Where can Russians earn money legally abroad? Where to go to work abroad? The best options and tips for choosing a country. Fresh vacancies for Russians abroad

The desire to find a well-paid job is quite understandable and natural. There is a problem in Russia: in places that are far from regional district centers, wages rarely rise above the minimum wage. And in some outbacks, it may not reach this minimum. To increase their income, Russians can go to work elsewhere.

Work for the state

There are regions in Russia where workers are in great demand. The state provides them with benefits and draws up the necessary packages of documents.

For example, people with good physical health are in demand in the North. Much of the work Siberia has to offer requires endurance. This is due, firstly, to the climate: summers in the North are short, winters are long, the sun rarely appears and warms little. Not every person can handle it. Secondly, with the state of medicine. There are competent doctors, but they are few, because there are not many people there at all. A person with a chronic disease that can flare up suddenly, or with low immunity, will simply have nowhere to get help quickly if something happens.

People with a working specialty can also go there. Cooks, cleaners, plumbers, as well as doctors and people who know how to work with documentation are in demand. Drivers are always needed, moreover, those who know how to fix their own car. Teachers can also easily get a job.

It is worth noting that families willingly take people to the North - it is believed that it is easier for a person who has close relatives to live in difficult conditions. But they try not to take young girls - the specifics are such that more men work, few women, and the authorities are afraid of possible troubles in the team.

Work in large companies

The best paid positions are held by people in large companies whose activities are related to the oil and gas industry. These include Gazprom and Surgutneftegaz. In the latter, the driver's earnings start from 40 thousand rubles. Employees who are involved in other areas can choose a position and an employer, guided by the rating of "100 Best Employers in Russia". We present the first five positions:

  1. SIBUR- leader of the Russian petrochemistry.
  2. PJSC Gazprom Neft is a well-known oil company.
  3. State Corporation Rosatom— association of enterprises of the nuclear industry.
  4. "MTS"- telecommunications company.
  5. "Norilsk Nickel" is a manufacturer of non-ferrous and precious metals.


All shift work usually takes place in the North. You have to travel by train, which is paid by the employer, and upon arrival at the place he will issue a form and provide housing. It is better to find out all the conditions in advance, because in case of refusal to work, you will have to pay a penalty and go back at your own expense. You can get to the North in different ways:

  • through the websites of interested companies. This is the easiest way. You can find companies on the Internet that may theoretically need workers, and look at the section with vacancies. If any of them are suitable, it is enough to send out your resume and wait for a response;
  • through friends. If someone is already working in the North, he can advise a well-paid job with adequate bosses, and tell the management itself about a person who is interested in coming.

You can still find private ads on sites dedicated to finding employees, but this is less safe than a large company. When hiring for an individual entrepreneur, it is imperative to conclude an agreement and communicate with those who have already worked for him in order to get an idea of ​​​​the conditions.

When going on a shift, you need to take the necessary pills with you if you have a chronic illness, and drugs in case of a sudden ailment (painkillers, antipyretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, patches, hydrogen peroxide). You can grab something with which you can have fun (cards, a board game, books, chess, a tablet with movies and the Internet).

Be sure to take a supply of sweets, tea and cigarettes with you, even non-smokers - in the North it is a universal currency that can be exchanged for something or used to strengthen relationships with comrades. The general mood should be combative and positive. There is nothing to do without them on the watch.

Where to go to work abroad

  • Germany;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Scandinavia;
  • China;
  • Canada;
  • Thailand;
  • Great Britain;
  • Alaska;
  • South Korea.

Going to another country is an idea for the brave in spirit, which usually attracts young people or those who are bored with gray everyday life.


The country is rich, English is spoken here, although not everywhere. Programmers, doctors, teachers and engineers are required exclusively with higher education and with work experience of at least five years. Retirees are not welcome. But there is a big plus: a properly issued work visa allows you to move to permanent residence in two years.


Engineers, good doctors and programmers are required. The salary is high, but the standard of living requires significant spending. It is almost impossible to get a job without official permission. Invited employees, foreigners with a residence permit and some students are eligible for it. In most cases, a higher level of English proficiency is required.


For several years in a row, the number of popular professions that you can get legally includes:

  • driver;
  • security guard;
  • cook;
  • waiter;
  • welder.

The country also needs logistics workers and teachers. A Russian can work without a special permit if he has refugee status, has received a residence permit in the Czech Republic, or is a citizen of the EU and the EEA (or he is a family member of such a citizen).

IT workers are in great demand in the Czech Republic: if a citizen of the Russian Federation confirms his qualifications and nostrifies his education document, he will have a chance to get a well-paid job.


