What is relevant to sell on the market now. What business is hot right now? Translation from foreign languages

Expert opinion of business analyst and entrepreneur Yulia Nikolaenko

5 current business niches to start in 2015-2016: IT solutions for business, economy pharmacies, pawnshop activities, farming, online services.


The current international political situation, the difficult relationship between Russia and the countries of the European Union, and the imposed economic sanctions have brought significant changes to the domestic business market. Domestic small and medium-sized businesses find themselves in difficult conditions: raw materials and commodity supplies have partially or completely changed, logistics and import of imported goods have become difficult, demand for goods not included in the list of “essentials” has significantly decreased, and artificial shortages have appeared in those niches for which import substitution impossible. And all this against the backdrop of a massive reduction in household spending. But even these changes open up new opportunities to earn money and build a successful business. The main thing is to see the most promising directions and turn insurmountable circumstances in your favor.

The big picture

It is difficult to deny the financial market crisis in Russia at the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015. This is evidenced by the official data provided on the Rosstat website:

This table clearly shows how the picture of the most popular activities is changing. So, for example, the largest drop in 2015 was demonstrated by entrepreneurship in the field of excursion activities, which corresponds to the results of a nationwide study conducted by Intelligent Research for Growth. Experts found out what and how the behavior of our compatriots is changing due to the difficult economic situation in the country. The results of the study were published in the Kommersant publication:

Naturally, along with excursions and tourism, the volume of sales in the field of hotel services and sanatorium recreation is decreasing. Entrepreneurs also began to save on advertising, and a large percentage of Russians switched from private cars, the maintenance of which in the first quarter of 2015 was allocated 42% less than in the previous accounting period, to public transport, the growth of the volume of services of which increased in the fourth quarter of 2014 by 11%.

Well, the difficult financial situation in the country is most clearly demonstrated by the growth in popularity and volume of services of pawnshops and credit institutions at the beginning of 2015.

It would seem that the picture is clear - people are now saving money wherever possible, and building a new profitable business in such conditions is difficult. At first glance, the most promising and relevant in 2015 seems to be the sale of essential goods (food, medicine, children's products, etc.), but specialists from the statistics center argue differently:

According to Rosstat, the first to emerge from the steep decline, thanks to domestic tourism, will be Russian sanatoriums and resorts, which will lead to an increase in sales volumes in the hotel business, excursion activities, and general tourism. Businesses built on the provision of communication services will return to their normal dynamics of development. But along with this optimistic assessment, an increase in requests to pawn shops is also predicted.

Economic instability and financial crisis significantly impact small businesses. Demand for some services and goods may increase significantly, while others will become less in demand. Next, we will try to determine which business areas for 2016 in Russia are the most profitable with minimal investment.

Should you open your own business in 2016?

It has always been small businesses that have provided the main income for the state. In times of crisis, the government introduces many types of support for enterprises and individuals who decide to start organizing their own business. Nowadays, aspiring entrepreneurs are offered, which allows them to open their own business with minimal investment. The very concept of an idea for a profitable business is determined by the level of income, the stability of its receipt and further expansion within the chosen niche. Another significant indicator is the possibility of receiving passive income (the case when profit does not directly depend on your actions). In particular, passive income businesses include opening a network of pharmacies, stores, and websites.

Nowadays, business profitability can be ensured by selecting services and goods for which there is a steady demand in a specific place of sale. Ideally, it should be a product that is minimally influenced by climate, region, and political aspects. These areas of activity include: clothing, food, household chemicals, products related to health and beauty. An important aspect is the number of competitors in a particular area.

Beneficial types of small business in Russia

The main task of a small business is to make a profit with minimal investment. According to statistics from the last few years, commerce has greatly developed in the state. In 2016, after the introduction of the law on the sale and purchase of tobacco products and alcohol, as well as specific requirements for points of sale, this direction became much less profitable. Statistics show that this year, the provision of various services for legal entities and individuals has become a relevant area of ​​business.

One of the varieties of this direction was the renovation of premises. In such cases, premises for living or work are purchased, work is carried out to improve it, create a certain level of comfort, and then it is rented or sold. In smaller-scale options, premises are renovated at the request of owners or tenants.

Another area that is characterized by stable demand with relatively low competition is tire fitting, often combined with the provision of auto repair services. Of course, we are not talking about creating a large service center, but a novice entrepreneur is quite capable of organizing the alignment of parts, painting the body, and changing tires. This area also includes the provision of accounting and legal services.

Is it relevant to open a medium-sized business during a crisis?

Even the most profitable types of business in Russia are highly unstable. This is due to the need to compete not only with small businesses, which are characterized by high flexibility and low costs, but also with large companies that are able to offer a wider range of services and goods, and allocate large sums to promote their brand. As a result, a medium-sized business either grows into a large one or disappears completely.

