III. Characteristics of generalized labor functions






In accordance with paragraph 16 of the Rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards approved by the Government Russian Federation dated January 22, 2013 N 23 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 4, art. 293; 2014, N 39, art. 5266), I order:

Approve attached professional standard"Specialist in automated management of the life cycle of products in the rocket and space industry."



order of the Ministry of Labor

And social protection

Russian Federation


Specialist in automated product lifecycle management in the rocket and space industry

The main purpose of the type of professional activity:

Occupation group:

Attribution to species economic activity:

II. Description of labor functions included in the professional standard (functional map of the type of professional activity)

Generalized labor functions

Labor functions


skill level


level (sublevel) of qualification

Technical support for CTPP processes implemented in IS

IS testing according to specified methods

Training users to work in IS according to training programs

Development of technical documentation for IP users

Consultation of users on work in IS

Creation of KTPP processes in IS

Inspection of KTPP processes

Development of proposals for improving the processes of KTPP

Creating an Information Data Model

Creation of required data types and attributes in IS

Setting up KTPP processes in IS

Development of technical solutions, tasks for setting up IS

Development of routes for approval of design and technological documentation in IS

Setting up the IS in accordance with the technical solution, the task and testing the results of the setting

Development of technical documentation for IP administrators

Development of methodologies and training programs for IS users and administrators

Training of IP administrators according to training programs

Development of documentation for modification of IS, integration with existing IS in the organization for the implementation of CTPP processes

Development of regulations for the interaction of participants in the processes of KTPP in IS

Development of a technical solution, assignments for modification of IS, integration with existing IS in the organization

III. Characteristics of generalized labor functions

3.1. Generalized labor function

Higher education - bachelor's or specialist's degree

Other characteristics

additional characteristics

Title of the document

Information Technology

Information Systems

3.1.1. Labor function

labor actions

Development of IP testing methodology

Performing the actions defined by the testing methodology for checking the operability of the IS

Formation of reporting documentation based on the results of IS testing

Required Skills

Apply testing methodology

Apply software tools for compiling reporting documentation used in the organization

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

Reporting software used in the organization

Documentation rules established in the organization

Other characteristics

3.1.2. Labor function

labor actions

Theoretical and practical training of IP users

Preparation of demonstration materials and presentations for listeners

Required Skills

Provide practical assistance to the trainee on working in IP in the learning process

Apply development software practical tasks, demonstration materials and presentations

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

Software tools for the development of practical tasks, demonstration materials and presentations

Other characteristics

3.1.3. Labor function

labor actions

Development of text-graphic instructions for IP users

Development of video guides, presentations for IP users

Publication of instructions, regulations and video guides in the information environment of the RCP organization

Required Skills

Develop text, graphics and video materials using the appropriate software

Prepare demos and presentations

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

Software tools for the design of text and graphic documentation, video guides and presentations used in the RCP organization

Other characteristics

3.1.4. Labor function

labor actions

Acceptance of requests from IS users for advice during the operation of IS using available types of communication and special software tools(PS)

Clarification of user requests during the dialogue

Instructing the user on the found method of solving his problem

Fixing the progress and result of solving the problem in the system of accounting for requests about problems

Analysis and generalization of user requests during the operation of IS

Drawing up reports based on the results of user requests during the operation of IS

Required Skills

Use special PSs to connect remotely to users' computers

Interact with the interlocutor in solving the problem

Analyze problems that have arisen

Establish cause and effect relationships when a problem occurs

Apply PS for the preparation of reports used in the organization of the RCP

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

KTPP processes

PS for remote connection to users' computers

Instructions for users on the operation of the IC

Documentation rules established in the RCP organization

A culture of speech

Other characteristics

3.2. Generalized labor function

Education and training requirements

Practical work experience requirements

Practical work experience of at least one year in the field of information technology

Special conditions for admission to work

Passing a briefing on labor protection in established by law Russian Federation order

Passing mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examinations(examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation

Other characteristics

additional characteristics

Title of the document

Name of the base group, position (profession) or specialty

System analysts

Developers and analysts of software and applications not included in other groups


Information Technology

Automated product lifecycle management

Automated information processing and control systems

Computer software and automated systems

Information Systems

3.2.1. Labor function

labor actions

Studying normative documents regulating the surveyed processes of the KTPP in the organization of the RCP

Interviewing and questioning of key participants in the surveyed processes of the KTPP in the organization of the RCP

Generalization and analysis of data obtained as a result of interviews and questionnaires

Drawing up graphic diagrams and textual descriptions of the surveyed processes of the KTPP

