An example of an incorrectly created presentation. General rules for presentation design. Inserting an audio recording into a separate slide

ICT in primary school.

A teacher who keeps up with the times is now psychologically and technically ready to use information technology in teaching. Any stage of the lesson can be revived by the introduction of new technical means.

The inclusion of ICT in the educational process allows the teacher to organize various forms of educational and cognitive activity in the classroom, to make it active and purposeful. independent work students. ICT can be seen as a means of access to educational information, which provides the ability to search, collect and work with a source, including on the Internet, as well as a means of delivering and storing information. The use of ICT in the educational process improves the quality of mastering the educational material and enhances educational effects.

One of the results of training and education at the first stage school should be the readiness of children to master modern computer technology and the ability to update the information obtained with their help for further self-education. To achieve these goals, it becomes necessary for the teacher to use primary school information and communication technologies in the educational process.

The use of ICT in various lessons in elementary school allows:

    to develop the ability of students to navigate the information flows of the world;

    develop skills that allow the exchange of information using modern technical means;

    to activate the cognitive activity of students;

    master practical ways of working with information;

    conduct lessons at a high aesthetic level; individually approach the student, applying multi-level tasks.

The computer allows the teacher to significantly expand the possibilities of presentation different type information. With a didactically correct approach, the computer activates the attention of students, enhances their motivation, develops cognitive processes, thinking, attention, develops imagination and fantasy.

Today there is a question that schools should be equipped with the necessary computer equipment. To equip one class, you need at least a computer for the teacher, a multimedia projector, and a screen. Equally important are the educational resources with which the teacher could prepare for and deliver the lessons. Such resources should be developed with the teacher in mind. Using them, the teacher will creatively modernize the educational process.

Most developments in the field of ICT are devoted to electronic teaching aids. Teachers who use e-learning materials in the classroom demonstrate a number of positive trends, namely:

    reducing the number of didactic difficulties for students;

    increasing the activity and initiative of schoolchildren;

    positive dynamics of learning motivation;

    formation of skills in the use of new information technologies for self-education of schoolchildren.

The introduction of information technology is based on taking into account the following age characteristics of students:

    in elementary school, there is a change in the leading activity of the child from play to learning. Using the gaming capabilities of the computer, combined with didactic ones, allows you to make this process smoother;

    most of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom are not yet used by younger students in extracurricular activities; their practical value

    is lost, and strength is significantly reduced. The application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the gaming computer environment leads to their actualization and motivation for their acquisition;

    high degree of emotionality junior schoolchildren significantly constrained by the strict framework of the educational process. Classes on the computer allow you to partially defuse the high emotional tension and revitalize the learning process;

    multimedia textbooks are designed to automate all the main stages of learning - from the presentation of educational material to the control of knowledge and the presentation of final grades. At the same time, all mandatory educational material is translated into a bright, exciting, with a reasonable share of the game approach, multimedia form with extensive use of graphics, animation, including interactive, sound effects and voice accompaniment, the inclusion of video clips.

A modern multimedia lesson is built on the same structure as a traditional one: updating knowledge, explaining the new, consolidating, controlling. The same methods are used: explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partially search and others.

One of the most successful forms of preparing and presenting educational material for lessons in elementary school can be called the creation of multimedia presentations. This is a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs. It combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child's attention for the longest time. The methodological power of multimedia lies precisely in the fact that it is easier for a student to be interested and educate when he perceives a coordinated stream of sound and visual images, and not only informational, but also emotional impact is exerted on him. Moreover, the presentation allows the teacher to independently compose the educational material, based on the characteristics of a particular class, topic, subject, which allows you to build a lesson in such a way as to achieve the maximum educational effect. When developing a presentation, it is taken into account that it quickly and intelligibly depicts things that cannot be expressed in words; arouses interest and diversifies the process of information transfer; enhances the impact of the speech.

You can use presentations at all stages of the lesson. A more effective use of multimedia in each lesson will be when we use not the entire lesson, but fragments of more complex questions.

The use of rich graphics, sound and interactive capabilities of the computer creates a favorable emotional background in the classroom.

Possible areas of pedagogical use of computers in elementary school are diverse. Here are just a few of them:

1. Using the tools of new information technologies to enhance the motivation of learning due to the novelty of working with a computer. It helps to reveal the practical significance of the material being studied, to show one's originality, to ask questions and to offer one's own solutions.

