Pskov educational portal electronic journal. Electronic diary of the Pskov region - electronic education of the Pskov region. What to do if you forgot your password

Electronic diary V Pskov region– a great opportunity to monitor your child’s progress. Now this technology has become widespread. It is used in almost every school and has proven itself with the best side.

Educational portals are being created in many regions. They unite all establishments and allow access to the system. Let's list the advantages of the site:

  • A pleasant interface has been created.
  • Manages to quickly understand the interaction with the resource.
  • The portal works stably and there are no glitches.
  • You will love the special design.
  • Over time, the portal is improved and updated.
  • New features are being added.
  • Each parent can register in an electronic diary in Pskov and gain access to the system.
  • Using a common portal makes it easier to verify information. Parents do not need to look for a separate website for their school.

Electronic diary for Pskoved

An electronic diary is a relatively new solution. The project was in test mode for several years. Specialists rolled back the system and checked the effectiveness of such a solution.

Now almost every school is connected to the educational portal. The main idea of ​​the resource is to collect all establishments on one website and create common system. This makes subsequent interaction with the electronic diary easier.

What are the benefits of an educational portal for parents?

  1. No more checking your regular diary.
  2. Makes it easier to monitor your child's progress.
  3. You can save money great amount time.
  4. All information is collected in one place.
  5. The site is constantly updated and its capabilities are expanded.
  6. You can access the resource not only from a computer, but also from a smartphone.
  7. Organized quick movement between tabs.
  8. The system does not freeze, it functions perfectly.
  9. Information is updated promptly, immediately after teachers upload the data. electronic journal in the Pskov region

Pskoved – electronic journal, which should replace the paper counterpart. It is much more convenient to fill out and use later. The main thing is that all information is stored on a single server. Individual users can view it, use the data to generate reports, print out student grades, etc.

Let us point out the advantages of the electronic journal for teachers:

  • It's a pleasure to work with him.
  • The electronic journal is easy to fill out.
  • Data entry occurs within a short time.
  • There are no problems when using the magazine.
  • It is available 24 hours a day.
  • Undemanding on device resources.
  • The information on the server is securely protected.
  • There are no failures, specialists monitor the operation of the site.
  • You can use the information to quickly generate reports.
  • It is possible to optimize document flow in educational institutions.
  • Quickly transmit information to parents about students.
  • There is no need for lengthy training for teachers. A little instruction is enough. The system is easy to learn, it is impossible to get lost among the points.
  • The site provides enough tools for teachers.

These are not all the benefits for teachers. electronic journal showed its best side after implementation. Positive results were noted:

  1. The number of absences from classes has decreased.
  2. The average performance of students has increased.
  3. Schools were able to get rid of double document flow.
  4. It was possible to collect all the information in a single system.
  5. Ensure its high safety.
  6. Distribute system access rights among users.
  7. We managed to establish interaction with parents.
  8. Organize new system reporting.

Registration on the portal

Registration is carried out through a special section on the website. In the future, you will be able to visit the portal through the unified identification and authentication system or a regular account. Experts have provided two methods for authorization.


You will need to create an account to log in. In the future, you can log in to the site in the following ways:

  • In the Passport section to log in through a regular account.
  • Log in through State Services.

Registration in an electronic passport

To start using the electronic diary on, you will need to register on the portal. Parents need:

  1. Go to the website
  2. Click on the item to register.
  3. A form to fill out will appear.
  4. Enter all the requested data into it.
  5. A letter from the service should be sent to the specified email address.
  6. It contains a link to verify your account.
  7. After clicking on it, the account is ready to use.

Login to your e-passport

  • Visit the system website.
  • Click on the button to enter the portal.
  • Provide credentials.
  • Sign in.

You can also access the portal through Government Services. But it is important that you have an ESIA account. If you do not yet have an account in the system, you must register on the State Services portal.

How to access the site through the Unified identification and authentication system?

