Approximate (standard) business plan for an atelier. Business plan for a clothing tailoring and repair shop

  • Summary
  • Room
  • Permits
  • Equipment
  • Staff
  • Advertising
  • We make a calculation

Women who are interested in sewing often think about starting their own business, but are afraid of not being able to cope with the difficult task. Of course, risks are always present and before taking active steps, you must draw up a business plan atelier for sewing and repairing clothes. We present to your attention detailed calculations of costs and profits, which can be used as a guide to opening your own sewing workshop.


In any standard business plan, the first point is to draw up a presentation of the enterprise. You must have a clear idea of ​​what a tailoring and repair shop will look like, what services it will provide, etc. In our example, the project is designed for a large city with a good standard of living and strong competition. Please note that the main part of the clientele will be women of middle and high income.

The first-class sewing studio provides repair services for any clothing, as well as the following tailoring services:

  • evening and wedding dresses;
  • custom-tailored clothing;
  • business suits for men and women;
  • outerwear;
  • children's clothing.

The studio's opening hours are from 10:00 to 20:00, seven days a week. It is possible to reduce the working day by one hour on Saturday and Sunday.

When drawing up a business plan for clothing repair and sewing, you should decide on the main points:

  1. Size and location of the room.
  2. Registration of the enterprise.
  3. Purchase of equipment and consumables.
  4. Hiring staff.

So, let's look at each of the above points in more detail. Please note that this ready-made business plan is an approximate sample for 2019. Prices may vary significantly depending on the region where you live.


The recommended premises area for opening a clothing business is up to 40 sq.m. Over time, as the workshop develops, a larger space may be needed. You need to open a sewing studio for a small business in places with high traffic, on the first or basement floors of residential buildings and shopping centers. It is advisable to have a good fabric store nearby. The premises itself will include:

  • sewing factory;
  • showroom;
  • dressing room;
  • room for staff to rest and eat.

Depending on your financial capabilities, you can buy or rent premises. In the business plan we will consider the second option for a residential area, which will cost approximately 50,000 rubles. per month including utility bills. At the same time, approximately the same amount will have to be spent one-time on finishing and repairing the premises.


To open a sewing and repair business you will need register your business as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The last option is easier and is preferable, especially if you do not have co-founders. Registration on your own will cost you only 800 rubles, and if you want to get a stamp and a bank account, then you will have to pay 2,300 rubles.

Permits will need to be obtained from the SES and State Supervision. Also, according to the plan, you will need to register with the pension fund. In addition to the above documentation, the studio should have a book of complaints and suggestions, a fire evacuation plan, and certificates of workplace certification. Thus, you will need up to 5,000 rubles to prepare all documents for your business.


The biggest costs when opening a repair and sewing studio will be the purchase of equipment and consumables. So, according to the business plan, you will need to purchase:

  1. 2 sewing machines;
  2. 1 overlocker;
  3. 1 iron;
  4. 1 ironing board;
  5. 1 steam generator;
  6. 1 cutting table;
  7. 2 clothes hangers;
  8. 3 desktops;
  9. 3 mannequins;
  10. 2 large mirrors;
  11. 6 chairs;
  12. Consumables: threads, needles, pins, buttons, measuring tape, etc.

Equipment costs in a business plan for opening a clothing repair and tailoring shop will be approximately as follows:


Cost 1 piece. in thousand rubles Quantity pcs. Total cost in thousand rubles.

Sewing machine

20 2 40
Overlock 15 1
3 1
Ironing board 5 1

Steam generator

2 1 2
Cutting table 20 1
5 2 10
3 3 9
Dummy 5 3
Mirror 3 2
2 6 12



Thus, the estimated cost for the purchase of equipment for a tailoring studio will be 142,000 rubles. Average prices from popular online stores are taken as a basis. At the same time, you must understand that your business plan may vary significantly in amount. For example, the price of a sewing machine can range from 1,500 to 370,000 rubles. a piece. It all depends on the quality, availability of programs and the issuing company.