2. Individual work the child at the computer creates conditions of comfort when performing the tasks provided for by the program: each student works with the optimal load for him, since he does not feel the influence of others.

3. Information technologies allow not only to recreate the real situation, but also to show processes that cannot be seen in reality. As a result, the cognitive development of the child is carried out.

The use of computers in school practice contributes to the improvement of the traditional learning process, increasing its effectiveness in the field of modeling the studied processes and phenomena, managing the learning process, and training learning activities, automation of knowledge level control.

As part of the optimal use of ICT tools for teaching various subjects, the following possibilities for the practical implementation of ways to optimize the educational process when using ICT tools can be distinguished:

    complete solution educational, educational and developmental tasks;

    setting specific tasks for each student depending on his abilities, motivation, level of training;

    application of various types electronic means educational purpose, activating educational activities;

    partial release of the teacher from the performance of information, training, control functions;

    formation of students' skills of self-mastery of knowledge, development of skills for searching, collecting and processing information on the Internet;

    stimulation of positive motivation for learning by integrating all forms of visibility, the implementation of educational activities with immediate feedback and advanced help system.

In my work I use ready-made electronic textbooks, compose electronic applications for the lesson, for individual topics, develop test tasks on selected topics, using ICT for design research work, presentations. This allows you to improve the quality of education, make it dynamic, solve several problems - visibility, accessibility, individuality, control, independence. In the lessons, for greater efficiency, I use subject collections, portraits, photographs, illustrations of objects.

The information competence of schoolchildren is necessary for the qualitative development of all academic subjects. Mastering computer culture, the formation of information competence of schoolchildren - necessary condition inclusion of the younger generation in the global information space.

Thus, the introduction of new information technologies in the educational process of elementary school makes it possible to use the cognitive and gaming needs of students in an accessible form for the development of individual qualities.

Preparation, selection of materials for the presentation

The content of the presentation for children should not be a reprint from the textbook. Ideally, presentation material is selected from several sources.Even in the case of a presentation for children, the information should be fresh and up to date. For example, talking about modern agriculture, you do not need to insert pictures of plowmen with braids or Soviet Stakhanovites, if we are talking about today.Illustrations should match the story , to complement it, but at the same time not to distract attention. Need to consider age group children and their hobbies at the moment. Heroes of popular cartoons will be perceived more positively than characters from your childhood.

As for the text. It is worth re-reading a lot of material on the upcoming topic, making a brief summary, but during the presentation, everything that can be said in words must be said in words.Text on slides should be kept to a minimum, especially in presentations for children.

And finallyThe presentation should have a clearly defined purpose. Of course, in the case of a presentation for children, it is not at all necessary to put it on a slide. This point is important, first of all, for the presenter, so that, having carried away the accompanying topic, he does not go far to the side.

So, the material is selected, the goal is defined, the next point is the preparation of the presentation and its design.

Presentation design for kids

1. Background. Now on the network you can find many ready-made templates for any occasion. But, we must not forget that a bright background full of elements for a presentation will distract from the information presented. In general, the background is for that and the background, so as not to distract, but to emphasize the material. So it’s worth staying on a plain background without drawings or any other elements.When it comes to presentations for kids, one common mistake is to overdo it with bright colors and pictures.No need to get carried away with bright contrasting colors that can cause an epileptic attack.

2. Illustrations. The teacher should attract children primarily with his story, and not with pictures. Of course, this does not mean that illustrations cannot be used.Pictures in the presentation for children are necessary. You need to consider the age group and their hobbies at the moment. Heroes of popular cartoons will be perceived more positively than characters from your childhood.

Illustrations should be of high resolution, there is no need to stretch a small picture for the entire slide - it will “pixelate” and thus only cause negative emotions.

You do not need to use drawings and photographs on the same slide at the same time, if this is not provided for by the lesson. The presentation should be made in the same style, photographs and drawings should be well done in the same size.

And finally, do not forget that all images on the Internet have an owner. At the end of the presentation, it is worth giving a list of illustrations and links to sources, this is not only a tribute to copyright, but also a good practice for children.

