Corporate governance in brief. Corporation management. The main differences between the American model and the German one

Concept, models, participants and trends in legal regulation.

08.11.2019 1387

Wherein the legislative framework continues to develop. Experts note several of the most noticeable trends:

Imperative (unilateral-powerful, directive) regulation is strengthening in public companies and the dispositivity is expanding in non-public ones. After the reform Civil Code two new types of corporations have emerged: public and non-public. Legislative acts make it quite clear that public corporations will be regulated as imperatively as possible and will be subject to maximum requirements (including in corporate governance), which cannot be legally changed by internal documents or provisions of the charter. The rigidity of this regulation is noticeable when convening general meeting, in the structure requirements general management, to those who are part of this structure, in the disclosure of information.

In non-public corporations, the state gives participants the right to independently regulate internal issues. If a corporation does not attract funds from mass investors and conducts business distributed among a small number of participants, it receives significant discretion. Its participants can themselves determine the structure of management bodies, requirements for officials, adhere to the procedure for distribution of profits established in the agreement, and the procedure for participation in the general meeting.

Judicial practice and judicial law-making play a big role. The consequence of this is the regulation of a number of relations at the level of Resolutions of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. This is a feature of Russian legal system, in which the concept of judicial precedent exists and its role is great for corporate governance. For example, the liability of members of management bodies is regulated at the level of the Supreme Arbitration Court resolution.

The responsibility of members of management bodies increases for decisions made (Resolution No. 62). In addition to legislation regulating the work of JSCs and LLCs, there are separate acts (decisions of the Supreme Arbitration Court) on the responsibility of management bodies. They set out the requirements for decisions made by directors.

The importance of “soft law” is growing(including the Corporate Governance Code) and local lawmaking. Corporate governance - no required condition for each corporation. If the corporation is small, then it makes no sense for the state/legislators to impose strict requirements for its management. And the company itself chooses the structure of its bodies and distributes powers between them. In this case, internal, local legal acts and “soft law” - advisory documents containing best corporate governance practices. And the corporation decides whether it will use them.

Corporate Governance Code

The structure of the corporation's governing bodies includes:

    General meeting of shareholders/participants.

    Board of Directors (mandatory for public joint stock companies, where it is created at the will of the company’s shareholders).

    Collegial executive body: board/directorate. Formed at the discretion of the society. Typically created in large corporations where collective leadership is necessary. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 69 of the Law on JSC, its powers must be determined by the charter.

    Sole executive body (SEO). It is needed to sign documents, conduct external activities- represent the corporation to third parties. EIO can be not only an individual, but also legal. By decision of shareholders or members, a company may attract another corporation, business organization, or even individual entrepreneur(manager), conclude an agreement and make him the sole executive body:


managing organization/manager.

The principle of residual competence

For the entire structure of management bodies, the principle of residual competence applies - a key principle of corporate law: the competence of a lower body does not include issues that are decided by a higher one.

Maximum competence lies with the general meeting of shareholders (this is specified in the legislation on joint stock companies). The board of directors provides general management of the corporation, and the competence of the sole executive body includes everything that is not within the powers of higher authorities.

Thus, the laws on JSC and LLC state that the general director simply manages the activities, and other issues can be specified in the work regulations general director, in his employment contract or documents regulating his work.

Subscribe to the telegram channel of the Russian School of Management @rusuprav Text: Svetlana Shcherbak

In today's rapidly developing world, companies and corporations are beginning to play an increasingly important role. They have broad financial and economic opportunities to influence the economy of one particular country and the world as a whole. Corporate governance is the key to their successful development and, as a result, increased capital inflows as well as macroeconomic growth.

The concept of corporate governance in modern economic and legal spheres

Despite the wide applicability of this term in practice, there is no single interpretation of the concept that would include all aspects and directions in the labor sphere. In legal and economic literature Corporate governance is a community of systemic principles and mechanisms through which shareholders exercise their rights to own property. The institution of corporate control itself is presented in the form of a pyramid with three subordinate cells interconnected.

