Why is the engineer profession in demand? What professions are now in demand and highly paid? What professions are in demand in Russia

The answer to the question of what professions are in demand on the labor market interests not only young people who, as they say, are thinking about their lives, but also people of quite a decent age who dream of retraining and getting a profitable and interesting job. Because working at the call of the heart allows a person not only to find and realize his calling, it opens up prospects for career growth, which is a good motivation for a creative approach to work.

Experts studying the current state of the labor market associate certain market changes in the directions of its possible transformation taking into account economic development. They believe that the most in-demand professions on the labor market will be the same as they were - these are engineering professions, as well as professions of technical specialists and production managers.

In addition to these professions, given the explosive growth of high technologies, it is not difficult to guess what professions are now in demand in the labor market - these are the so-called IT specialists, specialists in the IT industry, which includes programmers and digital technology developers.

Recently, society has made a sharp shift towards consumption. Therefore, the most popular professions in the labor market, in addition to the specialties already mentioned, are professions related to the field of quality service in the tourism industry and hotel business.

The whole world is concerned about the problem of environmental pollution, so in this area there are professions in demand today in the labor market, which are in one way or another related to the environment and its protection.

As for what female professions are in demand in the labor market, these are professions traditionally related to female specialties - doctors, teachers, social workers and trade workers. However, the most in-demand profession on the labor market for women is a profession associated with the rapidly developing advertising business.

Professions in demand on the labor market 2017

As for the Russian labor market, most likely, just a few days ago, experts would have quite rightly listed the most in-demand professions on the labor market in 2017, which were on everyone’s lips in 2016 and in later years, since they are almost have been changing over the past two decades. These, as already noted, are professions associated with engineering and technical activities, as well as with the senior management of various industries.

But recently a political event occurred that fundamentally forced us to reconsider experts’ forecasts for the labor market in 2017 and even for the next decade. The event that took place was the annual Presidential Address to the Russian Legislative Assembly, where Putin called on legislators, starting in 2017, to take a course and provide legal documents for the development of the digital economy in Russia.

This point of the President’s address will in no way reduce the traditional list of in-demand professions on the Russian labor market, however, in this list, changes in the priorities of many professions are coming and specialties related to information, so-called digital technologies, will come to the fore, and in all spheres of the national economy . What exactly does the term “digital economy” mean?

Demanded blue-collar professions on the labor market

Coming from employers and analyzed by experts, although you do not need to be a great analytical specialist, information about in-demand professions on the labor market clearly indicates that employers, for example, a bulldozer operator, a gantry or overhead crane operator, a welder, a qualified turner or milling operator intend to pay much more than the same manager or auditor.

Based on the existing acute shortage of workers who, figuratively speaking, help the head work with their hands - these are blue-collar professions in demand on the 2017 market by specialty:

  • builders;
  • mechanics, and absolutely all areas of production;
  • operators and machinists of industrial, mining and processing equipment.

Therefore, school graduates of 2017 who do not have the knowledge to enroll in a university need to take into account what blue-collar professions are in demand on the labor market and make the right choice of their future working profession so that they enjoy it and bring a good income.

Creative professions in demand on the labor market

In fact, any profession is creative if its owner approaches his work with genuine interest and in a creative way.

An indicator of whether a particular profession is in demand is the size of its remuneration. This axiom is also true for the so-called creative professions.

Based on this, the professions in demand in Russia are creative specialties:

  • who are related to show business;
  • related to the design of products, building structures and various spaces, as well as web design and fashion design;
  • which are associated with the development of hairstyles and makeup styles;
  • related to journalism, writing blogs, scripts and literary works;
  • which relate to fine arts.

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In order to determine their path in life, young people are increasingly thinking about what professions are now in demand in the labor market. And this is not just a whim of the younger generation. The choice of specialty affects their entire future life. The pattern can be traced quite easily - first, training in a sought-after profession, then a highly paid job with the prospect of climbing the career ladder, and then the fulfillment of your plans. For some, this is a strong and loving family, for the creation of which a stable income and prospects for being in demand in the labor market for many years are vital. But for some, this is an opportunity to live for their own pleasure, which is also, in general, not bad.

World labor market

In order to understand which professions are now in demand and highly paid, you can look through specialized paper publications, where the prospects for various specialties in a particular field are regularly discussed. Currently, the medical field is recognized as the most profitable in the global labor market. But in first place, surprisingly, it was not plastic surgeons, but anesthesiologists. Second place is shared by surgeons from various fields, gynecologists and dentists. In honorable third place are industrial specialists - engineers, usually graduates of prestigious educational institutions with solid work experience. Choosing one of these professions allows you to earn from 140 to 200 thousand dollars.

