Customs clearance customs procedure export. Features of cargo transportation and customs clearance of export goods. Stages of customs clearance for export

Export is the export of tangible or intangible assets abroad in the form of goods and services for sale on foreign markets. There are exports of goods, exports of services and exports of capital. IN Lately bringing Russian goods to the international market is actively developing and receiving serious support from the state. For example, there are various federal and regional programs export promotion, and there are also associations that help companies organize this procedure (Export Support Centers). However, when starting to evaluate your products for the possibility of entering the international market, you must be aware of the many nuances and difficulties associated with exporting goods. There are many factors to consider when it comes to global exports.

  • a clear sequence of actions for preparing documents and certificates for cargo transportation and export customs clearance should be observed
  • all calculations for transportation and customs value of goods must be carried out, all costs for the delivery and storage of goods, customs duties must be taken into account
  • all documents to confirm the export must be provided.

In addition, when exporting, you should always remember that for each product there is a number of mandatory conditions, failure to comply with which will lead to serious consequences, fines and problems with the law.

Situations to consider when exporting to China, Europe and CIS countries:

Certain goods are often subject to special customs controls when exported. There are goods, the export of which may result in additional costs in the form of export customs duties, as well as products that can be declared and released only at certain customs posts. Do not forget about the documentation that is required for export. Many products require certification or documentation of their origin and uses.

Specialists of the ELTB Group of Companies have prepared for you a list of features that must be taken into account when organizing exports.

  • When exporting goods from the livestock sector, prepare a veterinary certificate, certificates of conformity and a permit for the right to export wild animals and plants.
  • The same applies to agricultural products. They require phytosanitary documents.
  • If you plan to export seeds or grain, then contact a specialized seed fund to obtain an extract and conclusion for the export of goods in this category. You can learn more about grain exports in this.
  • Some types of industrial equipment may be regarded by customs as military or dual-use goods. In this case, when registering for export, it is necessary to provide permits from the authorized Federal Services (FSMTC and FSTEC).
  • It is also worth attaching a letter/permission from the copyright holder to export the goods if the goods you are exporting have a registered trademark.
  • If the goods were previously imported into the Russian Federation (imported), then under the customs regime of export for this product, it is necessary to provide data on the import declaration.
  • Petroleum or oil-based products can only be cleared at strictly defined customs posts.
  • Chemical and petrochemical products, household chemicals and paints and varnishes are subject to mandatory sanitary and epidemiological control at the customs border.
  • When exporting paintings and antiques (which are not of historical value), you must submit a letter from the Ministry of Culture to customs Russian Federation that this cargo has no historical or cultural value for the country. If the exported object of art is a historical value, then a written permission from the Ministry of Culture for the right to export is required.
  • When exporting dual-use goods, you need to obtain conclusions from the FSTEC or EXKONT. And prepare permits for the export of goods.

Stages of delivery and customs clearance of goods for export

  1. Development for specific cargo parameters (weight, volume, hazard class, delivery urgency), determination of suitable transport and delivery methods.
  2. Preparation of documents required for the export of goods from the country and filling out a customs declaration for export. presented on our website.
  3. Confirmation of export conditions and placement of cargo under the customs procedure for export. Carrying out procedures preliminary information, electronic declaration, etc.
  4. Calculation and payment of customs duties, fees and taxes.
  5. Control by the customs authorities of the authenticity of completed documents and goods, verification of the conformity of the provided cargo and the declared characteristics (including verification of the customs value, TN VED code, control of additional restrictions).
  6. Control of the work of the carrier and quick response to the requirements of customs officials. Challenging customs decisions and (in case of disagreement).

Export customs duty rates

With the current export support strategy, most goods destined for export abroad are not subject to customs duties and taxes. Most likely, during customs clearance for export, you will only need to pay a general fee of 750 rubles.

However, there are a number product categories, which nevertheless imply the collection of export customs duties. Customs duties are imposed on oil-containing products (products based on them) and other resource products. Customs clearance of such goods for export requires payment of additional customs fees. Therefore, it is better to immediately calculate the amount, or contact for advice.

