data processing systems by means of computer technology. In the very general plan computer software can be divided (depending on the purpose) into systemic, instrumental and applied (like any classification, this division is conditional).

Software is either data for use in other programs, or an algorithm implemented as a sequence of instructions for a processor.

Software called upon:

Ensure the performance of the computer;

Facilitate user interaction with the computer;

Expand the resources of the computing system;

Improve the efficiency of resource use;

Increase the productivity and quality of the user's work.

In computer jargon, the word " software » from English software , which was first applied in this sense in the American Mathematical Monthly paper by Princeton University mathematician John W. Tukey in 1958. In the field of computing and programming, software is the totality of all information, data, and programs that are processed by computer systems.



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PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes

System software.

is a set of programs that provide effective management components of a computing system, such as a processor, RAM, input-output channels, network and communication equipment, etc.System softwareorganizes the process of information processing in a computer and provides a normal working environment for application programs; it is designed to control a computer, organize problem solving and user interaction with computer hardware. It is so closely related to the hardware that it is sometimes considered part of the computer. The richer the system software, the more productive the work on the computer becomes.

The system software includes operating systems, service software (shells, utilities, anti-virus tools) and maintenance programs (test programs, control programs).

Basic software.

Basic software occupies a special position in computer architecture. On the one hand, it can be viewed as constituent part hardware, on the other hand, it is one of the software modules of the operating system.

Operating system.

operating system(OS) is a set of special software tools designed to control the boot of a computer, the launch and execution of other user programs, as well as to plan and manage the computing resources of a personal computer. It provides control over the processing of information and interaction between the hardware and the user.

Operating system features include:

  • dialogue with the user;
  • input, output and data management;
  • planning and organization of the program processing process;
  • distribution of resources (RAM and ultra-fast memory, processor, external devices);



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PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes

  • launch programs for execution;
  • all kinds of auxiliary maintenance operations;
  • transfer of information between various internal devices;
  • software support for peripheral devices.

The main need of the OS is that it hides complex unnecessary details of interaction with the hardware from the user, forming a layer between them.

One of the most important functions of the OS is the automation of the processes of input-output of information, the management of the execution of applied tasks solved by the user.

Based on the functions performed,OS can be divided into three groups: single-tasking (single-user), multi-tasking (multi-user) and networked.

Single task OS are designed for the work of one user at any given moment with one specific task. Their appearance was stimulated by the creation of a large class personal computers. An example of such an OS is the operating system MS DOS widely used until the early 1990s.

Multitasking OSprovide for the collective use of a PC in a multi-program time-sharing mode, while the PC memory contains several task programs and the processor distributes computer resources between tasks. An example is operating systems. UNIX, OS /2, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows Me, Microsoft Windows XP.

Network OS associated with the advent of local and global networks and are designed to provide access to all computer network resources, such as operating systems Novell Net, Microsoft Windows NT, UNIX, IBM LAN.

Depending on the number of simultaneously processed tasks and the number of users,that can serve the OS, there are four main classes of OS:

Single user single task: support one keyboard and can only work with one (at the moment) task;

Single user single task with background printing, which allow, in addition to the main task, to run one additional one, focused on printing information. This speeds up the work when issuing large amounts of information for printing;



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single user multitasking, which provide one user with parallel processing of several tasks;

multi-user multi-taskingallow several users to run multiple tasks on the same computer. These operating systems are very complex and require significant machine resources.

To be complete, an OS must contain at least the following main components.

file system.

Drivers for external devices.

Command language processor.

One of the primary tasks of the operating system is toread disk drive management and access to it. It is no coincidence that early PC operating systems contained the abbreviation DOS (Disk Operating System ) in their name. For this, the file system is used. Any application program has access to the file system, for which all programming languages ​​have special procedures. For a PC, the file system is, to a certain extent, the basis of system software.

Support for a wide range of external devices is one of the most important functions of the OS.

In modern operating systems, there is an intermediate level between application programs and hardware, a kind of buffer called API (application programming interface) application programming interface). API gives the programmer the ability to call certain procedures general purpose that access specific hardware resources. As new equipment becomes available, it is updated and API , however, this may not be enough.

Correct work with the hardware is provided by drivers. Drivers programs that expand the capabilities of the OS to manage input / output devices, RAM, etc. With the help of drivers, it is possible to connect new peripheral devices or non-standard equipment to the computer. Each type of external device has its own driver. Standard device drivers form a set of basic input / output system (BIOS), which is often stored in the ROM of the PC system unit.

Every OS has a command language that allows you to perform certain actions accessing a directory, launching application programs, etc. The analysis and execution of user commands is carried out by the OS command processor.



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To communicate with the OS, a shell is often used this is what the user sees on the monitor screen when working with the system.In essence, this is a kind of application program that is loaded on top of the OS and implements a command language that serves to provide user access to system functions. The shell is just a kind of utility for entering information that provides convenient access to the operating system, but it is not part of the OS.

File management and job scheduling programsthese are ready-to-execute programs (files): utilities, programming systems, tool systems, integrated software packages, computer graphics systems, database management systems (DB), application packages and programs.

Communication programsprograms designed to organize the exchange of information between computers.

Testing, control and diagnostic programsare used to check the correct functioning of computer devices and to detect malfunctions during operation, indicate the cause and location of the malfunction.

Memory management programsprovide more flexible use of OP computers.

Print programsoutput information to the printer.

Service programs.

Other set of programs official . This is the aggregate software products, providing the user with additional services in working with a computer and expanding the capabilities of operating systems.These are various utility programs used during the operation or maintenance of a computer - editors, debuggers, diagnostic programs, archivers, anti-virus programs and other auxiliary programs. These programs make it easier for the user to interact with the computer. They are adjoined by programs that ensure the operation of computers on the network. They implement network protocols for the exchange of information between machines, work with distributed databases, teleprocessing of information.



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Under maintenance programsrefers to a set of software and hardware tools for diagnosing and detecting errors in the operation of a computer or a computing system as a whole.They include diagnostic tools and test control of the correct operation of the PC and its individual parts,as well as special programs for diagnostics and control of the computing environment, which automatically check the system's performance. These programs are used to test the performance, adjustment and technical operation of computer equipment by the personnel who serve it. The results of the work of such programs are displayed in a visual form and can be useful to a user with a qualification not lower than a computer operator.

Utilities auxiliary programs, they expand and complement the corresponding capabilities of the operating system (OS)mainly for the maintenance of disks and the computer file system.

packers programs that allow you to write information on diskettes in a denser form, that is, create smaller copies of files, as well as combine several files into one (archive).

Antivirus programsprograms designed to prevent infection with computer viruses and eliminate the consequences of infection.Antivirus protection softwareprovide diagnostics (detection) and treatment (neutralization) of viruses. The term "virus" refers to a program that can multiply, infiltrating other programs, while performing various undesirable actions.

Application softwaredirectly aimed at solving professional problems, reducing labor intensity and increasing the efficiency of the user in various areas of human activity. These programs allow you to almost completely automate the tasks solved by the user. The programs of this group are very diverse: from simple word processing programs to powerful publishing systems; from solving simple computational problems to powerful professional systems of mathematical calculations, accounting programs.