A good option for those who live in St. Petersburg. The laws are sparing, seasonal shift work is very popular, for example: picking strawberries on farms for three months. The conditions are difficult, there are age restrictions, but the pay is good.

You can also try to find a job in Norway. For example:

  • builder;
  • petroleum engineer;
  • health worker;
  • geo-engineer;
  • programmer;
  • waiter
  • an employee of a trading company.

If we talk about salaries, then qualified engineers (as of 2018) and programmers receive from 50 to 54 thousand kroons, and power engineers - up to 51 thousand. The work of workers in the service sector is paid less: a waiter receives up to 30,000 kroons.

In Sweden, the highest wages are for doctors - 6-6.5 thousand euros, programmers - 4-5 thousand euros and university teachers - 4-5 thousand euros. Representatives of construction specialties will receive from 2 to 3 thousand euros, and service workers - from 2 to 2.5 thousand.


This country is famous for its good living conditions for migrants. As a rule, employers compensate for the cost of flights and pay for housing - in this regard, they are much more loyal than Europeans. Russians will find jobs in culture, telecommunications, engineering, education and IT. Especially, of course, qualified workers are in demand - doctors, financiers, representatives of the technical industry. Women of Slavic appearance can easily get a job as animators, dancers and even presenters.


When planning a move to this country, you need to understand that the list of professions in demand will be different depending on the region. Russians in Canada usually work as welders, truckers, bricklayers, laborers and social workers. A girl can get a job as a nurse, waitress, salesman, maid or nanny. Russian nurses are very popular - at local prices they ask for a little. The advantage of such work is that it includes accommodation and can be easily combined with freelancing or working part-time. Medical or pedagogical education would be a significant advantage.


The tourism sector is well developed here and it is in it that workers are usually required. Efficient waiters, eloquent guides, people of creative professions - the employer does not care if he is Russian, Ukrainian, or Polish in front of him. However, keep in mind that the official language of Thailand is Thai, and not everyone speaks English here.

Great Britain

The salary here is very high, but you need a specialty and experience. Engineers and programmers are required. People without qualifications are not in demand. Any work (for the state or for a private trader) involves the conclusion of an agreement with the host, otherwise there is no need to talk about any legal entry.


Work on its territory is mainly connected with fishing. Therefore, the most demanded workers will be fish carcass splitters, product sorters and fishermen. If the first two can be both a man and a woman, then the stronger sex is mainly recruited for fishing. This is due to the specifics of the work: the fisherman must be hardy and strong. Due to the difficult working conditions, these qualities are decisive when applying for a job (that is, a qualification or diploma is not always required).

South Korea

You can go here on a rotational basis for harvesting or as a vegetable grower. In this case, meals and rent are paid by the employer, and in bad weather, the employee will always have a day off. The salary of a shift worker starts from $90 per day.

Girls can get a job as a hostess in a restaurant or club. It is desirable, of course, knowledge of at least English - this will significantly increase the chances. Hostesses can earn up to $2,500 per month, excluding tips.

What kind of work can you get abroad

It all depends on the country (climate, main industries), region (province, regional center) and the field of activity of the Russian. Abroad, knowledge of the language is very important. If a person does not know him, then the opportunity to find a job drops significantly. Few employers want to have an employee with whom they can communicate solely with the help of an online translator or gestures: it wastes time, but the work is worth it. If a Russian speaks at least English, the way to many states opens up for him. He will be able to get a job in the service sector, and on a rotational basis. To work in a specialty, you usually also need the state language, as well as confirmation of a diploma.

No experience and/or qualifications

If there are no special skills, the choice is not very large. As a rule, these are seasonal harvesting jobs, employment in fish, meat processing plants and conveyor production. Men can work as builders, drivers, loaders. Women - cleaners, cooks, nannies.

Highly skilled workers

The presence of a specialty becomes an indisputable plus. So you can get a work visa, if you try. Workers with experience and qualifications can be invited by foreign employers, but if a Russian has a diploma and extensive experience in his field, he can try to get a job on his own:

  • engineer;
  • milling machine;
  • programmer;
  • doctor;
  • teacher.

In most cases, knowledge of the local language will be required, but the employer can pay for training.

Remember that all employers who promise high earnings abroad without official registration are either scammers or offer completely slave conditions. Therefore, a person who wants to earn good money, but does not have qualifications and does not know the language, is better to think about where to go to work in Russia.

You also need a passport and a visa to travel abroad. Without them, a visitor's stay in the country is simply illegal, and his chances of finding work abroad are also greatly reduced. Moreover, entering the country illegally, you can be deported. And legal work abroad is always more profitable.

How to find the right job abroad

You can find a job abroad on your own or with the help of an intermediary. The first option is more difficult, but more reliable.