Corporate governance by its nature is not comparable to systems of operational and tactical management of a company, however, trends recent years indicates its strategic importance. The object of corporate governance is monitoring of actions taken during the management of the corporation.

Relevance and specificity of corporate governance in Russia

In many sectors of the domestic economy, leading positions are gradually beginning to be occupied by corporations, which play a very important role in its development. In this regard, there is an increase in expert interest in the issues of the institution of corporate governance in Russia. It touches on issues related to the formation of corporations as an independent entity and a participant in the global economic community. Corporate governance significantly influences the investment climate, and therefore correlates with the following global processes:

  • in the context of widespread globalization of the economy, the entry of corporations into a single global economic and financial space is causing more and more resonance;
  • the growing influence of corporations on global processes and the gradual monopolization of the market;
  • creating favorable conditions in the company to attract foreign capital and improve the investment climate for investors;
  • all assets owned by the corporation are transferred under a common management mechanism, the development of which is being carried out by an increasing number of specialists;
  • the corporation's shareholders participate equally in the functioning of the organization, thus maintaining a financial balance between all parties to the relationship;
  • for more effective corporate governance and control, responsibilities are distributed within the organization;
  • active participation of corporations in establishing lost contacts between industrial economic entities;
  • investing large amounts of funds to create and develop a modern Internet economy, cryptocurrency, blockchains, which will allow the corporation to increase the amount of profit received and modernize standards by modern standards.

Methods of corporate governance of a legal entity

A legal entity in Russia, according to Article 53 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is endowed with a special list of civil rights and obligations. They carry out their legal activity within current legislation, special constituent documents and other legal acts. Thus, there is a transfer of rights and obligations from the state to legal entity through his organs.

Management methods are designed to classify the features of corporate management of a business entity and are divided into:

  • administrative;
  • economic;
  • legislative and regulatory legal;
  • organizational.

It should be taken into account that the above management methods are also divided into three levels:

  • corporate;
  • the level where the main activity of the corporation is the business sphere;
  • a separate class of certain enterprises and their subsidiaries.

Corporate governance provides for the overall management of all types of entities in one single prescribed management field.

Maneuvering in this control cycle can occur and change only when taking into account special conditions objects to which it is directed, as well as to increase production volumes.

An important aspect of the entire corporate governance process is the fact that the assets of a corporation are localized in the hands of monopoly owners or investors, and the creation of such substructures as a board of directors, board of trustees or management is conditioned by the transfer of rights to manage property in order to avoid a ban on market monopolization. The end result is the emergence of inconsistencies in the information supplied and disagreements between management and owners.

Features of corporate governance and its participants

It is not a fact that reasonable decisions made in the process of corporate governance will necessarily bring the corporation increased financial profits and stable growth of shares on the world market. There are many examples where fairly large “family” organizations that do not have a certificate of compliance with corporate governance standards are quite competitive in the product market.

One of the main features of CG is considered to be its invulnerability against abuses by management, but it leads to less flexibility in the company's policy.

However, companies that have been tested for compliance with corporate governance standards have a list of advantages over their competitors.

By using modern system IPO they are more likely to establish contacts with foreign investors, which is better for their financial reserves.

Investors are inclined to cooperate with such organizations, since they believe that the effective approach to the implementation of corporate governance by its management does not give reason to doubt the honesty and transparency of the policies pursued by the company.

Thus, the likelihood that an investor may lose funds invested in projects is approaching a minimum.

Corporations that represent the interests of developing countries in the global financial market have a special interest in moving under corporate management.

Research from numerous economic experts shows that corporations with a corporate governance system have a greater amount of capital compared to the market average. This trend is typical for Arab countries and states in the region. Latin America(except Chile) Russian Federation, Indonesia, Turkey and Malaysia.

