Materials and tools for creating jewelry. Jewelery for beginners. Pros and cons of being a jeweler

The question of how to become a jeweler has been relevant for more than a hundred and even a thousand years - the ability to create elegant jewelry, work with precious metals and stones has been valued since ancient civilizations. Of course, over the past centuries, the ways of learning have changed significantly: the long-term relationship "master - journeyman" has been transformed into full-time and part-time educational programs, thanks to which you can reach a professional level in just a couple of years. In addition, the approach to the profession itself has changed to a certain extent: now, not only those who see it as their profession, but also those who are looking for an interesting hobby, which can also do well, are thinking about how to become a jewelry master. earn.

What is needed for those who want to become a jeweler?

Of course, before enrolling in courses or embarking on self-study, many try to figure out what it takes to become a jeweler and how much it will cost. In general, jewelry business includes three main areas: sketching, 3D modeling and direct work on the product (casting, processing, etc.).

So, it must be borne in mind that jewelry production requires a separate room with an exhaust hood. Most of the standard tools are sold in a regular hardware store: these are jigsaw, mallet, metal shears, files and files, round nose pliers, wire cutters, calipers, etc. Of course, there are also specific tools and devices in the master's arsenal, which are mainly needed for creating and processing injection molds - a steel plate for straightening and straightening, a mold, etc. You will get acquainted with the full list of what you need directly during the training.

Sketches will require paper, pencils, watercolor, gouache, brushes. Wire, plasticine and glue will also be appropriate. 3D modeling is carried out on a computer. It may have average performance and not the most powerful video card, the main thing is to install specialized programs on it, such as Rhinoceros 3D and ZBrush. In addition, the jeweler will need Photoshop and CorelDRAW.

Thus, if the future master has a suitable premises, the most tangible expense item at the initial stage will be the acquisition of the necessary tools, as well as the purchase of licensed software.

Where can you become a jeweler?

It would seem that the World Wide Web has significantly expanded our opportunities for self-learning: you can find any teaching aids and begin to comprehend a particular craft yourself. However jewelry is an area where you only need to improve the technique on your own, and it is better to learn the basics and bring skills to the desired level with a teacher. Firstly, he has a full-fledged program that covers all aspects and directions, while with self-study, the student, as a rule, draws up a program for himself. It is not so easy for a beginner to cope with this task, because it is difficult for him to assess the correctness and completeness of the selected material.

Secondly, when training under the supervision of an experienced master, you permanently receive feedback. The teacher will tell you what else is worth working on, immediately point out mistakes, if any. Thirdly, there are areas that are almost impossible to learn on your own. For example, for jewelry design it is very difficult to find specialized literature that would fully cover this area.

Thus, if you really want to master the art of jewelry making, the question is, "How do you become a jeweler on your own?" should be replaced by the question: "Where to go to become a jeweler?" And here there are two main options: full-time and correspondence courses (online programs). Advantages of distance learning: lower price and the opportunity to study at home, at the most convenient time. The advantages of full-time courses: learning is faster and more efficient, there is always contact with the teacher and other students, you can discuss some questions, ask for advice or help.

Where to learn to be a jeweler in Moscow?

Everyone who wants to become a jeweler, regardless of their background, is invited by the jewelry design school. Both full-time and part-time courses are organized here, which are structured in such a way that students step by step master all the skills of a professional jeweler and at the end of the program could create their own products. Training lasts from six months (for entry level) to two years (for professional level).

When forming the program, considerable attention was paid not only to technical, but also to artistic aspects. Future masters are taught to think, analyze and evaluate, instill artistic taste. That is why students of full-time courses go with teachers to specialized exhibitions, where they get acquainted with products made by professionals and analyze them. The school provides students with everything they need to become a jeweler, start producing their own pieces and, eventually, open their own brand of exclusive jewelry.

When I was in it, I stood for a very long time and looked at these huge showcases with various incomprehensible things and could not even ask the seller for anything, since I had no idea what I needed to do at least the easiest work, like fill simple without .

He stood for a long time until he came out to me, who was the owner, and seeing that I was slowing down and annoying the seller, he began to ask me about my desires. After a short conversation, I decided what I needed and bought. Came out of the store with two packages of the necessary tools to make a simple one with one large one in the center, you can see it in the photo above, with a blue stone.

