Examples of market analysis of a catering enterprise. Analysis of the state and prospects for the development of the public catering industry in Russia. Why network business

Modern enterprise market Catering does not stand still. It is constantly evolving, responding to growing consumer demands. In conditions of fierce competition, restaurateurs, trying to retain the attention of guests, are coming up with new ideas for their business, improving the interior of their establishments, and expanding the range of products and services offered.

As in any other field of activity, the restaurant business has its own fashion trends, and if you do not follow the trends, the company will most likely leave the catering market.

The Russian catering market is experiencing high growth rates. In the first half of 2011, the turnover of the public catering market in Russia amounted to 410.7 billion rubles, an increase of 4% in comparable prices compared to the same period of the previous year.

There is also an increase in demand for food products and services. This is a consequence of the growing level of solvency of the population, i.e. quantitative increase in the middle class of society.

Now the main trends in the restaurant business can be traced in three main areas: the concept of providing catering services, price policy and directions in choosing cuisine for your restaurant.

Trends in the development of the restaurant business are the creation of various types of cuisine, depending on the preferences of a particular region. The trend in creating network projects is no less successful; it is in demand among consumers and will attract the client’s attention faster than a fashionable restaurant.

According to professionals, the coming 2012 will be good year for the development of enterprises that have chosen an affordable pricing concept in the public catering market - from street food vans to affordable casual dining restaurants. The growth of this segment of public catering enterprises is determined by the lack of free time among consumers.

The fast food market is actively growing due to the opening of outlets in food courts. The spontaneity of the decision to visit a fast food establishment and the opportunity to choose ensured their relevance. In addition to them, some mobile chains are also vying for places in “food courts” today - “Stop-Top”, “Kroshka-Kartoshka”, “Teremok - Russian Pancakes”, “Pies from the Oven”, “Obzhora”, etc. spurred by competition, which in the fast-growing mobile fast food industry is much stronger than among stationary establishments, and serious pressure from city sanitary services: according to sanitary standards, all public catering facilities must be connected to water supply and sewerage.

In addition to the listed branded establishments, there are a large number of independent single enterprises on the market - pancake and dumpling shops, which absorb a significant part of consumers, especially more low prices. This also includes outlets for the sale of “fast” food - pasties, hot dogs, sausages in dough, etc., which most often operate without their own hall, but due to their availability and low cost, have a fairly large turnover (up to 500 people per day).

Restaurant-type establishments ("Mu-Mu", "Yolki-palki", "Drova", "Pechki-benches") can also be classified as Russian fast food. Their characteristic feature is the desire for versatility - during the day they work as fast food establishments, and in the evening they turn into affordable restaurants with light entertainment program. Another trend in the modern market is the so-called “revival of canteens” as a form of catering.

Experts believe that the need for public catering outlets has not yet been satisfied. Despite the apparent abundance, it is too early to talk about market saturation. The consumer still feels a shortage of places where he can have a quality and quick meal after spending 150 rubles. The opinion of Russian restaurateurs is confirmed by the authorities state statistics, showing us the stable and confident growth of such establishments.

Due to the 2008 crisis, the pricing policy of a number of establishments underwent a major change. Consumers are now more likely to choose restaurants with more affordable prices. In this regard, there was an increase in the middle market segment pricing policy, while the elite restaurant sector at this stage of development is experiencing a serious crisis. In the course of new trends, restaurateurs, trying to retain consumers, are forced to reduce prices, while leaving quality at the same level. Restaurateurs, trying to minimize losses, try to invest money in better quality cuisine, rather than in external paraphernalia. The percentage of cooperation with domestic product suppliers has increased. There is a clear trend towards change in the market as a whole. If earlier restaurateurs, trying to surprise the public, invested huge amounts of capital in the interior and other paraphernalia, now the main emphasis is on the quality of the products provided.

In connection with this condition, many experts highlight the lack of qualified personnel as the main problem in the development of the restaurant business in Russia. In conditions of fierce competition and rapid development of the catering market, there is a constant struggle among restaurateurs for clientele, which in Lately increasingly makes his choice based on the quality of service in a particular establishment. Quality of service today is one of the most important factors company success in the market. This statement applies to any market segment: sales of cars, clothing, shoes; banking and tourism services and, especially, to the catering market, where the quality of service, along with the provision of quality products, is an important competitive advantage. The global trend is that with the unification of the product itself (goods, services), the quality of service when selling the product turns out to be the most important differentiator, allowing one to gain a real competitive advantage and maximize consumer satisfaction.