  1. Open the page
  2. Click on the “Log in via ESIA” button.
  3. Enter your phone number and password.
  4. If the data is correct, you will be logged in. electronic magazine

The electronic magazine in the Pskov region provides ample opportunities for parents. We list some of the available functions:

  • Checking your child's grades.
  • View class schedule.
  • Information about exams.
  • You can view the test results.
  • Submit an application to the institution.
  • View the student's diary with notes from teachers.
  • To know homework for a child.

All collected in one place helpful information for parents. Now it has become much easier to control the child’s learning process. All you need to do is visit the portal and view the information provided.

The site has support. IN special section Users can ask questions and report problems with the system. Specialists will be happy to help.

How safe is it?

Of course, many people have questions about the security of online diaries. This is achieved due to several factors:

  1. Each user is granted certain access rights, depending on their status.
  2. Parents can only view data for their child.
  3. Teachers are encouraged to edit the section with their subject.
  4. Users with a higher status can receive enhanced system management capabilities.
  5. Third parties cannot change the information on the resource.
  6. The site is protected from attacks and hacking.
  7. Specialists are constantly improving the security system, finding and eliminating vulnerabilities.

Therefore, users have nothing to worry about. All data is securely protected, third parties will not be able to access it. Specialists have thought through everything to the smallest detail and are constantly improving the resource.

Is it worth using an online diary? Definitely yes. This is a unique tool for monitoring a child’s progress. You will be able to track his progress in the learning process and take timely measures if his results worsen.

Regional educational portal Pskov Region is an important online resource for the region, which includes a lot of useful materials related to educational institutions.

All participants in the educational process will be able to find important information here: the students themselves, their parents and teachers. You can access the relevant materials through the main menu of the web resource.

Among other things, it features news and documents, a video channel and government services. The latter includes such services as an electronic diary and magazine, which can be accessed through the “Services Provided” tab in the “Government Services” section.

The electronic diary and journal service requires registration of system users, which are teachers, students and parents. This procedure is carried out through SNILS (individual personal account insurance number) and email.

After completing the registration procedure, users receive logins and passwords that are required to enter the electronic diary of the Pskov region. By the way, the need to enter a login and password will protect the data in the diary from unauthorized persons.

Login to the electronic diary

If you lose your password, you will need to enter the address specified during registration to recover it. Email, to which a recovery message will be sent.

It should be noted that the electronic diary is suitable for use in any educational institution in the Pskov region. The service is easy to configure and provides separate access for system participants. In addition, free technical support is available.

In general, the electronic diary of the Pskov region is an opportunity to receive reliable and timely information about class schedules and homework, student grades and school events, as well as class attendance and behavior in class.

In addition, the diary is a medium of communication between teachers and parents, thanks to which the latter can quickly respond to situations in school life their children.

Educational institutions providing general secondary education located in the Pskov region, among others, are switching to the use of e-education services, one of which is an electronic diary.

Get all necessary information, concerning general secondary education in the Pskov region, allows the Pskov regional educational portal.

News and events, information addressed to students, parents and teachers are posted here. Here you can also find documents, information about public services and much more. Among other things, information is presented regarding services such as an electronic journal and an electronic diary, which are becoming increasingly widespread, including among students in the Pskov region.


The electronic diary of the Pskov region is a service that allows parents to monitor the progress and attendance of students. It is also a platform capable of organizing a dialogue between teachers and parents, informing the latter about important events V educational process children, as well as school life in general.

The electronic diary also informs you about the schedule of classes and school bells, homework, and other important elements of learning.

However, in order to gain access to all this information, parents of students in schools in the Pskov region must write an application for the provision of the “Electronic Diary” service. You can find the application form on the region’s educational portal.

This statement is an annex to the Agreement on the provision of the relevant service, which is also posted on the portal.

If in the future you wish to cancel the “Electronic Diary” service, you should apply to terminate the Agreement for the provision of such a service.


In the technical support section, the link to which is presented in the upper right corner, there are user guides “Electronic journal and electronic diary” addressed to the head teacher, teachers, parents and students. Answers to frequently asked questions are also collected here.