Gray parrot with a yellow crest name. Types of parrots. Descriptions, names and characteristics of parrot species. The cockatoo has two distinctive features

The noble green parrot is one of the most beautiful bird species. Its Latin name sounds nothing more than Eclectus roratus. The prefix noble appeared in this species of birds for a reason. Compared to many other birds, the green parrot is a kind of intellectual.

Literally, this only means that this species of birds does not have bad manners and easily gets along with the family that shelters it. There he quickly wins the love of his owners and becomes something like a child for them. However, let's not get too far ahead and tell you about everything in more detail.

General information about the species

Unlike small parrots, whose dimensions rarely exceed twenty centimeters, they are much larger and require more spacious cages or.

Therefore, when choosing a noble green parrot as a pet, keep in mind that the length of its body can reach as much as forty centimeters. At the same time, it can weigh almost half a kilogram.

The very appearance of the birds is quite unusual. While representatives of other bird species have the same coloring, regardless of the sex of the bird, the opposite is true for eclectus.

Males are characterized by green plumage, covering almost the entire body of the bird. At the same time, the edges have a blue color, which looks contrasting against the background of the red surface of the sides. The tail has a slightly yellowish tint.

In the case of the female, everything is completely opposite. The main color of the pen is red. But the abdomen and the edging of the wings are blue. White feathers are completely absent in both males and females.

However, the difference in the color of the bird is not the only one by which one can judge the gender of the parrot. Don't lose sight of the birds' beaks. In females it is always black, while in males it is light. However, its light is not monochromatic.

While the top of the bird's beak has a reddish tint, the lower part is rather yellow. At the same time, the mandible, like the female’s, is black. Thanks to such an interesting difference in color, this bird’s beak and plumage attracts many exotic fans.

As for the life expectancy of eclectus, it ranges from forty to fifty years. This is how long these magnificent birds can delight their owners, giving them their selfless devotion and friendship.


Australia is considered the historical homeland of these birds. However, you can also meet them in New Guinea and on a number of islands like the Solomons or Moluccas. However, you are unlikely to come across large flocks of these beauties. They do not like to stay in large groups, preferring loneliness or the company of their mate.

Living high above sea level, birds choose forested areas as their habitat. However, this is not surprising. Only there they can easily find not only much-needed food, but also shelter from prying eyes and predators.

This breed of bird prefers to eat a whole list of delicacies, among which you will probably notice nectar, flowers, plant seeds, berries and much more.


Before the female lays her eggs, a pair of birds formed during the mating season must first take care of finding a suitable nest. In this case, their choice most often falls on hollows located at the very tops of trees. Thus, birds probably protect themselves from uninvited guests and predators.

At the same time, you may be surprised to learn that sometimes the hollow chosen by a parrot can be located at an altitude of about thirty meters. It is there that the females set up a nesting house for themselves. Moreover, this procedure can last up to a month, during which she will not move far from her home.

Quite often the female will be seen in an interesting position, where she is halfway out of the nest and twists her bright red head from side to side.

When the time comes to lay her eggs, the female retires inside the house, leaving the concern for food on the conscience of the male. However, he does not shy away from his duties and regularly brings food to both the female and the subsequently hatched offspring.

As for the number of eggs in a clutch, it is small and, as a rule, consists of only a couple of pieces. The female incubates them for almost a month, after which completely tiny and defenseless chicks are born.

The female will take care of them herself until the moment when the chicks learn to leave their native nest. The male will regularly bring food for the whole family all this time.

Moreover, you will probably be surprised to learn that this species of bird, unlike many other birds, has one interesting feature. Males can easily take care not only of their female, but also of others.

As for his own chicks, he brings food for them until the first three months of their life. This is often what it takes for chicks to fledge and leave their nest.

Noble green parrots came to Europe quite a long time ago. They were first imported back in the nineteenth century, after which the demand for them only increased.

They were valued not only for the original colors of their plumage and beak, but also for their docile nature, which made them very different from other types of birds. Eclectuses easily made contact with the people who tamed them and quickly adopted the words spoken by their owners.

However, if you really want your ward to talk, then spend as much time as possible with him talking for a long time about this and that. They love attention to themselves and try to stay close to the people they like.

As for breeding birds in captivity, here you may encounter one unpleasant surprise. An acquired female and male can easily become friends and live under the same cage. However, they will not bring you any offspring at all.

This is due to the fact that eclectuses are very selective and choose a mate based on parameters known to them. Therefore, it would be best to purchase these birds from a nursery after the pair has been formed.

When moving to cities, people still try to be closer to nature, growing flowers on the windowsill or having pets: cats, dogs. The desire to keep some kind of bird at home is no exception, because it is so pleasant to listen to singing, melodious chirping in the morning or when you come home from work. Parrots have become the most popular feathered friends that can be kept in apartment conditions. But there are so many types of them that it’s dizzying, who should you choose? In this article we will look at the most common breeds of parrots that are suitable for keeping at home and their characteristics. Then you will understand which bird is right for you.

Parrots (breeds, names of species) for home keeping

Scientists have estimated that more than three hundred species of parrots live on our planet. Of these, people made a significant part of them as pets. All parrots differ in some way from each other: in size, variegated plumage, peculiar singing, life expectancy. One species of these exotic birds will be more capable of talking, another will be more capable of beautiful melodies, a third will be more capable of performing tricks, and the fourth will be talented in various areas. In addition, each parrot, like people, has its own character, from friendly and unpretentious to aggressive and demanding. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a bird and decide which criterion will be most important for you.

In this article we will look at such breeds of parrots as budgies, lovebirds, cockatiels, necklaces and Amazon parrots, cockatoos, grays and macaws. The list starts with small ones and ends with larger species.


Perhaps everyone has heard about budgies. And this is not at all surprising. The popularity of budgerigars is determined by their low price, friendliness, small size, which allows them to be kept even in small apartments, and bright plumage: green, blue, yellow, white, motley. Of course, these are not all the colors that these parrots can be painted in. The natural color is green, but now you can find any combination, for example, a yellow head and a purple body or a lemon head, and the body is half green and blue. You can even hear such unusual color names as anthracite, pearl, turquoise, lilac, and rainbow.

Conventionally, we can say that there are two breeds of budgies - ordinary and exhibition. The latter are distinguished by larger sizes and more pronounced beads on the cheeks. From the name it is clear that exhibition budgies (or Czechs, as they are also called) are suitable for participation in exhibitions.

Budgerigars are flocking birds, this must be taken into account when having such a feathered pet at home. Solo living is not recommended unless you can devote a lot of time to your friend. While you are at work or minding your own business, your parrot may simply get bored.

“Wavlies” are excellent at learning to talk, imitate melodies, and learn tricks. There is a common misconception that only males are capable of all this, and only when kept alone. This is not so, females, for example, pronounce words even more clearly than males, and conversation can be taught even in a flock.

Perhaps the only disadvantages of this breed of parrots are the noise and debris that spreads around the cage. But there will be dirt from any living creature, and that’s why the bird is there to sing songs.

These parrots get their name because they mate for life. It is very cute to observe the special devotion of these birds. You will always see them together, if, of course, you buy a couple: a female and a male.

Lovebirds make specific sounds, are very vocal, but are still considered quiet. The quietest of these parrots is the rosy-cheeked lovebird. These birds can be tamed, they make contact with humans, but it is not worth keeping them in the same cage with other parrots, since they are aggressive towards other species.

Corellas (nymphs)

If we talk about medium-sized species, the most popular breed of parrots is the cockatiel. They are also called nymphs. These are funny, smart birds with a funny crest and orange cheeks, they resemble cockatoos, only smaller in size.

Cockatiels also make contact and easily learn tricks, but they are not as capable of imitating a conversation as budgerigars, but you can still learn words with them. They emit a melodic whistle, but express their dissatisfaction with something with a shrill cry.

Necklace parrots

They got their name because of the strip around the neck that resembles a necklace. Only males have it, females do not. Necklace parrots are found in green, blue, grayish blue and yellow colors.

These parrots are easy to care for, very intelligent, capable of conversation, behave carefully in communication, they are easily frightened by careless movements, and at the same time they are freedom-loving. Necklace parrots are interesting to watch. For example, when these birds climb over a perch or branch, they use their beak as another point of support.

Amazons (Amazon parrots)

If we consider breeds of talking parrots, it should be noted that Amazons are considered the calmest. They quickly get used to their new home and are friendly towards humans. These are capable parrots, but the white-headed, yellow-headed and blue-fronted Amazons are considered the easiest to learn words and train. By the way, the natural color of these parrots is bright green with spots of yellow, red, blue and white.

Among the disadvantages of Amazons, one can note the musty smell from the plumage, which arises from poor care, as well as their loudness, which they begin to show only in old age. But all large parrots usually have this disadvantage.

Most often you can find the black-billed cockatoo on sale. This funny, lively bird will bring a lot of joy to all family members. The cockatoo loves to dance to music, while doing squats, bows and movements with its crest. This parrot may not learn many words, but it is very smart, easily opens the door in its cage and loves to repeat the movements of its owner.

The cockatoo's character is not sweet, especially if it is spoiled. If you don't give him enough attention, this parrot will scream loudly until he gets it.

What other breeds of pet parrots are there? Jaco can become a full-fledged member of the family. It is believed that this large parrot has little intelligence, easily learns words, phrases, songs, and can even answer questions and imitate the voices of people or animals. There is an opinion that the red-tailed gray is more gifted in terms of learning human speech, compared to the brown-tailed gray.

This parrot requires a lot of attention, especially in its fledgling years, in order to raise it properly. If the owner has little time for Grays, it is better to get a couple; they do not tolerate loneliness well. Also, these parrots react sharply to any changes, for example, rearranging furniture can cause stress, leading to plucking. Grays express their dissatisfaction with a shrill cry, reminiscent of the croaking of a crow. Therefore, before purchasing this bird, you should consider whether you can tolerate such noise.

In fact, these are not all breeds of parrots that can be kept at home. Before purchasing one or another type, it is worth studying the literature in more detail, revealing the features and nuances of the content, so that there are no surprises later. And remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Origin of parrots

According to the latest data from scientists, parrots in the form we are accustomed to formed about 65 million years ago (this age belongs to the beak found in the sediments of Lance Creek, in Wyoming). However, it is known for certain that European species (not tropical South American, Indian or Australian) are the most ancient representatives of the species (bones discovered in Great Britain and France are about 50-60 million years old) and they lived in the crowns of local trees in the Eocene era.

The origin of modern parrots goes back to ancient times

Species diversity and their habitats provide excellent evidence that in prehistoric times all continents were united into one, Pangea, and then the separated southern continent, Gondwana, carried all representatives of the species to Antarctica.

Another interesting fact is that parrots became pets at approximately the same time as dogs. Moreover, they are one of the most ancient totemic animals. The reason for this was their developed intelligence and the ability to imitate onomatopoeia - ancient people saw the reborn spirits of deceased leaders in intelligent birds.

Remarkably, for many centuries they were unknown in Europe. One of the generals of Alexander the Great, Onesicritus, helped them return to their historical homeland in the 3rd century BC.

Parrots were a sign of wealth - they were kept in golden cages of palaces, they calmly walked around luxurious villas. According to one legend, Gaius Julius Caesar made some important decisions during his campaigns, guided by the opinion of his pet, a huge cockatoo.

Today there are a huge number of species, so it’s worth taking the time to admire the photos of these beautiful birds, remember the names of all popular species with names, study their habits and, perhaps, choose a pet to your liking.

Structural features

Parrots are inhabitants of the tropics and subtropics, so most of the species are found in South America and Australia. Moreover, half of the known parrots live on the Green Continent, in particular budgerigars and cockatiels. They feel most comfortable in forests, but are distributed everywhere: plains and meadows, mountains, floodplains.

At the moment, scientists count 87 species in the world, but the inaccessibility of some regions of tropical latitudes suggests that the list is far from complete.

Despite huge variety in size, wingspan, colors and habitats, they are all united by curiosity, an open interest in humans and a desire to learn. It was they who initiated the alliance with Homo Sapiens.

The largest breeds of parrots cannot be called ideal “flyers”. The larger the parrot, the less time it spends flying in natural conditions.

The cockatoo, for example, prefers to glide and jump from branch to branch, moving along the trunk of a tree like its ancient ancestor, Archeopteryx (the “grandfather” of all modern species birds).

Body length ranges from 9 cm to 1 meter. Most typical representatives of the order are brightly colored: the dominant colors are yellow and green. Their characteristic feature is an impressive beak, which is similar in structure to the beak of birds of prey; it is needed for movement and feeding.

In addition to the fact that these birds can peck hard fruits with their beak, they also use it when climbing trees, deftly clinging to branches. In addition, the beak is a source of pride for males; with its help they sort things out in ritual fights (non-aggressive and more reminiscent of a dance). “Savages” most often lead a nomadic lifestyle, moving from a feeding place to a new sleeping place.

What types of domestic parrots are there?

The most common breeds that are domesticated by humans are:

    - wavy
    - cockatiels
    - cockatoo
    - gray
    - lovebird

The budgerigar is an extremely common domesticated bird and the smallest parrot. It will be an excellent companion for almost any child or adult. He also reacts well to people, quickly tames, makes contact with pleasure, and easily remembers words.

Oddly enough, in their homeland, Australia, wild budgies replace pigeons. Australian "pigeons" are distributed throughout almost the entire continent. “Real” budgies are only green-yellow in color; all other shades and colors were obtained through artificial selection. “Volnushki” live in colossal flocks in the wild - up to several thousand individuals.

Colonies of wild budgerigars in the wild

Moreover, the socialization of these birds has reached such heights that the flock is a huge well-coordinated mechanism that works without failures - each individual knows its functionality and place during the flight. Ornithologists are still racking their brains about how such a small bird, it would seem, manages to do something that is beyond the control of the human mind?

In the wild, budgies feed throughout the day and like to settle near rivers and ponds. Despite the fact that at home they can memorize up to 30 words, in their natural environment they only need 9 sounds to communicate with each other.

In nature, wavy birds live in flocks

cockatiels They are a medium-sized species of parrots. They are quite peaceful and not too loud (although it is worth noting that at an early age it is almost impossible to silence them - at this time they realize that they have a very melodious and ringing voice, which they cannot wait to put into practice). In addition, these cute pets quickly adapt to their environment and train well. Previously, they were considered a subspecies of cockatoos, but have now been identified as a separate subspecies. Cockatiels make contact with people, but do not learn tricks and speaking well.

If you ask what large parrots are called, we can give the following breeds as an example:

- one of the most expensive types that can be purchased legally. Large, smart, independent. A funny feature is the fact that their mood can be understood by the skin around their eyes. If a macaw is angry or excited, it changes color to red or orange.

Fans of exotics need to understand that keeping a macaw in an apartment can cause headaches not only for the owners, but also for the neighbors: this species has a loud and rather unpleasant voice that can infuriate anyone.

They are quite noisy and not every person can get used to their harsh timbre of voice. This species, although it does not have the ability to learn words, is very amenable to learning various funny tricks.

– the bird is noticeable (weight can reach 1 kg) and serious in size. This is a large parrot, most often white in color. It can safely be classified as a long-livers (there are known individuals whose age is 100 years). Thanks to their energy and remarkable ingenuity, these birds win the well-deserved love of their owners.