One of the main difficulties of creating a specialized catering establishment is that every detail in this establishment must adhere to the general concept chosen by the restaurateur. To create a high-quality, specialized restaurant, it is necessary that everything be in the same style; this also applies to service standards.

A corporate service standard is a model for transmitting a positive image of a restaurant to a client, a certain sequence of actions, carrying out which service staff has a positive effect on the guest, increasing the quality of service. The presence of service standards guarantees the client that, regardless of which of the company’s employees he communicates with, he will receive service of “branded” quality, which is inherent in this establishment.

So, for example, an informal standard of service will be relevant for a brasserie restaurant in order to support the general concept of the establishment, with its traditional atmosphere of relaxation and fun, and for a restaurant specializing in elite, for example, French cuisine, a conservative style of service will be more appropriate. Even uniforms in various establishments impose their own requirements on service standards. For example, in the same beer establishments, the uniform is not only stylized to match the national costumes of countries that are world leaders in beer production (Germany, Czech Republic, Great Britain), but also makes the work of waiters easier.

Having analyzed the trends in the Western market, it is clear that restaurants that provide quality service and have been working with their own service standards for a long time are usually more attractive to visitors and have more stable income and suffer almost no staff turnover. Therefore, developing service standards is now a top priority for restaurateurs if they want to stay in this market.

Currently, there are not enough restaurants on the market for middle-class clients with an average bill of 10-15 dollars. Now this niche is developing through the opening of affordable establishments - cafes, coffee shops and fast food restaurants. A significant share of the opening restaurants is occupied by Japanese sushi bars. That is why there is a gradual transfer of investment activity on the market from the niche of expensive restaurants to the segment of mid-price restaurants and cafes, as well as fast foods.

There are also trends in the choice of cuisine. Here, oddly enough, fashion for a particular national cuisine plays a role. Usually these trends come to Russia from Europe with some delay, and of course in the interpretation of domestic restaurateurs. Over the past five years, there has been a kind of “boom” in catering establishments offering Japanese cuisine on the Russian market. This shows us another trend in the Russian market; consumers are increasingly turning their attention towards healthy eating both at home and in catering establishments. Therefore, the growth of restaurants offering Pan-Asian cuisine is likely to continue, although at a slower pace.

The number of beer enterprises is steadily growing both in the capital and in the regions of the country. So in Vladivostok, for example, over the past seven years, about forty establishments with a similar focus have opened (Appendix A).

Now there is a significant increase in the popularity of beer establishments, and the cuisine traditionally presented in such establishments (German, Czech, English). Now this is one of the successful areas in the restaurant business.

The beer bar is currently the most popular establishment. Meetings of friends are most often not complete without beer, because it is with the help of this drink that the boundaries of space and time are erased and peace of mind is created.

Leading European restaurateurs are now observing a trend of consumer interest not in any cuisine, interior or general concept of the enterprise, but in the atmosphere prevailing in a particular establishment. In the European market, the consumer has already become fed up with all sorts of culinary delights and an abundance of different interiors, and now the coziness and comfort of the establishment is of prime importance to him. Of course, the Russian market of public catering establishments is far from the level of European ones, but our guest also strives for these indicators. This to some extent explains the unprecedented popularity of beer establishments, in which comfort and a general atmosphere of liberation and fun, along with the sale of high-quality beer, are prioritized.

In general, it should be noted that the country’s public catering market is constantly changing, and this often occurs under the influence of external factors, be they social, demographic or economic. Also, our country is greatly influenced by changes in the Western market; domestic restaurateurs most often borrow new products from foreign colleagues. Therefore, when predicting the future of the domestic catering market, we can analyze the Western market.