However, the choice is not limited only to these specialties. Managers, lawyers, programmers, logisticians and auditors are always in demand on the labor market around the world. Even if these are not representatives of the management level, they are guaranteed decent pay and employment.


In order to understand which profession is now the most in demand, you should familiarize yourself with a kind of anti-rating of the lowest paid or non-prestigious professions. It is given for a double purpose. On the one hand, it becomes possible to find out what to avoid, on the other hand, do not forget that if a position is unpopular, then most likely it is the one that is paid more generously. For example, a pathologist is an unappetizing profession, but it is always in demand and has a stable income.

So, in Russia, public transport drivers, janitors, cashier salespeople, plumbers, loaders and qualified machine operators are considered unprestigious. The highest paid on this list are machine operators. Depending on the category, work experience, and demand in a particular region, their salary can be 100-150 thousand rubles.

In Europe and the USA, security guards, butchers, salesmen, taxi drivers, waiters and dancers are considered low-prestige. This list also includes politicians and football players - these professions can hardly be called low-paid; rather, such a low rating is due to the attitude of citizens towards individual representatives of these areas.

Professions of the future

Many experts annually calculate in which direction humanity will move, and always come to such opposite results that it is difficult to trust them. Especially when it comes to choosing a profession. However, they agree on some points. For example, the majority believes that the future belongs to information technology and the social sphere, and all monotonous work will be mechanized. Just as typists once disappeared, drivers of personal and public transport, as well as bank employees, will also disappear. But the younger generation will have a chance to prove themselves in the field of biotechnology, new materials and nanotechnology, robotics and mechanical engineering.

What are currently in-demand professions in Russia?

However, let's stop the flight of fancy and return to the sinful earth. In order to be in demand in the global labor market, especially in fields such as medicine or engineering, you need not only to graduate from a prestigious educational institution, but also to become one of the best in your profession. Not many people can do this, and not everyone is ready to leave the country. Therefore, let us dwell on what professions are now in demand in Russia - these are sales managers, IT specialists, civil engineers, linguists and translators, and not so much in European languages, but in Eastern and Asian languages. Doctors and teachers were also included in the ranking of in-demand specialties, although the issue of high pay is controversial. Some are content with a modest salary, others occupy positions in private clinics and prestigious schools and receive high salaries.

What professions are now in demand for girls?

Gender equality issues have become less pressing, and women in senior management positions are no longer surprising. But, to be completely honest, it is quite rare to find representatives of the fair sex among directors of large companies, bankers, and heads of large holdings.

So, what profession is now most in demand for women? The weaker sex can claim a lot, including good career growth and a high salary. Moreover, in some areas women can give men a head start. For example, in the field of advertising, marketing, tax and auditing, the fair half is in the lead. You can also try yourself as a manager, logistician or lawyer.

Rare specialties

A rare profession is an opportunity to become a unique specialist, and therefore in demand, and, most likely, with a good salary. Such professions include, for example, bell casters, “ant” farmers, and “milkers” of snakes. But it's more of a lifestyle than just a job. You can also become a scent expert, taster or professional conversationalist. There is no training for these specialties, it is very difficult to get into such a job, but they guarantee a rich and interesting life. The main risk associated with choosing a rare specialty is job loss and the inability to find something on the labor market. If, for example, a lawyer or manager can easily find a vacancy, even if not in his own city, but in a neighboring city, then getting a job as a wigmaker (wig maker) is almost hopeless.

  1. Understand what area you would like to work in; it is advisable to select 2-3 options.
  2. Find information about what professions are in demand now.
  3. Find intersection points with the list of in-demand specialties.
  4. Identify your strengths and calculate your opportunities to master the desired profession.
  5. Always have a backup plan.

These are very simple tips that will save time and, more importantly, nerves. After all, you cannot simply choose a profession from a list, focusing solely on the level of future income. Creative professions require a certain talent, to work in the field of information technology - good mathematical and logical abilities, for a sales manager - the ability to win people over and have an easy, relaxed conversation, etc.

And as a backup option, it’s worth finding out which blue-collar professions are in demand right now. For example, currently in Russia, enterprises most in need of electric welders, turners, chemists and mechanics of various fields. And even if these professions are not the highest paid, it is impossible to remain without work.