Currently, hundreds of thousands of different application programs have been developed and are being used for various applications. The most widely used programs are:



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  • preparation of texts (documents) on a computer text editors;
  • preparation of documents of typographical quality publishing systems;
  • creating and editing images graphic editors;
  • tabular data processing spreadsheets;
  • processing of information arrays database management systems;

Text editorsand publishing systems provide the ability to prepare documents on a computer. Text editors (NotePad - developed by Microsoft) are capable of performing basic editing functions: typing, making corrections, saving, working with fragments. Word processors (Microsoft Word, - developed by Microsoft), in addition, have the possibility of a variety of design, and some allow you to create documents that are intended to be viewed not on paper, but on a computer ( electronic documents). Publishing systems automate the process of layout of printing publications. Publishing systems are distinguished by advanced controls for the interaction of text with page settings and graphic objects, but have weaker capabilities for automating text entry and editing. It is advisable to apply them to documents that are pre-processed in word processors and graphic editors.

Spreadsheetsprovide work with large tables of numbers.Main purpose spreadsheets- processing of various types of data presented in tabular form, for example, planning and financial, accounting documents, small engineering calculations. The main advantage of spreadsheets, compared to word processors (where tables can also be maintained, small calculations and sorting can be done), is that the content of some cells can automatically change in accordance with the change in the content of others, in other words, formulas can be stored in the cells. In addition, spreadsheet editors have the ability to maintain small databases and visualize data in the form of various tables, charts and graphs, i.e. spreadsheet tools, tabular calculation tools are supported by the ability to create visual reports. They are widely used in accounting, analysis of financial and trade markets, means of processing the results of scientific and economic experiments, i.e. in automating regularly repeated calculations of large amounts of numerical and textual data representing tabular structures. The most popular spreadsheet editors are Lotus1-2-3 Quatto Pro, Microsoft Excel, Super Calc, etc.



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Database management systems(DBMS) allow you to work with large amounts of structured data - databases (as a rule, these are tabular structures). The functions of the DBMS include: description of data, access to data, search, selection of data according to certain criteria. Most modern DBMS allow you to create small data processing programs in built-in languages, have design features that allow you to create a report based on the collected and processed data. Even low-skilled users can easily work with such DBMS, since all actions in them are carried out using menus and other interactive tools. However, it is often necessary to solve problems in which many various kinds objects and, accordingly, many information arrays connected with each other by various relationships. In such cases, it is necessary to create specialized Information Systems, in which the necessary data processing is performed in the most natural way for users with a convenient presentation of input data, output forms, graphs and charts, search queries, etc. To solve such problems, more complex DBMS are used, which allow using special tools (usually programming languages) to describe data and actions with them. An example program of this class is Microsoft Access.

Graphic editorallow you to create and edit pictures on your computer screen. These include raster and vector graphics editors, 3D graphics processing programs (Z D - editors). Bitmap editors use bitmaps to represent images, i.e. a collection of dots that have their own color and brightness. It is convenient to process photos and objects with soft color transitions in them. The basis of the vector representation is the line (its equation). Vector editors are convenient for working with drawings and hand-drawn pictures. Three-dimensional graphics editors are used to create spatial graphic compositions, allow you to trace the interaction of three-dimensional objects with each other and three-dimensional objects with a light source.As a rule, the user is given the opportunity to draw lines, curves, color areas of the screen, create inscriptions in various fonts, etc. Most editors allow you to process images obtained using scanners, as well as display the resulting images in such a way that they can be included in a document prepared using text editor or publishing system. Some editors provide the ability to obtain images of three-dimensional objects, convert raster images to vector format, professional tools color processing, etc..



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Solution softwareapplied mathematical(statistical) problems allow you to perform mathematical calculations: solving equations and systems of equations, etc., some packages allow you to perform analytical (symbolic) calculations: differentiation, integration, etc. Some of them allow you to display graphs of functions (given in tabular or analytical form), surface level lines, scatterplots, etc.. K this species Software includes programs such as matcad, matlab.

Separate programs, being a powerful tool for solving a range of applied problems, cannot fully satisfy the user. For example, it can be convenient to process a data sample provided by a DBMS using spreadsheets; the results, presented in the form of visual tables, can be placed in a report, which is a text document; which was compiled in a word processor. For the joint work of several programs, the unification of the formats of the processed files is also required. Such software packages are calledintegrated software tools . The most common product of this class is the package MS office. Integrated systems combine the capabilities of a database management system, a spreadsheet, a text editor, a business graphics system, and sometimes other capabilities.

translators usually work resident, i.e. in any text foreign language you can select the fragment to be translated and after pressing a certain key combination a window with the translation is presented or possible options word translation.

Games very common, they are created great amount. Among them, the following typical scenarios can be distinguished: proactive games (for mastery), gambling, strategies, logic games, educational games.

Entertainment applications that allow you to view slides, listen to sound files, video files.

The solution of narrower tasks, as well as tasks of a professional nature in various subject areas, is handled by special-purpose application software, which includes: information systems, expert systems, computer-aided design systems, etc.



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Information Systems(IS), provide ample opportunities in:

Enterprise management is a warehouse, office workflow;

Accounting - these are systems that have the functions of text, spreadsheet editors and DBMS. Designed to automate the preparation of initial accounting documents, enterprises and their accounting, regular reports on the results of production, economic and financial activities in a form acceptable to tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds and statistical accounting authorities;

Analysis of economic and financial activities; they are used in banking and exchange structures. They allow you to control and predict the situation on the financial, trading markets and commodity markets, analyze current events, prepare reports.

Expert systemsrepresent further development systems, database management. They are designed to analyze data stored in knowledge bases. Unlike DBMS, which allow data manipulation operations, expert systems perform logical data analysis and have self-learning functions.

Computer-Aided Design Systemsallow drawing and designing various mechanisms using a computer, they are used in mechanical engineering, construction, architecture. They allow you to create drawing documentation adapted to a specific subject area, and also have reference books, calculation tools. Widespread programs such as AutoCAD, ArchCaAD, etc.



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5.2 maintenance and repair of computer systems

Unstable operation of the computer can happen due to malfunctioning coolers. The second reason for a malfunction of the computer is the breakdown of the power supply. A malfunction of the power supply can manifest itself as visible and hidden. With a visible malfunction of the unit, the computer does not show any signs of operability when turned on, the coolers do not work and the LEDs do not shine. With a hidden malfunction of the unit, unstable computer operation, sudden system freezes, spontaneous reboots, and errors during operation are observed. The power supply is the most loaded part of the computer and, in addition, is subjected to additional influences due to network instability in the form of natural voltage surges and natural ones during a thunderstorm. Therefore, it is recommended to turn off the computer and turn off the power during a thunderstorm. You can work on a laptop during a thunderstorm provided it is powered by a battery and connected to the Internet via Wi - Fi .

A malfunction of the RAM memory leads to unstable operation of the computer. Even positive results of testing by special programs cannot 100% guarantee that the memory is working, and the only way to verify the reliability is to replace the memory bar with a known good one. If there is more than one bar, then taking out one at a time, you can thus perform a check. If there are no failures, then the removed memory bar is to blame.

