What is freelancing and how to become a freelancer. What is freelancing? Thematic communities on social networks

Freelancer is a person who does remote work from home. Remote work can be additional, or one-time, or a permanent part-time job that brings additional income in addition to the salary at the main job. Sometimes such work can be the main source of income.

The advantage of this type of work is a flexible schedule.

What does freelancing mean?

“Freelancer” comes from the English words free - “free” and lance - “spear”. In the Middle Ages, freelancers were mercenaries who fought for money. Subsequently, the same word began to be used to describe journalists who did not commit themselves to cooperation with one publishing house. Now this concept includes not only a journalist, but also a translator, designer, business consultant, programmer, accountant and others.

The most popular areas for freelancers:

  • journalism;
  • programming;
  • graphic design;
  • editing and writing texts;
  • translations;
  • consultations.

Freelancer - where to find work,

How to become a freelancer?

A freelancer can find work through a remote work exchange on the Internet. A freelancer chooses a job himself according to certain parameters: cost of remuneration, deadlines, volumes, etc. All issues are discussed directly with the customer of the task.

Projects on freelance exchanges are usually posted daily, so anyone can choose something for themselves. Such workers usually receive payment through electronic payment systems.

Beginning freelancers can do simple work, gradually gaining experience. These independent workers are paid for their work through electronic payment systems.

Is it better to work at home than in the office?

Who is suitable for freelance work?

Anyone can become a freelancer. This work is especially suitable for those who are interested in creative professions - web design, drawing, copywriting, programming, as well as those who want to find a source of additional money.

Do freelancers have to pay taxes?

In Russia, freelancers are de jure individual entrepreneurs providing services. However, in the case of freelancing, individuals rarely acquire the status of an individual entrepreneur and register a legal entity. From the point of view of civil and administrative legislation, a freelancer must register with the tax authority and pay taxes independently.

The term freelancer seems to be taking the world by storm, because already every third person works remotely... Essentially, a freelancer is someone who works for themselves and takes risks.

On the Internet there are only some collective farm, identical articles about who a freelancer is and what he does.

Therefore, it’s time to write “from the heart”, pour some tea and let’s go...

The word "freelance" comes from the Middle Ages, when there were two types of knights. There were knights who worked exclusively for one king. And there were “free mercenaries” or knights who worked for those who paid them.

Like the mercenary Bronn in the Game of Thrones series.

The idea of ​​freelancing has survived to this day. Kings were replaced by entrepreneurs, and knights by professionals of all stripes.

There are more freelancers today than ever before. There have become so many of them that in some coffee shops in New York they even began to turn off Wi-Fi in order to survive freelancers who take up all the seats with laptops and leave no seats for ordinary visitors.

According to J’son & Partners Consulting, in recent years, a twofold growth in the freelance market has been recorded in Russia; moreover, J&P predicts a threefold growth by 2020:

If you have a valuable skill, you can start selling it now. But, it is important to have a clear understanding of who a freelancer is, what he actually does, and how to think in order to withstand even a storm.

A freelancer is someone who exchanges his time for money. Freelancers are self-employed people (like me) who provide services to multiple clients, without any long-term commitment.

Being a freelancer means being a tool for hire and being paid as an independent contractor.

The Internet is littered with pictures of some dude lying on the beach with a laptop and declaring that he is a freelancer and travels around the world.

According to a study, 82% of freelancers prefer to stay in one place. Despite this, 79% of freelancers say that remote work is better than working in an office.

Research shows that 50% of people are not ready to give up a free lifestyle for any amount of money. Only one in four would willingly agree to work in an office.

The subtleties of working as a freelancer

A freelancer has one thing on his mind - “ time is money».

Unlike an office worker, a freelancer is not afraid of the idea of ​​looking for work; he does it all the time.

Successful freelancers continually network (), and constantly train to become more professional, and as a result, receive more experience and orders.

A good freelancer will quickly adapt to changing markets. He doesn't leave his work on autopilot for too long. Because he has no boss, and all responsibility lies with him.