Required Skills

Have a business conversation

Required knowledge

Business Process Analysis Methods

Normative documents regulating the examined processes of the KTPP

Terminology used in the surveyed processes of KTPP

PS for paperwork used in the organization

Documentation rules established in the RCP organization

Other characteristics

3.2.2. Labor function

labor actions

Study and analysis of graphic diagrams and textual descriptions of the KTPP processes in the RCP organization

Identification of bottlenecks in CTPP processes

Development of proposals for the improvement and implementation of CTPP processes

Drawing up graphic diagrams and textual descriptions of KTPP processes

Required Skills

Systematically analyze the data obtained as a result of the examination of the processes of the KTPP

Develop text, graphic documents using appropriate software

Required knowledge

Methods and criteria for assessing the optimality (efficiency) of business processes

Functional Modeling Methodology

IP programs and components

Documentation rules established in the RCP organization

KTPP processes

Other characteristics

3.2.3. Labor function

labor actions

Defining Information Data Model Objects

Defining Object Attributes

Defining relationships between objects

Determining the life cycle states of information model objects

Defining Information Model Users

Defining user access rights to information model objects

Drawing up a textual and graphical description of the information data model

Required Skills

Develop text, graphic documents using appropriate software

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

Graphic schemes and text descriptions of KTPP processes

Documentation software used in the RCP organization

Documentation rules established in the RCP organization

KTPP processes

Other characteristics

3.2.4. Labor function

labor actions

Creation of object types and attributes in IS

Setting correspondence between object types and IS attributes

Setting restrictions on attribute values ​​in IS

Preparation of reporting documentation for the creation of objects and attributes in IS

Required Skills

Work with object types and attributes of IP objects

Develop text and graphics using appropriate software

Prepare demonstration materials and presentations

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

PS for paperwork used in the organization of the RCP

Documentation rules established in the RCP organization

Other characteristics

3.3. Generalized labor function

Education and training requirements

Higher education - magistracy or specialty

Practical work experience requirements

Practical work experience of at least 1 year in the field of information technology

Special conditions for admission to work

Passing a briefing on labor protection in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation

Passage of mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation

Other characteristics

additional characteristics

Title of the document

Name of the base group, position (profession) or specialty

System analysts

Developers and analysts of software and applications not included in other groups

Information Technology

Automated product lifecycle management

Automated information processing and control systems

Computer software and automated systems

Information Systems

3.3.1. Labor function

labor actions

Determining the need for IS customization

Description of required IS settings

Required Skills

Develop text and graphics using appropriate software

Use IS functionality

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

Fundamentals of ergonomics in software development

Software Testing Techniques

PS for paperwork used in the organization of the RCP

Documentation rules established in the RCP organization

Other characteristics

3.3.2. Labor function

labor actions

Creation in IS of life cycles of information model objects

Creation in IS of mechanisms for coordinating objects of the information model

Creation of object initialization rules in IS

Creation of object access policies in IS

Drawing up text and graphic documentation for IS administrators on working with the route

Required Skills

Apply IS functionality

Develop text, graphic documents using appropriate software

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

IP Administration Principles

PS for paperwork used in the organization of the RCP

Documentation rules established in the RCP organization

Other characteristics

3.3.3. Labor function

labor actions

Installing required IC components

Setting parameters of IC components

Determining the result of IS tuning

Creation of algorithms and examples for testing IP

Testing the results of IS tuning

Determination of initial data and output results of IP testing

Formation of reporting documentation based on the results of setting up and testing the IS

Required Skills

Install IC components

Customize IC components

Analyze IP tuning results

Create algorithms and examples for testing IP

Prepare reports on the results of setting up and testing IS

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

Test Methods

PS for paperwork used in the organization of the RCP

Documentation rules established in the RCP organization

Other characteristics

3.3.4. Labor function

labor actions

Development of regulations for the interaction of IP administrators

Development of instructions for IP administrators

Required Skills

Develop text and graphics using appropriate software

Apply the PS to develop demonstration materials

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

IP Administration Principles

PS for paperwork used in the organization of the RCP

Documentation rules established in the RCP organization

Russian language rules

Other characteristics

3.3.5. Labor function

labor actions

Drawing up a plan of theoretical and practical exercises for IS users and administrators

Drawing up questions and practical tasks to test the knowledge of students

Required Skills

Plan the learning process

Develop text and graphics using appropriate software

Apply the PS to develop demonstration materials

Required knowledge

Fundamentals of teaching

PS for paperwork used in the organization of the RCP

Documentation rules established in the RCP organization

Other characteristics

3.3.6. Labor function

labor actions

Theoretical and practical training of IP administrators

Preparation of demonstration materials and presentations

Checking knowledge based on learning outcomes in the form of testing, credit or exam