There are cases of unstable operation of the computer hard drive (hard drive). But, as a rule, if the hard drive malfunctions, even before the systems start loading, an error message is displayed about reading from the disk. Sometimes the hard drive starts making sounds. If the system boots and there is a suspicion of a hard drive malfunction, then you need to test it for bad sectors and set a ban on writing to these sectors. After a while, check again if new bad sectors appear, then the hard drive will have to be replaced.There are programs that allow you to physically make a copy of the hard drive installed in your computer to a new one, of any capacity. Then you do not have to spend time reinstalling programs and drivers.



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2 66

5.3 application of computer equipment repair skills

The most complex and responsible work of an employee of the maintenance department is the repair and maintenance of computers, so we will consider in detail the search and elimination of their malfunctions.

Computer breakdowns are usually divided into two groups: hardware-related and software-related. The first step is to determine which group of faults each specific case belongs to.

Hardware-related problems usually manifest themselves even before the operating system loads. Some of them can be detected using the so-called POST messages. The process of loading a computer begins with self-diagnosis, during which breakdowns are searched for hardware. After that, special messages are sent to the user that indicate the health or malfunction of computer components. The decoding of these messages can be found in the motherboard manuals or on the manufacturer's website. BIOS . Table 1, are given for example POST popular BIOS AwardBIOS, which sends its messages as beeps.

Table 1 - AwardBIOS beeps

One short beep

Successful POST testing

Single signal with no picture

Video card failure

One long and one short beep

RAM problems

One long and two short

Incorrect monitor connection or video card malfunction

One long and three short beeps

Keyboard testing error, controller malfunction

One long and many short beeps

Non-alternative BIOS corruption option

Two short

CMOS settings failure, or some non-critical error

Three long

Motherboard failure

Permanent long

Incorrect connection or memory failure, or mismatch with the motherboard

Permanent short

Power supply is defective

The complete absence of any signals

Power supply is defective



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It should be noted that in modern motherboards it is possible to output POST messages to the LED indicators built into the board.

After receiving the corresponding signal, it is necessary to replace the defective part.

However, you should not rely entirely on the computer's self-diagnostic capabilities, as they only allow you to highlight critical errors in the equipment. It is impossible to isolate such malfunctions as, for example, a violation of the heat sink of the processor or video card.

After the computer passes self-diagnosis, the operating system starts loading. At this stage, most often, either a damaged hard drive or a damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boot disk makes itself felt. The computer screen usually displays an inscription about the impossibility of booting from the hard disk. In this case, it is necessary to check the hard drive with the appropriate software. If the tests pass successfully, you must either reinstall or try to restore the computer's operating system.

After loading the operating system, software-related errors most often manifest themselves. Their range is so large that it requires consideration in each individual case.

Consider the symptoms of hardware problems that manifest themselves after the operating system has started.

If artifacts appear or the image disappears, then this indicates errors associated with the video subsystem. In some cases, reinstalling the video card drivers can help, in others it may indicate, for example, damage to the video memory or graphics processor.

If file reading errors are observed, then this undoubtedly indicates a malfunction of the data storage system.



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Errors that appear during the execution of the program sometimes indicate a malfunction of the RAM. It is recommended to check it with the appropriate software.

If the computer spontaneously restarts or freezes under the load of calculations, this may indicate a malfunction of either the central processor or its cooling. However, it should not be overlooked that errors this kind may appear due to a malfunction, or insufficient power supply.

An important part of the operation of the computer is its prevention in order to maintain health and speed.

Prevention is better to start with an external examination of the computer. Make sure that the computer case is not damaged or dented. Next, remove the housing cover and remove dust. This can be done either manually, for example, using a brush, or using a special installation. A similar installation is shown in Figure 3. It is successfully used in the maintenance department of the ITC.



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The installation consists of a hood, a semi-closed box and two vacuum cleaners. It is recommended to remove as many components as possible, in this case, the cleaning can go better. The first step is to suck up the dust, and blow out the rest. After this treatment, you can wipe the case with a dry cloth.



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She did an internship at an educational institution ZabGK them. M.I. Agoshkova

At the beginning of the industrial practice, she got acquainted with the activities of the college and its employees. Received a safety briefing. During the practice, she mainly worked with the replacement of parts and the installation of programs.

During my internship I gained experience in PC repair. I consolidated and improved my knowledge while working with programs. Performed tasks: reinstalling the OS, replacing the components of the system unit, as well as replacing and repairing external devices. Work at the enterprise gave practical skills of a programmer technician. I really enjoyed working in a close-knit team. This practice is very useful for further study and work, as a lot of skills, knowledge and skills have been obtained.

Thus, Internship is a test of the knowledge gained during the training, and the opportunity to learn a lot about your profession.



Document No.




PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes


Braude, E. D. Software development technology / E. D. Braude. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 260s.

Gagarina, L.G. Software development technology / L.G. Gagarina, E.V. Kokoreva, B.D. Visnadul; edited by Professor L. G. Gagarina. M.: - FORUM, 2011. - 315s.

Gagarina, L.G. Development and operation of automated information systems: textbook. allowance / L.G. Gagarina, D.V. Kiselev, E.L. Fedotova; ed. prof. L.G. Gagarina. - M.: ID Forum: Infra - M, 2013. - 384 p.

GOST 34.602-89 Technical task to create an automated system.

GOST 19.201-78 Terms of reference. Requirements for content and design.

Leonenkov, A. V. Self-tutor UML / A.V. Leonenkov. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2010.-304p.

McConnell, S. Perfect Code / S. McConnell. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010.- 896s.

Olifer, V.G. Computer networks. Principles, technologies, protocols / V.G. Olifer, N.A. Olifer. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. - 960s.

Popov, I.I. Computer networks: Textbook for students of institutions of secondary vocational education / I.I. Popov, N.V. Maksimov - M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2011. - 448s.

Homonenko, A.D. Databases: textbook for higher educational institutions/ ed. HELL. Homonenko. - St. Petersburg: Korona-Vek, 2010. - 416 p. Popov, I.I. Computer networks: a textbook for students of institutions of secondary vocational education / I.I. Popov, N.V. Maksimov - M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2013. - 516 p.

Olifer VG, Computer networks. Principles, technologies, protocols / V.G. Olifer, N.A. Olifer. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. - 685s.

Gagarina, L.G., Development and operation of automated information systems: textbook. allowance / L.G. Gagarina, D.V. Kiselev, E.L. Fedotov: ed. prof. L.G. Gagarina. - M.: ID Forum: Infra - M, 2010. - 384 p.

Homonenko, A.D. Databases: a textbook for higher educational institutions / A.D. Homonenko, V.M. Tsygankov, M.G. Maltsev: ed. HELL. Homonenko. - St. Petersburg: Korona-Vek, 2010. - 416 p.

Additional sources:

Basakov, M.I. Certification of products and services with the basics of standardization and metrology / M.I. Basakov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013. - 256s.

Blagodatskikh, V. A. Standardization of software development / V. A. Blagodatskikh, V. A. Volnin, K. F. Poskakalov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2012. - 288s.

Practical guide for smart users and novice developers / A. Bondar. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2011. - 592s



Document No.




PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes

computer Borri, H. Firebird : database developer's guide / H. Borri. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2013.- 1104 p.

Vendrov, A.M. Designing software for economic information systems / A.M. Vendrov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2014. - 180s.

Grekul V.I. Design of information systems. http://www.intuit.ru

Hooke, M. Hardware local networks: Encyclopedia / M. Guk - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 576s.