To begin with, you will need to hire two seamstresses who will work in shifts. Most often, wages in a clothing repair and sewing workshop are paid by the piece. Seamstresses can receive 30-40% from each order. You can also make a mixed type of payment - a minimum salary and a small percentage of each order. In any case, a good employee should receive at least 20,000 rubles per month. This is what the calculation will be based on.

After the atelier has developed sufficiently, you will be able to hire additional staff: a seamstress, a cutter, an administrator, visiting accountant, purchasing manager, customer service manager, etc.


In the business plan of a clothing tailoring and repair shop, advertising occupies a special place. You are required to create an attractive outdoor sign, prepare business cards and flyers. In addition, every month it will be necessary to advertise in the media, including on popular Internet sites. Also, do not underestimate word of mouth; be sure to share information about the new studio with all your acquaintances and friends.

During a crisis, each person behaves completely differently: some give up and complain about life, while others find new potential in themselves and strive to improve their quality of life. If you consider yourself to be in the second category, then this article is for you.

Currently, there are a large number of business ideas that can be implemented practically from scratch or with minimal start-up costs. One of them is opening a clothing repair and sewing studio. The advantage of such a business is the ability to open it at home and minimal investment. The idea is relevant for mothers on maternity leave and women who love handicrafts. Let's look at how to open a clothing tailoring and repair shop, how much money it will require, and how to quickly implement the idea.

Atelier is a chance to earn good money for needlewomen

Selecting a room

The first stage of organizing any business is choosing a location for its location. In this case, there are several options for finding premises for an atelier:

  1. Business from home. If your living space allows, you can create at home. It’s convenient, you don’t need to go anywhere, just sit and work. If your own territory is not suitable due to its small size, you can rent an apartment for a workshop. Still, renting residential real estate will be cheaper than other options, and very soon the initial costs can pay off.
  2. Commercial real estate rental is another option, especially if you want to create a large clothing brand and have intentions of developing on a large scale. But in this case, accept higher prices. Even a basement in a large city, in a public place, will not be cheap. The average cost of premises for a workshop in a relatively large city (with an area of ​​100 sq. m.) will be about 150,000 rubles. You can also rent a smaller room (50 square meters) for 80,000 rubles. It all depends on the scale of your activity.
  3. Purchasing premises– an option for people with experience and investments. The advantage is that you will save yourself from having to pay monthly rent. The disadvantage is a large amount of starting capital.

As you can see, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which one to choose - you have to decide on your own; in any case, the main thing is to focus your activities on making a profit.

Read also: Conditions and cost of the Invitro franchise

Equipment and materials

To successfully start your business, you will have to purchase some equipment and materials. For example, you will need to buy sewing machines and related items for operation, and you will also have to purchase fabrics, threads, and needles. The cost of equipment also varies, depending on its newness.

You can buy used items or give preference to new ones. However, everyone decides for themselves what to prefer. Mostly, the atelier is visited by people with average incomes who want to stand out from the crowd and make custom-made clothes. In addition, people with a non-standard figure, overweight and obese, or, on the contrary, thin, also come to use such services. Therefore, it is important to choose the style of the establishment you are opening, and then decide on other aspects.

You can purchase both new and used equipment

In general, purchasing slightly used equipment and new high-quality materials from abroad will cost 200,000 rubles. If you are planning to open a large studio, then get ready for large expenses, which can reach up to 500,000 rubles.

Note: If you do not have your own business experience, then you should not take risks and invest too much money at the initial stage. It is better to receive the order and then buy the material.

Studio service

If you want to not just sew yourself, but open an entire company, then you will need to hire the following employees:

  1. Manager. He will be responsible for accepting orders and consulting with actual and potential clients. One employee will be enough for a small establishment. You can entrust him with servicing cash register equipment and conducting cash register operations. On average, a manager's salary in a big city starts from 30,000 rubles per month.
  2. Seamstresses. Let's assume that you are going to open a workshop with 3 sewing machines. Consequently, for shift work they will need 6 seamstresses (schedule – 2/2). The salary of one seamstress is 20-30 thousand rubles. The cost of professional services is estimated at a large amount.
  3. Cleaning woman. You can clean the premises yourself, or you can use external cleaning services. It all depends on the scale of activity and your personal wishes.

