Business plan for opening a kindergarten. How to open a private kindergarten yourself. Business plan for a private kindergarten free download. Characteristics of the planning object

Reasons why more and more modern parents are choosing private services for their children kindergarten a lot of. This includes the desire to receive an individual approach to the child, and the presence in such kindergartens of more serious and varied early development programs, a balanced children's menu, and more comfortable conditions than in a municipal kindergarten. For this reason, the need to open private kindergartens is increasing, which is an excellent source of income. In this review, we will together draw up a business plan for a private kindergarten “from A to Z” (calculations for 2018).

Business plan for opening a private kindergarten.

The most popular groups remain for children from 1.5 to 3 years old, since in our country many mothers on maternity leave are forced to go to work without waiting for their child to turn 3 years old and be given a coveted place in a municipal kindergarten. How to open such a kindergarten and what pitfalls to expect along the way will be discussed in this article.

Be sure to check it out video, in which real owners of private kindergartens talk about the structure of the business from the inside:

Start-up costs and payback

The article presents a business plan for a private kindergarten for children under 5 years of age.


  1. Capacity - up to 16 children (2 groups of 8 children)
  2. The cost of maintaining a child for 1 month is 25,000 rubles
  3. Services provided: Preparation for school (for children aged 5 years), modeling, dancing, drawing, classes for the development of speech and hearing, logical development.

As a result, annual revenue amount will be: 4,800,000 rubles

Net profit amount equal to 21,300 rubles.

Profitability: 21,300/400 000 * 100=5,3%

Payback period, divide the initial costs by the amount of net profit: 670 700 /21 300 = 31.5 months.

And now we will analyze in more detail each stage of the formation of a private kindergarten and analyze all the items of expenses and income.

Basic costs

When preparing a business plan, it is necessary to take into account what the costs of opening a kindergarten are:

  1. rental and renovation of premises;
  2. legal registration of business and obtaining a license;
  3. hiring qualified personnel;
  4. purchase of furniture, toys, equipment, office equipment;
  5. advertising to attract customers.

Of course, the amount of costs can vary greatly depending on the city, the local cost of rent, the status of the garden, etc. An entrepreneur needs to familiarize himself with the cost of rent, repairs and other expenses directly in his city. Obviously, the costs in a business plan can be radically different when starting a private kindergarten in Moscow and in a provincial town.

In your business plan, focus on start-up capital, initially it is enough to open a small-format kindergarten for 10-20 children. This way, it will be easier to understand and organize internal processes in the business. In addition, save yourself from unnecessary risks and spend less money. Mistakes when starting a new business are inevitable, so keep them on a smaller scale. You will always have time to expand.

Legal issues

For entrepreneurial activity a private kindergarten must register with the tax authorities. Typically, business uses 2 options:

  1. in the form of a legal entity (LLC, etc.);
  2. as an individual entrepreneur (IP).

If the legal entity option is selected, it must be non-profit organization(i.e., you cannot register in the form of LLC, CJSC, OJSC, etc.). Registration is carried out at the Ministry of Justice of Russia. If you are not familiar with the nuances of legal individuals, we recommend contacting the relevant companies for advice, as a rule, it is free. It is worth noting that LLC is a more expensive form for business, higher deductions, more complex tax accounting, reporting, etc.

Registering as an individual entrepreneur today is easier than ever. It is enough to submit an application to the tax office and pay the state fee. Registration period is up to 5 days. Keep in mind in your business plan that legal delays can cost up to 10,000 rubles. If you work with hired lawyers, then this costs another 5-10,000 monthly, depending on the number of employees.

After registration, you must register with Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, statistical authorities. You will also need a current account for work; after opening it, do not forget to inform your tax office about this in order to avoid a fine.

If a private kindergarten expects hired employees (teachers, security, cooks, cleaners), then by law they must be officially registered. This is a rather complicated procedure; we recommend that all accounting be serviced by a law firm or a private lawyer from your city.


As already noted, this is a licensed type of activity, so you will have to obtain a license. However, for those who do not wish to obtain a license, they can choose a childcare activity or register as a development center. But there is a rather fine line here; the inspection authorities may have questions, parents will not be able to receive compensation for part of the parental fees and there will be no opportunity to receive additional funding from the state budget.

Licensing is handled by the regional ministry (department) of education; the application review period is 30 days. In addition to the constituent documents, you will need to provide:

  1. documents confirming the availability of premises;
  2. certificate of logistics;
  3. educational programs;
  4. conclusion of the SES and State Fire Inspectorate

You can learn more about the licensing procedure from lawyers, or you can study the issue on your own on the Internet: all documentation and answers to questions are available on official websites.

Selecting a room

To open a kindergarten, you need to select the appropriate premises. Naturally, it can be rented, and this amount will form the basis of the monthly expenses in the business plan. This issue should be approached with great responsibility, since educational activities licensed, which means a license may be refused if the premises do not comply necessary requirements and standards.

So, when choosing a suitable building, first of all, you must be guided by SanPin, approved by the resolution of the chief state sanitary doctor Russian Federation dated May 15, 2018 No. 26 “On approval of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations.”

Group area requirements:

  1. 2.5 m² (per person) in groups for children under 3 years old;
  2. 2.0 m² - for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Don’t forget to add the area of ​​the kitchen and administrative premises.

It is recommended to fence the area around the building with a fence; planting trees and shrubs would be a good solution. It is necessary to provide playgrounds. In this regard, it is most convenient to rent cottages; as a rule, their layout is very convenient, and the fenced area allows you to organize children's playgrounds.

A rented country cottage serves as premises for a private kindergarten. The rent is 80,000 rubles (including utilities).


Furniture, toys, equipment

After you decide on the premises and the number of groups in the kindergarten, you should purchase furniture, toys and other equipment.

When purchasing furniture, do not forget to ask the seller for documents confirming its safety and origin. Furniture will require tables, chairs, cribs, lockers for the locker room and shelving for toys, furniture for staff, and plumbing fixtures (including those adapted for children).

When choosing toys, remember that they should be easy to wash.

Pay attention to the equipment of typical private kindergartens; it is very appropriate (what is it, the simplest and most obvious way) to visit such kindergartens yourself and make a list of necessary purchases. After this, you need to find out the cost, go to shopping centers, compare prices on the Internet, and write down the total amount in the project’s business plan.

Furniture and equipment:

Name Price Quantity Price
Wardrobe for changing room (4 sections)6 431 4 25 724
Drying cabinet (20 places)3 926 1 3 926
Game wall30 000 1 30 000
Bed2 500 16 40 000
Table "Chamomile"7 000 2 14 000
Round table5 000 2 10 000
Rectangular table10 000 2 20 000
Children's chair500 18 9 000
Wall "Gorka"11 000 1 11 000
Book rack4 000 2 8 000
Craft shelf500 2 1 000
Wardrobe4 000 1 4 000
Office table5 000 1 5 000
Office chair5 000 3 15 000
Kitchen appliances70 000 1 70 000
Kitchen table8 000 1 8 000
Cutlery30 000 1 30 000
Costs for kindergarten furniture 304 650

You will also need:

  1. bed sheets;
  2. towels;
  3. dishes;
  4. stationery;
  5. toys and teaching materials, etc.
Name Price Quantity Price
Doll2 000 10 20 000
Constructor3 000 10 30 000
Typewriter2 000 10 20 000
Developmental set2 000 10 20 000
interactive toy5 000 5 25 000
Wooden toy500 10 5 000
Bed sheets1 000 26 26 000
Total 126 000

The total cost of purchasing furniture and equipment will be 430,650 rubles.

Kindergarten staff

Your team is an extremely important component successful business, especially when it comes to children. The selection of personnel must be treated with great attention and pedantry. Pay attention to all the little details, do not hesitate to ask candidates any questions regarding them professional activity and personal qualities.

Kindergarten must have:

  1. educators;
  2. teacher assistants;
  3. cook;
  4. cleaning woman;
  5. administrator (manager).

It is necessary to ensure that there is a medical worker in the kindergarten (or ensure his immediate arrival in case of an emergency, as well as regular examinations of children).

To attract additional clients, you may want to hire a psychologist or teachers in certain subjects (drawing, foreign languages, physical education, music, singing, dancing, etc.).

All kinds of master classes are in great demand in private kindergartens. Pay attention to finding the appropriate specialists, negotiate a reasonable price on an ongoing basis.

Staff Salary per 1 employee (RUB) The number of employees Salary Total (RUB)
Cook 15 000 1 15 000
Educator 20 000 2 20 000
Assistant teacher 15 000 1 15 000
Medical worker 20 000 1 20 000
Cleaning woman 12 000 1 12 000
Expenses forpayment of wages 6 82 000

Attracting clients: advertising and promotion

After the kindergarten is ready to receive its first guests, it is necessary to take a close look at the issue of attracting customers. It’s very good if you develop a logo for your kindergarten and release promotional products in your corporate style.

In attracting customers, you should use all communication channels to the maximum: social media, television, radio, print media, outdoor advertising. In a business plan, it is reasonable to allocate a monthly budget for advertising, at least for the first time - 20-50,000 rubles.

At a certain point in time it will start working " word of mouth" Leave advertising brochures at children's development centers, clinics, shopping centers and other places where parents and children often visit.

At first, spend your days on the weekend open doors, this will attract additional customers. Focus on additional features private kindergarten, show the advantages over the municipal one, show your individuality.

Project financial plan

As an example, let's take an average Russian city - regional center. Calculation for a garden of 5 groups, 12 people per group.

Starting investment for opening a private garden:

  1. Renting premises - 80,000 rub.;
  2. Installation of fire and security alarms - 160,000 rub.;
  3. Purchase of furniture, inventory and equipment, toys - RUB 304,650+126,000;
  4. Advertising - 50,000 rub.

Total: 670,700 rubles.

Monthly expenses in a business plan include:

  1. rent for premises + utilities - 80,000 rub.;
  2. staff salaries - 82,000 rub.;
  3. tax and social contributions - 12,300 rub.;
  4. food products for children's kitchen - RUB 134,400;
  5. advertising and promotion - 5,000 rub.;
  6. purchase of stationery, equipment, detergents, teaching aids, etc. - 5,000 rub.

Total: 318,700 rubles.

The amount of expenses depends on the size of the private kindergarten. Naturally, the larger the premises, the higher the rent and cost utilities. If there are many children in the kindergarten, then more workers will be needed, which means higher wage costs and tax deductions.

Income forecast for business plan (per month):

  1. Cost of visiting the kindergarten for one child - 25,000 rub.;
  2. Total income at full load - 400,000 rub.;
  3. With a simplified taxation system and a tax rate of 15% (income - expenses), income tax - 60,000 rub.;

Net profit (minus taxes and monthly expenses) is 21,300 rubles.

You can increase profits by introducing additional paid services for parents - paid developmental classes, massage and other wellness treatments for children, driver services (children are picked up from home and brought back from kindergarten), weekend groups.

Of course, each business plan is unique; it is impossible to objectively take into account all the nuances in one example; serious deviations are possible.

Sources of financing

As you can see, organizing a kindergarten requires a considerable amount of funds, but it is worth keeping in mind that there are several ways to reduce the financial burden.

Opening a private kindergarten - educational activity is social entrepreneurship, and this is receiving close attention today. There are special programs and grants for entrepreneurs involved in social types activities. You can find out about them in the regional ministry (department) economic development. In some regions, such grants reach several million rubles, and to receive them you just need a competent business plan with calculations.

You can also apply for a grant to create own business and receive up to 900,000 rubles. In almost all regions of the Russian Federation, regional and municipal authorities hold these competitions and allocate subsidies.

In addition, in each subject of Russia there are state microfinance funds (centers) (here you need to carefully read constituent documents, the founder must be a government body, for example, the Ministry of Economic Development of the subject). Such microfinance funds issue microloans up to 3,000,000 at only 10% per annum, unlike commercial banks, which today do not even offer less than 20 percent.

How to open a private kindergarten, where to start, how much money will it require? Is this legal? How to organize hot meals, naps and walks for little clients? What documents should I fill out, do I need to obtain a license, or transfer the premises to non-residential use? These and other questions are answered in this article. Here you will find comprehensive information on how to organize a private kindergarten in your apartment or rented cottage, get a lot of practical advice, and see real figures for your expenses.

Call the opening of a private kindergarten simple business hardly correct. This is quite a troublesome task, requiring vigilant control and great dedication. On the other hand, this is a useful activity that brings satisfaction to its creator and numerous clients. And the neighbors are quite tolerant of the kids - suddenly the situation turns out to be such that they themselves will need such a kindergarten.

At proper organization a private kindergarten as a business will develop and make a profit, and there will always be clients. This:

Children who get sick often

So-called “non-kindergarten” kids who need an individual approach

Little ones who, due to their age, are not yet accepted into municipal institutions

Children of your friends and acquaintances.

In times of crisis, home gardens will be especially in demand, as they can offer loyal prices to mothers who are forced to go to work ahead of schedule.

Legal issues

How to open a private kindergarten? An experienced businessman will begin to solve such issues with a business plan. But home kindergartens are often opened not by “business sharks”, but by school teachers, educators and mothers on maternity leave. What worries them most is the legality aspect of such an event.

They can be reassured, this is a legal business and encouraged by the state. The main law you need to know: Law on Education in the Russian Federation. Article 91 of this document states that only educational institutions are subject to licensing. It will also be useful to study Housing Code, it states that residential premises can be used for individual entrepreneurial activities if the entrepreneur resides there legally and his activities do not interfere with neighbors (Chapter 2, Article 17).

In 2013, a Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation was issued, which describes all the requirements for preschool institutions. Practice shows that the inspection authorities (SES, Pozhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor) are also quite loyal to the “children’s” business - unless, of course, emergencies occur in the garden and numerous complaints are received from parents.

Thus, our kindergarten is not an educational institution, but a development school for children. The concept of our development school, for which calculations have been made for the return on business, is a mini-kindergarten, with the duration of the children’s stay for about 4 hours; the cost of providing services does not include the child’s food. Working hours from 9-30 to 13-30. If desired, parents and children give them fruits and cereals for nutrition, but all this must be packaged and of good quality.

How to open a private kindergarten without a license: frequently asked questions

  1. Is it true that you don’t need a license to open a private kindergarten? - Is it true. Only educational programs require a license. Child care, supervision and development is not education.
  2. Is it necessary to transfer an apartment from residential to non-residential? - Not necessary. The law allows you to open a private kindergarten in a residential apartment (house).
  3. How to open a private kindergarten on the second (fifth, ninth) floor? - The same as the first one. Of course, the first floor is more convenient, but other floors are not prohibited.
  4. Is it required Teacher Education? – Not required, but it will be a big plus for the reputation of your establishment.

What is needed to open a private kindergarten: the most important documents

Apart from goodwill and Have a good mood To open a private kindergarten you will need:

  1. Certificate of individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). All benefits from the state mentioned above apply only to individual entrepreneurs.
  2. Lease agreement if the garden is opened in someone else’s apartment (house). The contract must include a clause that the landlord agrees to open a private kindergarten in the rented premises.
  3. Contracts with staff (nannies, cleaners, cooks).

But you don’t need a license to open a kindergarten! This follows from the documents listed above. Please note: failure to obtain a license minimizes communication with the SES and Fire Surveillance. Their many demands are worth considering, but official permission from these organizations is not required.

The beginning of all beginnings - pencil, calculator, common sense

Before you open a private kindergarten at home, a business plan and its analysis will clearly show your expected profit. Make a plan in every detail based on real numbers. How much does a set of children's furniture cost, what will be the food costs? Perhaps you will have to re-equip the toilet or make repairs? Don’t forget about taxes - a beginning individual entrepreneur can work according to a simplified system and has a number of benefits.

As for the initial amount, it will depend on whether the institution is opening in its own or rented premises. In the first case, the costs will be minimal, in the second – more significant. It is difficult to give exact numbers. There is always an opportunity to reduce expenses: buy furniture on sale, take on the functions of an accountant, cook, nanny, postpone the purchase of non-essential items until a later time. According to estimates from different sources, the cost of a full-fledged kindergarten in a separate room with several groups and qualified personnel will range from 300 thousand to several million rubles (in the capital).

How to create a private kindergarten from scratch - the simplest idea

If you have absolutely nowhere to get money, but have your own living space, you can create a private mini-garden on it. Put the apartment in order, separate some of your child’s toys and take 1-2 children for supervision. If things go well, we can expand in the future.

What do you need to open a kindergarten in your apartment?

First of all, children must be provided with:

Sleeping places (after all, a private kindergarten is for children from 0 to 3-4 years old, they must sleep during the daytime)

Special furniture (table and several chairs)

Toys, books, educational aids

Conditions for outdoor games and walks in the fresh air

Hot lunches.

Don't forget about individual towels and detergents, since in a children's institution cleaning is carried out several times a day using special disinfectants.

Plan for opening a private garden: counting income

Calculating income is a very pleasant process, but it is advisable to approach it soberly. You need to realistically assess the solvency of the population of your area (city). In Moscow, the fee for 1 child can reach up to 20 thousand rubles and exceed this amount, but in a small town (village) with small salaries, 5 thousand rubles may seem excessive.

Perhaps it makes sense to open a private kindergarten for half a day without sleep and food. Or take children 2-3 days a week instead of five. This will reduce your costs and prices for parents. In any case, you need to carefully study the demand for your service. Find out whether there are enough places in the municipal garden, whether there are competitors nearby. Take into account that in big city The demand for a garden is greater than in a small village. Plan income taking into account risks.

For our calculations, we assume that our group works from 9-30 to 13-30, the cost of the service is 10,000 rubles. The average number of children in a group per month will be 8 people. We hire one employee to work with children, the second will be the initiator of the project. We will register an individual entrepreneur for the activity; taxation is a simplified reporting system.

Our kindergarten will be located in a rented apartment, on the ground floor.

Let's summarize our calculations in tables. Let's start with a list of necessary investments.

We will determine the size of the wage fund for the year and calculate tax deductions for employees.

Let's calculate total revenue for several years in advance.

Let's reduce the constants and variable costs into one table.

Fixed expenses


Payroll taxes



Variable expenses

Communal expenses

Insurance individual entrepreneurs

Other variable expenses

Total costs

Based on the available figures, we will determine the gross and net profit of the enterprise.

Thanks to the obtained figures, we can determine the profitability and payback of the planned business of opening a private kindergarten.

It is worth noting that many of these kindergartens operate in three shifts. With such a work scheme, it is better to hire one or two more teachers. The profit of the project initiator increases and there is more opportunity to purchase educational games, toys and further development business.

How to open a private kindergarten without a loan

It would be unreasonable to recommend using a loan to a beginner. A kindergarten as a business is a profitable business, but it can hardly be called extremely profitable. Firstly, in the first year of operation, profits will be unstable, and secondly, individual entrepreneur is liable to creditors with its property. Of course, a person with experience can take a risk and take out a loan, but first he will calculate all the pros and cons.

This raises an interesting question: how to open a private kindergarten with state support. The important thing here is that the creation of gardens at home is encouraged at the legislative level - this solves the problems of many families. Is it possible to get real money from the state and return part of the costs? Can. There are 3 ways.

First. Renting a commercial space is the main cost. Therefore, it needs to be reduced. The local government can help here by providing municipal premises at a minimal (non-commercial) price.

Second. Receive a subsidy from the employment center. If you are registered as unemployed, you can qualify for one-time financial assistance. The entire amount of the due unemployment benefit is paid in a lump sum, subject to registration as an individual entrepreneur and provision of a business plan.

Third. In some regions, the local budget partially compensates parents for private kindergartens. If there are places in municipal institutions is not enough, and my mother is forced to go to work, the local budget can compensate her for part of the costs.

CONCLUSION. Remember: the goal of any business is to minimize risks/costs and maximize profits. Your talent and perseverance will undoubtedly be rewarded if you are not afraid of failure, do not stop moving forward and take our advice. Good luck in your useful business!

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    Garden - evokes the association of well-groomed, good mood, flowering. It’s not for nothing that the kindergarten and the plant garden have the same names. Young shoots grow in both places. The garden grows itself. And just as a skillful gardener guides the growth of plants, so a skillful teacher guides the development of children.

    Children are the most important thing in our lives. The future depends on them. In our country, despite the complexity of the situation, the vast majority of kindergartens and the teams of teachers in them are good, if not excellent. Otherwise, where would we have so many wonderful people?

    But, as you know, the best is the enemy of the good. And many families strive to find kindergartens for their children with in-depth development, with an individual approach to each child. Which is not always possible in an ordinary garden.

    In general, before considering a financial plan, you need to work out your business idea. Financial plan- an important component, but without high-quality elaboration of the idea, without analysis of the scope of activity, it loses its meaning.

    Business is the art of extracting money from another person's pocket without resorting to violence. (M. Amsterdam). Let's take the best from the west, as our ancestors usually did. In order for the business not to be unprofitable, you will need to offer a tempting idea for which people will voluntarily be willing to pay. But unlike the West, we will invest real values ​​there, and not props created solely for profit. Best title for such Russian business - entrepreneurship.

    Let's return from lyrical digression to the kindergarten business plan. With a thoughtful approach, a private kindergarten is not only profitable, but also educationally superior to ordinary kindergartens.