Required Skills

Present material in a way that is accessible to the listener

Provide practical assistance to the student in the learning process

Use TS to demonstrate training materials

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

PS for demonstration of educational materials

Other characteristics

3.4. Generalized labor function

Education and training requirements

Higher education - magistracy or specialty

Practical work experience requirements

At least 1 year at the previous qualification level

Special conditions for admission to work

Passing a briefing on labor protection in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation

Passage of mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation

Other characteristics

additional characteristics

Title of the document

Name of the base group, position (profession) or specialty

System analysts

Developers and analysts of software and applications not included in other groups


Information Technology

Automated product lifecycle management

Automated information processing and control systems

Computer software and automated systems

Information Systems

3.4.1. Labor function

labor actions

Study, generalization and analysis of graphic diagrams and textual descriptions of the surveyed processes of KTPP

Study, synthesis and analysis of proposals for improving the surveyed processes of the KTPP in the organization of the RCP

Description of the procedure for interaction between participants in the KTPP processes in the organization of the RCP

Required Skills

Process and analyze the data obtained as a result of the survey of the processes of the KTPP

Apply IS functionality

Develop text, graphic documents using appropriate software

Required knowledge

Methods and criteria for assessing the optimality (efficiency) of the process

IP programs and components

PS for paperwork used in the organization of the RCP

Other characteristics

3.4.2. Labor function

labor actions

Determining the need for modification of IS, integration with existing IS in the organization

The study of the functional features of existing IS in the organization

Determining the required level of integration, modification of IS

Determination of requirements for intermediate and final results of work on integration, modification of IS

Definition of data exchange protocols between IS

Development of an algorithm and description of the interaction between IS

Development of technical documentation for the implementation of work on integration, modification of IS

Coordination of work on the development, testing and implementation of integration, modification of IS

Required Skills

Develop algorithms and technical solutions, tasks

Develop text, graphic documents using appropriate software

Control and coordinate work on integration, modification of IS

Required knowledge

IP programs and components

Regulatory and technical documentation on the surveyed processes of the KTPP in the organization of the RCP

Functional modeling methods

Documentation on the functioning and operation of existing IS in the organization

Principles of building corporate databases

Database Administration Principles

Operating system administration principles

Principles of administration of local area networks

Network communication protocols

PS for paperwork used in the organization of the RCP

Documentation rules used in the RCP organization

English at the level of reading technical documentation

Other characteristics

IV. Information about organizations - developers of a professional standard

4.1. Responsible developer organization

4.2. Names of developer organizations

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2013 N 707n
"On approval of the Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification characteristics positions of employees carrying out activities in the field civil defense, protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety, safety of people at water bodies and mining facilities in underground conditions"

The qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of emergency rescue and search and rescue units, civil defense, units of the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels, the State Fire Service, militarized mountain rescue units of the Russian Emergencies Ministry have been established.

They contain official duties employees, requirements for their knowledge and qualifications.

Thus, a rescuer must have a secondary vocational education and possess 2 working professions necessary to perform official duties as part of a search and rescue team.

The following qualification requirements are imposed on a firefighter: secondary (complete) general education and special initial training.

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2013 N 707n "On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification characteristics of the positions of workers engaged in activities in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural disasters and technogenic nature, ensuring fire safety, safety of people at water bodies and mining facilities in underground conditions"

This Order shall enter into force 10 days after the date of its official publication.

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 03.12.2013 N 707n On approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of positions of employees engaged in activities in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, fire safety , safety of people at water bodies and mining facilities in underground conditions







Judicial practice and legislation - Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 03.12.2013 N 707n On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of workers engaged in activities in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies nature, ensuring fire safety, safety of people at water bodies and mining facilities in underground conditions

According to the qualification characteristics of the position of a firefighter, his duties include carrying out work to extinguish fires, rescue people, eliminate the consequences of accidents and natural disasters, evacuate material assets, open and dismantle structures using special units; fulfillment of the duties of the corresponding numbers of the combat crew of a fire truck; providing first aid to victims; maintenance of fire-technical and rescue weapons and equipment in good condition; its implementation Maintenance, testing and troubleshooting that do not require special training; serving at posts, on patrols, in the inner outfit of the guard (Single qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and employees, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2013 N 707n, chapter"Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees engaged in activities in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety, safety of people at water bodies and mining facilities in underground conditions").