My shopping list

Here's what I bought: for melting metal, it cost around 5,500 thousand rubles; boron for polishing, it was about 7000 thousand; a package with a powder, which was called, costs a little, so I didn’t remember, it is intended for cleaning hot metal, for covering the crucible and for products, etc.

The crucible itself costs 35 rubles, it is designed for melting metal in it, it can withstand high temperatures, depending on the size it can vary slightly; manual and files of different thicknesses, well, it’s clear what it was for, it cost 500 rubles.

Then paste, 200-300 rubles, is intended for polishing products; then I bought 5 disposable ones, ready to be poured with metal, they cost 100 rubles each, but then later I found 50 rubles each, the store turned out to be expensive. I also bought a stone for this form, blue, at the top in the photo.

Various nozzles on the bur machine for polishing and cleaning; there was also 5,000 thousand rubles, for a galosh burner, a holder for a crucible, I also bought it in a plastic box, which the seller advised me, its purpose was to push hot metal into the mold with your hand.

Moreover, various pliers, a couple of tweezers, well, that’s all, of course, the seller sold something else to me, he turned out to be smart in this matter, I don’t remember, he also said that I would need in the future, for, a die and much more.

But these are the basic tools that will be useful to you at this stage. Of course, professionals will now say, where is it, and where is it, but I say how it was and that with the help of this number of tools I filled it in.

Of course, I came home and quickly ran to a pre-prepared room, where I already had a table assembled by me, and began to put everything in its place. I did it very quickly, because I didn’t have patience, which was shaking everything.

I connected everything, a brick, a flask, a piece of metal. He set fire to the burner and the soul trembled and began to be filled with art. Here is the long-awaited moment, the metal heated up, I pressed and .... uh ..., dismantled the flask.

Naturally, nothing happened, it flooded in half, but there was so much happiness when I held it, I just can’t put it into words, you have to feel it. I understood that if the floor was flooded, then I did almost everything right.

On the same evening, I destroyed all the other four flasks, and there was already less happiness. After much thought and reasoning, after a long search for another option and also a large number of spoiled forms, everything worked out. It turned out that the cause of all the troubles was.

It should be of a certain consistency, and this was hard to achieve, and somewhere I heard that it is possible, or rather, there is simply no better option at this stage, to crush the metal with ordinary potatoes, which should be large, for convenience.

On one of the days of my training in the workshop, I ruined another batch of flasks with clay and, with anger in my voice, shouted to my beloved wife to bring me a large oval potato. There was practically no hope, the last flask remained. I cut off exactly one edge of the root crop, heated the metal and pressed. And what was my surprise, everything worked out.

I jumped around the room, hugging my wife, and, well, potatoes. I even ate it afterwards so that this happy potato was in me. And this is how I first created a piece of jewelry with my own hands, even if it was simple and not professionally done, but for me it was not more beautiful at that time, because as you know, everything develops from simple to complex, so if something doesn’t work out for you, never stop and everything will work out.

After a while, I learned to pour metal with both clay and a casting machine. I bought, gradually, the rest of the instrument, learned to weave and make more complex and more beautiful ones.

Below I want to show you some of them to stimulate you to self-study. I am very glad that I learned to do everything myself, as it is much cheaper and my practical experience is much more valuable.

In general, I will end my story on this, all the success, and if you need help, then contact me, I will be happy to tell you everything for free. Those who are embarrassed by the word free, arouse suspicion, then you can send money to me on this page, I will buy food and feed homeless animals. Why do I say so?

The thing is that many people who, like me, dreamed of learning jewelry making, turned to me for help, and their first question was how much money my help costs. When I wrote to them that I would help for free, they simply stopped asking me questions and communicating with me on this topic. I don't know why, but the fact remains.

Yes, I also wanted to say one thing, this is how I managed to make my first piece of jewelry - a ring, and it remained that way, it is my favorite type of jewelry. Neither chain, much less I do it with such pleasure as .

Below I present photos with the products that I made and I want to say that the jewelry is very demanding on photography. A little little light or the angle is not the same and it already looks different than live.

I also want to add that I don’t consider the products presented below to be professionally made, so super jewelry professionals, don’t write in the comments how handy I am and how terrible everything is, thank you in advance for this. That's all, Alexander Stepanov was with you, I will continue to write articles about my jewelry exploits, share my experience, come to my website, express your opinion on this issue.