Professional education is not a death sentence

Knowledge about what professions are in demand now does not always remain relevant 5-6 years later, after studying is left behind. After all, the applicant will have to compete with a mass of similar former students who also want a prestigious and highly paid job. And it also happens that after receiving a diploma, a newly minted specialist realizes that he has chosen the wrong direction.

In any case, there is always a way out: for an employer, quite often, only the presence of a higher education, and not its profile, matters. And many are ready to teach an employee all the intricacies themselves, especially since this allows them to save on wages. Well, for a future employee, this is an opportunity to learn a profession from the very bottom and gradually move up the career ladder, combining it with study.

People, and especially those just starting out in life, have always been interested in the question of what professions will become especially necessary by the time they, having graduated from an educational institution, begin their professional activities. And getting an answer to it in our incredibly dynamically changing world is not at all easy.

An analysis of those trends that have the most significant impact on the labor market will allow us to understand which professions are in demand in the next 10 years. The main one is that the share of labor, conventionally called manual, is steadily decreasing, while intellectual labor is increasing. And this is not contradicted by the fact that the ranking of professions for the next 10 years, for example, in our country, includes many so-called blue-collar professions - the same turners, millers, etc. The fact is that it is quite difficult to call the manual labor of a person working on a CNC machine. So the concept of “labor profession” is by no means synonymous with the concept of “unskilled labor”.

Professions in demand in the next 10 years

It seems that such professions should be distinguished by certain characteristic features, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • a fairly high degree of intelligence;
  • high level of labor automation;
  • increased specialization to the detriment of universalism;
  • constant need for advanced training and even retraining;
  • greater informatization;
  • the need for constant growth of all professional characteristics of their self-improvement.

Promising professions for the next 10 years

Let's look at the professions in demand in the next 10 years; the list of areas in which they operate includes several positions:

  • Technical professions: engineers, mechanics, electricians, adjusters, technologists, etc.
  • IT professions: programmers, Internet technologists, system administrators, etc.
  • Biotechnologists, bioengineers, breeders, etc.
  • Architects, builders, designers, infrastructure specialists, etc.
  • Specialists working with minerals, i.e. those who carry out their exploration, production and processing.
  • Professionals from the field of atomic physics: nuclear scientists, nuclear engineering specialists, etc.
  • Specialists in working with such energy sources, which today are commonly called renewable and alternative.
  • Professionals working in the field of chemistry and related fields: chemist-technologists, biochemists, pharmacists, cosmochemists, etc.
  • Nanotechnologies.
  • Professions related to space, as well as the world's oceans.

The most promising professions in the next 10 years do not negate the relevance of those that are in demand today.

Current professions for the next 10 years

It seems that in the coming years the following professions will not only continue to be relevant, but will also increase their degree of demand:

  • Doctors, for whom the rapid development of all types of technologies provides more and more opportunities every year, however, requiring constant training and self-improvement. The most important reason for the relevance of this profession in the future is the serious problems with people’s health, observed all over the world: the emergence of previously unknown diseases, an increase in the degree of psycho-emotional stress, a decrease in the quality of nutrition, various wars and conflicts, etc.
  • Teachers, the importance of whose profession should finally be understood by our state, as has long ago happened in the most economically powerful states of the East. At the same time, the role of teachers in society should invariably increase, allowing them to directly influence the choice of vectors of social development.
  • Specialists in military professions, especially those associated with high-tech military equipment, without which not a single state, with the possible exception of dwarf ones, can exist. Already, the armed forces have become so high-tech that they require specialists of the highest level.
  • Professions in the field of sports: athletes, coaches, sports doctors, managers, etc., as well as specialists related to physical development and a healthy lifestyle. The role of these specialists will also become more significant, fueled by people's understanding that good health and physical development are the most important factors in living a full and successful life.
  • Highly qualified managers. In our country, this is actually a stumbling block, so the state needs to radically change the approach to training such specialists, placing emphasis on both their professional and moral qualities.

Thus, the most in-demand professions for the next 10 years will mostly come from today, but their content can greatly transform, become more complex and constantly changing. And those who are going to work during these years need to be prepared for this.

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He expressed concern about the current state of the labor markets and educational services and called for balancing them relative to each other.

On Thursday, at a government meeting dedicated to the plans of the Ministry of Education and Science for 2008, Zubkov stated that today no more than a third of school graduates enter primary and secondary vocational education institutions, and only half of them choose technical specialties. “But the need in the real sector of the economy for qualified personnel is very high, the country is developing, and highly qualified personnel are needed in various industries,” the prime minister said.

