Toilet soap solid lump brand ordinary. Solid toilet soap: features, types, guest and reviews. General technical requirements

Solid toilet soap, it would seem, has long been a well-known cosmetic product for personal hygiene. But few people are familiar with its history, manufacturing standards and other tricks. IN Lately homemade soap making is gaining more and more popularity, and manufacturers indulge in great aromas and natural ingredients. Store shelves are literally bursting with a huge assortment designed for every taste and budget.

ancient recipes

The first mention of solid toilet soap was found on clay tablets of the ancient Sumerians. These historical artifacts are already about 3000 years old, and the compositions on them are not much different from modern recipes. In ancient Babylon, as now, they used a fat base, and wood ash as an absorbent.

They were also familiar with soap firsthand in ancient Egypt, the papyrus describing the use of soap is at least 3500 years old. Initially, Egyptian recipes were similar to Sumerian ones, but later the ash began to be replaced with a natural mineral - soda.

Soap was used for personal hygiene, washing and laundering wool. In addition, it was actively used in the treatment of skin diseases.

On an industrial scale, soap making began during the Middle Ages. The French king was an ardent admirer of luxury and expensive fragrances, it was thanks to him that they began to add essential oils. These precious blocks were available only to the nobility and the clergy.

Main characteristics

In the modern world, solid toilet soap is also intended for personal hygiene. It consists of natural or synthetic fatty acids and salts, various perfume fragrances, plant extracts and other components that further determine its classification.

The main task of soap is to wash away dirt and bacteria from the surface being cleaned. This is achieved due to the alkaline environment, which actively eliminates impurities and a thin layer of sebum that protects against harmful microorganisms and infections. The upper layer of the epidermis loosens and intensively loses moisture. Therefore, for washing dry and sensitive skin, it is better to use mild alkali-free products and carefully read the composition indicated on the package. To protect the epidermis from damage, it is advisable to use a cream after cleansing.

Soap classification

cosmetic product by All-Russian classifier belongs to class 91. According to GOST 28546-2002 "General specifications. Solid toilet soap "depending on consumer properties, is divided into four brands:

  • neutral;
  • extra;
  • children's;
  • ordinary.

The main requirement for any brand is the integrity of the piece, without visible damage and cracks, as well as a clear and even stamp. Also prerequisite high foaming is considered. Availability of a certificate for toilet solid soap in any point of sale is strictly mandatory and is the guarantor of the quality and safety of the cosmetic product.

There is also another type of soap that is not included in the GOST standards. Glycerin - differs in translucent or transparent base. Unlike ordinary soap it is boiled with glycerin, thereby eliminating harmful alkali. This product perfectly foams, moisturizes and cares for the skin.

Ingredients Used

The main composition of solid toilet soap includes vegetable and animal fats, as well as their derivatives. In addition to them, in production it is allowed to use:

  • soda ash;
  • table salt;
  • whitening ingredients;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • boric acid;
  • perfume fragrances;
  • dyes;
  • zinc white;
  • moisturizing ingredients;
  • lanolin and others.

"Neutral" and "Extra" should be produced only in packaging, which will necessarily indicate: composition, expiration date, date of manufacture, manufacturer, storage conditions, barcode and trademark. "Children's" and "Ordinary" can be produced without a wrapper.

Soap types

According to the purpose, the funds are divided into the following subgroups:

  • Hygienic soap general purpose(for normal and oily skin). In its composition, there are usually no additional caring components, only dyes and fragrances.
  • Hygienic special (for normal and oily skin). Contains special fat-based components that leave protective film.
  • Disinfectant and treatment-and-prophylactic. Contains disinfecting and healing components.

Main differences

The types "Neutral" and "Extra" are of higher quality, they contain highly purified components, plant extracts and high-quality fragrances. In the manufacture of such products, the composition must contain at least 78% fatty acids. It can be rendered premium animal fats, as well as coconut oil.

"Neutral" is distinguished by the absence of potassium and sodium carbonates, and in "Extra" they contain no more than 0.2% of the total mass. These brands are the hardest, because of the low swelling they soften less and do not "melt" from interaction with water. According to consumer reviews, after using this soap, the skin remains smooth and soft, without feeling tight.

"Baby" solid toilet soap is made with the lowest alkali content in order to avoid irritation and allergies on delicate skin. In addition, manufacturers often add decoctions of chamomile, string and other useful herbs during production to help fight diaper rash.