A freelancer is less likely to waste time on empty things because he cannot afford it. And he clearly knows his hourly rate.

A freelancer works not only for money; another order can open the door to a series of new interesting orders and new experiences. Therefore, a freelancer can easily refuse a highly paid office job.

A freelancer divides his work into three types:

  1. Well paid boredom
  2. Underpaid work
  3. A highly paid, interesting contract, which is like winning the lottery

A freelancer constantly risks his reputation. When you are an independent contractor and your name is on everything you do, the level of responsibility is higher than when you work for a team or company.

A freelancer is a perfectionist, constantly striving for a higher level of perfection, because everything he creates belongs only to him. And each element is a stepping stone to the next step.

How would you feel if everything you produced was labeled with your name?

Excessive perfectionism often becomes the cause.

A freelancer, day after day, is faced with the need to sell himself and skillfully negotiate, in contrast to working in a team, where everyone is responsible for their own narrow direction.

Having a Freelancer Mindset Can Make You More Efficient, Competitive, and Capable weather the storm!

How much does a freelancer earn?

Most people avoid answering when you ask them the question:

- “How much do you earn?”

But I won’t leave... and I will answer with specific facts.

According to data from the freelance exchange Kwork for 2018, the top ten most active freelancers working there full-time earn an average of 141,000 rubles per month.

But freelancers' income is not stable.

For example, in the summer there are very few orders, but in the fall and winter there are so many orders that you can barely shovel them out.

According to Kvorka statistics, a beginning freelancer earns about 10,000 rubles in the first month; after six months, you can reach an income of 30,000 - 40,000 rubles. And it will take at least a year to reach an income of 100,000 rubles or more.

These figures are “hospital averages.”

Because there are many factors influencing the result. It takes time to build up your skills, improve your skills, gain ratings, reviews and regular customers.

Experienced freelancers believe that income in this field depends on your skills and personal brand.

How to become a freelancer from scratch and without experience

If you haven't made a penny online yet, it's time to become a freelancer. This is the easiest way when it comes to making money online.

But which direction to choose?

Kwork has hundreds of different categories of services. But, of such diversity, 60% of the volume is occupied by 10 areas:

On the one hand, it immediately becomes clear which directions are best to choose. But, do not forget, where there is great demand, there is also a high level of competition.

Fast-growing areas of freelancing

If we talk about specific professions, then these are:

  • Programmers and layout designers
  • Designers
  • content managers
  • Translators
  • SEO specialists
  • Business consultants, trainers, coaches
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Recruiters

Here are the top 5 most unusual freelance services:

To get closer to your dream faster, there are several simple and universal tips:

  1. Bury your Ego. The customer is always right. Ego clouds reason and is the cause of misunderstandings and quarrels.
  2. Respond to customers quickly. Be polite, ask clarifying questions, and respond immediately to any comments.
  3. Do more than is expected of you. High-quality work will make the customer recommend you to friends. And most likely he will leave a good emotional review. In addition, it is cheaper to retain an old client than to find a new one.
  4. Offer competitive prices. At the beginning, no one knows about you, so your only trump card is the price. Once you have a high rating, you can always raise your prices.
  5. Submit your work well before the deadline. There is nothing that would have such a strong impact on the customer’s mood as completing a task ahead of schedule. The customer will experience the WOW effect. Make friends with time management.
  6. Don't take on multiple jobs at once. Many freelancers have a problem with burnout when they start juggling multiple tasks.
  7. Think through the eyes of the customer. Successful freelancers understand that clients do not need their skills multiplied by hours, but results. Customers want a product that will solve their problem.

Don't sit at home all the time.

Loneliness as a freelancer can hinder professional growth. Because professional development requires interpersonal interaction and feedback.

Therefore, having a place to work in the office, at least once a week, is good for your health and psyche. You get the opportunity to communicate with colleagues and keep your communication skills in good shape.