There are cases of producing specific products, which allows medium-sized businesses to stay afloat, but finding such a niche during a crisis is quite difficult due to the limited amount of available funds among the population. One of the current areas of your business with minimal investment is the creation of a workshop for repairing and sewing shoes, clothes, and soft toys.

What small business is hot right now in 2016?

If you have experience, appropriate education, and the desire to open a business during the 2016 crisis, you should pay close attention to several main areas that require specific skills from organizers. First of all, it is worth highlighting outsourcing. Today this is one of the most promising business ideas. It can generate quite a high income, and you can start your own business in this area from scratch. Moreover, if you do not have the required knowledge, there is always the opportunity to hire the necessary specialists, but this will require a certain start-up capital. In most cases, outsourcing allows you to quickly achieve self-sufficiency and make a net profit.

On-call beauty salon

At all times, haircuts and manicures remain in demand, but the modern pace of life makes it difficult to find time to receive services. During a crisis, small businesses in this area are faced with the fact that the largest flow of clients occurs during certain hours - lunch and evening - and the rest of the time the provision of services is poor. What is the solution for an entrepreneur? The most profitable idea in a crisis will be to meet the client halfway. At the same time, maintaining a small staff during a crisis is more profitable. Nowadays, proper scheduling makes it possible to serve a fairly large number of clients during the day, if you make trips based on advance requests.

In 2016, the demand for on-site haircutting services showed steady growth, so more and more small businesses began to open mobile beauty salons. You should not exclude from the list of clients the residents of villages that do not have their own hairdresser. By establishing relationships with the population, you will ensure a stable profit and regular customers who would prefer to call a “beauty salon on wheels” rather than independently search for specialists in other localities.

Mobile beauty salons provide a fairly profitable business, and also do not require large capital investments, which allows you to recoup the initial payment in the shortest possible time, even during a crisis.

Translation from foreign languages

Nowadays, such a direction as a translation agency is gaining more and more popularity. For those who speak foreign languages, there is no need to think long about what kind of business to open during a crisis with minimal investment. As a rule, translation customers are Internet users who are looking for various information on foreign resources. You can start translating text either independently at home or after opening a full-fledged company that provides specialized services in this area at a professional level. In the latter case, you will be able to do business not only with individuals, but also with legal entities who need high-quality translation of various documentation.

Garbage recycling

This area of ​​small business is not unique to 2016. It has been actively developing over the past few years. The most ordinary waste can bring huge profits. The only existing problem is the high barrier to entry. To organize such an enterprise, you need to have some start-up capital, but investments in this profitable business are now quickly paying off.

Advice: for those who want to work in this area, but are limited in funds, it makes sense to pay attention to a narrow direction, for example -.

A profitable idea is to recycle certain household appliances. Now it is important to open your own mini-enterprise with the possibility of further expansion. In the future, the demand for such services will only grow, since the owner pays for the removal, and you get spare parts that can be sold and make a net profit. Which segment to choose is up to you.

The most profitable business in Russia for 2016

Every businessman, starting his own business, tries to choose the most profitable direction. What kind of business will be profitable in Russia in 2016? Let's consider the options in more detail.

Private kindergarten

Often, parents prefer to provide their own children with the best. Including providing excellent education and preschool training. When the question arises of which kindergarten to choose, they choose an institution that offers maximum comfort and convenience for the baby. Increasingly, parents are choosing private organizations and developmental children's centers. For those who have the necessary pedagogical education, starting this profitable small business in crisis conditions will be a good idea. To engage in such a business, large start-up capital is not needed.

The main cost items include:

  • room renovation,
  • purchasing furniture,
  • purchase of inventory.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permits from the relevant regulatory authorities. The profitability of such an enterprise ranges from 60-120%, but it is worth taking into account the high level of competition due to its high relevance.


This direction includes a variety of areas, but small grocery stores remain the most resilient during the crisis. To open them in residential areas, a minimal investment is enough, while the profitability is quite high. Such outlets are now profitable because they rely on regular customers as a source of income. Competition puts significantly less pressure on them, which is especially important during a crisis. To successfully develop this area of ​​small business, you need friendly staff and a wide range of products.

Catering establishments

During the 2016 crisis, it is important to open your own cafeteria or canteen. Home-cooked food will bring good profits. To start your own business in this area, a small investment is enough. As an analogue, you can consider opening a fast food outlet, for example -. It is enough to place a small stall in a place with high traffic and sell ordinary pies, confectionery, and hot dogs there. You can gradually expand your business - rent a room, place several tables and attract customers with affordable prices.

Advice: To ensure the biggest income, cut out the middlemen and arrange direct deliveries to the consumer. It makes sense for producers to open a small store, and for traders to enter into supply agreements with farmers, as well as purchase other goods directly from the manufacturer. The main idea is to do business with a minimum number of resellers. The current directions now are and.