"Ordinary" solid toilet soap is the most base. Its lower grade is due to the possibility of using synthetic components, unlike other brands. Reviews on the use of such soap are most often negative, many consumers complain of dry skin and tightness. This product is especially not recommended for sensitive skin.

Natural soap

In the manufacture of this product, only gentle components are used. This eliminates the risk of allergies, irritation and other troubles. In the recipe, salt is replaced with saponins - vegetable extracts from soap root, horse chestnut, violet or Tatar soap grass. They have good cleansing properties and lather well.

In July, from the workers of Dimitrovgrad tool factory the trade union committee received complaints that they had to use toilet soap with an extremely unpleasant odor. As soon as you take the soap in your hands, your eyes begin to water from its smell, and your nose itchs badly. At first, they assumed that the suppliers saved on quality by choosing the most convenient option for purchasing detergents for the enterprises of the industrial site, but then they became aware that in this case, DIZ LLC did not purchase the cheapest soap. So, the factory workers got substandard and marriage? The workers called the soap "Scented" and asked with a smile to give it to consumers gas masks...

The production of soap and detergents, cleaning products in general, is currently one of the largest and most important industries. With the increase in the consumption and production of these products, chemistry and technology have become an active participant in the development of these industries.

Soap, in fact, was never discovered, but it gradually came out of raw mixtures of alkaline materials and lubricants. At this time, Domeer completed these studies by extracting glycerol from saponification mixtures. Raw material used in the manufacture of soap. Essential raw materials are indispensable materials for the production of soap, without which saponification will not occur. These are fats and alkaline materials.

The “scented” exhibit of soap was also met in the commission on labor protection and social insurance of the trade union committee of OAO DAAZ. Here is how the chairman of KOTSIS Dmitry Nikolaevich Shabalov commented on the situation.

- One of the firms delivered to the plant toilet soap "Ordinary" (GOST 28546-2002). However, in appearance it looks more like an ordinary household one: appearance, by color, by characteristic texture. But on a piece it is written “Ordinary toilet soap”. There is no boxed packaging. At the official request of the trade union committee of DIZ LLC, a certificate of conformity was obtained for these products. Interestingly, according to the certificate, GOST was listed, as in the title - 28546-2002. But in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 90-RZ dated 06/24/2008 technical regulation for oil and fat products of this GOST applies only to laundry soap. Toilet soap does not appear in this GOST! Why does it turn out that laundry soap was certified with the name “toilet”? It is one thing to produce soap of the appropriate grade, and another to name it in a profitable way. There is a clear discrepancy between the name and the product in a significant part of the batch received. But the same 90th law provides for the corresponding identification of soap and its name! Our laws do not allow it to be so easy to take and call marmalade chocolate, a teapot - a samovar, laundry soap - toilet ...
We looked at whether the organoleptic parameters of the product correspond to the above GOST. That is, its smell, color, consistency ... Regarding the smell, GOST says that there should not be any extraneous and irritating odors. By adding various fragrances, the toilet soap in this case should have a slight pleasant smell. This soap has a foreign, very unpleasant smell, which can be called the smell of an “ordinarily neglected toilet”. In this regard, questions already arise to those who gave the go-ahead for its certification. We are talking about the product certification agent LLC Samara Center for Testing and Certification of Services.
On this fact, we prepared a requirement for the employer to eliminate the violation and replace the soap with normal one. We are dealing with a mass supply of products (the volumes received will be enough for three months), and not a single employee from among those didn't like it at all. We do not think that the one who ordered it for the factory workers, somehow sniffed at this product. Apparently, the PPE acceptance commission did not work properly here either. The issue of accepting this soap at the industrial site was not brought up for discussion, and without the participation of the commission it was put into use.

secondary raw materials. These are those without which saponification can occur, but which are added to the product in order to improve its quality or reduce its cost. There are three types: resins, fillings, dyes and perfumes. The main ones are water and sodium chloride. The product is used in the cleaning and conservation of environments such as homes, offices, shops, hospitals. Its function is to eliminate dirt, germs and bacteria, thus avoiding the occurrence of diseases caused by the lack of cleaning media.