The efficiency of operations and constant growth of companies is the result of a community of subjects of corporate relations who are interested in the following:

Labor functions and interests of corporate governance subjects

The main financial reward for employees, in particular company managers, is the payment in full of the wages specified in their employment contracts.

Their main interest is to feel comfortable and confident in the stability of their position. They also want to protect themselves from certain situations, such as, for example, financing the company from retained earnings rather than from the company's external debt.

The priority direction for the growth of companies in the market is the creation of an equilibrium risk-reward ratio.

Managers are one of the main components of the overall chain of command.

They depend on the actions of shareholders represented by the board of directors, and are most interested in prolonging their existing employment contracts for a longer period.

Their primary task in the corporation is constant interaction with representatives of other groups who are directly related to the company itself or wish to cooperate with it. Among them: employees, shareholders, official government agencies, clients, investors, importers.

However, there are a number of aspects in which company managers become hostages of their position. Thus, they cannot influence the decision to expand the scope of the company’s activities and its structure, to participate in various charitable events in order to increase corporate prestige and status.

Other subjects labor relations in the corporate governance system of a company, shareholders become shareholders, whose income from its activities is expressed in the receipt of dividends or those funds that were credited to the account after the transaction of selling shares on the market.

Often, the owners of company shares express their support to the management and board of directors of the organization in making decisions aimed at possibly increasing profits, even if they are very risky.

Therefore, they, no less than managers, strive to contribute to the development of the company. But there are also several high-risk situations for them, for example:

  • their personal income will not increase if the goods and services that the company sells on the market are not in demand among buyers, and, accordingly, the organization does not receive stable high profits;
  • if the company declares itself bankrupt, the shareholders will be able to get all their compensation payments only as a last resort.

Shareholders have some advantages in investing and holding shares in several companies at the same time, so if they lose money in one, they always have a fallback option. In addition, they can exert certain pressure on the board of directors:

  1. during regular meetings of shareholders, a certain management team is elected and shareholders, based on their own interests, vote or not vote for this or that decision;
  2. the transaction for the sale of shares that they own affects the quotes of these securities on the market for goods and services, thereby becoming a possible lever for putting pressure on the current composition of the board of directors that is unfavorable to them.

There is a third group of subjects of corporate relations - accomplices or interested parties. These include:

  • Creditors. Their profit is specified in the contract concluded as a result of negotiations between them and the company. They oppose making decisions, the implementation of which involves a certain risk, insist that the profits received in the future can cover the amount of the loan provided on time and in full, and own a block of shares in several companies at the same time.
  • Full-time employees and company personnel. They show primary interest in worthy wages, its timely payment, good conditions labor, job preservation and sustainable development organizations. Unlike shareholders, they are in constant contact with the board of directors, are completely subordinate to its decisions and have no leverage over its activities.
  • Company partners (customers, importers, etc.). They are in constant contact with the board of directors to obtain information about the state of the company's functioning.
  • State official structures. They regularly monitor the company’s activities, check compliance with safety regulations, the availability of all certificates and accreditation, monitor the timely payment of taxes, the creation of jobs and the provision of various benefits to the organization’s employees. They can influence the company by increasing taxes and changing reporting documentation.

Principles and mechanisms of corporate governance

At regular meetings with the participation of shareholders, questions and proposals may be put forward regarding:

  • reforming the organization;
  • disposal of assets owned by the company;
  • conducting stock purchase and sale transactions;
  • publication of reporting information on profits received;
  • changes in the composition of the management and main constituent bodies of the corporation, etc.

The basic principle of corporate governance involves establishing the responsibility of the board of directors to shareholders. Minority shareholders have unequal rights among themselves, and, therefore, a different number of votes that they have the right to dispose of, since they are directly related to the volume of shares in the company.

Norms Russian legislation The following division of rights is provided, according to the share held:

Such an imbalance leads to the infringement of the economic rights of shareholders through the withdrawal of profits received by the company in non-dividend ways, after which it is distributed between members of the board of directors and shareholders owning controlling blocks of shares.