It is worth knowing that the beak of this species is very powerful and it is capable of breaking shells, wooden sticks up to a centimeter thick, and even metal wire. Cockatoos are very loving and constantly show their tenderness towards humans, jealously protecting them from the encroachments of other pets - dogs, cats and even other parrots. Cockatoos love to socialize, dance, and play—these birds will do whatever it takes to get attention and praise.

can rightfully be called the most talented representative of the squad. He easily becomes attached to the people around him. Grays are a medium-sized breed of parrots. They easily learn not only individual words, but even entire sentences. They have a pleasant gray color and an aristocratic appearance.

Lovebirds can be classified as small representatives. There is an opinion that birds of the same pair are strongly attached to each other and are always together (although there are cases when the pair quickly broke up and the parrots needed to look for new partners). They have a calm and cheerful disposition, although they are not talkative.

Brief historical excursion

Parrots stand out very much compared to other feathered pets known to us. Their ability to repeat various sounds and even our speech, as well as their beautiful unusual appearance, makes you fall in love at first sight. But, unfortunately, for many people, other than budgies, cockatiels and lovebirds, other species are little known or not known at all. And some of them are so rare that they are listed in the Red Book. It is also surprising that many breeds of parrots live for several thousand years on earth, but have retained their original appearance to this day.

Have birds always lived next to humans? Unfortunately, there is no exact data about this, but there are some facts that for the first time the Indians taught them to reproduce human speech. This phenomenon is still a mystery to us - how do they do it? But to make sure of their speech, we offer you a video from the channel of the parrot Gregory.

Parrots first appeared in European countries during the time of Alexander the Great. Special speaking representatives were sacred and were kept in many noble houses and temples. Later, the popularity of these birds became widespread and having a parrot at home became very fashionable. They have confidently moved from the category of rare sacred birds to the group of pets. Many types of parrots are kept for beauty, but find out which ones exactly below.

Methods for determining the species

As we have already said, today there are more than 300 species of parrots, which in turn are divided into two families: parrots and cockatoos. No, of course, cockatoos are also parrots, but they are a little different from the budgerigars or lovebirds we are used to. The cockatoo family has three varieties (subfamilies) that include 20 species. For example, this includes the slender-billed cockatoo, the Salamon cockatoo, the Inco cockatoo, and the black palm cockatoo.

So, to distinguish cockatoos from ordinary parrots, just look at their appearance. All cockatoos have elongated feathers, crests that differ in color from the general plumage, no green color in the plumage, and a scoop-shaped beak. By comparing photos and names of birds, you can roughly understand their family. You can see some rare representatives of these birds in our description with photographs.


We all know what it looks like budgie or, for example, macaws and cockatiels. But there are such rare species that we didn’t even know existed. But they amaze with their beauty. In our thematic articles you can see and learn in more detail about popular domestic birds, and now we bring to your attention an overview of little-known but unusual species.


The king parrot received its loud name for a reason. And it’s easy to be convinced of this by seeing the bird in person or at least in a photo: its beautiful bright plumage and beautiful appearance make the feathered pet truly “royal.” As you can see, this bird has a deep red lower part of the body, as well as a neck and head, but the back and wings are green. Also, the uppertail is decorated with a dark blue stripe, and on the wings there is a white stripe. Special attention deserves a tail: multi-colored with black and blue inserts with red stripes at the bottom.

However, if you are going to get such a bird, then do not look for bright chicks: the king parrot receives its royal coloring only at two years old.


The Carolina parrot, unfortunately, will no longer be able to please us with its appearance or singing - it is a long-extinct species. But we want to tell you about it, because the Carolina parrot deserves attention. If we consider its plumage, we can note the rich green color of the body. The front of the head, as well as the sides, are deep orange, but the throat and crown are yellow. Yellowish tips also decorate the wings and tail.

As it turns out, the Carolina parrot was the only member of the parrot family in all of North America. It settled in the coastal areas of rivers and preferred to eat fruits and thistle seeds. But this is precisely what played a cruel joke on him: they were exterminated for harming fruit trees and fields. In 1918, the last Carolina parrot at the zoo died.

Chinese ringed parrot

The Chinese ringed parrot is famous for its conversational abilities. This is a fairly large bird, up to half a meter, with a green body color. Part of the abdomen, as well as the area of ​​​​the wings and back are gray-blue. Males and females differ in beak color. So for the first it is black, and for the second it is red.

But their ability to speak is their main feature. In addition, the Chinese ringed parrot is very smart and is easy to teach some commands. Due to its high socialization, the bird requires a lot of attention: you need to talk to it, play with it. In nature, these birds inhabit the tropical rainforests of Tibet and southern China.


The Azure Parrot is a small bird, only up to 20 cm in length, but with an interesting coloring. As the name suggests, the predominant color is turquoise blue. The upper part of the body is green, and the lower part and tail are yellow. It is worth noting that in our country this species is not very popular, as it is quite demanding in terms of living conditions. As the owners' reviews say, they are sickly and do not tolerate our climate well. The azure parrot is also unlikely to be suitable for those who like to talk - they do not have the natural ability to reproduce human speech.

Congo parrot

The Jardin parrot, or simply Congolese parrot, also has a unique bright color. The main color is green, but there is also red feathering on the wings and thighs. You can see the entire color transition in more detail in the photo, while the females differ little from the males. In nature, this species lives in the forests of Africa and on coffee plantations. At home, the Congo parrot is calm, friendly, but quite noisy: they like to scream.


The black-headed parrot gets its name from its distinctive dark throat, as well as its head, and the rest of its body is a rich green color with blue feathers and a white breast. Their second name is white-bellied caique. Due to their calm disposition, they have taken root well as domestic birds. IN good conditions can live more than 20 years. And although they cannot speak “humanly”, they are able to copy various sounds, so it’s not boring at home with such a pet.


The Parrot is a small green bird with yellow and red feathers on its wings and tail. Also, as you can see in the photo, they have a red belly. However, it is worth noting that within the species there are subspecies of different colors. They live in nature in Australia, and were brought to Europe in 1862. They are rarely kept at home and then only in pairs or small groups.


The red-winged parrot is an inhabitant of the island of New Guinea and Australia. Its main color is green, but it has bright red wings, as reflected in its name. Due to their whimsical nature, they are rarely kept at home, but they are favorites of many nature lovers. They take root best in enclosures with sufficient space.

Luxurious mountain parrot

Luxurious mountain parrot is very talented and unusual bird. Not only are they beautiful, but they are also capable of many tricks. They are easy to train, but are not suitable for everyone at home, as they are quite noisy. As for color, females and males are different in color. Males are yellow with black accents, but females are olive green.

Mountain parrots are very affectionate to humans and can become an excellent friend, sitting on a person’s shoulder all the time. They will try their best to please their loved one.

Drum parrot

The drum band is often called the luxurious drum parrot. This is still a fairly new look for us, but it has already become a favorite among many. They are very active, playful, but noisy. In addition, they easily learn to speak and imitate sound. At home, it is better to keep them in enclosures with houses. As for their appearance, it’s better to see their beauty for yourself in the photo below - this is a very colorful parrot.

Video “Dancing Birds”

Do you want to smile every day? Then get yourself a feathered friend and enjoy their company. Funny! We offer you to see this in the video from Alekcey Raving.

How many species of parrots are there in the world?

Count more than 300 species and 80 genera of parrots. The entire parrot-like family is distinguished by a strong curved beak, bright multi-colored plumage, and has a characteristic pair of fingers - two directed forward, two backward, many can imitate the human voice. The diet is dominated by fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Half of parrot species live on the Australian continent. Cockatiels, cockatoos, wavy cockatiels and many others live there. About a third of the species are concentrated in Central and South America, these are macaws, wedge-tails, Amazons and others. There are somewhat fewer of them in South Asia and Africa. The habitat of parrots is forests, however, some species prefer to settle in open area, for example, some species of Australian birds. And also in the mountains, these are the ringed nestor and the New Zealand kea.

Small parrots

Among the small species of parrots bred in captivity are:

These parrots are small, weigh only 30–45 grams. They are inexpensive, obedient, love to communicate with people, they have beautiful plumage of different colors: green, blue, yellow, white. If they are constantly trained, many of them are able to remember more than 200 words. However, not all representatives of this breed can imitate human speech. Therefore, you should not buy them for this reason alone. Budgerigars can be recommended to novice breeders, as they are undemanding in care and a small cage is suitable for them. In captivity they can live 8-15 years.

  • Lovebirds

So interesting got their name due to their great affection for each other. Parrots choose a mate for life and remain faithful to her. You can often observe such a touching picture: lovebirds sit tightly pressed against each other. These parrots with bright, cheerful plumage grow small, about 15 cm, and weigh about 50 g. They are unpretentious, easily tamed, active and lively in nature, and interesting to watch. However, they cannot be trained; they do not remember words. In captivity they can live up to 20 years.

Medium sized birds

Among the pets there are:

These parrots are medium sized, reach 30 cm in height, their weight is approximately 100 grams. In Russia, among tamed birds they are in second place in popularity, second only to wavy ones. A distinctive feature of the cockatiel is the crest on the head, gray plumage with a “blush” on the cheeks. This type of parrot is very social, loves the company of people, playful, but does not have the ability to learn, although with due patience, the parrot can still learn a few phrases. Peaceful and not noisy, suitable for breeding for beginning bird lovers. Can be kept together with wavy ones. They live about 30 years.

The plumage of rosella is very bright, multi-colored, they have a good nature. They are able to quickly adapt to life in captivity and communicate well. By creating a trusting relationship with a person, they become a member of the family. At home, variegated rosellas are most often bred because they are unpretentious and, with good care, can live quite a long time - 20 years. Rosella will not be able to talk, but she will sing with pleasure. He has a pleasant voice and a good musical memory.

Large parrots

Among large birds the following species can live in captivity:

These beauties grow large, reaching a height of up to 90 cm. the plumage is very bright and motley. Macaws need special conditions of detention, as well as increased attention. It is worth noting that these birds are very noisy and their screams will not please everyone. They cannot be kept in a cage all day. To keep them entertained, purchase a sufficient number of toys, but without small parts that they can swallow. They have a powerful beak, so they can bite painfully, and you may even lose a finger. Therefore, you should be careful if the parrot is untamed and there are small children in the house. The birds are well trained, but do not speak, and live about 50–60 years.

Due to its size and noisy disposition, the parrot is home care is not very suitable, it is better for him to live in a zoo or in a circus, where he can gain fame as an excellent artist.

These birds are divided into subspecies, come in pink, black, but more often white. The birds are large, ranging in size from 30 to 60 cm, so they need a lot of space, about the size of a small kitchen. If cockatoos are tamed, their character is kind and friendly; if not, then problems are possible - they will behave noisily and loudly. These are people who like to play. Thanks to their powerful beak, they can open locks, thereby showing ingenuity, they can also break nuts and even bite wire. Cockatoos, like macaws, can shine with various artistic talents, but they do not like to talk.

Distinctive The characteristics of cockatoos are an interesting high crest on the head of a contrasting color and a loud, unpleasant, squeaky voice. The cockatoo is not suitable for beginners; this bird is for experienced breeders.

  • African Grays (Greys)

These birds reach 33 cm in length and weigh 500 g. Jaco do not have bright plumage, but they are very smart. It is believed that grays are bored living with other species of small parrots, so they require the company of their own kind or humans. In terms of intelligence, an adult is equivalent to a five-year-old child. Amenable to training, capable of accumulating an extensive vocabulary and imitating the human voice. This type of parrot requires exercise and cannot be kept in a cage all day. Loneliness is not the best companion; it causes the parrot to pluck its feathers. This breed requires an experienced bird lover. In captivity, Grays live up to 70 years.

Parrots Capable of winning hearts with their playful and cheerful nature, as well as excellent imitative talent, allowing you to imitate different sounds. Birds also have a good memory and are very emotional. There are 29 of this species in the world. Parrots reach 45 cm in length and have a rather dense build.

A distinctive characteristic of the Amazon (with some exceptions) is its green plumage, which has bright spots on the wings, tail or head. These signs give the ability to identify this type of parrot. They belong to the group of short-tailed parrots, which has a significant feature - all its representatives are extremely fond of communication. Amazon lives for about 45 years.

  • Alexandrian parrot

Bird not popular among breeders, but deserves attention. In the wild, it lives in large flocks in tropical trees. The bird is large, reaching 60 cm, with a wingspan reaching 20 cm in width. If properly cared for in captivity, it can live up to 40 years. The Alexandrine parrot is green in color, distinguished by pink and black rings around its neck and a powerful bright red beak. His character is friendly and peaceful. The bird has high intelligence, makes good contact and quickly becomes attached to a person, learning spoken language from him.

So, we got acquainted with different breeds of parrots, found out that these birds can become pets, because they are very sociable and nice.

We will start our review with the breed gray jaco(lat. Psittacus erithacus). Its representatives have two main colors in their plumage: gray (body) and red (tail). The beak is black, the eyes are yellow.

Dimensions of adult Grays: length - 30-35 cm, wingspan - 65 cm.

The homeland of birds is West Africa.

There are two types of birds:

Scientists have conducted studies that have proven that birds of this breed not only reproduce words, but also associate them with the objects they represent, have a concept of shape and color, and can count ordinal numbers. This confirms that African Gray parrots are intelligent and the smartest.
Birds should be trained from eight to nine months of age. In addition to duplicating human speech, they love to learn and make sounds household appliances. They can also imitate their owners’ behavior: irritation, joy, etc.

Caring for Grays is easy. However, you should be prepared that he is very noisy, has a complex character, and is touchy. Strives to be a leader. It's better to take such a pet small, it is almost impossible to come to an agreement with an adult.

The life expectancy of a Gray Gray is about 50 years.

An already trained young parrot will cost approximately a thousand dollars. You can buy even more foolish ones for half the price.

Reviewing parrots and finding out which one speaks better, we continue with a description Amazon(Latin: Amazona). They like to keep them at home because, unlike their other brothers, they learn quickly and easily. These birds are sometimes called "the personification of mind and masters of words."

These are quite large birds - their length is 25–45 cm. They are usually green in color, sometimes with slight red, yellow, and blue splashes. Their distinctive feature is their strong beak.
The homeland of these birds is Central and South America, the Antilles, forests on the banks of the Amazon. The Amazon genus includes 32 species. The apartments most often contain white- and yellow-headed animals, as well as yellow-winged ones.

Birds can learn from 50 to 60 words, but they are not able to reproduce the intonation and manner of behavior, as the Grays do. They love to sing and make sounds musical instruments. They learn simple tricks, such as bringing a small ball in their beak or collecting scattered matches in one place.
Their advantage is that they easily adapt to new conditions. They get used to a person quickly, become attached and remain devoted until the end of their lives. These birds love to scream and communicate a lot.

They wake up early, so you should be prepared to either adapt to the rhythm of the parrot's life, or give it a long night by covering the cage dark cloth. Birds love to get their way, sometimes behaving persistently and arrogantly. Subject to frequent and sudden mood swings. The lifespan of Amazons is 40–45 years.

The cost of one trained individual is around a thousand dollars. An untrained parrot usually costs half as much.

Another intellectual among parrots- this is ara (lat. Ara). In addition, he is also handsome - he has bright plumage of all kinds of colors and shades. Macaws reach sizes up to 50 cm. They have the strongest beak among all parrots. They have it very bent.

The macaw is native to Central and South America. Their genus includes 36 species. Unfortunately, seven of them no longer exist.
Macaws can only learn as many words as Grays or Amazons, usually about 20. However, they always insert them for the purpose, which gives the person the impression that he is really having a conversation with the bird. In addition to words, macaws perfectly copy various sounds, for example, those belonging to natural phenomena - rain, murmur of water, or to the animal world - barking, howling, mooing, etc.