With the help of agencies

Turning to agencies, you need to be careful, as there is a high chance of falling for a scammer and leaving for another country as an illegal immigrant. Cases of fraud are so frequent that the Federal Migration Service officially gave some advice to citizens wishing to work abroad. When contacting a company, you need to pay attention to:

  • license. Her number must begin with the numbers 152, otherwise the Migration Service would definitely not issue her. Access to the license must be provided upon request;
  • director's name. It must be listed on the FMS website;
  • services. The company you should contact should not only provide information, but help to conclude an agreement. If there is no contract, the deposit must be returned.

Can't believe:

  • people who promise a bet of $2000 in Europe, Ukraine or America;
  • companies that offer to pay for training first, and then start working.

You can not provide confidential information about yourself on the Internet or by phone, as well as contact companies that simply provide links to private ads.

You need to be extremely careful, otherwise you can stay in the European Union among foreigners living illegally. Although it is more likely that an unscrupulous company will simply take the money and give nothing in return, except for a bunch of old ads. Reviews can help you choose a good employer, but only if they were written by real people.

Independent job search

If you decide to do your own research, you can:

  • find friends who have already found work abroad and take advantage of their feedback. They will be able to advise either a trusted intermediary, or an adequate employer, or even help you get a job;
  • find an employer ad. You can search for them on the website of the embassy in the desired country - there will surely be a page with invitations.

Or you can browse the companies' websites directly. Pay attention not only to the required experience and branch of business, but also to whether knowledge of languages ​​is necessary.

Work abroad for women: how to find and get a job

A woman can find vacancies on Russian-speaking and foreign resources. Advertisements for hiring housewives, nurses and nannies in European countries are popular. Age is different everywhere, but Russian women are usually required from 21 to 40 years old. The language is not always needed, because sometimes people hire nannies for a child so that he practices Russian from childhood. In Turkey and Poland, you can get a job as a seamstress, but this will require education or experience in the clothing industry. Hairdressers, makeup artists and manicurists are required in the UAE, Turkey and Poland. And for seasonal work, you can get a job in Finland, the same Poland and Sweden.

To get a job legally, you need to contact the employer (directly or through an intermediary) and discuss the conditions of flight and accommodation. He should also help resolve the visa issue by sending an official invitation to Russia. Remember that when moving abroad you need to have a valid passport.

Which countries should you not visit?

The ranking of countries with the lowest wages of migrants includes Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, Greece, Sweden and France. For this reason, it is worth thinking carefully when moving there in order to earn money. However, statistics are not always the same for everyone. Some companies are willing to pay foreigners if they really know their business. So everything is individual.

Working abroad - dream or reality? We recently wrote about why, in this article I am going to talk about a great many ways to find a job abroad if you are on a long trip.

What will be discussed

  1. Volunteering - work for food or unlimited opportunities for self-realization?
  2. How to make money with brains or is it difficult to open a business abroad?
  3. Earn with the body. But in this topic, we will check who has what associations.
  4. Earn by hand.
  5. Earn by chatting or why it is useful to be a hyper-extrovert!
  6. Earn on the Internet.
  7. Work for "uncle" or for those who love stability. Volunteering - work for food or unlimited opportunities for self-realization?

Volunteering - work for food or unlimited opportunities for self-realization?

Volunteering in Russia is just beginning to emerge, and in the minds of many people is still on a par with “free labor” and something that can only be done if there is a lot of free time. However, in the rest of the world, this has long been an opportunity for unlimited self-development. We will not consider in detail the spiritual aspect of volunteering here, although, undoubtedly, it is the desire to grow spiritually, to make the world a better place, to serve and help humanity that leads most people to the need for “free work”.

Probably, every person at least once in his life thought about immigrating to another country. Someone wants to change their permanent residence in order to build a successful career, get a higher education, improve their health, change their lives. Below will be described how you can immigrate to a foreign country and not be deceived. We will also consider the best countries and vacancies that are suitable for Russians.

It is worth knowing that the experience of working abroad will allow a Russian citizen to quickly find a job if he returns to Russia. Abroad, people do not always recover in order to occupy prestigious positions, sometimes citizens of the Russian Federation go and get a job as simple laborers. In general, there are two directions that foreign vacancies can offer:

  1. Unskilled labor. Such vacancies are occupied by students and people without education. Wages for them are not so high, but much more than an ordinary worker in Russia receives. Most often, such specialties are the following: a worker in the garden, cleaning employees, workers in the service sector.
  2. Highly qualified personnel. Foreign companies are interested in employment of qualified specialists. The highest paid areas can be called medicine, science. In addition, companies are ready to train Russian citizens for free.