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State and development prospects of the catering services market

Status and prospects of development of the market of services of public catering

Izabakarov Abdul Ibragimovich

specialty economics and management national economy: economy,

organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes (service sector)

applicant for the Department of Accounting

FSBEI HPE "Dagestan State Technical University"

Multi-format restaurant houses;

Catering companies;

Companies providing catering corporate services, as well as managing non-core assets;

Independent catering companies, including those formed as family businesses;

- “Fast Foods” or quick service points;

Companies providing services for democratic persons;

Chain companies in the public catering sector of the VIP segment;

Companies providing services in the social segment;

Points providing catering services within companies related to food retail;

Street food points;

Food points in transport;

Companies providing public services in non-core commercial organizations;

Points providing food in hotels and resort areas;

Companies responsible for production finished products.

The structure of public catering in Moscow in 2007 looked like this:

Figure 1 – Structure of the public catering market in Russia in 2007,%

By the end of 2009, the market began to change its appearance. The main market players have changed, both in quantity and quality. It was expected that the turnover of personnel would stop, companies that were “false” professionals left the market, giving way to more professional and successful companies. The second quarter of 2009, as well as the beginning of 2010, was marked by a decline in turnover in the catering industry by 26 percent. The turnover of leading companies began to go down, falling by 25% or more, more than a thousand establishments went bankrupt.

As a result of the mentioned trends, the structure of the entire market has also changed.

Below we present a simplified structure of the public catering market in Russia, which had developed by the beginning of 2012.

Figure 2 - General structure public catering market in Russia in 2010,%

It is worth noting that in 2010, the decline in revenue of democratic catering companies was recorded at 35 percent, but the profits of companies such as Mu-mu, Rake, and Shokoladnitsa increased by 15 percent. This fact was due to the installation of programs that allow you to control resources, reduce costs and variable costs companies. These companies “caught” the moment in the commercial rental market and began opening new divisions in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ukraine.

Monoformat public catering chains such as Teremok, Rubli and Kroshka-Kartoshka were in a more advantageous position during the crisis than their street food competitors located in rented outlets.

In 2010, non-core strategic investors appeared and began their work in the field of public catering: a decision was made to create promising projects aimed at developing school catering institutions (in St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Tomsk, Lipetsk, Stavropol). One by one, projects to open factories are being implemented:

Kitchens in Nizhny Novgorod, Petrozavodsk, Samara, Ufa, Ryazan. About 30 institutions with the amount of processed products up to 1000 tons per year are likely to increase the turnover of public catering by 6-7 percent at the end of 2011. In 2010, corporate and social catering is a profitable investment.

Russia's trade turnover in 2010 amounted to 743.0 billion rubles, according to RBC, which in turn refers to research conducted by RBC.research. According to data provided by Rosstat, the public catering market in 2009 showed a negative growth of 12.8%, although before the crisis it increased by 12-15%. The increase in profit in 2009 is considered to have failed compared to last year; its fall was 25-28%. Forecasts for 2011 were quite optimistic; the catering market was expected to exceed the level of 2008, and by 2012 it could exceed 860 billion rubles.

Since 2000, market turnover has increased by 9.2, thus, a new leader has emerged in the segment of the country's economy, which is focused on the internal structure. Do not forget that in 2000 the volume of this segment did not exceed 83.3 billion rubles.

Almost 18% of the total turnover is occupied by the Moscow market, although the population of Moscow, according to official data, is only 10% of the all-Russian one.

The crisis left negative consequences that affected Russian buyers for a long time; the revival of the economy made it possible to increase spending, including on street food. This allowed network companies to develop in the promising Russian market.

Throughout 2010, the Finnish chain Hesburger, the American Burger King and Wendy’s, Dunkin’ Donuts and many others entered the Russian market. Consumer confidence has become an indicator of the habits of those included in Russian culture nutrition before the crisis, but the growth rate was still gaining the required momentum.

The largest share of the public catering market belongs to the fast food segment – ​​in 2010 it amounted to 60% in value terms (Table 1). .

Table 1

Structure and dynamics of the public catering market

Establishments that specialize in home delivery of finished products and takeaway food sales have increased their turnover due to rising incomes and the acceleration of the pace of life. In 2010, sales reached $134 million, i.e. increased by 8 percent. In Russia, this area is not developing as quickly as we would like, but the potential is very great. In large cities, the population gets used to comfort, which is very favorable for enterprises that offer ready food at home and to take away.

The negative economic development in 2010 had a serious impact on the catering market, and forced the owners of catering enterprises to resort to new ways of finding consumers to increase their profits. A policy of menu diversification was chosen to increase the cost of the average check, as well as their quantitative increase.