Macaws are unpretentious in their care. They are calm in character and reasonable. Usually they don't shout unless there is a need. Their voice and scream are very annoying to some people, so before purchasing such a bird, you need to listen to how it screams. The average life expectancy of a macaw is 60 years.

The cost of adult individuals ranges from 1.5 to 3 thousand dollars.

Large parrot breeds cockatoo(lat. Cacatuidae) are also excellent imitators. They grow from 30 to 60 cm. They have a massive, curved and very strong beak, which can split wooden things, including cage bars and furniture. They can even handle thin wire rods.

The cockatoo has two distinctive features:

  • a large mandible that covers the mandible like a bucket;
  • the presence of a crest.

The crest is different in color from the rest of the plumage. When a parrot is excited, its crest is fluffed. The plumage can be of various colors, except blue and green.

The homeland of cockatoos is New Guinea, Indonesia, the Philippine Islands, and Australia. There are 21 species of these birds, including most popular:

The cockatoo does not have a good memory; it can learn about 10 words and a couple of phrases. His breeder can also teach the bird tricks. But he learns a variety of sounds independently and with pleasure.

Cockatoo is a great companion for a person, easily becomes attached to him, devoted. He gets bored if no attention is paid to him or if he is left alone at home for a long time. Long trips of a beloved owner can become real stress for a bird. There have been cases when parrots in such situations refused to eat and drink, plucked their feathers, and then died. Therefore, for those whose work involves business trips, it is better not to get such a bird.
It is also important to know that cockatoos bite painfully, even to the point of breaking the finger of the person who offended him. The bird can be touchy and vindictive. For the same reason, you should not accept her into a family that plans to or already has a small child. Cockatoos are usually not friends with children.

It would be useful to know that these birds are noisy and can be quite aggressive if they don’t like something. However, they can be taught the word “no”. With proper care, attention and affection, the pet will pay in kind. The lifespan of a cockatoo is 30–40 years.

The cost of adult individuals of these talking parrots is 1–2.5 thousand dollars.

(lat. Loriinae) are capable parrots - they can learn up to 70 words. In this case, the person may not even take part in the training. But their main characteristic is: “screamers and slobs.” When eating liquid food, they scatter it around the cage and very often scream shrilly in a squeaky voice. Litter will have to be removed daily.
In addition, these birds are selective in food and require a room temperature of around 20°C.

Loris grow from 18 to 40 cm. They have beautiful variegated plumage with a predominance of green and red colors. Their beak is small and weak, red in color.
In the wild, lorises live in the forests of Indonesia, Australia, New Guinea, and the Philippines. There are 62 species of loris.

Loris are usually very friendly birds. They love and get along with small children. Aggression is unfamiliar to them. Lorises live up to 20 years.

The cost of such a parrot is about $500.

Bright exotic eclectus(lat. Eclectus roratus) has large sizes - 29–37 cm in height. This is a capable parrot, easily trained, however terse. His advantage is that he is flexible in everyday life, has an even character, and is never aggressive. It is also often called the noble parrot.

Males, as a rule, have green-blue plumage, females - red. The beak of both sexes is large and shiny. In males it is yellow or red. In females it is black. Their wings are long and their tail is square. In general, the body is well developed and strong.
Unlike other breeds of parrots, these birds are not monogamous.

The habitat is quite wide - eclectus can be found on many islands: the Moluccas, Salamon, Tanimbar, as well as in Australia and New Guinea.

The parrot easily gets used to home conditions. He becomes so attached to a person that he can even pay more attention to him than to his partner. He is affectionate, loves attention and communication. He has an extraordinary mind and intelligence. Girls are more difficult to make contact with, and they are also not as easy to tame as males. The love of a female will need to be earned. These parrots rarely scream.
In addition to a few words, eclectus can also learn cleanliness, for example, returning food that has fallen from a plate or putting small toys in a box.

The lifespan of eclectus is 30-40 years.

The cost for adults is $500.

(lat. Agapornis) are small birds reaching a height of 10–17 cm. They have a large head. Their body is mainly colored green, but some parts of it may have other colors: blue, pink, yellow, red, etc. These birds have a strong and very curved beak. Despite their small size, the owners of such a beak can easily injure a person.
Lovebirds are quite agile - they run quickly and actively climb trees or other vertical surfaces.

Lovebirds are native to Africa and Madagascar. Their genus includes eight species. They have this name because it is believed that if birds live in pairs, then after the death of one partner, the second also soon dies, unable to withstand loneliness and melancholy.
It is important to know that if lovebirds are kept in pairs, they will not be able to talk. The fact is that they establish communication between themselves and do not need voice communication with a person. And even if the owner wants to train such a bird 10–15 words, then this will not be easy to do: lovebirds are difficult and difficult to train.

Only a well-tamed parrot and one that feels constant attention is able to speak. Training should begin when the bird is one month old, but not later. The bird does not tolerate boredom and long absence of its owner. The lifespan of lovebirds is 15-20 years.

The cost of adults is 20-30 dollars.

(lat. Platycercus) - also quite popular among parrot breeders. They have beautiful variegated plumage with almost all colors included. They are compact in size - they grow up to 35 cm. You can recognize a rosella by its pronounced cheeks; depending on the species, they are white, yellow or blue.

Rosella's habitat is Australia.
Rosella speakers are average - can learn up to 10 words and a couple of phrases. But they really love to sing. Moreover, the song they perform is usually melodic and pleasant to the ear.

Representatives of this breed can be classified as smart birds, friendly. If the owner finds such a bird mutual language, he will receive a wonderful companion who will attract his attention every now and then. However, a feature of birds is aggressiveness towards other brothers - it is better not to keep budgerigars in the same cage with them.
Anyone who is planning to get such a bird should know that it does not tolerate changes in living conditions and food, and is subject to stress - even sharp sounds can provoke it. Therefore, they do not accept raising their voices. You need to be gentle and affectionate with them, and then they will return the favor.

Since rosella requires constant attention and taming, they are not recommended for purchase by those who have not yet had experience with parrots. Rosellas do not live very long - about 20 years.

The cost of one individual starts from $100.

(lat. Nymphicus hollandicus) - medium bird about 30 cm high. It is easily recognized by the tuft on its head and long (14-16 cm), pointed tail. Typically, the plumage of males is somewhat brighter than that of females. The predominant color on their body is gray, the front of the head is yellow, and the cheeks are orange. However, breeders have developed other colors that are increasingly gaining popularity.
The cockatiel is native to Australia.

Their speaking abilities are average - up to 10 words and phrases. They reproduce sounds well, including those of everyday objects around them. They need to be taught speech from a young age. Only tamed chicks can be trained.
Corella is an excellent companion, he loves when his owner takes him in his arms, is affectionate with him, and devotes a lot of time to training and playing with him. Grooming for this breed is minimal. The bird can express its dissatisfaction with a shrill cry. The owner of this feathered creature should also know that it is not difficult for him to open locks. Corellas live up to 20-25 years.

The cost of adult individuals ranges from 100-150 dollars.


We would like to finish the material about which parrots talk with a description of one of the most popular pets - wavy(lat. Melopsittacus undulatus). In addition, it can safely be included in the list of smart parrots.

Budgerigars can distinguish colors and 150 images per second, and hear sounds in the range of 400–2000 hertz. They can be taught to count to three and speak about 100 words.

Although, unlike their large relatives, budgerigars do not speak very clearly. The owners can teach them to recite simple children's quatrains. They can tell them exactly, or they can change phrases. Boys learn words better than girls.
There is practically no need to care for budgies. They adapt well and quickly to a new environment. They have a good, good-natured character. They learn easily, love to fly and play. They are cheerful, constantly chirping sweetly, and love communication. The person is friendly.

Budgerigars grow up to 19 cm in height. Their plumage can be completely varied - about 200 colors have been bred. The main color is green with a yellow head and throat. The back of the head is covered with dark wavy lines.
Budgerigars have a powerful beak that can carry various objects.

The homeland of this breed is Australia.

The lifespan of these pets is 10–15 years.

The cost of a budgie starts at $20. So, now you know which parrot is the most talkative. And if you are still not afraid of noise and feathers in the house, and you are serious about purchasing a pet, then you should take care of decent living conditions for it. If you have not previously had experience communicating with and caring for birds, then we advise you to opt for cockatiels or budgerigars - keeping them is not difficult, they are excellent students and wonderful imitators.

In the case when you have already learned how to care for birds, you can consider the option of larger birds, for example, Gray, Macaw, Eclectus, Rosella. However, be prepared that the cost of these birds will also be much higher.

A little history

Parrots are one of the few representatives of the animal world that have survived to this day and have practically not changed their appearance. This is evidenced by numerous excavations of ancient human sites, during which the fossilized remains of this order of birds were discovered. Historical facts indicate that the first to teach parrots human speech were Indians. Representatives of this order of birds appeared on the European continent along with the soldiers of Alexander the Great. At that time, parrots were considered sacred because they could talk like people. Later, these bright and energetic birds spread throughout the territory of European countries, gaining fame as beloved pets.

How many species of parrots exist today? The answer to this question can be found below.

Types of parrots

The parrot order is divided into two families:

  • cockatoo;
  • parrots

The cockatoo family is divided into three subfamilies. They include twenty-one species.

The parrot family is divided into two subfamilies. The total number of species represented in them is more than three hundred and fifty.

Below we will describe how you can determine the species of a representative of the order Psittacidae.

How to determine the type of parrot?

In order to answer this question, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • body length and weight of the individual;
  • beak shape;
  • plumage color;
  • the presence or absence of a crest.

Having analyzed these characteristics and compared them with the photo and description various types birds, you will be able to understand what kind of representative of the parrot order is in front of you.

Let's look at the most famous types of parrots, photos and names of which are given below.


This species of parrot is an ancient inhabitant of New Zealand. Nestor is strongly built and comparable in size to a crow.

One of the subspecies - kaka - is an inhabitant of mountain forests. These parrots have a lively and sociable character and make a lot of noise. The kaka tongue is well developed and adapted for extracting nectar from tree flowers. These birds love to eat berries, seeds and larvae of harmful insects. The parrot extracts the latter from under the bark of trees, plucking out affected areas of wood.

Another representative of the nestor species is the kea parrot. Such birds live in high mountains. They feed mainly on berries of various trees, honey, roots and insects. It is believed that kea can attack flocks of sheep and pluck small pieces of meat from the backs of the animals.

Owl parrot

This species of parrot got its name due to the original shape of the facial disc, soft plumage structure and nocturnal lifestyle. Until recently, such birds large quantities lived in New Zealand. This is now an endangered parrot species that can only be found in remote wild parts of the island.

Such birds mainly live on rocky slopes, in bushes and along the banks of mountain rivers. Owl parrots lead a terrestrial lifestyle. And this is their main difference from other species. These birds have poorly developed wing muscles, so they fly poorly. But owl parrots run well. They can also easily climb a tall tree using their tenacious claws and beak.

Like owls, such parrots sit in their nests during the day, and at nightfall they go out in search of food. At night, these birds navigate in space using special long hairs located on the facial disc. The main food of owl parrots is moss and various berries. Their favorite delicacy is snow grass.

The most numerous species of parrots, the budgerigar, lives in Australia. Its representatives can be found in any part of this continent. They live in savannas, eucalyptus forests, semi-deserts and even in cities. Budgerigars create large colonies, the number of which can be up to a thousand individuals. They always locate their place of settlement near a water source.

The budgerigar is a small, slender bird with bright plumage. Its length is 17-20 centimeters, and its weight is only 40-50 grams. Most budgerigars have a characteristic grass-green or greenish-yellow feather color. Individuals of white, blue or bright yellow colors are often found. On the back, wings and back of the head of such birds there are dark brown stripes. Budgerigars have a friendly character.

The main food of such birds is wheat grains and grass seeds. An extremely important component of their diet is water.

The main habitat of cockatoos is such island countries as the Philippines, Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia. These parrots live in alpine, tropical and mangrove forests. They like to exist in close proximity to civilization. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see them in a city or agricultural area.

The plumage of cockatoos is mainly colored yellow, pink, black and white. A distinctive feature of this parrot is its high crest. Its color differs from the main color scheme of the plumage. The cockatoo's body length ranges from 30 to 80 centimeters, weight - from 300 to 1200 grams.

Such birds in flight can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h. They are also good at climbing trees. Representatives of this species of parrots love to swim and spend a lot of time caring for their plumage. The basis of their diet is seeds, fruits and insects.

Cockatoos are a type of parrot whose talkative representatives can be taught to pronounce individual words and even phrases. Also, these birds are capable of showing extraordinary ingenuity to achieve their goals. You should not offend cockatoos, because such birds are extremely vindictive.

Which type of parrot is the most talkative? Without a doubt, it's hot. Another name for it is gray parrot. Ornithologists distinguish two subspecies of these birds: the red-tailed gray and the brown-tailed gray. The first lives in Central Africa, Togo, Kenya and Northern Angola. The length of its body can reach 35 centimeters. Such a bird weighs on average 400 grams. The wing length is about 24 centimeters. The plumage of this parrot is colored in ash-gray shades. Its chest, head and neck are usually slightly darker or lighter than the base tone. The tail and back of the back are colored red.

The Brown-tailed Gray is found in Southern Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. This subspecies is smaller in size compared to the red-tailed one. The body length of such a parrot can reach 34 centimeters. This bird weighs on average 350 grams. The wing length is about 21 centimeters. The tail plumage is painted in dark burgundy colors.

The gray parrot is able to remember and reproduce up to 150 words or even phrases. Such a bird can have a meaningful conversation with its owner. In addition, Grays can skillfully imitate various sounds, for example, the trill of a telephone call or an alarm clock. Gray parrots also have the ability to distinguish shapes and colors.

This type of parrot lives in Australia. In addition to the name “corella”, which was given to this bird by the aborigines of the continent, there is another name - “nymph”. European scientists awarded it to the parrot.

Externally, the cockatiel looks like a small pigeon. The length of the bird can reach 33 centimeters. Half of them are in the tail. A striking feature of this type of parrot is its yellow crest. The cockatiel's plumage is light olive or gray, with round spots of bright orange on its cheeks.

Corella feeds mainly on plant seeds, wheat grains and insect larvae.

This type of parrot is not easy to teach to speak. Despite this, the cockatiel is still able to remember up to 100 words. The males of these birds sing well and can even imitate nightingales.

The macaw is the largest representative of the parrot order. Its main habitat is the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Macaws form flocks and lead a nomadic lifestyle.

The length of an adult can reach 100 centimeters. The macaw has a large, long tail and a powerful beak, with which the bird can even bite through steel wire.

The diet of this type of parrot is based on grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Some of the macaw subspecies are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the world Red Book.

Lovebirds are called love birds because of the extraordinary mutual affection between the male and female. In nature, this species of birds can be found in Africa and on the island of Madagascar.

The male and female are always together. Even if one of them flies away, he tries to be within such limits that he can hear the sounds of the other half’s voice. Lovebirds do everything together: they get food, fly to water, rest, picking each other’s feathers. They are agile and dexterous and can fly quickly.

These birds feed on berries and small seeds.


Parrots stand out among other birds. Their bright appearance and ability to reproduce human speech and imitate various sounds make it possible to recognize representatives of this order at first sight. The article describes the most famous species of parrots. There are many more species of such birds in the world, some of which are even listed in the Red Book.

All about parrots, their types

Types of these exotic birds we can see in the photo. Find out the most interesting facts about them, get acquainted with the varieties of domestic parrots, study the behavior and main interesting fact- this is a relationship with a person, this article will allow.

