An example of a SWOT analysis of an enterprise. Marketing encyclopedia How to create a swot analysis

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The name of the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats - SWOT analysis, comes from the abbreviation of the words:

Strengths- strengths, strengths;

Weaknesses- weaknesses;

Opportunities- possibilities;

Treats- threats.

SWOT analysis is a fairly simple and popular technique that allows you to assess the consequences of the decision you make, when making which you are guided by knowledge and understanding of the surrounding situation. And it doesn’t matter whether this decision lies in the field of marketing, choosing a company development strategy, or any of your decisions related to current activities, even not related to business.

So, using the WSOT method, you can analyze whether you (or your friend) should wear that blue dress that she bought in a boutique last month. When choosing a profession, or this or that company for employment, we evaluate our strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities offered in a new place, as well as the threats of changing jobs. As for marketing, in fact, every marketer involved in making strategic decisions owns this technique, to one degree or another.

Intuitively, we use SWOT analysis quite often, but few people independently bring such an assessment to its logical conclusion, stopping at a fundamental understanding of the situation and without delving into the analysis of marketing details.

The following are two of the simplest methods, the use of which will allow a novice entrepreneur to independently conduct a SWOT analysis. There are in-depth options for SWOT analysis. Their use requires a more careful approach, preparation and elaboration of details.

SWOT analysis methodology

In principle, everything is simple, the analysis is carried out according to the following scheme:

1. Expert formulation of your strengths and weaknesses- these are internal factors. Their basis is only you. If we are talking about a company, then these are the strengths and weaknesses that are inherent in the company. For an expert description of this, it is enough to use the results of an express survey of enterprise management.

Strengths and weaknesses must be assessed according to at least 3 vectors:

  • Management (condition, quality, motivation, qualifications)
  • Business processes
  • Finance

To analyze internal factors, I still suggest using a different model. For
When conducting an analysis of internal factors, we should pay attention to compliance with:

  • marketing activities of the company to its external environment;
  • the company's sales system and its adequacy to the marketing channel;
  • organization of production processes and adequacy of manufactured products to the market (for manufacturing companies);
  • organization of logistics processes and their adequacy to the marketing channel;
  • the financial condition of the company and its objectives;
  • administrative system and quality of business process administration;
  • management system, human resources management

2. We describe opportunities and threats- which are external factors, based on the situation outside the company, the company’s business environment.

There is no need to invent threats, they are always the same. It is enough to assess the typical potential threats for your company (for you).

There are threats:

  • social;
  • economic;
  • technological;
  • political;
  • environmental;
  • competition.

3. We rank the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats according to the degree of influence on the company, throwing out the far-fetched.

4. We put everything into the SWOT matrix (in a table).

5. Analyze the effect of factors

6. Having finished with the description and marketing analysis, define a strategy, based on the results of the description above, using the strengths, and compensating for the weaknesses of your (company).

SWOT Matrix

All data is summarized in one table consisting of 4 main fields: strength, weakness,
opportunities and threats. Such a table is also called a SWOT analysis matrix.

Analyzing the effect of factors

Actually, what we have compiled above is not yet a SWOT analysis, but only a form (matrix) for a convenient description of the sides, opportunities and threats. Analysis is a conclusion about how much your “strengths” will help realize the company’s capabilities in achieving certain planned goals.

Let’s try to rearrange what has been summarized in the table and answer the questions:

Possibilities ( ABOUT) Threats ( T)
Strengths ( S)

We correlate “strength” and “opportunities”,
and figure out how “force” can provide
company capabilities.
1. .......

2. .......

3. .......

Let’s compare “power” and “threats” and figure it out
how "force" can eliminate
threats to the company

1. .......

2. .......

3. .......

(don’t be shy, describe it in words)

Weak sides ( W)

By listing the “weaknesses”, we describe
how much weaknesses interfere
listed opportunities

1. .......

2. .......

3. .......

(don’t be shy, describe it in words)

By listing the “weaknesses”, we describe
the most unpleasant thing for the company:
to what extent are your weaknesses certain?
will lead to the onset of those threats
which you listed.

1. .......

2. .......

3. .......

(don’t be shy, describe it in words)

SWOT Analysis Strategies Matrix

Next comes the most interesting part, the reason why everything was started. Based on the results of the analysis, we use the results of the SWOT analysis to develop certain strategy vectors along which we will work. The company, as a pravvilo, works in several directions (vectors) at once:

  • We realize our strengths;
  • We correct the company’s weaknesses and use its strengths;
  • We take measures to compensate for threats.