The studio's clients are people with average incomes who want to look fashionable and original.

A tailoring workshop is a place where each of us can place an order for such types of services as sewing and repairing casual, festive or outerwear. Many sewing masters are interested in the question: how to open your own tailoring studio? It is worth knowing that for each type of business everything is very individual; there is no universal advice in this area.

If you have the ability and a great desire to work in the public service sector, then this is not enough to start working and make a solid profit. To launch a project at full capacity, you need to have the skills of a psychologist, a competent coordinator, a teacher and an entrepreneur. If you add to all this entrepreneurship, knowledge of tax legislation and the financial sector, success is guaranteed.

There is quite a lot of competition in this market. Therefore, in order to stand out from competitors, the emphasis in work should be on quality and a non-standard approach to each client.

Experts distinguish two types of such enterprises:

  • a small studio in your own house or apartment;
  • atelier in rented premises.

The need for a business plan for a sewing workshop

If you have already decided what type of business you will be involved in, you need to carefully plan your work, i.e. write a business plan. This is a step-by-step plan for the success of your future enterprise. If you do not draw up a document, the risk of failure will be too great.

This estimate is necessary for everyone: both those from whom you plan to take funds to implement your plans (money investors and bankers), and your future employees who want to know their prospects and goals. But the most important thing is that the entrepreneur himself needs a business plan for opening an atelier in order to carefully analyze his ideas and understand how viable and reasonable they are.

This document should describe the main points of the future enterprise, analyze possible difficulties that you will encounter in your work, and describe possible ways to eliminate them.

The purposes of this document are:

  • for external use - to present your business in the most favorable light to investors;
  • for internal use - in this case, the business plan is used as a management tool.

Market analysis, competitiveness assessment

Before you begin implementing your plan to open an atelier, you need to analyze the market in your locality. This will help you understand how much competition there is in this industry and whether your enterprise will be successful in the city where you plan to conduct your business.

In addition, analyzing errors and shortcomings in the work of competitors will help you. Only then will you be able to understand what will be best for your business and what to avoid. Inaccuracies and shortcomings in the work of competitors will prompt you to new, optimal solutions and marketing moves.

Where to start a sewing business: registration and documents

It's worth knowing that this type of business is segmented. What does it mean? You can open a workshop only for sewing clothes, others want to do only repairs, and there are those who are ready to combine both. Therefore, you must immediately decide on the direction of your activity.

So, what do you need to open a studio? This type of work activity must be legally registered with the tax service. The substantive form can be chosen in any of the options: or. To make it easier to maintain accounting and tax records, it is better to focus on individual entrepreneurship.

Selection of workers

Minimum staff must consist of:

  • the person who will take orders,
  • couturier designer,
  • master seamstresses.

A fashion designer will need to be paid a good salary. You may not be able to afford it at first. Therefore, you can invite to work, for example, a female student without specific experience, but with a desire to work and acquire skills in her specialty.

A tailor must have extensive experience in this field. The receiver must be able to accurately take measurements.

People can be hired from among your friends or acquaintances or through agencies.

It is necessary to conclude an agreement with the seamstress, which must stipulate her financial responsibility. Since customers sometimes bring very expensive material or products for repair, in some cases, an inexperienced technician can ruin the product. Therefore, he must know that he is responsible to the customer for the damaged item.

Another important condition when recruiting personnel is that your future employees must be able to communicate with people and be decent.


The studio's services include the following:

  • tailoring;
  • repair and restoration of clothing.

It is worth knowing that this type of business is subject to seasonality. This will be especially noticeable if you plan to do only repairs or sewing outerwear. Seasonality also applies to those studios that work with knitwear or specialize in sewing dresses, raincoats, coats and fur coats.

