See what "ogrn" is in other dictionaries. What is a certificate of registration of a legal entity? What is a state registration number

To register your business, you must first enter the enterprise into the (Unified State Register of Legal Entities). Employees of the institution make entries in it on a first-come, first-served basis. That is, each new organization receives the next number. Thus, it turns out that it is never repeated, and each company has its own unique number. This registration number is called OGRN.

The abbreviation OGRN stands for primary state registration number. It is issued only to legally registered persons.

OGRN is recorded in an officially issued tax service. The presence of this document confirms that the company has been registered with the tax authorities and is now listed in the register.

Unlike similar identifiers, OGRN provides more information about the enterprise and its activities.

Business in the Russian Federation is constantly developing, which leads to an increase in the number of new enterprises. That is why the tax service had to introduce changes to the legislation at the beginning of the 2000s. Thus, the OGRN was introduced as a function that was supposed to help systematize data on enterprises. Moreover, all actions must comply with the rules of the Registry.

At the same time, OGRN is a kind of cipher or. If a person has the knowledge and the ability to decipher it, then he will be able to find out a lot of information about the company that interests him.

Decoding of OGRN

For individual entrepreneurs and organizations

OGRN is issued only to legal entities and is not intended for issuance to individual entrepreneurs. After all, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation treats such an entrepreneur as an individual. This type of activity is recorded in another type of accounting. This is what it exists for. This abbreviation stands for the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Individual merchants can acquire such a code using the same scheme as the OGRN. The difference lies only in the number of digits in the number and the features of its decoding. It contains not 13 digits like the OGRN, but 15. This is due to the fact that the unique number has as many as 7 digits.

Also, to check the OGRNIP, the number (the first 14 digits) must be divided by 13. What remains will be the control number.

In order to find out the OGRN, an organization only needs to go to the official resource of the Federal Tax Service. By filling out the required form, the user gains access to information about the enterprise. All the data indicated in this code is freely accessible, and every citizen can find it out.

Who issues the number?

Enterprises and the issuance of a certificate of receipt of the OGRN are carried out by the tax service of the Russian Federation. To get it, you need to do the following:

  • collect all the necessary documents and submit them to the Federal Tax Service office
  • In the department you need to write an application for opening an organization
  • after carrying out these actions, the tax officer has the right to issue the entrepreneur with a certificate of registration number

But tax officials reserve the right to refuse an entrepreneur to obtain a OGRN. But in this case, they must provide a thorough one (incorrectly filled out documents, illegal activities of the company, etc.).

Service cost

You can collect all the documents necessary for registering an enterprise yourself. But for this you need to have experience and a lot of free time. If there is neither one nor the other, then the businessman should seek help from a lawyer. For a fee, he will do all the work. But this also costs money.

In addition, the government has established the amount of state duty. It must be paid. Since mid-2007, its size has been at the level of 4 thousand rubles.

Also, if a document is lost or stolen, it can be restored. But you will also have to pay for it. In this case, the duty will be set at 800 rubles (this is 20% of the amount of the initial fee).

What can be done with the help of OGRN

The information contained in the OGRN makes it possible to verify the authenticity of the information that the organization provides about itself. This is especially useful in our time, when scammers are waiting around every corner, and in order to cooperate with another company, you need to be completely confident in its reliability.

Thus, OGRN will not only help you find out basic information about the company, but will also help in tracking down dishonest people.

Does the OGRN change when the company’s registration data changes?

In any company, be it large or smaller, there may be cases when it is necessary to register in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Most often this happens due to changes in basic data about the company (change of place of registration, etc.), which requires notifying the tax service.

But the OGRN remains unchanged. This is a permanent code that cannot be changed. It will not be subject to change even if management changes the name of the company.

There is only one case when the OGRN can terminate its validity - these are companies.

The certificate of receipt of the OGRN is a very important document, without which the company will not be able to legally carry out its activities. Otherwise, her actions will be declared illegal, and the tax service will not be able to seize state duties from her.

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Several centuries ago, when each artisan worked only for himself, he did not need a special name or any number - he was easily distinguished even without this. But the more firms and companies were created in the world, the stronger the need became to organize them and store the necessary information in one place.

What is OGRN

Today, it is not enough for any Russian enterprise to have only a name: coming up with an original, simple and sonorous “name” is quite difficult. Instead, the state uses OGRN or Main State Registration Number - this is a unique code assigned to each company or. These numbers are recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE). Thanks to it, you can find out basic data for each officially operating company.