The most common breeds of parrots:

The most common bird from the parrot family is - Talking budgie, it is also people's favorite pet.

The habitat and homeland of this species is Australia. They live in flocks ranging from 30 individuals to several hundred. There are also large flocks of about 20,000 individuals.

The flight of these birds resembles the flight of swallows; their movements are so refined that they create the impression of a single whole. This gives them the opportunity to move safely, as there is a possibility of becoming a victim of birds of prey.

The main color of this type- green, other plumage colors are also found.

Males, unlike females, have a cap on their forehead that emits a fluorescent glow; this brightness helps in choosing a partner during the breeding season.

They feed on seeds of wild grasses, drink water from reservoirs, and when there is drought, they are content with dew, grass stems and berries.

The life of a budgerigar is on average 10 years, but some individuals live up to 25 years.

These birds can be pets. They belong to the talkative species of parrots. Their voice is ringing and loud. Easy to learn human speech.

They live in flocks in Indonesia, Australia and the Philippine Islands.

Distinctive feature- a bright crest on their head. In the photo you can see that the color of their plumage is white, but they are also found in black and white colors.

The cockatoo has a massive and strong beak with a wide mandible.

They feed on insects and plant foods. The lifespan of this species is 70-90 years.

Another famous breed of parrot is the Macaw, whose representatives are the largest. At home, birds need a lot of space. The bird is very noisy, loud, sociable and loves a lot of attention to itself. They study very well, but cannot talk.

The color of the plumage is very bright, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. This pet has the strongest beak, which looks like a hook.

The homeland of these beauties is Brazil, Peru, Mexico and other places in South America.

They love fruits, this allows them to go without water for a long time. Life expectancy in nature is 50-60 years.

Another type of domestic talking parrot is the Amazon. This is a medium-sized parrot with a strong build and a large, bright tail. The distinctive feature of Amazon is This is a powerful, rounded beak with a sharp edge at the base.

In the photo you can see their beautiful, bright green plumage with spots of yellow, blue, red and white colors. Thanks to these distinctive features, they differ from each other. The disadvantage of this type of parrot- This is the unpleasant smell of feathers.

Parrots of this species are distinguished by their calm and friendly character, which greatly attracts their owners. They are active and also smart, capable of learning and remembering words. Habitat: tropical forests in South and Central America.

They feed on fruits, leaf seeds, coffee fruits and young shoots of trees. They live from 15 to 50 years.

The plumage of this species of parrot has two main colors - ash gray with several lighter edges and purple-red, which gives expressiveness to the tail. They are common in West Africa. They live in places where there are large and crowded forests. These parrots are very popular to keep at home. Jaco is the most talented bird, capable of producing sounds. Can remember on average more than 1500 words. They can and often repeat the sounds of electronics, for example, the sound of telephones, intercoms, and alarm clocks.

They also imitate the sound of other birds living outside. Tame and sweet, Jaco can repeat and copy the behavior of his owner. Their food is palm tree fruits, seeds, fruits and leafy matter. They live on average up to 50 years.

Types of parrots. Colors of nature in the world of birds

Among the birds, unpretentious and sociable, is the parrot. They are distinguished by their bright plumage, ability to learn, and lively character. How many types of parrots made into pets, it’s hard to count. Each owner has his own unique and unrepeatable pet.

Ornithologists count more than 350 in nature species of parrots. This is one of ancient birds, which the Indians, who were the first to domesticate colorful birds, even considered sacred for the ability to speak.

Types of pet parrots began to replenish from the time of Alexander the Great. His warriors transported birds to the European continent, and parrots settled in the territories of various states.

In the large family of parrots, a variety can be identified by a number of characteristics:

  • body length;
  • bird weight;
  • beak shape;
  • plumage color;
  • the presence of a crest.

A description of all relatives could fill several volumes. Getting to know the main representatives will help you imagine how many species of parrots are there in the world and what extraordinary colors nature endowed them with.

Types of parrots and their names

The birthplace of budgerigars is Australia. Large colonies of hundreds of birds inhabit savannas, eucalyptus forests, and semi-deserts. In places where cheerful birds live, there is always a source of water nearby.

In the wild, birds are small in size, graceful in shape, with bright green-yellow or white-blue feathers. The wavy dark lines on the head give the parrots their name.

The character is inquisitive and friendly. It is no coincidence that they have become popular in families with children. They know how to play, can be trained, the birds are sociable and unpretentious to home conditions. They live on average 10-15 years.

As a result of selective selection, many species of budgies by color. In addition to the natural green color, birds have been bred with purple, pink, anthracite, gray plumage and other complex types of color.

The birds are native to Africa and Madagascar. They live in tropical forests near lakes and rivers. Medium in size and harmonious in body shape. Among different types of parrots You can recognize them by the contrasting color of the plumage on the head, neck, and chest. The beak is large.

Lovebirds got their name because of the lifelong bond that couples have with each other. They move away only to the distance from which they can hear their soul mate. They look for food nearby, sit at a watering hole, and rest.

Nests are made in old hollows. They carry blades of grass and twigs between the feathers on their back. At this time they appear large and shaggy. By nature they are lively and agile, they shout a lot.

Highlight 9 species of lovebirds according to the color of the head. Birds are able to learn 10-15 words and follow simple commands. Like their relatives, they love swimming.


Nestor's native places in New Zealand. It is comparable in size to a crow. Strong build, strong long legs. Sociable and noisy birds. Some subspecies of nestor live in mountain forests.

The parrot is in danger of extinction due to deforestation, predators, and bird hunting. The well-known kea subspecies loves highlands. The bird is accused of attacking sheep and pecking out the backs of animals. But the main food of nestor parrots is berries, fruits, and seeds.

The parrot is loved no less than budgies for its sociability, although it does not differ in its talent for learning. But this pet is a master at begging people for treats and opening cage locks.

It is easy to recognize a cockatiel by its funny crest on its head, gray plumage and yellow head color. The beak is short. Elegant birds native to Australia. It is believed that they are actually called nymphs, and the second name is popular, based on their habitat.

The feathers of the crest are sometimes understood to reflect the mood of the parrot. They do not show hostility towards their relatives; they are even placed in cages with budgies.

Owl parrot

Appearance of a parrot reflects the similarity of the facial oval and plumage structure with an owl. In addition, they are also nocturnal birds. The second name for the parrot is kakapo. His homeland is New Zealand. The distinctive features of the parrot are the weak muscles of the wings, so they hardly fly, but lead a terrestrial life.

They live in the wild rocky corners of the island, among bushes along mountain rivers. They run and climb trees deftly, clinging to branches with their claws and beak. Since ancient times, they have lived in areas where there are no predators.

The plumage is yellow-green. They feed on moss and berries. The birds have an unusual voice, reminiscent of the cry of a donkey and the hoarse grunting of a pig. Parrots were almost exterminated after the invasion of settlers. Now the species is protected and lives on the islands under the protection of scientists.

A large bird with a protruding crest, the sight of which makes you smile. The parrot is unusually sociable and cheerful. He is ready to continuously demonstrate love and affection for his owner. He shows his talent in his ability to cope with any lock. He readily demonstrates his sense of rhythm and ability to dance at the first opportunity.

Cockatoos are classified as the sight of talkative parrots. Onomatopoeia allows a dog to bark. After training, the parrot can answer a question, say a name, and even sing a short song. The voice is shrill and loud, but the singer’s charm is limitless.

The most common cockatoo is white in plumage with a bright contrasting crown on its head. The color scheme never contains the green and blue shades common in other species. The peculiarity of the cockatoo is its unusual strong beak, which will turn wooden rods and furniture into splinters.

In the wild, it lives in flocks in the Philippine Islands, Australia, and Indonesia. They adapt well. They feed on plant foods and insects. They are distinguished by great affection for the chosen one, remaining faithful all their lives. The duration of their century is 70-90 years.

An African parrot with amazing gray plumage and high avian intelligence. Conversational qualities are perhaps the most excellent among their relatives. The vocabulary of this a type of talking parrot reaches 1500 words. Although the bird requires careful and competent care, many dream of having such a feathered friend.

Grays come in red-tailed and brown-tailed varieties. In nature, birds live in tropical forests. They fly long distances for food, but return to their usual places to spend the night. Oil palm fruits are a favorite food of parrots.

Domesticated birds need constant communication. All the owner’s affairs must take place with the participation of the pet. He needs to be captivated by games, tasks, conversations, and bathing.

The bird experiences loneliness and lack of attention painfully, and its character noticeably deteriorates. The parrot begins to engage in self-destruction. Plucking its feathers is a sign of social and physiological problems for Grays.

Birds live for about 50 years, maintaining the vitality and energy of an intelligent and inquisitive child. The parrot repays friendship with trust, sincere affection and affection.

Ara parrot

The most elegant and colorful macaw parrot shimmers with the colors of the rainbow. The large size of the bird is also impressive: the height with the tail reaches 90-96 cm. The beak in the form of a strong hook is noteworthy. According to ornithologists, this is the strongest beak of a parrot.

There are 4 species of birds based on their color, including the very rare hyacinth macaw. In nature, parrots live in Brazil, America, Mexico, and Peru. They fly beautifully, covering up to 500 km a day. They eat a lot of fruit, so they can go without water for a long time.

Unfortunately, macaw species are endangered. Hunters are trusted and destroy entire species of parrots. Macaws are monogamous. The loss of a partner is accompanied by the inconsolable state of the second parrot. At this time he is very vulnerable.

They are willing to communicate with people, but not everyone will decide to take a pet home. The reason is not only the size and loud cries of the bird, but also the strong attachment to the owner. The macaw will require constant attention and care, like a small child.

Surprisingly smart and capable birds learn to ask for food, drink, express a desire to communicate, and greet their interlocutor. The character of a pet is formed in relation to it.

Collared Parrot

In Australia, the homeland of collared parrots, they can be found in parks, next to humans. They got their name from the colored stripe around their head. Very active, variegated in color, love warmth and live in tall grasses and bushes.

The peculiarity of parrots is that they feed on the ground. The diet includes grains, seeds, fruits, berries, and insect larvae. They stay in flocks, show friendliness and trust. Local residents believe that such parrots bring happiness. Life expectancy is up to 30 years.

Ruffled parrot

In nature necklace parrots They live in both Asia and Africa. The size is average, up to 50-60 cm with tail. The color is predominantly green, with a pink rim on the chest, which gave the name to the species. Females and young animals without necklaces. The upper part of the beak is red, the lower part is black.

Breeding of unpretentious birds has been going on since ancient times. When walking, the bird rests on its beak. The characteristic method of movement is associated with the natural weakness of the legs. The bird's friendly nature and intelligence make it popular among pet bird lovers.

Amazon parrot

A medium-sized parrot, it lives in the savannas of America and the Caribbean islands. Among species of talkative parrots Amazons are in the forefront. The talent for onomatopoeia is combined with playfulness and cheerfulness. You can prepare a circus performance with it. The parrot has an excellent memory.

Amazons have been kept in families for over 500 years. Communication with a bird brings many positive emotions. An excellent companion in all fun, games, and communication. They live up to about 45 years.

grass parrot

Small birds, up to 20-25 cm long, native to southern Australia. The earthiness of these parrots is associated with tall grasses, thickets in the undergrowth, and steppe vegetation. They fly low, over short distances. They run well in search of seeds, fruits and insects.

In addition to natural varieties, parrots have been bred in various color combinations based on color. In captivity, the birds do not cause trouble, sing melodiously, and lead an active life at home. Additional illumination is required during twilight hours, the most important time for birds. The cages must be long for movement along the bottom. They live up to 20 years.

Parrot monk

Birds live in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and South America. The peculiarity is the construction of large nests and proximity to people. The prevalence of monk parakeets in cities can be compared to the common pigeons. Kalita and Quaker are types of monks.

They live in colonies. Monks are considered pests for destroying crops and garden fruits. They especially love apples and peck them on trees. Huge nests, up to 3 m in diameter, are built by several pairs of parrots, constructing a communal apartment.

All have a separate entrance, children's rooms and corridors. Males bring materials and construct the home, while females arrange substrates and exits inside. Monks often become favorites in the house. They adapt and communicate with their owners, distinguishing their names. Much attention is paid playgrounds. They love music and even sing themselves.

In Australia, these birds are not considered pests, although they feed on agricultural land. The feed includes weed seeds, larvae of harmful insects, and not just fruits and grain crops.

Rosellas are distinguished by their unusual scaly plumage. There are 7 types of rosellas based on their color characteristics. Their size does not exceed 30 cm. Variegated birds move in short flights and quickly run along the ground. Birds are called flat-tailed due to the appearance and structural features of the tail.

At home, birds are selective about food and are not always ready to breed due to their pickiness towards their partners. But if a family has been formed, then the parents are ready to care for not only their own chicks, but also those of others. They do not tolerate proximity to other parrots and can show zealous aggression. They sing wonderfully, but they don’t want to talk. They are friendly to people.

Lori parrots

The name of the birds means “clown” in Dutch. Loris are small in size, from 20 to 35 cm. There are many varieties within the species, with a common feature manifested in the shape of the tongue, adapted to the frequent intake of juicy fruits, tree sap, and plant nectar.

At home, it is important to feed the loris correctly. Flowers, fruits and vegetables, and fresh juices should be in the parrot's diet. Birds show great ability in training and memorizing words. Active, fearless, they themselves choose their favorite owners, to whom they show special attention. They don't like being kept in a cage.


Small birds, up to 35 cm in body length, live in America. Pet owners jokingly call them “gotchas.” The beautiful rainbow hues of the Aratingas and interacting with them are a pleasure.

Demanding of affection and attention. Conflict-free and trainable. They are playful by nature and need entertainment, so rings, ladders, balls, bells and other toys are required in the cage.

The bright plumage of budgerigars contains only two pigments - black and yellow. Surprisingly, it is the combination of these two pigments that gives all the variety of colors of domestic parrots that have been bred today. It is not difficult to guess that the yellow budgie was born without black pigment.

Lutino: appearance

The yellow budgie lutino has a deep yellow coloration. The flight feathers of the wings and tail have a lighter shade. There is not a single dark spot to be found on the bird’s body. The markings on Lutino's cheeks are white, the paws and claws are pink, the eyelids are white and even red eyes, like albinos.

Lutino sex determination

Due to the lack of black pigment, there is sometimes some confusion when determining the sex of a parrot. Lutino males have pink cere, as do young females. Therefore, alternative methods must be used to determine sex in young birds. In an adult female, the cere is colored reddish brown color, acquires from the male purple tint.

The genetics of lutino color

Lutino is a recessive color mutation linked to sex, specifically the X chromosome. But in parrots it’s the other way around - the combination of XX chromosomes determines males, and XY females. That's why females with the lutino gene are always yellow, and males can be hidden carriers of this recessive gene. Only if a male parakeet receives the lutino gene from both parents will it be yellow. This happens quite rarely; most yellow lutino budgies are females.

Parrots with double star gene

Yellow dark-eyed

Budgerigars have other color genes that reduce the amount of black pigment in their feathers. One of them is the “spangle” gene, or star gene. Inherited in a single copy, this gene forms a reverse pattern on the bird's feathers in the form of thin black wavy stripes on a white background, and not the other way around as usual.

In birds with the double star gene, all the black pigment in the feathers disappears, resulting in completely white or completely yellow budgies with black eyes. In such parrots, the iris of the eyes brightens with age. The cere has the usual coloring for non-albino colors.

Yellow wavy parrot. What distinguishes him from lutino is, first of all, his black eyes.