Special menus have been developed in cafeterias and bars for breakfasts and business lunches. The sale of takeaway drinks and dishes was opened so that this or that segment could adequately compete with companies offering fast food services to the population.

Full service catering companies have suffered the most from the crisis; they need at least three years to restore full-fledged operations. With sales declining by 10 percent compared to 2009, the segment practically stagnated, increasing sales by only three percent.

Catering market in Russian Federation has become even more consolidated. IN last years, the share of network operators grew at the expense of non-network enterprises. People increasingly made a choice towards network companies, as they were already famous brand and reputation played a role. In addition, such network companies have always had a good choice dishes at affordable prices. Chains were able to save money on purchases, which made it possible to set “correct” prices. In 2009, the inflation rate in the Russian Federation was about 7 percent. Non-chain companies had to raise the cost of food. Network operators used competitive advantages, which made it possible to restrain the growth of costs and lure most of the customers from non-chain catering establishments. In 2010, sales at food service chain companies began to grow, reaching 17 percent. The data is shown in the table below.

table 2

Dynamics of “networking” of public catering establishments

Company type


year 2009


Network companies

Not network companies

Foreign companies assessed the market conditions after the crisis and decided that it was ideal for entering the Russian market. New companies entered the market in the form of franchises, as well as joint ventures, which included Russian shares.

Let's consider the dynamics of the structure Russian market network catering companies for the period from the beginning of 2008 to the beginning of 2012 as a percentage of quantity.

Figure 3 - Dynamics of the structure of the Russian market of chain catering establishments (I half of 2008 - I quarter of 2012), % of the number of chain establishments

Despite the fact that the population in the Russian Federation is the highest among the countries of Eastern Europe, the number of catering companies, for example, in Poland is twice as large as ours. In countries Western Europe, for example, in Spain or Italy, this figure is six times higher than in the Russian Federation.

A distinctive feature of the catering market is its lack of fullness. In America, one food outlet serves 150 citizens, and in Europe twice as many. In Russia, this figure is completely sky-high - almost two thousand people per catering outlet. Thus, the catering market in the Russian Federation is still very unsaturated.

According to forecasts, the market should continue to grow; in the future, new companies, both Russian and international, will come to it. They will actively progress in development, use franchises, and create united companies. Presumably, by the beginning of 2016, the capacity of the public catering market in the Russian Federation will be about $14.5 billion, not taking into account inflation.

In 2009, the desire of Russians to save money on eating out led to a reduction in the volume of the catering market by 12.8% compared to previous years

Many network and individual companies were unable to survive the crisis and came to the point of ending their activities. The weakest were chain companies with several establishments. This unexpected situation to some extent had a positive impact on this area of ​​activity. Those companies that decided to play in the market no matter what, did not miss even the smallest opportunity to attract customers, used different programs loyalty and marketing moves.

Expert opinions agree that the main signs of recovery in the public catering market appeared by May 2010.
Thus, according to the Komkon company, at the end of 2010, almost 39% of Russian citizens became regular visitors to catering structures, although a year earlier this number was almost two times lower.

Over the past few years, the catering market has been developing at a rapid pace. This was due to the opportunity to earn good money. Investors were attracted to the business, both from Russia and foreign ones from different business sectors.

However, there are also negative aspects in the development of public catering. In the Russian Federation, for example, there is no significant market experience in the field of catering and long-standing traditions. There is no methodological base developed over the years that could help in running a business.
The mistake of investors who come to the catering market from other areas is to focus on the type of cuisine that they themselves (as it seems to them) know and love better. This is not a sufficient factor. First of all, we need an effective marketing activities which will attract and retain customers.

Experts believe that the costs of catering services for Russian citizens are much lower than the same indicators in other countries.

In recent years, consolidation has been considered one of the main trends in the development of the Russian catering market. The market is highly fragmented, with a significant share of it being occupied by single catering establishments.

The Russian public catering market sector is currently significantly fragmented. The first mergers and acquisitions in the Russian public catering market were recorded back in 2005. Chains such as Rostix and KFC, Five Stars and Prime and others have combined their efforts, resources and reputation for more efficient work On the market .