Law office

Now, during the 2016 crisis, a large number of people are losing their jobs for various reasons. Whatever they are, their consideration should be entrusted to lawyers and lawyers. Here is a short list of basic questions:

  • How to recover compensation from an employer?
  • How to correctly write a resume for a job applicant?
  • How to avoid getting laid off?
  • How can an entrepreneur defend his point of view in a dispute with supervisory authorities?
  • How to prepare documents to receive assistance from the state for small businesses?
  • How to properly file for bankruptcy?
  • How to draw up a cooperation agreement?

What person would not want to defend their rights? Accordingly, these services are in constant demand. At the same time, the idea of ​​opening a law office is much simpler than getting a job in an existing one. Running a small business during a crisis is more profitable than working for someone else.

Ideas for business with minimal investment in 2016

An unstable financial situation and other economic adversities allow many aspiring entrepreneurs to open their own business only with decent start-up capital. Let's take a closer look at proven ideas for business with minimal investment.

Highly specialized training

Nowadays, a large number of different highly specialized programs have been opened that allow solving any, including very complex, problems. The main problem is that ordinary users are not able to independently master the functioning of new products in a minimum period. From time to time, you need to spend a lot of time on this, which for a modern person is the most valuable resource. For this reason, it is more profitable for them to pay to speed up this process.

Open training courses on various software products. The organization of this includes two stages. The first is the acquisition and independent study of all aspects of using a specific program, the second is the opening of your own courses. Such small businesses are great not only for residents of large cities, but also for entrepreneurs from small towns. There is a demand for such services in any region of Russia. In addition, the service can be provided remotely – via the Internet, which significantly expands the consumption audience.

The issue of leisure is quite acute now. During the crisis of 2016, young sports people opened rope parks. To do this kind of business, you need minimal investment. Not only children, but also adults enjoy having fun in them. The downside to this profitable small business is that it is geographically dependent. The highest income can be obtained by creating a rope park in resort towns or other places where people purposefully come for recreation.

Trade in Chinese goods

Citizens have been acting as intermediaries in the sale of Chinese products for a long time, but few know that engaging in this small business can bring very good income with minimal investment. A distinctive feature is that you can open it without investments. It is enough to open the simplest online store and then sell goods on prepayment. Initially, you receive funds from customers, and then order the goods in China at a lower cost, send them to the address specified in the order, which will not cost you anything except time to set up the site. The difference in price represents net profit.

What business to open during the 2016 crisis?

A crisis can significantly change the market situation, which is why most businesses especially need sales managers. Now this specialty is relevant; it is becoming one of the most in demand with a sharp drop in demand for goods. At the same time, many are facing layoffs as demand for specific services and goods declines. Any of the specialties can become the basis for your own profitable small business during a crisis. A sales manager can provide services to several companies at once. After recruiting a certain minimum number of clients, you should start hiring specialists and transfer tasks to them. As a manager, all you have to do is search for new clients among legal entities. You can do the same with any idea:

  • Construction;
  • Car repair;
  • Programming;
  • Accounting;
  • Marketing;
  • Cash settlements and control of enterprise turnover;
  • Trade representation (often several companies are focused on one market segment. Instead of sending several people to entrepreneurs, it makes sense to use one person in whose hands several contracts are concentrated).

Advice: choose a direction in which you feel like a professional. The idea of ​​organizing office cleaning can bring good income if you approach this issue seriously. For many offices, it is more important to hire a third-party specialist than to have one more person on staff. Proper organization of working hours will allow you to serve several customers during the day, which will not only bring profit to the organizer of a small business, but will also increase the income of his hired employees.

During the crisis period of 2016, you can start almost any business with minimal investment. First you need to evaluate the market and understand which business will help solve the problems of individuals and legal entities, as well as make a profit from it. Even if your knowledge as a specialist turns out to be in little demand, there is no need to give up and panic. You can always find a way to start your own profitable business with minimal investment or no start-up capital at all. Pay attention to, among which there may be something interesting to you

It is very difficult for beginners who do not have a minimum budget to advance. What is the way out of this? Limit yourself to your own efforts at the initial stage. Remember that consulting services are now relevant and require almost no effort from you. If we are talking about an area in which you are knowledgeable, then you will not need time to learn a new profession. There is no need to rent office space, since providing such services via the Internet has already become the norm.

Workshops for repairing equipment, shoes or clothes can be organized at home. With a small investment, you can organize a T-shirt printing service, and for those who have free space, organizing a banquet hall is suitable. With minimal investment you can provide yourself with a stable flow of clients.

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It is worth pursuing a smaller-scale version of an existing business that will become closer to the consumer. Off-site beauty salon services or organizing a mobile retail outlet will help you not only not to wait for the consumer to come to you, but also to find him yourself. A popular small business is catering – delivery of hot lunches to offices. To implement this idea, you don’t have to prepare them yourself; you can take the products of existing establishments and make a profit by saving the customer’s time.

In contact with

Only new and relevant small business ideas in 2016, which everyone can use. By borrowing ideas and inventing their own, Russian entrepreneurs earn from 100 thousand rubles. per month!