How to “promote” an atelier?

After all the preparatory work has been completed, an advertising campaign for your production is necessary. This is best done a few weeks before opening.

  • posting information leaflets on advertising boards in your city;
  • announcement on social networks and local television;
  • distributing invitations to mailboxes;
  • advertising in stores and shopping centers.

Financial part: costs, profit, profitability of a tailoring studio

Approximate costs In the first year, the atelier's work with such services as tailoring outerwear, workwear, uniforms for hotels and restaurants, repair of women's and men's clothing, looks like this.

To implement the project you will need 2,300,000 rubles.

For the first 12 months of work you can receive income in the amount of 3.5–4 million rubles, in subsequent years it is planned to increase income by 20%.

Net profit from the work of the studio– 2,800,000 rubles. As you can see, the project pays for itself in 10–11 months. Thus, we can talk about high profitability atelier as a business.

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Despite the variety of products in stores, shoppers often find it difficult to choose the right clothes. The client may not be satisfied with the size, quality of tailoring or material, style and design. Most of the products offered today are not of very good quality, made from cheap mixed or synthetic fabrics. It is these clients who make up the target audience of the studio. In this article we will look at a business plan for a clothing repair and sewing studio.

An atelier for sewing clothes from natural fabrics is a good alternative to clothing stores. The final cost of clothing is comparable to store-bought clothing, since the cost of work in the studio does not exceed the trade markup.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a studio

In the table below we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of opening a studio business. It can be noted that the main target audience is people who need clothes with an individual cut (this could be obese people or those who want to look more fashionable and elegant).

Let's give some statistics from Gomkomstat on clothing turnover. The leader is the Central Federal District (~50%) and, in particular, Moscow (~40%). Retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg amounted to ~3%.

Regions are leaders and outsiders in the purchase of clothing (data from Gomkomstat)

From the diagram we can conclude that it is most effective to open a studio in the Central Federal District in Moscow, since this is where the greatest demand for purchasing clothes is. The lowest profitability will come from the clothing business in the Far Eastern and North Caucasus districts.

How to open a studio from scratch: registering a business with the tax authorities

To register with the tax office, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. The table below analyzes the main advantages, as well as the necessary list of documents for each form of business. When registering under OKVED, select the main activity: 52.42 “Retail trade in clothing”, 52.42.1 – “Retail trade in men’s, women’s and children’s clothing”, 52.42.8 – “Retail trade in clothing accessories (gloves, ties, scarves, belts, suspenders and etc.)".

Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small studio (50-80m²). Number of personnel 3-5 people
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open a large studio (>80m²), take out loans, and scale.
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system.

According to the law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

If you provide services to the public, you can use a SSR (strict reporting form) rather than a cash register.

OKVED codes for studio registration:

  • 10.18 – production of leather clothing
  • 18.2 – sewing accessories and textile clothing;
  • 18.21 – production of workwear;
  • 18.22 – making outerwear;
  • 18.24 – sewing accessories and other clothes(for the main studio, choose this code) ;
  • 52.41 – retail trade of textiles and haberdashery products
  • 52.74 - repair of clothing and household products that are intended only for personal use and not included in other groups.

How to open a fashion studio (case from Masha Umanskaya)

In an interview, Masha Umanskaya will talk about the intricacies of running a fashion studio.

Studio business plan: project presentation

We choose large cities (as shown above, Moscow is better) with a large number of solvent clients interested in individual design and preferring high-quality fabrics. We focus primarily on a female audience.

We also repair textile products at the same time. The business plan includes the presence of a store of European high-quality goods. Price categories in the store range from everyday to evening.

To ensure a constant workload of equipment and personnel, you can make clothes that will be sold outside the studio (in our opinion, it is better to focus on individual tailoring, rather than sewing everything in a row).

Product samples are displayed on mannequins in the reception hall. Working hours: from 10 to 20 hours seven days a week, on Saturday and Sunday we work 1 hour less.