By the beginning of 2013, the structure of the public catering market had the following form:

Figure 4 – General structure of the public catering market in Russia in 2012,%

The ensuing crisis also had an impact on the redistribution of shares between players in different price segments of the market. Thus, the income of public catering enterprises in the upper price segment from November 2008 to March 2009 decreased by 20-30%, and in the low price segment they increased by the same order. The middle price segment is relatively stable, and will continue to grow after the consequences of the crisis disappear.

The crisis primarily affected premium companies and contributed to the development of inexpensive catering establishments. The market turnover of the capital's catering companies decreased by 25-30%, the price of the average person in restaurants decreased and the number of guests decreased. In the fast food sector, there were no fewer guests, but the average check decreased by 4%.

Experts call the public catering market in Russia one of the least affected by the crisis.

Including because of the mentality of Russian consumers: for a European it is absolutely normal to save on food for the sake of a new car or house, but for a Russian who has tasted a good life, it is psychologically difficult for him to change his acquired social and gastronomic habits.

Those institutions that continue to operate actively use anti-crisis programs. Among the main anti-crisis measures, the following should be highlighted:

1. Cost reduction. About 45 percent of premium establishments have already switched to domestic raw materials and removed some toppings. Almost two-thirds of affordable cafes and restaurants have reduced their stock of meat and fish ingredients.

2. Reduction of trade margins. To attract visitors, catering establishments in Moscow are reducing trade margin, offer the so-called anti-crisis menu.

3. Revision of the staffing table.

4. Reducing the budget for promotion.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusions about the development trends of the public catering market:

Market saturation remains weak;

The investment attractiveness of the industry remains;

There is further consolidation of the catering market;

The share of network enterprises continues to increase;

Entry of new international operators into the market;

Active development of the regional catering services market;

Market growth due to the fast food segment.


  1. http://www.magnatcorp.ru/articles/classification/
  2. Classification of public catering enterprises // based on materials from http://www.magnatcorp.ru/articles/classification/
  3. Review of the Russian public catering market // based on materials from http://www.marketcenter.ru/content/document
  4. Public catering in Russia. Current state. INFORMATION COLLECTION
  5. Russian public catering market // based on materials www .foodmarket. spb .ru
  6. THE PUBLIC FOOD MARKET HAD LESS FROM THE CRISIS THAN OTHERS // Business Press, No. 4(276) - 5 (277) dated 03/18/2010
  7. Russian public catering market // based on materials from http://mi.aup.ru/.html
  8. Catering market. Marketing research and market analysis (updated 2011) // based on materials http://www.marketing-services.ru/
  9. Networks of public catering establishments in Russia 2012 // based on materials from http://marketing.rbc.ru/research
  10. Statistical and analytical materials // based on materials

Everyone's attention last months attracts the wary attitude of restaurateurs and corporate catering operators to the forecasts of analysts and experts about the ways of development of the domestic market of goods and services. I would like to analyze this problem using the example of the 1998 crisis and the main factors that influenced the scenario then further development the HoReCa market in Russia and vectors for the subsequent development of the catering services market. For restaurateurs and businessmen who have been professionally involved in public catering for less than 10 years, the essence of the problems of post-crisis development of the industry is practically incomprehensible. But, at the same time, the market for public catering services in Russia after the 1998 crisis acquired many more advantages than disadvantages, and by and large, it has changed greatly and received impetus for development for the decade ahead. Let's consider the prospects for the restaurant business in modern stage development of the Russian economy. Perhaps the hardest thing will be for restaurants “without a face” and a well-thought-out concept, which, one way or another, are opening all over the country. There are still a huge number of restaurants that, in terms of their surroundings and understanding of the restaurant business, are at the level of the late 80s of the 20th century. With their decisions, both culinary, service and interior, they have so set the teeth on edge with their “pop culture” and facelessness that in “difficult” times they will not be chosen under any circumstances. If we talk about the fact that people begin to look more carefully at the amount of the bill in a restaurant and are more selective about their place of stay, then restaurants that were opened by amateurs or that are essentially outdated will find themselves out of business. The space they occupy is inadequate to business realities, and the product they produce is outdated both morally and physically. Perhaps the time has come for them to re-equip and radically change their plans and outline strategic directions restyling. Good, high-quality gourmet restaurants and serious gastronomic restaurants with a good reputation will probably slow down their growth rate, but in any case, they will remain afloat. The desire and ability of a business to have entertainment expenses and conduct all kinds of meetings and negotiations with clients and partners should have such events. Fine dining restaurants are a good product, if at the helm there are professionals and creative chefs, who, in fact, are the clients. In moderation, expensive and high-quality restaurants are always in demand in Russia, especially in the business environment.