This information may be useful to both government agencies inspecting the company and individuals seeking to learn more about a future partner or client. “Thanks to OGRN, you can quickly find out whether an organization actually exists, whether it is a fraudster, or whether it has had problems with the law or taxes.” This data can be quite important, for example, for the organization's partners. The verification can be carried out by any interested person, since the basic information is not a commercial secret and is available to everyone.

Where is the OGRN indicated?

OGRN refers to the main details of the organization and, by law, must be indicated in all legal documents along with other details: address, current account number and others . The easiest way to do this is if the document form is not unified and can be supplemented. If the form of the paper is unified and cannot be changed, and there is no line with the registration number, you do not need to enter it: if the bureaucratic services refuse to accept it, it is easy to prove that you are right. However, most of the forms have already been corrected, and therefore problems should not arise. Firms can also indicate their OGRN on the seal and use it.

Separately, it is worth noting the ORGN of the individual entrepreneur: it must be indicated only in the following documents:

  1. in the state register itself and documents related to it;
  2. in documents related to business activities.

How to decipher OGRN

The entire number consists of 13 digits, for individual entrepreneurs – 15. Traditionally, its scheme looks like this: A BB BB GG XXXXX O, for individual entrepreneurs – A BB BB GG XXXXXXXXXX O.

  1. A – denotes the sign of the state registration number: 1 and 5 are used for OGRN, 2 – for other forms, 3 – for individual entrepreneurs;
  2. BB – the last two digits of the year of registration in the register;
  3. ВВ – number of the city, district or region in which the company is registered;
  4. GG – code of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (IFTS), through which the company was registered;
  5. XXXXX – the number under which the company is recorded in the register; for individual entrepreneurs this number is 2 digits longer;
  6. O – the remainder of dividing the first twelve digits by 11, for individual entrepreneurs – by 13.

It’s worth immediately explaining why the last digit is needed: this allows you to quickly check the existence of the OGRN. If the organization number seems suspicious from the very beginning, it is enough to quickly divide and check whether the remainder and the end of this ORGN match.


The organization has a state number 1097748123450 or 1 09 77 48 12345 0.

  1. 1 – the company is included in the state register;
  2. 09 – this happened in 2009;
  3. 77 – Moscow, Moscow company is written under this code;
  4. 48 – number of the tax authority where the company is registered: tax office No. 48 in Moscow;
  5. 12345 – company registration number;
  6. 0 is the remainder of dividing 109774812345 by 11: the number is divisible as a whole, that is, there is no remainder.

State IP number 312500212345675 or 3 12 50 02 1234567 5.

  1. 3 – the company is an individual entrepreneur;
  2. 12 – the individual entrepreneur was entered into the register in 2012;
  3. 50 – code of the Moscow region in which the individual entrepreneur is registered;
  4. 02 – tax authority number: inspection No. 2;
  5. 5 is the remainder when dividing the number 31250021234567 by 13.

Why do you need to know OGRN

First of all, the presence of registration confirms the existence of the company and the fact that it is not a “dummy”. This number can only be assigned to companies that have passed state control; it is impossible to obtain it otherwise. You may find out about any financial fraud or problems that may make it unsafe to do business with the company. If an organization does not have a OGRN, you should be wary: most likely, its activities are illegal.

Also thanks to ORGN you can find out:

  1. the full and correct name of the organization, under which it appears on all state lists;
  2. address, telephone number and date of registration;
  3. information about the nature of the company itself and its owners.

You can find out the ORGN number in the document itself (where the details are written) or on the seal, if it is indicated there. You can also find out the number by the company name: full or partial. In this case, it is advisable to know the region in which the company is registered in order to narrow the search.

How to obtain OGRN and what is the fee when receiving it?

To register an organization and get a number, you need to contact the tax office with pre-prepared documents. You need to choose a branch at the place of registration of the founder of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

You will need to prepare:

  1. application for state registration and receipt of ORGN: it is filled out using a general form, which can be obtained at the tax office or downloaded on the websites;
  2. passport of the company owner;
  3. minutes of the founders' meeting;
  4. articles of association;
  5. check for payment of state duty.

The application must indicate:

  1. name of the organization – full and short versions;
  2. the address where it is located;
  3. required information about the founders and authorized capital.

Registration will take place within 5 working days, after which the founder of the company will receive the certificate itself, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the company's charter, verified and approved by the registration authorities.

Fee for issuing OGRN

Before submitting documents, you must pay the state fee:

  1. for organizations it is 4 thousand rubles;
  2. for individual entrepreneurs – 800 rubles.