There are many places: cafes, libraries, coworking spaces.

Working alone will be boring.

By the way, most often they want to know who a freelancer is, what they do, and what a person in this profession does - these are young mothers who find themselves on maternity leave. If this is you, then read the article:. And then come back here.

How to hire a freelancer

Tasks such as targeted advertising or SEO promotion require time and experience. Freelancing platforms like Kwork are a good place to start looking for the best candidate.

Some freelancers (like me) act as clients themselves, and this makes up 20% of the total number.

This is not uncommon.

Because a freelancer often acts as a “Project Manager”, this is when he takes a large order, consisting of several smaller tasks or stages, and entrusts them to other performers, earning money as an intermediary.

One day, I came across a man who bought articles cheaply from some people and sold them at a higher price to others. Earning money by reselling other people's labor, essentially doing nothing.

Most likely, on freelance platforms, you will see a list of freelancers with titles such as: “Guru” or “Contextual Advertising Master”.

But these big names are worth nothing.

For example, the freelance platform Kwork has a reputation system that consists of five stars. In my experience, if a freelancer doesn't have four or five stars, they aren't worth your time.

On Kwork, each performer has a limited number of “Connects”, these are responses that they can send to various tasks. Therefore, when placing your order, you will not see a long stream of similar and template messages that look like they are being written to you by bots. Instead, there are clearly described options for solving your problem.

On Kwork More 100 000 services from 500 rub. Fast ordering, user-friendly interface, money back guarantee. Main sections:

Today I’m talking about who a freelancer is and why such a collective profession has every chance of becoming a specialization of the future, how to become one and what he does to earn a stable income. For comparison, at the beginning of 2018 in India, more than 15 million people chose this way of working; half of the working population of the USA and Britain is freelancing.

The latter can also be explained by favorable tax conditions for work, which our country cannot boast of. Having firmly decided for yourself to at least try this kind of work, you can eventually give up working in an office altogether. To do this, you need to find out in detail who a freelancer is, what needs to be done and how to become one, whether preparation is needed and where to start. And further about this in more detail.

Who are freelancers and what do they do?

A typical question: who is a freelancer today no longer attracts a huge number of people who react to him with surprise. A freelancer is a free specialist who, as a rule, works remotely. It is interesting that the answer to the question of who is a freelancer is answered in the novel about the knight Ivanhoe, and there about what he does, because Lancelot is a hired man who carried a spear and was hired for military service. If previously the main aspect of freelancing was the opportunity to work at home (a suitable option for mothers on maternity leave, students, people who find it difficult to find a common language in a team), then over time the site as a tool and field of work began to offer high pay, the opportunity to develop and at the same time not to be confined to one place.

What do you need to be able to do to become a freelancer?

I’ll start with the fact that desire is important and at the starting stage it is important to find out fully who a freelancer is, what are the advantages of such work, and what he does on the Internet in order to understand what to be prepared for. An essential aspect of the work is the constant search for customers or projects, and for this you can use a freelance exchange. Among the popular areas are those related to the Internet. Among the basic requirements I will highlight the following:

  • knowledge of programs, browsers, technical aspects of work;
  • professional approach to completing the task;
  • responsibility and integrity.

This aspect is especially important when it comes to what a deadline is - the deadline for submitting material, and it is important to follow the specified dates and not miss deadlines.

What do online freelancers do?

Studying offers on exchanges, answers to questions about who a freelancer is and what he should do, the following remain popular options:

  • programmer, web technologist, developer working in different working languages ​​to create websites and blogs;
  • graphics and animation designer;
  • copywriter, rewriter, speechwriter, slogan writer;
  • advertiser, social media account administrator.

According to statistics, the average age for a freelancer in the world is 32 years (in the Russian Federation - 30 years), more than 70% of such workers are men, 40% are self-taught, and more than half are completely satisfied with their work and do not plan to return to the office.

Immediately define: who is a volunteer - one who provides his services for free. Perhaps at the beginning of your journey, some tasks are needed not so much for making a profit as for gaining experience.

