How to open a massage parlor from scratch. How to properly open your own massage parlor How to open a massage at home

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Today, one of the most developing activities is the provision of services in the field of rejuvenation and relaxation.

The effect of acupressure (massage) on certain areas of the body can lead to a reduction in the risk of joint disease, and blood flow contributes to overall skin rejuvenation.

Massage parlors are an excellent way to get rid of most ailments, and many businessmen, noting the high demand for this type of service, began opening these centers.

Indeed, massage as a business brings in a solid income due to the constant “influx” of clients, which contributes to the fastest payback for the event.

But what if you are a novice entrepreneur and simply do not have impressive start-up capital to implement your idea?

To solve this problem, you can open your own massage parlor at home, which will put a much smaller impact on your wallet.

At the very beginning of your activity, to create your own ready-made office, you need:

  • two chairs for relaxation (approximate cost from 10 thousand rubles per item);
  • specialized couch (50 thousand rubles);
  • various warming and relaxing creams and oils (cost about 7 thousand rubles);
  • advertising costs in social networking communities (cost 10 thousand rubles for 1 month);
  • a set of white towels and sheets for massage (cost 8 thousand rubles).

Thus, the total costs are 85 thousand rubles, which almost anyone can afford.

It is worth noting that in 1 session you can earn up to two thousand rubles, and this is a significant income at the initial stage. It all depends on your capabilities and ideas.

Expand your customer base by placing advertisements on the World Wide Web.

Expansion of business activities

How long can you wait until you come up with a unique business idea? After all, sometimes it’s enough just to start doing something and develop. In the end, this will bring much more fruit than empty expectation of a miracle.

Over time, you will accumulate some capital and be able to afford to rent premises to open a massage parlor.

Create your own unique design of a ready-made office for the provision of services. Purchase additional chairs and couches.

Surround your clients with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Ask them to tell their friends and acquaintances about your center, take recommendations from them.

At this stage, it is worth thinking about replenishing the staff. This will allow you to abstract from the work process and completely focus on solving organizational issues.

Indeed, sometimes beginning entrepreneurs cannot pay due attention to promoting their activities due to the presence of a permanent job, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the number of clients.

Run promotions, start selling subscriptions for a certain number of procedures, reduce the cost of services provided at the most unpopular time in the morning.

This series of measures will significantly increase profits.

The formation of new massage centers will require a considerable amount of money, but the total turnover will quickly pay for all organizational activities.

For example, to open and maintain a new point afloat you will need about 900,000 rubles, while the monthly income, taking into account the costs of salaries and equipment maintenance, will be 150-200 thousand.

Positive aspects of massage

The idea of ​​making money from a network of massage centers is undoubtedly an attractive activity for many entrepreneurs.

Let us highlight the main positive aspects that contribute to the most rapid development and advancement:

  1. Due to the absence of strong pressure from competitors, this area of ​​business activity is the most promising and in demand today.
  2. Lack of complex equipment, which eliminates constant breakdowns and frequent need for maintenance.
  3. Relatively high income due to the demand for the type of services provided. This has the best effect on the return on investment of all activities.
  4. The ability to implement the services provided in various areas, ranging from warming and relaxing to anti-cellulite massage. Indeed, today all types of this activity have a high level of demand among various segments of the population.
  5. Low costs for consumables (creams, oils and specialized massage products).
  6. There is no need for a large staff, which allows you to save more money, which can subsequently be invested in business expansion.
  7. The possibility of concluding partnership agreements with cosmetic companies through advertising and recommending their products. It is worth noting that some beauty centers “live” only on royalties through the promotion of certain product lines.

Summing up and highlighting the main points

As a result, the result of your activities will depend on the amount of force applied, and not on a successful combination of circumstances. As a rule, nothing comes easy.


Find a suitable room for your massage. It should be located on the ground floor, in a busy place in the city, and be equipped with a tap with cold and hot water and a sewage system. How many square meters the room you rent will be is up to you to decide. For one masseuse to work, an area of ​​10 to 15 square meters is required. Depending on how many masseuses will work in your office, its area depends.

When choosing a place for a massage room, you need to think about what legal status you will be applying for. For a small business, a legal limited liability company is best suited. You can entrust its design to professionals or do it yourself. Prepare your documents, go to a notary, register yours with the tax office and get permission to run this business. Open a bank account for the registered company.

After the legal form of doing business has been prepared, start equipping your office and selecting personnel who will work for you. 30% of people who need therapeutic massage are ready to travel anywhere as long as the massage is performed by a good specialist. Therefore, you need to find good massage therapists. Give information to all media about recruitment. Your business will flourish only if the professionals are good. Even the most modern equipment and room decoration will not help with bad massage therapists.