Kovyazin, S. Mir InterBase / S. Kovyazin, S. Vostrikov. - M.: KUDITS - IMAGE, 2013. - 496 p.

Lavrovich, V., Kostyuchenko, A. Consumer Rights Protection Standards // Standardization. - 2011.- No. 5.- C.45-47

Lipaev, V. Selection and evaluation of software quality characteristics. Methods and standards / V. Lipaev. - M.: Sinteg, 2012. - 228s.

Olifer, V.G. Fundamentals of data transmission networks: a course of lectures / V.G. Olifer, N.A. Olifer. - Internet University of Information Technologies - INTUIT.RU, 2012.

Sorokin, A.V. Delphi . Database development / A.V. Sorokin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 2011. - 477p.

Bondar, A. InterBase and Firebird. A practical guide for smart users and novice developers / A. Bondar. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2011. - 592 p.

Borri, H. Firebird : a database developer's guide / H. Bori. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2012.- 1104p.

Vendrov, A.M. Design of software for economic information systems / A.M. Vendrov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2012. - 180s.

Kovyazin, S. Mir InterBase . Architecture, administration and development of database applications in InterBase/Firebird/Yaffil / S. Kovyazin, S. Vostrikov. - M.: KUDITS - IMAGE, 2013. - 496 p.

Informational resources:

Magazine sites


Access mode: http://jurnal-programmist.at.tut.by/

open systems

Access mode: http://www.osp.ru

educational sites

1. Internet University Information technologies Access mode: http://www.intuit.ru


1. Information and communication technologies in education Access mode: http://www.ict.edu.ru



Document No.




PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes


Structure of ZabGK



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PP.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes

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To maintain the 1C: Library computer system in good condition, it is necessary to carry out activities in accordance with the typical system for the maintenance and repair of SVT, taking into account the features of the operation of hardware and software. Namely.

In order for the computer to work in a normal working condition, it is necessary to carry out a number of preventive measures:

Hardware prevention

During the follow-up inspections (KO), it is necessary to check the integrity of the system components and the absence of visible damage.

During the daily maintenance (DTO), you need to inspect the devices, run a quick readiness test, and clean the PC from debris, lubricate, adjust, etc.

During the semi-annual - annual maintenance (SRT) you need to do:

disassembly, cleaning and lubrication of all mechanical components of external devices with their simultaneous adjustment or replacement of parts. In addition, the cables and power busbars are inspected.

Troubleshooting during preventive control should be carried out in stages:

  • -analysis of the nature of faults according to the current state of the computer;
  • - control of environmental parameters and measures to eliminate their deviations;
  • -localization of the error and determination of the location of the malfunction with the help of hardware and software of the SVT and with the help of additional equipment;
  • -trouble-shooting;
  • -resuming the solution of the problem.

In the static mode, the control values ​​of voltages and clock frequencies remain constant throughout the entire cycle of preventive control, and in the dynamic mode, their periodic change is provided. Thus, due to the creation of heavy operating modes of the SVT, it is possible to identify elements that are critical in terms of reliability.

Service to carry out.

Perform periodic maintenance at intervals and to the extent specified in the operational documentation.

Maintenance with periodic monitoring shall be carried out with the frequency of monitoring the technical condition of the SVT and the necessary set of technological operations, depending on the technical condition of the SVT, established in the technological documentation.

Perform maintenance with continuous monitoring in accordance with the operational documentation for the SVT or technological documentation according to the results of constant monitoring of the technical condition of the SVT.

When maintaining on a technical condition, the performance of maintenance work is unscheduled and is performed as necessary based on the state of the object (test results), which corresponds to maintenance with continuous monitoring or maintenance with periodic monitoring.

Unscheduled preventive maintenance includes extraordinary preventive maintenance, appointed mainly after the elimination of serious malfunctions of the computer. The scope of preventive measures is determined by the nature of the malfunction and e? possible consequences.

Restoration of the system performance should be carried out according to the results of testing and control, as well as in accordance with the technical condition and established overhaul periods

Types of repair of SVT are divided into:


Current repairs must be carried out to restore the efficiency of the SVT without the use of stationary means of technological equipment at the place of operation of the SVT. During the current repair, the CVT is monitored for operation using appropriate verification tools.

Medium repairs should be carried out to restore the operability of the SVT, or components of the SVT using specialized stationary technological equipment. During a medium repair, the technical condition of individual components of the SVT is checked with the elimination of detected malfunctions and bringing the parameters to the prescribed standards.

Overhaul should be carried out to restore the operability and resource of the SVT by replacing or repairing the components of the SVT, including the basic ones, using specialized stationary means of technological equipment in stationary conditions.

Medium and overhauls of SVT or their components are, as a rule, scheduled and are carried out on products for which overhaul resources are determined and (or) the service life (resource) is limited.

Prevention is an effective means of maintaining SVT in working condition.

Prevention is the basis for the normal functioning of any system: from complex computer technology to a bicycle wheel. Perhaps even schoolchildren know about the need for regular preventive measures. But not every user understands how important prevention is to maintain normal performance and extend the life of the computer.

What threatens computer equipment with the lack of timely and proper care? At a minimum, the loss of a significant share of efficiency. Namely - a decrease in productivity and speed of the software. And the banal overheating of the hardware of the computer system. Moreover, the lack of regular maintenance leads to the fact that dust and household contaminants accumulate inside the case of the system unit, which can cause a short circuit. And this is already a very real threat not only for the normal functioning of computer equipment, but also for the further preservation of its performance.

Prevention measures: what help the computer needs.

With prof. work to carry out:

elimination of contaminants inside the case of the system unit, as well as regular replacement of thermal protective pastes and lubrication of parts and assemblies that need such processing;

prevention of problems in the software part of PC equipment;

anti-virus prevention aimed at eliminating any sources of danger that threaten the security of the computer.

software prevention, The best way avoid regular system reinstallation

Hardware prevention

To determine the frequency of preventive measures aimed at maintaining the normal performance of the computer, it is necessary to take into account the workload of a particular machine. For example, office equipment* that is used intensively on a daily basis requires regular preventive maintenance of the software part. It must be done at least once a month.

For the hardware part, the frequency of prophylaxis is determined based on the presence of risk factors. So, in a service station or in a parking lot, the level of atmospheric pollution will be clearly higher than in an office. And this means that dust and dirt will accumulate inside the case of the system unit quite intensively, requiring elimination at least once a month.

During the hot periods of the year, preventive maintenance of computer equipment should be carried out more often, because the high-temperature regime adversely affects the state of lubricants and other technical fluids used to protect equipment inside the case.

Independent prevention of computer equipment.

What is included in the list of preventive measures necessary to ensure the normal operation of a home or office PC?

Antivirus prevention.

We are accustomed to relying on regular anti-virus programs for this type of preventive measures, being sure that a mandatory weekly scan will save you from danger. In fact, in the case of data protection, it is better not to expose yourself to additional risk.

An important point: in some anti-virus programs (especially in free or shareware versions), the databases are updated manually. Missing this moment, you create conditions for the device to be infected by viruses and make it vulnerable to other sources of potential danger.

Do not forget about a full check of all installed programs, as well as the need to check removable media installed on the device - external hard drives, flash drives, etc.