I finally have time to write this post. I plan to edit this post as new thoughts come up or bugs are discovered. Here I plan to describe the tool, without which it is difficult to do anything in jewelry. I do not strive for details - the post is simply on the topic of what is what. I collected here the most-most (and a little not the most ... from the category of what else happens).
Collected photographic material from all stores. Those photos that are better are the merit of Rufina Galiyeva, thanks, Rufina)))
So, from the very beginning)) from the moment of melting the alloy, what do we use.

Scales. Electronic or weighted - the orthodox option. If electronic - then everything is more or less clear. And if with a weight, then there is such a nuance: the weight cannot be touched with your hands. It is shifted with tweezers so that the fat from the hands does not make the weights heavier later - the struggle for accuracy.

Crucible- this is a highly refractory container for heating, drying, burning, melting looks like this:

alloys are brewed in it, borax is melted, etc. The most convenient in the household are small crucibles. They take less heat on themselves, it makes no sense to take a crucible with a "reserve", this "reserve" will interfere with work.

small house- a shelter that retains heat, we have asbestos. When the alloy is brewed, the crucible is covered with a house so that the heat does not go to waste. Tomorrow I will take a picture and put it here with an update, it will take longer to explain than to show.

Burushnitsa- Cocotte makers for julienne are successfully used as buroshes. Fluxes, bleaches, etc. are bred in these containers. A very useful household item.

This photo is correct, only the jewelers bend the handle of the borer so that it rests on the table, preventing liquids from spilling.

titanium stick- in fact, everything is in the title, I won’t even put a picture. The stick looks like a knitting needle about 1.5 mm thick (+ -, the thickness is different). The alloy interferes with it, borax is added, solder is taken during soldering, etc. This is our refractory "finger") multi-tasking and necessary thing in hot work.

Letkal- refractory plate for annealing, soldering - in short, working with fire. Flyers are different, you should write a separate post about them. Well, or later I will add an update here.

Burners- are also different. Gas from a cylinder, petrol, manual. There are also various nozzles for the burners, depending on the needs and tasks. Of the manual ones, Orca burners were recommended to us. What are good: they can even melt a little alloy with a house, while most likely nothing will work with a Chinese burner. Durable, comfortable.

Mold or Ingus (it's the same thing) - this is what the alloy is poured into. There are different configurations depending on the needs.

rollers used for the manufacture of blanks for wire and plates
There are many different kinds of them, each master chooses those that suit his pocket and needs.
Electromechanical rollers:

Manual rollers:

In the last photo you can see that the shafts are not all smooth. They have grooves, they are called streams. It is in these streams that the wire blanks are rolled. The workpiece is rolled in streams from larger to smaller with intermediate annealing. There are also streams, with the help of which rolled products with an interesting section are obtained: T-shaped, semicircular (for wedding rings), etc.
The hardness of the shafts plays a big role, it is usually in the description. The less hard the shafts, the more often it is necessary to anneal the workpiece.

Drawers- are used for the manufacture of wire and tubes.

Through them, the wire is pulled through the holes from larger to smaller, gradually the diameter of the wire section decreases.

Rigel - this is a rod for shaping blanks. Crossbars come in different sections (round, oval, square) and sizes, for different purposes.

In the photo on the left - a large crossbar for bracelets, in the center - for rings, the smallest - most likely for chain links, etc.
In fact, everything on which wire wrap lovers form their wire rings is potentially a crossbar. And a knitting needle, on which a wire is wound with a screwdriver, and lipstick, on which large curls are formed. In the photo, the crossbars are professional and 1000 times more functional than any home gadgets.

Flacans- these are pliers, round-nose pliers, beaks, and all sorts of other pliers.

Scriber- marking tool. Sold ready-made, but you can do it yourself. A scriber marks lines on the metal for sawing, engraving, etc.

Kern- also a marking tool: a metal rod with a pointed end. It is used when you need to drill a hole exactly in place. The core is placed with a point on the metal in the right place and hit on it. It turns out a hole in the metal. Then they drill into this hole. The drill does not "walk", it drills exactly in place.

Collet handle- Comfortable round handle with collet. You can clamp a bur, a drill, a root wrench, etc. into the collet. grasping tool

jigsaw- cutting tool. I already wrote about him.

Bor- reaming tool. Burs come in different shapes and sizes for different purposes. The burs are clamped into a burr machine or into a collet handle.
Landing bur, used to make a seat under a stone:

Davchik- hand tool for setting stones. Depending on the method of backtacking, the pushers come in different shapes.
Shoe pressure, for blind backtacking.