Options for remote work not connected to the Internet

Answers on thematic sites and forums about who a freelancer is often rely on working specifically online: programmer, developer, designer, copywriter, blogger. Although there are other options, in particular in the offline segment:

  • distributor (network marketing);
  • accountant;
  • promoter;
  • Aviation freelance is also popular - pilots work in parallel for several companies;
  • performing one-time buildings: meeting and conducting a tour, etc.

Speaking about who a freelancer is, in particular in tourism, this activity is also gaining momentum. What to do? Be a remote tourism manager: plan a route, buy tickets, book accommodation, resolve issues with excursion programs. As a rule, the specialist himself lives in a remote country and takes on some of the tasks to solve.

Why is freelancing becoming more and more popular?

When talking about who a freelancer is, you need to understand what he does and how the market reacts to it. Many global companies, in particular in Sweden and Singapore, determine the trend for results. The workers are freelancers who can do work from any corner of the world, and do not necessarily have to be in their office at 9.00. This free schedule is associated with:

  • reducing tax costs;
  • minimizing the cost of maintaining a workplace in the office;
  • There is an opinion that in such conditions a person will do work more efficiently, faster and without the need to redo it.

Pros and cons of freelancing

Speaking about who a freelancer is, what are the pros and cons of his work, I’ll start with the strengths.

Pros of remote work

Having learned how to become a freelancer, having received valuable advice on where to start, you need to pay attention to the disadvantages. First of all, this is wages. According to statistics, more than 40% of workers have at least once in their lives encountered the fact that a customer has not paid for an order. The average payment delay for the Russian freelance segment was more than 50 days (data as of the end of 2017).

Pros and cons of remote work on the Internet

Having considered who this modern freelancer is, where he looks for offers and what he does, we can confidently say that significant advantages such as mobility, the ability to independently coordinate the time of completing tasks, working in comfortable conditions, the option to combine with the main activity are important positive arguments. Among the disadvantages of working on the Internet, I will highlight the following:

  • instability of payment and irregularity of orders;
  • lack of guarantees;
  • there is no official employment, which may later affect your pension;
  • it is difficult to confirm your income;
  • no social guarantees: vacation, sick leave are not paid.

Having read the reviews about who a reliable and professional freelancer is and what he does, I would like to add a few points from the employer’s perspective. Among the advantages are the ability to work with different people remotely, no need to maintain an office, minimizing paperwork and other bureaucratic issues. Among the disadvantages is that there is no guarantee that the specialist will not take the order and simply disappear or complete it incorrectly. There is also a risk of information leakage, problems with tax authorities, and difficulty in controlling the process. There is also no guarantee that the project will be fully implemented, since the freelancer has moved on to a more profitable offer.

How to become a freelancer: step-by-step instructions

Freelancing, how to make money on the Internet without investments, requires you to prioritize several important tasks in order to start constantly receiving projects, completing them and counting on a stable income. Let's imagine that this is a staircase and several steps lead to Olympus.

  1. Determine what you can do and what you are strong at.
  2. Find a few trial offers and complete a test task (some employers even pay for it).
  3. Work for at least a month to understand your schedule and how much time you spend on tasks.
  4. Gradually expand your list of employers or projects.
  5. Over time, you can expand your team. Almost 38% of freelancers in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet plan to expand their team.

Where to look for freelance work?

An interesting point: more than half of freelancers have or had a permanent job, and freelancing is initially considered as additional income. When studying job search tools, set smart goals at the starting stage, and I tell you in detail how to do this on the website. The important point is that by practically studying who a freelancer is, reading reviews of those who have discovered this direction for themselves, you can notice versatility, composure and a desire to work for results. Among the main places to look for work, I would like to draw your attention to:

  • exchanges - post your resume and examples of work, look for hot offers;
  • direct contacts with the future customer and access to them through contacts of websites and blogs.