In order to leave to work in another country and find a job abroad, it is best to receive an invitation from a foreign company or a referral for an internship. The easiest way is to go to another state on an internship program, which is designed for students and young professionals. To interest the employer, you need to correctly compose a resume, indicating your best sides. It is worth knowing that the resume must be written in English.

The most demanded specialties abroad can be called the following:

  • Doctor, nurse;
  • Lawyer;
  • Engineer;
  • IT-specialist;
  • Manager.

How to leave to work in another country and not be deceived

It is worth knowing that you will not be able to go abroad for a permanent place of residence just like that, since simply no one will be waiting for you there. In order to move to another area for employment, you must obtain a blue card, which is issued to all immigrating to the countries of the European Union. To legally find a job, you will also need a work visa.

If you are immigrating for the first time, it is better to use the services of an agency that can be found in any major city. They will be able to select the best program for you, as well as contact the host, and they will be waiting for you in a foreign country, and they will also help you collect all the documents for applying for a visa.

In order not to be deceived in a foreign area, you need to learn not to take people at their word. And before you get a job at some enterprise, you must conclude a contract with the company, all points of which must be deducted. If you do not speak a foreign language, it is worth finding an interpreter who will acquaint you with all the clauses of the contract. Going to work seasonally, you need to discuss the conditions of your residence with the employer. Most often, such immigrants are given housing. In the event that you are going to a long-term job, it is worth discussing the conditions of health insurance.

You also need to pay attention to the following features:

  • the contract must be concluded in two copies. One is given to the employer, and the second to you, it must be drawn up in Russian;
  • the contract must specify the conditions of work;

In order not to be on the street in a foreign city, it is important to take care of the place where you will live. In the event that housing is provided to you by a company, it is recommended to check the conditions of residence several times and if something does not suit you, you need to tell the employer about it. If you are looking for an apartment for yourself, you need to check several times whether it exists and whether you have somewhere to come. It is also worth having free money, since anything can happen in a foreign state.

In order to get used to a foreign country as quickly as possible, it is recommended to find a job that involves communicating with people. So you can quickly get used to the new place and the people who live there. It is necessary to learn the language over time, as you will not be able to stay in a foreign country for a long time.

TOP 5 countries where you can go to work

First of all, a person must decide on the place where he wants to move. It is important to pursue certain goals that made you change your place of residence. Most often, residents of Russia want to immigrate to the United States for good earnings. But is this country really that hospitable?

Below are the countries that are well received by Russian citizens:

  1. Germany. This is one of the hospitable countries that is ready to receive Russian residents not only for employment, but also for permanent residence. It is worth knowing that you cannot work illegally in Germany, and this is a great advantage for immigrants. So, for example, if you are engaged in hairdressing services at home, then this country is not suitable for you. You may receive a large fine or be evicted from the country. For any immigrant, official employment and experience abroad is important, and you can build your own business at home in Russia.
  2. Spain. The state is more suitable for the immigration of a Russian person, since it is easiest to get a place of residence here. If you purchase housing on its territory, you can legally live there. However, after 1, 2, 3 and 6 years, you will need to confirm your status as a Spanish citizen
  3. Canada. The easiest way to get a job in this country. Since there are a lot of residents from other states here, and you can find Russian speakers. If you know the local language, a simple cashier can earn up to $1,000 a month.
  4. Italy. This country accepts people of various specialties, both low-level personnel and highly qualified personnel. Most of all, women's work is valued here. The advantages of moving to Italy include the fact that housing is provided by the organization, many enterprises have a flexible schedule and it is not necessary to know a foreign language. It is worth knowing that wages are much higher in the north than in the south. When moving to earn money, residents of Russia should know that it is very difficult to find an official job.
  5. USA. Many Russians want to immigrate here. But it doesn't work for everyone. Only 2% of people who go to America to work can settle down and live there. The thing is that the consulate does not like immigrants who take away vacancies from permanent residents. Only a few people succeed in obtaining citizenship in the United States, those people who have achieved great success in the field of medicine, science and industry.

Demanded professions abroad for Russian immigrants

Various professions are in demand abroad. And it is worth knowing that most people immigrate for average earnings, taking up working specialties. Below will be listed what professions are in demand abroad.