3. Font . It is necessary to avoid using different fonts - this scatters attention and tires. The font size should be large enough to read from the last desks. The test must be readable. Do not use illegible, too narrow fonts and serif fonts. And finally, a simple rule - light text is placed on a dark background and vice versa.

4. Animation. It's very simple here, if the animation can be avoided, it should be done. Of course, in a presentation for children, you want to use as many effects as possible. Yes, animation can entertain children, but you need to remember that the purpose of the lesson, again, is not to entertain, but to teach. Also, animation takes time. It will take a few extra seconds to wait until the text appears, which pops up letter by letter.

Actually, the presentation

The purpose of the presenter is not just to give out the material, but to interest. This is perhaps the most important point in a presentation for children.A boring lecture, even illustrated beautiful pictures and animation, remains a boring lecture. The presentation of the material should be in the form of a story, a story. Ideally, if the children are also participants in this story. The presentation for children should be interactive, students should take an active part. It makes sense to diversify the presentation with riddles, questions.

Even 20 minutes of an interesting story can tire you out. Viewing a presentation is a strain on the eyes. In the lower grades, it is better to give a presentation in parts, alternate with practical tasks, games or little physical activity.

After the end of the presentation, it is necessary to sum up and draw a conclusion. As you know, the last phrase is always remembered better. So let the last phrase be good advice or parting words.

The most common mistakes in presentations.

Usage PowerPoint presentations in the classroom provides ample opportunities for teachers and students. Demonstration of models, illustrations, video, animation and sound effects, elements that draw attention to the topic. Unfortunately, very often teachers forget about the practical orientation of presentations and try to replace themselves and their role in the lesson with it. But just as it is impossible to replace a teacher's speech in a lesson with a textbook, so it is impossible to replace a teacher's work with a presentation. We must remember that:

1) The presentation is an illustrative series for the lesson , and not a textbook and not a lesson summary, so you don’t need to display the teacher’s words, goals and objectives, rules, teacher questions, greetings and farewells. What can be said in words will be superfluous in the presentation.

2) The presentation should not replace practical activities students. Remember that what you do with your own hands is better remembered than what you do not see on the screen. Therefore, it is better to demonstrate experiments, measure, weigh, mix substances, compare sizes, weight, color in practice, with your hands. Presentations can show what is impossible to implement in practice: a model of the solar system, for example, the movement of large objects (cars, trains, elephants) or a dangerous chemical experiment.

3) Viewing a presentation requires some physical activity , especially on the eyes, so the use of the presentation must be dosed. You should not display the entire lesson from beginning to end, but only individual elements. The total time of working with a presentation in a lesson should not exceed 20 minutes, but this does not mean that children look at the screen for 20 minutes in a row. Be sure to alternate work with a presentation and practical, written work, change of position, for example, when working in groups or pairs, an outdoor game, physical minutes. And also take into account the capabilities of the body in the selection of graphic materials for the presentation and in its design.

4) The presentation is an illustration for the lesson, not entertainment , therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the selection of an illustrative series and effects. Some teachers, having found sites with animated pictures on the Internet, with childish delight, place them in presentations, where they are needed and where they are not. Remember, variegation and flickering is an additional burden on the eyes and nervous system, a distraction for children. Yes, elementary school students love everything bright and moving, but the purpose of the lesson is to give knowledge and consolidate skills, and not to entertain. The same applies to the inappropriate use of animation effects.

So, taking into account the above theses, we will analyze the most common mistakes of novice users of the presentation creation program.

Mistake 1.

Slide 2 in the presentation. What is the author's mistake?

Do you think children need this information? No. Who needs? Colleagues? If the lesson is open, then it is possible, but the presentation is not created for colleagues, but as an illustrative series for a lesson for children. So, we leave the topic, goals and objectives in the abstract for colleagues, they are not needed in the presentation for children.

There are exceptional cases when the topic is formulated by the children themselves with the help of the teacher. Then perhaps placing the topic on the slide as a summary of the conversation at a certain stage may be justified, but only if it fits the structure of the lesson.

Error 2.

No need to put the words of the teacher on the slides. “Define, prove, connect, check, guess” - the teacher can give instructions orally if the presentation is intended for frontal work, especially for poorly reading children in grade 1. Exception: simulators, tests, games forindividual work, where the child must read the task himself and complete it without the help of a teacher.