Analyzing the data in the table, we draw up a matrix of necessary actions to correct the company’s weaknesses, including at the expense of the strengths. We bring all the data into one table (matrix) consisting of 4 main fields: strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. This table is called: “SWOT Analysis Strategies Matrix”.

Analyzing the data located in the table, a list of possible actions (marketing plan) is compiled to neutralize the company’s weaknesses, including at the expense of the strengths. Also, possible options for the company’s development when external factors change, ways to use strengths to reduce risks, etc. are being developed.

If you think that SWOT analysis is a boring theory from a marketing course, you are mistaken! Where do you start to analyze the situation in your business, what do you do first when you don’t know what to do or what to do correctly, how you weigh everything "Behind" And "Against"? Advice from friends and colleagues, find a solution on the Internet, act on it and boom? This is not enough, you need a real tool that will help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of the project and make the right decisions.

SWOT analysis will help you in this matter. You can not only weigh risks with its help, but also build strategies, do audits, and analyze complex decisions. In this article we will take a detailed look at the capabilities of this tool using an example and learn how to use it in practice.

A little history

SWOT analysis was first introduced to the world in 1963 at Harvard by academic Kenneth Richmond Andrews. At the conference, for the first time, this method of strategic planning was introduced into the arsenal of modern business, which is used by all marketers, analysts and business owners today. It is a mandatory stage of strategic planning and an excellent tool for auditing a company.

This method of analysis allows you to look at the business as a whole, at a separate cell of the company, business process or product from the position of weaknesses and strengths, advantages and threats, both internal and external. And also, many people use it in everyday life. Let's learn how to use it.

S.W.O.T. is an abbreviation from English of four words:

S (Strengths)– strengths. When describing the strengths of the object being analyzed, you should describe more of its own internal advantages. This is easy to do if you perform this task as a team and using the Internet. The more broadly and objectively you look at the subject of analysis (company, process, product, etc.), the more likely it is that a SWOT analysis will produce effective conclusions, so do not assign this task only to marketers or managers.

W (Weaknesses)- flaws. A similar situation with the shortcomings, remember all the disadvantages, all the unpleasant moments associated with the subject of analysis and write them down. Everything that weakens it and makes it unattractive, burdens it - fix everything. Objectively and only regarding the analyzed object.

O (Opportunities)- possibilities. Describe what opportunities the external environment gives you? What favorable external factors accompany development help your subject of analysis develop?

T (Threats)– threats. Record facts that negatively affect the development or promotion of your object of analysis from the outside. In most cases, this addresses the competitive environment and changes in the external market that may threaten you.

SWOT Analysis Template

The analysis is performed by compiling a table or 2 by 2 matrix in which evaluation criteria are entered in each cell, for example:

You can copy this example template into MS Word and print it for work.

There is an opinion that SWOT analysis is a superficial, inaccurate analysis tool based on the subjective opinion of one person. However, if you conduct an audit by a team of specialists from different fields, you can completely achieve an objective picture of the situation.

SWOT analysis using the example of a company

Now we will fill out the SWOT template or matrix with data from one company X, which is engaged in the auto business (selling new cars, spare parts, and repair services).

Let's start from the upper left corner with the strengths of the company that it has at the moment in time, then fill in the upper right field - we enter the internal existing shortcomings / weaknesses of the company there. In the lower left square we write the opportunities of the external environment that can be realized in the future, and in the right square we write threats and risks that are terrible for the business as a whole.

When you fill out the SWOT analysis matrix, analyze the upper squares from the side of the manager and from the side of your clients, and the bottom squares from the side of the company's management.

  1. As we see in the green square with a plus, you need to record the company's resources. Personnel, equipment, software, finances, uniqueness, business processes, etc.
  2. In the beige sector, we fix shortcomings within the company. Answer these questions:
  • “What’s stopping you from selling more?”
  • “What don’t you have compared to your competitors?”
  • “Who is hindering development or does not meet the assigned competencies?”
  • “What or what resource is missing to solve the problem?”
  • “What’s not to like about your customers?”