Scraper- hand tool for polishing. With a sharp edge of the scraper, you can chamfer at the end of the product, or you can remove irregularities after filing with a needle file. A well-sharpened scraper leaves behind a smooth glossy surface.
One of the types of scraper:

stroked- hand tool for polishing the product. Like almost all hand tools in jewelry, it has several other applications, but polishing and smoothing is the main function.

Stichel- cutting hand tools. Suitable for engraving, backtacking, seat cutting, etc. There are a lot of varieties of shtiheli - they come in different sizes, shapes, etc. You need to write a separate post for them.

Shperak- a small anvil. Tool for bending, straightening, forging, etc.

Anka- a tool for creating convex shapes. A detail is placed in the hemispheres of the anka, a punzel is placed on top, the punzel is hit with a hammer. So silent convex forms.
In the photo, the anka itself is in the center (a cube with concave hemispheres, and a punzel around):

Flahuizen(I also met Flachkeysen and Flakeizen in the literature) - a small plate for forging

Rootwig- a tool that forms a corner (a ball in German) with a corner bartack. Rooters come in different sizes. Inserted into a collet handle.
In the photo there is a set: in the center there is a collet handle, in a circle there are root wrenches of different sizes.

I didn’t find a closer drawing of the rootworm, but in general, if on the fingers, this is a tapered metal rod, at the very end of which there is a small concave hemisphere. When the rootworm is pressed against the metal shavings, a neat ball is formed.

Milligraph (knurling)- this is a hand tool, a metal rod, and at the end - a small wheel with a notch. The tool rolls a small ornament onto the product.

Needle file- abrasive tool, small file. Needle files come in different sections and varying degrees of coarseness. Rudeness varies by numbers. #6 is the least rough.

Like, basically everything. I missed hammers - ordinary, small, wooden, for chasing - with nicknames, I think, and so everyone is familiar. I also missed pliers, vise, side cutters from the masthead (we especially respect biting at right angles), tweezers (titanium, steel, copper), reverse tweezers, manual wooden vices, fine gel, magnifiers, calipers, micrometer, square - all this is also definitely necessary , maybe I'll add some of the above with an update in more detail.
Well, if I missed something else, you can remind me, I will be grateful, I will add)

Today we offer a closer look at the profession of a jeweler, as well as figure out how to become a master in this business. Moreover, this work is very interesting and also highly paid.

What is the profession of a jeweler?

Most people imagine specialists in this field as craftsmen who can turn a piece of precious metal into a beautiful piece of jewelry. To some extent, this opinion is correct. After all, this profession balances on the verge of craft and real art. So, there are jewelers who can bring to life any design they come up with.

There are also masters who specialize in performing only one operation: for example, cutting or fixing stones. Today in our country there are a lot of talented specialists in this field, in connection with which Russian jewelry is in demand all over the world. Therefore, taking the first steps in mastering this profession, you undoubtedly have something to strive for.

Of course, when thinking about how to become a jeweler, one should be aware that not everyone can become talented designers. However, in any case, this work will bring you not only pleasure, but also a good income.

So, on average, the salary of craftsmen in this business is about 35-70 thousand rubles a month. If you make designer jewelry that will be in demand, then, accordingly, you can count on higher earnings.

Main activities

So, if you are thinking about how to become a jeweler, then you should find out what exactly you have to do. So, the main activities of masters in creating jewelry include the following items:

The process of modeling future products and making their sketches;

Ebb, processing, as well as mounting of metal parts of the future product;

Application of ornaments, patterns, fonts to the product;

Processing and fixing stones;

Work with enamel coatings, varnishing, spraying and colored clays.

Where can a jeweler work?

People who have learned this profession, as a rule, do not have difficulties with employment. They can work in private jewelry workshops (and not only engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, but also in their repair), factories, factories and other enterprises in the jewelry industry, pawnshops, shops, jewelry stores, as well as expert bureaus involved in assessing the value of jewelry.

I want to become a jeweler: where to start?

If you are asking this question and want to become a true professional in your field, then it makes sense to think about entering a specialized secondary or higher educational institution in the relevant specialty. In our country, this can be done both free of charge and on a paid basis.

If you just want to know how to make jewelry for yourself and your loved ones, jewelry making courses are best for you. Here you will be taught the basics of the profession. Thus, you can feel like a real master without special education.

How to become a jeweler in Moscow?

