What kind of people should you not hire? In what cases are people not hired into the army? People who are not hired

The health of modern youth is far from an ideal indicator of our nation... Therefore, it is worth being aware of the reasons why they may not be hired.

Among those who are ready to repay their debt to the Motherland, there are those who, even with a strong desire, will not be affected by the draft: the reason for this will be precisely their state of health.

There are always plenty of people willing to serve

In order to confirm any of the diseases described below, a military medical commission is conducted and conclusions are drawn based on its results. In addition, you will need a certificate from the hospital and a medical history that serves as confirmation of it.

Having studied all the documentation, the military commissariat makes a conclusion about whether the person is fit for service, whether he can serve with a number of restrictions, or cannot serve at all.

  • Category “A” - guys who are fully prepared for service, and in any type of military service.
  • Category “B” - given a choice of where to serve, since minor health problems were identified.
  • Category “B” - exempts from military service, enlistment in the reserve.
  • Category “G” - service is possible only after completing a treatment course. The summons comes again after 6 months. The average deferment period is about a year. If after a second examination the conscript is completely healthy, he is accepted into the army.
  • Category “D” - “white military ID”: complete unsuitability (passing a military medical commission is not required).

A deferment is often given to people who are found to be underweight. In this case, the person undertakes to report monthly to the military registration and enlistment office in order to be able to monitor the dynamics of changes in body weight. When this figure reaches the norm, the young man joins the army.

Illnesses due to which a deferment or exemption from service is given

There are many diseases that do not allow you to serve in the army.

There are not many people who are released from the army due to various diseases. It all depends on the degree and form of the disease. The most common reasons why a person is exempt from military service:

  1. Scoliosis of the second degree. At this stage, curvature of the shape of the spine occurs. The degree of curvature is at least eleven degrees. At the same time, there should be no sensitivity and reflexes in the tendons.
  2. Flat feet, third degree. This disease is popularly called “bear foot”. With this disease, it becomes almost impossible to move around in army shoes, since they have a standard pattern.
  3. Joint disease. This means grade 2-3 arthrosis, which affects the joints of both legs.
  4. Blindness or vision problems. Those people who have been found to be completely or partially blind (in one eye) are not accepted into the army. In addition, conscripts who suffer from myopia and have a detached retina or glaucoma are not included in the army. People who have experienced significant visual trauma are also not suitable.
  5. Hypertension. If the examination reveals a blood pressure of 150 over 95 when the person is at rest, this means that the blood pressure is elevated and he is not allowed to serve.
  6. Disorders of the auditory organs. If, during an examination at the military registration and enlistment office, it was discovered that the conscript did not hear what was said in a whisper at a distance of more than two meters, this will indicate poor hearing. Unfit are deaf (in one ear or both) people, as well as those with chronic otitis media, which has a negative effect on breathing through the nose. Deaf and mute people also do not serve.
  7. Stomach disorders and duodenal problems. Because of ulcers, a person will not be accepted into the army.
  8. Chronic pancreatitis.
  9. Hernias that lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive system.

What else can interfere with military service?

  • Missing one or more fingers; deformed limb.
  • Having a limb amputated or lost in other circumstances also prevents recruitment into the armed forces. It is worth noting that a fracture provides only a temporary reprieve, after which the conscript undergoes a re-examination and if no critical consequences of the fracture are found, then he is accepted for service.
  • If the x-ray shows bone deformation, which is caused by old injuries or dislocations, recruitment will not be made. If stones (at least 5 mm in size) are found in one of the organs, the person will be sent for treatment, and his ability to join the army will be in question.
  • Mental health problems such as schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, or the presence of paranoid fears and other disorders will prevent a person from serving. At the same time, the authenticity of the presence of mental illness is carefully checked due to the fact that many people want to “dismiss” in this way. The presence of a certificate confirming the illness is checked and the supervising doctor must be indicated. The period of time from which the detected deviations have been observed is also indicated.
  • Speech defects that make it impossible to understand what a person is saying. An example is stuttering in a severe form.
  • Diabetes mellitus or obesity in the third stage are exempt from service.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia, due to which a man suffers from frequent and severe dizziness, accompanied by loss of consciousness. But such a problem must be confirmed by a certificate from a medical institution.
  • Hemorrhoids in the second degree become an obstacle to recruitment.
  • People with urinary incontinence do not join the army.
  • Present disorders of the respiratory system in the form of asthma, tuberculosis of any form and other diseases of the first degree that affect the functioning of the lungs and respiratory tract.
  • Heart problems: defects, irregular rhythm, arrhythmia. A conscript with such disorders is not allowed to serve.
  • A deferment is provided to men who have testicular hydrocele or hyperplasia.