There must be a bathroom near the massage room. Place the number of couches in the office according to the number of simultaneously working specialists. Each massage therapist's place must be equipped with a screen. Buy towels and massage towels. For daily washing of towels and sheets, install a washing machine. A special cabinet must be equipped for towels and sheets. There should also be a place for clients to undress and dress.

In order for the SES to allow you to work and there will be no complaints in the future, cover the walls and floor of the massage room with washable materials. They must be treated daily with special disinfectants.

The massage room can be additionally equipped with a special massage chair.

Video on the topic


A massage session is best carried out in an isolated warm room, the air temperature in which should be from + 20 to +22 degrees, otherwise the patient will feel discomfort. The massage room should be well lit, because if there is insufficient lighting in the room, the massage therapist will get tired quickly.


  • what documents are needed to open an office?

Nowadays massage is becoming very popular. Previously, this procedure could only be performed by workers in medical institutions. And now they provide this procedure salons beauty, massage salons and fitness centers. This business does not require large investments, it quickly pays for itself and is profitable.


The second stage is preparing the premises and purchasing equipment. According to SES standards, walls must be covered with either washable wallpaper or tiles. IN massage There must be a bathroom with a toilet. You don’t need any special funds for equipment: you will need a couple of massage tables, a couple of couches, and a portable table for providing services at home. In addition, you will need to carefully furnish the reception area. To provide massage services you will need special oils. You can purchase them in special professional stores.

The success of a particular massage parlor largely depends on the staff you select. The main attention should be paid to the selection of a massage therapist. Good massage therapists usually have a private practice, but may agree to work in a salon for a good, stable salary. As an option, you can lure a massage therapist from another salon based on recommendations from his clients. When choosing a massage therapist for your salon, choose a generalist. The larger the range of techniques the massage therapist masters, the better, because the same type massage Customers get bored quickly. To open a salon, it will be enough to select two proven massage therapists who will work in shifts. In addition to massage therapists, do not forget to hire an administrator and an accountant, unless, of course, you are ready to take on these functions.

Helpful advice

A good massage salon pays for itself in 3-4 months;
- the cost of one massage session varies depending on the technique and qualifications of the massage therapist;
- the massage salon can be gradually expanded into a SPA center or beauty salon.

The sunny kingdom of Thailand today attracts millions of tourists. Paradise beaches, an abundance of fruits, smiling and hospitable locals, low prices - these advantages have made this country a real tourist Mecca. Traditional Thai massage and its many varieties are, perhaps, part of the mandatory holiday program. Local craftsmen, without exaggeration, create miracles, because art massage passed on from generation to generation. That is why real Thai massage in the Russian metropolis will become a very promising line of business.

You will need

  • - premises;
  • - start-up capital.


Find a good room: take care of the convenience of its location, noise insulation, and parking. The premises should have several small rooms (at least 8 sq.m. per client). If massage tables or chairs cannot be placed in separate rooms, separate them with screens.

Salon employees must undergo specialized training and receive appropriate certificates. You can take massage courses in Thailand itself - the cost is not at all what it seems at first glance. An undoubted competitive advantage will be inviting Thais to work. Given the low wages in their home country, this will be relatively easy. You can contact the migration service to obtain a work visa for them, or contact a personnel agency that will assist you.

Create an atmosphere of hospitality, calm and relaxation in your salon. Work with the light and decor of the room. Purchase traditional aromatics used in Thai massage. Your clients should receive not only services, but also a good mood.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Organize the sale of Thai cosmetics in your salon, which is becoming increasingly popular. For example, well-known brands Oriental Princess, Sabai Arom, SenSpa offer lines for both salon and home care.

Several decades ago, many diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other surgical problems could not be treated. Today, with such diagnoses, you can lead a normal life thanks to many special medical devices. That is why opening an orthopedic salon will not only become a promising business, but will also help hundreds of people stay healthy.

You will need

  • - premises;
  • - start-up capital.


Select the room where your orthopedic salon will be located. The specifics of the product allow you not to choose a pass-through place: most customers will go for your products purposefully. Provide space for a warehouse, a convenient retail area, a small fitting room, and a utility room.

Find product suppliers. Modern orthopedic salons offer a very diverse selection of products. This is why you will have to work with several manufacturers or wholesalers. Check that they have the necessary permits (mandatory certificates of conformity).

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 352,500 rubles.
  • Net profit – 60,180 rubles.
  • Payback period is approximately 1 year.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will talk about this type of business as a massage parlor/office and we will try to write a detailed business plan for a massage parlor with calculations. We also recommend reading an interview with an existing entrepreneur.