If you live in the capital of our Motherland and want to master this most interesting profession in all its subtleties, you can do this in a number of educational institutions. Among them are the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts, the V.I. Carl Faberge and Industrial University. Stroganov.

Personal qualities that a future jeweler should have

It is impossible to become a master in this business, however, as in any other, without the presence of certain personal qualities. If you are wondering: “How to become a jeweler?”, then you must be creative, have a penchant for working with your hands, have a good eye, developed tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills.

In addition, the future jeweler must be accurate, diligent, capable of long painstaking work, and also have a high attention span. If you possess all of the above qualities and are ready to engage in monotonous, monotonous, sometimes rather boring activities, you can be sure that a real master of your craft will come out of you.

If you decide to connect your life with this profession and are seriously thinking about how to become a jeweler, then pay attention to a few tips from professionals:

1. Start from the very basics. Gradually learn to handle different metals and do not rush to start working with gold. Remember that at the first stage, your main task is to become familiar with the basic tools and principles of jewelry design.

2. Study the history of jewelry. After all, this art is one of the oldest on our planet. And studying the stages of its development will allow you to better understand modern trends. Focus on gold, its properties and methods of working with this metal.

3. In addition to studying in courses, college or university, try to find yourself a personal mentor or curator. After all, it has long been known that the best way to master this profession is practice - work under the guidance of an experienced master.

4. Do not be lazy to work with your hands. Indeed, in addition to theoretical knowledge, you will also need practical skills, which can be developed only in the course of work. In order to acquire such skills, you will need an internship. As a rule, it lasts from one to five years. The training time depends on what exactly you want to learn.

5. Be sure to choose a specialization. Few people manage to combine all areas of jewelry. After graduation, it makes sense to look for a job solely according to your skills and interests. You can specialize in restoration work, antiques or precious stones. A highly respected and well-paid profession is the jewelry appraiser. However, this work requires a lot of perseverance. If you consider yourself a creative person, then it makes sense to try to realize yourself in the field of jewelry design.

Crafting in Revelation is an integral and very important part of the game. It is impossible for any player to achieve high results without craft. Some players will certainly acquire twinks for collecting and manufacturing resources. After all, there are 8 craft branches in it - pumping them all to the maximum level is an almost impossible task. To develop the chosen craft, it must be actively used. This would be too easy, so a mechanic has been introduced into the game that restricts access to the use of professions. It includes performance and inspiration points.

  • OR- working capacity points, which are spent when doing a craft. To increase the maximum level of health points - increase the level of skill, perseverance and dedication. Points are restored while you are in the game. In the initial stages, the recovery rate will be 0.6 points per 360 seconds. In the future, this indicator will grow depending on the value of the persistence parameter.
  • OV- Inspiration points, which are also consumed by crafting. To increase the maximum level of inspiration points - increase the level of skill, imagination and skill. The restoration of inspiration points is similar to working capacity points.

Indicators of RR and OB can be restored by drinking spring water from life-giving sources. They are located in the location "mushroom". Two more springs can be found on the border of the lost city. You can use this method of replenishing points once every 8 hours. If the source is empty, then just wait a bit, it will soon be replenished.

Players with an active premium account have double the RP and RP, in addition, points are restored outside the game.

Access to crafts opens after you leave the starting location. Completing quests, you will come across trees, ores, herbs with which you can interact. Initial resources do not require any pumped skills or a special tool.

At level 33, in the lilac tab of the quests "training", the quest "Training the craft" will become available, in which you will need to find Master Fan. In this quest, the master will tell you about the basics of crafting.

Crafts Overview

Fishing and treasure hunting are not separated and are represented by a common class, the rest of the crafts are divided into several constituent industries.

Alchemy is divided into:


  • Drugs. Brewing a potion allows you to get items that replenish health points from 2500 to 10,000 in one use. A useful skill for both singles and team players.
  • Pharmaceutical. Using this section, you can brew potions that increase: defense, resistance to critical hits, strength, etc.


  • Ingredients. Allows you to craft intermediate items for other crafts, such as solvent.
  • Elementals. In this section, you can make potions that increase the main parameters of the character, for example, dexterity.
  • Reflectors. Reflectors are used to evaluate weapons made through crafting.

Engineering is divided into:

Wood processing.

  • Allows you to craft planks, an intermediate product required by other crafts.
  • The scrolls that Master Ryu asks for, needed to craft legendary equipment.
  • Bars are an intermediate product that is required in other crafts.
  • Pillars are an intermediate product that is required in other crafts.
  • Musical instruments. Each gender has its own tool, which, when used, has a 26% chance to increase a certain parameter, for example, power.