Mistake 3.

What errors do we see?

Everything seems so bright and beautiful. Will the kids like it? Love it, kids love it. Is the purpose of the lesson - to please the children? No, teach them something. So, we limit the variegation and brightness, a lesson is a lesson.

What do we see? Too colorful background with many objects. Children will be forced to strain their eyes, trying to highlight the objects on the slide. In such a situation, if the idea requires a drawn background, and there is no way to replace it with a less colorful one, you can make it less bright, for example, impose a white rectangle on the entire background, making it translucent and setting the order to Back.

In the sample, we see that the background has become pale and the objects on it stand out and become clearer.

But try to limit yourself in impulses to use bright, colorful backgrounds, especially if the material you are going to work with does not need such a background at all. Extra drawings only distract from the material being studied and strain the eyesight of children.

Mistake 4.

Many teachers, having just become acquainted with the capabilities of the program, begin to install interesting animation effects on almost all objects on slides - jumping out, flying out, wind, boomerang, and so on. Well, how, everything jumps out so cheerfully, falls out! Okay, let's play a little at home on the computer and that's enough. It's redundant in class.

Firstly, the use of animation delays the lesson and wastes precious time, which, instead of contemplating the falling letters, can be spent on something more useful.

Secondly, again, a distraction. It will amuse the children, yes - that's all? There should be a benefit from any technique or method used in the lesson. If the animation of the object does not have some serious purpose, for example, a “letter” from the hero with the effect of a “typewriter” or the appearance of a picture, a response, then you do not need to use them.

Moreover, it is generally not recommended to animate the author's data on the title page - this is disrespectful to users, since they will have to wait until all the words on the title fall out (appear, crawl out), and this is very inconvenient.

It is not recommended to animate the titles on the slides when changing them. Otherwise, when changing a slide, first a blank slide appears, and then the title creeps out, or, even worse, you have to click the mouse to see it - it takes time, it irritates.

The same applies to slide transition effects and sound effects.

Mistake 5.

Every presentation creator should remember that he will be showing it to a large audience. Someone is sitting right in front of the screen, and someone is 5-6 meters away from it. Accordingly, it must be taken into account that those sitting far away will see some objects on the screen worse, which means that again there will be a strong strain on vision. Try not to put too much small text and small pictures on the slide. The minimum font size for a presentation is 28th. The larger the font and objects on the slide, the better. If there is no need, then the test on the slides should generally be as small as possible.

Mistake 6.

Let's compare two slides.

We can see that on the first slide the text is printed on a slide template with a plain surface, on the second - on a ready-made template with a designer design. Which one is more aesthetic and comfortable? I think the first one. The design of the template should not interfere with the objects on the slide; pictures and text should not come into contact with the design elements of the template. Conclusion: the use of ready-made slide design templates should be justified and careful, especially in presentations for children. It is best to place objects on a solid background, sometimes you can make the background a gradient of two shades of color. Turning to ready-made templates in elementary school is generally not worth it.

Mistake 7.

The difference in the illustrative series is immediately striking. It is not recommended to use graphic files of different formats on one slide, for example, photos and drawings at the same time.

Mistake 8.

When you look at such a drawing, you want to rub your eyes, as if they began to see badly - a blurry, stretched image is very straining to see. Therefore, for the presentation, it is necessary to choose images with suitable sizes so that they do not have to be stretched, violating clarity and proportions.

Error 10.

Here the error of the creator of the presentation lies in the underlined words. Hyperlinks are underlined in presentations, when you click on such a word, you go to another slide, document, page on the Internet. Therefore, if the word is not a hyperlink, it is not recommended to highlight it with an underline - this will mislead users.

Error 11.

All materials used in the presentation have their own authors, be it photos, graphics, sounds and music, video files. And if you yourself are not the author, you must place at the end of the presentation links to the pages on the Internet where you found these files, or the output of the disk or book, if you used one. Of course, according to the law, it is necessary to indicate the author and use materials only with his personal consent, but the author is not always known, so it is better not to take responsibility and put it on the owners of the Internet sites who posted the files on the network. Your task is to at least give a link to the source used.

Error 12.