Export support services

Many companies that are just starting to work with foreign markets may face questions and difficulties when selling export products. In order to avoid mistakes and speed up the export procedure, you can contact specialized organizations that outsource foreign economic activity or certain functions of international trade.

The advantages of companies that combine a full range of international transportation and customs clearance services are that you do not have to look for many contractors (warehouse, delivery, customs clearance) and independently try to coordinate the work of each of them. By contacting a qualified specialist, you can get detailed advice on all issues of foreign economic activity, evaluate the costs of delivery and clearance, the risks and expediency of the transaction.

Products export services from ELTB Group

The ELTB group of companies unites a large number of specialists in customs clearance. Our professional competencies cover all areas of international cargo delivery and . By contacting us, you will receive competent and professional answers to questions related to the sale of goods for export:

  • learn all the nuances of placing goods under customs export procedures and the sequence of actions
  • get the best offers on cargo delivery, route selection and forwarding
  • You will be able to calculate in detail customs duties and payments when exporting your goods.

If you cannot, or do not want to understand the intricacies of the customs declaration of exports, contact a reliable partner in the field foreign economic activity- GC "ELTB". Our experts will help you with the clearance of your goods and advise on all export issues.

You can contact us by phone, or by leaving a request on the site. You can also visit one of our offices. Addresses and phone numbers of branches are presented in the section

Customs clearance of export of goods- this is a procedure for processing documents for the export of goods outside the Russian Federation. Customs clearance of export from Russia regulated by customs legislation, decrees and instructions of the Ministry economic development, and documents of the Customs Union. Goods at the time of export from the country must be in a similar condition to that which was at the time of registration of the customs declaration. Goods for export are not taxed.

Stages of customs clearance for export

Registration of customs documents for export takes a lot of time, as it happens in stages.

To save time and money, many people prefer to transfer in whole or in part, for example, only customs formalities, to customs representatives who have specialized education, are familiar with the intricacies of working with customs authorities and are aware of all innovations and changes in customs clearance.

Documents for customs clearance during export

List of documents for customs clearance of export includes:

  • Agreement, contract, agreement;
  • Documents for the cargo, confirming the quality and quantity;
  • Commercial documents;
  • Form ST-1;
  • Customs accounting card;
  • Document on declaring currency and valuables;
  • Packing list;
  • invoice;
  • Receipt of payment of customs payments;
  • Certificate/license confirming the right to international transportation;
  • A technical passport and an agreement for the declaration of cargo, if customs representatives are involved in the paperwork.

Customs duties and payments for export

The import duty is higher than the export duty. Payment of customs fees for export occurs when registering a customs declaration. There are four types of customs payments for export:

  • Export customs duty- can be calculated based on the specifics of the cargo, its volume, based on the amount of customs value. A mixed settlement system is also available;
  • Customs fees that are levied for the performance by customs officers of actions for customs clearance, escort or storage of cargo;
  • taxes;
  • Benefits for the payment of customs duties.

Export clearance service from Expeditor Co

Expeditor Co offers an export clearance service for certain types goods and destinations. The service includes - consultation of an expert logistician, verification of documents, assistance in preparing and submitting documents to the customs authority.

Please note: Expeditor Co arranges cargo for export, provided that the cargo is physically located in St. Petersburg.

The cost of services for customs clearance of exports

Comprehensive support during customs clearance of exports costs 15,000 rubles.

Terms of customs clearance of export by Expeditor Co

Preliminary preparation of documents, if necessary, can take from 2 hours to 2-3 days, depending on the type of exported goods. The customs clearance itself often lasts from 3 hours.

Benefits of working with Expeditor Co

  • An integrated approach to logistics services;
  • Possibility of prompt execution of additional permits if necessary;
  • Highly qualified professionals with specialized education and great work experience.

You can order others.