Another combination of genes that gives a budgerigar yellow coloration and black eyes is recessive variegated and clearwing pied genes. These parrots have black and purple eyes throughout their lives. The cere does not change color as usual: in males it remains purple in maturity, in females it can be white or brown.

Pale yellow budgies

Yellow budgies can be dull, pleasant pastel yellow shade. This color is obtained by albinos who have inherited yellow face gene.

Yellow-faced albino (left) and golden-faced albino (right)

Yellowface coloration comes in varying degrees of intensity depending on the type of gene. Parrots with this color most often have a yellow mask and pale yellow shoulders, with a lighter yellow shade distributed throughout the rest of the body. Like ordinary albinos, yellowfaces have red eyes, pink paws and the wax does not change color in maturity.

Breed Features

This breed is most often chosen by poultry lovers. These elegant and sophisticated parrots are very friendly and do not require special conditions life.

They are small, so the cage for them should be much smaller than for large breeds. This question is important especially for those who do not have much space to keep birds.

Parrot-friendly cage

Also, the budgerigar can confidently be called one of the most economical, since its purchase and care do not require large financial costs. You can buy a bird at your nearest pet store.

Bird's sense organs

These parrots see and hear perfectly, and even distinguish colors better than man! The budgerigar has a strong beak, thanks to which it can get its food and live. Feathers are pressed tightly to the body. Parrots are very careful about their appearance, because they can spend hours cleaning their feathers, bathing and even looking at themselves in the mirror.

The parrot admires himself

But perhaps the most attractive feature of budgies is their extraordinary ability to imitate human speech.

If you properly care for these wonderful birds, they will bring joy to your family for at least the next 12-15 years, that’s how long they live.

Parrot in your house

Remember that when buying a budgie, like any other parrot, you agree to be responsible for its life and health. And if you think that it is enough to simply put a bird in a cage with food and water, then you are deeply mistaken. After all, we all need love and attention. And birds are no exception. They need comprehensive care.

Parrot walking around the apartment

Have you heard the popular expression: “Like a bird in a cage”? Indeed, not a single bird can live in captivity. Therefore, do not forget to let your parrot fly for at least half an hour every day. But be careful! After all, these birds perfectly sense a source of fresh air, and if you are negligent, they can fly out the window. And the likelihood that you will be able to get your pet back is very low.

Flock of birds

Also keep in mind that budgies cannot live healthy lives without company. Therefore, get him a friend, and better not one, but several. In addition, these birds consider you to be part of their family, therefore, you simply must devote your precious time and attention to them.

Cage for a parrot

Perhaps this is the first thing you should think about when buying your future little friend. It should be quite spacious and at the same time multifunctional.

Completed cage

As for the size of the cage, it cannot be smaller than the wingspan of the bird. And ideally, the parrot needs to fly at least a little in the cage itself and jump on the bars.

When choosing a cage, please pay attention to two very important details - the roof and the floor. It is best if the top is rectangular and flat, because thanks to this, in a stressful situation, the parrot can easily hide in a corner, and it will also be easier for you to attach various kinds of swings for your favorite bird. The floor should be solid and not made of twigs, since the parrot’s legs can get stuck in the holes, which will greatly harm him.


When deciding where to place a cage with parrots, keep in mind that birds like a place that is sufficiently lit, but protected from drafts, because they can catch a cold and even die. The best option, if the sun hits the birds, but in the summer it’s still worth shading them a lot. The temperature should be between 20 and 25 degrees.

Under no circumstances place the cage near electrical appliances!


You will have to keep order in the parrot's house every day. Wash the cage, feeder and water bowl thoroughly, add new sand, food, and fresh clean water.

Cage cleaning kit

Parrot bathing

You can try placing a bath of water in the cage. After all, most budgies love to swim and will be grateful to you.

However, do not force them to do this under any circumstances. These birds are very vulnerable.

Eating a budgerigar

Since parrots are granivorous birds, their main food is millet and oats. However, their food should be varied and filled with a sufficient amount of nutrients. Therefore, it is best to buy a ready-made cereal mixture at the pet store.

Parrot food

But this does not mean that such nutrition can completely replace natural food. Therefore, also include fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and sprouted grains in your pet’s diet.

Education - teach your parrot to talk

If you have dreamed all your life that your parrot will learn to speak, then consider several factors:

  • First of all, start the learning process at an early age. After all, the parrot must get used to you and realize that he is a member of the family;
  • It is usually easier to train a male than a female. But don’t be upset if you bought a girl, because she will reproduce what she hears much louder and more clearly;
  • Tame your parrot before training. After all, otherwise he will not be able to trust you, much less imitate you. At first, it will be better if only one family member conducts classes - the one for whom the bird was bought. The study area should be quiet.

Tamed parrot

Remember that boredom prompts a parrot to talk. And the more fun he has throughout the day, the less likely he is to talk. Your activities should be a fun and exciting game for him, but only for a certain period of time, for example, half an hour. And then leave him alone with himself in the cage, let him “digest” the game. Only in this case will your efforts be rewarded within two to three weeks when your pet is 3-6 months old.

Teach your parrot patiently and with love, and then your efforts will bear fruit; their singing is very springlike all year round.


Once they reach the age of one and a half years, your parrots will gain the ability to reproduce.

10 days after mating, the female lays the first egg, and then another one every day. She sits on the nest most of the time, and the male carefully feeds her. And after about 20 days, your wavy chicks will hatch.


They grow quite quickly, and after a couple of weeks they are covered with small, still prickly, feathers. And on the 30th day after birth, the chick can no longer be distinguished from its parents. He becomes a beautiful young parrot. But do not transfer the baby to another cage until he learns to feed on his own, and this will happen in at least one and a half to two months.

Truly, caring for and training a budgie will bring you and your children bright emotions and memories for a lifetime. long years. Do not doubt the correctness and loyalty of your decision to purchase this wonderful budgie!

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!


First of all, it must be said that, surprisingly, the color diversity of budgies is a man-made phenomenon.

As a result, today blue parrots can be found, perhaps, even more often than green ones. These are welcoming and friendly creatures, and if you consider What Blue bird- a symbol of good luck, It is not surprising that this color is so popular among bird lovers.

Blue budgerigars were bred in France at the beginning of the twentieth century, although 25 years earlier Belgian breeders had already encountered similar mutations in the birds' colors.


It is not surprising that this color is the standard for an exotic bird. In the wild, budgerigars live in Australia, which, as you know, is called the green continent. No other colors will give small, defenseless birds a more reliable chance to get lost in the abundant tropical greenery and not become an accidental victim of a predator, and natural enemies Parrots have quite a few, and they are quite dangerous.

A parrot has practically no chance of escaping from a kite or falcon, so the best way to protect itself is to remain unnoticed.

Light green

The main color of the "natural" budgerigar's plumage is that of young glossy grass, darker on the back and lighter green on the underparts, chest and belly. The bird has a light yellow mask on its head, six black spots on its throat plus two purple spots on the sides of its cheekbones. The entire back from the head itself and the wings are decorated with a motley black pattern in the form of wavy lines (hence the name of the bird). A special highlight is the dark blue central feathers on the wings and tail with a metallic tint. Sometimes the tail feathers are blue and the flight feathers are black or dark green. The paws are greenish-gray.

However, as a result of domestication and long-term selection a huge number of different types of shades of green budgies have been bred, little resemblance to their original colors.

Dark green

Thus, at the beginning of the last century, dark green “wavy birds” were bred in France, which differ from their “natural” counterparts in a brighter and “festive” color, which in natural conditions the bird simply cannot afford to have.

In general, the distribution of colors in such parrots looks the same as in light green ones, but the main color of the plumage is darker, the yellow mask is a more saturated color, and the tail feathers, on the contrary, are of a less bright blue hue. The spots on the bird's throat are more purple than black.

Olive green

If dark green parrots are obtained by adding one dark factor to the natural color, then olive is formed by exposing a dark green bird to two dark factors at once. This is perhaps the most beautiful variation of all shades of green..

It’s difficult to describe it; it’s better to see it once: all the transitions, spots and waves are present, but their contrast is especially bright, and the main color is surprisingly saturated. The black color of the flight feathers has a distinct olive tint.


Yellow "face" for a budgie- a natural feature, but blue birds with a yellow head are usually called yellow-faced, or simply yellow. If the natural color of a bird, as we said, contains yellow and black colors, which amazingly give the illusion of green, then in order for yellow to become the main color, it is enough to simply remove the black pigment from the color. However, many breeders believe that yellow-faced parrots are not green birds without yellow, but blue birds with yellow, and discussions on this matter continue to this day.

It is customary to distinguish three main types of yellow-faced budgies: type 1 and type 2, as well as golden-faced, sometimes called Australian.

European with normal pattern

This type of color has been known for more than 135 years. The bird has blue plumage throughout its body and its head is a pale lemon color. In the first type, the yellow color is practically absent from the body or occurs in the form of small, almost imperceptible streaks, sometimes visible in the feathers of the wings and tail. A separate variety is a bird with a very light yellow mask that looks almost white.

The second type of yellow-faced parakeet is characterized by the presence of a lemon tint throughout the body, wings and tail. The main color of the feathers is at first bright azure, but during the molting process it increasingly approaches green. In this same variety, there may be an uneven proportion in the distribution of yellow and blue, resulting in the underparts of the bird appearing blue and the breast aqua green.

Australian normal

While European yellowfaces are characterized by shades similar to lemon, Australians associate it more with egg yolk. It is this tone that replaces white throughout the plumage: it is present on the flight feathers, in the tail, and on the body, as a result of which the bird looks green. As with European yellowfaces, in this case it is also possible to have a variation of uneven coloring of yellow and blue, as a result of which the lower part of the parrot is blue, and the upper part of the body is green.

In fact, the Australian coloration (golden-faced birds) is something intermediate between blue and green, and therefore this color is called “parblue” (partially blue), however, sometimes this term is also used in relation to European yellowfaces.

Blue (cobalt)

Another mutation from the blue series - cobalt. These are blue parrots, in the selection of which there is one additional dark factor. These birds look much brighter and more elegant than the usual blue “wavy birds” and are much more reminiscent of a fairy-tale blue bird.


Adding a gray factor allows you to get several shades of gray. Depending on what color the bird is taken as the basis for breeding (green or blue), we get gray or gray-green individuals.

Gray(they are also called dominant or Australian greys) budgerigars can come in various shades, but one of the rarest and most beautiful colors of this series is anthracite. The plumage of this bird is so dark that it appears black, sometimes with white splashes.

This coloring owes its appearance to German breeders, although in fairness it must be said that back in the 30s of the last century, gray parrots of a very dark shade were bred in England, however, unfortunately, this variety was not preserved (mainly due to the fact that that the dark gray color acted as a recessive factor in the genotype and was thus lost when crossed with any other individual).


Gray-green budgies come in a variety of shades- from lighter to darker (brown).

Due to its close proximity to the natural color, this color was bred in the homeland of the “wavy”, in Australia. This happened in 1935. The birds have a mustard tint to the main plumage, the mask is a standard yellow color, and the black spots on the throat add a gray tint. The wavy stripes along the body are black and very contrasting, the flight feathers are green or black, and the tail is black.


The result of the work of French breeders is gray-blue budgies. Interestingly, this color scheme is one of the oldest; it was established back in 1924. These birds differ from ordinary gray ones in that the main color of the front and rear lower parts of their body is distinctly blue with a pinkish or purple tint. The mask on the head is not yellow, but white, the black waves and dots are the same as those of blue parrots, and the tail is dark blue.

Perhaps this is one of the most beautiful colors of a budgie. The bird looks surprisingly gentle and harmonious. Despite the fact that at first glance it appears to be light gray, in fact there is no gray tint in the plumage. Almost the entire body is evenly painted with a delicate mauve color without any streaks or inclusions. Under the beak there is a white mask with black dots, above the beak up to the forehead there is also a white area, turning into a series of black transverse stripes on the back of the head. There should be no other color splashes or patterns on the head.


The owner of a purple budgerigar can cause no less envy among neighbors. German breeders managed to obtain this color in the late 20s of the last century. It is based on the gray gene, which is dominant. Variations in plumage shades are also possible here - from violet as such to the delicate color of Persian lilac (the presence of a dark or blue factor, as well as the amount of violet - single or double) plays a decisive role.

According to approved standards, in budgerigar colors There are three shades of purple, although in reality there are at least six times more!

Lightened parrots

Above we said that a variety of colors of budgies was achieved by adding a dark factor to the main color and then “playing” with the various resulting combinations. But there is also a reverse method of selection - lightening the natural color.

There are several classifications of bleached “wavy”. Thus, it is believed that a bird whose color is approximately 80% lighter than the classic color should be called lightened, and this applies not only to the main plumage, but also to the wavy stripes, which are usually black.

The bleached parrots also include grey-winged, grey-winged full-colored and clear-winged birds. In the first and second cases, the “waviness” is indicated by gray rather than black, but in full-colored birds, as one might guess from the name, the main color is normal, not lightened. Clear-winged parrots have almost no “wavy”, since the corresponding stripes are either very light or completely indistinguishable.

Lightness is always recessive, which is why this type of plumage is much less common in birds. But if a parrot is a carrier of this gene, when crossed with the same carrier, a bleached chick can be obtained (those who are familiar with genetics can easily calculate the probability of such a combination - it is 25%).

In conclusion, it is worth noting that breeding work with budgies has been going on for so long and successfully that the various breeds of these sociable and cheerful birds differ not only in color, but also in other criteria (for example, there are crested "wavy" Moreover, the shape of the crest can be different - round, semicircular or in a bunch).

But the classic light green budgerigar remains the healthiest and most viable - this is exactly how nature intended this bird. Therefore, when purchasing a parrot of a particularly rare and beautiful color, be prepared for the fact that your pet will be less active, weaker and will live much shorter than its “ordinary” brother.

? Description of the standard

There are several varieties of Steam. Mutations are named according to the country of origin German, English, and Scottish steam

The main feature distinguishing these three varieties is iris ring adult birds. Representatives of all varieties have red eyes, but each variety has its own peculiarity:

German Fallows have deep scarlet eye color, like representatives of the Eno mutation, but of a darker shade, with the usual white iris ring in adult birds.
English Fallows have barely visible irises and their eyes are a solid, bright red color.
Scottish Fallows have a pink iris ring

Standards recognized English and German steam form.

The mutations of German and English Fallows are very similar. Also, both of these varieties are similar to Cinnamon, but differ from them significantly less intense body color, with a mustard tint on the chest, turning into green on the rump (blue in birds of the Blue series).
The depth of green or blue varies among individual birds, but the color is always more intense in the area of ​​the cloaca and on the rump.

Throat spots, head and neck waves, wing markings medium brown color.

Zygomatic spots a lighter, duller shade of purple than Normals.

Males are more greyish-burgundy than the usual blue cere.
Legs Steam's are pink, and beak orange color.

(Dominant Pied) German Fallow Green Row:

German Steam Blue Series:

The most obvious difference from Cinnamon is the red color of the eyes.

After hatching, English Fallow chicks have red eyes, like representatives of the Eno mutation, and German Fallow chicks have plum-colored eyes, similar to the eye color of Cinnamon chicks.

The dark factor darkens the body color of Fallows, but the differences between Light Green, Dark Green and Olive Fallows are much less than the differences between Normal Light Green, Dark Green and Olive. Olive Fallows have a “beautiful rich orange-gold hue and a deep yellow-olive chest plumage that is truly a delightful color,” writes Mr. Cyril Rogers in his book Fallows.