“Currently, the faculties of management, management, and law are especially popular. As a rule, there are large competitions for them. I am convinced that in the coming years the labor market will be oversaturated with specialists of this kind. Currently, graduates of the faculties of natural sciences are more valued in the distribution process.” , - said Sadovnichy.

The rector of Moscow State University also noted that in the near future Russia “will face a shortage of specialists in the field of high technologies.”

At a government meeting on Thursday, the Prime Minister noted, among other things, that it is very difficult to meet the needs of the real sector of the economy in personnel due to the lack of a system for analyzing and forecasting personnel needs and the labor market. In addition, Zubkov recalled that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, headed by Andrei Fursenko, is responsible for state policy in the field of education, science, scientific, technical and innovative activities, guardianship, trusteeship and upbringing.

Meanwhile, large recruitment agencies regularly compile their ratings of the demand for specialists in the services market. Thus, according to the findings of the HeadHunter company, last year the greatest demand in the labor market was for specialists in finance, sales, as well as technical and engineering personnel. 8 positions from the list of the 25 most scarce professions were positions from the IT sector. The list also included specialists in insurance, construction and real estate, consulting and administrative personnel.

3 years ago, employers were looking for sales managers, a year later - specialists with economic education and sales specialists. Companies needed sales representatives, sales and commercial directors, and marketing specialists. And in a few years, the leading positions in the ranking of specialties will be taken by engineers, chemists, biologists and ecologists.

According to experts, in 10 years the top ten in-demand professions will look like this:

Engineers. There is already an acute shortage of professional engineers, technical specialists and mid-level managers in production. A combination of technical and economic or legal education will be especially valued.

IT specialists and computer hardware developers. This is not surprising; computers have become a part of our lives. Currently, the smallest gap between market needs and the production of young specialists appears to be in the IT industry, but it is difficult to predict the need for specialists five years in advance.

Specialists in the field of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is expected to cover mechanical engineering, space technology, the food industry, medicine, etc.

Specialists in electronics and biotechnology. Biotechnologies are used in molecular medicine, biopharmaceutical production and other industries. The goal of scientific development may be, for example, the creation of new power sources or electronic circuits based on living microorganisms.

Marketers. It is predicted that in 10 years there will be a glut in the Russian market of goods and services. And therefore, marketers will be needed - company strategists who manage a system focused on the production of various goods and satisfying the interests of producers and consumers.

Service related specialists. Population incomes are growing, the size of the middle class is growing, which means the need for quality service will increase. Moreover, the demand for service sector professions, as the experience of Western European countries and the United States shows, will increase annually.

Logisticians. Russia's integration into the world market will require an influx of professional logisticians.

Ecologists. It is expected that in the future problems of environmental conservation will occupy an increasing place. The growth of harmful emissions into the atmosphere puts environmental problems at one of the first places in the future global world.

Doctors. In particular, the growth in demand in this area is associated with the search for means of prolonging life.

Chemists. Specialists in the field of chemistry will primarily be in demand in the energy sector. Although, as we know, there will be enough oil reserves for the next 10 years, humanity is already working on the development of alternative energy sources.

Among those who will find it difficult to find a prestigious and well-paid job in the foreseeable future, experts named specialists working in the social sphere, science and the public health care system. Demand for fashion designers, concert directors, diving instructors, florists, web designers, brokers, distributors and plastic surgeons will also fall.

Well-known futurologist, president of the International Academy of Forecasting Igor Bestuzhev-Lada believes that in the more distant future there will be many professions related to the development of information and space technologies, computers, energy: information broker, informationologist, computer security specialist, planetary engineer, cosmobotanist, solar energy specialist , miner on the moon, artificial intelligence specialist, cyborg specialist. New specializations in medicine will also be in demand: medical sonographer, oncologist-nutritionist, certified consultant on alcoholism problems, transplant coordinator, dance therapist, cryology specialist. In addition, the futurologist predicts the emergence of treasure hunters, waste managers and agents searching for talented programmers. “A lot of consultants will apparently appear - on the choice of professions, on organizing leisure time, on overcoming shyness, on color, on a healthy lifestyle. They predict the emergence of doctors who specialize in problems related to idleness and job creators,” he says.

The material was prepared by the online editors of www.rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

More and more often we meet people who cannot find a use for their diplomas as engineers, managers, and doctors. Most of us do not work in our specialty at all. The main reason for all this can be considered the rapid growth of the labor market, the development of new technologies, which gives rise to new and more in-demand specialists. You can try to identify the most in-demand specialties in popular industries. These are the ones in demand, whose specialists are most valued on the market.