Market analysis

Today, people in Russia use cosmetic services quite actively. As a rule, women show interest in this area. One of the most popular offers is massage. It can be divided into 2 types:

  • cosmetic;
  • medicinal.

The first is responsible for the aesthetic component, the second helps fight various diseases and ailments.

Men use massage services somewhat less frequently.

The vast majority of visitors are women (more than 70%). These are either wealthy ladies who prefer cosmetic types of massage (anti-cellulite, firming and others), or women who have certain diseases for which massage is necessary.

We must not forget that to conduct therapeutic massage sessions, the master must have the appropriate qualifications.

Men rarely use cosmetic massage; usually these are rich and influential people who care about their appearance and want to bring themselves back to normal.

Massage is a service developed on the Russian market. Therefore, it will not be possible to come up with any new methods. An important factor will be whether the massage therapist has licenses and certificates. The ideal option is to hire someone who has regular clients.

If we analyze competitors, the greatest inconvenience will come from large cosmetology centers that are well-known in the city, as well as those who actively promote the salon through advertising. Treatment centers will also become a serious competitor in the market.

It is important to note that the competitive struggle of the main market players is not aimed at ousting rivals, but at maintaining their own positions. Simply put, everyone is interested in securing their own customer base.

To become a competitive massage salon, it will be necessary to offer affordable prices for services (preferably at the same level as average, but lower in the first stages). Particular attention will also have to be paid to advertising.

A positive point is the standardization of related products, which are not difficult to purchase.

Thus, the work of the massage parlor will be aimed at attracting female and male persons aged 20-40 years mainly.

Before starting work on a specific project, it is worth studying the massage services market and analyzing prices. Own value must be set based on demand and the average competitive price.

SWOT analysis


Availability of a professional massage therapist with extensive experience and his own client base.

The use of high-tech equipment, as well as well-known effective techniques that are in demand.

Providing high quality services.

Low level of initial and subsequent costs.

Free entry to the massage services market.

Individual work with each client.

Relevance and demand for the services offered.

Weak sides:

High level of competition.

A rather complex process of determining the qualifications of an employee being hired.

A long and labor-intensive process of finding suitable personnel.

Zero business reputation (no one has heard of the massage parlor or knows about the quality of the services provided).


Working with loyal clients, attracting them to ongoing cooperation.

Favorable location of the massage parlor.

You can easily establish relationships with suppliers of high-quality equipment and necessary supplies.

Further expansion, opening of new points, provision of additional services.

Growth of income, profit.

Using outsourcing of any services, which will subsequently reduce the cost of costs.


High indicators of possible risks.

Incorrect assessment of one's own capabilities.

Opportunity Assessment

The massage parlor will be open daily. The operating mode will be as follows:

Total: 80 hours.

Thus, the work will require at least two qualified specialists.

Seasonality does not particularly affect the work of the center. The flow usually increases during the pre-holiday and post-holiday periods. At this time, people like to give gift certificates and tidy themselves up.

Subsequent development is possible through the introduction of additional services, new offices, and expansion.

Organizational and legal issues:

  1. The first step is to decide on the OPF. You can choose either LLC or . The second option is more suitable, since it will be easier to register, and the tax regime is very flexible. In addition, individual entrepreneurs involve working with individuals, which corresponds to the services provided. The OKVED code when opening a massage parlor in most cases will be 93.04 - physical education and recreational activities.
  2. Obtaining appropriate permission from the fire service and SES, allowing you to operate the premises.
  3. Obtaining licenses to conduct medical massage, since this activity is one of the medical services. Relevant documents must be submitted to Roszdravnadzor.
  4. It is worth choosing or. In the case of the simplified tax system, taxes are paid either on income (6%) or on the difference between income and expenses (15%).
  5. We also recommend accepting payments from our clients by bank cards. To do this, you need to open a bank account. By the way, we wrote an article about.
  • At least 8 m2 must be allocated for any massage therapist. If 2 specialists work with a client at once, then it is necessary to have an office with an area of ​​at least 12 m2.
  • The optimal size of a massage room will be 70 m2 if 2 massage therapists work simultaneously. It is necessary to have a bathroom, a bathroom, 2 massage rooms, and a reception area on the territory of the massage salon. It is better if each office has its own bathroom and bathroom.
  • It is better to immediately choose a commercial premises for rent. This could be an apartment, for example. You can also enter into an agreement with a fitness center that does not have its own massage room. In this case, refurbishment of the premises will be cheaper.
  • Try contacting the employment service, perhaps they will provide support to your organization as a small business. To do this, you must provide a detailed business plan for the project.