Selecting a room

We choose high-traffic areas for the studio, the first floors of residential buildings, shopping centers or consumer services complexes.

It is better to start with a small area of ​​the room - up to 50 m². As the business expands, we are moving to a larger premises, but located nearby, so as not to lose clients.

The atelier business plan provides for at least 3 types of premises:

  1. Reception area with fitting booths containing samples of fittings and fabrics.
  2. Cutting and sewing shop, where fabrics are ironed and processed before cutting.
  3. Sanitary rooms - storage rooms for cleaning supplies, a toilet, a room for eating.

We provide lighting for the place where seamstresses work according to special standards, which are five times higher than the requirements for residential premises. Professional sewing equipment requires a voltage of 380 volts.

Other conditions for the room are minimal: good ventilation, light-colored walls that can withstand frequent wet cleaning, and the absence of surfaces that retain small sewing waste.

If the business is planned to expand and produce wholesale quantities of products, we will entrust some of the operations to seamstresses at home to save rent.

Initial costs

First, we purchase a minimum of sewing equipment, then we purchase additional equipment as needed. Equipment list:

  • sewing machines, overlockers - 150,000 rubles;
  • mannequins - 10,000 rubles;
  • ironing equipment - 40,000 rubles;
  • furniture for the reception and sewing room - 40,000 rubles;
  • repairs - 200,000 rubles;
  • accessories - 20,000 rubles;
  • purchase of goods for sale - 100,000 rubles.

Total - 460,000 rubles.

To save money, you can buy used equipment, but you will have to pay a mechanic to check and install it.

Studio advertising

After the preparatory activities, we launch advertising, formatting it in the form of an announcement. We start the advertising campaign a few weeks before the opening.

  • information on notice boards in the workshop area;
  • advertisements on the Internet, print media, local television;
  • distributing invitations to mailboxes;
  • mutual advertising in stores that are partners.

First, we reach residents of the nearest neighborhood. We offer discounts on tailoring and repairs. We are gradually forming a circle of regular customers from other territories, using advertising in the media.


We are initially hiring two seamstresses, one cutter and two receptionists, who also perform the duties of sales assistants in the store. Requirements: work experience, recommendations from previous employers.

We contract out accounting services and cleaning work to third parties. For one-time orders, if necessary, we involve a designer.

We give sellers a fixed salary of 12,000 rubles (average for Russia), shop employees receive a constant minimum payment and 1/4 of the cost of completed orders.

Costs in the first year of operation

Consumables are included in the order price. Their costs will be about 20,000 rubles/month.

  • Rent of premises, utilities - 70,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 10,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of accessories and fabrics for the store - 40,000 rubles.
  • Salary with deductions, including payments under contracts - 60,000 rubles.

Atelier profitability

  • The cost of an average order is about 350 rubles. We predict 9 orders per day.
  • The annual total revenue is planned to be about 1,100,000 rubles, after deducting salaries and deductions - 850,000 rubles.
  • The average order for tailoring is 3,000 rubles, the amount for the year is 1,350,000 rubles.
  • Sale of fabrics without sewing - up to 800,000 rubles per year. Total revenue - 2,600,000 rubles.
  • Income from the sale of finished products - up to 200,000 rubles with subsequent increase.

As the number of orders increases, we attract additional employees and purchase equipment. Advertising costs are gradually decreasing. Taking into account taxes, the investment will pay off in 1-1.2 years.

Read similar articles on selling clothes for adults and children: and.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(3.5 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.5 out of 5)
The atelier is a promising business in large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, since this is where there is a high demand for the purchase of new clothes. The payback period for the initial costs is ~1 year. It is important to have sewing experience, since only through high-quality work can repeat sales be ensured.

People are constantly in need of new clothes, so making and repairing clothes can be a very profitable idea. But, as in any other business, this has its own subtleties and secrets. Let's try to figure them out.