3. The blue sector should reveal the opportunities that are provided to your company from the outside. Answer these questions:

  • “What are the prospects for the development of your business line in the modern market?”
  • “Is there an increase in demand for your product/services? Are the needs of your target audience growing?”
  • “What are the trends regarding laws in your area of ​​business?”
  • “Are there free niches where your company could make additional profit?”
  • “Is there an opportunity to expand your product range?”
  • “Who could help you develop your business? How?"

4. The most important threat sector. It is this that is a priority and will provide us with material for developing specific activities. To fill in the red sector you need to write answers to the questions:

  • “What are my worst fears?”
  • “I would have done ....., but if not .... »
  • “The company will cease to exist if...”
  • “What actions of competitors will affect the development of the company?”
  • “What changes in policy and legislation are undesirable for business?”

You must answer these questions with a team consisting of managers and performers.

We get the result

What to do next with these records? The next step is to rank your posts by importance, weight and significance. In the example above, each entry is located under its own importance number - the first is the most important. Determine the three most important positions in the “Threats” block; first of all, you need to develop a strategic action plan for the company to eliminate or prepare for these threats.

Under the first point is: “Loss of dealership due to failure to meet sales plan.” The sales plan is an internal factor, and the fate of the company is still influenced by the importer, who analyzes the share of sales in the region and may deprive you of the right to sell cars of a certain brand. It turns out that this is an external factor that is associated with internal and external problems. Solution: draw up a SWOT analysis of the sales department, it will show the problems that do not allow you to sell enough. Objective #1 is clear.

Further. “Dependence of income on exchange rate fluctuations”. If your internal accounting is kept in foreign currency, you need to develop measures to reduce the impact of this factor on profitability, otherwise an increase in the exchange rate will destroy your margin (markup). For example: sell goods without coming to the warehouse, increase the turnover of goods (sell quickly), create an insurance fund in case of fluctuations, create an adaptive price list that will be automatically converted into national currency at the current exchange rate on the day of payment, etc.

Further. “Dependence on the policies and decisions of the importer”. Designate an employee who will monitor changes and sales rules regulated by the importer. Let him deal only with communication with the importing company. Find a contact person at the importing company who can help with advice and establish contact with him for long-term cooperation.

This data is entered into a table similar to this:

About the pros and cons of the technique

Advantage This method is the ability to obtain a general spatial picture of the state of the object of analysis, which will help make the right decision. SWOT analysis can be used in various fields and is accessible to everyone.

Disadvantage is the lack of accurate quantitative data that can show the dynamics of changes and the subjective factor in compilation.


This is how you can understand: what to do next, where to move, what is stopping you. A similar analysis can be carried out separately for each department, which will help identify more problems and, as a result, develop a strategy for further development or solution to the problem. The effectiveness of a SWOT analysis depends on the objectivity of the people who compiled it, as well as on the number of questions (coverage of the problem or condition). The more questions, the deeper you will touch on the problem, the more auditors, the more questions and subtleties you will be able to work out.

As you can see, SWOT analysis is a fairly powerful marketing tool that allows you to create a competent business development strategy and correct existing shortcomings.

From this article you will learn:

  • What types of SWOT analysis method exist?
  • When should you not use the SWOT analysis method?

The SWOT analysis technique has become very popular due to its simplicity and wide applicability. With its help, you can assess the likely consequences of rational decisions in almost any area: both in business when developing a company development strategy, choosing a marketing policy, etc., and in private life. The SWOT analysis method assumes that the situation has been studied and understood before making a decision. Let's take a closer look at it.

What is the essence of the SWOT analysis method?

SWOT analysis is a way to assess the current situation in a business and the prospects for its development, identifying four key aspects: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Two of them – strengths and weaknesses – characterize the state of the company’s internal environment at the time of analysis. The remaining aspects - threats and opportunities - relate to the external environment in which the business operates and which the entrepreneur or head of the company cannot directly influence.

The method of conducting SWOT analysis allows you to describe the situation clearly and structuredly, to draw a conclusion about whether the company is developing in the right direction, what risks should be protected from and how exactly to do this, what is the potential of the enterprise.

The SWOT analysis method is based on four main questions:

  1. What can a businessman (organization) do?
  2. What would he like to do?
  3. What is even possible in the current conditions?
  4. What actions does its environment – ​​clientele, partners, contractors – expect from the company?

By answering these questions, you can determine:

  • the advantages of the company, its trump cards that can be used in the development strategy;
  • vulnerabilities that can be eliminated or compensated;
  • prospects, open paths for the development of the company;
  • dangers and ways to protect yourself from them.