In addition, patients diagnosed with AIDS, hepatitis C and similar diseases are not accepted for service. I wonder why? Because in the army there is regular contact with each other and people who have such serious illnesses cannot be accepted for service.

Also, people who have been diagnosed with alcoholism or drug addiction are not accepted for service. There must be confirmation that the person is registered with a drug dispensary.

For what other reasons are people not accepted into the army?

One desire - to serve or not to serve - is not enough!

Even if a person is healthy, he may not be accepted into the army for the following reasons:

  1. Inconsistency with the age of conscripts: today citizens aged 18-27 years are being conscripted. As already mentioned, citizens who are not suitable for health reasons will not be accepted for service. But only if the disease is incurable. Otherwise, they are sent to undergo a course of treatment, for which they give a deferment and send a summons again. A person comes to a meeting where they will decide whether he is suitable for service.
  2. Those who have previously served are not accepted into the army. Sometimes military service abroad is counted.
  3. People who have an advanced degree do not serve in the military. That is, candidates and doctors of sciences do not receive summons to the army.
  4. The law also states that if a person who died while performing military duty or was mortally wounded had relatives or siblings, then they are exempt from military service.
  5. A criminal record is also a reason why people are not accepted into the army. But the important point is that the criminal record must be valid at the time of recruitment. That is, it should not be withdrawn or redeemed. Men who are in the MLS, or undergoing correctional labor, do not serve.
  6. Also, those who are present in criminal cases as suspects or those who are involved in the preliminary investigation are not accepted for service. All information regarding criminal records must be supported by an official document.

There is such a fuss around army conscription because there is a popular belief that the army cripples conscripts. Considerable efforts have been made to this end by various media, which often highlight the negative aspects of military service, instead of showing its positive sides.

In addition, modern society is rather weak in cultivating a patriotic attitude towards the country and its citizens, which is why few people consider it their duty to serve and try to “deviate” from this in various ways. Few people believe that the army is a place for instilling patriotism and a strong spirit that helps to cope with various difficult situations in life.

Perhaps this should be spread to change public attitudes towards military service. However, staying aware of the reasons why people don't join the military is helpful.

Find out the biggest myth about conscription: why don’t people enlist in the army today? And why can even a healthy person get liberation?

If you decide to find a new employee, here is a small list of classifications of psychotypes that you should NEVER hire if you don’t want to ruin everything!

1. Mama's daughter/son

A young lady or a dapper young man has come to you for an interview, and his mother, grandmother or aunt is waiting for him in the reception area, throwing questions at her child after the interview? Throw these applicants out: this is not a school or a kindergarten. You don’t have time to wipe your snot and pat your head: you have a business project, not a center for exemplary preschoolers.

2. Bonus lover

He (less often, she) asks not so much about responsibilities and requirements as he asks about vacation pay, sick leave, insurance, career advancement, free trips to the orthodontist and the opportunity to hang a separate sign with his name on the doors of the common office. Drive away too .

3. Fanatic athlete

If in your resume a person indicates from what distance he can hit a curveball, that he will join the ranks of your football team or is ready to join you in golf or air hockey - refuse. There is no point in taking on someone who believes he knows you better than you know yourself and also believes that team sports are more important than teamwork.

4. A person with a guilt complex

“You know, I haven’t been able to find a job for 18 months, but I read your advertisement, and I hope that I will fit into your team, when could we meet in a way that would be convenient for you?” Humiliated and pleading tone - what is it? You are looking for a winner for your company, not a person who will beg and create complexes. Refuse such an applicant for his own good.