Features of the sewing business

When opening a clothing tailoring and repair shop, you should not expect quick profits. At first, the income will be spent on purchasing the necessary equipment, because it is quite expensive to purchase everything at once. Costs also depend on whether you rent or purchase premises.

One way or another, the investment must be quite serious. The average business plan for a small business sewing studio assumes that the establishment will pay for itself in a year. If you only plan to do renovations, it will be much cheaper to start a business. In this case, the room may be smaller, and only a couple of sewing machines will be required.

Opening a studio is a little more difficult, because it requires more employees and special devices. In general, you can expect a stable income from a sewing workshop of any format, even if its level is not very high.

Format selection

Before starting work, it is worth deciding how broad the profile of the establishment will be. At the initial stage, you can deal exclusively with repairs, but in the long term this is not very profitable. Therefore, you should immediately decide whether your enterprise will be narrow-profile or whether you plan to cover a wide range of services. In the first case, you will need to try to achieve maximum quality in a specific area, for example, in sewing wedding dresses.

The second will require more specialized equipment and personnel. The optimal solution would be a combination of several types of services, for example, clothing repair, sewing accessories and outerwear. An experienced seamstress in an atelier must be a universal specialist in order to work on any order, if necessary.

Paper questions

Once the atelier format has been chosen, it is worth getting down to paperwork. You need to start by determining the organizational and legal form, and then purchase or rent premises, where you can officially register. It is important to decide in advance whether you plan to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

For a clothing tailoring and repair shop, the first option is more appropriate, as it will be easier to conduct tax reporting and accounting calculations. When choosing a direction of activity, indicate a mixed direction, indicating such items as the provision of personal services to the population, the production of textile clothing, the repair of household products and personal items. You also need to register with the pension fund and obtain a work permit from the fire department.

Selecting a location

One of the important initial stages is the selection of premises. For the first time, it is best to rent a suitable territory, and in the future it will be possible to purchase it. It is best to choose a place where there is a constant flow of people. For example, you can rent an outlet in a shopping center.

Another good option would be a clothing tailoring and repair shop in a residential area or a workshop near a specialized fabric store. It’s also good when there are household services nearby, for example, for making keys. This increases the likelihood that the client will stop by on his way there and to you. To begin with, a room of up to twenty square meters will be enough. Try to find a place with an optimal ratio of the number of visitors and the amount of rent.

Purchase of equipment

The range of special tools and machines for sewing is simply huge. It doesn’t make much sense to buy everything at once; it’s better to buy only the essentials. To get started, you will need a professional model sewing machine that performs various operations, an overlocker that can be used to process edges and seams, a hemming machine that is needed to process the bottoms of skirts and trousers, a good steam iron for the atelier and an ironing board, and a cutting table.

In addition, you need accessories such as special scissors and rippers, needles, rulers, threads, measuring tapes and thimbles. A fitting room for the atelier will also be required. When choosing equipment, try to purchase new and reliable models. After purchasing used devices, you will have to spend money on debugging and repairing them.

Furniture and interior details

In addition to sewing equipment, before opening a clothing repair shop, you need to purchase furnishings for it.
A cozy atmosphere is not complete without good lighting and places for waiting clients; the administrator will also need a workplace.

Pay attention to the quality of lamps and ceiling lights - it is unpleasant and difficult to work in dim light. Furniture for a sewing studio should be as comfortable as possible, this applies to tables for seamstresses and sofas for visitors. The fitting room should have mannequins and hangers on which clothes will be displayed.

Among other things, you will need a certain number of fire extinguishers. You need to find out how many of them are needed from the fire safety service. Before starting work, you will also need special forms for receipts or a cash register that will print receipts. It is illegal to receive money for your services without documentary evidence of their provision; such activity is punishable by fines.


Even a carefully thought-out business plan for a sewing studio for a small business can be useless if you approach the selection of personnel incorrectly.

The success of an enterprise largely depends on the level of the craftsmen who work in it, so experience and skill level play a huge role. Pay attention to recommendations from your previous job.