And, of course, do not forget about your own copyrights! Sign your presentations and other copyright materials on the title page. Otherwise, when copying your materials to someone somewhere, it will be difficult for you to prove your authorship, and plagiarism is very common, unfortunately. Respect your work!

So, let's summarize and make a list of rules that allow you to create a high-quality presentation for the lesson:

1. You should not place goals, tasks, a list of equipment on the slides for the lesson.

2. If the presentation is intended for frontal work with the class, it is not necessary to place instructions for completing assignments on the slides, the teacher can voice them himself.

3. Be careful with colorful backgrounds. The background should not strain your eyes and interfere with working with objects on the slide.

4. The use of animation effects should be justified and careful. Nothing fancy or annoying. We do not assign animation to objects on the title slide and titles.

5. There is no need to place a lot of text on the slides (optimally no more than 6-8 words), the font and drawings should be clearly visible from anywhere in the class. We use a font of at least 28 pt. Better yet, bigger.

6. Carefully use ready-made templates for slides. There should be no foreign objects on the slide if they overlap the text, create a colorful background for text or pictures, or interfere with other objects on the slide. In one presentation, it is not recommended to use different design templates, follow a single presentation style.

7. Illustrations must be in the same style, size and format.

8. Do not stretch small graphic files, making them blurry or distorting proportions, it is better to look for a suitable size for others.

9. Do not use underlining to highlight words on slides, it is better to highlight with color, size or saturation.

11. Be sure to sign your presentation, place your data on the first slide.

The slide should look elegant and concise, and it should be perceived by the audience as quickly as possible. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of all signs that do not carry a semantic load.

Often on slides, each listing item ends with a period or semicolon. According to the rules of the Russian language, this seems to be true - but this is true for ordinary text, where sentences under 30 words long are used, and such signs make it possible to more accurately show the end of one sentence and the beginning of another. In the presentation, the phrase is less than 10 words long, and the paragraphs are perfectly visually separated from each other by a noticeable bullet and spacing between paragraphs.

Therefore, signs at the end of sentences and individual paragraphs can often be completely abandoned - a slide without them looks better and more concise. But colons and dashes, in cases where they carry a semantic load, must be left.

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The presentation rightfully occupies a prominent place in the arsenal of pedagogical methods of modern teachers and lecturers: it has long been known that it is easier and more interesting for any person to perceive information visually than to engage in a dull cramming of a textbook. This is especially true for younger students.

However, today many educational presentations for the school cannot boast of impeccable performance: too often a lot of blunders in compiling and designing backfire, making students bored and making it difficult to comprehend the material. So, not all teachers understand the need to create an integral multimedia product, turning it into a regular set of pictures and text, only shown on the screen, and in fact, in addition to figures, tables and explanations for them, slides can contain a wide variety of audio and video materials.

The most common mistakes when creating presentations for children and schoolchildren:

  1. Overloaded in semantic terms slides. Each slide should convey one brief thought to the students.
  2. The abundance of text, turning the presentation into a training text divided into paragraphs. Don't do it. Basic information should be given in the form of diagrams, pictures, video files, be brief, clear. All necessary explanations can be made orally.
  3. Merging with the background or, conversely, too contrasting text. You can not use colors that are difficult to distinguish, but also put warm and cold colors side by side, for example, showing blue letters on a pink background.
  4. Errors when choosing a font. It is important that all the information on the slide is readable even from the last desks, but you should not turn all the letters into capital letters for this. It is better to use standard fonts, for example, the Arial or Times families, but the use of the popular Comic Sans MS is not recommended - this is considered bad form.
  5. Too many illustrations on the slide. It's better to showcase images one at a time than trying to fit them all together, sacrificing small details. It is clear that large screens require good quality used in the presentation of pictures.
  6. Animation abuse. Animated effects should follow the logic of the material and not interfere with perception.

The main principle is moderation in everything, whether it be the amount of text or animated inserts, the size of pictures, the color and type of font, or the duration of video clips. It is important to always keep in mind the audience for which the work is being done: what is good for a preschooler is not suitable for a high school student, and vice versa.

Compliance with a few simple rules can significantly improve the quality of presentations, which means achieving greater student involvement, inviting them to dialogue, and ensuring a deep understanding of the material. For example, on the site you can see many examples of such works, as well as download ready-made ones.

The most typical shortcomings and errors in the design and execution of electronic presentations, which often reduce their effectiveness, are the following.