Description of service

Initially, visitors will be able to use the following services:

  • general body massage;
  • massage of individual areas;
  • Anticellulite massage.

Registration is carried out by phone through the administrator or on the website (group) of the organization. It would be ideal if the website allows customers to leave an online request or make a reservation for a specific time.

In the future, it is planned to open several more points. This massage room can be expanded to a maximum of 5 specialists. It will be impractical to hire more for one point, and the return on investment for the service will decrease.

When working with a client, the master solves certain problems and satisfies the needs of the visitor. An individual approach is applied to everyone.

It is very important to use high-quality oils that will not harm the body and skin in particular. These must be certified products from a reliable supplier.

To increase customer demand and trust, you need to hire qualified and experienced specialists. If you cannot assess professionalism yourself, you can consult with the administration of those organizations where the applicant for the position previously worked.

Marketing plan

Pricing strategy :

At first, the price should be below the average in this market segment. This will attract more customers. At the same time, the quality must be at the same level. You can change the price depending on the solvency of the client.

Service promotion strategy:

The main means of promotion will, of course, be advertising. The following varieties can be included:

  • Organization sign. It is also very important to come up with an interesting and memorable name.
  • "Word of mouth." This is the most effective advertising, and it’s free. It is based on informing potential clients through their friends and relatives. Its disadvantage is that it cannot be controlled by the organization’s administration. For incentives, you can use discount programs, for example: “Bring a friend, get a free massage session.”
  • Leaflets (distributed near the salon itself, placed in mailboxes in the area).
  • Internet promotion, including contextual advertising.
  • Creating your own website, group, advertising them.
  • Information in the media. You should not get carried away with this type of advertising. As a rule, this expensive method does not produce a large number of responses. You can, for example, limit yourself to advertising in a newspaper.

It is worth developing a system of discount cards, discounts dedicated to certain holidays, for example. A great idea would be to create gift certificates.

Let's calculate the planned revenue:

Name of service Price Quantity per month total revenues
General massage (1 hour) 800 rub. 45 36,000 rub.
Back massage (30 minutes) 350 rub. 100 35,000 rub.
Neck massage (30 minutes) 350 rub. 70 RUB 24,500
Neck and neck massage (30 minutes) 350 rub. 50 RUB 17,500
Lumbar massage (40 minutes) 500 rub. 60 30,000 rub.
Chest massage (20 minutes) 200 rub. 30 6,000 rub.
Abdominal massage (20 minutes) 250 rub. 30 7,500 rub.
Hand massage (30 minutes) 300 rub. 30 9,000 rub.
Head massage (15 minutes) 150 rub. 20 3,000 rub.
Lower limb massage (40 minutes) 600 rub. 30 18,000 rub.
Cupping anti-cellulite massage with honey (1 hour) 1,200 rub. 80 96,000 rub.
Complex anti-cellulite massage (1 hour) 1,000 rub. 70 70,000 rub.
Total 405 hours RUR 352,500

2 massage therapists work simultaneously (four staff units in total). The monthly hourly output for all is 680. Only 405 hours are used. Therefore, only 59.56% of the opportunities are used.

Monthly income is 352,500 rubles.

Production plan

Before starting work, it will be necessary to repair the premises. These costs also include the cost of bathroom and bathroom equipment. The massage salon has a total area of ​​70 m2. Of these, 12 are reception rooms, 29 are massage rooms. The total cost of repairs is 300,000 rubles.

Each office will need equipment: medical couches (2 pcs.) and massage tables (2 pcs.). Their total cost is 140,000 rubles. We take the average cost of a table to be 40,000 rubles, a couch – 30,000 rubles. You can also get by at a lower cost by buying used furniture, for example, on Avito. But it’s still better to buy new, high-quality equipment.

You will also need furniture for work. Including tables, chairs, a hanger for visitors, cabinets for oils and other accessories, screens for changing clothes (for the greatest comfort of visitors). In total, this will cost 50,000 rubles.

The administrator will need a laptop; offices can be equipped with stereo systems for greater relaxation of visitors. Another 60,000 rubles will be spent on equipment.

It will also be necessary to purchase primary supplies of raw materials, including oils, jars (for anti-cellulite massage), towels, creams, napkins. This is another 50,000 rubles.

Administrators and cleaners, like massage therapists, work in shifts (40 hours each). The work is carried out as follows: administrator + cleaning lady + 2 massage therapists.

The responsibilities of the administrator include receiving calls and requests on the site, meeting clients, and consulting.

The cleaning lady comes 3 times per shift. Her responsibilities include not only cleaning the floors, but also the bathroom.