5. A fan of “slowing down”

As a rule, such an applicant does not bother to read more about your company, asks questions inappropriately or not at all, and when you invite him/her to clarify or ask something, he/she blankly looks at you with a blank expression. Perhaps this is nervous stiffness in an unfamiliar environment, or perhaps it is ordinary natural stupidity. In any case, you can’t make a mess with this: you don’t have to assemble telephone booths, and you don’t have to hire a cashier to accept checks, but a person who will communicate a lot with the team and with the outside world. There is simply no time to “slow down” here.

6. “Mouth won’t close”

A joker, a wit and a lover of telling all the stories in one interview - this is, of course, a very entertaining and colorful character. But now imagine that it will be like this every day. From day to day. They also get so carried away that in the process of answering they forget what they actually have to answer. A chatterbox is not only a godsend for a spy, but also a personnel valuable only in the field of telemarketing. In all other cases, drive them into the garden.

7. Silent minimalist

Monosyllabic “yes” and “no” are all that can be extracted from such an applicant for all questions. Listening is an invaluable quality. But we’re not at an interrogation: should we start pulling teeth out of him so he can talk? It’s good to remain silent during a dentist appointment; and you will need people who are more talkative (within reasonable limits, of course).

8. Storyteller

A woman/girl who likes to slightly embellish her story even in her resume - and the end result is not “slightly”, but a real Alice in Office Wonderland. If you catch her in lies and exaggerations, she will quickly slide down to modest real achievements - and then it turns out that she cannot become a superstar in your company’s team. That doesn’t stop her from boasting about her achievements in sports, special luck and some transcendental adventures. Don’t believe me: we kindly smile goodbye and refuse.

9. Chameleon

He is ready to accept any job in any division or department. Openness and desire to learn is OK. But it’s not at all OK when you can’t understand what a person really likes to do. Wherever you put it, it will be like that. You cannot please everyone and be able to do absolutely everything; it is for this reason that you will have to say goodbye to the masters of career mimicry.

10. King Lear / Drama Queen

He loves drama, even tragedy: barging into your office at a different time than he was assigned - and demanding an interview IMMEDIATELY. Aggressive behavior before and during the interview, tragic breaks in the hands, pathos and all kinds of attracting attention to your person - understand that this will be repeated with different variations every day. Oh gods, let's better not take him: he belongs on the stage, not in your office.

11. Master of improvisation

He uses a bunch of meaningless filler words, doesn't bring a resume, makes up stories on the fly, and isn't willing to provide references from a previous employer. In general, it seems that this person will not suit us. And you?

12. Illiterate miracle

Such a person writes and speaks with monstrous errors, as if he had never been to school. Anytime and anywhere. He doesn’t just make typos, he “travels” to conferences, “catches” luck by the tail and uses “their” new products. His speech, both written and oral, is replete with vernacular, mixed together with “rumored insights” and verbs like “try.” Even without being a grammar Nazi, I want to kick such an applicant out of sight.

13. Smartphone addict

Does the candidate sit with her head glued to her smartphone even during the interview? Is the candidate distracted by calls? Get them out of the waiting room as quickly as possible. Yes, gadgets are cool, but attention deficit disorder and manic dependence on a smartphone will not help you and your company in normal work. The main thing is not to love smartphones as if they were your liver; The main thing is to be able to communicate within the team and beyond. What kind of communication can we talk about if the applicant sits in a chat or calls somewhere all the time?

Do you have your own particularly unpleasant types of applicants?

Always rivals - the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB - also had an individual approach to the selection of personnel for their own units. For security officers, this procedure was stricter and more demanding than for police officers.

External and internal

According to Article 6 “Service in the police and the specifics of its completion” of the Law “On the Soviet Police”, a candidate for police officer had to be impeccable in all respects. In this case, the special signs that prevented admission to the bodies of the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs manifested themselves - tattoos (of any kind) - were clearly “taboo”: if they were present, the candidate was not suitable in terms of moral qualities. Even if the person who was planning to become a police officer had no previous problems with the law (convicted people were not even mentioned when joining the police). State of health: crooked, oblique, lisping, lame-one-legged, etc. They also tried not to hire people into Soviet law enforcement agencies.

The Soviet police did not recruit those with a past record, even those with an expunged (removed) criminal record, chronically ill people, or disabled people. Formally, they could refuse a person with a visible facial defect (for example, a scar), citing legal norms.

A classic Soviet policeman is a guy who served in the army with a previous vocational school education, who after demobilization began his career from the bottom of the police patrol service (PPSm).

Look first, then take it

In the KGB of the USSR there were no “special signs” by which a person “might not be accepted” into the special service - the “committee” did not take anyone in anyway, they looked closely at the future “contingent” for a long time. Today's President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, a man from a working-class family, without any connections, by his own admission, came to the KGB reception room “from the street.” Vladimir was first advised to get a higher legal education.

And this is not an isolated, but rather a typical approach to recruiting personnel for the Soviet KGB. Ever since the time of Andropov, they tried not to take former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs into the “committee” - this was also a kind of “special sign” - after the murder of a state security major in 1980 by police officers at the Moscow metro station “Zhdanovskaya”, the inertia of rejection within its ranks of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the KGB remained pretty long.

... The main sign for candidates “for departure” to the KGB was “green”: those wishing to serve “in the authorities” in the Soviet Union (and there were plenty of those willing) were in any case looked at in production, at Komsomol work in enterprises - most often future potential officers The KGB had no idea about such “supervision.”

A typical example: one of those who wanted to serve in the “authorities” was sent to production, where he rose to the rank of secretary of the Komsomol of the largest plant in one of the cities of the Lipetsk region. He showed himself to be an organizer and, in principle, an initiative person. Then he was called to serve the Fatherland on another front. Today, one of the developments of the former secretary of the Komsomol factory committee as an employee of the FSB entered the history book of the region’s special services - a former Komsomol activist exposed fraud with the Chechen advice note. For this most unique operation in the history of the Russian special services, he at one time received a well-deserved award from the federal leadership of the FSB of the Russian Federation - these fraudulent actions of the organized crime group were never able to be carried out on the territory of the Lipetsk region!

There are girls in jazz

The special characteristics of girls recruited for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB of the USSR also varied. If in the police, representatives of the fairer sex mainly worked “in personnel” or headquarters units, and, in principle, the same general requirements were imposed on them as on male candidates, then in the state security agencies, active security officers sometimes played very important roles. Their special features - beauty, charisma, creative thinking, coupled with the ability to charm and win over, worked in the interests of the country, sometimes no less effectively than defense industrial enterprises.

Suffice it to recall such names as Olga Chekhova and Irina Alimova - according to Soviet intelligence services, these women, using their charm and extraordinary abilities, did a lot for Soviet counterintelligence.

To bookmarks

Today, a huge number of companies prefer to hire applicants only with work experience. Of course, an experienced employee is an excellent solution; he already knows what and how to do. All he needs is a couple of weeks to adapt to your company. But not everyone takes into account that an employee without work experience, with the proper approach, will bring more benefits to the company.

When next choosing an employee for a new position, take into account the following 5 reasons in favor of an applicant without work experience:

1. People become hostages of long-proven paths. Those who come to you from another job to an identical position are least interested in changing the work process, new solutions, methods or strategies. They won't ask questions to better understand your case.

The question that a promising employee will always ask is: “Why do we act this way?” But “Watchmen” professionals will never ask it in their lives, because they already know how to act and it doesn’t matter that their approach is last century.

2. When circumstances force them to explore a new field of activity, people usually rely on old experience that is not applicable in new conditions. Newcomers are not limited by advanced trends, their thinking is crystal clear. Thus, a recruit without experience is like plasticine from which you can make, perhaps, the most advanced and loyal employee.

3. Professionals in their field, accustomed to performing the same or similar duties for many years, are “mothballed” in their traditional approaches to business. They may not be the best choice to hire if you want to bring a new perspective to existing problems or challenges to your business. During the interview they will tell you what, how and in what sequence they will do it. Such workers will be closed to new methods of work and will use only their “tested” strategies, even if they are outdated.

4. Hiring an employee with no experience is a great challenge for you as a manager. You will see how your new “mentee” masters a new direction. You will be able to apply new approaches to learning. You will need to ask and answer questions that have not been asked for years, and perhaps never. This greatly develops your managerial skills.

5. When you hire an interested person who comes from another field and has no experience in yours, you can get a huge number of new and varied ideas, since the “new guy” will look at what is happening from a completely different perspective.