If the structure of purchasing prices in Russia for basic types of raw materials, such as meat, fish and dairy products, changes, then restaurants promoting the concept of “Healthy Eating” may unexpectedly appear on the scene in time. Every Russian knows what a healthy diet is and can talk for hours about its benefits, but in reality they vote with their rubles for sausages and dumplings. If the situation on the market for meat and meat products changes or the imported component changes in any way, then “bio-eco-macrobiotic” ideas will come just in time to the market. And the increase in meat prices will allow restaurant customers to fully experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. You need to be prepared for this too.

Tapas bars are perhaps the most underrated format of establishments on the Russian restaurant services market. A very elegant format, which in many ways is already used in fashionable restaurants and in the packages of offers of modern catering companies involved in organizing banquet events. Small, stylish snacks, served alternately or in sets with wine or sherry, are the most popular culinary traditions in Spain. In such places it is customary to sit for a long time, chat, have a snack and drink. But the form and methodology of providing the service is so unobtrusive and stylish that the client does not even notice how he eats two to three times more than in a simple restaurant, where waiters serve him à la carte with full meals on an individual plate. Corporate and social catering is the most promising segment in the world social programs and “National Projects”, which have become the cornerstone of our country. Of course, catering labor collectives, children's and school meals, meals in medical institutions and other budgetary and government directions, apparently, will be very actively mastered and developed.

Club places - analogues of social networks, which could well become a continuation of the model of communication of modern youth in virtual space, will most likely enter the arena in the near future. Great amount young people are replacing the lack of communication in everyday life with many hours of communication sessions on the Internet with classmates, colleagues, and simply unfamiliar people. But there has already been a tendency that such “clubs of interest” are increasingly beginning to experience the need to transfer virtual communication V real life. And, attempts to meet members of social networks and various forums began to be made more and more often. Probably, establishments that can put such an ideology at the core of their concepts will be able to attract the attention of a potential audience.

So, speaking about the possible impact of the economic crisis on the development of the Russian restaurant market, I would like to outline the main prospects. Catering business, like the entire sector of the economy associated with public catering, is the most advanced, progressive and mobile in the entire service market industry. The food and hospitality industry most often employs young and energetic managers who work day after day with a large number of very different people by providing them with our services. People in the food service industry are almost always stress-resistant, optimistic and positive in their thoughts. They are not used to relying on external factors, and always try to get ahead of events. In the catering services market, especially in segments of those areas where smart managers have learned to make money, they very clearly understand all the fine settings and features of their business, as well as ways strategic development one or another management model. Restaurateurs, especially experienced ones, are, first of all, very subtle psychologists. As one American sociologist wrote in his book, a good experienced waiter in the hospitality industry, after 5-7 minutes of communication with a visitor, can determine his level of income with an accuracy of $200. And in many respects we agree that it is this industry that has accepted into its ranks the most independent, creative people who know how to achieve results. In addition, the catering market is well informed, has deep personal contacts and acquaintances between the main players, and horizontal connections within the community. Associations and Federations, as well as regional networks of restaurateur associations throughout Russia and the CIS, will probably be the envy of many public and professional communities in our country. All these factors allow us to look into the future, albeit with restrained, but still optimism.

Country economic development programs most often describe precisely those areas that largely include the hospitality industry. This includes the development of “National Projects”, the development of social catering, the development of systems and infrastructure of the tourism complex and the attractiveness of Russia for inbound tourism. These include methodologies for the development of urban areas and regions, these include programs to improve the quality of life of every Russian, and numerous projects, such as in the field of sports development, mass construction, master planning and development of cities throughout Russia. Therefore, the hospitality industry and the catering sector are absolutely in step with the times and correspond to the mainstream of the country’s ideological development.

    Casual dining restaurants are usually restaurants in the mid-price segment without a distinct theme; usually selected based on geographic proximity

    Cafes – selected based on geographic proximity in order to have a snack or spend time waiting for something (a movie screening, a meeting, etc.)