Organizational plan

1st month 2nd month 3rd month
Registration of an organization 6,800 rub.
Obtaining a license (paying state duty) 7,500 rub.
Finding a landlord, concluding an agreement +
Market analysis + +
Advertising 20,000 rub.
Website 15,000 rub.
Repair 300,000 rub.
Purchase of equipment 140,000 rub.
Personnel search + +
Buying furniture 50,000 rub.
Purchase of equipment 60,000 rub.
Buying a cash register 15,000 rub.
Purchase of primary inventories 50,000 rub.
Installation of equipment, arrangement of furniture, cleaning +
Internet connection 600 rub.
Purchase of medical gowns and caps 8,000 rub.
Launch of the project +
Total: RUB 672,900

The lease agreement should be concluded long-term, at least for a year. Administrators are responsible for maintaining and filling the site during their working hours.

The head of the organization does the accounting.

Financial plan

Monthly income - 352,500 rubles.

Initial costs – 672,900 rubles.

Calculation of periodic costs:

Thus, profit before tax will be equal to 352,500 – 281,700 = 70,800 rubles.

We calculate taxes based on the difference between income and expenses: 70,800 * 0.15 = 10,620 rubles.

Net profit will be equal to 70,800 – 10,620 = 60,180 rubles.

Let's calculate the payback period: 672,900/60,180 = 11.19. The project will pay for itself in a little less than a year.

Profitability will be equal to 100*(60,180/352,500) = 17%.


Risk name Probability of occurrence Ways to avoid Threats
Increased competition, loss of some customers Average Individual work with clients.

Advantageous offers, discount systems.

Decrease in income, profit, decrease in profitability. Possible losses.
Change in rental price Average Conclusion of a long-term contract. Increased expenses.
Changes in legislation Low Clear drafting of organization documents, especially the Charter. Paperwork. Temporary suspension of activities.
Crisis, instability in the country Average Possibility of price reduction to retain customers. Decrease in total revenue.
Internal risks
Unprofessionalism High Rigorous selection of applicants for the position. Employee training, timely professional development. A decrease in the number of clients, as a result of a decrease in all financial indicators.
Bad placement High Conducting surveys and geomarketing research. Low number of clients, decreased income

Today, Chinese massage is beginning to gain great popularity; you can try to open your own office in this direction.

A little more about obtaining a business license:

If the office provides medical massage, you must obtain a license. Otherwise, the organization may be subject to an administrative fine.

You will have to provide, among other things, the following documents: Goskomstat codes, certificates of registration and tax registration, lease agreement.

You will also need contracts with employees and their medical records. Each massage therapist must have at least 5 years of experience in this field! You will need a staffing table.

The equipment must also have certificates.

There are other aspects that will need to be taken into account. Of course, it is best to seek help from one of the companies providing legal services, because obtaining a license is labor-intensive and time-consuming (processing takes 30-45 days).

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

One day I came across an interview. In it, a girl who moved from Russia to some Scandinavian country told how cool it was for her to work there as a masseuse. The minimum income, according to her, was equivalent to 5 thousand US dollars per month, she worked a lot, but without overexerting herself. Most importantly, I thoroughly enjoyed my profession.

At that time, I was, as they say, in a “creative search” for my dream business, so I was very interested in this information. “Five thousand bucks!”: I began to reason.

“Well, okay, let’s make a discount on Russia... how much can you earn here... well, fifty, well, a hundred thousand rubles”...

Immediately my eyes misted over the picture with half-naked girls of appetizing shapes standing in line in front of the door of my massage parlor...

The decision was made with lightning speed. I want to be a massage therapist! This is my dream job!

To master the profession of a massage therapist you must:

- or go to study at a medical institution (university, college) in a department where they teach the subject of “medical massage”,

– or graduate from a physical education academy, where the discipline “Massage and physical therapy” is required,

– or study at one of the many paid courses with the qualification “Massage Therapist”.

One clarification: medical education gives more advantages over others, since such a professional can get a job in any medical institution (clinic, hospital, sanatorium), providing treatment with the help of massage procedures, while without it you have no right to treat.

Relax, tone, heal, but do not treat!

In principle, therapeutic massage makes up a small proportion of the “total mass”, so most massage therapists live well without medical education.

I don’t have a medical education, but I do have a physical education degree, received ten years ago. While studying at the academy, there was only one subject that I constantly missed, so I received a pass in it only “for a present.”

Unfortunately, this subject was massage... And in the specialty I received, I have never worked a day in my life...

Well, there was a third option: take a course. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of them in this specialty.