Looking for business ideas from competitors and creating the best solutions based on them is an effective strategy that can lead to success. This idea was expressed in an interview with Forbes magazine by Evgeny Tsaplin, a teacher at the Higher School of Economics and the general director of JSC Telecom-Project. You can’t argue with a successful entrepreneur, and therefore we bring to the attention of aspiring entrepreneurs the best business ideas of 2016 that have been successfully implemented in Russia and really work.

Over the mountains, through the forests...

To start a franchise business you will need 350 thousand rubles. and your own freight transport (at first you can rent it). An advantage of working in the SDEK team is active cooperation with China, a potential leader in global trade via the Internet: there are 10 company offices in the border provinces of the DPRK.


Starting investments - from 250 to 450 thousand rubles. (quadcopter price). Operating a business requires aircraft certification and pilots with airworthiness certificates. The average cost of a 3-minute video is 120 thousand rubles, of which 25% is the pilot’s income. Among the clients of the High Level agency are Moskomsport, Porsche, and the Holi festival of colors.

Coffee on wheels

The initial investment amounted to 2 million rubles. With this money, in 2014, entrepreneurs purchased a 25-year-old GMC van, converted it and decorated it in a unique style. At first, they wanted to use the car as a catering outlet, but shopping centers were reluctant to make contact, and entrepreneurs moved into the catering industry. In 2016, the profit from the sale of coffee was 300 thousand rubles per month, and businessmen repaid half of the loan taken to open their business. Selling coffee from cars is a free niche in which you should try yourself!

New format car wash

The advantages of such a car wash are obvious: minimum costs (it is enough to purchase employee uniforms, cleaning products, order advertising) and the ability to install service points in the busiest places (in parking lots, near shopping and office centers). The initial investment does not exceed 200 - 300 thousand rubles, the payback period, according to the owners, is 6 - 8 months.

Electronic pleasures

You can locate a point selling electronic cigarettes anywhere: in a shopping center, a street pavilion. It is important to choose a busy public place with high traffic. The best option is a pavilion in the lobby of a shopping center or cinema.

Making money on virtual reality

The average cost of equipment is 300 - 400 thousand rubles. (it can also be bought secondhand). To this amount add rent, as well as energy costs. The initial investment is not small, but the attraction will pay for itself in just 4 to 8 months. Another way to make money on virtual reality is by renting out equipment for entertainment events, children's parties, etc.

Back to the roots

One of the most successful commercial enterprises is the St. Petersburg publishing house of bibliophile books. The manual publishing of second-hand books has been revived in St. Petersburg. The entire production process is manual. For printing, they use ancient letters, reglets, and emphases. Calligraphy artists create unique handwritten editions. Covers are made from genuine leather, copper, bronze, papyrus, etc. The period for publishing one book can reach 15 years, and the cost of such creations starts from 500 thousand rubles. Among the publishing house’s regular clients are Konstantin Ernst, Roman Abramovich, and successful foreign entrepreneurs.

In 2016, various products of Russian artisans were in high demand among foreigners: knitted porcelain, tiles for stoves and fireplaces, crystal tableware and decor - all this is in demand abroad and brings revenue of up to 100 million rubles to owners of manufacturing businesses. annually.

Who doesn't dream of having their own thriving business? But how to choose a working idea in this huge world of possibilities and start a business that brings real income? Everything is quite simple. The first thing is to find out which business is relevant now. The second is to compare it with your capabilities. Third, think through the concept and start making money.

So, the first stage is choosing a relevant business idea. It's best when you already have a clear understanding of what exactly you want to do. But even in this case, it will not be a bad idea to familiarize yourself with the experience of other entrepreneurs. Perhaps some ideas will seem more fresh and will improve your views on your own business.

In-demand business ideas can be found in any industry. Absolutely anyone can earn money and be their own boss, regardless of income or position. The only thing worth paying attention to is understanding the industry. Before you start organizing a private business, make sure that you are sufficiently familiar with the specifics of the goods or services. Better yet, choose an option from an already familiar field of activity.

Sphere of trade

Sales is the most common area. For a long time, trade was considered practically synonymous with private business, which is no coincidence. The vast majority of individual entrepreneurs are owners of large or small trading platforms.

The popularity of the trading business among entrepreneurs is explained by its ease of organization and demand among consumers. This type of entrepreneurship does not require special investments, specialized equipment, takes a minimum of time in the preparatory stages and brings real money every day.

People bought, are buying and will continue to buy. Any product has its own buyer, no matter what you decide to sell, your store will have customers. But the essence of a successful business is to have a lot of customers not in the long term, but from the very beginning. When choosing the “trade” category, try to choose products that are relevant to consumers:

  1. Grocery store- classics of the genre. Food is the most in-demand product, but also the most perishable. The degree of competition in this area is also off the charts. Every day new chain hypermarkets open, which are simply impossible for a small entrepreneur to compete with. It is better to open a grocery store in new areas where there are no hypermarkets yet, or work as a franchise, becoming the owner of one of the outlets of chain stores with an already well-known brand.