    Canteens are establishments with full or partial self-service, focused on affordable prices with relatively low quality food; usually formed at enterprises or commercial clusters to serve enterprise employees

    Fast food – catering establishments aimed at fast service visitors, as a rule, are distinguished by affordable prices

    Street food - “street food” focused on fast service at low prices


    Fine dining restaurants are high-end restaurants that offer visitors a cozy atmosphere, high quality services and exclusive menu; Usually, geographic proximity does not matter to customers; the decision to visit is made based on the commitment to the cuisine of a given establishment, its status, etc. As a rule, people spend significantly more time in such establishments than in casual dining restaurants

    Themed cafes, bars, pubs - establishments with a specific theme, often without an extensive menu, but offering guests a cozy atmosphere, an exclusive menu and good service


    Coffee shops and pastry shops are establishments with a cozy atmosphere that do not offer a wide menu of cuisine, but are focused on a narrow range of products; usually selected based on geographic proximity, but the guest's stay is usually longer than in a regular cafe

    Chain establishments in the budget segment - for example, Japanese restaurants offering affordable prices that attract young people

Catering market overview

According to experts, 2015 turned out to be the most difficult year for the industry in recent times. The main influencing factors were: a decrease in consumer activity due to a drop in real incomes of the population, as well as a food embargo, which led to rising prices and a decrease in the profitability of many establishments.

At the end of 2015, public catering turnover in Russia decreased by 5.5% compared to the previous year.

Figure 1. Dynamics of turnover of the public catering market in 2006 – 2016, billion rubles, % (data from Alfa Bank and RBC)

The largest decline was shown by restaurants in the mid-price segment – ​​12.4%. The turnover of this segment at the end of 2015 amounted to 396 billion rubles. This segment was most affected by counter-sanctions - restrictions on imports of food products, as a result of which prices for many of them increased significantly. As a result, there is a transition to products from domestic producers, menu changes, and rising prices for dishes. Besides, economic crisis negatively affected the middle class, which was the main target audience casual dining restaurants – people began to save money and eat out less.

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Against this background, one of the main market trends is a shift in demand from the middle price segment to the budget segment, in particular, to fast food establishments. This trend is noted by many experts and market participants. It was fast food that became the only market segment that grew against the backdrop of an unfavorable economic situation. In 2015, its growth was 5.2% in real terms. RBC.research estimates the market volume of stationary fast food restaurants at 198 billion rubles.

Restaurants in the fine dining segment (high price segment) also showed high stability during the crisis. Here, the drop in volumes in 2015 was only 0.2%, which is apparently due to the high loyalty of the audience, as well as the presence of additional value - people not only consider such establishments not only as a place to satisfy basic nutritional needs, but also as confirmation social status, a place for business negotiations, etc. In addition, the incomes of the wealthy part of the population fell significantly lower than the incomes of the middle class.

The street food segment suffered the most – the decline was 5.5%. The reason is fewer spontaneous purchases by the population; The decision to visit a catering establishment began to be made more carefully, as a rule, in favor of budget restaurants, fast food restaurants and canteens.

However, the canteen segment has also suffered quite a lot due to the emergence of a large number of budget restaurants offering various combo menus and business lunches at prices acceptable to the population. This is especially true for chain restaurants, which have the opportunity to reduce the cost of food due to low purchasing prices and large volumes. In addition, the canteen format is becoming less and less popular due to its low status. The drop in turnover in this segment was 3.8%.

All of the listed changes in the market indicate its democratization - the share of budget establishments, including fast food, in the total market volume is steadily growing. In 2015, it increased by 3.3% and amounted to 21.0%, and as of May 2016 it was already 21.8%. Network restaurant projects also show an increase in their share in the market structure. They also tend to have affordable prices and relatively low costs.

In addition to economic and social problems, the market was also negatively affected by government regulation. In 2016, a rule was introduced for all public catering establishments on mandatory connection to the EGAIS system (unified state automated Information system volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing products). According to the order of the regulator (FS RAR), “organizations engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in urban settlements are required to register information in the Unified State Automated Information System in terms of confirming the fact of purchase of alcohol from 01/01/2016”, and “in terms of retail sales– from 01.07.2016.”