Software prevention.

Preventive maintenance of your PC's software is the best way to avoid having to reinstall your system on a regular basis. After all, the accumulated system "garbage" is dangerous for a computer no less than a layer of dust on boards and body parts.

What kind of "garbage" needs to be removed? At a minimum, the one that remains after uninstalling programs or completing work with documents. Many applications, even after uninstallation, leave their "trace" in the system in the form of empty folders, residual files, incorrect code. And the processor in the course of work loses time processing data that, in fact, is of no value. And this significantly affects the speed of its work. And it can cause overloads that disrupt the system.

There are two ways to delete unnecessary data from the computer's memory:

use of standard system components - the control panel and the module for removing and installing programs;

the use of third-party utilities designed to clean the data registry (CCleaner, Clean Master, etc.), the regular use of which will ensure that the processor speeds up and prevents it from overheating.

Another important point in the prevention of PC hardware is the timely defragmentation of the HDD (hard drive). What is it for? In fact, everything is simple: in the course of work, clusters - hard disk memory cells, lose their order, turning into a disparate mass and forming confusion in these programs. As a result, in order to search for the necessary information, the computer has to use the maximum of its resources, working at the limit of its capabilities.

Defragmentation is designed to save the situation, which consists in organizing these programs on the hard drive. Running defragmentation allows you to sort the memory clusters in the right order, makes it possible to significantly speed up and improve the performance of programs and applications.

Hardware prevention.

This type of prevention includes such measures as mechanical cleaning of the inside of the system unit case from contamination and replacement of lubricants and protective materials and liquids.

Most of the system failures and failures are the result of overheating of the system elements. There can be many reasons for violation of thermoregulation: from incorrect operation of the cooling system to an increase in atmospheric temperatures. But the main risk factor in this case is the most common dust that accumulates inside the case, disrupting the computer and causing it to overheat.

Accumulating on the surface of parts of the cooling system - fans, radiators, dust interferes with their normal operation, slowing down air exchange. And getting on the motherboards, a dusty coating, which has excellent conductive performance, leads to a short circuit that threatens to disrupt the operation of the entire system.

Prevention in this case comes down to dismantling the case cover, fans and main PC components - HDD, video card and other attachments from the motherboard, and removing dirt and dust using improvised means (vacuum cleaner, special wipes, etc.).

Another important step in ensuring the normal operation of the computer is to replace the thermal paste on the radiator, which is involved in cooling the processor during operation. To begin with, you should remove the already existing layer of thermal paste with a paper towel, and then apply a new one in its place - in an even thin layer.

Dismantled elements also require processing - it makes sense to purchase special brushes or brushes to clean them, but you can get by with ordinary cotton swabs.

The internal space of the case and the components remaining in it are cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner. Upon completion of this procedure, you can begin assembling the PC by installing the dismantled parts in place.

GBPOU RM "Saransk Electromechanical College"


ByMDK 03. 01. Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes

for compulsory examination

fourth-year students of the specialty

230113 Computer systems and complexes


Explanatory note.

These control tasks are intended to check the level of preparation for MDK.03.01 "Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes" of fourth-year students for the period of a half-semester study of this discipline. These control tasks correspond to the material studied by students during this period, they cover almost all the material that will subsequently be needed when studying further subjects.

The following topics are covered in the control tasks:

    "Fundamentals of portable PCs".

    Notebook PC internals.

    "External devices of a portable PC".

    "Installation and modernization of the main components of the PC"

After carrying out this work, appropriate conclusions are made about the level of students' preparation, the possibility of further successful study of the subject, attention is drawn to typical mistakes made by students for deeper repetition of specific topics with individual students or with the group as a whole.

Control work is presented in 3 versions.

45 minutes are allotted for the examination.

Criteria for assessing the mandatory control work.

Compulsory test is one of the forms of knowledge control in the subject "Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes" for fourth-year students. Content and scope educational material, according to which the control of knowledge and skills of students is carried out, is determined by the work program and the calendar-thematic plan according to MDK.03.01 "Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes".

The mandatory control includes 9 tasks on the topics covered, which the student must master.

Mandatory control work is evaluated on a five-point system:

Rating "5":

The correctness of the performance of all tasks, the answers to the questions posed are fully stated.

Rating "4":

The material is correctly disclosed, the material is completed by 80%

Rating "3":

Completion of the material by 60%, possession of the material within the program course.

Rating "2":

The gaps in the knowledge of the main educational material are shown; numerous inaccuracies were made in the answer.

Option 1

1. What is the function of the laptop external power supply?

A. Converting the AC voltage of an industrial power supply to DC voltage to power the computer and recharge its battery.

B. Converting the DC voltage of an industrial power supply to AC voltage to power the computer and recharge its battery.

C. Charging the battery from an industrial power supply network.

D. Increasing the voltage of an industrial power supply to the level required to power a laptop computer.

2. What part of the operating system's socket service provides drivers for a hot-plugged PC Card in a laptop's PCMCIA slot?

A. Card Services.

B. Autodetect.

C. Bank of drivers.

D. Generic PnP mechanism

3. What is the maximum distance from the access point that the 802.11b wireless network adapter can operate stably?

A. No more than 500 feet.

B. No more than 110 feet.

C. One mile.

D. Up to five miles

4. Which power-saving mode provides the greatest savings in power consumption while allowing full restoration of the working session state?

A. Hibernate mode.

B. Suspend mode.

C. Standby mode.

D. Shutdown.

5. You have installed 1 GB of RAM in a client's laptop. Some time later, this client complains that the system shows only 700 MB of memory. How do you explain this difference to the client?

A. Some of his staff may have removed one of the memory modules.

B. One of the memory modules must have failed.

C. To improve performance, the computer uses BIOS shadowing, so the difference in memory is used to copy the BIOS into it.

D. In laptops, part of the RAM is used as video memory, and in this case, the "missing" memory is used in this capacity.

6. What is a fuel cell? What is it for?

7.Determination of the docking station.

8. In what areas are developers looking for new solutions to increase the life of a personal computer?

9. What do you need to operate a personal computer over a wireless network?

10. When would you normally consider updating the system BIOS?

A. When nothing is displayed on the screen when the computer is turned on.

B. When upgrading the microprocessor.

C. When the CMOS BIOS password is lost.

D. When the CMOS BIOS backup battery runs out.

11. Which of the following potential errors is the least likely to occur when installing RAM modules?

12 You need to expand the memory on one of the graphic design studio's computers to improve its performance when working with graphic files, which are usually very large. Where can I find out what type of RAM can be used to update the system?

13. What is the name of the period of low voltage, lasting from several minutes to several hours?

A. Sag.

B. Long failure (brownout).

C. Long-term surge (surge).

D. Short-term surge (spike).

14. What is the name of the device for protecting computer equipment from fluctuations and interruptions in the AC power supply?

15. Which device cannot be connected to an uninterruptible power supply?

Option 2

1. _____________ is a redefined and improved 32-bit version of the PC Card standard, the main purpose of which is to increase the frequency of the PCMCIA bus to support higher performance devices and provide support for 32-bit memory and I/O data.

C. PCbus.

D. IEEE bus.

2. Which of the following procedures for providing the required drivers by Card Services for a hot-installed PCMCIA card in a laptop computer running a Windows 2000 operating system is not valid?