Prepare baking soda with water and let it cool for 8 hours or more. Then melt the fats in a jar on a regular heat, remove from the heat passing into another jar, with 1 or 2 fine mesh sieves and warm one person pours the bleach and the other stirs with a thin stick, not stopping until the mass thickens, this happens quickly. Take out the jar the next day; cut into pieces of 500 grams.

In our case, there is a collective complaint on two pages, with dozens of signatures of employees of DIZ LLC. On August 1, it was officially sent to the general director of DIZ LLC Andrey Ivanovich Kochkurov. The answer to this appeal was given quite promptly - on August 6. Here is what the commercial director of DIZ LLC A.E. Kochetkov: “...Toilet soap purchased by DIZ LLC complies with GOST 28546-2002, as evidenced by the certificate of conformity С-RU AT 56.B.010035. I also want to draw your attention to the fact that in paragraph 5.1.1. GOST 28546-2002 does not specify what kind of smell is foreign (Editor's note - NO COMMENT). This soap has been purchased by DIZ LLC since January 2013 and there were no complaints about the quality from the team before. Taking into account the appeal of the team regarding the quality of the purchased soap, we have worked to eliminate the comments with the current supplier, and we are also working on an alternative supplier for the supply of toilet soap.”
It remains for us to add that samples of the "scented" soap were later sent for research to a regional organization competent in laboratory experiments for quality.

In the light, you can heat the resulting mixture until it melts. When melting in another, you can dissolve 100 g of cornstarch in another liter of water. After fat, oil, soda, etc. melt, remove the jar from the fire and pour the starch with water, which must be well mixed before pouring.

Then stir, stop, stir, stop, stir until it thickens, which happens after a few minutes. The next day, you can take the soap out of the jar, cut it out, put it in plastic bags. If you want, wait for another one to cut.

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GOST 28546-2002





Place all ingredients in a bowl over a water bath and stir until smooth and not thin. Pour into oiled shrimp. Let it cool down and cool well. Wash and wrap rice paper, silk or plastic wrap. Beat the lard with olive oil until it is well mixed.

Food table salt according to GOST 13830 and;

Technical soda ash according to GOST 5100;

Whitening agents:

titanium dioxide pigment grades A-01, A-1, R-1, R-02 according to GOST 9808;

white zinc dry grades BTSO-M, BTSO according to GOST 202;

optical brighteners (for example, "Tino-pal");

Substances that overfat:

lanolin neutral deodorized;

lanolin anhydrous;

moisturizing cream formula "Mustella";

deodorized mink fat according to the contract;

fox fat deodorized according to the contract indicators;

mink oil according to the contract indicators;

wheat germ oil;

glycerin distilled according to GOST 6824;

refined olive oil;

cotton palmitin according to the contract indicators;

Plasticizers and antioxidants:

antibacterial agent "Dick";


organic dispersed yellow 3 according to GOST 24364;

organic rhodamine grades C, 2C, 4C;

organic acid yellow methanil for skin;

organic vat bright orange brand D;

direct turquoise lightfast brand 4K;

organic vat scarlet brand 2Zh;

microbiological carotene in oil;


yellow lightfast brand TP;

yellow lightfast grades 23V, VS-0, 3 TP;

green phthalocyanine grade BC-0;

green phthalocyanine grades V, Zh;

blue phthalocyanine B, BC-0 , ;

blue phthalocyanine TP;

orange durable brand BC-0;

Perfuming substances,;

Extracts from vegetable raw materials: oil extracts of plants;

TU 6-36-5800146-40-89

Organic dyes: lightfast yellow pigment 23 V, scarlet pigment 2 SV, Bordeaux pigment ZhV, bright red pigment 4 ZhV, red-orange pigment B, red-brown pigment B

TU 6-14-17-82

Pigment green phthalocyanine

TU 6-36-5800146-289-92

Pigment green phthalocyanine B

TU 6-14-326-84

Pigment for textile printing. Pigment green TP. Specifications

TU 6-14-108-82

TU 6-14-210-76

TU 6-14-806-87

Phthalocyanine blue pigment

TU 6-38-05800142-254-097

Pigments for textile printing. Pigment blue phthalocyanine TP. Specifications

TU 6-36-5800146-895-91

Dyes organic azapigments BC-0 of different colors

TU 64-19-137-91

Perfumes for soaps and detergents

TU 64-19-149-92

Perfumes for cosmetics

TU 64-19-172-92

Soap fragrances

TU 8901-001-00479403-93

Plant extracts oil

TU 23489-004-02700055-94

Oil extracts of medicinal plants

TU 10-04-06-85-87

Complex extracts CO 2

TU 6-15-1524-86

Chladonic plant extracts

TU 6-15-06-322-86

Plant extracts stabilized

TU 15-02-445-90

Concentrate "Laminaria" saponified

TU 15-02-447-89

Concentrate "Laminaria" mineral

TU 15-02-444-89

Extract "Laminaria"