  1. Germany. This country accepts not only highly qualified personnel, but also a labor force. The most common industries include electricity, electronics and mechanical engineering. Most of all in Germany, engineers are valued. There is also a demand for builders who make good money. If you do not have an education, then you can get a job in working specialties and have a good income.
  2. Spain. Various specialties are in demand in the country, from a simple operator to an engineer. But it is worth knowing that recently there has been unemployment in Spain, and therefore, before the trip, you need to find a job for yourself. There is also a need for IT specialists.
  3. Canada. The highest paid professions in Canada include the following: medical staff, senior positions in industry, managers, engineers. As we can see, this country has a demand for highly qualified personnel. Also in Canada there is a demand for good chefs with extensive experience and completed higher education.
  4. Italy. Most often, women boil down to work vacancies: dishwashers, waitresses, sellers. 90% of immigrants occupy mid-level positions. There is work for men, but only during the harvest season. Also in Italy there is a great demand for animators to entertain children. But in order to take such a position, you need to perfectly know the language.
  5. USA. One of the most profitable specialties in the United States is the doctor, with which there is a large shortage in the country. But most often immigrants are employed as surgeons, dentists, anesthesiologists, and psychologists.

Interesting facts about professions abroad

The most well-paid specialty in foreign countries is a medical worker. The higher the experience and knowledge of the language, the more paid position you can occupy. For example, in Denmark, the average salary of a physician reaches 200,000 per month. Surgeons and psychiatrists are most valued. But in order to start earning, you need to confirm that you have received a diploma and work in residency for several years.

In the event that you are moving to the US or another EU country to live with relatives, they must confirm that you will begin to live in their territory. If you are accepted by another state, then you should know that within 5 years you will not be able to get back to Russia.

If you want to live abroad, then you can enter one of the universities, and then there is a high probability that you will be invited to work. If in Russia university graduates are allowed to "float freely", abroad they try to accommodate each student. The best conditions for applicants are in Germany, where even education is free.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in developed countries, for example, the USA, Canada and Germany, there is a great demand for medical workers, teachers, and engineers. Therefore, if you are a doctor or teacher by profession, you can try to immigrate abroad. Many people want to go to such countries, as there are special programs for receiving immigrants.

There are a lot of announcements on the Internet about the recruitment of Russians for seasonal work abroad. Intermediaries promise to find a place during the seasonal harvest, help with a visa and accommodation in the country. Workers are waiting for hard physical labor: they will have to spend several hours in an uncomfortable position, lift weights, get up early. A work visa is not always issued, often people enter on a tourist visa and stay in the country illegally for several months. But despite this, the number of people who want to sign up for seasonal work does not decrease, someone even perceives it as an adventure and an opportunity not only to earn money, but also to visit abroad. We asked people who traveled for seasonal work to talk about their experiences.



sea ​​kale

I went to work in South Korea, spent a total of a year and two months there. During this time, he was engaged in various things: he worked at several factories, harvested vegetables and fruits, but the most difficult thing was the harvest of seaweed. We simply called this work “the sea”. A Korean farmer rents a plot in the sea, puts ropes there, somehow spuds this cabbage, and when it grows, we sail on boats to collect it.

One leaf of cabbage is about two meters long, and it grows in bunches of five or six leaves. At a time, it was necessary to get two or three such beams, also taking into account the resistance of water. It turns out that you pull 80 kilograms. You had to get up at four in the morning and immediately climb into the cold sea. Before lunch, you pick cabbage, bring it to the shore by boat. After lunch, it is loaded into a car with a special crane, you take cabbage to special drying chambers.

Alco bonuses

More than half of those who come to work are indebted men who feed the whole family. Someone drowns in a mortgage and goes in the hope of closing it as soon as possible. Basically, these are people from Primorye, Transbaikalia, Buryatia, Siberia. The minimum payment in Korea in terms of rubles is about 100 thousand per month. Also, there are always some bonuses from employers, for example, they can be affixed with alcohol. In general, Koreans themselves are hardworking and responsible, they don’t even go on smoke breaks, and they need to somehow balance their work stress, so they can start drinking already from lunch. They have soju - local vodka, and it is considered quite normal to drink a couple of glasses in the afternoon, and in the evening it can legally flow into a booze. I even saw men who came for money, but started drinking there, and it got to the point that their wives sent money for a return ticket.

Many who return from work to Russia do not want to say that there are such tough bosses and hard work, and they say that they simply received a lot of money there, without particularly straining. Because of this, frail, weak men, office plankton and sissies then come to seasonal work, they think that now they can easily earn money there. There were a lot of those who left literally in the first days. Before that, I went in for sports, because it was somewhat easier for me than the others.


I initially entered Korea with practically no money, I didn’t know the language where to look for a job, I didn’t understand. But in Korea there is a labor exchange for unskilled workers, and I found the first place there. There are agents - these are the same workers who have already established good relations with the owners of the farms. From those who want to get a job, they take up to 20 thousand rubles, but all their help is that they will talk to the boss in Korean and ask if he needs workers. Sometimes a person pays, and they just give him a phone number - then call yourself and negotiate. There are real agents who can really help with work in some way - these are usually ethnic Koreans. But before contacting someone, it is better to sit on social networks in specialized groups, google all the information. I know a man who gave 40 thousand rubles for help in crossing the border, and he was simply printed out and given a route sheet downloaded from the Internet.