Why do you need the SWOT analysis method?

SWOT analysis is a simple and universal method, widely used in business and beyond. In business, when planning and developing a strategy, it can be used either separately or in conjunction with other marketing tools, which makes it very convenient for company managers and private entrepreneurs.

Outside of business, the SWOT analysis method allows you to identify priority areas of effort (this applies to both professional and personal development), find your true life goals and priorities in work activities and relationships.

In relation to business, SWOT analysis is used to:

  • collecting, summarizing and analyzing information about competitors using Porter models, PEST and other marketing methods;
  • creating a step-by-step plan for implementing the business strategy, working out its main directions and appointing persons responsible for implementation;
  • competitive intelligence (searching for the strengths and weaknesses of competitors) to form an effective development strategy.

Thus, wherever it is necessary to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of something (commercial activity, enterprise, personality), there is a place for the SWOT analysis method. Its product can be either a business strategy or a program for professional or personal growth.

Types of SWOT analysis method

  1. Express version of SWOT analysis. It occurs most often and is used to detect the main strengths of a company and its vulnerabilities. External threats and opportunities are also identified. This type of method is the easiest to use and gives a clear result.
  2. Summary SWOT analysis. It focuses on accounting and systematization of the main indicators of business performance at the current moment and its prospects in the future. A summary SWOT analysis is good because it allows you to quantify factors that are identified by other methods included in the strategic analysis tools, and formulate a strategy and action plan aimed at achieving the main goals of the company.
  3. A mixed SWOT analysis is an option that combines the first two. There are at least three varieties of it, in which the influencing factors are structured in the form of tables and form a cross matrix. However, the analysis of these types does not provide a quantitative assessment of certain indicators. Thanks to the summary SWOT, you can deeply explore the data obtained and come to an accurate result.

SWOT analysis method as an example

The main matrix of SWOT analysis is as follows:

Let's consider this situation: an individual entrepreneur is going to sell pies to grandmothers in small batches (and they, in turn, will resell them to the final buyer).

Here's how to apply the SWOT analysis method to it:

Note that if the target audience is, for example, schoolchildren buying pies for themselves (and not grandma-traders), then the SWOT analysis needs to be carried out again, since the source data has changed.

Project analysis using the SWOT method

First of all, decide what goals you are going to achieve through the method, what tasks are facing you. If the project is devoid of goals and is vague, the SWOT analysis will fail: there will simply be nowhere to get the source data.

Find potential strengths in your future (or existing) business. Make a complete list of them and start analyzing each of them. What characteristics and features make your idea realistic and promising? Are the means and tools with which you intend to implement your strategy effective, and in what way? How good an entrepreneur (or leader) are you? What resources and assets are available to you? What do you manage to do better than your competitors? In general, conduct an audit and assessment of your capabilities.

Then, using the same method, you need to analyze the shortcomings of the business project under consideration. What factors hinder the solution of current problems? What business skills do you personally lack and how can you “upgrade” them? What is the main vulnerability of your company and you personally as a person and leader? What factors should be avoided? What can prevent you from taking advantage of opportunities and advantages to achieve your goals?

The next stage of the SWOT analysis is to compile a list of available prospects for your project. You probably already actively use some of these favorable environmental factors to promote and optimize your business; list them. Don't forget about potential opportunities. Describe the market situation in your niche. Think about what tools, means, methods and advantages can be applied to make your project unique and in demand.

After this, proceed to a description of existing external dangers and threats. Which of these factors are preventing or could prevent you from achieving your intended result? How many of your competitors, enemies, ill-wishers are there that can harm your business and prevent it from developing? In the SWOT analysis method, threats and opportunities always relate to the external environment, while strengths and weaknesses always relate to the project itself.

When all the lists have been compiled, begin to form conclusions and conclusions. They must provide answers to a number of important questions about how to competently use their strengths, how to eliminate shortcomings and problem areas, how to take advantage of new opportunities in practice, how to minimize risks and avoid dangers.

Listing, cataloging and studying these four groups of factors is not the main part of the SWOT analysis method. All the most important things happen later, when the data has already been collected and structured: finding ways to turn problems into advantages, turn weaknesses into strengths, and make external threats serve to benefit your business.

If at this stage it becomes clear exactly what measures and steps need to be taken, be sure to plan them for the near future and actively begin to implement them.