  2. Vegetable shops– a truncated variety of grocery products, but more promising. In large stores, the assortment and price of “vitamin” products are updated slowly. In this regard, small businesses have a big advantage. And since people are now choosing a healthy lifestyle, fresh fruits and vegetables are very popular. Find a “pass-through” place, make sure that there is always a high-quality and appetizing product on the counter and gain regular customers.
  3. Fresh meat. Stalls with beautiful and fresh entrecotes always attract attention. And if natural village products regularly appear in your store, there will be even more regular customers.
  4. Sports nutrition store. This industry has been gaining popularity in recent years. Equip your display cases with the latest, high-quality developments for professional athletes and success is guaranteed.
  5. Sporting goods- a goldmine of recent years. Along with the rise in interest in a healthy lifestyle, sporting goods have become in great demand. Bicycles, exercise equipment, sports equipment, specialized clothing made of breathable materials - all this can easily find its buyers.
  6. Goods for tourism and active recreation are also experiencing peak popularity. What to sell in such a store? All! Starting from karemats and ending with hiking matches. The assortment can be supplemented with special shoes, clothing and accessories.

  7. An emphasis on naturalness and environmental friendliness makes almost any business profitable. Not an exception shops with natural cosmetics and perfumes. True, you will have to carefully select products, understand the components, contraindications, and monitor sales deadlines.
  8. Cloth. In this area, it is more difficult to find clients, especially for beginning businessmen. However, trading wardrobe items is not that difficult. To make a business profitable, it is enough to approach the issue with imagination. Try to choose a specific style direction. This will slightly narrow the circle of consumers, but it will help you acquire regular and loyal customers who know that in your boutique they will always find things to suit their taste.
  9. Handmade goods store. Handmade is quite popular. If you know how to make interesting things yourself, great. No, no problem. In any city there will always be a dozen craftswomen ready to supply exclusive works on mutually beneficial terms.
  10. . As the demand for handicrafts increases, so does the demand for products to make them. This type of business rather falls into the “for the soul” category. It is unlikely to make you a millionaire, but you will receive a stable income.

  11. Flower shop. Quite a risky undertaking, since flowers are an even more short-lived product than food. But with the right choice of location and a good assortment, it is quite possible to become a successful florist.
  12. Household appliances and electronics. A profitable business that is in great demand. But it will not be easy for a new entrepreneur to compete with federal network giants.
  13. Household chemicals and household goods. Stores with such goods do not lose their relevance. There are quite a lot of chain companies and small retail outlets on the Russian market, but a store with similar goods has a future. The key to success is only high-quality, proven products and a high level of service.
  14. E-Sigs. Today they are at the peak of popularity. A store with a large selection of steam generators will attract its potential customers.
  15. Pharmacy. Needless to say, medicines are becoming more expensive every day, but this does not make them less in demand. Set drug prices within the minimum range, and you are guaranteed a queue of buyers.
  16. Thrift stores. Interest in foreign second-hand items has not waned for many years. So why not offer people what they want?
  17. Carbonated water vending machines. The fashion for everything Soviet has again begun to win the hearts of Russians, and on this wave, water dispensers, familiar to many, will help raise considerable capital. The only negative is seasonality.
  18. Stationery. A relatively seasonal business option. In the summer, there are significantly fewer buyers. But from September 1, sales increase and amount to a fairly good income.
  19. Baby clothes. A win-win. The maternity capital program has doubled the number of potential buyers. And given that children grow quickly, such a store will have a lot of customers.
  20. A toy shop. It cannot be said that this business idea will make you a millionaire in a couple of months, but there will be customers in your store regularly. Create a separate gaming or photo zone in your store. This will help attract more potential buyers.
  21. Pet Shop. Pets are man's best friends and constant companions. According to statistics, 70% of the population has at least one animal (parrot, cat or fish) at home.
  22. Gas station. How in demand this industry is can be judged by the annually increasing flow of cars. The company has only one drawback - a very high initial investment threshold.
  23. You can try your hand at sale of auto parts. Recently, more and more foreign cars have appeared on the roads and most drivers prefer professional service at a service station. But there are still a lot of craftsmen, which means you will have buyers.
  24. Bookstores. Despite the high cost of goods, they also attract their customers. On average, the payback period ranges from one and a half to two years.
  25. It would be a good option shop of unusual gifts. The time of colognes and tea sets is passing. Symbolic gifts that litter apartments give way to original and individual ideas. Offer them to your customers.

The above list is only a part of the most popular and in demand trading platforms in the modern world. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to any limits. The demand and profitability of a business are largely determined by the location of the retail outlet, the quality of the goods provided, the demand for this type of product in a certain area, the level of service (recently the relationship between staff and the buyer has become increasingly important) and the personal interest of the businessman.

You shouldn’t open a swimsuit store in the far north, but fur high boots will be in little demand among residents of the south.

Services sector

This area is vast and endless, and in terms of the level of involvement it can be suitable even for pensioners or mothers on maternity leave. Anyone can provide services, regardless of initial capital. There is no money to open a five-star salon, but are you a true master of your craft? Earn money on your skills without leaving home. Here are some ideas to think about:

The list of directions in this sphere can be endless. Master classes in personal meetings or in virtual reality, services of a speech therapist, astrologer. Delicate hair removal, painting cars, glazing or washing windows, cleaning rooms, painting walls. In a word, if you know how to do something well, a profitable business is in your pocket.

Products produced by farmers are always in great demand among buyers. The production of “domestic” chickens or tomatoes does not impose any special restrictions on the initial investment on the entrepreneur. True, direct proportionality applies - the more you invest, the more you get.

How to implement? You can sell small batches yourself by opening a small store. And if the quantity of goods increases, it is advisable to enter into supply agreements with workshops for the production of semi-finished and finished products, as well as supply the shelves of other stores.

What is better to grow today to please the buyer? Almost everything, the main rule is to provide a high-quality and tasty product. At the top of the rating, as always:

  1. Meat. The greatest demand is for pork, beef, lamb, and poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks).
  2. Fish. To begin with, choose local fish species that easily take root in closed reservoirs and do not require special care.
  3. Incubator. The overwhelming majority of today's villagers and summer residents do not rely on the productivity of brood hens, but order young stock from incubators, where there is not always enough brood for everyone. Consequently, production will not be unprofitable.
  4. Eggs. Egg production is quite a profitable business. This product is in demand all year round and can be obtained regardless of the season.
  5. Ostriches, quails. The former are considered an exotic species and require special care, but the cost of the finished product is significantly higher than that of conventional chickens. Quails, unlike ostriches, are more common, but no less in demand. However, at first, it is better to raise both of them together with other animals.
  6. Vegetables. There are no limits to imagination here. Both zucchini and cabbage are in equal demand among buyers. There are some nuances: growing vegetables is a seasonal matter. True, if tomatoes need to be sold as they ripen, then onions or potatoes are quite suitable for long-term storage.
  7. Greenery. This type of product is not limited to summer cultivation only. If you have greenhouses, you can produce “green vitamins” all year round.
  8. Fruits and berries. Tasty, mostly perishable and seasonal goods. Growing fruits is similar to producing vegetables.
  9. Flowers. Farm business can be not only tasty, but also beautiful. For example, the Dutch have been supplying the whole world with gorgeous tulips and roses for a long time. So why not take advantage of foreign experience and supply stores with Russian flowers. By the way, growing flowers is not limited to tulips and chrysanthemums. Bonsai trees, dwarf spruces and other decorative delights are in high demand.
  10. Fur production. Animals can be raised for more than just meat. An excellent option would be chinchillas, decorative foxes, some breeds of rabbits, mink, and sable.

In addition, depending on your financial capabilities, you can start producing milk and dairy products, organize your own apiary or farm for growing wheat, rapeseed, corn, and sunflowers.


By the word “production” in this case we mean any product produced by human hands or using technical means. That is, almost any person who knows how to make certain items can consider themselves a manufacturer. What is better to make? Of course, what you can do well. It can be:

Anything can be made. Souvenirs, metal parts, paper, ice cream. You can melt down plastic or make your own wine. The main thing is that you know how to do it better than others. Then the name of your company will take its rightful place on the shelves of the country.


Do you dream of bringing joy to people? Then this area is for you. You can organize people's leisure time in different ways. Some prefer the creation of theatrical spectacles, others prefer the silence of the rooms of a private museum. For those who cannot imagine life without movement, there are numerous attractions, cafes, bars, nightclubs or themed parties. Publishing magazines, organizing holidays and banquets, fire shows, mobile cinemas (cinema on wheels, an idea that is not new and has been forgotten over time. But retro lovers will appreciate it) - all this is a limitless sphere of entertainment.

The direction depends only on the personal preferences and skills of the aspiring businessman. To organize holidays you need to be sociable, be able to improvise and follow the latest trends. For example, an attraction of distorting mirrors will require a lot of investment.

A fire show is impossible without certain skills and tools

It is impossible to say with certainty which of the ideas will have a 100% hit rate and will bring the maximum income. This requires a deep analysis of the local way of life, traditions and preferences of citizens.


Everything is simple here. The essence of the business comes down to entering into valid leases, paying taxes and getting paid. You can rent out anything: apartments, factories, bicycles, rooms, banquet halls, ponds, land, cars, tourist tents, etc.

If you have movable or immovable property, feel free to join the ranks of entrepreneurs and receive income from its operation. However, be prepared for the fact that the rental property may lose its appearance over time. This resource will have to be periodically repaired and updated.