TU 6-15-1401-88

Propolis oil extract

43] TU 38-10797-82


Keywords:solid toilet soap, brands, safety requirements, quality indicators, raw materials, auxiliary materials, containers, marking, packaging, transportation, storage

Toilet soap is used to care for the human body. The washing action of toilet solid soap is provided by sodium salts of fatty acids - caprylic C? H 15 COOH, lauric C and H 23 COOH, myristic C 13 H 2? COOH, palmitic C 15 H 31 COOH, stearic C 1? H 35 COOH isolated from natural raw materials, with and without additives of synthetic fatty acids.

To obtain soap, high-quality fatty raw materials are used: melted animal fats for food, vegetable fats - coconut, palm kernel and palm oil; palm stearin and palm olein; fatty acids, technical lard, etc. Synthetic fatty acids of fractions C 10 ~ C 1c are used only in the production of ordinary soap.

Auxiliary components are overfatting additives (for softening) - glycerin, lanolin, mink fat, vegetable oils; pigments and dyes; herbal extracts, propolis, apilac; antiseptic substances permitted by the Ministry of Health of Russia; adhesives (starch, dextrin); perfume scents.

Solid toilet soap is divided into four brands: neutral (N), extra (E), baby (D) and ordinary (O). Each brand of soap should have an individual brand name, such as Lux, Dove, Lavender, Bath, Tick-tock, Alice, etc.

The assortment and quality indicators of toilet soap are determined in accordance with the requirements of GOST 28546-2002 “Solid toilet soap. General technical conditions”.

Cracks, stripes, effusions (liquid phase), spots, fuzzy stamp of the manufacturer or pattern are not allowed on the surface of the soap. The smell should be pleasant, there should not be a sharp foreign smell. It is undesirable to store and transport soap at negative temperatures, since after that cracks and a different shade of dye may appear on the surface of the soap.

Physico-chemical indicators of the quality of toilet soap of various brands are given in table. 15.4.

Soap quality number is the mass of fatty acids (in grams) in terms of the nominal mass of a piece of 100 g (essentially a percentage).

Soap components are selected in such a way that the melting (solidification) temperature of fatty acids isolated from the finished soap is in the temperature range of 35 ... 41 ° C; this indicator is called soap titer. The titer determines the ability of the soap to dissolve easily in water and give a good lather at human body temperature.

The range of soap is currently very wide, it is produced by various cosmetic companies. Physical and chemical indicators of the quality of toilet soap

mi, in particular by such well-known Russian manufacturers as Svoboda, Nevskaya Kosmetika, Vesna, Novaya Zarya, Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant (NMGK), etc.

Toilet soap is divided into:

  • - by appointment (hygienic, cosmetic, treatment-and-prophylactic, disinfectant, antibacterial, scrub-soap, perfumed, etc.);
  • - the shape and weight of the piece (lump of various shapes and figured weight of 100 g, 125.150, 300 g - the nominal weight of the piece);
  • - gender and age (for women, men, children, universal - for the whole family);
  • - by type and type of packaging, etc.

Packing, marking, transportation, storage of soap.

Toilet soap is produced without a wrapper and in a wrapper (neutral and extra - only in a wrapper). The paper wrapper can consist of one, two or three layers: outer - in the form of an artistically designed label made of pigmented paper or paper with a microwax coating containing information for the consumer; inner layer of parchment, label or writing paper; intermediate (third) layer of thin cardboard box or two-layer paper stack. Toilet soap is also wrapped in a single-layer wrapper made of transparent and translucent polymer films. Toilet soap can be packed in 1-4 pieces in decorative plastic soap dishes, artistically designed cases, cardboard boxes.