Gray and Grey-green Fallows have darker wing markings. Opaline lightens the body color of Fallows, and in combination with Cinnamons results in birds very similar to Lacewings (i.e. Cinnamon Enos), with virtually no body color showing.

When German Steams are combined with Cinnamon and Clarified, the resulting Cinnamon Clarified German Steams are very similar to Ino representatives.

Genetics of Fallows

Fallow - autosomal recessive mutations.

It has been suggested that German Fallow and Non-sex-linked Ino are mutations of the same a+ gene, and are therefore given the symbols abz and a respectively, but in fact there is little evidence for the existence of this allelic series.
In the absence of conclusive evidence, others determine that German Fallows have their own fg+ locus for the wild type, with the symbol fg for the mutant allele.

There is no generally accepted genetic symbol for the English Fallow locus. The symbol fe+ is used to designate the wild-type allele, and the symbol fe is used to designate the mutant allele of English Fallows.

Allele of Fallows recessive relative to its wild-type allele, and thus a bird with one Fallow allele (heterozygous) is identical in appearance to the wild-type Light Green. Thus, the presence of one wild-type allele is sufficient for the production and normal distribution of the black pigment melanin. Such a bird is called the Light Green Normal split Fallow, and is designated in writing as follows: Light Green Normal / Fallow.

In a bird with two Fallow alleles (homozygous), the absence of the wild-type allele means that the normal black pigment melanin cannot be produced. It is replaced by brown pigment, resulting in brown markings instead of black.

The structure of the German Steam feathers was first examined under a microscope by Mr. Dr. H Steiner. He found that the changes caused by the German Fallow gene were significantly different from the changes caused by the Cinnamon gene. Pigment granules are smaller and more numerous in both the cortex and medullary cells of the first order barbules, and they are often grouped into "large drops or flakes". They also have a different color - it is more of a reddish brown-yellow rather than the pale brown of the Cinnamon. These changes cause a reduction in the intensity of the blue color, resulting in paler birds in the Blue series and brighter yellow birds in the Green series. The pigmented zone is narrower in the breast feathers than in the rump feathers, and it is this structural change that causes the change in body color intensity between the breast and rump areas.

In modern literature, in connection with research in the field of plumage pigmentation, other names are proposed for Fallow mutations. See table below:

Please pay attention to the appearance Australian Steam in the Table of Steam Mutations. Most budgerigar breeders believe that this is the same allele as the German Fallow allele. Modern breeders describe German Fallows as birds whose plumage contains grey-brown melanin.
Australian Fallows have pale brown melanin markings and Australian breeders are reluctant to call them "taupe". This may be an allele at the German Fallow locus, or at its own locus (Mr. Inte Onsman believes that both of these loci may be alleles at the NSL ino - (Non-Sex Linked Ino) locus).

Another suggestion is that the combination of the Gray and Fallow alleles causes melanin to appear darker and more grey. It is clear that further research is needed on this issue.

Also please note that the third recognized vapor mutation is Scottish Steam not included in the Table because it is considered extinct.

When writing this article, materials from Wikipedia were used, as well as materials from the site:

A little about the history of the appearance of the variety of steam budgerigars
Some questions about breeding steam parrots (interview with breeder of steam budgerigars Frank Molt (FM))
Red-eyed budgies
Lace wing or steam?

Illustrations (photos):

Habitat halo of yellow parrot

In Australia, budgerigars are mostly green in color, due to the fact that this is a natural color, and due to this color, the parrots become invisible in the foliage, which saves them from predators. The color of the parrot is not one color, there are also the following colors:

  • black;
  • yellow.

The presence of black plumage is present on the wings of the bird, and yellow feathers on the head and near the beak. The parrot's head is a yellow spot, with a small purple color, which is located on both sides of the bird's head. Thanks to such an interesting color, parrots have excellent camouflage capabilities.

This type of parrot does not sit in one place; they are very active. As soon as the sun rises, they fly to look for something to eat, looking for plants, berries and grains. They fly out in search of food only after the sun begins to set, since before then the heat is unbearable. Parrots wait out the sun, sitting in trees, in noisy groups.

Their length does not reach 20 centimeters, their weight is 50 grams. This type of parrot is considered a real tomboy; they never sit still. Sometimes the thought arises that they chat incessantly, all day, with a break only during snack time. It’s not without reason that our feathered friends began to be called budgies.

In Latin, their name is Metopsittacus undulatus, which means singing budgerigar. Wavy is not an easy name, it is a characteristic pattern on the back of a parrot. It was from the waves on the back that the name budgerigar appeared, a very cute name.

How to breed feathered friends

One traveler from England made a note about an unusual species of birds that lived in Australia, this was in 1805. After this note, more and more facts became known about this exotic bird, and demand for them began to appear. Many tried to bring this type of bird to Europe, but the result was sad; the birds died during transportation.

Some still managed to smuggle in a parrot, and they became feathered pets. Later, budgerigars became a common type of pet, and breeders began to conduct experiments. Thanks to experiments, more than 200 species of feathered friends were bred, which had different colors, different patterns and different shapes of wings. Each species was individual and completely different from other species.

But, unfortunately, when the breeder was chasing the unique appearance of the parrot, it became known that through selective breeding, parrots acquire a weak immune system. Despite this sad nuance, demand did not lose momentum. The budgerigar, yellow in color, was also bred through selective breeding. What makes it unique is that it does not have a black pigment.

Lutino is a cute bird for the home

This interesting name, lutino, was given to a parrot with bright yellow feathers. The bird has all degrees of yellow color intensity. The presence of white color may also be present, usually they are found only on the cheeks of the parrot.

The only problem that a person who has decided to make such a feathered friend may encounter is not knowing who you are getting, a female or a male. The thing is that in other budgies there is a significant difference between a boy and a girl, but in young lutinos they look the same, whether a boy or a girl. When the parrot becomes an adult, it is possible to determine the sex by the cere. Over time, for a girl it turns red or brown, and for a boy it turns purple.

If you become the happy owner of such parrots, and they are still small, then it will not be possible to determine the gender. If you urgently need to find out the sex of a bird, then only a DNA test will help in this matter. Most of this species of parrots are females. The thing is that it is lutino girls who are carriers of the gene. Yellow males are born only if there are two parents with yellow plumage.

This type of parrot in most cases is acquired by creative individuals; they are the ones who love everything unusual and bright. A yellow feathered friend is a symbol of warmth and comfort; looking at a yellow parrot, you position it with the warm yellow sun.

History of the appearance of color variations[edit | edit code]

The natural color of budgies is grassy green. The first mutation color was yellow. She was bred in 1872 in Belgium. There, five years later, a blue budgerigar appeared. Soon, by crossing green and blue individuals, parrots of dark green and dark blue colors began to be obtained. In 1910, blue budgerigars appeared at an exhibition in London. In 1915, dark green birds were bred in France. There, two years later, parrots with a blue tint were first bred, and in 1919, in the city of Toulouse, olive-green birds were obtained at budgerigar breeding enterprises. Subsequently, gray-blue species were bred in France. In 1916, white budgerigars were obtained. In 1927, blue grey-winged parakeets first appeared in Austria. In 1930, parrots with a light wavy pattern were bred simultaneously in the USA (California), Denmark and Germany. In the same year, birds with variegated plumage were obtained for the first time in Denmark. German amateurs Fischer and Boehm bred albinos in 1932. At the same time, the English fanciers Porter and Codecot received budgies with an opaline pattern, and the Australian Terill managed to get offspring from a bird of this color. In 1935, purple budgerigars appeared simultaneously in England, Australia, Denmark and Finland. In the same year, Australian ornithologists bred grey-green parrots. In 1939, the first crested parrots were obtained in Canada. In 1943, gray budgerigars were bred simultaneously in England and Australia. In 1948, white and yellow birds with dark eyes appeared in Belgium, Denmark and Holland. In 1972, a mutation was developed in Australia called “spangle” (from the English spangle - “brilliant, decorated with sparkles”). And in 1974, the first speckled parrots were obtained. In 1978, an amateur from Texas (USA) Paulik bred the first ringed (with a stripe around the neck) budgies. In 1984, saddlebacks (from the English saddlebacks - “back under the saddle”) appeared in Germany. In addition to mutations, there are also numerous modifications of the pattern of budgerigars, for example, multi-colored birds in which one half of the body is colored green and the other blue. Modification, unlike mutations, is not inherited.

Factors on which the color of the plumage of budgerigars depends[edit | edit code]

  • Dark factor
  • Gray factor
  • Purple factor
  • Lightening factor

Light green[edit | edit code]

The light green color of budgies (or simply “green” in other words) is a natural, classic color. Wild parrots have exactly this color; the absence of the dark factor gives them a special, rich, bright green color. The basic color of the plumage of the belly, chest and lower back is light green, glossy. The mask is bright yellow, with black throat marks on the neck, with the outer throat marks partially covered by purple cheek patches. There is a wavy pattern on the head, neck, back and wings. The tail feathers are dark blue, the flight feathers are black or dark green.

Dark green[edit | edit code]

They were developed in 1915 in France. One dark factor (based on yellow) in a green wavy forms the dark green variety. The main color of the plumage of the chest, belly and lower back is dark green. On the neck there are black throat marks partially overlapping with purple cheek patches. The “mask” is bright yellow. There is a wavy pattern on the head, neck, back and wings. The flight feathers of parrots are dark green or black, the tail feathers are dark blue, but lighter than those of light green birds. The color of dark green budgies looks especially bright and elegant.

Olive green[edit | edit code]

They were bred in 1919 in France from dark green individuals. Two dark factors (based on yellow) wavy form the olive variety. The main color of the plumage of the chest, abdomen and lower back is olive green. The “mask” is bright yellow, decorated with black throat marks on the neck. The outermost ones are overlapped by purple cheek spots. On the head, neck, cheeks, back and wings there is a black wavy pattern sharply separated from the yellow base. The flight feathers are black with a greenish tint, the tail feathers are dark blue, much darker than those of the dark green parrot. As soon as the olive green color was developed, these birds immediately won the sympathy of many pet bird lovers.

The dark factor is semi-dominant. Normal is recessive.

2 dark factors

Blue[edit | edit code]

A parrot of this color appeared in 1878 in Belgium. For the first time such an individual was grown in 1910 in France. The color of the chest, belly and lower back is bright blue. The mask is white, the throat spots are black, partially covered by purple cheek spots. The wavy pattern is black, located on the head, neck, wings and back, clearly separated from the white base. The tail feathers are dark blue, with a turquoise tint, the flight feathers are black or blue.

Blue (cobalt)[edit | edit code]

This color is given by one dark factor. The main color of the plumage of the chest, abdomen, lower back, and long tail feathers is dark blue. The “mask” is pure white, decorated at the bottom with black throat marks. The extreme marks are partially overlapped by purple spots on the cheeks. On the head, cheeks, back and wings, a black wavy pattern stands out sharply against a white background. The flight feathers are black or blue.

The body is blue along its entire length. The mask on the head is bright white. There are 6 evenly spaced black spots on the neck. The two outer spots are slightly hidden by purple teardrop spots.

There is a black wave pattern on a white background.

The central tail feathers are dark blue.

The colors of this series include the grey-winged color. The main color of the plumage of parrots of this color is blue or gray, the mask is white, the symmetrically located throat spots are gray, the cheeks are gray or light purple. The wings have an ash-gray wavy pattern.

1 dark factor

Mauve[edit | edit code]

(1920) Two dark factors give a deep bluish-gray color (more gray than blue); this variety is called "mauve." Within each dark factor level there is a gradation of varying degrees of darkness.

2 dark factors.

Gray-green[edit | edit code]

Gray-green budgies were bred in 1935 in Australia. The chest, belly and lower back are a pale gray-green (mustard) color. The mask is bright yellow, the throat marks are black and slightly covered by gray cheek patches. The wavy pattern on the head, neck, cheeks, back and wings is black, sharply separated from the yellow base. The tail feathers are black, the flight feathers are black or green. Gray-green budgies may have one or two factors or none at all. The gray factor can be supported both unifactorially and bifactorially.

Gray[edit | edit code]

This form of budgerigar was obtained almost simultaneously by Australian and English ornithologists in 1943. These parrots are distinguished by the gray color of the plumage of the chest, belly and lower back. The mask is bright white, the throat marks are black and partially covered by cheek spots that match the base color of the body. The wavy pattern on the wings, neck and back is black and contrasts with the white base. The long tail feathers are black, the flight feathers are black or gray. Similarly with gray-green parrots, among gray ones there may be individuals with one or two factors, or even without them at all. The gray color is maintained by one or two factors.

Gray-blue[edit | edit code]

(1924, France) Budgerigars of this color have gray-blue (with a transition to a pink or purple tint) lower back, belly, chest, white mask, black throat marks, purple spots on the cheeks, dark blue tail feathers.

The black wavy pattern is found on the back, wings, neck, head and cheeks.

Purple[edit | edit code]

(1928, Germany) A budgerigar of this color has a purple color on the lower back, belly, chest, cheeks, symmetrically located throat spots are black, flight feathers are also black, with a bluish tint, tail feathers are blue-green, the mask is white .

The black wavy pattern is found on the wings, back, head and cheeks

Yellow-faced Europeans with normal patterns[edit | edit code]

(mentioned in 1880; there are 2 mutations)

Yellowface Australian normal[edit | edit code]

They have the same color as a light green budgie, but instead of green plumage they have yellow plumage.

Lightened parrots[edit | edit code]

  1. Normal yellow

(1872, Belgium)

  1. Normal whites
  1. Opaline yellow
  2. White opalines
  3. White yellow-faced opalines
  4. Greywings of the green series

1927, Austria

  1. Greywings of the blue series
  2. Grey-winged and yellow-faced grey-winged opalines

Inos[edit | edit code]

1. Lutinos[edit | edit code]

(mentioned in 1880)

The plumage is bright yellow. The cheek spots are pearlescent. The eyes are red. The flight feathers and middle tail feathers are light in color. The cere of males is pink or purple, that of females is brown. The paws are bright scarlet in color.

2. Albinos[edit | edit code]

In 1932, the first albinos were bred simultaneously from two amateurs, Fischer and Boehm, in Germany.

The plumage is pure white. The eyes are red. The cere of adult males is pink, and that of females is brown. The paws are painted bright scarlet.

3. Birds with light wings, green row[edit | edit code]

(1930, Australia, Sydney)

The main color of the plumage on the back, belly and chest of these parrots is green, while the back, wings and neck are bright yellow, the wavy pattern is completely absent.

The mask is yellow, the throat marks are usually light gray, but they may not be there, the cheeks are purple.

4. Birds with light wings, blue row[edit | edit code]

Imported in 1933 from Australia to England.

The main color of the plumage on the back, belly and chest of these parrots is blue, while the back, wings and neck are white, and the wavy pattern is completely absent.

The mask is white, the symmetrically located throat marks are usually light gray, but they may not be there, the cheeks are purple.