This shortcoming of the corporate governance system can be compensated for by establishing a market for corporate control. With its help, holders of small shares in a company can sell their shares if they do not agree with the policies pursued by the company's management.

Basic models of corporate governance

Over the course of a long time, the following fundamental models of forms of corporate governance have been formed that are used in different countries world:

  • Anglo-American (outsider) model - provides for the management of a corporation based on the use of external or market levers of management control, or monitoring of the collegial body of the corporation, organized in accordance with all requirements. Its defining element is the presence large quantity small investors independent from each other who represent the interests of minority shareholders. In such a system of relations, the influence of the stock market, which serves as a tool for monitoring the activities of the corporation’s management, increases sharply;
  • The German or insider model is based on the control of a corporation from within. The basis for the successful functioning of a corporation is multilateral cooperation between all entities that have any relation to it. Unlike the Anglo-American model, the stock market does not affect the company's activities and the price of its shares. This is due to the fact that independent monitoring of the results of manufactured products and the situation in the common market of goods and services is carried out;
  • The corporate governance model in Japan was designed to lift the country's economy from ruins after defeat in World War II. Thanks to its use, the state was able to perform an “economic miracle” in the 1960s, associated with annual economic growth of 10%;
  • The family model of corporate governance can be applied in almost every country. Full control of the corporation belongs to one family, and a controlling stake usually passes from generation to generation. The most striking example of such a model is the American oil company Standard Oil, which has been controlled by the Rockefeller family for over 130 years.

The formation and application of a corporate governance model depends on the specifics and is focused on the internal economic situation in each country. This is influenced by three main factors:

  • system for protecting the rights of minority shareholders;
  • functions and tasks of management;
  • level of information provided.

The corporate governance system in Russia is not implemented in accordance with any of the presented models, as it is focused on their symbiosis and the use of the best features and advantages of each.

Concept of corporate governance

Currently, there are many approaches to determining the essence of corporate governance (CG). Most often it is usually identified with a special form of relationship that arises between managers and owners (shareholders) corporate organizations, which includes a set of norms, rules, traditions and measures that allow the latter to monitor the activities of the company’s management and fairly distribute its results.

Definition 1

A corporation is a special form of business organization that involves the concentration of ownership in the hands of shareholders. Most often, corporations take the form joint stock companies(public and non-public).

Corporate governance is directly related to the organization of management of relationships between a corporation and its stakeholders.

Stakeholders should be understood as persons interested in the activities of the corporation. As a rule, they are:

  • shareholders (owners);
  • management (managers);
  • employees (staff);
  • clients (consumers);
  • suppliers;
  • state;
  • local community.

The corporate governance system involves building effective relationships between them.

Corporate governance itself is usually considered in three basic aspects (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Main approaches to determining the essence of corporate governance. Author24 - online exchange of student work

In the first case, corporate governance is usually identified as an independent system of knowledge, that is, considered as a science.

In the second case, the essence of corporate governance will be determined from the perspective of a systems approach. Then it is fair to talk about it as a set of managerial relations.

In the third case, the definition of the essence of corporate governance is based on process approach. It represents a kind of management influence through which the corporation represents and discusses the divergent interests of stakeholders, while ensuring a balance between economic and social goals.

In relation to actual operational practice economic systems Corporate governance involves building a system of its organization.

The essence and composition of the corporate governance system

The corporate governance system is organizational model, through which the corporation ensures the representation and protection of the interests of its investors and shareholders. It can also be defined as a set of principles and mechanisms for making corporate decisions and monitoring their implementation.

The CG system is based on a number of principles and rules that define the relationships between owners, hired managers and other groups of stakeholders.

It is believed that the corporate governance system should be based on universal human values, such as:

  • honesty;
  • transparency and openness;
  • responsibility;
  • dialogue with stakeholders;
  • cooperation with society, etc.