Massage courses are the easiest and fastest option to gain a profession. The duration of training is most often one and a half to two months.

An educational institution must have a license for educational activities. Therefore, when choosing a place of study, make sure that it is licensed, otherwise you will receive a “filkin’s certificate” instead of a document.

The standard course program includes the subject “Basic (health) massage.” This is the minimum that allows a specialist to start his activity.

The cost of the basic course is approximately from 8 to 15 thousand rubles. But there are also periods of discounts. Usually before major holidays or during the summer off-season. At this time, the cost may decrease to 4-5 thousand rubles for the basic course.

In addition to wellness, for an additional fee you will be offered other massage specialties, for example, anti-cellulite, cupping, sports, honey massages and so on. This is also recorded in the certificate.

If finances allow, be sure to study two or three of these specialties. Firstly, higher qualifications will naturally be a big plus in the future.

Secondly, a future employer or a fastidious patient will definitely ask you to show the document. The trust is higher according to the one who knows more.

It is clear that different training centers offer different quality of training. Here I can only advise based on real reviews about them.

After calling five or six companies in my city, I chose the one that best suited my needs and signed up. The training lasted approximately a month and a half. The result was a certificate with the qualifications “wellness, anti-cellulite, cupping and honey massages.”

Yes, by the way, the opportunity to take courses remotely has appeared on the Internet. If you are tempted to learn from a distance, I will say that massage is, first of all, a practice.

Moreover, one of the most important tasks of the teacher is to “position” your hands: to teach you competent manipulation of the hands, taking into account the nature of the movement, the force of pressure, and so on, as well as the correct position of the body during the procedure (back pain is one of the professional diseases of massage therapists with incorrect posture) .

Therefore, learning massage at a distance is the same as making, say, love on Skype...

Once you have received your certificate, you can do the following:

– start your own business right away,

– get a hired job at first,

– combine both options.

I started with the first, however, I soon switched to the second, and then to the third method. But first things first.

Starting a business

Having become a qualified specialist, I immediately purchased the following equipment:

– portable massage table with roller and pillow – 4500 rubles,

– a set of massage oils: base oils (peach, coconut, grape seed), essential oils: lemon, grapefruit, orange, juniper – 600 rubles,

– anti-cellulite gel – 400 rubles,

– consumables (disposable sheets, towels, a set of plastic jars, medical gloves, chlorhexidine) – 350 rubles.

If you decide to work both at home and away, take a portable folding table. When folded, it looks like a hefty diplomat. It can be more or less conveniently transported. The cost of such a table is from 3,500 rubles and above. I don’t recommend taking the cheapest one - their design is very unreliable and will break quite quickly.

Whether to massage with oils or creams, or in some other way is up to you. I initially liked oils. They have different effects on the body, they can be combined, or you can get by with one base.

If you intend to do “anti-cellulite”, choose anti-cellulite products according to the circumstances. The most common criterion for their selection is a warming or cooling or neutral effect.

Always have disposable supplies on hand.

Clients, promotion features

To promote his services, he created accounts on Instagram and Vkontakte, began posting interesting posts about massage, inviting people with the “First massage is free” campaign.

I also posted an ad on Avito, which was blocked half an hour later. Yes, according to the Avito rules, you cannot place ads offering massage therapist services, you just have to come to terms with it.

There are, of course, workarounds, but they are ineffective. One way is to submit an ad in the “Job Search - Resume” section.

I posted an ad on Yulia. Moderation there is less strict. “Yule” is still far from “Avito” in terms of the number of users, this can be seen almost immediately, but the first client came from there.

I was called to give a hand massage to my bedridden grandfather. For my first order, I didn’t need a table, oil, or consumables. The asking price is 300 rubles. The customer did not agree to more, but I was simply happy with the first order.

The guys are beginner massage therapists!

If you're dreaming of crowds of half-naked girls who only dream of lying on your table, exposing their buttocks, cool down!

90% of specialists spend most of their time working with bodies aged 50+ who are far from model in appearance and, moreover, not always cleanly washed.

Girls who have just received their diploma and think that they will only meet decent, intelligent patients!

I will warn you: you are unlikely to be able to avoid periodic male advances and questions about intimacy. You need to mentally prepare for this in advance. Naturally, try not to visit complete strangers.

Understand one more thing: a massage therapist does not just deal with a person, he works with the body, and with the naked one. It is not always elastic and pleasant to the touch; most often, it is senile, flabby, and has many consequences of ailments (fat, psoriasis, scars, scars...).

Each patient has his own specific smell. To be honest, after some you literally have to run out into the fresh air to catch your breath. And with all this, you must be smiling and courteous.