The company "InterCity Logistics" offers services for customs clearance of goods for export from Russia through the airports of Moscow, St. Petersburg

Export customs clearance

  • Export from Russia
  • Export clearance

The customs representative of InterCity Logistics provides brokerage services and professional help in the customs clearance of exports. The company's specialization Customs declaration, cargo and terminal forwarding of air cargo, as well as . We work at all customs posts of the Moscow air hub, as well as in Pulkovo:

  • in touch around the clock, seven days a week, 364 days a year;
  • there are regular offices at cargo terminals;
  • we provide personal presence and escort of goods under customs control.

Export from Russia

It is a mistake to assume that export customs clearance, unlike, is a simple event that does not require special preparation. In fact, "customs" has enough nuances, ignorance or ignoring of which can cause the cargo to "hang" at customs, causing direct and indirect financial losses.

The professional assistance of a competent and experienced broker will allow you to complete customs clearance of exports from Russia in a short time - from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

The basic conditions for the rapid implementation of customs procedures when processing exports are the correct filling of the customs declaration and a competent package of documents. Specialists of "InterCity Logistics" in the process of formation of DT:

  • will render information support on customs and tax legislation RF, mandatory documents for export;
  • check the commercial package, paying attention to the completeness, completeness and consistency of the declared information;
  • analyze the conformity of the declared TNVED code and information on exported goods - description, technical documentation, other documents and information;
  • clarify the existence of prohibitions, restrictions, tariff and non-tariff measures taken in relation to the exported goods;
  • check the availability required licenses, powers of attorney, certificates confirming the right to carry out activities, dispose of cargo, product quality, as well as (if necessary) the permission of the copyright holder to export intellectual property products;
  • will assist in obtaining the necessary permits, conclusions, licenses (Ministry of Industry and Trade, FSTEC, other departments);
  • help to confirm the origin, quality, safety of goods;
  • will form (including all necessary calculations) DT, filed at the customs post, will carry out work on quick release;
  • will receive confirmation of the departure of the goods, which is necessary for the VAT refund.

Documents for customs clearance of export

The customs representative helps the foreign trade participant to comply with the procedure for customs clearance of exports, fills in the DT and fulfills requests. However, the responsibility for the formation (and content) of documents confirming the information in the DT lies with the exporter. For declaration commercial cargo for export, you must provide to the customs:

  • a package of registration documents, information about accounts, a signature card, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP (before the first submission);
  • foreign trade contract (with all annexes, additions, changes) registered with the bank;
  • specifications, bill, invoice, consignment note;
  • information confirming the formed commercial and declared customs value of goods - accounting documents, transport invoices;
  • documents confirming the origin of goods (ST-1, form A), quality and safety certificates (MSDS, phytosanitary, veterinary);
  • licenses for the sale of products, the turnover of which is limited by law;
  • confirmation of payment of license fees, if any;
  • other permits and explanatory documents required for the export of goods (concerning intellectual property, dual-use goods);
  • information about vehicles assigned to cross the border;
  • document on payment of customs duties, export duty (if the item is subject to taxation).

Export clearance of goods

The company "InterCity Logistics" has been working in the field of organization, customs clearance of export of goods, and other procedures for more than 18 years. Among the products Russian production supplied abroad with the support of our declaration department, we can distinguish:

  • , components and accessories for transport, wheeled and motor vehicles;
  • navigation devices;
  • industrial, its parts;
  • equipment for receiving and transmitting data;
  • devices for recording and storing information;
  • medical and laboratory devices, devices, instruments;
  • pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, raw materials;
  • cosmetics, perfumery;
  • , shoes, leather and fur products;
  • Products for children.

You can get a preliminary consultation on the export of goods from Russia, order the organization of air transportation and cargo declaration through the form feedback on the page, or by contacting a company specialist by phone.

Why work with us

If you are not familiar with all the intricacies international transport InterCity Logistics will help you sort them out. For example, we can ensure the import of goods without conducting foreign economic activity by the client.

In our field, long-term experience is a guarantee of the company's reliability.

If you are the owner of a large company and do not want to stop there, but are going to develop and sell your products abroad, then you will definitely need a reliable transport company, capable of providing a full range of services related to the clearance and delivery of goods.