On the very first day of work, you will learn the first words, “poly-poly” is especially quickly remembered, which means “faster, faster”. When you stay in Korea for a long time, you start to meet different people, they can help with work. In general, even if you don’t know the language and don’t know how to do anything, but you smile, then you can already count on employment and a normal attitude from the authorities. In Korea, all sorts of merry fellows get better and get more hard workers.

One million rubles

When you work in a factory, you have to rent your own apartment. We found a one-room apartment for 15-18 thousand in rubles, for a two-room apartment we paid already 25. And on the seas or fields, housing is provided free of charge, but the conditions there are Spartan. I had only two sheets - one to sleep on, and the other to cover. There were no pillows, hot water or internet. I went to the nearest supermarket to catch wi-fi.

During this time, I definitely earned more than a million rubles, another thing is that I initially did not go for money, but for adventure. I spent some of that money there. In Korea, everything is quite expensive: a pack of cigarettes - 200 rubles, a kilogram of potatoes - 200 rubles. He sent some part to his family, brought something and made a contribution for the future.



strawberry fields

From Vyborg we went to Finland both for shopping and to the water park, which turned out to be even cheaper than St. Petersburg. I constantly heard talk about the possibility of going to work, but I couldn’t get to the farm - no one just shares such information. People who get into the brigade go to work for ten years in a row. The farmer recruits other workers only if someone from his brigade does not arrive or the fields increase. The first time I went on an ad in the newspaper. To go, I even took out a loan. We had a tourist visa, with which you can work in Finland for no more than three months.

At first I got to a good farmer, but only for three days. He was waiting for a whole bus of workers, but they were delayed, and the harvest had to be harvested. There was a large berry, and the attitude was excellent. It was necessary to cut the weeds on the field, you can’t tear them so as not to damage the roots. There were three of us: two men and myself. The farmer gave us secateurs and gloves, the gloves fit the men, but they turned out to be big for me. We laughed, and I went to collect without gloves. The farmer left somewhere, and then returned and brought me the gloves he had just bought in a small size. We can say that the farmer took care of us, and not just hired us.

Then we went to another farmer, but his berries were small, like blueberries. I thought that in Russia I would earn even more. I began to complain to the agent that he had brought me to a place where I couldn’t even repay a loan, picking berries all day long, and he said: “Well, leave!” I packed my things, got on the bus and went to Russia. A year later, it turned out again that the berry has gone, there are still no workers, and I live a two-hour drive from the farm. We packed up and went to a caring farmer together with my daughter.

Berries out of politics

The following year, I found a website on the Internet with a list of all the farmers in Finland. My daughter and I chose those who were closer to the border, who had an email address - wrote them letters with an offer to hire us. We sent out about a hundred letters, and only seven people answered. Closer to the season, two still wrote and asked if we were ready to come. One immediately sent invitations, explained that you need to take a certificate of income, and the other asked a bunch of questions. In the end, we went to the first one.

We traveled for an average of three weeks. We went to the fields by six in the morning, until about noon we picked berries. When the harvest was in full swing, they were harvested until three o'clock in the afternoon. Even when I went for the first time, I saw how women from the Baltics pick strawberries. They do not stand bent over, but put on knee pads and sit over the beds. So, indeed, the back and legs do not get tired, only the hands hurt. On the farm they give instructions: strawberries with a white tip are not good, overripe ones are discarded, without a tail - too. It happens that you accidentally pick the wrong strawberries, but you don’t throw them away, but you eat them. We ate so much that we didn't even want to eat.

Brigades are usually 20 people each, most of them come from Ukraine. They immediately introduced a rule - not a word about politics, we all came to work and are here in equal conditions. For workers, all farmers have equipped houses, where there are bedrooms for several people, a kitchen with all appliances, a bathhouse nearby, and wi-fi. They worked seven days a week, but in the afternoon it was possible to go to the same farmer to pick peas for an additional fee, to go for wild berries. There was also free time - we went shopping on the lakes, played the guitar, rode bicycles. There is such an expression "strawberry tan" - when the back is red, and the front is white skin. We also tried to sunbathe to even out our strawberry tan.

One thousand euros in three weeks

For strawberries, the standard container is a basket, which includes two and a half kilograms. Some take it by weight, somewhere they count by the piece, and somewhere they even divide the income for the whole team. On average, a kilogram of berries is one euro. For three weeks of work, I earned about a thousand euros, my daughter the same amount. But I am a slow person and do not collect very quickly.