Knowing and understanding who a freelancer is, the owner of an online store does not necessarily have to meet with the illustrator in person, but give the task remotely and also get the result, then pay for the project.

By going to freelancer.ru official website or other sites (Text.ru, UpWork, Freelancehunt.com), you can refine your search by category: specialization, one-time or permanent order, price, whether the employer is verified.

How much do freelancers earn?

If you read on Wikipedia who a freelancer is, how a specialist differs from others, and what he does, you can find out the average prices for services. For example, 1000 characters without a space of unique and literate text costs from 35 rubles, promoting a VKontakte group to a certain number of users costs from 500 rubles. Prices are average on the market, but it is worth taking into account seasonality, as well as the complexity of the project, and the solvency of the employer. You can work not only for the customer, but also for yourself. Having learned more about how to make money on your website, methods for attracting traffic and, therefore, increasing profits will become available.

5 mistakes beginner freelancers make

As with any other activity, it is important to understand not only where the money goes, but also what risks newcomers face in the work. I will outline the top 5 popular mistakes:

  1. Work with only one customer. If at the starting stage this is not much of a problem until you get the hang of it and experience comes, but over time it is worth having a “reserve airfield”.
  2. Afraid to say “No.” The fact is that a remote employee can be successful, complete projects quickly and efficiently, but over time the work accumulates and many tasks fall to be carried out simultaneously by one person. Of course, this affects the result.
  3. Work hard and take on very “cool” projects from the very beginning. I prefer to work hard, be productive, and enjoy the completed project at the end of the day, but I believe that we need to rest in order to restore strength and resources.
  4. Having learned how to become and choosing the path of a freelancer, do not study other related areas of work.
  5. Feel sorry for yourself and not enjoy the process.

Among my friends there are many people who have discovered free work and do not want to give it up. If previously they only studied who a copywriter is, then over time, with the help of such activities, they were able to provide for themselves and their families, without wasting time getting to the office or living strictly according to a schedule. For comparison, on average, a freelancer’s working time per week is 36 hours, and free time can be spent on spending time with family, self-realization, and exploring investments in websites to further increase income.

To summarize who a freelancer is and what he does, it is worth clarifying who a recruiter is: a specialist who is looking for people to work on a permanent basis or for a project. In classic freelancing, this link drops out, but there are companies that hire workers on a remote basis, and the recruiter selects personnel to conduct an online interview and increase the staff. I wish that working on the Internet will be fun and safe, regardless of whether your specialization is design, layout, texts, video editing, or you are promoting a website to improve traffic and further monetization.

Who is a freelancer and what does he actually do? Such a thought inevitably starts in the head of any person who is tired of “working for his uncle.” Why work in a stuffy office 8 hours a day, endure a not-so-pleasant boss and get paid pennies for it? After all, freedom is here! On the other side of the monitor screen! And this freedom is called freelancing!

Get up whenever you want! No need to jostle in stuffy public transport when traveling to work! No bosses! You take a vacation when you need it! No income restrictions! How much you earn is all yours! If you want, you work! If you don’t want to, go to the gym! Or go to the store and spend your earned “millions”! Or…. Or maybe everything is completely wrong? Who should I ask? Well, at least I have...

Now I will tell you about all the pros and cons of freelancing...Listen..

Freelancing is great and terrible!

Let's start with a definition. A freelancer is a person who independently looks for orders and carries them out himself. That is, he works for himself. For the most part, freelancing refers to the Internet sphere, that is, you can work without leaving home. With only a laptop and the Internet!

In general, the idea of ​​becoming a freelancer usually comes to mind in two cases. The first is when you have read a lot of tempting promises that various sellers of information courses are trying to catch you with. “How to earn 100,000 a month on Instagram”, “Become a director in 20 minutes and earn 200,000 rubles a month”, “Millionaire copywriter in 5 minutes”. Such and similar titles of these pseudo-courses may lead you to think that you can make money easily and simply by becoming a freelancer. And what? I completed this course in three days. I gained wisdom about the next “infoguru”... And went to “mow money with a shovel”! Or collect lemons in wheelbarrows! Everything is easy and simple!