5. Opaline with light wings[edit | edit code]

(1960, Germany)

6. Australian Lightwings[edit | edit code]


Cinnamon[edit | edit code]

  1. Cinnamon light green

(1931, England)

  1. Cinnamon blue
  2. Cinnamon gray-green
  3. Cinnamon gray
  4. Cinnamon dark green
  5. Cinnamon dark blue
  6. Cinnamon Yellowfaces
  7. Cinnamon opalines
  8. Cinnamon opaline light green
  9. Cinnamon opaline blue
  10. Cinnamon opaline gray-green
  11. Cinnamon opaline gray
  12. Cinnamon opaline gray-green
  13. Cinnamon opaline dark blue
  14. Yellowface Cinnamon Opaline

Opalins[edit | edit code]

  1. Opaline light green
  2. Opaline blue
  3. Opaline gray-green
  4. Opaline gray
  5. Opaline dark green
  6. Opaline dark blue
  7. Opaline violet
  8. Yellowface Opaline
  9. Lace wing yellow
  10. Lace wing white
  11. Lacewing opaline yellow
  12. Lacewing opaline white

Recessive pied budgerigars: Recessive pied parrots are found in both the green and blue budgerigar series. The main color of the plumage is 50% yellow or white and 50% primary color. Depending on whether they belong to the green or blue series, the “mask” of parrots is yellow or white, decorated with symmetrical round spots, the number of which can be from 1 to 6. A pair of external throat marks is partially covered by cheek spots, which can be purple, silver or a mixed color. The wavy pattern is yellow or white, unevenly distributed on the body and wings. The parrot's eyes are dark, without an iridescent ring. The male's wax is pink, the female's is faded. The paws are colored red-brown.

  1. Recessive Variegated Light Green Parakeet: The basic plumage color is the same as that of normal colored light green birds. The “mask” is bright yellow, decorated on the neck with black throat marks (birds of the brown series and brown opaline birds have brown throat marks). The extreme throat marks are overlapped by cheek spots, which are violet or silvery-white. Birds' flight and tail feathers are yellow. The green and yellow colors of the plumage are distributed unevenly. In the lower part of the body and rump, the predominant color is green, and in the upper part of the body, on the back and wings, yellow. The wavy pattern is missing.
  2. Recessive Pied Blue: The basic plumage color is the same as that of Opaline Blue Parrots. The “mask” is white, sometimes decorated on the neck with black throat marks (birds of the brown series and brown opaline birds have brown throat marks). The extreme throat marks are overlapped by cheek spots, which are violet or silvery-white. The flight feathers and tail feathers are white. The blue and white colors of the plumage are distributed unevenly. The predominant color in the lower part of the body and rump is blue, and the predominant color is white in the upper part of the body, on the back and wings. There is no wavy pattern; sometimes there are separate dark spots on the head, neck, back and wings.
  3. Recessive Pied Gray-Green: The color of the parrot's plumage is gray-green on the lower part of the body and rump, and yellow on the rest of the body. The “mask” of the recessive variegated grey-green parrot is bright yellow, decorated with black throat marks on the neck (birds of the brown series and brown opaline birds have brown throat marks). The outer throat marks are partially obscured by gray or white cheek patches. The flight feathers and tail feathers are yellow.
  4. Recessive Pied Gray: The basic plumage color of the budgerigar is the same as that of gray and opaline gray birds. Gray color predominates on the lower part of the body and rump. The rest of the body is white. The recessive pied budgie has a bright white "mask" that may be decorated on the neck with black throat marks (brown series and brown opaline birds have brown throat marks), partially overlapping with gray or white cheek patches. The long tail and flight feathers of parrots are white.
  5. Recessive variegated dark green parrot: The main color of the plumage of the lower part of the body and rump is dark green, the upper part of the body, back and wings are yellow. The colors are clearly demarcated. The bright yellow “mask” may be decorated on the neck with black throat marks (birds of the brown series and brown opaline birds have brown throat marks), which are partially covered by violet or white cheek patches. Birds' flight and tail feathers are yellow. There is no wavy pattern. Sometimes there are separate dark spots on the head, neck, upper chest and wings.
  6. Recessive Pied Dark Blue: The main color of the plumage of the lower part of the body and rump is dark blue, the upper part of the body, back and wings are white. The colors are clearly demarcated. A white “mask” may be decorated on the neck with black throat marks (birds of the brown series and brown opaline birds have brown throat marks), which are partially covered by purple or white cheek patches. The flight feathers and long tail feathers of dark blue recessive parrots are white. There is no wavy pattern. Sometimes there are separate dark spots on the head, neck, upper chest and wings.
  7. Recessive Pied Yellowface: The Recessive Pied Yellowface is found only in the blue series and is a combination of the Yellowface and Recessive Pied mutations. Recessive variegated yellow-faced parakeets are also called tricolor harlequins.

Australian Pieds: These parrots are found in both the green and blue rows. Australian motleys were bred in the 50s of the 20th century by Australian ornithologists. They differ from the well-known Danish and dominant continental parrots in the features of their pattern: their flight feathers and parts of the wing are lightened, the “mask” does not reach the chest, but ends in the front of the neck. The color of the plumage of the back, chest, sides and abdomen is variegated: yellow, green and white colors replace each other chaotically, but do not merge, but are clearly demarcated. Depending on whether they belong to the green or blue series, Australian pied parrots have a yellow or white “mask”, which is decorated with 6 symmetrical, equally spaced round black spots (brown birds have brown spots). The outer spots overlap the cheek spots. The parrot has a light spot on the back of its head. Tail and flight feathers, depending on whether they belong to the green or blue series, are yellow or white. The color of the paws is bluish or flesh-colored. The eyes are dark with a light iridescent ring. The male's wax is blue or bluish-pink, the female's is whitish.

  1. Australian Pied Light Green Parrots: The basic coloring of the wings, belly and lower back is the same as that of the light green opaline birds. The “mask” is bright yellow, decorated on the neck with black throat marks (birds of the brown series and brown opaline birds have brown throat marks), partially covered by violet or white cheek patches. The tail and flight feathers of parrots are yellow.
  2. Australian Pied Blue Parrots: The basic coloring of the belly, lower back and wings is the same as that of Blue and Opaline Blue Parrots. The “mask” is white, decorated on the neck with black throat marks (brown row parrots and brown opaline birds have brown throat marks). The outer throat marks are partially overlapped by purple or white cheek patches.
  3. Australian Pied Grey-Green: The main plumage coloration on the wings, belly and lower back is consistent with the coloration of grey-green and opaline grey-green birds. The “mask” is bright yellow, decorated on the neck with black or brown throat marks, partially overlapping with gray or white cheek patches. The long tail and flight feathers of Australian grey-green parrots are yellow.
  4. Australian Pied Parakeets: The basic coloring of the belly, wings and lower back plumage is the same as that of the dark green and dark green opaline birds. The “mask” is bright yellow, decorated on the neck with black or brown (in birds of the brown series and brown opaline) throat marks. The tail and flight feathers of parrots are yellow.
  5. Australian Pied Grays: The bird's basic plumage coloration is the same as that of gray and opaline gray birds. The Australian Pied Gray Parakeet has a white "mask" decorated with black throat marks on its neck (brown series and brown opaline birds have brown throat marks). The outer spots are covered with gray or white cheek patches. The tail and flight feathers of parrots of this species are white.
  6. Australian Pied Dark Blues: The basic coloring of the belly, lower back and wings matches that of the Dark Blue and Dark Blue Opaline Parrots. The parrot's "mask" is white, decorated on the neck with black throat marks (birds of the brown series and brown opaline birds have brown throat marks), partially overlapping with purple or white cheek patches. The flight feathers and long tail feathers of parrots of this species are white.
  7. Australian Pied Violet: The basic coloring of the wing, belly and lower back plumage is the same as that of the Violet and Violet Opaline Parrots. The Australian pied violet parrot has a white "mask" decorated with black or brown throat marks on its neck. The outer throat marks are partially obscured by purple or white cheek patches. The long tail and flight feathers are white.
  8. Australian Pied Parrots: This species of parakeet is found only among blue birds and is a combination of the yellow-faced and Australian pied parakeets mutations. Australian Pied Yellowfaces are divided into 2 types. In type I birds, yellow is present only on the “mask” and tail feathers. In type II birds, in addition to the “mask” and tail feathers, the entire body is also yellow.

Other color mutations[edit | edit code]

  1. Light green row
  2. Lightened blue row
  3. Lightened opaline
  4. Dominant continental pied birds of the green series: The color of the plumage is green in the lower part of the body, but there may be yellow areas. At the same time, the colors are sharply differentiated. There is a yellow spot on the back of the head. The base color can be light green, dark green, gray-green and olive. The “mask” is yellow. it is decorated with 6 round black throat marks, partially overlapping with purple cheek spots. The wavy pattern on the head and neck starts from the yellow areas. Sometimes it is also present on the wings.

The flight feathers and tail feathers are yellow. There are light spots on the wings, which according to the standard should be symmetrical.

  1. Dominant Continental Pied Bluebirds
  2. Yellow black-eyed
  3. White black-eyed
  4. Crested Budgerigars: Crested Budgerigars come in all colors. They differ in the shape of their crests. In accordance with this, there are 3 types of crests: pointed; semicircular; round. Among birds, there are often species with a mixed crest shape, as well as with two or more crests. Often smooth-headed chicks obtained from crested parents carry the crested trait, which is passed on to subsequent generations. They are used for mating with crested individuals. If, when crossing, both birds in a pair are crested, then the offspring will not be very viable, and there will be few chicks in the brood. A crested bird can also be mated with a simple smooth-headed bird that does not carry the crested gene, but in this case the percentage of crested chicks will be much lower. When two smooth-headed birds that have the crested feature mate, the percentage of crested chicks is also small. Crested birds require more attention and care. There are various deviations from the norm in their nesting behavior, which complicates the process of reproduction and breeding of this species of budgerigars. The percentage of unfertilized eggs is very high; in many fertilized eggs, the embryo dies at an early stage of development, and newly hatched chicks often die. All these features make breeding work with crested parrots very difficult. Nevertheless, breeders are working in this direction and getting interesting results.
  5. Clairbody
  6. Saddlebacks

A Brief History of the Color Genetics of Budgerigars

Through long-term selection, at present, in the colors of budgerigars, there are about 32 primary mutations, which in turn give more than a hundred secondary ones. It took scientists many years so that today we can enjoy the incredible variety of colors of budgerigars. Thanks to the laws of inheritance, breeding a particular color now becomes possible even for ordinary bird lovers.

In 1872, as a result of long work, breeders managed to breed a yellow budgerigar. And only in 1878. Belgian scientists introduced the blue budgerigar to the world, but offspring of this color were obtained only in 1910.

Photo of a blue budgerigar:

Thanks to the blue wavy, dark blue and dark green parrots were born.

Photo of a white budgie:

White budgerigars were bred in France in 1917, and 7 years later albinos appeared in Germany, and parrots of variegated colors appeared in Denmark. We owe the purple and brown colors to England.

April 1, 1994 The World Budgerigar Breeders Organization (WBO) was created, which prescribed standards used both at exhibitions and in everyday life to guide the genetic colors of budgerigars.

WHOVP Standards

We will look only superficially at the classification of wavy colors, since this is a whole science and for a more in-depth study it may take much more time. A person who has never delved into the genetic characteristics of colors until now may simply get confused in the variety of groups and subgroups of budgerigar colors.

Groups of budgies Photo group representative
Normal green budgerigars
Opaline budgies green and blue row
Cinnamon budgies of the green and blue row

Opaline cinnamon

(Opaline Cinnamon) green and blue budgerigars

Lutino and albino (Lutino, Albino)
Clearwings Yellowwings and Whitewings
Crested variety
Spangle (Spangle) budgies of the green and blue row
Pied budgerigars of the green and blue series
Greywing budgerigars of the green and blue series
Fallow budgies of the green and blue row

Clearbody budgerigars of the green and blue series

Saddleback budgerigars of the green and blue row

There are “Normal” colors and patterns. Scientists decided to call Normal color, the light green coloration of the first parrots introduced to Europe. Normal drawing parrots are the standard black waves that accompany the original appearance of budgerigars.

The group of Normal green budgerigars includes: Light Green, Dark Green, Olive Green, Greygreen, Skyblue, Cobalt, Lilac (Mauve), Violet (Violet), Gray (Grey).

Future color of the offspring of budgerigars

In order to at least slightly predict the color options of the chicks from your pair, you need to determine what the main color of your wavy is.

Green parrots have a natural base color of yellow. Blue parrots have white.

There is also a Parblue species between the Green and Blue rows of parrots - these are the Yellow-faced and Golden-faced parrots.

The color of green budgies is dominant during breeding.

Parblues are dominant to Blue parrots, but recessive to Green parrots.

Blue budgies are recessive to other colors.

Interestingly, the part of the spectrum in which parrots see each other is ultraviolet and their colors are much brighter than a person can see. Moreover, if you look through the eyes of a parrot at another budgerigar, you can see that the radiance of the bird is provided not only by the color of the plumage, but also by the wax and paws, which are cast in an azure color. The budgerigar's cap also attracts the eye with its unusual shine.

During mating and courtship, birds try to show themselves in all their glory. The brightness of the male's plumage plays a decisive role for the female.


The natural color of a “wild” budgie is green, like grass. Since the male and female in the wild have the same coloring, the offspring are similar to them. Sometimes, due to genetic predisposition, two naturally colored parrots may produce a chick with a different plumage color. Unfortunately, such a bird does not live long. She either dies from the clutches of predators, or the flock does not accept the “stranger”.

Domesticated budgies have a completely different story - calm and very bright, with many different colors plumage. They got their unusual coloring thanks to selective breeding. People created everything the necessary conditions both for obtaining the next color, and for the comfortable existence of birds.

Domesticated budgies have two main colors: a white base, such as blue or gray, and/or a yellow base, such as green or grey-green.

Thanks to a century and a half painstaking work, scientists were able to derive about thirty-two main colors of parrot plumage. These are the so-called primary mutations. By combining the main colors, secondary mutations were obtained, which, in turn, were divided into stable and unstable variants of color mutations.

A brief history of the appearance of plumage colors and patterns in budgerigars:

  • 1872, Belgium - yellow;
  • 1877, Belgium - blue;
  • green color crossed with blue, resulting in dark green and dark blue;
  • 1910, London - blue;
  • 1915, France – dark green;
  • 1916, France – white;
  • 1917, France - blue, later - gray-blue;
  • 1919, France, Toulouse – olive green;
  • 1927, Austria – blue grey-winged;
  • 1930, USA (California), Denmark, Germany – light wavy;
  • 1930, Denmark – motley plumage;
  • 1932, Germany (fan Fischer, Boehm) – albinos;
  • 1932, England (amateurs Porter, Codecot) – opaline waviness;
  • 1935, England, Australia, Denmark, Finland - purple;
  • 1935, Australia - gray-green;
  • 1943, England, Australia – gray;
  • 1948, Belgium, Denmark, Holland - white, yellow with dark eyes;
  • 1972, Australia - “spangle” (mirror waviness).

There are also many modifications of colors, for example, half-colored: one side is painted one color, the other - another. The modification is not a hereditary trait, unlike a mutation.

Factors and main colors

The green budgerigar is the first representative of the breed with normal plumage color. It is generally accepted among breeders that the normal pattern of a parrot is the standard black wavy lines that always accompany the natural appearance of these birds.

Future coloring of parrots depends on the influence of four factors: dark, gray, purple, lightening. Thanks to the existence of these factors, breeders have the opportunity to obtain many other colors from the standard color.

Gradually, in addition to the green color, the group of standard (normal) colors also began to include the colors that budgerigars often have:

  • light green;
  • dark green;
  • blue;
  • olive;
  • cobalt;
  • gray;
  • grey-green;
  • lilac (mauve);
  • purple.

Additional colors in these birds are obtained using random or specially planned combinations of genes. Let's take a closer look at what colors they come in.

Gray factor

A dominant primary mutation that affects the change in the basic body color of the bird. Under its influence, natural colors turn into gray-green, and blue turns into gray. Under the influence of dark and lightening factors, light, medium and dark gray or gray-green colors are obtained.

