Drawing of aerobatic jet aircraft Wed 10. Russian Aviation. Is he needed?

Samrlet SR-10 / Photo: Vitaly Kuzmin

Videos of the first flights of the SR-10 aircraft developed by the Moscow Design Bureau "Modern Aviation Technologies" have been published online. The name of the aircraft stands for “Jet aircraft with wing sweep minus 10 degrees.”

The forward sweep allows the aircraft to be compact, improves stability at low speeds and improves takeoff and landing performance, making the CP-10 suitable for teaching basic aerobatics. The Yak-130 combat trainer entering the Air Force is, in fact, an advanced training aircraft; simple and cheap jet machines in Russia do not have the ability to obtain initial skills, according to the design bureau. The cadets train on outdated and much heavier L-39s.

“The forward sweep of the wing also improves the maneuverability of the vehicle, so the SR-10 can be used not only as a training aircraft, but also as a sports aircraft.”

Flight tests of the prototype are taking place at the Oreshkovo airfield in the Kaluga region. And, judging by the video, they were successful - on the third flight the plane performed several aerobatic maneuvers. By the way, the forward sweep of the wing also improves the maneuverability of the vehicle, so the SR-10 can be used not only as a training aircraft, but also as a sports aircraft.

“If it goes into production for civilians, it will be a “bomb”. A jet plane for the price of a used plane,” says a visitor to a weapons blog with the nickname triceracop.

“However, it’s impressive. Due to the low price, the project can take off,” Dmitry Ft-Telnyashke agrees.

“I was surprised by the number of alarms. Although it may be for the better for initial training. The thrust-to-weight ratio seems to be ok. In general, a great bird!” - summed up narkom_cccp.

Anton Valagin writes about this in the special project "RG" "Russian Weapons".

Technical information

A new trainer aircraft may begin operation in the near future. The creation of this vehicle is being carried out by one of the domestic private companies, which intends to begin construction in the interests of the Ministry of Defense. Due to a number of objective reasons, the exact prospects of the new project remain unknown. The new project failed to win the competition of the military department, but the development organization continued the work and hopes for its successful completion.

The project of a promising training aircraft (UTS) received the designation SR-10. This machine is being developed by the private Moscow design bureau “Modern Aviation Technologies” (KB “SAT”). The project started at the initiative of the development company, and later had a chance to interest the military department and receive its support. However, unfortunately for the developers, the military chose another project that participated in that competition.

Work on the SR-10 project began on its own initiative in 2007. During the first few years, employees of the SAT design bureau were working on various basic issues, and by 2009 they had formed the general appearance of a promising training facility, which made it possible to present its model at the MAKS exhibition in Zhukovsky. Then the design work continued. At the same time, the design bureau attempted to offer its development to the Ministry of Defense.

3D model of SR-10 / Image: topwar.ru

It is reported that as part of the promising project, the design bureau carried out a number of necessary studies in various areas and successfully solved several important problems. Issues related to the aerodynamics of the aircraft, the strength of the units and the materials used in the design were successfully resolved. In addition, several non-standard ideas were proposed that had not previously found wide application in aviation.

At the beginning of 2014, the Russian Ministry of Defense held an open competition for the best design of an aircraft intended for initial training of flight personnel. Two projects were submitted to this competition: SR-10 from the SAT design bureau and the Yak-152 from the Yakovlev company. Military department specialists analyzed two proposed projects and chose the most successful one. The Yak-152 project was considered the best option for training pilots. Subsequently, this project received support from the military. According to previously announced plans, the development of the Yak-152 project and the necessary testing of prototypes should be completed within several years. In 2017, it is planned to launch mass production of new machines.

Having failed to win the competition of the Ministry of Defense, the SR-10 project did not stop. KB "SAT" found partners for its further implementation, and also took certain measures aimed at promoting its development. The Aviaagregat plant (Makhachkala) became a partner of the design bureau. Among other things, such a partnership allowed the project developers to enlist the support of the leadership of the Republic of Dagestan. At the end of autumn 2014, the first reports of the results of cooperation appeared.

Model at the MAKS-2009 exhibition / Photo: topwar.ru

It turned out that in the spring and summer of 14th the Aviaagregat enterprise and the Dagestan leadership took a number of measures aimed at promoting the SR-10 project. In particular, it was proposed to finalize the terms of reference for the competition. The result of negotiations, consultations and review of documentation was a permit from the Ministry of Defense regarding the construction of prototype aircraft. It was reported that four prototype aircraft of the new model should have been built in 2015.

In connection with the appearance of such messages among specialists and the interested public, the question arose about the reasons for the change in the opinion of the Ministry of Defense regarding the new project. Thus, an assumption arose that, as a result of the negotiations, it was decided to change the planned system of training flight personnel. In this case, the Yak-152 and Yak-130 aircraft, on which it is planned to conduct initial and combat training, respectively, may be joined by the SR-10. This aircraft can become a transition link between the Yak-152 and Yak-130. The extent to which this assumption corresponded to reality is unknown.

Having received the necessary permission from the Ministry of Defense, the organizations participating in the project began preparing the construction of prototype aircraft. The Makhachkala plant "Aviaagregat" became the site for construction. It is also planned to launch serial production of equipment there. Despite earlier information, until the end of 2015, only one prototype of the new type was released for testing. The rollout of this car took place at the end of August last year. Over the past period of time, he passed some of the checks and also managed to take off.

Before the first flight / Photo: topwar.ru

In late December 2015, reports appeared about the progress of the tests. According to official data, on December 25, the first prototype of the SR-10 training device took off for the first time. For testing, the aircraft was delivered to the Oreshkovo airfield (Vorotynsk, Kaluga region), previously owned by DOSAAF, and now under the jurisdiction of the Albatros Aero flying club. After a series of ground checks, the aircraft made its first flight. On its first flight, the SR-10 was flown by pilots Yu.M. Kabanov and M. Mironov.

According to the Modern Aviation Technologies Design Bureau, the task of the first flight was to test some features of the aircraft, in particular a number of flight characteristics, stability and controllability, system operation, etc. Based on the flight results, the test pilot noted that the aircraft proved to be dynamic and pleasant to fly. The characteristics during the flight corresponded to their calculated values.

For some time, the organizations participating in the project must conduct full tests of the new aircraft, the results of which will determine its future fate. Official reports on the progress of the project so far look optimistic and allow us to hope for the successful completion of the work. However, the real prospects of the SR-10 project still look vague and uncertain. For various reasons, a new training aircraft with equal probability may reach the troops or NOT leave the testing stage.

The tail of the aircraft / Photo: topwar.ru

According to official data from the SAT Design Bureau, the goal of the project is to create a new jet training aircraft for training personnel and use in aerobatic competitions. The technical specifications involve performing aerobatic maneuvers with overloads from +8 to -6. The aircraft must also have aerodynamics and super-maneuverability, which will allow it to show performance at the level of generation 4 and 4+ fighters.

From a design point of view, the SR-10 aircraft is a single-engine jet mid-wing with an integral aerodynamic configuration. Requirements to reduce dimensions and weight, as well as the need for a number of specific tasks, led to the formation of the characteristic appearance of the aircraft. Because of this, in particular, the SR-10 is externally similar to other modern domestically developed training equipment: the Yak-130 or MiG-AT. At the same time, the new aircraft has a number of characteristic differences, due to which it should have different characteristics.

The SR-10 received a relatively compact fuselage of variable cross-section, combined with airborne units housing air intakes, landing gear compartments, etc. A relatively large two-seater cabin is provided in the forward part of the fuselage. The pilots are located at two workstations arranged in tandem. The developer announced the use of ejection seats of the “0-0” class, ensuring the rescue of the crew in all flight modes, as well as in the parking lot, including at zero speed and zero altitude. Both pilots are located under a large common canopy.

Takeoff / Photo: topwar.ru

At the cabin level, developed wing roots begin on the sides of the fuselage. These elements of the load-bearing surface go into the center section, and their main task is to optimize the flow around the wing and other elements of the aircraft. Under the bulges, with a significant shift from their front built-up point, there are two air intakes of rectangular cross-section. Apparently, curved channels are provided behind them, diverting air from the two intake devices to the compressor of the single engine. The rear part of the fuselage has a characteristic shape formed by a streamlined central block of variable circular cross-section and side tapering bulges. On the sides of the latter there is an all-moving horizontal tail. A keel with a rudder is provided on the fuselage of the aircraft.

The most important feature of the SR-10 UTS project is the wing design used. Unlike other training and combat aircraft operated and operated by the domestic air force, the SR-10 receives a forward-swept wing. The leading edge has a moderate forward sweep of about 10°. The trailing edge with ailerons and flaps is characterized by an increased value of this parameter. It is argued that the use of a forward-swept wing can significantly improve the flight performance and maneuverability of a training aircraft, and will also reduce risks when performing aerobatics. Among other things, the likelihood of the car inadvertently falling into a tailspin is reduced.

As follows from the available data, different materials are used in the design of the SR-10 aircraft. Thus, the airframe skin consists of metal and composite parts. The exact composition of the structure and the types of materials used, however, are not reported. Available photographs of the first flight prototype suggest that, at a minimum, the control surfaces and some elements of the fuselage skin are made of composites.() Photo: Project of the SR-10 training aircraft

The power plant of the SR-10 aircraft consists of one turbojet engine installed in the rear fuselage. Previously, data was published according to which the aircraft could receive AL-55 or AI-25TL engines. In both cases, the machine must have high flight characteristics that provide a complete solution to the assigned tasks.

According to some sources, the first prototype of the SR-10 aircraft received a bypass turbojet engine AI-25TL with a thrust of up to 1720 kgf. According to some reports, the prototype was not equipped with a new engine: this unit was used for some time as part of the power plant of some other aircraft. The details of this are unknown, however, judging by reports of the first flight, the existing engine coped well with the assigned tasks and made it possible to begin flight testing of the new aircraft.

The composition of the on-board radio-electronic equipment has not yet been reported. It is argued that, among other avionics, the aircraft should receive a special system that will be responsible for diagnosing other equipment. Such a system should increase the reliability of on-board equipment and thereby simplify the operation of the equipment.

According to the developer, the cockpit should provide the most comfortable working conditions. In addition, the composition of its equipment must provide complete training for pilots. Previously, photographs of pilots’ workplaces were published, which allow one to get an idea of ​​the composition of the equipment. The main controls of the SR-10 are the “traditional” aircraft and engine control sticks. Additional controls are located on the instrument panel and side panels. All instruments necessary for piloting are installed on the front panel and are mainly represented by conventional dial indicators. In addition, the board is equipped with one monitor with a push-button frame.

Due to its low weight, the promising aircraft is equipped with a traditional three-post landing gear with a front landing gear. All racks have one wheel, while the wheels of the main racks have a larger diameter compared to the nose one. There is a shock absorption system. In flight, the struts are retracted into the fuselage: the nose strut rotates forward into a compartment in the fuselage fairing, and the main struts rotate towards the axis of the vehicle and are placed in the side compartments of the fuselage, under the center section.

Some calculated characteristics of the aircraft have been published. The maximum take-off weight is determined at 3.1 tons. An engine with a thrust of about 1750 kgf will allow the vehicle to reach speeds of up to 800 km/h and rise to a height of up to 11 km. The practical range is stated at 1200 km/h. Thanks to the special wing design, the landing speed was reduced to 180 km/h, which should provide greater safety for operation and training.

Front cockpit interior / Photo: topwar.ru

Apparently, already at the development stage, the SR-10 project includes certain opportunities for updating and modernization. Thus, it is assumed that in the future various modifications of the basic training aircraft will be developed and built, modified in accordance with the wishes of customers. At the same time, it is planned to build both relatively simple aircraft in a basic configuration, which have a relatively small range of tasks to be solved, and complex multifunctional machines with special equipment.

In the “maximum configuration”, the modified SR-10 will be able to become a full-fledged training or combat trainer aircraft, capable of solving tasks related not only to training flight personnel, but also to attacking various ground or air targets. In this case, the potential customer will have the opportunity not only to purchase a ready-made aircraft offered by the manufacturer, but to choose one of several modifications that best suits his requirements.

Also in the plans of the Modern Aviation Systems Design Bureau is the expansion of the aircraft’s basing capabilities. Currently, the SR-10 can only take off from land airfields. In the future, the creation of a new modification adapted for operation on aircraft carriers is not excluded. In this case, carrier-based aviation will be able to receive a training or combat trainer aircraft suitable for pilot training and combat.

SR-10 in flight. The unusual wing design is clearly visible / Photo: topwar.ru

According to the current plans of the companies participating in the project, the SR-10 aircraft and its modifications for various purposes should win their place in the market of training and combat training aircraft and retain it for 15-20 years. The Russian Air Force, as well as other states, are considered potential customers for the new aircraft. At the same time, it is assumed that aircraft can be purchased by both government and private customers.

Various inspections and tests of the first prototype SR-10 type aircraft are currently ongoing. This machine first took to the air at the end of last year and for some time will have to undergo a set of necessary tests, the results of which will determine its future fate. The companies involved in the project are optimistic about the future and count on contracts with Russian and foreign customers. However, the SR-10 project is still a topic of active debate, and its real prospects have not yet been determined.

Like many other projects, the SR-10 UTS has advantages and disadvantages. The first include a number of project features of a technical and other nature. Thus, the SR-10 is only the second domestic aircraft with a forward-swept wing to reach testing, which in itself can be considered an achievement. In addition, the project was proactively developed by a relatively young private company, which is still a rarity for the domestic aviation industry. Finally, it can be assumed that the SR-10 project can indeed be the basis for equipment of various modifications, which can find its place at domestic and foreign airfields.

Project of the SR-10 training aircraft / Photo: topwar.ru

However, there are also obvious shortcomings or problems. Thus, due to losing the 2014 competition, the SR-10 aircraft was unable to receive government funding. For this reason, the SAT design bureau and the Aviaagregat plant have to continue implementing a rather costly project at their own expense. This negatively affects the pace of work and can also lead to freezing or a complete stop. Thus, without the full support of the military department, the project may have ambiguous prospects.

A separate topic of controversy and discussion is the technical appearance of the proposed aircraft. It has a generally familiar appearance, which is reminiscent of some existing fourth-generation fighters or trainer aircraft. However, it is proposed to equip the SR-10 with a forward-swept wing, which has long attracted the attention of designers, but has not yet been able to reach full practical use. This is hampered by some specific requirements for the design of such a wing, as well as an ambiguous composition of advantages and disadvantages. As a result, such a wing has so far only been used in experimental projects.

Currently, the experimental SR-10 aircraft is undergoing tests, based on the results of which it can go into production and then replenish the fleet of training equipment of the Russian Air Force. Due to a number of different factors, such completion of the project cannot yet be guaranteed. In addition, the very need for such a “transitional link” machine may be a subject of debate. Thus, the new aircraft will not only have to withstand testing, but also overcome a number of difficulties not directly related to technology.

The further future of the SR-10 training facility, developed by the Modern Aviation Systems design bureau, has not yet been determined and is still the subject of debate. At the same time, the project attracts attention due to its origin and other development features. Thus, regardless of the successes that will be achieved during testing or during the promotion of the project, the SR-10 aircraft will be able to take its place in the history of domestic aviation. But whether it can find application in the Air Force or attract the interest of other customers – time will tell.

At the Russian Aerospace Forces air base in Kubinka, tests have begun of the light two-seat aerobatic and training aircraft SR-10, which in the future may become a machine for the initial training of Russian Aerospace Forces pilots, an intermediate link between a light piston aircraft and a jet fighter. Read about what this plane is like in the material of the Zvezda shopping and entertainment complex. Between Yak-152 and Yak-130 The USSR had a well-functioning system for the initial selection and training of pilots. Young people were attracted through DOSAAF, where anyone could fly in a glider and then in a light aircraft. After this, those who wanted to pursue a career as a pilot continued their training on the Czechoslovak-made L-29 Dolphin light jet, which was an intermediate step between a piston aircraft and a jet fighter. The need for such a machine was dictated by the fact that it was difficult to immediately change from a light piston aircraft to a combat jet.

Today, the problem remains the same, despite the fact that in Russia there are many training centers with simulators simulating flight on a real aircraft, and that the Yak-130 combat training aircraft has been put into serial production. This machine has found wide use both in Russian aerospace forces and abroad, it is actively promoted at international exhibitions. This is due to the fact that it can not only train pilots, but also, if necessary, use it as a combat vehicle. But in essence, this is a real combat aircraft with a maximum speed of 960 kilometers per hour and a take-off weight of 7,700 kilograms, and it is not entirely suitable for initial training and screening. “Dolphins,” although they continue to be used in some flying clubs, were officially removed from service with the Russian Aerospace Forces in 1992.

The new training aircraft should be the Yak-152, but this machine is still largely intended for the initial selection of pilots, and not for training fighter pilots. It will give young people the opportunity to understand whether their physical or psychological abilities allow them to fly an airplane, and to gain initial skills. Realizing that the L-29 niche was free, the Moscow design bureau “Modern Aviation Technologies” began preliminary design of the SR-10 aircraft in 2007, and the creation of a flight model was completed by 2015. Made in Dagestan The uniqueness of this project lies in the fact that the machine was created entirely at the expense of private capital in the expectation that in the future it will be adopted by the Russian Aerospace Forces. SR-10 in the spring of 2014 took part in the competition of the Russian Ministry of Defense for the best design of an initial training aircraft together with the Yak-152 project and lost to the latter. However, the Ministry of Defense did not abandon the idea of ​​purchasing the aircraft, largely thanks to requests from the government of Dagestan (some of the aircraft’s components are created at the Dagestan Aviaagregat plant).

In particular, the federal directory “Defense-Industrial Complex” for 2015 published the following words of the head of the Republic of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov: “The Russian Ministry of Defense has prepared a conclusion allowing Aviaagregat to begin production of prototypes of components for SR-10 training aircraft with subsequent their transfer to the Russian Air Force for testing.” However, according to a representative of the SAT design bureau, the construction of the first flight model was still carried out at the design bureau’s pilot production, and not at Aviaagregat. Traditions of "Berkut" Compared to the Yak-130, the SR-10 has half the take-off weight (3,100 kilograms) and a maximum speed of 800 kilometers per hour. The design of the aircraft is capable of withstanding overloads of +8/-6 units, which allows the aircraft to be used, among other things, for performing aerobatics. If we compare the SR-10 with the L-29, it surpasses it in many respects, including rate of climb, speed, maneuverability, turn radius, and is also generally a more modern machine (the use of composite materials, new avionics and other innovations) . The manufacturer also claims that the SR-10 will reduce the cost of training cadets by almost half, but these calculated data must be verified during testing in the Aerospace Forces. The design of the aircraft and its avionics are entirely Russian-made, which is important in the current political situation.

Another feature of the aircraft is the wing with a forward sweep of ten degrees. This shape allows for high load-bearing properties at high angles of attack, which provides better maneuverability. In addition, such a design makes it possible to maintain the damping properties of the wing and the effectiveness of the ailerons at critical angles of attack, as well as high lateral stability in comparison with a forward-swept wing. It is worth noting that such a design was tested in the 1990s by the Sukhoi Design Bureau on the Su-47 aircraft " Golden eagle". Struggle of ideologies The opinions of experts interviewed by TRC "Zvezda" about whether such an aircraft is needed by the Russian Aerospace Forces are divided, and this is primarily due not to the SR-10 itself, but to the approach to the ideology of pilot training. According to Aviation Explorer portal expert Vladimir Karnozov, the SR-10 is a good aircraft, but creating three “flying desks” at once for Russian pilots is too wasteful. “The question is not whether this aircraft is good or bad, but that Russia is already producing the Yak-130 and is planning to produce the Yak-152. Do we need a third training aircraft? - said Karnozov. In addition, he noted the technical problems of the SR-10. “You need to understand that the AI-25TSR engine installed on the SR-10 is Ukrainian-made, and this engine is outdated, and there is nothing to replace it today. We have engines with less thrust and engines with greater thrust, but they have different dimensions, and this may lead to a change in the design of the aircraft, and therefore the cost of the project,” says Karnozov.

The SAT design bureau told Zvezda that at the moment there is a large backlog of AI-25TSR engines, and in the future it is planned to replace them with Russian-made AL-55, which in size and thrust corresponds to the Ukrainian power plant, and this will not entail fundamental changes in the design. Independent aviation expert Alexey Zakharov told TRC Zvezda that it is too early to draw conclusions, because the decision to accept such an aircraft into service depends primarily on its economic indicators. He also noted that it is quite expensive to conduct a large amount of flight training for cadets on the Yak-130. “The military will calculate different options for the pilot training program, which will specify different types of aircraft and the number of flight hours on them. And if the program in which the SR-10 will be included makes it possible to train combat aviation pilots with high quality, quickly and inexpensively, then we can assume that this aircraft will be put into service,” says Zakharov. Photo: KB SAT
Video: KB "SAT"

The promising SR-10 training aircraft, which is being created by the Modern Aviation Technologies Design Bureau (SAT) for the Russian Aerospace Forces, will enter state testing no earlier than the end of 2018. An informed industry source told Mil.Press about this.

According to him, at least three aircraft are needed to begin state tests; now only one demonstrator aircraft is ready for tests. Another industry source associated with the Yak-130 program confirmed this information.

“The problem is organizing pilot production of aircraft at the Smolensk Aviation Plant,” he added. “It was planned to begin at the end of 2017, having produced the first prototype and the first production SR-10. However, certain financial difficulties prevented it. The price of the issue is about 4 billion rubles ".

Another source noted that the Russian Aerospace Forces still view the aircraft as an intermediate link in the training of military pilots. The delay in the start of production in Smolensk is due to the lack of a state arms program until 2027, he suggested. The SR-10 will take place between the propeller-driven Yak-152 and the jet-powered Yak-130. The development of the SAT design bureau is also intended to replace the fleet of obsolete Czechoslovakian L-39 training aircraft.

On February 8, 2018, Mil.Press The military sent a request to the SAT design bureau about the prospects of the project, but there has been no response yet.

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The SR-10 (“jet aircraft minus ten,” which means ten degrees of negative wing sweep) has been in production since 2007. It is designed for training and participation in aerobatic competitions. The aircraft is also suitable for the role of a light attack aircraft. According to the developers, the machine is capable of performing all aerobatics with a maximum overload from plus eight to minus six g. The aerodynamic layout of the SR-10 allows it to perform maneuvers using elements of super-maneuverability, which are typical for fighters of generations 4 and 4+.

The first prototype of the aircraft is equipped with a Ukrainian-made AI-25TL engine. For mass production, it is planned to install Russian AI-55I engines. The maximum take-off weight of the SR-10 will be 2700 kg, flight range – 1500 km, service ceiling – 6000 m. Maximum speed – up to 900 km/h. SR-10 successfully completed factory tests in 2017. KB "SAT" also

SR-10 is a jet aircraft with a wing sweep of -10°. Negative sweep along the leading edge is one of the main “highlights” of the aerodynamic configuration of this aircraft. The new machine is designed for training and participation in aviation competitions and will be capable of performing all aerobatics with a maximum overload of +8 -6.

Work on the aircraft began in 2007 by two enthusiasts, Maxim Mironov and Sergei Yushin, at the Design Bureau “Modern Aviation Technologies” (KB SAT), which they created. In 2010, the design bureau received a license for the right to develop aviation equipment, including dual-use and UAVs. . In fact, the aircraft is being developed by a private company without attracting budgetary funds.

Initially, the SR-10 was conceived as a light sports aerobatic aircraft, but during the work process the designers came to the conclusion that it could be used as a trainer for basic flight training of future Russian military aviation pilots.

The existing flight personnel training system is based on the use of virtually one type of training aircraft - the Czech L-39, and the use of combat and combat training aircraft in the educational process - MiG-29UB, Su-27UB, Yak-130. Such a training system, when a cadet transfers from a training vehicle to a combat vehicle, is not rational in terms of efficiency/cost. The SR-10, in terms of its flight performance characteristics, can just fill this transitional niche - it is far superior to the L-39 in rate of climb, speed, maneuverability, radius on turns and, importantly, it is lighter than the Czech machine and outperforms it in terms of price characteristics /quality. In addition, the SR-10 can be used as a light patrol aircraft, as well as to combat unmanned aerial vehicles.

The SR-10 is one of the few closest to the requirements for this class of aircraft, and in the future it will be able to replace the L-39, especially since in the summer of 2014 its concept received a positive conclusion from the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the need to use an aircraft of this class at the basic training of cadets.

One of the conditions for the implementation of projects to create promising educational and training complexes in the new economic conditions is their profitability, which is ensured, first of all, by the volume of mass production. An increase in serial production volumes can be achieved with the massive use of training equipment in flight schools, due to an increase in export supplies and use in sports aviation. The project to create the SR-10 aircraft provides for its development in two main modifications - training and sports aerobatic.

In case of successful results of flight and static tests of the aircraft, the Ministry of Defense is ready to purchase approximately 100 aircraft within four years. In addition, the SR-10 was of interest to the air forces of a number of foreign countries; the export potential is estimated at 200 vehicles. Thus, when the aircraft is launched into mass production, there is no doubt about its profitability.

The design of the aircraft uses modern, but already mastered, technological solutions to the maximum extent possible. This allows, on the one hand, to minimize the risks and costs of creating an aircraft, and on the other hand, to create a relatively cheap aircraft that meets modern requirements. The aerodynamic layout was chosen based on the condition of achieving high maneuverability characteristics, as well as high structural strength and minimal airframe mass for given geometric dimensions. The aircraft is designed according to a normal aerodynamic configuration, allowing maneuvering at high angles of attack.

At the design stage, one bypass turbojet engine of the Ukrainian "Motor Sich" AI-25TLSh with a thrust of 1850 kgf was considered as a power plant, but the possibility of installing modern Russian engines such as RD-1700 and AL-55I with a thrust of 1700–2000 kgf, being developed for the technical equipment, was also explored. MiG-AT.

The aircraft control system is mechanical, with hydraulic boosters. Depending on the requirements and financial capabilities of the customer, the information and control field of the cabin can be formed from both traditional electromechanical devices and modern multifunctional indicators.

The aircraft's two-seat tandem cabin is equipped with K-36LT-3.5 "0-0" class ejection seats, which ensures crew safety throughout the entire range of altitudes and piloting speeds. Thanks to the widespread use of modern composite materials in the airframe design, it was possible to significantly reduce the weight of the airframe and increase its service life.

To enhance the competitive attractiveness of the SR-10 aircraft in both the domestic and foreign markets, the developer pays great attention to the level of its technical and economic indicators, primarily the market price and operating cost. Preliminary analysis shows that in general the project has a high level of investment attractiveness and can be implemented in 3-4 years. The payback period for the project will be no more than three years.

The aircraft should occupy a niche in the ranks of the Aerospace Forces between the training Yak-152 and the Yak-130, but Honored Test Pilot, Hero of Russia Magomed Tolboev convinces: “Why plant cadets who will have to fly on the Yak-130, and then on combat MiGs " and "Sukhoi", on a propeller-driven vehicle with a piston engine? This is an anachronism! SR-10 is an ideal training vehicle, a desk-type aircraft. The pilot's cabin in size, volume and visibility specifically corresponds to the standards of combat aviation. The possibility of weapon suspension is provided for training firing and missile launches."

Compared to its analogues, the SR-10 aircraft has the following advantages:

  • ease of use due to the presence of a built-in system diagnostic system;
  • the cabin provides the most comfortable working conditions for the crew;
  • the aerodynamic design allows you to safely perform any aerobatic maneuvers;
  • thanks to the forward-swept wing, the aircraft has excellent controllability at low flight speeds and improved takeoff and landing characteristics;
  • in terms of maneuverability it is not inferior to aircraft of the “4+” generation - it has super-maneuverability


  • Crew, people - 2
  • Maximum maneuvering speed, km/h - 700
  • Maximum speed of horizontal flight, km/h - 900
  • Maximum flight Mach number - 0.85
  • Practical ceiling, m - 6000
  • Lift-off speed, km/h - 190
  • Landing speed, km/h - 185
  • Cruising speed at H = 6000 m, km/h - 520
  • Maximum rate of climb at the ground, m/s - 60
  • Maximum range, km - 1500
  • Minimum radius of steady turn, m - 290
  • Maximum angular rotation speed in roll, rad/s - 7
  • Range of operational overloads, units - +10 -8
  • Take-off weight is normal, kg - 2400
  • Maximum take-off weight, kg - 2700
  • Landing weight normal and maximum, kg - 2000

The first flight prototype of the aircraft was assembled at the Aviaagregat plant in Makhachkala. In 1971, it was founded as a machine-building plant for the production of airfield equipment and defense industry products. In 1992, the plant was reorganized into OJSC Aviaagregat, and its founders were members of the workforce. Currently, Aviaagregat produces airfield equipment for the maintenance of civil and military aircraft and components and components for passenger cars of OJSC AvtoVAZ. Participated in the Buran space program.

Program status and current news on the SR-10 project

December 25, 2015 At the Oreshkovo airfield, Vorotynsk in the Kaluga region, the first prototype of the light jet two-seat training and sports aerobatic aircraft SR-10 made its first flight. The plane was piloted on its first flight by test pilot Yu.M. Kabanov and pilot, one of the founders of the SAT design bureau Maxim Mironov. The prototype is equipped with an AI-25TL engine.

First flight video(photo and video - KB "SAT")

In April 2016 It became known that the Russian Aerospace Forces are considering the possibility of redistributing money intended for the modernization of Czech L-39 aircraft for primary flight training in favor of R&D to create a new training aircraft. We are talking about replacing at least 150 cars. One of the main ones is the SR-10 training aircraft.

In May 2016 At the airbase of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Kubinka near Moscow, the Preliminary Test (PT) stage began with about 30 flights according to a program agreed with representatives of the Ministry of Defense. The completion of the PI phase is expected at the end of July-August, after which the aircraft will be modified with the required changes.

In June 2016 A meeting was held at the Ministry of Defense at which a decision was made on the advisability of continuing the development of the promising light training aircraft SR-10. At the meeting, it was decided to conduct joint state tests of the aircraft in 2017.

Serial production of the SR-10 will be carried out at the Smolensk Aviation Plant, which is part of JSC Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation. The start of aircraft deliveries is expected in 2018. Production of serial aircraft will be carried out in cooperation with a number of Russian enterprises. In particular, supplies from Makhachkala from the Aviaagregat plant, which undertakes the manufacture of landing gear and hydraulic fittings, have been agreed upon.

It is expected that at the end of this year the production of the first two prototypes of the SR-10 will begin in Smolensk; the first prototype is more of a demonstrator. It is the first prototype that will begin the GSI.

Smolensk-made aircraft will be equipped with a “glass cockpit” developed by the Ryazan Instrument Plant (GRPZ) and AI-25TL engines. On production aircraft, instead of the Ukrainian AI-25TL, domestic AL-55 engines will be installed.

Deliveries of the SR-10 to the Russian Aerospace Forces will allow the implementation of a three-stage pilot training system. The first stage of training is planned to be carried out on a Yak-152 piston aircraft. The second stage will be the SR-10, and the third - the combat training Yak-130. The three-stage training system will reduce the cost of training pilots and increase its final quality. Now the SAT offer is one of the most successful in terms of cost/quality ratio.

October 20, 2016 Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov, during a working visit to NPO Saturn, said that tests of the aircraft are planned to be carried out in the next three years. He emphasized that the life of a cadet will depend on the reliability of the SR-10, therefore the military department has very strict requirements for its acceptance into service and operating and safety conditions.

SR-10 is a jet aircraft with a wing sweep of -10°. Negative sweep along the leading edge is one of the main “highlights” of the aerodynamic configuration of this aircraft. The new machine is designed for training and participation in aviation competitions and will be capable of performing all aerobatics with a maximum overload of +8 -6.

Work on the aircraft began in 2007 by two enthusiasts, Maxim Mironov and Sergei Yushin, at the Design Bureau “Modern Aviation Technologies” (KB SAT), which they created. In 2010, the design bureau received a license for the right to develop aviation equipment, including dual-use and UAVs. . In fact, the aircraft is being developed by a private company without attracting budgetary funds.

Initially, the SR-10 was conceived as a light sports aerobatic aircraft, but during the work process the designers came to the conclusion that it could be used as a trainer for basic flight training of future Russian military aviation pilots.

The existing flight personnel training system is based on the use of virtually one type of training aircraft - the Czech L-39, and the use of combat and combat training aircraft in the educational process - MiG-29UB, Su-27UB, Yak-130. Such a training system, when a cadet transfers from a training vehicle to a combat vehicle, is not rational in terms of efficiency/cost. The SR-10, in terms of its flight performance characteristics, can just fill this transitional niche - it is far superior to the L-39 in rate of climb, speed, maneuverability, radius on turns and, importantly, it is lighter than the Czech machine and outperforms it in terms of price characteristics /quality. In addition, the SR-10 can be used as a light patrol aircraft, as well as to combat unmanned aerial vehicles.

The SR-10 is one of the few closest to the requirements for this class of aircraft, and in the future it will be able to replace the L-39, especially since in the summer of 2014 its concept received a positive conclusion from the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the need to use an aircraft of this class at the basic training of cadets.

One of the conditions for the implementation of projects to create promising educational and training complexes in the new economic conditions is their profitability, which is ensured, first of all, by the volume of mass production. An increase in serial production volumes can be achieved with the massive use of training equipment in flight schools, due to an increase in export supplies and use in sports aviation. The project to create the SR-10 aircraft provides for its development in two main modifications - training and sports aerobatic.

In case of successful results of flight and static tests of the aircraft, the Ministry of Defense is ready to purchase approximately 100 aircraft within four years. In addition, the SR-10 was of interest to the air forces of a number of foreign countries; the export potential is estimated at 200 vehicles. Thus, when the aircraft is launched into mass production, there is no doubt about its profitability.

The design of the aircraft uses modern, but already mastered, technological solutions to the maximum extent possible. This allows, on the one hand, to minimize the risks and costs of creating an aircraft, and on the other hand, to create a relatively cheap aircraft that meets modern requirements. The aerodynamic layout was chosen based on the condition of achieving high maneuverability characteristics, as well as high structural strength and minimal airframe mass for given geometric dimensions. The aircraft is designed according to a normal aerodynamic configuration, allowing maneuvering at high angles of attack.

At the design stage, one bypass turbojet engine of the Ukrainian "Motor Sich" AI-25TLSh with a thrust of 1850 kgf was considered as a power plant, but the possibility of installing modern Russian engines such as RD-1700 and AL-55I with a thrust of 1700–2000 kgf, being developed for the technical equipment, was also explored. MiG-AT.

The aircraft control system is mechanical, with hydraulic boosters. Depending on the requirements and financial capabilities of the customer, the information and control field of the cabin can be formed from both traditional electromechanical devices and modern multifunctional indicators.

The aircraft's two-seat tandem cabin is equipped with K-36LT-3.5 "0-0" class ejection seats, which ensures crew safety throughout the entire range of altitudes and piloting speeds. Thanks to the widespread use of modern composite materials in the airframe design, it was possible to significantly reduce the weight of the airframe and increase its service life.

To enhance the competitive attractiveness of the SR-10 aircraft in both the domestic and foreign markets, the developer pays great attention to the level of its technical and economic indicators, primarily the market price and operating cost. Preliminary analysis shows that in general the project has a high level of investment attractiveness and can be implemented in 3-4 years. The payback period for the project will be no more than three years.

The aircraft should occupy a niche in the ranks of the Aerospace Forces between the training Yak-152 and the Yak-130, but Honored Test Pilot, Hero of Russia Magomed Tolboev convinces: “Why plant cadets who will have to fly on the Yak-130, and then on combat MiGs " and "Sukhoi", on a propeller-driven vehicle with a piston engine? This is an anachronism! SR-10 is an ideal training vehicle, a desk-type aircraft. The pilot's cabin in size, volume and visibility specifically corresponds to the standards of combat aviation. The possibility of weapon suspension is provided for training firing and missile launches."

Compared to its analogues, the SR-10 aircraft has the following advantages:

  • ease of use due to the presence of a built-in system diagnostic system;
  • the cabin provides the most comfortable working conditions for the crew;
  • the aerodynamic design allows you to safely perform any aerobatic maneuvers;
  • thanks to the forward-swept wing, the aircraft has excellent controllability at low flight speeds and improved takeoff and landing characteristics;
  • in terms of maneuverability it is not inferior to aircraft of the “4+” generation - it has super-maneuverability


  • Crew, people - 2
  • Maximum maneuvering speed, km/h - 700
  • Maximum speed of horizontal flight, km/h - 900
  • Maximum flight Mach number - 0.85
  • Practical ceiling, m - 6000
  • Lift-off speed, km/h - 190
  • Landing speed, km/h - 185
  • Cruising speed at H = 6000 m, km/h - 520
  • Maximum rate of climb at the ground, m/s - 60
  • Maximum range, km - 1500
  • Minimum radius of steady turn, m - 290
  • Maximum angular rotation speed in roll, rad/s - 7
  • Range of operational overloads, units - +10 -8
  • Take-off weight is normal, kg - 2400
  • Maximum take-off weight, kg - 2700
  • Landing weight normal and maximum, kg - 2000

The first flight prototype of the aircraft was assembled at the Aviaagregat plant in Makhachkala. In 1971, it was founded as a machine-building plant for the production of airfield equipment and defense industry products. In 1992, the plant was reorganized into OJSC Aviaagregat, and its founders were members of the workforce. Currently, Aviaagregat produces airfield equipment for the maintenance of civil and military aircraft and components and components for passenger cars of OJSC AvtoVAZ. Participated in the Buran space program.

On December 25, 2015, at the Oreshkovo airfield, Vorotynsk in the Kaluga region, the first prototype of the light jet two-seat training and sports aerobatic aircraft SR-10 made its first flight. The plane was piloted on its first flight by test pilot Yu.M. Kabanov and pilot, one of the founders of the SAT design bureau Maxim Mironov. The prototype is equipped with an AI-25TL engine.

First flight video(photo and video - KB "SAT")

In April 2016, it became known that the Russian Aerospace Forces were considering the possibility of redistributing money intended for the modernization of Czech L-39 primary flight training aircraft in favor of R&D to create a new training aircraft. We are talking about replacing at least 150 cars. One of the main ones is the SR-10 training aircraft.

The vehicle is at the stage of flight design tests, work is being carried out as part of the implementation of the decision of the Ministry of Defense “On the procedure for the development, mass production and delivery of the SR-10.” We conducted a test demonstration flight for representatives of the Aerospace Forces and received flattering reviews. Now we are waiting for a decision on the announcement of R&D,” Vladimir Shusterov, general director of the design bureau, told reporters.

It is assumed that serial production of the SR-10 will be based at the Smolensk Aviation Plant.

Deliveries of the SR-10 to the Russian Aerospace Forces will allow the implementation of a three-stage pilot training system. The first stage of training is planned to be carried out on a Yak-152 piston aircraft. The second stage will be the SR-10, and the third - the combat training Yak-130. The three-stage training system will reduce the cost of pilot training and increase its final quality. Now the SAT offer is one of the most successful in terms of cost/quality ratio.

In May 2016, flight tests of the SR-10 aircraft began at the Russian Aerospace Forces airbase in Kubinka near Moscow. The plane, painted bright scarlet, was practicing landing and then taking off. This fact confirms the Ministry of Defense's interest in a modern jet trainer and promises good prospects for it.