Well, the second case is when, for some reason, your income from your main job dropped sharply or you lost your job altogether. And you are either a mother with a small child or you are already 40+. Or something else... In such cases, quickly finding a new job is very difficult. And sometimes it’s simply impossible... And then there’s nothing else left to do but quickly learn some Internet profession and go freelance.

In both the first and second cases, you must know and understand all the pros and cons of freelancing. After all, in fact, not everyone can be a freelancer! Ask yourself why 70% of freelancers struggle to find regular work? What doesn’t suit them about “freedom”? A freelancer has much more demands on himself than in a regular job. However, let me write the pros and cons of freelancing again.

You have most likely already seen a similar list in other articles by other authors. What. I’m glad if my list will also help you look at freelancing without rose-colored glasses. After all, I wrote this list without looking on the Internet, but based on my own experience.

What a beauty, what a babble! I will become a freelancer!

So, what are the advantages of freelancing?

Flexible schedule. This is true! The freelancer gets up whenever he wants. He can pour himself a cup of coffee and drink it at any time. I wanted to eat - I ate. If you want to rest, you rest! Tired of working, I went to bed. Or to the fitness room! In short, a freelancer is his own boss. If you want a freelancer to go on vacation, please! At any time and for any period of time! In short – a dream, not a job! You work 2-3 hours a day and earn good money! Freelancing is cool!

Much money! There is no earnings ceiling! A successful freelancer can earn both 100,000 and 200,000 rubles per month. It all depends on you! As you trample, so shall you burst! Moreover, the more you work, the more you gain your rating. The higher the rating, the more clients. And orders are more expensive. You can also take orders on foreign freelance exchanges. So generally orders are in bucks! You'll get rich right away!

No bosses! And subordinates! Nobody reprimands you. Nobody “drips on brains”! No internal corporate conflicts! No reports, no planning meetings, no team building sessions and other nonsense! How did the famous singer sing there? The best boss is me, because I work for myself!

It was smooth on paper...I won’t become a freelancer!.

Flexible schedule. You don’t get up for work at 9 o’clock, but at 5 or 6 in the morning, since today is the deadline for accepting orders. And you went to bed not at 10 o’clock in the evening, but at one or two in the morning. Because you simply don’t have time to place an order. You drink your coffee cold because you simply don’t have time to warm it up. You eat leftovers from yesterday's lunch, since you have no time to cook a new one. Working 12-16 hours a day is the norm rather than the exception! Vacation??? What it is??? Ahhh. Is it when you take your laptop to the beach and work while others relax? And in general - if before others pushed you and, oddly enough, this motivated you quite well, but now you have to force yourself to work. It's very, very difficult! In short, being a freelancer is not very...

Much money! Sometimes... Indeed, sometimes a freelancer receives large and expensive orders. And you can earn from them, if not 100,000, then 40,000 - 50,0000 rubles. This is true. But usually such orders go wrong. In sequence. And then they disappear completely. So it turns out that for several months in a row you work as a freelancer without raising your head, and for several months you sit on a starvation diet! The lack of a stable, projected, albeit not very high, income is quite stressful for novice freelancers. And about the freelancer rating and expensive orders - this is the honest truth! But many people forget that there is such a word - dumping. And the higher a freelancer’s rating, the more difficult it is to take orders, because low-rated newcomers are actively driving down the price. And not all Customers understand that cheap does not mean high quality. That is, an experienced freelancer may often have less work to do than a beginner! Maybe go to foreign freelance exchanges? Yes. They earn more there, but it’s also more difficult to break into. After all, a freelancer faces competitors not only from Russia, but also from all over the world! Well, you need to know the language well enough!

In this article, we will analyze what a freelancer is in simple words, who he is and what he does, at home on the Internet, remotely - work or hobby. The article also presents a video on the topic of freelancing.