    It's on the idea better conditions for raising children and it makes sense to develop a business.

    What is kindergarten

    By and large, every kindergarten is called upon to perform two unitary functions:

    • ensure the normal functioning of children while their parents are busy;
    • solve educational and educational problems.

    The first function puts forward requirements for organizing proper nutrition, sleep patterns, walks in the fresh air, etc. Moreover, each age category has its own characteristics in the organization of life activity. In accordance with the characteristics of age.

    The second function is designed to solve the problems of training, developing the necessary skills, primarily social, ethical and moral education. Socialization is one of the most important differences between being raised in kindergarten (among peers) and being raised at home by a mentor. At home, the child does not undergo socialization, and individual, well-presented knowledge may be useless.

    Both the first and second functions in a good children's institution are harmoniously interconnected. For high-quality education and training of preschool children in child care institutions, the following is applied:

    • age division of children;
    • comprehensive child care (the child is raised before school within one child care facility with the same teacher-mentors from admission to graduation).

    Age division of children

    Ideally, a kindergarten should divide children into groups based on age. Cases of developmental delay for various reasons are not taken into consideration. In such cases, it is advisable to place the child in specialized institutions.

    Child development in preschool age happens quickly. And the year difference is a very significant period. The approach to children of different ages is sometimes radically different. In a mixed group, it is almost impossible for a teacher to effectively carry out the function of teaching and educating all children. Of course, this greatly depends on the size of the group.

    It is customary to divide children not exactly by age, but into groups:

    • nursery: from 1 year to 3 years;
    • younger group: from 3 to 4 years;
    • middle group: from 4 to 5 years;
    • senior group: from 5 to 6 years.

    This approach is justified, since the emphasis on organizing processes in age groups different:

    • nursery: the main emphasis is on full life support (natural needs, emotional balance, etc.);
    • younger and group average: gradually the emphasis shifts to training;
    • senior group: preparation for school.

    Comprehensive management of children

    It is also important that the child is guided by the same mentors throughout the preschool period. Maybe with the exception of toddlers. In this case, the teacher has the opportunity to monitor the development dynamics of each child.

    Of course, the groups should not be overcrowded.

    Too small a number of children in a group is also not recommended due to the deterioration of social adaptation.

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    What is required to open a kindergarten

    Before developing a business plan for a private kindergarten, let’s consider what is required to organize it.

    First of all, you need to decide which kindergarten to open. Full cycle, nursery, with senior group, specialized.

    Then you will need to decide on the format of the kindergarten:

    • in a separate special room;
    • kindergarten at home.


    The opening of any child care institution is under the close supervision of the state. That's why Required documents must always be up to date. And frequent visits to various inspections are the norm.


    • package of constituent documents;
    • learning programs;
    • license;
    • documents for specialists (the manager must have the appropriate education);
    • necessary contracts, leases, etc.

    Premises, equipment

    The size of the room depends on the planned number of places in the kindergarten. The premises must comply with the standards of the SES and fire services.

    In addition, equipment for children’s activities should be installed, sleeping places, places for eating and preparing food, etc. should be organized.


    Depending on the format of the kindergarten being opened, the staff may differ significantly:

    • director;
    • teachers and nannies;
    • cooks;
    • specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, nurse, etc.);
    • specialized specialists (subject teachers, sports coach, etc.);
    • general workers (cleaners, janitor, etc.).

    Not everyone has to be on staff. Some may come under contract.

    Competition and customers

    The main competition will be from state and municipal preschool institutions. Many parents prefer to send their children to them, considering these institutions more reliable than private ones.

    There are few private preschool institutions. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about any competition among them. Rather, here we need to collaborate, learn and learn from experience.

    To promote the enterprise, it will have to be on par with similar government institutions in all respects. And make some parameters more attractive. Eg, flexible schedule child's visits to kindergarten, flexible payment, additional educational services, child home delivery, etc.

    An important factor is the location of the kindergarten. If a well-established specialized kindergarten can be located quite remotely, then for a newly opened institution this circumstance can be critical.

    The newly opened institution is also influenced by the presence of other gardens nearby with which it will have to compete.

    The finished business plan for a kindergarten will need describe the benefits that will attract customers. They must be significant. Other than that equal conditions people will prefer government agencies private.