Note 1

The corporate governance system is based on the interaction and mutual accountability of stakeholders. Its main goal is to increase the corporation's profits and ensure the sustainability of its development, subject to compliance with current legislation taking into account international standards.

IN general view The model of the corporate governance system is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Corporate governance system diagram. Author24 - online exchange of student work

From Figure 2 it can be seen that the CG system is inextricably linked with the distribution of information flows and coordination interaction between shareholders, management and the board of directors. One way or another, it is aimed at regulating the relationship between managers and owners and is designed not only to minimize agency costs, but also to ensure consistency of goals of all stakeholder groups in order to ensure the effective functioning of the corporation.

Ultimately, the CG system is designed to stimulate participants in corporate relations to develop such company development strategies, the implementation of which can lead to increased business value.

Features of building corporate management systems

Lining up effective system CG is a complex multi-stage process. Its main stages are:

  • development of unified operating principles of the corporation, which may be reflected in the form of a mission, philosophy or other fundamental document;
  • determining the fundamental goals of the company’s activities, as well as identifying ways to motivate its owners;
  • choosing an organizational structure that would be adequate to the goals set.

Building a corporate governance system is associated with a number of problems, the entirety of which can be divided into two groups. The first comes down to determining what exactly the corporation should build, and the second is the quality of its construction.

A primary role is given to the formation of the basic parameters of the system elements, which should be directly related to the four blocks of CG affecting the rights of shareholders, governing bodies, social responsibility business and information disclosure. All of them must be structured in such a way as to ensure the sustainability of the corporation's development while minimizing conflicts of interest of the main groups of stakeholders and maximizing the satisfaction of their interests, as well as individual corporate goals, while maintaining congruence of goals.

Most often, building a corporate governance system takes the following form (Figure 3). This approach is simplified.

Figure 3. Corporate governance bodies. Author24 - online exchange of student work

As part of a broader approach to building a corporate governance system, it also includes such elements as CG participants (at the micro and macro levels), objects and mechanisms of its influence, as well as Information Support its functioning.

The corporation is managed in accordance with its

constituent documents and legislation. At the same time, the corporate

The radio itself determines both the management structure and the costs of

him. The owner manages the corporation independently or through

special management bodies provided for by the charter.

Between people filling organizational structure

corporations interacting with each other and dependent each other

from each other, a wide network of horizontal and vertical

connections. It requires clear coordination and regulation, which

deals with the control system through which decisions are made and

decisions are implemented aimed at achieving

goals set by the corporation.

In small corporations, the owner(s) are independent

carries out its functions: entrepreneurial, productive

sovereign, managerial and, finally, the function of appropriation (semi-

valuation, distribution and use) of profits. However, with the growth

The scale of production makes this more difficult.

When the number of employees in a corporation exceeds ten,

the owner cannot afford to work simultaneously

their main specialty and manage the business. Therefore he

focuses on the latter as the most critical area

work and refuses to perform production functions.

Further increase in the scale and complexity of production in

corporation leads to the fact that the owner is unable to re-

implement directly the management function. Therefore he

transfers it into the hands of hired managers, and he himself concentrates

focuses on making decisions, monitoring their implementation and

appropriation of profit.

Finally, in large corporations functioning as

shareholder companies, the owner appears as an amorphous and

a very diverse team, which is often

so large that in full force it cannot even physically

act as an effective entrepreneur. Therefore, at that time

how a minority of owners carry out entrepreneurial activities

activities as members of the board of directors, most

is quite satisfied with the appropriation of the results of production.

Management activities- one of the most difficult.