You will also have to pay for any changes or re-issuance:

  1. organizations - 800 rubles;
  2. Individual entrepreneur – 160 rubles each.

Moreover, if an organization wants to use the words “Russia” or derivatives in its name, it will have to fork out 80 thousand rubles.

How to find out information about a company according to OGRN

You can check your registration number in different ways:

  1. Send a letter to the tax office: this will help you obtain absolutely all available information about the organization. On the other hand, this is the longest path, since you will have to wait until the letter arrives, it is processed and a response is sent. In addition, you will have to pay a state fee for the information provided.
  2. Go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service: there you can find out about companies included in the register using a search. To do this, just select “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty” registration number or company name. This method allows you to quickly obtain the minimum amount of necessary information (address, name, date of registration and deregistration if the company has closed), but only about organizations included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  3. Use government databases: there are several servers, both paid and free, ready to offer their services. They work quickly and allow you to quickly find out the data, but it is worth considering that sometimes the databases may not have time to receive up-to-date information, and therefore it is better to check the OGRN using several sources.
  4. Calculate the information yourself based on the number: the above diagram will be useful for this. Unfortunately, this method can hardly be called reliable, and there is a high probability of error due to incorrectly written numbers.

All these options can help you find out only general information about the organization: name, address, registration date, tax identification number and checkpoint. To obtain more detailed information, for example, about the founders and authorized capital, you need to obtain an extract from the register.

It is issued by the Federal Tax Service free of charge to the general director within five working days, the founder of the company or a person who has a power of attorney from them. Others interested will have to pay a state fee. For example, to obtain information about an individual entrepreneur you need to pay 200 rubles. An urgent statement on the day of application will cost 400 rubles.

You can receive an extract by arriving in person and standing in line, or by filling out an application on the website in advance. In the second case, you will need to arrive at the specified time and receive a pre-prepared document without queuing.

How to find out OGRN by name

You can find out the OGRN by the name of the organization: to do this, just go to the IFMS website and enter the name of the company and the region where it was registered in the search bar. Along with other general information, the ORGN will also be displayed.

If the name of the company is not original and is repeated in different organizations (this happens most often), you can check them all by checking other data with the existing ones. You can also find the exact name in advance on the Internet using a search engine.

Another option would be to download for free each organization with a similar name and check which company is needed by comparing addresses and areas of activity. This is the most labor-intensive, but once you find the right company, you can immediately obtain the necessary information about it.

How to work with the Federal Tax Service website (video)

Simple and clear instructions for working with the Federal Tax Service website: how to find an organization by OGRN, get a brief reference and more detailed information.

ORGN is a simple and reliable way to obtain some information about any registered organization. Thanks to it, it is easy to find out basic information about the company, whether there were problems with the law and taxes, and then decide whether it is worth doing any business with it.

OGRN from a certain time began to be used as main number characterizing a taxpayer-enterprise on the territory of the Russian state. This code contains a large amount of information about the owner. Its exact decoding will allow you to find out about the company the information necessary to conclude a deal.

What does this concept include?

OGRN is a special abbreviation of the full name - the state main registration number. This number is assigned every organization at the time of its official registration.

All entities with the status of a legal entity are included in the unified state register, according to their location.

On the other hand, this code can be regarded as guarantor the fact that the owner of the company carries out its official, registered activities in accordance with regulations and legislation in force in the territory of the Russian Federation.

This fact is confirmed by the certificate containing the number.

Decoding the abbreviation: example

TIN is a serial number, but the OGRN code is deciphered based on certain rules and contains a large amount of data.

As an example, you can consider one of the codes (1-14-77-46-30576-2) and decipher it in detail.

OGRN consists of 13 numbers – S-YY-KK-NN-ХХХХХ-Ч:

There cannot be two identical codes. Under the existing state accounting procedure, the combination of numbers can be repeated no earlier than after 100 years, thanks to two numbers indicating the date of registration of the company. And the Federal Tax Service number in combination with the region number form a certain combination, so duplication of the code is excluded.

Types, main purpose and use

The details contained in the OGRN are used as official identifier of a legal entity and are assigned to each company individually. Unlike a unique tax number, which makes it possible to obtain a limited amount of data exclusively about the tax service, the OGRN code contains extensive information about the enterprise itself.


The state registration number is of great importance for every organization. This code is evidence that a legal entity or company created in a different organizational and legal form operates legally on the territory of Russia. This is easy to check, since the OGRN is unique for each enterprise. It is often indicated when drawing up any documentation, various contracts, or designing a company’s round seal.