    Profit and payback

    The financial part of the business plan for opening a private kindergarten occupies almost the smallest part. It's connected with a huge amount preparatory documents and development of the kindergarten idea. As already mentioned, without a carefully thought-out concept for organizing a child care institution, starting such a business is a big risk.

    Let's give a small calculation of kindergarten calculations.

    A small kindergarten with 15 seats. Room – 60 -100 sq.m. Staff 4-6 people.


    To be profitable, the kindergarten will need to be filled with additional services. With such expenses, the monthly payment cannot be less than 10 thousand rubles. from a child. Plus about 5 thousand rubles. additional services.

    We will receive 150 - 225 thousand rubles per month.

    Monthly profit from the kindergarten is 10 - 30 thousand rubles. Payback period from 3 years and above. This is a conditional calculation. A lot depends on preliminary agreements, advertising campaigns and other things. Costs are noticeably reduced when organizing a garden at home.

    This business is more suitable for people who have already been involved in raising children professionally.

    It should be noted that investments in kindergarten do not pay off quickly. But if you manage to gain a foothold in the market and establish yourself, then the enterprise will exist stably and successfully for a long time.

    Already long years The problem of kindergarten does not become less relevant for parents. Firstly, it’s very difficult to get there now; you have to wait in line almost before the baby is born (it’s even accepted Government program compensation to parents for kindergarten). And secondly, the enrollment in groups is so large that an individual approach to the child is simply excluded, which greatly affects the development of the baby. Private kindergartens come to the rescue. If you put in enough effort, it's pretty profitable view business. Read on to learn how to open a private kindergarten.

    It’s worth noting right away that high-quality child care requires a serious investment. The main tasks that the future owner will need to solve are the selection of premises and personnel, as well as the collection of all required documentation.

    Registration of a legal entity is a rather troublesome period, which by law should take a month. In practice, this period increases significantly. After you have registered a legal entity, you need to go through several levels to coordinate the implementation of specific activities. It is imperative to register the educational institution with the tax office (there it will be assigned a taxpayer identification number - TIN) and with all extra-budgetary funds: pension and social insurance, as well as with the organization of state statistics.

    If educational activities are carried out legal entity, it is necessary to undergo licensing and obtain a license that will give the right to such activities. The license is issued State bodies education management and local government.

    You can obtain a license by providing the following documents:

    1. Charter of the organization.

    2. Lease agreement for premises or ownership rights to it.

    3. Tax registration document.

    4. Conclusions of the sanitary-epidemiological station and firefighters on compliance with all safety rules in the educational institution.

    5. A document stating that the institution has all the necessary material and technical base and educational literature.

    6. Educational program of the institution for each age group.

    7. Data on the teaching staff and the number of children.

    Obtaining a license is prerequisite. Otherwise, the founders may be subject to criminal liability. At the same time, activities that do not subsequently involve the issuance of educational documents are not subject to licensing. These include classes in clubs, sections, organizing leisure time, providing consultations, conducting trainings, etc.

    The choice of premises must comply with all norms and requirements for preschool educational institutions, regardless of whether it is your property or under a lease agreement. Employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station will be required to visit the kindergarten long before opening to ensure compliance with all rules. Each child must have at least six square meters of space; there must be separate rooms for sleeping, games, a gym, and a medical office. It is mandatory to install a fire alarm around the entire perimeter of the kindergarten.

    The next cost item will be equipping the kindergarten premises with all the necessary equipment. These are educational toys, stationery items, children's furniture (chairs, tables, beds, individual lockers for clothes), methodological manuals, equipment for free play and educational activities. It is necessary to equip the teacher and children musical instruments, and the gym with equipment for outdoor games and physical activities. You should also purchase furniture, cutlery and utensils for eating, pots, towels and other household supplies.

    Personnel are selected in the same way as in a state kindergarten. It is mandatory to have teachers, nannies, a health worker, a cook, a cleaner and a manager on staff. Depending on financial capabilities, a private kindergarten may have a psychologist, security guards and a sports coach. Parents associate non-state kindergartens with highly qualified specialists, for whose work they are willing to pay good money. Therefore, the selection of employees must be approached with all responsibility and scrupulousness, so that they, in turn, carry out preschool preparation at a decent level.

    This type of business is not considered highly profitable; moreover, opening it takes a long period of time due to the preparation of all documents. How can you increase profitability when opening a private kindergarten? The answer is simple: it is necessary to introduce additional services (for example, clubs). Therefore, this direction is very promising.