One of the most exciting and mobile areas. The most common destination here, of course, is travel agencies. There is clearly no point in opening another one. It is much better to pay attention to new, growing areas:

You can combine different places in one tour or spend more time on one point. The main rule is a beautiful place and an equally beautiful story.

Video – Top 7 business ideas

How to decide on an idea

The choice is quite wide, but give preference to areas in which you are well versed. This will save time on additional training. A business idea should resonate with your interests, because this is the business of your future life.

There are several main selection criteria:

  • financial opportunities;
  • business competitiveness;
  • demand in the market for goods and services.

Step 1. Capital

Don't be under any illusions about the initial investment. Soberly assess the state of affairs and rely only on the real capital you already have, which you can spend without compromising the economic condition of the family.

If you only have 100 thousand rubles, then the business idea must meet this parameter. You should not select large-scale undertakings. It is better to opt for a small store or a modest bakery.

You can also start your own business without investment. As a rule, home services are provided without initial capital. You can also start producing handmade things or make money on the Internet (YouTube channel, your own website, copyright).

But even if your capital does not allow you to carry out your plans, it is better to wait, try to accumulate an initial fortune or borrow money from loved ones. But it is better to avoid credit histories. If the idea turns out to be a failure, the loan will have to be repaid in any case.

Step 2. Competition

Finding a completely new, free niche is almost impossible. For a business to be successful, it must have a certain threshold of uniqueness.

Attract customers with a bright, memorable logo, create high-quality advertising, use an unusual approach to the design of premises or products. Try to make the price of your product lower than that of your competitors. At the same time, without skimping on quality and without working at a loss. Look for suppliers who can offer good discounts.

Step 3. Demand

Once you have decided on an idea, analyze the market in your city. In order to determine the demand for a business idea directly in your locality, it is necessary to assess the feasibility of the appearance of these goods and services.

The main mistakes of novice businessmen

According to statistics, about 90% of open business cases are closed in the first year. What is the reason for this disappointing trend? Let's look at the main mistakes that, when made, start-up entrepreneurs lose the reins of their personal business:

  1. I want a lot at once. If you are starting a personal business, be prepared for the fact that it may not pay off in the first year. At the beginning of your journey, you will only invest and work a lot (a lot).
  2. Make money where it is impossible. There are initially failed ideas that are not capable of bringing a businessman much capital. If you collect empty bottles, sell pickles in jars, click on websites for 10 kopecks, grow a couple of kilograms of tomatoes in your dacha - this will allow you to earn enough for a loaf of bread and butter, but nothing more. When choosing a business idea, you must understand why you are starting it and how much the chosen option will bring. It’s one thing to earn extra money, but it’s another thing entirely if the business needs to feed a family and make a fortune.
  3. Deceivers. Never try to deceive anyone. Neither yourself nor the customers. Do not increase the cost of a product by trying to replace its real composition and origin, do not change expiration dates, do not lure customers with low price tags and advertising that does not correspond to reality. This will not only turn potential clients away from you, but will also lead to large fines.
  4. The wheel has already been invented. If you are just starting to look for yourself in the field of private entrepreneurship and want to get income from your business as quickly as possible, it is better not to invent exotic directions. Take advantage of already proven and proven ideas.
  5. By chance. Relying on Russian maybe when starting a personal business is at least unprofessional. Success comes with a clear plan and control of the situation.
  6. Don't listen to anyone. If you have properly planned your business plan and are confident of success, do not pay attention to the advice and warnings of those who tried but failed. Everyone has their own story - yours will definitely bring positive results.
  7. You can't be everywhere at the same time. Balance your strengths and do not take many orders at the same time. You need to work a lot, but not 24 hours without a break. Otherwise, you will quickly get tired and make mistakes.
  8. Striving for ideal. When starting your own business, you want to do everything perfectly. Beautiful renovation, surround yourself with cute little things, stock up on expensive and stylish appliances. But you shouldn't do this. Make cosmetic repairs, buy the essentials, and as soon as things start to improve, you can always please your customers with pleasant updates.

Don’t chase the most profitable business; first of all, private enterprise should be fun. When you do what you love, you devote much more time to it, and this is a sure guarantee of success.

Don't be afraid to experiment and merge ideas. For example, if you are engaged in the production of bread, why not open a company store. Look for not only real, but also virtual platforms for selling your goods and services. Today, online stores bring up to 40% of total profits. Don't miss the opportunity to find new clients.

All novice businessmen think about which area of ​​activity to give preference to. Everyone is interested in their business being competitive and profitable literally from the first days. But, as practice shows, such a development of events is rare. Which is currently relevant in 2016 for Russia and the CIS, what will be profitable for an entrepreneur? The answer to this question is not so simple. To get it, you should thoroughly study the market for popular business areas and choose the most suitable activity. The easiest way for a novice entrepreneur to realize his potential is in the trade, agricultural sectors, as well as in the provision of various services. After all, people will never stop buying basic necessities, using all kinds of services, repairing cars or apartments. And, despite the increasing competition in these industries, many businessmen manage to increase their wealth.