But we once had a guy, a gynecologist by profession, he could, where I collect one euro, make two. But some only beat back how much they paid for travel to the farm, visa and local entertainment. Their goal is not to make money, but only to visit Finland. We spent what we earned in different ways: we invested in studies, invested in the dacha, then we took the Daewoo Matiz and for the last time we drove it to the harvest.

According to statistics, Russians most often go to Germany and Spain, Israel and Italy, the Czech Republic, Greece and the United States in search of work. There are those wishing to work in New Zealand and Australia. Those who come not on a work visa, but “at random”, in Russian, have a difficult time - unskilled labor is not paid that high. But even qualified specialists do not eat honey with spoons - re-certification is required for most professions.

Who can get a job abroad, and with what salaries do they lure Russians?


They remain in high demand in many countries. Among them: Austria and Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Finland, Hong Kong and Germany, Ireland, India, Hungary, New Zealand and Norway, Slovenia, Singapore and Slovakia.

average salary - 44000-57000 $ / year.

  • For example, in Australia, nurses are needed in surgical and psychiatric departments. The higher the knowledge of the language, the richer the experience, the greater the chances of employment.
  • Great Britain is no less strongly interested in these workers, in which this specialty is classified as “prestigious” and is very well paid.
  • In the US (especially in resort states), nurses are paid about $69,000/year. In Sweden - 600-2000 euros / month (depending on the availability of a certificate).
  • In Denmark - from 20,000 crowns (about 200,000 rubles / month).
  • Well, in Austria, health workers everywhere are honored and respected. Many people dream of entering a medical school/faculty there precisely because of the high earnings.


These specialists (in different areas) are needed almost all countries of the world .

From all industries most actively recruited in the automotive industry, in the oil and gas industry, in the aerospace industry.

For example, in the Austrian list of vacancies for mechanics, technicians and other engineers, there are 23 specialties, including even specialists in cooling and heating systems. And thanks to the new employment system, the chances of potential foreign workers have increased significantly.

As for salary , its average size is about $43,000/year.

  • The salary of an engineer in Germany is about 4,000 euros / month, and after 6-7 years of work - all 5,000-6,000 euros.
  • You can also try your luck in the USA, Slovenia, Emirates.

Preference in different countries of the world, of course, is given to people with experience, education, knowledge of modern systems, equipment and PCs, and also subject to fluency in at least English. Knowing the language of the country will be a key advantage.

Invariably, highly specialized specialists with more than 2 years of experience and with a diploma of 2nd higher education are in special demand.


In most countries of the world, you will have to confirm your diploma, pass testing and recertification. And in the USA or Canada, you will also have to work in residency for 2-7 years (note - like our residency). But then you can live happily ever after and enjoy your salary.

In the countries described above, it is from 250,000 to 1 million $/year.

In Germany, a doctor can count on $63,000/year, and in New Zealand, anesthesiologists, surgeons, psychologists, and physiotherapists are very welcome, who are paid from $59,000/year. In Finland, dentists and maxillofacial surgeons are required, and in Denmark it is so bad with doctors that they will even help with the legalization of a foreign diploma.

IT sphere and computer technologies

Nowadays, these specialists are required almost everywhere. From system engineers and analysts to database administrators, directly to programmers and website developers.

In principle, these specialists make good money in Russia, but if you want more, then pay attention, for example, to vacancies offered for computer security specialists. They do earn fantastic salaries (over $100,000/year) and are required in all developed countries.

Don't forget about taxes though. In particular, in the same USA, 40% will be deducted from your salary, and in Europe - about 30% with an income of $ 55,000 / year.

Of course, being just a "cool hacker" is not enough. English should bounce off your teeth. That is, you have to practically think on it.


Well, of course, there is an eternal shortage of specialists in this area. True, this is due to their career growth, and not to the lack of teachers.

How much pay? In European countries (Germany, England, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands), a teacher's salary is 2500-3500 euros / month, in Luxembourg - more than 5000 euros / month.

Up to 2500 euros per month will be received by a teacher in France, Finland, Italy and Slovenia, Portugal and Norway. And in Estonia, the Czech Republic or Poland, even less - about 750 euros.

To work abroad, you cannot do without an international certificate (note - EFL, TEFL, ESL, TESL and TESOL), with which you can get anywhere.

And don't forget about Asia (Korea, Japan, etc.)! The teachers there are well paid.


According to this “specialty”, most often foreigners are taken in Turkey and Egypt, in Spain / Italy and in Tunisia.

The work is hard (albeit at a resort), very exhausting, and a bad mood is forbidden and unacceptable.

speak English you owe it perfectly. And if you also know German, French and Italian, then there will be no price for you.