Arms business.

  • Combat. Allows you to craft combat platforms needed for siege engines.
  • Turrets. Allows you to craft a turret needed for siege engines.
  • Power nodes. Allows you to craft a component part needed for siege engines.
  • Towers. Allows you to craft towers for siege engines.
  • Guns. Allows you to craft weapons for siege engines.
  • Guns. Allows you to craft cannons for siege engines.
  • Card players. Allows you to craft a siege gear chassis.
  • Guilds. A total of three items are available, each of which increases the level of construction of the guild.

Stone processing.

  • Column. An intermediate resource needed for crafting, city gates, starting teleport building materials, etc.
  • Plates. Necessary for the manufacture of siege mechanisms, anvils, stone slabs, etc.
  • Cobblestone. Production of building materials, which is used in the manufacture of mainly guild buildings.
  • Gates. Manufacturing of gate leaves.
  • Soul catchers. Crafts Soul Catchers from Basic to Divine.
  • Fortresses. With the help of this branch, you can craft frames for the tower or bastion of the fortress.
  • Guilds. A total of three items are available, each of which increases the level of construction of the guild.

Forging is divided into:

Metal processing.

  • Allows you to make ingots needed to craft other items, such as screwdrivers or smelting from cheap ingots into more valuable ones. In addition, it is possible to synthesize Chaos Metal from Chaos Ore, which can be turned in to the resource collection point of your side Jody or Jarry, while receiving more realm contribution points than transferred Chaos Ores.
  • Nails are an intermediate resource for crafting other items, such as a tool modifier.
  • Blanks. A necessary component when crafting a main or additional legendary weapon.
  • Plates. An intermediate product of blacksmithing. Useful for crafting other components, for example, in the manufacture of city gates.
  • Dies. An intermediate product that will be required when crafting other items, such as a jewelry hammer.
  • Details. Allows you to craft mainly parts for siege mechanisms.

Jewelry business.

  • Ingots. Allows you to cast ingots needed for jewelry and blanks.
  • necklaces. Allows you to craft necklaces from previously cast ingots.
  • Blanks. The blank is needed to craft the legendary ring.
  • Rings. Allows you to produce rings from previously cast ingots.
  • Beads. Needed to produce other items.
  • Metallic gold thread. Used to make costume parts.

Tool making.

  • Mining (kilo, pickaxe, helmet).
  • Herbalism (sickle, hoe, spatula).
  • Workpiece (axe, saw, chain saw).
  • Potions (spoon, test tube, flask).
  • Alchemy (vessel, pestle, crucible).
  • Processing (hacksaw, chisel, planer).
  • Armory (pincers, screwdriver, chopping).
  • Processing (chisel, hammer, chisel).
  • Processing (sledgehammer, anvil, clamp).
  • Jewelry (unusual jewelry, shape, file).
  • Manufacturing (hammer, press, scraper).
  • Manufacturing (needle, pin, ruler).
  • Sewing (needle, scissors, ribbon).
  • Cooking (frying pan, billhook, spatula).
  • Winemaking (scoop, barrel, sieve).
  • Cooking (bowl, kettle, stove).
  • Materials for components (normal repair component, upgrade component).
  • Guilds (rock axe, meteorite cleaver, inkwell).
  • Improvement (high-quality tool with a different chance of crafting success).

Tailoring is divided into:

Fabric manufacturing.

  1. Textile. Allows you to craft intermediate resources, such as silk.
  2. Threads. Threads are used for sewing items, an intermediate resource.
  3. Blanks. In this section, you can make blanks for fabric, leather or plate.
  4. Lightweight feather. Allows you to craft feathers of magical speed, which restore 100 units of levitation.
  5. Inventory. Allows you to craft bags from four to 16 cells.


  • Costume details. Through this section, you can make the details necessary for the costume.
  • Repair. Allows you to create a repair kit for jewelry and costumes. When used, extends the item's duration by 30 days, but only if it's not purchased from the market.
  • Sewing. With the help of this section, you can make various decorations, for example, blued horns.

Cooking is divided into:


  • Ingredients. Allows you to craft intermediate resources needed to make various dishes, such as sesame oil.
  • Dishes. The main section of the craft, where you can cook food that temporarily adds positive effects to the player.
  • Kebabs. Allows you to craft special items that are used in the sauna to gain experience.
  • Noodles. In this section, you can cook noodles, using which the character's power will temporarily increase.