Because, even concluding a profitable deal, you should not rush to rejoice, because you have to export goods abroad of the Russian Federation, which means solving the difficult issue of export clearance.

On the one hand, you can independently engage in this procedure and study the regulatory framework, purchase software, entrust some of the functions to their employees, hire a declarant and, as a result, fear for the safety and timely delivery of your goods.

On the other hand, you completely remove this problem from yourself by entrusting the customs clearance of exports to the hands of professionals. .

Registration of export with the company "Customs Technologies"

At first glance, it may seem that everything is simple, and you can handle the export procedure yourself, however, a large number of nuances and bureaucratic subtleties can become a real problem for a person who does not have enough knowledge and experience in this matter. There are special computer programs, customs legislation is constantly being updated and changed, and as a result, in order to guarantee the safety of your exported goods, it is better to turn to professionals.

Specialists of "Customs Technologies" will make the customs clearance of exports a relatively quick procedure that does not bring problems to your business. Turning to us, you get first-class services and a reliable business partner represented by our company.

Registration of export from Russia: a list of services and regimes

Our company has been engaged for several years and provides a full range of services for transportation and paperwork in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation. As for the customs clearance of exports from Russia, here we can offer the following options:

  • registration of permanent export of goods;
  • registration of temporary export;
  • registration of export for processing outside the customs territory;
  • re-export;
  • export clearance according to ;
  • provision of contract holder and exporter services;
  • analysis and solution of issues on various non-tariff measures of regulation of foreign economic activity.

In addition, we can offer customers a full range of products, and more.

Registration of documents for export quickly and inexpensively

Obviously, the services of a customs representative will require payment. However, these very small expenses will pay off very quickly, besides, you will spend many times less time and effort on processing documents for export. Do not create unnecessary obstacles for the development of your business, contact " Customs technologies”, and the design will not cause you unnecessary trouble and delay. Develop your business, and we will take care of the delivery and clearance!

At the very beginning of your journey, you must decide on an export contract. We offer you a very good contract template for downloading and studying.

In addition to the contract, you must prepare the documents (according to the list) for registration at customs and the documents necessary for customs clearance at the post.

Customs clearance of export goods with discounts

Another good news from our company is the availability of discounts for regular customers, and legal entities who regularly arrange the export of goods from Russia to Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan. Cooperation with us will free you from the hassle and difficulties associated with the customs clearance of the export of your products, and will help you deliver efficiently and on time.

Russian companies have the right to register themselves as a participant in foreign economic activity and independently issue customs declaration and accompanying documents in order to send goods outside of Russia and Customs Union. However, only competent employees who have a highly specialized education, constantly study changes in the relevant legislation and regularly apply their knowledge in practice can collect a complete package of documentation and legally competently fill out the required papers. It is often unprofitable for an enterprise to hire such highly qualified specialists, since it is cheaper and easier to turn to a broker acting as an export agent.

Your benefits from cooperation with the customs broker Bereg LLC

Our company will conclude an agreement with you and conduct the right design customs procedure for the export of goods. With us you will receive:

  • Saving time. Legally correct documents and the use of the preliminary declaration procedure will allow any legal cargo to cross borders without delay or delay.
  • Reducing financial costs when sending products abroad. Competent employees will draw up the best routes, choose the best options for customs clearance of products in specific circumstances, and prepare a rationale for the fiscal authorities to apply a zero VAT rate.
  • Legal support. If necessary, we will challenge the actions of customs officers, return the excess paid through the court.
  • Possibility to order a complex of services at once. We will develop a complete logistics chain - from exporting products from a warehouse in Russia to bringing them to a foreign buyer.

To calculate the cost of customs clearance services for the export of goods from Russia, leave a request on the website or call the company's managers. Do it without delay, as our prices are available to both large enterprises and small firms. You can contact us both before the start of the export transaction, and at any stage in case of difficulties. We are committed to long-term cooperation, so the specialists will delve into the specifics of your situation and apply their many years of experience to solve all the tasks assigned to them. With us, the customs procedures for export and import will be easy and fast, and you can concentrate on strategic development your business.