A. Installing a card launches the Windows 2000 Card Wizard, which provides the user with step by step instructions for installing drivers.

B. The operating system recognizes the card and has the required driver for it, but needs a reboot to install it.

C. The operating system does not recognize the installed card, which in this case requires the installation of an external driver.

D. The Windows operating system immediately recognizes the card and installs the required driver for it without rebooting the system.

3. What type of electrical voltage is required to power the laptop LCD panel?

A. 100 Hz AC voltage.

B. Low DC voltage.

C. Low AC voltage.

D. 100 GHz DC voltage.

4. An employee in your company asks for your advice on configuring his laptop to enable hibernation. What sequence of commands/dialog boxes can be used for this purpose in Windows XP?

A. Start | Programs | System tools | Power Options | hibernation.

b. Start | Setting | Control panel | Power supply | Sleep tab | Check box Enable hibernation.

C. Start | Setting | Control panel | Power supply | Advanced tab | Check box Enable hibernation.

D. Start | Setting | Power supply | Sleep tab | Check box Enable hibernation.

5. What happens if you press the + key combination on a Windows XP computer?

A. Windows logo will not be displayed when booting Windows.

B. Minimizes all open windows, including the desktop, and displays the login window.

C. The network login window is displayed.

D. The keyboard will be locked.

6.What is a port repeater and its purpose of work?

7. Modes of power consumption.

8. List laptop power sources

9.What ports are on the laptop case? What devices can be connected to a personal computer?

10. Which of the following potential errors is the least likely to occur when installing RAM modules?

A. Installation of two modules of different sizes.

B. Installing one module with tin-plated contacts and the other with gold-plated contacts.

C. Installing two modules with different bus frequencies.

D. Inserting the DIMM into the SIMM slot.

11. What is used to install or replace the microprocessor?

A. BIOS chip.

B. HSF system.

C. ZIF connector.

D. Operating system.

12.Your friends have asked you to find out the cause of a problem with their computer. They attempted to upgrade it with a new microprocessor following instructions from a book like Upgrading a Computer System for Dummies. The system does not show any signs of life, except that when the power is turned on, the power indicator light on the front panel lights up. When you open the system unit, you find that the heatsink-fan assembly just sits on top of the microprocessor, not attached in any way. In addition, the CPU lock lever in the socket is in the up position. What is your action in this situation?

13. What is the name of the period of low voltage, lasting a very short time, on the order of fractions of a second?

A. Long-term surge (surge).

B. Short-term surge (spike).

C. Sag.

D. Long failure (brownout).

14. What is the name of the device for protecting a computer from minor surges in AC voltage?

15. What is the difference between the effect of electrostatic discharge and the effect of electromagnetic interference?

A. Electrostatic discharge does not damage equipment, and electromagnetic interference can cause serious damage to equipment.

B. Electromagnetic interference does not damage equipment, and electrostatic discharge can seriously damage equipment.

C. Electromagnetic interference enhances system performance, and electrostatic discharge can cause serious damage to equipment.

D. Electrostatic discharge improves system performance, and electromagnetic interference can cause serious damage to equipment.

Option 3.

1.What are the two levels of support for PCMCIA slots by the operating system?

A. At the socket level (universal support for all PCMCIA devices).

B. At the level of cards (specific drivers to support the functionality of a particular installed card).

C. At the Device Manager level (the version of Device Manager that supports PC Cards).

D. At the BIOS level (Built-in BIOS support for PC Cards).

2. In situations where you have to run your laptop on battery only, you want to limit power consumption. One of the measures taken to do this is to disable the loading of drivers for PC Cards by the Windows operating system, which saves time when booting the computer. How can I disable PC Card support in Windows?

A. Open Device Manager and expand the PCMCIA Adapters node. Then select the PC Card controller and open its properties dialog by double-clicking on the controller. In the properties window, select the General tab and in the Device usage drop-down list at the bottom of the window, select the This device is not in use (disabled) option.

B. Run the Add Hardware Wizard from the Control Panel, double-click on the PC Card Controller item and in the properties window that opens, select the Disable in this hardware profile check box.

C. Run the Add/Remove Programs Wizard from the Control Panel, double-click on the PC Card Controller item and in the properties window that opens, select the Disable in this hardware profile check box.

D. In the MMC console, expand the System node, select the PC Card Controller element in it, and select the Disable in this hardware profile check box.

3. What RAM modules are usually installed in portable computers?



C. PCMCIA modules.

D. SD modules.

4. Which PCMCIA slot can accept all types of PC Cards?

C. Type III.

5. What is the main difference between desktop and laptop computers? (Select all correct answers.)

A. Thermal characteristics of the system.

B. Level of electricity consumption.

C. The operating frequency of the processor.


6. In what year and what company developed the PCMCIA interface for expanding RAM?

7. Year of manufacture of the touch screen and technology of operation.

8. What are the symptoms that indicate that the installed memory of one type, but not recommended by the manufacturer, stops working?

9. What processors are used in portable computers?

10. How to properly apply thermal paste between the microprocessor and the heatsink?

A. Thin even layer.

B. Thick even layer.

C. Along the edges of the heat sink.

D. Along the edges of the microprocessor heat spreader.

11. What is the most important aspect when choosing memory to expand the computer's installed memory?

A. Type and speed of memory already installed.

B. Microprocessor speed.

C. Computer front bus frequency.

D. Maximum supported memory.

12. Your company sends you to install some computers in an enterprise located in a region with a dry and hot climate. It is very hot and dry here in summer, and dust storms are frequent in spring and winter. How to set up computers in such circumstances?

13. What conditions are most favorable for the occurrence of an electrostatic discharge?

A. Working on rubber mats.

B. Application of instrumentation.

C. Low relative humidity environment.

D. Too close to a live power source.

14. What is the name of the phenomenon of gradual deterioration electrical contact between

integrated circuit and its socket due to the partial exit of the microcircuit from

A. Rust.

B. Degradation.

C. Creeping loss of contact.

Option 1

6. Fuel cells are a new energy source for portable computers. In them, electricity is generated as a result of electrochemical reactions between fuel and oxidizer. Hydrogen is used as fuel. The oxidizing agent is usually oxygen, but it can also be chlorine. The by-products of the reaction between fuel and oxidizer are water vapor and heat.

7. A docking station, or docking port, is a special device into which

you can insert a laptop to expand its functionality. Notebook PC inserted into the docking station may

work with various stationary devices.

8. To extend the life of a laptop computer, developers are looking for new opportunities in the following areas: developing better batteries; improvement of energy-saving characteristics of devices; improving energy management practices.

9.Wireless network adapter, connection drivers and access point.

Option 2.

Port Repeater - These devices contain common PC ports, such as parallel and serial, that are made available to a laptop when this device is connected to it. The purpose of these devices is to allow the user to connect standard, non-portable devices such as monitors, printers, full-size keyboards, mice, and speakers to a laptop computer.

7. Power modes:

Standby mode, which turns off certain computer components, such as the hard drive and monitor, until some system event occurs, such as a key press or mouse movement.

Suspend mode cuts off power to all system components except for memory.

In sleep mode, or hibernation (hibernate), the contents of memory are written to disk,

and the system shuts down completely. After turning on the system, put into the mode

hibernation, memory contents saved on disk are restored to memory,

thus restoring the state of the system before hibernation.