Salary… small. But stable. About 800 euros/month. For an animator with experience - 2200 euros / month.

By the way, Russian animators at the most famous resorts are preferred for their ingenuity, mobility, talent - to ignite the audience and involve them in the game.

Truck drivers

Nothing is impossible for this profession.

Our stern Russian trucker will easily find a job in almost any European country if he has an “E” category license, perfectly “spreads” in spoken English and has completed a 2-month internship.

How much money? The trucker receives 1300-2000 $/month.


One of the most popular and demanded professions in many countries.

In Russia, lawyers are a wagon and a cart, but there is nowhere to work. And in some states, a qualified lawyer - even in the afternoon with fire, as they say ...

For example, in Italy, these are the richest people in the country. Most of all, auto lawyers, notaries (with an income of more than 90,000 euros / year), and divorce specialists are in demand there. So, if you are a lawyer, have studied the language and laws of Italy, and crave the sea and a big salary, it’s time for you to go south.


Always a popular profession. And everywhere.

In Germany, for example (if you speak German) tilers and installers, masons and interior fitters are needed.

Salary: from 2500 euros - for specialists, 7-10 euros / hour - for auxiliary workers and unskilled personnel.

  • In Finland, they pay well only to large companies, regularly increasing earnings - you can earn about $ 3,000 per month.
  • In Poland, you will find a job with difficulty (strong competition) and for 2-3 euros / hour.
  • In Sweden, you can earn about 2,700 euros / month, and in Norway - 3,000.


They are expected in the following countries: Australia, Canada and Finland, New Zealand, Ireland and India, Slovenia, Singapore, Norway, Sweden.

The shortage of pharmacists is now acutely felt almost all over the world - both in large reputable companies and in small pharmacies.

Salary can reach $95,000/year.


The demand for this profession is also great around the world. And even in Russia. True, we pay much less.

In Ireland, there are few vacancies and many restrictions (note - age 18-36 years old, English / language, etc.), and the salary is about $ 250 / week.

In the USA, a nanny earns about $350/week from the age of 21, and perfect English is not required, because most often our nannies get a job with people from Russia or the former USSR.

In an English-speaking family, you can (with knowledge of the language and the availability of water / rights) earn up to $ 500 / week.

  • A nanny's salary in Israel is no more than $170/week.
  • In Spain/Italy - about $120 (35-50 years).
  • In Cyprus - no more than $ 70 / week.
  • In Greece - about $100.
  • In Portugal - no more than $ 200 / week, but for two with a husband (they hire married couples).


In the banking sector, experienced professionals are needed everywhere. And, if you can boast of a profile diploma and an excellent knowledge of the language, then you are expected in all developed countries of Europe - for risk assessment, for making forecasts, for analyzing company data, etc.

As for salary , you will earn an income of 3000 euros / month (on average).

It is better to start conquering the foreign economic Olympus from Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

And in Ireland, you can get a job as an accountant even if you do not own international / accounting standards.


To find this vacancy, you do not even need to go to an interview - it will be held by phone.

Another thing is the license. Sometimes, to get it, you have to fly to exams (approx. - in English / language!) To another country.

In the absence of proper experience, crewing companies usually offer solid contracts in terms of time - up to 9-10 months. Moreover, a foreigner does not have to rely on a permanent contract - only a temporary one.

Maximum salary , for example, a senior mechanic - 500 $ / day (with a good combination of circumstances and a long contract), but most often the average earnings of our sailor abroad is about 1600-4000 $ / month, depending on qualifications.

Most often, "our brother" can be found in Norway, where Russian specialists are valued.

On a note: reputable companies do not advertise vacancies on the Internet. Last resort - on personal sites.

Unskilled labor

Farm work.

This "hack" abroad is (not very high, by the way) in demand among our students, who want to see the world and earn money for a new iPhone.

As a rule, in this job you have to pick vegetables, berries or flowers somewhere in Sweden, England, Denmark or Poland for 600-1000 $ / month. True, you will have to work 10-12 hours a day with one day off.

And without knowledge of English, you will not even be hired to dig up potatoes.

And in Denmark, you can get a job as a laborer on a farm for 3,500 euros / month.

home assistant

In other words, a servant.

The easiest way to get a job in this very dusty job is in the USA, England, Germany and Canada. Meals and accommodation are paid, of course, by the employer.

You will be given a day off once a week (and even then not always), and the income depends on many factors (place of stay, knowledge of the language, country, etc.), on average - from 700 to 2500 $ / month.

And most importantly, note:

Whatever the reasons for your going to work abroad, pack your bags only after signing a contract or on a work visa. Private invitations can result in the absence of a salary, and sometimes even more serious consequences.

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