This business is akin to self-sacrifice.

But how nice it is to see the results of your labors! Smooth, tight-free backs and shoulders! Girls who got rid of excess folds on the sides or “orange peel”! They are simply ready to carry you in their arms!..

Two weeks passed and still no orders. By the way, there were plenty of views on Yulia, and the account was gaining popularity on Instagram. People actively liked the posts, but were in no hurry to buy.

In general, a massage service is based on trust. Well, tell me, can you calmly undress next to a person unknown to you and lie down on his couch? Does the fact that someone else's hands will touch you make you think about relaxation?..

It follows from this that for novice professionals, looking for clients remotely is the most ineffective activity.

Of course, if you're a pretty girl posting photos of your body on social media, men will line up. The only question is for what services.

But how can you get these very satisfied ones, if no one is in a hurry to sign up with you even for free?!

The answer came naturally: you need to go where this client lives. That is, get a job either in a salon or in a clinic.

Successful business strategy

In the beauty salon where I came to get a job, they looked at my documents, asked a couple of questions and nodded approvingly. A massage therapist is not a vacancy where there are “two hundred people per place.”

The salary was a daily payment of 1000 rubles at the end of the working day.

For visitors to the salon, who mostly came for a haircut or manicure, the administrator offered a free 15-minute massage session. If the client liked it, he bought the next one.

On the first day I did almost a dozen free procedures. Over the next month, he “plowed like hell.”

But in return, I gained invaluable practical experience, took several dozen contacts of potential clients, and also realized that a good massage therapist must also be a good seller.

In addition to performing their direct duties, it is critically important for a specialist to learn how to sell their services: make self-presentations during procedures, give favorable answers to patients’ questions, make upsells (upsells), and persuade people to buy long-term courses.

If a massage therapist does not learn this, then his work will be reduced only to finding new customers. Your goal is regular customers who come to you year after year, bringing their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

A month later, “enlightened,” I rented a massage room in another beauty salon. Yes, many salons rent out their offices.

Rental prices are completely different, sometimes beyond any logic. In my case, rent cost 5 thousand rubles per month.

I started working with the list of clients I had collected over the course of a month. I continued to work for hire for some time until the rented place began to bring in money.

Over the next three months, patients slowly filled the office. My prices were approximately average for the city.

The portable couch also came in handy: many visitors to the salon asked to come to their home, which I did, serving, in addition to themselves, their relatives. For an additional fee, of course.

In general, when setting the price for their services, a novice massage therapist usually sets a price below average. This is understandable: the lower the authority, the lower the price tag.

I would only advise you to immediately make a note in your price list that the low price is a temporary phenomenon. It is valid, for example, for a month. An interesting “trick” with crossed out numbers is when the price for the service you are striving for is crossed out in the price list, and the low, current cost is written next to it.

All this will help you raise your income to a higher level in the future, simply by removing lower numbers from the price list.

As for my profit, I earned, on average, about 60 thousand rubles a month. This is approximately 2-4 patients per day.

Now I don’t rent a salon and don’t conduct active massage activities. Switched to other interesting activities. However, I still accept regular clients. They make up some of my passive income.


Massage is a fairly profitable type of business, but on one condition: if you understand that this is not entertainment with half-naked guys and girls, but serious, sometimes not very pleasant work associated with helping people.

A profitable massage therapist is a combination of professional skills, psychological stability, sales ability and lack of disgust towards someone else’s body.

The main source of income is satisfied customers who come again and again. The main capital is real positive recommendations of you as a great specialist.

Constantly learn new things and improve! There are a great many types and subtypes of massage. Fashion trends appear and disappear, which, if you want to increase your income, you must catch, adapt and sell.

Good luck to you in this difficult but very noble business!

P.S.: Several of my colleagues, massage therapists, go to the Black Sea coast in the summer season. To earn money. They give massages to vacationers on the beaches. On average, they earn, according to them, about one hundred thousand rubles a month.

They combine, so to speak, business with pleasure.

The 21st century is a time of opportunity both in leisure and at work. To open your own business you need only two things: desire and money. If future businessmen usually have enough of the first, then problems may arise at the financing stage. It is because of this that every future entrepreneur tries to find an idea that will be not only interesting, but also accessible. Among these ideas is opening a massage parlor as a business.

Massage is not only a therapeutic procedure, but also a relaxing one, with a cosmetic effect. People come to massage therapists to plunge into an atmosphere of relaxation and relax their soul and body to pleasant music and aromas of incense.

Is it profitable to open a massage parlor? Let's figure it out.