  • Ingredients. Allows you to make beer, a necessary product for some dishes.
  • Tinctures. The main section of the craft, in which you can brew tinctures that temporarily add positive effects to the player.
  • Wine. Allows you to make wine that increases rage.
  • Hot wine. Here you can brew wine for the bath, using which in the sauna will accrue experience.

Preparation of decoctions.

  • Recovery. In this section, you can make drinks that replenish mana when used.
  • extracts. Allows you to make extracts that increase the experience gained in certain locations: the enchanted ship, in the machine room and at the fair of vices.

The collection is divided into:

  • Mining engineering.
  • Herbalism.
  • Wood harvesting.

Craft leveling

The first gathering resources will require neither a special tool nor a specialized NPC from you. In addition, in the future, the player is not bound by any restrictions in crafting. You can make it in any peaceful corner. It is worth noting that the more valuable the item, the more difficult it is to craft due to the low chance of successful crafting. Sometimes it is more profitable to sell resources and buy a finished item at the auction, overpaying a small amount.

At the 10th, 20th and 30th skill levels, tool slots are unlocked after completing a special task to increase the craft (lilac quest) for the corresponding professions. Ordinary tools can be bought in the Sulan Trade District from the Tool Vendor. Higher quality tools are crafted through forging. In order for the character to use the tool, you need to open the character window with the "C" button and go to the third tab "craft" to insert the desired tool into the active cell.

Tools lose durability over time, in order to repair a particular tool, you can use the "repair" button located in each window of the selected craft.

The developers also thought about those who want to change their profession and follow a different path of development. To do this, Revelation has an NPC - craftsman Fan. You can find NPCs in the major cities of Sulan, Kalahari, and Asterion.

He sells special oblivion potions for Taeli, and you can also take a daily quest from him to get these potions. Quests consist of exchanging a heavy gold bar for a small oblivion potion or a massive gold bar for a large forgetfulness potion. In addition, for 200 taels, you can buy a scroll of knowledge from the NPC, designed to recognize unknown objects.

craft book

Crafting more valuable items, collecting rare resources, being able to use a warehouse, increasing the maximum number of mobs in dungeons, etc. will require you to study craft books. You can familiarize yourself with and upgrade them on the second tab of the crafts window by pressing the V button.

  1. The craft book is divided into nine volumes. The higher the volume, the more valuable the items in it open. In this part of the window, you can see which volume of the book is currently open.
  2. Access to a new volume opens when the scale of curiosity is filled. The current status can also be viewed on this tab. Curiosity rises while engaging in any craft.
  3. Crafting points are very important in crafting. It is for them that new recipes in the book are bought. You can get them for increasing the level of the craft or with a random event when a "crit" is triggered during the crafting process.
  4. The most important part of the window. Here is the activation of craft skills. Along the lines going from cell to cell, you can trace and plan a schedule for pumping a particular craft. Some end in the first volume, and some chains go up to the last ninth.
  5. It also indicates the number of the volume being viewed.
  6. Use this slider to scroll through volumes of the craft book.


To craft any item, you need to open the crafts window and go to the fourth tab. In the window that appears, crafting takes place, for convenience, you can activate the checkbox to hide unexplored scrolls, or vice versa, uncheck the checkbox to see what to download in the future to the desired position. Legendary equipment is crafted through NPC synthesis.

  1. Remaining health points.
  2. Remaining inspiration points.
  3. List of professions, by clicking on the image, you will activate the crafting window for the selected craft.
  4. List of branch accessories. The branch itself is activated a little higher.
  5. Selected item/resource to craft.
  6. Indicators of OR and OB that will be involved in crafting.
  7. Required materials to craft the selected item/resource.

When there are enough necessary resources for crafting, two buttons “manually” and “automatically” appear. During manual crafting, an additional window appears, in which the cost of RP and RP is indicated, as well as the ability to specify the number of manufactured items / resources. By pressing the "automatic" button, the crafting of one produced unit will immediately begin.

Remember that the more often you use crafting, the faster you level up the craft. Pay attention to the development branch "artisan's almanac" - by pumping it, you can significantly reduce the recovery time of OR and OV. Do not rush to sell the collected resources, process them into other intermediate materials. After spending RP and OB points, don't forget to use the sources. Due to the huge number of players, collecting resources is often difficult, but doable - be patient.