The most popular engineering specialties

  1. The most popular engineering specialty is rightfully an IT engineer, or support engineer. In many ways, this specialty is similar to a programmer, because the main requirements are knowledge of basic programming languages, experience in administration, and working with databases. The main task is to maintain the software and solve problems as quickly as possible.
  2. One of the most in demand is a communications engineer. This is the second specialty that appeared relatively recently - with the advent of radio communications and telecommunications. The specialist’s task is to monitor the proper operation of communications and its support. It is the communications engineer who checks the serviceability of all equipment. Despite the responsibilities, specialists in this industry are predominantly associated with intellectual work.
  3. Transport and maritime transport engineers are also quite in demand. The main reason for the demand is the enormous number of commodity transactions. For normal delivery, an engineer is required who monitors the serviceability of the transport, and any one used for transportation.

Well, this list will be incomplete without the most promising engineering profession at the moment - roboticist.

The name of the specialty speaks for itself - the invention of labor machines and robots, no matter how global it may sound.

The profession is inherently complex, because a person must be an engineer, programmer and cyberneticist at the same time. But if you notice the speed at which the world moves, there is no need to talk about the prospects of this profession.

The most popular technical specialties

In many ways, technical specialties overlap with engineering ones, so the trends in the demand for vacancies are the same here, because one is part of the other, but still some features are noticeable.

  1. IT specialties. On the scale of technical specialties, all IT specialists can easily find a job. Programmers are now in a special trend, because they are the ones who create mobile applications, the necessary software, and means of protecting them.
  2. Are very popular electric and gas welder, turners, milling machine operators, but there is one peculiarity. We need specialists who are familiar with new technologies and also have experience working in modern production. But even without significant experience, many companies are ready to take a specialist for an internship with the condition of subsequent employment.
  3. Design engineer. Just one of the specialties that overlap with the previous section. Specialists in this industry are pure engineers, as everyone understands them. Their task is to work with projects, create them, and prepare for subsequent production.

The most popular medical specialties

  1. Dentist. Each of us is witnessing the immediate development of the dental industry. The reasons are clear - due to the deterioration of the quality of products, people’s teeth deteriorate much faster, which makes the work of a dentist incredibly in demand.
  2. Therapist, who is also a local doctor. He's in every hospital and he knows a little bit of everything. These are the kind of doctors that were in demand before and are still in demand now. Their lack is a consequence of the small number of graduate students in this specialty.
  3. Pediatrician and ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist). The two medical specialties stand side by side, because it is inappropriate to compare their demand. The former treat our children, and the latter monitor our vision. In recent years, the specialty of an ophthalmologist has become one of the most in demand among doctors, because with the development of the number of gadgets in people, vision deterioration and other various problems arise.

The most popular construction specialties

  1. Architect. Undoubtedly, this specialty is the most in demand among construction workers. It is the architects who are involved in creating the design of the future building, thinking through everything down to the smallest detail. In short, the architect is responsible for the main “paper” part of construction - the building design.
  2. Safety Engineer. He may be an engineer, but it is stupid to deny his connection with the construction business. A specialist in this industry is responsible for creating safety procedures for a specific construction site. But the most important thing is to monitor the implementation of these safety precautions.
  3. Working profession: builder. Builders are needed always and everywhere. It is with the hands of builders that what the architect drew is erected.

The most in-demand job specialties

  1. Electric and gas welder, turners, milling operators - those same technical specialties, but only in this segment. Although these professions do not lead in terms of the number of vacancies, the salaries and employee value of these professions are the highest in the segment.
  2. Specialists who work with electricity are electricians and electricians themselves. People who skillfully work with electricity will always find work, especially in our time, with the growth of urbanization in Russia and in the world.
  3. Mechanic.

All blue-collar professions above have a balance between salary and value at work, but do not have the greatest demand. The most in demand are loaders and storekeepers. And at the same time, workers in these professions have the lowest wages and are almost not valued by employers.

The most popular economic specialties

  1. Sales Manager. Another profession that appeared with the development of everything around. Specialists in this field are engaged in product promotion and advertising.
  2. Economist, or expert on economic issues. Their task is more theoretical - researching market trends, planning costs, investments, etc.
  3. Financier. The specialty is most widely disclosed in the banking sector. A financier manages capital and deals with large amounts of money. Nowadays, financiers are often, but erroneously, called investors.

Thus, it can be seen that with the growth of technological progress, it is the overlapping specialties that come to the fore - various service personnel, programmers and engineers undoubtedly lead in demand, and at the same time have the highest wages.