Violet factor

The basis for obtaining all purple “wavy”, that is, the primary mutation of the normal color. It appears only if the parrot carries this factor in its genes. Its influence is not as strong as that of the gray factor.

Eighteen combinations consisting of three mutations are visually different: single or double violet factor, the presence of a dark factor, and the blue gene. The level of color change will depend on what exactly the bird carries in its genes.

Purple color is part of the blue range of budgerigar colors, officially registered by the WBO. Moreover, the organization recorded only three visually distinguishable combinations with the help of which this mutation is obtained:

  • single factor cobalt violet;
  • two-factor cobalt violet;
  • purple blue.

Steam (fallow)

This mutation affects the coloring of the bird's feathers and the color of the waviness. All young parrots have a similar appearance, but adults have differences in eye color. Steamed parrots are divided into three types:

  • German: dark scarlet shade of eyes, iris – white;
  • English: bright red solid shade of the eyes, the iris is almost invisible;
  • Scottish: plum-colored eyes, pink iris.

The WBO has officially registered two forms of parrots: English and German, which are very similar both to each other and to the cinnamon varieties of these birds. However, these two vapor forms differ from the latter species in the blurred color of their plumage.

Due to the visual similarity of budgerigar mutations and species, two budgerigar enthusiasts, Inte Onsman and Terry Martin, attempted to classify them together:

  • bronze steam - German mutation;
  • gray-cinnamon fallow – English mutation;
  • plum-eyed fallows - Scottish mutation;
  • pale, beige or pale cinnamon fallows are an Australian mutation.


This mutation changes the color of the waviness. Typically, parrots have black or dark gray line patterns, while cinnamon species have a light brown or brown wavy color. Moreover, the female has a less saturated shade of waves than the male.

In the presence of the cinnamon mutation, the intensity of the coloring of the parrot's body and cheekbones is reduced by almost half compared to the normal color. Cinnamon parakeets also have long tail feathers that are a lighter shade. Cinnamon pastel colors give the budgerigar's plumage a delicate and silky appearance, which is what attracts people to this bird.

Cinnamon chicks are born with deep plum-colored eyes that have a red-brown sheen, while normal parrots have black eyes at birth. This phenomenon can be seen even before opening your eyes. Gradually their shade darkens, reaching black. Normal chicks have gray down, while cinnamon chicks have white down.

The skin of cinnamon chicks has a red sheen. As the bird matures, this reflection remains on its legs, giving them a pink tint. Normal birds have blue-gray feet. The beak is also different - in cinnamon it is orange.

Ino (ino)

Lutinos (lutino) and albinos (albino) - these are the parrots that were created thanks to this mutation. Under its influence, the green colors of parrots turn into a variety of lutino: with yellow contour feathers, with white (pale yellow) spots on the cheekbones. From the blue species of birds, under the influence of a foreign mutation, white parrots - albino - appeared.

Lutinos and albinos have red eyes with a white iris. An orange beak, juicy pink paws, gray-burgundy, and not the usual blue color of the wax in males - all these are signs of lutino and albino parrots.

A striking feature of lutino and albino chicks is snow-white down (usually the down is pale gray). Lutino and albino babies also have two lines of hairless patches on the sides of the spine. In these places, fluff does not grow, and over time, feathers immediately begin to sprout.

Currently, more than forty live on our planet. Their total number is about one hundred billion individuals. Among such a variety of birds, there is one order, the representatives of which anyone can recognize at first sight. These are parrots. They are distinguished from other birds by their bright plumage, energy and ability to speak. Such a pet can surround its owner with love and affection no worse than a cat or dog. The article describes existing Photos and the names of each of them are also attached.

A little history

Parrots are one of the few representatives of the animal world that have survived to this day and have practically not changed their appearance. This is evidenced by numerous excavations of ancient human sites, during which the fossilized remains of this order of birds were discovered. Historical facts indicate that the first to teach parrots human speech were Indians. Representatives of this order of birds appeared on the European continent along with the soldiers of Alexander the Great. At that time, parrots were considered sacred because they could talk like people. Later, these bright and energetic birds spread throughout the territory of European countries, gaining fame as beloved pets.

How many species of parrots exist today? The answer to this question can be found below.

Types of parrots

The parrot order is divided into two families:

  • cockatoo;
  • parrots

The cockatoo family is divided into three subfamilies. They include twenty-one species.

The parrot family is divided into two subfamilies. The total number of species represented in them is more than three hundred and fifty.

Below we will describe how you can determine the species of a representative of the order Psittacidae.

How to determine the type of parrot?

In order to answer this question, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • body length and weight of the individual;
  • beak shape;
  • plumage color;
  • the presence or absence of a crest.

By analyzing these characteristics and comparing them with photos and descriptions of various species of birds, you will be able to understand what kind of representative of the parrot order is in front of you.

Let's look at the most famous types of parrots, photos and names of which are given below.


This species of parrot is an ancient inhabitant of New Zealand. Nestor is strongly built and comparable in size to a crow.

One of the subspecies - kaka - is an inhabitant of mountain forests. These parrots have a lively and sociable character and make a lot of noise. The kaka tongue is well developed and adapted for extracting nectar from tree flowers. These birds love to eat berries, seeds and larvae of harmful insects. The parrot extracts the latter from under the bark of trees, plucking out affected areas of wood.

Another representative of the nestor species is the kea parrot. Such birds live in high mountains. They feed mainly on berries of various trees, honey, roots and insects. It is believed that kea can attack flocks of sheep and pluck small pieces of meat from the backs of the animals.

Owl parrot

This species of parrot got its name due to the original shape of the facial disc, soft plumage structure and nocturnal lifestyle. Until recently, such birds lived in large numbers in New Zealand. This is now an endangered parrot species that can only be found in remote wild parts of the island.

Such birds mainly live on rocky slopes, in bushes and along the banks of mountain rivers. Owl parrots lead a terrestrial lifestyle. And this is their main difference from other species. These birds have poorly developed wing muscles, so they fly poorly. But owl parrots run well. They can also easily climb a tall tree using their tenacious claws and beak.

Like owls, such parrots sit in their nests during the day, and at nightfall they go out in search of food. At night, these birds navigate in space using special long hairs located on the facial disc. The main food of owl parrots is moss and various berries. Their favorite delicacy is snow grass.


The most numerous species of parrots, the budgerigar, lives in Australia. Its representatives can be found in any part of this continent. They live in savannas, eucalyptus forests, semi-deserts and even in cities. Budgerigars create large colonies, the number of which can be up to a thousand individuals. They always locate their place of settlement near a water source.

The budgerigar is a small, slender bird with bright plumage. Its length is 17-20 centimeters, and its weight is only 40-50 grams. Most budgerigars have a characteristic grass-green or greenish-yellow feather color. Individuals of white, blue or bright yellow colors are often found. On the back, wings and back of the head of such birds there are dark brown stripes. Budgerigars have a friendly character.

The main food of such birds is wheat grains and grass seeds. An extremely important component of their diet is water.


The main habitat of cockatoos is such island countries as the Philippines, Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia. These parrots live in alpine, tropical and mangrove forests. They like to exist in close proximity to civilization. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see them in a city or agricultural area.

The plumage of cockatoos is mainly colored yellow, pink, black and white. A distinctive feature of this parrot is its high crest. Its color differs from the main color scheme of the plumage. The cockatoo's body length ranges from 30 to 80 centimeters, weight - from 300 to 1200 grams.

Such birds in flight can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h. They are also good at climbing trees. Representatives of this species of parrots love to swim and spend a lot of time caring for their plumage. The basis of their diet is seeds, fruits and insects.

Cockatoos are a species whose representatives can be taught to pronounce individual words and even phrases. Also, these birds are capable of showing extraordinary ingenuity to achieve their goals. You should not offend cockatoos, because such birds are extremely vindictive.


Which type of parrot is the most talkative? Without a doubt, it's hot. Another name for it is gray parrot. Ornithologists distinguish two subspecies of these birds: the red-tailed gray and the brown-tailed gray. The first lives in Central Africa, Togo, Kenya and Northern Angola. The length of its body can reach 35 centimeters. Such a bird weighs on average 400 grams. The wing length is about 24 centimeters. The plumage of this parrot is colored in ash-gray shades. Its chest, head and neck are usually slightly darker or lighter than the base tone. The tail and back of the back are colored red.

The Brown-tailed Gray is found in Southern Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. This subspecies is smaller in size compared to the red-tailed one. The body length of such a parrot can reach 34 centimeters. This bird weighs on average 350 grams. The wing length is about 21 centimeters. The tail plumage is painted in dark burgundy colors.

The gray parrot is able to remember and reproduce up to 150 words or even phrases. Such a bird can have a meaningful conversation with its owner. In addition, Grays can skillfully imitate various sounds, for example, the trill of a telephone call or an alarm clock. Gray parrots also have the ability to distinguish shapes and colors.


This type of parrot lives in Australia. In addition to the name “corella”, which was given to this bird by the aborigines of the continent, there is another name - “nymph”. European scientists awarded it to the parrot.

Externally, the cockatiel looks like a small pigeon. The length of the bird can reach 33 centimeters. Half of them are in the tail. A striking feature of this type of parrot is its yellow crest. The cockatiel's plumage is light olive or gray, with round spots of bright orange on its cheeks.

Corella feeds mainly on plant seeds, wheat grains and insect larvae.

This type of parrot is not easy to teach to speak. Despite this, the cockatiel is still able to remember up to 100 words. The males of these birds sing well and can even imitate nightingales.


The macaw is the largest representative of the parrot order. Its main habitat is the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Macaws form flocks and lead a nomadic lifestyle.

The length of an adult can reach 100 centimeters. The macaw has a large, long tail and a powerful beak, with which the bird can even bite through steel wire.

The diet of this type of parrot is based on grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Some of the macaw subspecies are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the world Red Book.


Lovebirds are called love birds because of the extraordinary mutual affection between the male and female. In nature, this species of birds can be found in Africa and on the island of Madagascar.

The male and female are always together. Even if one of them flies away, he tries to be within such limits that he can hear the sounds of the other half’s voice. Lovebirds do everything together: they get food, fly to water, rest, picking each other’s feathers. They are agile and dexterous and can fly quickly.

These birds feed on berries and small seeds.


Parrots stand out among other birds. Their bright appearance and ability to reproduce human speech and imitate various sounds make it possible to recognize representatives of this order at first sight. The article describes the most famous species of parrots. There are many more species of such birds in the world, some of which are even listed in the Red Book.

The yellow parrot photo, which can be seen on our website, has long created competition for the traditional green wavy fidget. And despite the fact that over the past hundred years many different shade variations have been developed in the world. It is yellow budgies that are most desirable for most breeders of small exotic pets.

Birds with red plumage are much less common. By and large, they are considered even rare.

In addition to the mentioned yellow and green colors, there are birds with white feathers. However, among the successful color variations it is worth highlighting blue. In fact, it is a kind of noble color, well suited even for such a small bird as a budgerigar. However, we will not deviate from the main topic and will tell you in more detail about yellow parrots.


It just so happens that the natural color of the wavy birds living in Australia is green. It is thanks to him that the birds skillfully blend into the foliage surrounding them and become inconspicuous to the eyes of predators.

However, their colors are not monochromatic and differ in the content of colors such as black and yellow. Black color is present on the bird. The yellow color can be seen on the front part of the green tomboy.

The entire front part of the parrot's head is sort of one solid yellow spot. Against the background, which often stands out is a small purple spot, located symmetrically on both sides of his head.

This combination of colors and shades makes these nimble birds real masters of camouflage. At the same time, they never sit still and lead an active lifestyle.

At sunrise, the birds go in search of food, looking for grains of various plants and berries nearby. After the sun reaches its zenith and unbearable heat sets in, they gather in large noisy flocks on the treetops. They will fly out again in search of food only after the sun begins to set and it becomes a little cooler.

general information

This bird species is not considered large. Since their length does not reach even twenty centimeters. At the same time, the weight fluctuates around fifty grams. However, despite such modest dimensions, these tomboys are real fidgets.

Sometimes it seems that budgies can talk non-stop for days on end. Taking a break just to have a snack. The name itself - budgerigar - was assigned to the bird for a reason.

If we translate the name of the bird from the Latin Metopsittacus undulatus, it turns out that it is a singing budgie. Moreover, by waves we mean a peculiar pattern on the bird’s back. It vaguely resembles waves, which was the reason for assigning such an unusual name to this species of birds.

Breeding and selection

Back in 1805, an English traveler made a note about an unusual species of exotic birds living in Australia. Subsequently, more and more information about it became available, and as its popularity grew among exotic lovers, demand arose.

However, despite the huge number of attempts to export representatives of this species of birds to Europe, many of them ended in the death of birds during. However, some of them still found their new house as pets for many wealthy people.

Much later, after the species of these budgerigars became more common in quality, breeders began to be interested in experimenting.

Thus, more than two hundred species of birds with different colors, patterns and feather shapes were gradually bred. Each of them was unique in its own way and unlike other subspecies.

However, in pursuit of uniqueness appearance parrot, it became obvious that selectively bred birds have weaker immunity than their wild relatives. However, despite this, the demand for budgies with unusual coloring continued to grow.

For example, the yellow budgerigar described in this article was bred through selective breeding. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it lacks black pigment. Among other varieties of light-colored birds, there are species with a yellow-green tint of feathers and others.

A parrot with a bright yellow color is popularly called lutino. It is characterized by the fact that the entire feather cover of the handsome feathered creature has an exclusively yellow tint of varying degrees of intensity.

The only inclusion of other colors may be a white tint. White markings are often visible on the cheeks of this bird.

As for sexual dimorphism, then you will probably face a real problem. While other species of budgerigars have a number of visual differences, lutinos have virtually none. The young female and male look almost identical.

However, in adulthood, gender is determined by. In the female, over time it acquires a reddish or even brown tint. In the male, the color of the wax gradually becomes purple.

If you become the owner of young birds, then you most likely will not be able to visually determine their gender. In this case, one can only hope for alternative ways of determining gender. And often we are talking about blood tests.

DNA analysis is the only alternative if you need to reliably find out the sex of the bird you purchased.

However, this is not all you need to know about lutino. The overwhelming majority of this species of birds is represented by females. This is due to the fact that they are the carriers of the lutino gene. Yellow males are born only when both parents were yellow.

Another interesting variety of birds that are not directly related to the lutino species are pale yellow budgies. The unusualness of their appearance lies in the fact that they are a kind of albinos among the wavy fidgets.

Their appearance is quite unusual and is characterized by the presence of a faded yellow tint of the feather. This is due to the fact that this species of birds is a carrier of the yellow-face gene. Moreover, depending on the type of gene, the intensity of the yellow tint can vary over a fairly wide range.

However, be that as it may, on the parrot's head the yellow color will have a darker contrasting shade in relation to the rest of the pet's plumage.

Otherwise, it will be a typical albino. The feet are feathery pink. The eyes are red. As for the wax, it will not change its shade even when the pet is mature.

At the end of this article, I would like to say a few words about the motives for acquiring such an unusual bright budgie. Most often it is chosen by creative and versatile individuals who are accustomed to everything unusual.

In this case, the yellow wavy fidget will be a kind of symbol of comfort. This is due to the fact that its plumage color resembles sunlight, thereby personifying good mood and health. After all, who wouldn’t want to buy their own little feathered sun for their home? Filling the house not only with warmth and comfort, but also with melodic beautiful trills.