It consists of a series of independent management

planning, i.e. development of the program, procedures for its implementation

implementation, implementation schedules, situation analysis, determination

methods of achieving goals, etc.;

organization, i.e. development of the enterprise structure, implementation

development of coordination between structural divisions, etc.;

motivation, i.e. stimulating the efforts of all employees to

fulfillment of assigned tasks;



innovative, associated with the development and implementation of new

latest achievements in the field of engineering and technology, methods of organizing

tion and people management;

marketing, expressed not only in the sale of products

manufactured goods, but also in research and development,

affecting the sale of goods, the purchase of raw materials, production,

sales, after-sales service.

The corporate management system is based on a number of general

principles. Among them, the most important can be identified

the following.

1. The principle of centralization of management, i.e.

concentration of strategic and most important decisions in one

The advantages of centralization include: decision making

those who have a good understanding of the work of the corporation as a whole find -

holds high positions and has extensive knowledge and experience;

elimination of duplication of work and the associated reduction

general administrative expenses; provision of unified scientific and technical

technical, production, sales, personnel, etc. politicians.

The disadvantages of centralization are that decisions

accepted by persons who have little knowledge of the specific circumstances;

a lot of time is spent transmitting information, and it itself

gets lost; lower-level managers have practically eliminated

hesitate to make decisions that they must implement. That's why

centralization must be reasonably limited.

2. The principle of decentralization, i.e. delegation

powers, freedom of action, rights granted to subordinates

to the corporation's governing body, structural unit,

an official to make decisions within certain limits or

give orders on behalf of the entire company or division.

The need for this is associated with the increase in the scale of production and

its complication, when not only one person, but also a whole group

individuals are not able to determine and control all decisions, and thus

more fulfill them.

Decentralization has many advantages, the main ones being

boil down to the ability to quickly make decisions, attract

middle and lower level managers to this; uselessness once

development of detailed plans; weakening bureaucratization.

And at the same time, with decentralization there is a disadvantage

information, which inevitably affects the quality of received

decisions; the range of interests and scope of management thinking is narrowing

a ditch, under conditions of which feelings can prevail over reason; difficult

the unification of rules and procedures for decision-making is increasing, which increases

eliminates the time required for approvals and “settlements”.

The greater the decentralization of powers, the more significant

independence, independence of the lower divisions, which

may develop into disintegration and separatism. That's why and

decentralization can be tolerated to a certain extent.

A large corporation is more likely to

be decentralized, because the number of decisions that comes

to be accepted at the center, and the number of their agreements is increasing in geo-

metric progression eventually exceed technical

possibilities management system and get out of control.

Decentralization should be higher and territorially distributed

abandoned companies, as well as in unstable and rapidly changing

environment, since often there is simply not enough time to agree

with the center of the necessary actions that must be carried out

appear immediately.

Finally, the degree of decentralization depends on the experience and qualifications of

identification of managers and employees of the relevant subdivisions

ny. The higher they are, the more rights and responsibilities people have to

places you can trust, assign yourself to take on difficult

and responsible decisions.

3. The principle of coordination of the activities of structural

divisions and employees of the corporation. Depending on the circumstances

coordination may be entrusted to the units themselves,

who jointly develop the necessary measures; Maybe

be entrusted to the head of one of them, who, by virtue of this

becomes first among equals; finally, most often it becomes

the destiny of a special leader who has an apparatus

employees and consultants.

4. The principle of using human

ical potential. It includes:

making the bulk of decisions that are not made

entrepreneur or chief manager unilaterally

ke, but by employees of those levels of management where decisions must

be fulfilled;

orientation of performers, aimed primarily not at

direct instructions from above, but to clearly limited areas of action,

powers and responsibilities;

resolution by higher authorities only of those issues and

problems that subordinates cannot or do not have the right to

take over.

5. The principle of effective use

vanishing (and not at all neglecting) satellite services

t about in business. "

Business includes in its sphere of influence a whole complex

related activities. Specialists, I carry them out -

are called business satellites, i.e. his accomplices, companions

nicknames, assistants. They facilitate connections between corporations and external

world - counterparties, the state represented by its numerous

nal bodies and institutions.