Instead of a conclusion

You should not hire someone with no experience for every position that becomes available. In some areas, this approach can be detrimental to the entire business. But periodically hiring a new person into the company will give a fresh breath of air not only to your business, but also to you as a leader. You will notice how the interviews have become more interesting, you will learn a lot of new things from those who live with a different view of what is happening. You will grow as a manager, going through the journey of becoming your mentee together with him and, most importantly, you will shake up your own thinking!

So, should we finally get rid of the “years of experience” line in the job description?

Recruitment is a common process that people have been doing for a long time. Of course, personnel selection largely depends on the wishes of the manager and the needs of the company. And yet, many years of experience show that there are people whom it is undesirable to hire.

Relatives and friends

The only people you should definitely not hire are relatives and friends. Often, employees who are relatives or friends of the manager begin to believe that they are in a special position. And this leads to dissatisfaction among the rest of the team. Even if a person does not show his imaginary superiority, colleagues may still spread gossip about you and about such a person. What will it be like for you and that friend or relative? And it’s not a fact that it will be easy for you to maintain objectivity. And lastly, your relationship with a relative or friend may deteriorate forever due to some kind of work conflict.

Close employees

Sometimes an employee may recommend a friend or relative for a vacant position. Moreover, this employee can be quite respected and effective. And you will trust his recommendations. But don't rush to make a decision. It may well turn out that such an employee is doing his loved one some kind of favor by helping him find a job. This may completely ignore your needs as an employer. If suddenly the recommended person does not live up to expectations and is fired, the relationship with the employee who recommended him will most likely be damaged.

Simulating activities

Such people can be found in almost every office. But your task is to prevent them from appearing in your home. These are those who only pretend to work, but in fact 90% of their working time they are not engaged in official duties. Usually they are always late, and are in no hurry to stay late at work (although at first they can pretend to be workaholics and even arrive on time). As a cover, they rush around the office with pieces of paper in their hands to create the illusion of being busy. There is a lot of talk about workload.

If everything is clear with relatives and friends, as well as with loved ones of employees, then those imitating the activity still need to be recognized. And preferably at the interview stage. The first sign is being late without warning. Of course, situations are different, and a person may have a really good reason. But an adequate, serious person will at least warn that he will be delayed, but someone imitating activity will never (because he is not serious).

Such a person can be identified by conversation. Most likely, he will answer questions in the style of “about everything, but nothing,” that is, simply “pouring water.” His resume will most likely also be watery. Such people can be seen by their answer to the question “why did you leave your previous job?” Most likely, the answer will be that he was not valued as an employee, that the manager simply did not like him, etc. Anyone will be to blame, but not him. But an adequate candidate will never speak badly about a previous place of work.

Another reliable way to check a person is to call his previous place of work and find out everything.


These people dream of achieving something in their career, but are unlikely to be able to do it. After all, they are absolutely unable to make decisions on their own or introduce new ideas. They will constantly demand approval for all steps, praise, and be afraid to deviate from instructions. On the one hand, performance is good. On the other hand, such a person will bother everyone with constant clarifications.

At his previous job, they are unlikely to speak badly of him, because he fulfilled his duties. Therefore, calling there for a characteristic is ineffective. You can identify someone who is not independent by his conversation. Most likely, he will make inappropriate compliments and try very hard to please you. It will be necessary to ask more clarifying questions about his responsibilities in his previous position. For example, what he personally considers to be his achievements at his previous job. It may gradually become clear that he himself did not really do anything.

Evoking strong emotions

We are talking about people who, after interviewing them, you immediately want to hire them under the influence of emotions. For example, a candidate seems so ideal that you are simply happy to hire him right away, and you are afraid that just a little more and someone else will hire such a wonderful employee. Slow down: this employee may not be so perfect. We need to study it in more detail.

You shouldn’t rush to the other extreme: hiring a person out of pity. For example, when a candidate who is not quite suitable comes along, but you are so moved by the life circumstances described (small children, loans, a long job search) that you are ready to take him. Remember: you are not obliged to take a person out of pity. If it later turns out that this employee is bad and needs to be fired, it will also be inconvenient for you to do this. Out of pity, again.