For organizations and individual entrepreneurs

OGRN code is the serial number of the official record of registration of the status of a company, which is recorded in the state general register of legal entities.

Consequently, an individual entrepreneur does not have such a code, since they have an analogue -.

This abbreviation has some differences. The main thing is that the OGRN code consists of 13 numbers, and the details of an individual entrepreneur consist of 15 digits. OGRNIP, like OGRN, is contained in the certificate that the company receives upon state registration

For non-resident legal entities

The official state registration code is a mandatory requisite only for Russian enterprises, since it is assigned exclusively upon official registration by the Tax Service of Russia. For persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, the number issued by the authorized body of their state is valid. It is possible to use the abbreviation of the document on accreditation of a representative office or branch.

This information is indicated by non-residents where the OGRN code is required from companies registered in the Russian Federation. If the certificate is drawn up in the language of another state, it must be translated and certified through a notary.

What is contained in the certificate

A document confirming the presence of a registration code for an enterprise is one of the most important constituent official documents that determine its financial and economic activities.

In addition, this certificate is primary in relation to other constituent documents.

The document confirming the entry of the code into the document displays the following information:

  • date of entry in the register;
  • name of the registered company, full and abbreviated;
  • name of the tax service that carried out the official registration.

Based on the data contained in the official OGRN code, you can obtain all the necessary information about the counterparty before concluding a transaction.

Lost document

Based on the fact that the main state registration code is assigned to a company only once, if the original document is lost, a duplicate may be issued. To receive a copy of the certificate, you will need to complete certain steps.

Pay the state fee

It is better to do this from an official account owned directly by the organization itself - thereby the legal entity will speed up the verification process.

With a mandatory payment in the amount 800 rubles Some problems may arise, especially for companies registered before 2002, since the official registration code was not used before that.

The details of the recipient of the obligatory payment can be clarified both from the tax service itself and on the official portal of the Federal Tax Service. To receive details online you need:

  1. Go to the website page and follow the link “Payment details, addresses of the regional inspection.”
  2. Fill out the standard form, through which you can find out all the necessary information - account, TIN, BIC, OKATO and other information.

To write an application

After payment, the required payment must be submitted to the head of the registration authorized body. The document on provision of a copy of the OGRN document is drawn up in several copies, indicating the name of the enterprise, INN and OGRN numbers, address and contact information.

You must submit your application in person. When contacting the authorized bodies, you will also need to provide:

  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • identification document.

After sending the application, after 5 days you will need to visit the tax office to pick up a duplicate document confirming registration.

Most organizations offer their services for issuing duplicate certificates in order to reduce the time spent on completing a package of documents and visiting the tax office. But do not forget that for this, the owner of the company will need to provide a passport, a receipt for making the obligatory payment, and several copies of the application.

In this case, the director of the enterprise himself must submit the application and pick up the finished duplicate. You should not trust such companies, since you will not be able to achieve the desired result (it will only be a waste of money).

The OGRN code is assigned to an organization or enterprise upon state registration. Decoding the number will make it possible to obtain the necessary information about the counterparty, which will allow you to avoid unforeseen situations when concluding a transaction.

The essence of registering an organization is that as a result, an entry about the registered organization is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE). All entries are made in order, i.e. have a unique numbering, uniform throughout the entire territory of Russia, i.e. Each organization has its own state registration number for the creation of a legal entity, which is called OGRN.

OGRN— main state registration number on the creation of a legal entity.

Law 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities” establishes that the state registration number of the entry on the creation of a legal entity is the main state registration number (OGRN) and is used as the registration file number of this legal entity.

Structure of the main state registration number of the organization

The state registration number of an entry entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities consists of 13 digits arranged in the following sequence:

  • S G G K K X X X X X X X H

C (1st character) - sign of assignment of the state registration number of the record:

to the main state registration number (OGRN)* - 1.5

to another state registration number of the record - 2

to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) - 3

YY (2nd to 3rd digit) - last two digits of the year the entry was made in the state register

CC (4th, 5th digits) - serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

ХХХХХХХ (from the 6th to the 12th character) - the number of the entry entered into the state register during the year

H (13th digit) - check number: the remainder of dividing the previous 12-digit number by 11; if the remainder of the division is 10, then the check number is 0 (zero).

(Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

Structure of OGRN of an individual entrepreneur

OGRNIP— main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur. Consists of 15 digits, the last one is the control number. It differs from OGRN in that:

seven rather than five digits are allocated for the entry number in the register;

the check digit is equal to the last digit of the remainder of the division by 13, and not by 11, of the previous 14-digit number;

Each legally significant action when registering a legal form needs to be formally secured. It is not easy to distinguish OGRN from GRN: at first glance, they mean the same concept. But upon closer analysis, the difference becomes obvious.