Business idea analysis

A massage business is a business that pays off very quickly. In literally six months to a year, all invested funds will be returned to you with interest. Experts estimate that the profitability of this business is about 25%. Such high efficiency makes all massage therapists at home competitors, making every effort to steal the client from their fellow massage therapist.

To prevent this from happening, consider the following:

  • Understand what audience your services are aimed at;
  • The massage room is more cosmetic than therapeutic. Therefore, the atmosphere and quality of services must be better than those of competitors;
  • The price of a massage varies depending on the skill of the master, but even if you set the price lower than that of your colleagues, you can make good money;
  • Competition in the massage business is very high, which means that only a good specialist can make decent money in this business.

First of all, determine what target audience your business is aimed at.

For clients with an “above average” income, a wide range of services is expected. In addition to the usual procedures, this can be a massage with hot stones, wrapping with therapeutic mud, clay, chocolate, and so on.

Middle class clients. The range of services includes the usual procedures. Perhaps providing a cosmetic component that will attract women of different ages to your massage parlor.

Business plan

A business plan for a massage parlor is the next step that a good organizer should take. It is at this stage that the question of whether you have enough strength and finances for entrepreneurship will be decided. If you can’t draw up a plan yourself or are too lazy, then there are many companies and websites that provide a ready-made business plan for a massage parlor with calculations (sometimes even for free).
The first thing you need to open a massage parlor is registration. The massage therapist registers himself as a private entrepreneur and registers with the tax office. If the office has nothing to do with the provision of medical services, you do not need a license for this activity. But there must still be some specific documents, namely a certificate of completion of massage courses. If you haven’t taken these courses yet, add their cost to your expenses.

Don't forget to get permits from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire stations.

Search for premises

Before opening your massage parlor from scratch, find the appropriate premises. It should be small, but not less than 8 square meters per specialist, otherwise you will not receive permission from the sanitary station. If the salon is aimed at a high-income target audience, the premises should be rented in wealthy areas. For the middle class, a salon in a residential area of ​​the city is suitable. The main characteristics of the premises are convenient entrances, the presence of all communications, the first floor.

Alternatively, you can rent a room next to the gym. , usually quite large. Some clients will certainly want to relax after a workout and will use the massage service.

However, it is not necessary to rent a room; you can always use a room in your home or work on the road.

Repair and equipment

Before renovating a room, read the requirements of the services that will inspect the finished version so that you don’t have to redo it later.

A massage room requires an appropriate atmosphere. The pleasant relaxation that accompanies a good massage is achieved through proper repair. It includes painting (the walls should be in pleasant colors, wash well and not slip from contact with disinfectants). Create a beautiful design, for example, in an oriental style, hang tapestries or paintings on the walls, or equip a music center.

Near the administrator's desk you can place several armchairs and a coffee table. This is where customers will wait their turn.

In total you will need to purchase:

  • Administrator's desk with chair;
  • Armchairs and coffee table;
  • A massage table;
  • Couch;
  • Cabinet or shelves for products, towels and accessories;
  • Equipment for bathrooms and showers;
  • Computer and phone.

In addition to the main massage room and the hall, where the administrator and visitors waiting in line will be located, furnish a room where the salon staff can relax.

When a master works on a home visit, he may not read the entire list above. He only needs different oils and a folding massage table (it would be good if he could adjust his body position).

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The number of staff depends on how much you want to expand your business. If it is just a massage room, then the staff will be four people: a massage therapist, an administrator, a security guard and a cleaning lady. The larger the room you occupy, the more people you will need.

A massage therapist must have a medical book, a medical examination at least once a year, and at least courses as an education.

The administrator’s duties will be to keep records of clients, make appointments, pay bills, and maintain the salon’s Internet resources.

Advertising campaign

Even the best massage parlor will remain idle if potential clients do not know about it. No one will go into a salon unless there is a nice sign hanging above it, or people are talking about it on the Internet. Your first assistant is the World Wide Web. Organize advertising by email, place business cards in the mailboxes of nearby houses, post advertisements in the subway, on boards, poles, banners - wherever there is a chance that the words “massage parlor” will catch the eye of the likely target audience. Create a website where the full range of your services and prices will be displayed, as well as photos of certificates, diplomas, and famous clients.

If you are still interested in how to open a massage parlor without a license, then we will give you advice: focus on quality. Choose your services carefully and create at least a small assortment, which will allow you to attract a wider audience. In essence, the massage business is inexpensive and does not require large premises or special equipment. You don’t have to bother at all and go home with a massage - then you won’t even have to spend money on repairs and additional staff. The most difficult and important thing will be to take the appropriate courses and constantly maintain your level of professionalism. If you can handle this, then nothing else will stop you.