In the retail sector, the most profitable are small food stores located in the courtyards of high-rise buildings. Competition is not scary for such a business, since it is focused on its regular customers. It is more profitable to open such shops in areas remote from food markets and hypermarkets. A wide range of goods, constant delivery of fresh products, attentive staff will allow your business to flourish, and to attract more customers, you can slightly reduce prices for essential goods, for example, dairy or bakery products. A catering outlet will also be a competitive investment. Today, the natural needs for well-prepared food can bring decent profits. To do this, you need to open a small cafe in a crowded place. If an entrepreneur does not have sufficient start-up capital, you can start with a fast food stall. Considering the low cost, the income from selling fast food products is about 300–500%.
The most appropriate and profitable business in rural areas will be farming. In the periphery, this type of activity is the most promising, since environmentally friendly food products are becoming increasingly popular among residents of megalopolises and large cities. Becoming a farmer is quite easy. To begin with, you need land; if you don’t have your own plot, you can rent it. Afterwards, you should purchase seedlings and seeds, as well as the necessary equipment.
If available funds do not allow the purchase of mechanized equipment, the land can be cultivated manually. In addition to the standard set of fruits and vegetables, your preference in this type of activity can also be given to growing, for example, oyster mushrooms. Such a business will be the least expensive, and the income will be quite decent. To grow mushrooms, you only need a cellar, a substrate that you can make yourself, and, in fact, the mycelium itself. Already the first harvest will delight the entrepreneur with its quantity, for which it is not difficult to find a market. Floriculture will become no less profitable. To grow flowers year-round, you need a greenhouse, which, however, can be replaced by an attic. The flower business is in demand not only on holidays, because not a single celebration can do without a fragrant bouquet. Therefore, the profit received in this business will be at least 300%. It is better to grow unpretentious flowers, such as tulips, peonies or daffodils, since more demanding plants will require a special approach.
According to most experts, the hotel business will be the most profitable in the provision of services in the coming years. At the same time, it is better to purchase small hotels and hostels. Due to the current global situation, Russians will go on holiday to European countries less and less and will begin to travel around Russia. This factor, in turn, significantly increases the demand for such services in 2015. Given the rather difficult economic conditions, tourists are unlikely to spend much on vacation, so mini-hotels or economy class hostels are the most profitable investment for entrepreneurs. In addition, competition in this segment is now significantly decreasing. Many owners are selling their hotels. In most cases, this is due to debt accumulated during stable times, which only increased during the crisis. If you make an effort and approach things responsibly, the hotel business will bring financial independence.
A construction business can also become a profitable investment, since construction and renovation work has recently become extremely popular in the country. The times when owners tried to renovate their own homes on their own are a thing of the past. Today, hundreds of companies in any city provide similar services, and not one of them is left without work. To found such a company, you will need a team of qualified specialists, as well as the necessary tools for carrying out the work and a vehicle for transporting building materials. High-quality provision of services is well paid, so such entrepreneurial activity will allow you to quickly receive tangible profits. If you have start-up capital, it is possible to create a company that, along with rough work, will offer design services to consumers. Indeed, more and more often, Russian residents resort to the help of specialists when decorating the interior of their home.
Car services are also in demand nowadays. This is due to the increase in the number of vehicles on Russian roads. And most of their owners prefer to entrust car repairs to masters of their craft. It is not necessary to open a wide-profile service station; the specialization of the enterprise can be quite narrow, for example, only glass tinting, painting work, tire fitting or car tuning. Such a business requires significant investment, but its quick payback will allow you to receive income in the near future after opening. Experts call mobile tire fitting a relevant service today, since there is little competition in this area. At the same time, the popularity of such a service is only growing, because not every motorist is able to change a tire on the road, so he is ready to pay very generously for the help of a mobile technician.
The business of reupholstering and restoration of upholstered furniture has also proven itself on the positive side. Considering the high cost of high-quality armchairs or sofas, not every Russian family is able to purchase them. Replacing the upholstery on old furniture allows you to significantly save money and at the same time “refresh” your interior. This service is affordable for almost everyone. Often, such a business is started from scratch, because neither an office nor expensive equipment is needed for this. You can organize upholstery reupholstery in your garage or work directly with clients. The tools needed for this are the simplest - a jigsaw, a drill, a construction stapler, an electric screwdriver and a sewing machine. A car, like a Gazelle, for transporting furniture would also be useful.

Conclusion and conclusions.

To understand what is more profitable to do today, you should carefully study the market in your own city and determine which niche is still free. You can get ideas for your business from various sources and then try to bring them to life. With the right approach in our country, you can organize literally from scratch and become a successful entrepreneur in a fairly short period of time. You just need to move in the direction where a novice businessman feels like a professional.