On the surface of the piece, the nominal weight (in grams), the trademark of the manufacturer should be indicated. On the packaging of soap, in addition to this information, the name of the soap, information about the manufacturer, standard designation, composition, brand of soap are also indicated. Similar information should be indicated on the group and shipping containers, including information on the number of pieces in the packaging unit, the date of manufacture of the soap, the lot number and the date of shipment. Toilet soap is packed in a group container - carton boxes, packs, packages; transport container - wooden or corrugated cardboard boxes. The handling sign “Keep away from moisture” is applied on the transport container.

Toilet soap should be stored in dry, closed, well-ventilated areas (active ventilation should be used in warehouses) at a temperature not lower than minus 5 °C and relative humidity not higher than 75%. During storage, soap boxes should be stacked in stacks no more than 2 m high. Passages should be left between the rows for air circulation.

The warranty period of storage is established by the manufacturer; on average, it is up to 2 years.

Consider the classification of toilet soap in terms of various kinds classifications.

According to the All-Russian classifier of products OK-005-93 / 1, 321-322 / perfumery and cosmetic products are classified as class 91.

914400 Grease-based detergents

914401 Soap, calculated as 40% fatty acids

914402 Solid toilet soap

914403 Laundry soap

914420 Toilet detergents

914430 Detergents for special purposes

Next, consider the standard classification of toilet soap. According to GOST 28546-2002 “Hard toilet soap. General specifications "solid toilet soap, depending on the main consumer properties, is divided into the following brands: "Neutral" (N), "Extra" (E), "Children's" (D), "Ordinary" (O).

Solid toilet soap of each brand must have an individual brand name.

Classification according to TN VED. Toilet soap is included in Section 6 under the heading "Products of the chemical and related industries".

To group 34. Soap, surface-active organic substances, detergents, lubricants, artificial and prepared waxes, cleaning or polishing compounds, candles and the like, modeling pastes, plasticine, "dental wax" and plaster-based dental preparations.

Subgroup 3401 Soap; surfactant organic substances and products used as soap, in the form of bars, pieces or molded articles, whether or not containing soap; organic surfactants and skin washes, in liquid or cream form and put up for retail containing or not containing soap; paper, wadding, felt or felt and non-woven fabrics impregnated or coated with soap or detergent:

Educational classification. The range of toilet soap is varied and wide. They are grouped according to various criteria.

According to the consistency, solid (lump), creamy, liquid and powdered soaps are distinguished.

Liquid soap is sodium salts of fatty acids.

Liquid soaps are potassium salts of fatty acids.

Liquid toilet soaps are perfumed water-alcohol solutions of triethanolamine soap of oleic acid and potassium soap of fatty acids. vegetable oils with various additives. Liquid toilet soap contains up to 20% fatty acids, 10-20% ethyl alcohol, up to 1% perfume, the rest is water.

Toilet soaps have a good cleaning effect, however, due to the high pH values ​​(9.0-9.5), they are becoming less and less popular.

Depending on the composition, toilet soap is divided into four brands: "Neutral" (N), "Extra" (E), "Children's" (D) and "Ordinary" (O).

Soaps of grades H and E contain at least 78 g of fatty acids per 100 g of soap. For these brands, the most high-quality fatty raw materials are used - only the highest and first grade rendered edible animal fats, coconut oil, etc. Fine high-quality fragrances are used to flavor the soap.

There are no soda products in brand H soap, in brand E - no more than 0.20%.

Soaps of grades H and E are the hardest, have less swelling, are slowly consumed, and have a high washing power. Shelf life - at least 3 years.

By appointment, toilet soaps are divided into hygienic, therapeutic and prophylactic, disinfectant, deodorizing and special.

The shape and weight of the piece. Solid toilet soaps are packaged in the form of pieces of various shapes with a nominal weight of up to 300g. Soaps weighing 100, 125, 150 g are considered the most convenient.

The shape of the piece can be rectangular, oval, round. Toilet soap can be curly.

By packaging. Toilet soap is produced without a wrapper and in a wrapper (packaging), which in turn differs in appearance and type.

Soap paper wrapper can be made up of one, two or three layers. Most often, one- or two-layer paper packaging is used.

Toilet soap is wrapped in a single-layer wrapper made of transparent, translucent and opaque polymer films (PE, PP, etc.), laminated paper, in plastic boxes - soap dishes, in artistically designed cases in the form of a pack, cardboard boxes are used (1-4 pieces and more).