OGRN– this is the main state registration number of the record, which is indicated when creating a legal entity and consists of 13 digits. It, among other things, encrypts the number of the subject of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the entry was made, the tax inspection code and other important data.

GRN– number of the record on making changes and additions to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), individual entrepreneurs (USRIP) or on state registration of a legal entity. It consists of 13 numbers arranged in a certain sequence.


Thus, the most important difference between these concepts lies in their meaning. OGRN is the state registration number of a legal entity, which is assigned only once. Accordingly, it remains constant throughout the entire period of the organization’s activities. GRN is the number of each change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs; accordingly, there may be several of them.

Another important difference is the presence in the structure of the tax office code number (sixth and seventh digits). Only OGRN has this attribute, while GRN has the first two digits of the record’s serial number in this place. Moreover, the authenticity of both groups of numbers can be verified even without accessing the database, using simple arithmetic operations.

Records were selected based on the specified search criteria. The first ones are shown. If the person you are looking for is not on this list, please specify the search details (indicating OGRN, OGRNIP or INN).

No data was found for the specified search criteria.

It contains information such as the type of organization, the year and place of its creation, the code of the division of the tax office associated with it, the number of the decision on the organization of this enterprise. This code is very multifunctional. It may be useful to you if you need confirmation of the existence of this organization and the accuracy of the documentation received, obtaining information about the inclusion of a company or its owner in the “black list” of the Federal Tax Service, its location address, TIN number and the identity of the owner of this company. The OGRN is indicated in the following documentation: in entries in the registration register for a given legal entity, in papers confirming the entry of this organization into the register, in all documentation that relates to this enterprise (for example, in details), in information about the state registration of the company.

How to decrypt? The number is unique for each company.

What is TIN, OGRN, KPP?

Tax authorities began to assign OGRN and OGRNIP to everyone since June 2002 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” No. 438 dated June 19, 2002. The register is open, that is, any person has the right to contact the registering authority with a request to provide information from the state register for any company or for any entrepreneur registered within the region served by this registration authority.

OGRN consists of 13 digits, OGRNIP - of 15. They contain the following information: 1 digit - a sign of assignment of the state registration number of the record (to the main state registration number (OGRN) - 1, 5; to another state registration number of the record (making changes) - 2; to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) - 3) 4, 5 digits - the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 6 and 7 digits - the code number of the interdistrict tax inspectorate that issued OGRN for a legal entity or OGRNIP for an individual entrepreneur from 8 to 12 (OGRN) digit and from 8 to 14 (OGRNIP) digit - the number of the entry entered into the state register during the year 13 digit (OGRN) - control number: the remainder of the division of the previous 12- digit number by 11, if the remainder of the division is 10, then the control number is 0 (zero) 15 digit (OGRNIP) - the control digit is equal to the last digit of the remainder from dividing the previous 14-digit number by 13, not 11. Using the OGRN as an example 1117746358608 let's consider all the information that we can get from this digital combination: 1 digit - 1.

Responsible for assigning records to the main state registration number. The 2nd and 3rd digits are 11. This is 2011 - the time when the entry was made into the state register. 4th and 5th digits – 77.

What is a registration number?

So what does this term mean?

Registration number (or registration code) is a strictly defined sequence of characters (most often letters and/or numbers) assigned to a specific object to identify it. In a series of homogeneous objects, it serves as an analogue of a name and can contain information not only about the serial number of the object among many of the same, but also about certain characteristics.

What are OGRN and OGRNIP and how to decipher them?

Later, new forms of ownership appeared (individual entrepreneurs, civil companies, public corporations, etc.).

etc.), and the existing ones began to evolve in such a way that one identifier became insufficient to distinguish them. Since the TIN contains the only information: which Federal Tax Service inspection the enterprise is assigned to, and under what serial number it is registered there. No more information can be extracted from the TIN, no matter how hard we try.

Therefore, after some time, or rather, after Federal Law No. 29-FZ of 08.08.2001 came into force.

OGRN decoding

That is why checking the OGRN can easily identify a fraudster and confirm the existence of a specific company. There are three ways to find out if the number is correct: 1.

Having submitted an official request to the tax authorities, find out after paying the state fee all the necessary information. 2. Through the official website of the Federal Tax Service, where you can access information about legal entities included in the Unified State Register. 3.

Registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund, how to find out

I didn’t dare go there either - the huge queues killed all my desire.