You are the head of a company, but do you know everything about it? Are you ready to voice a clear plan for the further development of your own business? Find it difficult to answer? Then you should definitely put into practice already proven marketing research. They have already helped millions of entrepreneurs like them find the right solution. One of the main technologies is considered SWOT analysis.

What it is?

The abbreviation SWOT is an acronym for the following English words:

  • Strengths – strengths or advantages of the organization;
  • Weaknesses - weak points or shortcomings;
  • Opportunities - opportunities or external factors that, if properly applied, will create additional advantages for the company;
  • Threats – threats or possible circumstances that could harm the company.

A standard SWOT analysis is precisely a comprehensive assessment of the company’s activities, and not only its strengths, but also its weaknesses. But in the terminology adopted in this analysis, they are called sides, respectively, strong and weak. An assessment is made not only of probable external threats, but also of favorable opportunities. In this case, the results obtained must be compared with the indicators of the most strategically important competing firms.

Conducting a SWOT analysis helps answer questions such as:

  • Does the company fully use its personal strengths, as well as its distinctive features, in implementing its own strategy?
  • Which of the company's weaknesses need to be adjusted accordingly?
  • Which potential opportunities offer a real chance of success if all possible resources are deployed and the firm's skills are taken into account?
  • What possible threats should a manager pay attention to, and what actions should they take?

Marketers recommend choosing the period for carrying out a SWOT analysis when the direction in which the future development of the business is planned is formulated, and the period for determining the list of goals and setting tasks.

Swot analysis matrix

During the analysis process, specially developed templates are used, which are tables called SWOT matrices. Which one will be used is a purely individual choice. It is worth noting that the results, regardless of the selected template, are completely identical.

Any swot analysis matrix filled out according to a specific pattern. The cells describing the strengths of the enterprise are filled in first. Next we move on to its weaknesses. These two columns help describe the company's microenvironment.

To display the macro environment, you will need to fill in the remaining two columns. In one of them, opportunities should be written down, that is, those probable benefits that the company will be able to obtain in the current market conditions if no significant changes occur. And the last column of the matrix records threats - those factors that can interfere with the development of the company’s strengths and the use of the opportunities provided.


Strengths include those areas where a company has significantly succeeded and what sets it apart from its competitors. Here you should also describe your competitive advantages, but be objective. These cannot be simply unfounded allegations. They must be confirmed by certain indicators.

These advantages may well include:

  • unique company resources;
  • personnel with a high qualification level;
  • quality products;
  • brand popularity.

A company's weaknesses include factors that place it at a disadvantage compared to potential competitors. As an example of the weakness of an enterprise, one can point out a limited range of goods produced or services provided, a not very good reputation, low funding or a relatively low level of customer service.

Macro environment

As you remember, the macro environment in SWOT analysis is presented in the form of probable opportunities or potential threats.

Opportunities include the most favorable circumstances, through which the company receives additional advantages. It is opportunities that contribute to the development of the strengths of an enterprise.

Threats are probable events, in the event of which the enterprise may find itself in not entirely favorable conditions for further development. Examples of such events may be the emergence of new competing companies on the market, increases in tax rates, and changes in demand from buyers.

Additional materials

The swot analysis matrix will require additional information to be filled out more completely and truthfully. Let's consider this point in more detail. All available data will be required in the following categories:

  1. Management

All information related to the organization of the work of the entire company is collected here. These are the qualifications of the enterprise’s employees, connections that determine the level of interaction between all departments, etc.

  1. Production

In this category, an assessment is made of production capacity, the quality of existing equipment, and the degree of its wear and tear. The quality of manufactured goods, the availability of patent or licensing documentation, if required, and the cost of manufactured goods are also considered. Additionally, the reliability of partners acting as suppliers, level of service, etc. are assessed.

  1. Finance.

This is the most important category that requires detailed consideration. It is here that the clearest gradation of the strengths and weaknesses of the business in question is observed. These are the costs of the production process, the availability and speed of turnover of cash capital, the financial stability of the enterprise and its profitability.

  1. Innovation.

How often are customers provided with an updated list of products? What is the level of quality and how quickly does the return on capital investments occur? This subparagraph must contain answers to all questions asked.

  1. Marketing
  • consumer reactions to manufactured goods;
  • awareness of your brand;
  • the range of products presented by the enterprise;
  • pricing policy;
  • the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
  • additional services offered by the company.