According to market participants, the costs of implementing EGAIS will have an extremely negative impact on the profitability of many enterprises, increasing the negative effect of rising prices and falling visitor traffic.

However, the real situation turned out to be slightly better than the expectations of experts, who predicted a drop in turnover by 6.3%, while the real drop was 5.5%. Experts also believe that the market has not yet reached the bottom, but has so far more or less stabilized and adapted to the conditions of the crisis. We can talk about recovery only if the overall economic situation in the country improves and consumer confidence grows.

Figure 2. Dynamics of changes in the consumer price index for foodstuffs, 2007 – 2015, % (data from Alfa Bank and RBC)

Figure 3. Average per capita costs of eating out, rub. per month (data from Alfa Bank and RBC)

Of course, the food embargo gave impetus to development Agriculture in the country, however, it is impossible to see results in such an industry instantly. Requires time and investment in modernization and development production capacity– both directly into the production of the initial product and into its processing. Many participants in the public catering market have encountered serious difficulties in finding domestic suppliers. These difficulties relate not only to the quantity of products produced, but also to their quality compared to imported analogues. However, many market participants note the fact that today the localization of purchases reaches 85%-90%.

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Against the background of the weakening of the national currency, rental rates, traditionally fixed in foreign currency equivalent, also increased, which forced many players to terminate existing contracts with landlords and close a number of projects.

Despite the difficult economic situation, a number of players are planning quite serious development over the next one or two years. In particular, large fast food brands are planning to develop new formats - for example, opening mobile sales points, actively developing a franchise network, developing new regions (the Far East, cities with a population of less than 1 million people), expanding their own trading network and so on. In addition to developing the Russian market, some domestic players are planning to enter foreign markets, including the USA, China and Kazakhstan.

Market and consumer sentiment studies showed that in 2015, Russians’ incomes decreased by 4%. At the same time, prices not only for food in catering establishments, but also for essential goods have increased significantly, which has forced the population to save. First of all, the reduction in spending affected the leisure sector, especially where the main audience was the middle class.

According to the results of sociological surveys, visiting restaurants and cafes is in third place among Russians in the ranking of the most popular paid leisure activities, behind shopping and cinema. 40.8% of respondents in 2016 stated that visits to public catering establishments were a priority. At the same time, for men this type of leisure is in second place.

The most active audience of public catering establishments are young people aged 18 to 24 years. With age, according to respondents, they visit cafes and restaurants less and less. Largest quantity visits, according to the survey results, are observed in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Every second respondent visits cafes, bars and restaurants here. Also, the RBC.research survey shows that visitors to public catering establishments are mostly single and unmarried respondents, as well as those without children.

Figure 4. Dynamics of price growth in public catering establishments, 2007 – 2015, % (data from Alfa Bank and RBC)

International studies have shown that the share of costs for eating out in Russia is one of the lowest among developed countries. In 2015, it amounted to only 10.7% of the total food budget. For comparison, in Canada the share of spending on eating out is 39%, and in the US it is 47%. The total turnover of the public catering market in Russia is 1,301 billion rubles, in Germany – 3,400 billion rubles, and in the USA – 43,468 billion rubles. At the same time, in recent years, all foreign countries have demonstrated strong market growth (from 1% to 3% per year).

Focusing on international indicators, on the capacity of the domestic public catering market, we can conclude that the market today is not saturated and has all the prospects for growth. According to analysts, in the medium term, in the absence of global economic turmoil, it may well go into growth and show an annual increase in turnover at the level of 6-8%.

If we talk about technological trends in the market, then we should note the popularization of the electronic menu, which allows, firstly, to update items without reprinting all copies (as in the case of a traditional paper menu), and the ability to provide the client with a broader, more detailed and colorful description each position.

Many establishments are developing their own mobile applications, employees effective tool increasing loyalty. Using apps, establishments inform customers about discounts, promotions, and hold competitions. Within the framework of such programs it becomes possible refusal from physical media – cards regular customer and other things.

More and more establishments – this primarily concerns large networks– enhance presence in in social networks using them as a means of communication with the target audience. Main trends in this direction: obtaining feedback, tracking the opinions of visitors in order to neutralize negativity and attract the attention of potential clients