8. Laptop power sources: rechargeable batteries, external power supplies, car batteries.

9. Ports: USB , serial, parallel, VGA /SVGA , power jack, flash card reader, CD / DVD drive. Absolutely any external device that the user needs can be connected to these ports and connectors.

Option 3.


5.A ,B

6. In 1989 The International Association of Personal Computer Memory Manufacturers has developed the PCMCIA interface for expanding RAM.

7. 1983 - the year of manufacture of the touch screen. It is divided by a special technology into horizontal and vertical stripes, the intersection of which corresponds to the X and Y coordinates of the screen and the touch of which is detected. This technology is also used for the touchpad of a laptop.

8. Symptoms indicating that the installed memory of one type, but not recommended by the manufacturer, stops working: the system does not work at all; error beeps during loading; short-term memory errors occur during operation; during the POST procedure, fewer checked memory cells are displayed than the actual amount of installed memory; The computer freezes when loading the operating system.

9. Processors used in portable computers: AMD, Core Duo, intel.

  • 1. System software.
  • 1. basic software
  • 2. operating systems
  • 3. utilities
  • 2. Application software.

Software (SW) is understood as a set of software and documentary tools for the creation and operation of data processing systems by means of computer technology. In the most general terms, software for computer technology can be divided (depending on the purpose) into system, instrumental and applied (like any classification, this division is conditional).

Software is either data for use in other programs, or an algorithm implemented as a sequence of instructions for a processor.

The software is designed to:

to ensure the operability of the computer;

facilitate interaction between the user and the computer;

expand the resources of the computing system;

improve the efficiency of resource use;

increase the productivity and quality of the user's work.

In computer jargon, the word "software" is often used from English software, which was first used in this sense in an American Mathematical Monthly article by Princeton University mathematician John Tukey in 1958. In the field of computing and programming, software is the totality of all information, data, and programs that are processed by computer systems.

System software.

System software is a set of programs that provide effective control of computer system components, such as a processor, RAM, input-output channels, network and communication equipment, etc. System software organizes the process of processing information in a computer and provides a normal working environment for application programs; it is designed to control a computer, organize problem solving and user interaction with computer hardware. It is so closely related to the hardware that it is sometimes considered part of the computer. The richer the system software, the more productive the work on the computer becomes.

The system software includes operating systems, service software (shells, utilities, anti-virus tools) and maintenance programs (test programs, control programs).

Basic software.

Basic software in computer architecture occupies a special position. On the one hand, it can be considered as an integral part of the hardware, on the other hand, it is one of the software modules of the operating system.

Operating system.

An operating system (OS) is a set of special software tools designed to manage computer booting, launch and execution of other user programs, as well as to plan and manage the computing resources of a personal computer. It provides control over the processing of information and interaction between the hardware and the user.

Operating system features include:

  • Implementation of a dialogue with the user;
  • input, output and data management;
  • planning and organization of the process of processing programs;
  • distribution of resources (RAM and ultra-fast memory, processor, external devices);
  • launching programs for execution;
  • Various auxiliary maintenance operations;
  • transfer of information between various internal devices;
  • software support for peripheral devices.

The main need of the OS is that it hides complex unnecessary details of interaction with the hardware from the user, forming a layer between them.

One of the most important functions of the OS is the automation of the processes of input-output of information, the management of the execution of applied tasks solved by the user.

Based on the functions performed, OS can be divided into three groups: single-tasking (single-user), multi-tasking (multi-user) and network.

Single-tasking operating systems are designed for the work of one user at any given moment with one specific task. Their appearance was stimulated by the creation of a large class of personal computers. An example of such an operating system is the MS DOS operating system, which was widely used until the early 1990s.

Multitasking operating systems provide for the collective use of a PC in a multiprogram time-sharing mode, while there are several task programs in the PC memory and the processor distributes computer resources between tasks. Examples are UNIX operating systems, OS/2, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows Me, Microsoft Windows XP.

Network operating systems are associated with the emergence of local and global networks and are designed to provide access to all computer network resources, such as Novell Net, Microsoft Windows NT, UNIX, IBM LAN operating systems.

Depending on the number of simultaneously processed tasks and the number of users who can serve the OS, there are four main classes of OS:

single-user single-tasking: - support one keyboard and can work with only one (at the moment) task;

single-user single-tasking with background printing, which allow, in addition to the main task, to run one additional one, focused on printing information. This speeds up the work when issuing large amounts of information for printing;

single-user multitasking, which provide one user with the parallel processing of several tasks;

multi-user multi-tasking - allow several users to run several tasks on one computer. These operating systems are very complex and require significant machine resources.

To be complete, an OS must contain at least the following major components.

file system.

Drivers for external devices.

Command language processor.

One of the primary tasks of the operating system should be considered the management of the disk drive and access to it. It is no coincidence that early PC operating systems contained the abbreviation DOS (Disk Operating System - disk operating system) in their name. For this, the file system is used. Any application program has access to the file system, for which all programming languages ​​have special procedures. For a PC, the file system is, to a certain extent, the basis of system software.

Support for a wide range of external devices is one of the most important functions of the OS.

In modern operating systems, there is an intermediate level between application programs and hardware, a kind of buffer called API (application programming interface). The API provides the programmer with the ability to call certain general-purpose routines that access specific hardware resources. As new hardware becomes available, the API is also updated, but this may not be enough.

Correct work with the hardware is provided by drivers. Drivers are programs that expand the capabilities of the OS to manage input / output devices, RAM, etc. With the help of drivers, it is possible to connect new peripheral devices or non-standard equipment to the computer. Each type of external device has its own driver. Standard device drivers form a set of basic input / output system (BIOS), which is often stored in the ROM of the PC system unit.

Every OS has a command language that allows you to perform certain actions - accessing a directory, launching application programs, etc. The analysis and execution of user commands is carried out by the OS command processor.

To communicate with the OS, a shell is often used - this is what the user sees on the monitor screen when working with the system. In essence, this is a kind of application program that is loaded on top of the OS and implements a command language that serves to provide user access to system functions. A shell is just a kind of utility for entering information that provides convenient access to the operating system, but it is not part of the OS.

File management and job scheduling programs are programs (files) ready for execution: utilities, programming systems, tool systems, integrated software packages, computer graphics systems, database management systems (DB), application packages and programs.

Communication programs - programs designed to organize the exchange of information between computers.

Testing, control and diagnostic programs are used to check the correct functioning of computer devices and to detect malfunctions during operation, indicate the cause and location of the malfunction.

Memory management programs provide more flexible use of the mainframe.

Print programs output information to the printer.

Service programs.

Another set of programs - office. This is a set of software products that provide the user with additional services in working with a computer and expand the capabilities of operating systems. These are various utility programs used during the operation or maintenance of a computer - editors, debuggers, diagnostic programs, archivers, anti-virus programs and other auxiliary programs. These programs make it easier for the user to interact with the computer. They are adjoined by programs that ensure the operation of computers on the network. They implement network protocols for the exchange of information between machines, work with distributed databases, teleprocessing of information.