Rules for performing SWOT analysis

In order to avoid possible mistakes in practice and get the maximum benefit from the marketing research, strict adherence to several rules is required.

As much as possible, try to narrow the scope of the activity in which the analysis will be carried out. If you perform this procedure simultaneously for all activities of the enterprise, the data obtained will be too general and absolutely useless from a practical point of view. Focusing the analytical process on a company's position in a specific market segment will help obtain more specific data.

As you complete the matrix columns in the macro and micro environments, be careful when drawing conclusions regarding the strengths/weaknesses and opportunities/threats of certain factors. Weak or strong qualities are represented by the internal characteristics of the company. Whereas the second pair characterize the situation in a given time period, and cannot be regulated by management.

High-quality analysis is possible only when all the data is completely objective. This strategic analysis should be carried out on the basis of the diverse information presented. The research cannot be entrusted to one specialist, since the information received may well be distorted by his personal subjective perception. In this marketing research, it is necessary to take into account the point of view of each functional unit of the enterprise. All data entered into the SWOT matrix must be confirmed by existing facts or the results of previously conducted research activities.

The use of lengthy formulations or the possibility of its double interpretation is completely unacceptable. The more specifically a factor is formulated, the more clear its impact on the company’s activities as a whole will be in the future. And accordingly, the results obtained after completion of the analysis will have the greatest value.

Weaknesses of SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is just a simple tool with which information is structured. This marketing procedure does not provide any specific answers or clear recommendations. It only helps to more adequately assess the main factors and predict the occurrence of certain events with a certain degree of probability. Formulating any recommendations based on the data obtained - this procedure is already within the competence of the analyst.

Moreover, the apparent simplicity of this strategic analysis is very deceptive. The veracity of the result, and accordingly the development of further transformations, is highly dependent on the completeness and quality of the information provided. To truly obtain the most realistic data, you will either need the participation of an expert who can assess the current state and likely path for further development of the market, or you will need to carry out very painstaking work in collecting and then analyzing the information received in order to achieve this understanding.

Errors that may be made when filling out a matrix table are not detected during the analysis process. Therefore, the addition of an extra factor or, on the contrary, the loss of an important one or other inaccuracies lead to an erroneous conclusion, and therefore incorrect development of a further strategy.

SWOT Analysis Example

The given analysis example is for demonstration purposes only. Here is the entire sequence of actions that will help you perform a SWOT analysis.

Determination of strengths/weaknesses (sides)

First of all, analyze all possible options. Each of the areas must contain at least 3 parameters that helped in assessing the competitive capabilities of the business.

For example, let’s take the direction “appearance of the product.” To analyze it you will need to answer questions such as:

  • to what extent is the appearance of the packaging better/worse than that of a competing company;
  • the convenience of packaging is better/worse compared to a competing company;
  • how much better/worse is the packaging design compared to a competing company, etc.

We check the importance of identified strengths/weaknesses

Not the entire list from the first paragraph will be needed to fill out the matrix. Now you should eliminate the non-essential items. To choose the right parameters, you should evaluate the impact of each in terms of the satisfaction of potential customers, as well as the profit generated.

The results of such a check will help eliminate parameters that play a minor role. The final microenvironment rating will be fully prepared.

Identifying likely growth paths

At this stage, you will need to write potential options that can . Two questions will help with this:

  1. how a company can increase its sales level;
  2. What are the possibilities for reducing production costs?

Make a comprehensive list of opportunities that will help your business grow. As an example, the following options can be given:

  • new sales territory;
  • expansion of the range;
  • influx of new consumers, etc.

Next, an assessment is made and opportunities that do not have a decisive impact on profits and customer satisfaction are eliminated. Having fully analyzed the entire list received, we cross out opportunities that do not have a strong impact on the profit received and customer satisfaction.

Identifying Potential Threats

This section should list potential threat options. For example, why customers may refuse to purchase a company’s product:

  • changing your usual lifestyle;
  • decrease in the level of income of the population;
  • changed requirements for product quality, etc.

Then we exclude threats that do not threaten the development of the enterprise over the next 5 years.

Filling out the matrix

Now that all the data has been received, we fill out the standard template. In this case, the rating of all indicators is necessarily preserved. Next, based on the SWOT information, recommendations are made for the further development of the enterprise.

You can find detailed swot analysis, strategy and implementation methods using the example of a specific enterprise in this article:

You can also watch the compilation of swot analysis on video.