Consideration of the galaxy of satellites should begin with accounting

moats that chart the corporation's financial course so that

would avoid paying taxes, but at the same time, so that it does not

looked like a clear evasion of their payment.

Another satellite of business (and a very important one) is legal

You. They help build legal relations with other enterprises.

ties and with the state represented by its bodies. Their services are extremely

are needed when creating, reorganizing and liquidating enterprises, when

concluding agreements and government contracts, when instigated

proceedings on violation of antimonopoly legislation, etc.

Lawyers have specializations. So, tax lawyers

rightly make complex calculations for the depreciation of the main

capital for tax purposes or when providing tax

gov discounts as a result of, say, charity. Them

There are many clever ways to mitigate the impact of the law.

There are situations that can only be resolved

a whole “general headquarters” of lawyers and financiers, specializing

searching for ways out of difficult situations. That's why they're good

accountants, lawyers, and financiers have a high status in the enterprise.

In large enterprises and corporations, they have great weight

economists-analysts, statisticians, compilers of economic

and other types of reviews. A large corporation may be in

state of stability only if it is visible

business prospects, if the conditions of the raw materials markets are known,

sales and work force, if the political situation is clear. That's why

the head of the corporation must either develop broad

prospects, or receive qualified advice according to

relevant specialists, experts, or rely on both

One of the business tools are exchanges: investment

nal, stock, commodity. In our country they are essentially only

are emerging. A law has been adopted regulating their activities*. Bye

the number of exchanges is small. Entrepreneurs prefer direct contracts

tacts with counterparties, use old industrial connections.

With proper functioning of the exchange mechanism, efficiency

finding the right partner, product, promising promotions, etc.

will be much higher.

One of the important aspects of business is the art of sales.

goods. As the market becomes saturated with goods, the need for specialized

cialists-marketers will increase steadily. Their work has become

no central activity in business in relation to

which production technology and financing will play

supporting role. In fact, if the products do not find

sales, why the activity of an engineer, financier, economist! Experience

Western countries shows that corporate presidents are often

hold these positions thanks to their previous work as a management

sales department drivers. The art of sales agents consists of

correct way of presenting goods, choosing packaging, system

selling goods in installments or on credit, etc. Special meaning

have the personal qualities of sales department employees, their communication

cable ability, the ability to win people over.

But this direct form of selling goods gradually

will give way to impersonal sales with the help of advertising in the

wow mass media. A new industry is emerging - the river industry

lam agents.

Public relations specialists are another

a companion of big business - and it reflects the claims

See the Law of the Russian Federation "On Commodity Exchanges and Exchange Trading" dated February 20-

ral 1992 // Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme

Council of the Russian Federation. 1992. No. 18. Art. 961.

business to power. Theoretical justification of relations with public

The main thesis is that a corporation is judged not only by its output.

which products, but also on general impression, which she pro-

harasses public opinion. In this matter, we need insightful

brilliant and imaginative minds. They are capable

mitigate the impact of bad news on the public. Special-

public relations worksheets help prepare ruidi speeches;

drivers large corporations, they try to use mass-e products.

only “necessary” materials appeared with information and no

thus no unwanted information was leaked out.

These principles are the basis for corporate norms

motor creativity.

At the same time, it should be noted that there are a number of principles applicable

for every day, in the daily activities of corporate management

portion and implemented in the actual actions of management

personnel. By the way, they were used in pre-revolutionary Russia

and were formulated in the form of commandments addressed to enterprises.

to tenants (1912):

"1. Respect authority. Authority - necessary condition effective

business management. There must be order in everything. Due to this

show respect to law enforcement officers at legal echelons

nah power.

2. Be honest and truthful. Honesty and truthfulness are the foundation

ment of entrepreneurship, a prerequisite for healthy profits and gar-

monistic relationships in business. Russian entrepreneur must

to be an impeccable exponent of the virtues of honesty and truthfulness