Typical disadvantages of the structure and form of information presentation:

1) Absence Title slide, containing: the name of the project or topic of the lesson (class); About the author; date of development; information about the location of the resource in the network, etc.

2) Absence Introductions, which presents: the goals and objectives of studying the topic, a brief description of the content;

3) Absence Table of contents(for detailed developments, if there are sections, subtopics in the presentation) with hyperlinks to sections / subtopics of the presentation;

3) The absence of a logical conclusion of the presentation, containing: conclusion, generalizations,conclusions;

5) Overloading slides with detailed textual information ( no more than three small facts per slide and no more than one important one ) ;

6) Uneven and irrational use of space on the slide;

7) Lack of connection between the background of the presentation and the content.

Common style and design mistakes:

1) Spelling and stylistic errors are not allowed

2) Lack of unity of page style:

osame headset and font size for all headings ( at least 24 points);

o same headset and font size for test snippets ( at least 18 points);

o headings, page numbers, paging buttons should appear in the same place on the screen;

o the same color scheme on all pages, etc.

3) Unsuccessful choice of colors: using too bright and tedious colors, using more than 3 colors in the design (text color, background color, title and/or highlight color); using a dark background with light text;

4) Use of different backgrounds on slides within one presentation;

5) Lack of margins on slides;

6). The use of drawings, photographs of poor quality and with distortions of proportions;

7). The use of serif fonts (such as Times), which make it difficult to perceive information;

8). Lack of proper alignment of the text, the use of drop caps of different sizes;

9)Low contrast background/text; (eg: white background, gray text)

10) Low contrast hyperlinks(you need to remember that a hyperlink has three states: selected, the hyperlink has not yet been clicked, the hyperlink has already been clicked - you need to pay attention to the color of the hyperlink in all states);

11) Absence or ambiguity of connections in the diagrams or between the components of the material on the slide;

12) Availability various transition effects between slides and other annoying animation effects interfering with the perception of information;

13). Too fast change of slides and animation effects (with automatic presentation settings), lack of consideration for the speed and laws of perception of visual information.

3. Basic principles for developing multimedia presentations

Optimal volume

The choice of the optimal volume of the presentation is very important and depends on the purpose for which it is created, on the intended way of using it (learning new material, practical training, certification, lecture, etc.), as well as on the contingent of students (their age, training and etc.).

In general, the volume of the presentation should not be less than 8-10 slides.. Experience shows that the most effective visual range for a presentation is no more than 20 slides.

Exceptions are presentations intended for a long lecture of an introductory nature with a large amount of visual material. However, in this case, the volume of the presentation should not exceed 50-60 slides, at the rate of at least 1 minute. lectures per slide, and slides containing key points and fundamental concepts - 2 minutes each.

In this regard, it is necessary to strictly select video material for presentation, based on the principle of reasonable sufficiency. You should not use images related to concepts that the lecturer does not expect to be fully explained. There should be no "extra" slides that are not accompanied by an explanation. It is necessary to exclude duplicate, similar slides.


It is obligatory to take into account the age characteristics and the level of preparation of the audience (spectators). The interest of the audience in the presentation, the goals of the speaker. It is necessary to provide an understanding of the meaning of each word, sentence, concept, to reveal them, based on their knowledge and experience, to use figurative comparisons. The meaning of all new terms should be clarified. If for an adult audience it is possible to include diagrams, graphs, black-and-white photographs in the presentation, then for younger ones, for example, schoolchildren, these elements should be avoided. If in the first case it is permissible to include numerical values ​​of quantities, then in the second it should be predominantly comparative values.


It is necessary to build all provisions, definitions and conclusions on a strictly scientific basis. Bright pictures should not contradict real facts. It is unacceptable to achieve colorfulness, rescaling images, etc. at the expense of scientific credibility.

Accounting for the peculiarities of perception of information from the screen

It is known that the eye and the brain are able to work in two modes: in the mode of fast panoramic view using peripheral vision and in the mode of slow perception of detailed information using central vision. When operating in the peripheral vision mode, the eye-brain system almost instantly perceives a large amount of information, while operating in the central vision mode, a thorough sequential analysis is performed. Hence, when a personreads the text , and even from the computer screen, the brain works in slow motion. If the information is presented in a graphical form, then the eye switches to the second mode, and the brain works faster.

That is why in presentations it is desirable keep text information to a minimum , replacing it diagrams, diagrams, drawings, photographs, animations, fragments of films. In addition, concepts and abstract propositions reach the mind of the viewer more easily when they are supported by concrete facts, examples and images; and therefore, to reveal them, it is necessary to use various types of visualization.

The text on the slide is practically not perceived by the audience. Therefore, in presentations, it is better to leave the text only in the form of names, titles, numerical values, short quotes. Better avoid too many numbers. It makes sense to replace numerical values ​​with comparisons. However, a sense of proportion must also be observed along this path. Experience shows that the stream of bright images alone is also not perceived very well. Attention, initially involuntary, quickly falls, turning into an arbitrary one, the maintenance of which already requires great effort, both from the lecturer and from the audience.

A good result in switching attention is given by the use of video clips, especially voiced ones. They almost always cause excitement in the audience. The audience gets tired of the voice of one lecturer, but here the attention switches, and thus the sharpness of perception is maintained.

The ratio of the number of different elements presentations and subsequence. It is clear that it is necessary to alternate static images, animation and video clips. However, practice shows that a simple sequential alternation of elements is not entirely justified - the audience gets used to it, and attention is scattered. It would be more correct to use the effect of surprise and diversify animation techniques.

Variety of forms

This requirement involves taking into account the individual possibilities of perceiving the proposed material. (Someone perceives information better by ear (voice, sounds), and someone visually (video, images). An individual approach can be provided by various visual aids, several levels of differentiation (separation into groups (so that all viewers remember) when presenting material in terms of complexity, volume, content.Different people, due to their individual characteristics, more fully perceive information presented in different ways.Some of the audience perceive photographs better, some charts or tables and etc.

Use in presentation different forms presentation of the same information increases the completeness of its perception by almost every viewer.


Inclusion (without prejudice scientific content) into the presentation of funny stories, cartoon characters, enlivens the lesson, creates a positive emotional mood, which contributes to the assimilation of the material and stronger memorization. This is especially effective when creating educational presentations for young children.


An important role in the positive perception of the presentation is played by harmonious color combinations, consistency of style and aesthetics in the design of slides, and musical accompaniment.

The aesthetic qualities of an educational presentation are especially important for younger students. They think in forms, colors, sounds, and this is where the need for visual education in general arises, which is based not on abstract concepts and words, but on specific images that are directly perceived by the audience.


It is necessary to choose the optimal pace for the transition of slides, animation effects for perception. The optimal time required for the perception of figurative, sound and verbal information presented on each slide, as well as the time required for assimilation key concepts, is determined empirically, taking into account the peculiarities of the perception of information from the screen by an audience of the appropriate age and training. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid both unjustified haste in changing slides, which makes it difficult for a specific audience to fully perceive, and the loss of the pace of the lesson (lecture), which can lead to student distraction from the lesson and loss of interest in the content of the educational material.

1. Mixing cold and warm colors

As you know, all colors of the spectrum are divided into cold and warm colors. The cold ones are blue, cyan. To warm - yellow, red, green. There is also a neutral color - purple.

The rule is not to mix cold and warm colors on the same slide. For example, you cannot write in red letters on a blue background, or yellow letters on a dark blue background. When designing slides, use only warm or only cool colors, depending on the subject of your presentation.

For example, if the presentation contains material about Antarctica or the ocean, then cold colors will look more advantageous. On the other hand, if a presentation is being prepared about security environment, building houses, raising pets, it is most likely better to use the warm colors of the spectrum.

2. Dark presentation background

Of course, there are situations where a dark background is quite appropriate. For example, presentations about space exploration, caves, subway construction, of course, are best done against a dark background.

However, most presentations look better on a light background. A light background gives great opportunities for use. different colors in the design of the text (red and blue and dark green and brown and purple and other dark colors look good on a white background).

Light backgrounds and dark text read better from a distance than light text on a dark background. No wonder the car numbers were changed in due time and now they contain dark letters on a white background.

3. Lack of margins and frames in the design of the slide

If the text starts from the very edge of the slide and ends at the other edge, then it looks sloppy. No wonder there are margins in notebooks and books. It would be very appropriate to provide presentation slides with frames. In this case, the slide looks complete, holistic, harmonious.

4. Using only capital letters in the design of the slide

This trend has its roots in the distant past, when there were no computers yet and all printed materials were prepared on typewriters. At that time, there was no other way to highlight the text, how to fill it with capital letters alone.

Many presentation creators still use this method to this day. Moreover, they make out not only headings, but also the entire text. Reading such inscriptions is very inconvenient.

5. Saturation of the slide with text

If you are preparing a presentation for the big screen, then its slides should contain a minimum of text. You will say all the text during the speech, and the slides of the presentation should contain illustrations to increase the entertainment and visibility of your presentation.

Very often, the presenter puts all the text that he is going to say on the slide and simply reads it from the screen. Such performances are most reminiscent of a simultaneous reading session. The lecturer reads his speech to the audience, and the audience follows the text on the slide to ensure that the lecturer says exactly what is written.

Unfortunately, viewers sitting in the back rows cannot see the text on the slides. Over time, they begin to get bored at such a "lecture" and may leave without waiting for it to end.

6. Saturation of the slide with pictures

This trend is rooted in a time when there were no multimedia projectors and all presentations were shown using overhead projectors.

To prepare the material for the demonstration, it was necessary to buy a special film for the printer, on which it was possible (like on paper) to print what needed to be shown on the screen. Film for creating presentations was not cheap, so the creator of the presentation sought to fit his material on as few sheets as possible. Naturally, this reduced the size of the images.

If we are doing a Power Point presentation, we have 65,536 slides to spare. All of them are completely free. If you have several drawings, it is better to place them on different slides and show them one after another than to shrink them trying to fit them all on one slide.

7. Using the font Times and italics in the design of the slides

The main goal of the presentation creator is that the audience, even those sitting on the last rows, can easily read all the captions on the slides. This is possible only when using fonts of the Arial family (such fonts are also called "chopped"). The use of fonts of the Times family, and even designed in italics, leads to the fact that even those sitting on the front rows will find it difficult to read the text.

8. Incorrect composition of presentation slides

And in painting, and in photography, and in cinema, the same laws of frame construction operate. They come from the peculiarities of a person's perception of the picture he is looking at.

Looking at the picture, we do not look at it all at once. Our attention is focused on the so-called compositional centers of the image.

There is a so-called rule of thirds (from the word "third" - the third part of something). It lies in the fact that if the image is divided into three equal parts horizontally and three vertically, then those points at which these lines intersect will be the compositional centers of the images. It is on them that we first of all pay attention, even if we do not suspect it.

The best way to correctly build the composition of a slide is to place its most important information units in composition centers. Look at these photos. Which one do you think is more successful in terms of composition.

9. Putting images to the edge or corner of a presentation slide

Placing photographs close to the edges, and, moreover, in the corner of the slide, is considered a gross mistake in the design of presentation materials. Psychologically, this placement leads the viewer to the idea that the picture may continue beyond the slide, but the viewer himself does not see this continuation. The feeling of isolation, completeness of the slide disappears. It would be optimal to place the image at some distance from the edge of the slide. If the image is placed in the corner of the slide, then the distances to the nearest edges of the slide should be the same.

10. Looking or moving off the edge of a slide

Some images have a pronounced direction (a person is looking or walking, a car is driving, a ship is sailing, an airplane is flying) to the left or right. On this slide, A.S. Pushkin is clearly looking beyond the slide.

Psychologically, this placement further provokes the viewer to assume that there is additional content in that part of the slide that is not being shown to the viewer. This is a gross mistake. If you swap the image and text on the slide, then this problem will be solved.

11. Center slide composition

What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you look at the left image? This is an example of the so-called "central" composition, which is unacceptable either in painting, or in photography, or in building a presentation slide. The figure on the right shows a different slide layout. It is more correct because it obeys the rule of thirds.

Pay attention to the same distances from the top and right borders of the slide to the photo and from the left and bottom borders to the caption.

12. No borders around images

Despite the fact that the latest version of Microsoft Power Point already has various effects that can be applied to images, giving them some illusion of volume, many presentation creators neglect this possibility. As a result, the photo looks flat, as if it was just glued to the surface of the slide. Images look much better when there are some frames around them.