Maintenance programs are understood as a set of software and hardware tools for diagnosing and detecting errors in the operation of a computer or computer system as a whole. They include tools for diagnosing and testing the correct operation of the PC and its individual parts, as well as special programs for diagnosing and monitoring the computing environment that automatically check the system's performance. These programs are used to test the performance, adjustment and technical operation of computer equipment by the personnel who serve it. The results of the work of such programs are displayed in a visual form and can be useful to a user with a qualification not lower than a computer operator.

Utilities are auxiliary programs, they expand and supplement the corresponding capabilities of the operating system (OS), mainly for servicing disks and the computer file system.

Packers - programs that allow you to write information on floppy disks in a denser form, that is, create smaller copies of files, as well as combine several files into one (archive).

Antivirus programs - programs designed to prevent infection with computer viruses and eliminate the consequences of infection. Anti-virus protection software provides diagnostics (detection) and treatment (neutralization) of viruses. The term "virus" refers to a program that can replicate by infiltrating other programs, while performing various undesirable actions.

Application software

Application software is directly aimed at solving professional problems, reducing labor intensity and increasing the efficiency of the user in various areas of human activity. These programs allow you to almost completely automate the tasks solved by the user. The programs of this group are very diverse: from simple word processing programs to powerful publishing systems; from solving simple computational problems to powerful professional systems of mathematical calculations, accounting programs.

Currently, hundreds of thousands of different application programs have been developed and are being used for various applications.

The most widely used programs are:

  • preparation of texts (documents) on a computer - text editors;
  • · preparation of documents of typographical quality - publishing systems;
  • · creation and editing of images - graphic editors;
  • · processing tabular data - spreadsheets;
  • · processing of arrays of information - database management systems;

Text editors and publishing systems provide the ability to prepare documents on a computer. Text editors (NotePad - developed by Microsoft) are capable of performing basic editing functions: typing, making corrections, saving, working with fragments. Word processors (Microsoft Word, - developed by Microsoft), in addition, have the possibility of a variety of design, and some allow you to create documents that are intended to be viewed not on paper, but on a computer (electronic documents). Publishing systems automate the process of layout of printing publications. Publishing systems are distinguished by advanced controls for the interaction of text with page settings and graphic objects, but have weaker capabilities for automating text entry and editing. It is advisable to apply them to documents that are pre-processed in word processors and graphic editors.

Spreadsheets provide work with large tables of numbers. The main purpose of spreadsheets is the processing of various types of data presented in tabular form, for example, planning and financial, accounting documents, small engineering calculations. The main advantage of spreadsheets, compared to word processors (where tables can also be maintained, small calculations and sorting can be done), is that the content of some cells can automatically change in accordance with the change in the content of others, in other words, formulas can be stored in the cells. In addition, spreadsheet editors have the ability to maintain small databases and visualize data in the form of various tables, charts and graphs, i.e. spreadsheet tools, tabular calculation tools are supported by the ability to create visual reports. They are widely used in accounting, analysis of financial and trade markets, means of processing the results of scientific and economic experiments, i.e. in automating regularly repeated calculations of large amounts of numerical and textual data representing tabular structures. The most popular spreadsheet editors are Lotus1-2-3 Quatto Pro, Microsoft Excel, Super Calc, etc.

Database management systems (DBMS) allow you to work with large amounts of structured data - databases (as a rule, these are tabular structures). The functions of the DBMS include: description of data, access to data, search, selection of data according to certain criteria. Most modern DBMS allow you to create small data processing programs in built-in languages, have design features that allow you to create a report based on the collected and processed data. Even low-skilled users can easily work with such DBMS, since all actions in them are carried out using menus and other interactive tools. However, it is often necessary to solve problems involving many different types of objects and, accordingly, many information arrays related to each other by various relationships. In such cases, it is required to create specialized information systems in which the necessary data processing is performed in the most natural way for users - with a convenient presentation of input data, output forms, graphs and charts, search queries, etc. To solve such problems, more complex DBMS are used, which allow using special tools (usually programming languages) to describe data and actions with them. An example program of this class is Microsoft Access.

Graphic editors allow you to create and edit pictures on your computer screen. These include raster and vector graphics editors, three-dimensional graphics processing programs (3D editors). Bitmap editors use bitmaps to represent images, i.e. a collection of dots that have their own color and brightness. It is convenient to process photos and objects with soft color transitions in them. The basis of the vector representation is the line (its equation). Vector editors are convenient for working with drawings and hand-drawn pictures. Three-dimensional graphics editors are used to create spatial graphic compositions, allow you to trace the interaction of three-dimensional objects with each other and three-dimensional objects with a light source. As a rule, the user is given the opportunity to draw lines, curves, color areas of the screen, create inscriptions in various fonts, etc. Most editors allow you to process images obtained using scanners, as well as display the resulting images in such a way that they can be included in a document prepared using a text editor or publishing system. Some editors provide the ability to capture images of three-dimensional objects, convert raster images to vector format, professional color processing tools, etc.

Software for solving applied mathematical (statistical) problems allows you to perform mathematical calculations: solving equations and systems of equations, etc., some packages allow you to perform analytical (symbolic) calculations: differentiation, integration, etc. Some of them allow you to display graphs of functions (given in tabular or analytical form), surface level lines, scatterplots, etc. on the screen. This type of software includes such programs as MatCad, MatLab.

Separate programs, being a powerful tool for solving a range of applied problems, cannot fully satisfy the user. For example, a data sample provided by the DBMS can be conveniently processed using spreadsheets, the results, presented in the form of visual tables, can be placed in a report, which is a text document that was compiled in a word processor. For the joint work of several programs, the unification of the formats of the processed files is also required. Such software packages are called integrated software tools. The most common product of this class is the MS Office package. Integrated systems combine the capabilities of a database management system, a spreadsheet, a text editor, a business graphics system, and sometimes other capabilities.

Translators usually work resident, i.e. in any text in a foreign language, you can highlight the fragment to be translated, and after pressing a certain key combination, a window with the translation or possible translation options for the word is presented.

Games are very common, a huge number of them have been created. Among them, the following typical scenarios can be distinguished: proactive games (for mastery), gambling, strategies, logic games, educational games.

Entertainment - applications that allow you to view slides, listen to sound files, video files.

The solution of narrower tasks, as well as tasks of a professional nature in various subject areas, is handled by special-purpose application software, which includes: information systems, expert systems, computer-aided design systems, etc.

Information systems (IS) provide ample opportunities in:

enterprise management - a warehouse, office workflow;

accounting - these are systems that have the functions of text, spreadsheet editors and DBMS. Designed to automate the preparation of initial accounting documents, enterprises and their accounting, regular reports on the results of production, economic and financial activities in a form acceptable to tax authorities, non-budgetary funds and statistical accounting authorities;

analysis of economic and financial activities; they are used in banking and exchange structures. They allow you to control and predict the situation in the financial, trade and raw materials markets, analyze current events, and prepare reports.

Expert systems represent a further development of database management systems. They are designed to analyze data stored in knowledge bases. Unlike DBMS, which allow data manipulation operations, expert systems perform logical data analysis and have self-learning functions.

Computer-aided design systems - allow drawing and designing various mechanisms using a computer, are used in mechanical engineering, construction, architecture. They allow you to create drawing documentation adapted to a specific subject area, and also have reference books, calculation tools. Widely used programs such as AutoCAD, ArchCaAD, etc.