Who are freelancers, a little history

Many people have probably heard the word “freelancing”, but not everyone knows what it means now, and what was meant by this word several centuries ago.

Freelancing today is an opportunity to earn quite decent money while working at home on your home computer.

From English, “freelance” can be translated as “free spear” or “free pike”.

Freelancers used to be called mercenary warriors who did not care which monarch they served. These were military professionals, for the sake of money they acted on the front line, served as bodyguards, and guarded valuables.

For reasonable pay, the freemen and the sinner would be taken to hell. Such concepts as “high feelings” and “patriotism” were alien to them, and as a result, it would be difficult to call their work prestigious and respected.

From history to reality

But times have changed, and now a freelancer is not a warrior, but a professional in his field, performing a certain amount of work without being a permanent employee of the company.

So what is a freelancer in simple words?

Today, a freelancer means a “free artist”; the development of modern telecommunications and the Internet suggests that every day there are more and more such workers, since work can be quite successfully found and performed at home.

We can say that freelancing in the modern concept appeared in developed Western countries; now more than 5% of the population of the USA and Western Europe work remotely in this way.

Economically, this is quite feasible, since it can significantly reduce the costs of organizing a workplace, and it is much more profitable for employers to entrust remote workers with the work that can be done on a home PC.

Moreover, if this work is one-time, or from time to time, then it is not at all necessary to introduce a new employee into the permanent staff.

Another, no less important reason for using remote workers is the shortage of highly qualified employees in certain areas of activity.

Not every specialist is ready to change their place of residence, even for a very interesting job, therefore, the fact that a specialist works remotely often suits the employer perfectly.

Today, many web designers, journalists, programmers and translators work in this field of activity. Many successful online business women have succeeded, although in reality it was quite difficult for them to succeed. They can easily send the results of their work by e-mail to almost anywhere on the planet.

So, for example, many Western companies use the services of Russians; orders are often carried out by residents of China or India. Here in Russia, the publishing houses of the central media are happy to attract journalists living in different regions of the country to work, and thereby receive high-quality and fresh material, while not incurring too significant expenses.

Without a doubt, freelancing or making money online remotely is also beneficial for freelancers themselves. Let’s not talk about the comfort of working at home during those hours when there is time, desire and inspiration, let’s talk about something else - freelancers, as a rule, receive more for their work than those who go to work every day and work from bell to bell. Therefore, in this regard, freelance work is quite attractive.

But at the same time, the majority of people go to work every day. Why don't more people strive to become freelancers?

1. Not every job can be done remotely (a mechanic cannot remotely fix a leaking faucet, for example).

2. Many people are frightened by the instability of remote work, because especially at first there will be no “free floating” stability, and this is quite justified, everything comes with experience.

Freelancing is a field of activity. What does a freelancer do?

Most freelancers work in a “free floating” mode, and are constantly striving to expand the number of potential customers.

We will analyze the full list of advantages and disadvantages in another article, and now we will present to you two main areas where freelance work is practiced.

All remote workers can be classified into two broad categories - computer scientists and non-computer scientists. If you consider yourself to be in the first category and know what

What is the difference between a netbook and a laptop, you can undoubtedly try yourself in such professions as:

  • Flash graphics;
  • Website design;
  • Programming;
  • Animation/3D graphics;
  • Website layout;
  • Website optimization;
  • System administration;
  • Website promotion;

If you only know how to turn a computer on and off, then know that there is remote work for “dummies” like you.

You can try on the following professions and activities:

  • PR managers;
  • Illustrators and artists;
  • Journalists and copywriters;
  • Interior designers;
  • Translators;
  • Fashion designers, fashion models and photographers;
  • Composers, sound engineers, video and audio processing;
  • Consulting;

And this is not the entire list of what you can do while working at home on the Internet, in comfortable conditions, as a remote worker.

In this article, in simple words, what is a freelancer, who is he and what does he do, at home on the Internet, remotely - work or hobby. Watch the video: