Features of work and main responsibilities of a credit specialist. HR specialist: responsibilities, competencies, required qualities Skills, knowledge, personal qualities and responsibilities

Initial consultation. Establishing Contact and Gaining Trust Glasser Paul G.

What a specialist needs to know

What a specialist needs to know

Having realized his own attitudes, values ​​and behavior, it is easier for the professional to understand how they differ from the client’s attitudes and values, and then how the client’s values ​​relate to the problems with which he came to therapy. Later in therapy, the professional can evaluate with the client whether certain ingrained beliefs or repeated behavior patterns are preventing them from achieving the goals they have agreed upon. However, during the first meeting we will focus on how your client sees his problems and their causes. As for his values, even at this early stage the specialist begins to understand what they are, but he does not make assessments and does not try to change them.

Thus, it is useful for the counselor to know how the client's socioeconomic and ethnic characteristics affect his or her life. It is also helpful to understand the feelings that oppressed people may experience when encountering members of the majority, and how such a client may feel about a professional who is a member of the majority. Knowing the client's culture and class will help the practitioner understand what the client is saying in a broader context. By focusing on this context and asking carefully formulated questions, he will be able to check the accuracy of his first impressions. As the picture becomes clearer, the specialist will better understand the various aspects of the client's problem. This information and these impressions are useful for diagnosis and can be included in a written report.

If you practice in an institution that specializes in working with groups of clients with specific problems living in a specific area, you should not only try to learn as much as possible about them, but also study the literature describing these groups and their typical problems.

For example, human rights agencies often work with families in which violence has occurred, and therefore the service worker needs to understand this problem. Social assistance agencies work exclusively with poor people, and their staff must understand all aspects of poverty. There are institutions that work with people who have physical disabilities, such as the blind, the deaf, those with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, etc. Some counseling institutions work with AIDS patients and their loved ones, providing them with knowledge about the disease, its consequences and resources assistance is extremely important. Other institutions serve populations in areas where certain ethnic or socioeconomic groups predominate.

But we repeat: despite the need to know the general characteristics of a particular group, they cannot be transferred to clients when we work with them personally. Anyone who works with people knows: no matter how many categories of people we identify, in reality there are many more of them.

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Why do you need to know them at all? Whatever you say, our lives would not be complete without them. I deliberately did not use the word “full-fledged,” since even a single woman values ​​herself very highly, and a wise woman even more so. And yet, in our pretty heads there is no, no, and

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PART 1. What you need to know about fear? Chapter 1. Why we are afraid If we simplify to the limit, we can safely say that all human life is controlled by only two emotions - fear and love. Everything else is just derivatives of the two poles of the human psyche. However, in every

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What you need to know about her Have you heard the expression “know your enemy”? In this case, it is, of course, appropriate. The more you know about his mistress, the sooner you will be able to win back your husband. The more information you learn about this woman, the better for you. Difficult to get reliable

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Chapter Two Everything you need to know about insomnia Science says: insomnia is not a disease, it is a symptom of a disease. Therefore, in order to cope with insomnia, you need to solve not one, but two problems at once: firstly, get rid of insomnia itself, and secondly, from its cause

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Chapter 2. Do you need to know everything?

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It is important to know what not to do. We will share with you what we have learned from different people. Among them were both informal leaders and those who simply had the courage to talk about the problem that worried them. Unfortunately, the latter most often failed. Their experience has shown us

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What you need to know about your audience When it comes to your audience, you need to know the following factors: age, gender, social status, expectations, way of thinking, knowledge of the subject, general atmosphere, the location of your talk and the size of the lecture hall. AgeThe age of your

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The lamp doesn't need to know why it's on when you flip the switch. And we don't need to know why we do what we do, since we do it anyway. A lamp can be considered a simple decision-making device. When I flip the switch, input information

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Chapter 2. What you need to know about life now Life is not a continuous holiday Pain, sadness, fatigue, anxiety, boredom are the same important parts of life as love, friendship, joy and pleasure. In life, loss, illness, aging and death happen. There's nothing wrong with this

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Why you need to know each other Parents warn us that before entering into a close relationship, we need to get to know the person. They just don't explain why. They say it's indecent. Why, exactly, is it indecent? You will say that you have fallen in love with a person and want sex


  • Ethical Hacking (CEH) and Pentest.
  • Machine data processing (Log management - Splunk, MaxPatrol SIEM)
  • If we take the networking direction, then during practice, almost all beginning network engineers or students in this area have a question: “What does a network engineer need to know? What to focus your energy on?. I always started advising on some topics and directions, then I realized that it would be nice to create some kind of checklist for young engineers so that they have a clear vector of development. In addition, I will try to provide links to resources where these skills can be obtained. Naturally, there is no universal list and all I can offer is my idea of ​​the necessary skills of any network engineer. This list was compiled based on personal experience and reflects what you most often encounter in your work. I am sure that most people have their own opinion about the required skills and most likely it does not coincide with mine. If you are interested in this topic, then welcome to the cat...

    1) Basics of networks. I think everything is clear here. Just what do you mean by “basics”? Previously I wrote down video course of a young fighter, however, it is only suitable for starting a career and is clearly not enough for a good specialist. In my opinion, an engineer should have knowledge at the CCNA or Comptia Network+ level. The certificate is not required in principle, but is highly encouraged (it will help in your career). It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find anything in Russian, so I can only recommend courses from CBT Nuggets (paid). There are interesting courses on the Udemy site.

    2) Network emulators/simulators. Everything is obvious here too. It's hard to imagine a network engineer who doesn't know how to use Cisco Packet Tracer or GNS3. UNetLab(now EVE NG) will also be quite useful. You simply must be able to quickly deploy a layout “on your knees”. Experience with VirtualBox and VMware Workstation is also required.

    3) Fundamentals of network security. Many people forget this point or simply avoid it. In general, network security is a separate area, but it is absolutely not independent. It is impossible to seriously engage in network security without understanding how the network works. The opposite can also be argued - you cannot build a network without thinking about security at all. This is why I strongly recommend studying network security at the CCNA Security or Comptia Security+ level. My personal favorite courses are from CBT Nuggets and Cybrary. In the simplest case, you can start with this.

    4) Basics of cryptography. This point follows from the previous one. Almost all companies actively use VPN, the Internet is increasingly moving to https, passwords are used everywhere... It is very sad to see a network specialist who does not understand the difference between pre-shared key and certificate based authentication. At a minimum, you must distinguish symmetric from asymmetric encryption, understand what a hash is, and be able to at least explain the basics of PKI. If we consider Russian-language resources, there are several successful courses on Intuit. The best courses in cryptography in my opinion are on Coursera.

    6) Documentation of networks. Most engineers do not like this item. Setting up and testing networks is almost always fun, but developing documentation is terribly boring. Block diagram, L2/L3 schemes, IP addressing, description of settings... Every engineer must be able to develop such documentation. If you created and configured a network, but after that you did not leave a single document with a description, then you simply did not complete your work - this is hack work. Unfortunately, I have not come across literature that would describe the process of creating technical documentation (not design). If you know such a guide, please write in the comments.

    Not united by networks
    When working with the network, it is very difficult to avoid contact with the server infrastructure. That is why you must have at least basic skills in this area. In most organizations, server specialists are allocated to a separate group. At the same time, network specialists are very often forced to contact them and must communicate in “the same language.” Below we describe a few more essential skills for a network engineer:

    7) Virtualization technologies. It is difficult to imagine a company that would not use virtualization tools. Moreover, not only servers, but also networks are going into virtualization. In many organizations, firewalls, routers, and intrusion prevention systems are also presented as virtual machines. You simply must have basic skills in working with VMware ESXi and Microsoft Hyper-V. You need to understand what a virtual switch or virtual adapter is. Again, I recommend courses from. You can also watch it on Udemy.

    8) Basics of working with Linux. I think this point is also obvious to everyone. A huge number of routers and firewalls are based on Linux. Proxy, Anti-Spam, IPS, DLP systems... all this is, in most cases, slightly modified Linux. Therefore, it is very important to be able to navigate the file system, execute the simplest troubleshooting commands (ip route, tcpdump, traceroute) and edit configuration files using built-in text editors (vi). CentOS Basic Course would be a good start.

    9) Basics of working with Windows Server. Almost every company has a Windows Server, which simultaneously organizes such important services as NTP, DNS, DHCP, etc. And it would be very nice to be able to configure at least these services, without which the network will not function in principle. Personally I like it this mini course.

    10) Basics of programming (bash, python). There comes a time in the life of any network engineer when the task of automating routine processes arises. This is where “scripts” (usually bash or python) come to the rescue. There are a great many free courses on the basics of python, even in Russian. I definitely recommend studying it.

    11) English. If you decide to build a career in IT, then English should become your second native language. Take this as an axiom. My opinion is that if you don’t know English well, then you are a bad IT person. No matter how offensive it may sound. 95% of all truly useful materials are published on the Internet in English. The same CCNA exam is taken in English. Almost all the material is in Russian; it is either a translation (not always correct) or outdated information, because... The new one just hasn’t been translated yet. You can read more about this.

    From our point of view, this is exactly what the list of necessary knowledge for a network engineer looks like. This is a necessary foundation for further professional growth.
    In addition, Cisco recently published the article “Network Transformation and Essential Skills for Next Generation Network Engineers.” If translated literally, it would be something like: “Network transformation and the core skills of the next generation of network engineers.” If someone is too lazy to read the entire presentation, then the main points will be displayed (in Russian).

    P.S. We also wanted to inform you that we periodically hold business breakfasts where we discuss various IT technologies. From the nearest:

    • VMware: virtualization and security
    • VMware VSAN:
    • Modernization and management of storage in a virtualization environment;
    • Using local storage resources with VMware VSAN solution;
    • VMware NSX:
    • Virtualization and security in a modern DC;
    • Transition to a network virtualization and micro-segmentation model;
    • VMware Airwatch:
    • Digital work environment;
    • Mobile device and application management.
    May 23 (Tuesday)
    • Cisco's approach to information security architecture
    • Information security architecture: Cisco approach;
    • Cisco ISE and NGFW. Rapid Threat Containment Demonstration;
    • Cisco AMP Platform. Web Security. Email Security. Comprehensive demonstration.
    Time: 10:00 - 13:00 (Moscow time)
    Saint Petersburg
    Meeting place: “Kazanskaya, 7”

    You can register. When registering for the Workshop, indicate the topic you would like to attend.

    Success is a lousy teacher. He makes smart people think they can't lose. - Bill Gates

    Hello, %habrauser%!
    I’ve been thinking for a long time about how to get an invite, how I can be useful to the IT community, and now, finally, I’ve found something to share. Experience! It is this that distinguishes me from my peers and others, since at 23 I have 4 years of experience in the IT field. Was he helpful? Yes, it's an experience. What was he like? Everything is under the cut.

    This publication will be of interest, first of all, to novice IT specialists (I do not divide into narrower specializations, I want to generalize) and, I hope, will serve as some motivation to realizing the essence of being, your true goals and the way to achieve them (in terms of your career, of course).

    In this publication, I will try to highlight the stages at the beginning of an IT career and the golden rules that I learned from them.

    I ask everyone who knows how to learn not only from their mistakes, under the cat.

    Stage 0. Preparation

    First of all, I’ll tell you a little about myself to better understand the overall picture. After graduating from technical school (specialty “Maintenance of Computer Systems and Networks”), the choice of further path arose: full-time study at the institute or part-time study and work. Due to the fact that I was pretty tired of wiping my pants in the steam (not all items are of interest) and I wanted some kind of freedom and adulthood, the choice fell on the second option. Therefore, when my fellow students were enjoying spring and long deadlines for their thesis, I was poring over my diploma “day and night.” This gave the following results:
    a) I gained invaluable experience (because I didn’t take the first topic that came across from the thesis supervisor’s list, but suggested my own and did it not for show, but practically implemented it on a prototype);
    b) gained time to search for a job due to the fact that he began this process at the moment when most graduates sensed an imminent deadline and sat down to study their diplomas. It’s easier to get an interview before the wave of graduates begins to storm employers.

    Be proactive and educate yourself
    Why is this important before your first job? Yes, because this will be a huge advantage in the competition for work. And if your competitors are graduates like you, this may become a factor in making a decision in your favor. Compare for yourself: a graduate with good grades, but without practice and any practical skills (even for yourself, try it) or you are someone who tried a lot of things, stumbled, but studied (and this means a lot). I think you don’t even need a comparison table to make a choice. And the employer does not have to choose only on the basis of the prestige of the university or trust in it. He already sees who studied like everyone else, and who knew what he needed and moved in this direction.

    Stage 1. Job search.

    The devil is in the details

    This stage will have to be divided into 3 sub-stages in an attempt to cover these issues fully.
    Stage 1.1. Summary
    There are a lot of sites with examples, descriptions and recommendations. They are given by psychologists, HR managers, and everyone who is not too lazy. But how to write a resume when you have nothing to write about in your work experience? Many of my friends started putting everything there that could somehow fill out their resume. Used Photoshop to remove red eye? We add information about ownership of this tool. Have you made drawings for a coursework in AutoCAD? Him here.

    Show in your resume primarily those aspects that are necessary for a specific vacancy.

    It’s not very convenient to edit your resume every time before sending it, but look at it from the employer’s point of view: among the unnecessary information, he may not notice the features he needs or may not finish reading it at all.

    You also need to reflect ALL your experience for this vacancy in your resume (even if it was some project that didn’t work out or you abandoned halfway through, but it happened). You will be able to discuss it, talk about the work done, difficulties, and the employer will better understand the level of your knowledge and train of thought.

    There is another controversial issue, the opinion of which I know from both sides: both the applicant and the employer. Should you send your resume if you don't fully meet the requirements? The employer says no. I say yes! And that's why:
    a) Requirements are sometimes written by HR managers. And when they are looking for a specialist, they can copy from another vacancy, without understanding what it means;
    b) Some requirements may be indirect. Those. not meeting them will not prevent you from being hired;
    c) There are situations when an applicant needs an employee “for yesterday” (this also happens). Then you can be hired to perform some basic tasks, and the missing skills will already be “pumped up” in the work process;
    d) The great and mighty “What if” (c)! (true, an unpleasant situation may arise here at the interview, but “What if” (c) doesn’t arise?).

    Stage 1.2. Selecting a vacancy
    The main thing is to choose what you like. There is no need to choose based on prestige, advice from friends and other criteria that are not related to your desires. Work should bring pleasure (ideally, a good income, but for a start, pleasure is also important). It will shape your idea of ​​work, because it is the first.

    It is also worth paying attention to the direction of work. It should expand your professional skills, not narrow them down to some routine. With the right choice of direction, you will become a more experienced specialist, but not a specialist with skills that no one needs.

    Stage 1.3. Interviews
    I have studied many articles on this subject (and I advise you to do so) and even conducted interviews myself, so I can give some “squeeze” of rules that will help you pass it more effectively:
    a) Don't worry. Many people now thought, “Yeah, they also tell you not to worry during the exam, but it doesn’t work out!” But it is necessary. Coherent and consistent speech always attracts the applicant;
    b) Prepare for the interview. And this applies not only to appearance. You should “rehearse” a story about what you already know and can do, and talk about it in detail. It’s better to even describe the problems encountered during implementation. This way you can start a dialogue and feel more confident talking about what you understand. If the employer is interested in something else, he himself will direct the conversation in the right direction;
    c) Find out more about the company where you are going for an interview. The employer must understand that you are not approaching them at random, but purposefully approaching them. This is also conducive;
    d) Read and UNDERSTAND the theory in those areas that are indicated in the requirements. I myself often neglected theory, thinking that the main thing was to quickly figure it out if there was a problem. The employer often does not think so. And in some situations he is right. If you have no work experience, you can only know theory. And you should know it.

    Stage 2. Work

    If the stars are in a happy position, you have completed the previous steps correctly and got a job. But this is no reason to relax. I will not give advice on how to behave in a team and in performing work duties, because... this varies greatly depending on the team/management.

    But there are “reinforced concrete” tips on what NOT to do, which work everywhere:
    A) Don't shy away from work. Nobody likes such people. Work must be regarded as experience, which you currently do not have;
    b) Do your job well. It would seem banal, but no. There are people who, out of ignorance or laziness, “make crutches” instead of correctly solving a problem. Don't do that (c). Nobody likes to do things after others. Just as no one likes it when a banal problem is solved for a long time by redoing their own “crutches”;
    c) If you still have free time, do not waste it on social networks, games and listening to music. No matter how rude it may sound: you are still nobody. And it depends only on you whether you will become someone or remain a “very middle-level” specialist. Learn constantly, be it some information about the company’s internal services that relate to your job responsibilities or some more general information about what you will need in the future for development (since you have reached “zen” in your work). And there is no need to put off learning.“Later” may not come. As happened with me: I worked, didn’t give a damn and played in my free time, happy that everything was working, everyone was trained to carry out the routine. And then - BAM! Liquidation of the company, bankruptcy. Why do we go looking for work? With gaming experience in recent months instead of useful knowledge. Not the best luggage.
    G) Be proactive. This can help both expand your experience and advance your career. Study the work of other services, maybe in the process you will find a more suitable and interesting place for yourself. Remember that you have not yet formed as a specialist and can try to find yourself in another, related direction. But this in no way means that you need to rush around and give up at the first difficulties. They will be everywhere.

    For the first article and for understanding how to start your career in IT, I think that’s enough. If anyone has any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments and in personal correspondence.

    Well, in order to prevent the question “What have you achieved to give advice here,” I will briefly describe my work experience. First place of work: first, a leading specialist in the software and hardware department of a regional bank branch, after a few months - already the head of this department. Another year later, he became the head of the department supporting the IT infrastructure of the entire bank - and so on for 3 years. And these are not connections and acquaintances, but what I said - understanding the work of other services. They notice young and proactive people who can and want to develop and work.

    Due to insurmountable circumstances, I had to change jobs and now I’ve been working for a system integrator for half a year, where, in fact, I learned that experience can be useless, theory is needed, but that’s a completely different story (c).

    UPD: I advise all beginners

    The work of a CS specialist consists of knowing his tasks and the ability to competently conduct everyday work, which is very diverse. In the current conditions of minimizing the number of CS, due to the appointment of young and “unexplored” personnel officers are usually overloaded. HRM faculties and courses are dominated by academicism rather than practice. Based on this, a kind of “compass” is proposed for developing your direct course towards professionalism.

    Ch. 1. Entering and mastering personnel work.

    • Providing the necessary personnel. Planning of personnel needs (quantity, quality, timing) that meets business objectives today and for the future.
    • Development and implementation of a personnel search and selection system: sources of selection, content of applications for vacancies, mass selection technology.
    • Registration of hiring, dismissal, transfer, etc.
    • Storage of tr. books and their accounting, personal sheets, maintaining personnel documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of files.
    • Filling tr. books, personal sheets, issuing certificates to employees.
    • Knowledge of labor legislation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and instructions) and consulting on these issues.
    • Development and maintenance of local regulatory documents: Staffing table, Regulations: On personnel, On salaries, On holding competitions, etc., Internal labor regulations (ILR), etc.
    • Meeting and establishing business relationships with department heads.

    2. Introduction to the work of a personnel officer

    First steps

    From the very beginning, normal business relationships should be established with department heads. Make it a rule to visit them at their location. Don't wait for someone to come to you. At the same time, have some questions for them, and they always exist. It is useful to get advice on some things, as well as tactfully raise questions about the unit. Then they will perceive you as a normal personnel officer, and not an office worker, and you will gradually switch to friendly relations. Knowing people and departments is no less important than performing technical work correctly. Competent work is the result of not only professionalism, but also effective interaction with managers at all levels. Often difficult relationships develop with the accounting department, which has “pulled the blanket” over itself.

    It is important to remember that you are at the main entrance to the enterprise. And what is important here is your organization, impartiality, ability to tactfully structure a conversation, gain the candidate’s trust in you, tell him about the main responsibilities, agree on further actions and end the meeting in a businesslike and respectful manner. In advance, you need to have a conversation plan in your head about the enterprise, job responsibilities and personnel issues.

    To get started you need the following:

    • write out the wording from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for cases of hiring and dismissal. Thus, it will be easier to master the main articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the adopted wording. Issues of dismissals are described in Articles 77 - 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
    • familiarize yourself with the hiring and firing procedures;
    • registration of Orders and Personal Sheet T2 in the 1C program;
    • have “on hand” the Staffing table for tracking vacancies, forms of Employment and other contracts, Applications (for work, dismissal, transfer, vacation), Applications for vacancies, Reminders to the candidate about providing documents, “Slider” for dismissal, Certificate of employment, forms for issuing a bank card, information for accounting. (There may be other documents.)

    Upon receipt of the Application, be sure to study it and talk with its author to clarify the specifics of the job and any unclear questions. This is important in principle for understanding the main tasks of vacancies and establishing business contacts.

    When dismissing, a respectful and tactful attitude towards the person is required, especially if the dismissal is not on his initiative. After all, “what comes around, so will it respond.”

    On the day of termination of the employment contract, the employer is obliged to issue the employee a work book and make payments to him, Art. 140 TK.

    If it is impossible to issue a work book to an employee due to his absence or refusal to receive it, the employer is obliged to send the employee a notice of the need to appear for the work book or agree to send it by mail, Art. 84 TK. Unreceived Tr. the books are stored in the Constitutional Court along with the Orders.

    Suspension from work is regulated by Art. 76 TK.

    The hiring order must be announced to the employee within three days from the date of actual start of work with his signature. Within 2 weeks an entry is made in Tr. book or a new one is started if it is missing. Recruitment issues are described in Art. 67 – 71 TK. The emergence of labor relations is discussed in Art. 16 – 20 TK.

    According to Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, changes in the terms of an employment contract are permitted by agreement of the parties by drawing up an additional agreement to the employment contract.

    The advisability of concluding civil law contracts (CLA) instead of labor contracts can be found in the “Personnel Package”. A common form of cooperation is based on the GPA in the form of an Agreement on paid services (on the performance of work).

    When applying for additional work (part-time work, performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without exemption from the work specified in the employment contract, expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work), it is necessary to document the combination or part-time work, see “HR Package”.

    According to Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee. Unified form approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of January 5, 2004. No. 1: Sheet for recording working hours and calculating wages (Form N T-12), Sheet for recording working hours (Form N T-13).

    If the company organizes shift work, then shift schedules are required, approved by the heads of departments and with the signatures of the employees.

    Transfers to other positions and divisions are made on the basis of the employee’s application in agreement with the heads of both divisions and the corresponding order.

    3. Mastering the duties of a personnel officer

    This stage is associated with bringing the procedures for registering and maintaining KDP to automaticity, acquiring a free style of working with candidates and establishing business contacts with managers.

    • Master the 1C program - hiring, dismissal, filling out a Personal Sheet, making changes to the Sheet. When preparing for publication of an Order on Admission/Dismissal, you must immediately “enter” the data into 1C for printing. In this case, the candidate studies and signs Tr. contract in 2 copies. (one is for him, and the other is in the Personal File along with copies of documents). Make the necessary entry in the Labor Accounting Journal. books. Obtain signatures of the person involved in all documents. Tr. log book books can be combined taking into account instructions (TB, Primary instruction, etc.)
    • Master filling out Tr. books, paying attention to the accuracy of the entries according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, because inaccuracy may subsequently affect the calculation of pensions or the receipt of benefits for professions. On this issue and amendments to Tr. book, see “Personnel Package”.

    You'll have to:

    • issue Certificates of Work at the request of the employee, which indicate the number of the Order of Admission, position and salary.
    • collect time sheets from all departments to enter the necessary information into Personal Sheets (about vacation, illness, business trip...) and transfer them to the accounting department for payroll calculation.
    • advise department heads and employees. This is an important aspect of the work of a CS specialist.

    Planning of personnel requirements should provide both current production tasks and future ones. When ensuring long-term tasks, it is useful to create a high-quality reserve. For it to be real and already focused on the upcoming work, it is necessary that these persons already work at the enterprise in similar positions.

    4. Content work

    This work is primarily related to local regulatory documents.

    • The staffing table is the main document that reflects the entire organizational structure of the enterprise, a complete list of positions in departments, their number and salaries. The staff is approved by the director of the enterprise. Changes are made either by the adoption of a new Staff Schedule, or by issuing an addition to the Staffing Schedule (this is for large structures).
    • Internal labor regulations (ILR) are usually developed by the CC, agreed upon with the management of the enterprise and approved by the director. PVTR establishes the relationship between employer and employees and the labor regime. The content of PVTR at different enterprises may vary significantly. Internal labor regulations must comply with: current legislation, constituent documents, staffing.
    • Various Regulations that regulate various aspects of activity. But they, as a rule, are aimed at enterprise employees. Therefore, their development and implementation is carried out by the CS. Among them may be Regulations: On personnel, On salaries, On performance assessment, On holding a competition, etc.

    Ch. 2. Professionalization of HR

    Having gone through and mastered the previous stages of work and self-training, you will not have any problems in conducting current personnel work. And you will be able to resolve issues with department heads and develop the above local regulatory documents, incl. Shtadkas and PVTR. Thus, your range of interests will go beyond the “routine” and will be close to the tasks of the CS, which are much broader than the tasks of a specialist.

    For professional development, it is necessary to sum up the results for yourself on specific resolved issues, understanding under what circumstances it was possible or why there was a failure. Professionalism grows when one comprehends what has been done and expresses what is meaningful in writing. Indeed, it is important not only to do it, but also to see what is behind it. It often happens that a person works for years, but there is nothing to say about it - only specific actions in the absence of a common vision.

    At this stage, it is time to work with various publications that have a good presence on the Internet. We can recommend the following sites: Elitarium, e-xecutive, ITeam, HR-portal, Business World. This will be enough if you subscribe there.

    Get yourself a flash drive, select folders in it for topics that interest you, and fill them out while studying each article. Initially, the following folders are required: Legal. consultations, KDP, Human resource management (HRM), Corporate governance, Work of the CS, Work of managers, Local regulatory documents, Description of professional competencies, Personal psychology, Socio-psychological practice, Corporate changes, Personnel selection, Personnel assessment, Stimulating employees and teams, My developments etc. As materials accumulate, other sections will appear.

    In a few years you will be able to conduct some thematic developments yourself. In the meantime, write down any thoughts you have, save up and their time will come.

    The main materials for current work are: the website for personnel records management “HR Package”, where there are answers to various questions; Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For other questions, incl. recruitment - Internet sites SuperJob, HeadHunter, Job, Rabota.ru, Rabotamail.ru, as well as personnel magazines, of which there are many.

    In conclusion, it is advisable to note that practice and objectively present differences between people indicate that not everyone can be a general personnel officer. Indeed, the majority gravitate towards a certain range of tasks.





    In order to implement the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ, the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics decides:

    1. Approve unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment, agreed with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation:

    1.1. For personnel records:

    N T-1 “Order (instruction) on hiring an employee,” N T-1a “Order (instruction) on hiring employees,” N T-2 “Employee’s personal card,” N T-2GS (MS) “ Personal card of a state (municipal) employee", N T-3 "Staffing table", N T-4 "Registration card of a scientific, scientific and pedagogical worker", N T-5 "Order (instruction) on the transfer of an employee to another job", N T-5a “Order (instruction) on transferring employees to another job”, N T-6 “Order (instruction) on granting leave to an employee”, N T-6a “Order (instruction) on granting leave to employees”, N T- 7 “Vacation schedule”, N T-8 “Order (instruction) on termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal)”, N T-8a “Order (instruction) on termination (termination) of an employment contract with employees (dismissal)” ", N T-9 "Order (instruction) on sending an employee on a business trip", N T-9a "Order (instruction) on sending employees on a business trip", N T-10 "Travel certificate", N T-10a "Office assignment for sending on a business trip and a report on its implementation”, N T-11 “Order (instruction) on encouraging an employee”, N T-11a “Order (instruction) on encouraging employees”.

    1.2. For recording working hours and settlements with personnel for wages:

    N T-12 “Working time sheet and calculation of wages”, N T-13 “Working time sheet”, N T-49 “Payroll sheet”, N T-51 “Payroll sheet”, N T-53 “Payroll”, N T-53a “Payroll Registration Journal”, N T-54 “Personal Account”, N T-54a “Personal Account (swt)”, N T-60 “Note-calculation on granting leave to an employee” , N T-61 “Note-calculation upon termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal)”, N T-73 “Act of acceptance of work performed under a fixed-term employment contract concluded for the duration of a specific job.”

    2. To extend the unified forms of primary accounting documentation specified in clause 1.1 of this Resolution to organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, in clause 1.2 - to organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, except for budgetary institutions.

    3. With the introduction of the unified forms of primary accounting documentation specified in paragraph 1 of this Resolution, the unified forms of primary accounting documentation approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 04/06/2001 N 26 are declared invalid.

    Chairman of the State Statistics Committee of Russia


    By letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2004 N 07/2732-UD, it was recognized as not requiring state registration.

    The list of cases is OK.

    "I affirm"

    Director of the enterprise/Deputy by personnel

    " " _________ 201_

    • Folder of corporate orders.
    • Personnel orders. If the turnover is high, then separate folders are created for admission, dismissal, and transfers. The reasons are attached to the orders, it’s more convenient.
    • Folder of orders for vacations, business trips with reasons.
    • Orders on incentives, sanctions, etc.
    • Tr. log book books, as well as about Primary instruction, TB, Fire. security, etc.
    • Folder with regulatory personnel and corporate documents (Staffing table, PVTR, various Regulations, etc.).
    • Employee folders (files): copies of documents, various materials, certifications, agreements on financial responsibility, additions to tr. contracts, etc.
    • Folder of contracts: civil, on working with third-party organizations, etc.
    • Folder with materials on personnel management and various methodological materials.
    • Folder with plans for corporate and personnel work.


    • All folders are numbered in accordance with the OK Nomenclature of Cases.
    • All orders (hiring, dismissal, transfers) and existing unreceived tr. books are kept for 50 years. In cases of corporate changes, these documents are kept by the legal successor.
    • Other personnel materials are stored, as a rule, for 3 years. The materials in the above folders are stored in accordance with corporate guidelines for 5-15 years.
    • OK materials in accordance with the Nomenclature of Cases are transferred according to the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate.

    Fedotov Alexander Vasilievich

    Independent HR expert

    The volume of positions of each banking institution is constantly growing.

    Not surprisingly, the increase in the number of lending programs entails the emergence of new areas of work in the banking sector. These are brokers, managers, consultants.

    But credit specialists are of particular value. It is the activities of employees in this area that largely determine the level of trust in the bank, improving the quality of lending services and reducing the percentage of overdue debt downward.

    Relevance and prospects for the development of the position

    Any bank is a financial and credit institution, and lending services are one of the most popular.

    It makes it possible to acquire any material assets even if the required amount is not available. Of course, the population needs loans. For banks, in turn, the implementation of such a service provides an opportunity to increase capital, reduce the level of overdue debt and subsequent optimal activity in general.

    Currently demand for loan officers quite high. Lending experts carry out their activities not only on the territory of the bank, but also at points of sale and mortgage centers. That is why the position is quite relevant. The banks themselves are interested in workers in this area. The further bright future of the banking institution largely depends on the level of professionalism and productivity of the loan specialist.

    In the future, the career growth of a credit specialist who has started working outside the bank may begin with a transfer to the head office, in particular, to the lending department. Where the main tasks are to identify the solvency of candidates, work with documentation, accrual, write off interest from citizens’ accounts and other operations. With hard work, it is possible to be promoted to senior specialist of a department, deputy head of a department, then head of a department and director of a branch of a banking institution.

    Personal requirements for the candidate

    Basic requirements The following are considered personal qualities for the position of loan specialist:

    • Analytical mind;
    • honesty;
    • tact;
    • sociability, friendliness, openness in communicating with people;
    • responsibility;
    • perseverance;
    • resistance to stressful situations, equanimity;
    • speed in decision making;
    • desire to work and study.

    The task A credit expert's role is not only in paperwork, but also in the ability to find an individual approach to a citizen of any category. In addition, the responsibility for choosing a reliable client and completing the transaction also lies on the shoulders of the loan specialist. That is why, when choosing an employee for a given position, special attention is paid to his personal qualities.

    In addition to specific human characteristics, it is necessary to have a set professional skills and specific knowledge. This includes the following requirements:

    • availability of a knowledge base regarding the promotion of bank services in the area of ​​lending;
    • awareness of all available credit products;
    • the ability to competently and accurately assess the reliability and solvency of a candidate;
    • desire to promote the culture of a banking institution.

    In other words, a loan specialist must be competent in all matters of lending.

    If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
    Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

    Job responsibilities

    According to labor instructions of most banks to the list of job responsibilities Loan specialist includes the following functions:

    • familiarizing the candidate with the nuances of providing the service, a detailed description of various loan programs and choosing the most suitable one for the client;
    • calculating the amount of the loan provided and the amount of the monthly payment on it;
    • accepting applications from clients for a loan and their further analysis;
    • assessing the risk of non-payment of debt by the client with further assignment of an appropriate credit rating;
    • confirmation of the authenticity and presence of the necessary documents with further transfer to the appropriate department for security verification;
    • transfer of documents to the economic service;
    • sending an application to the credit commission;
    • preparation of the appropriate package of papers;
    • conclusion and signing of an agreement with the client;
    • accompaniment . In other words, control over timely payment of loan installments;
    • drawing up reports.

    It should be noted that the loan officer does not directly search for a candidate. An employee carries out activities with an existing client.

    Rights and responsibilities

    Add to list rights provided to the loan officer include:

    • provision of social guarantees provided for by law;
    • familiarity with the decisions of the organization’s management regarding the activities of the credit specialist;
    • the possibility of demanding all possible assistance from management in fulfilling their immediate responsibilities;
    • informing the manager regarding projects about improving the methods of work performed by the employee;
    • the possibility of demanding improved working conditions;
    • improving professional skills and qualifications.

    Responsibility, assigned to the loan specialist, includes the following points:

    • for failure to fulfill or improper performance of duties established by;
    • for causing material harm to the employer;
    • for violation ;
    • for offenses occurring during the employee’s working life.

    What to note in a resume for an applicant for this position

    The position of a loan specialist is currently very relevant and in demand in the labor market.

    To receive an invitation, you must submit a preliminary application.

    To interest an employer, you should indicate the following points:

    Most often, when choosing future employees of the lending department, managers pay attention to the presence of an economic education, confidence in conversation, and a pleasant appearance. Priority, of course, goes to applicants with experience in banking products, but energetic young people without experience often also get the opportunity to try themselves in the field of loans. Especially considering the fact that the demand for lending specialists is quite high.

    Features of the position in various fields

    The specifics of the work of a loan specialist are such that the workplace may not be in the office of the banking institution. This could be a car dealership, a shopping center, or a mortgage lending office.

    In general, the peculiarities of individual lending areas lie only in knowledge of the product for which the client wishes to apply for a loan. For example, an employee in the auto lending department is involved in processing transactions regarding automotive products.

    A loan specialist, whose workplace is located in communication stores or electronics sales centers, concludes a loan only for the specified product.

    The same goes for mortgage professionals. Points of sale of bank products provide sales and consultation directly on the issuance of credit cards.

    The job responsibilities are identical, the only difference is the product for which the loan is issued.

    In any case, employees whose activities are related to processing loans are required to know all existing lending programs and be able to competently sell related lucrative offers and notify about promotions. In addition, you should navigate all the nuances and be able to find a professional answer to any question the client has.

    The position of a credit specialist is quite relevant at the moment. Managers, realizing that employees in this area are practically the face of a banking institution, place quite serious demands on candidates. Not surprisingly, the productive work of credit specialists brings profit to the bank and only increases the confidence of citizens.

    The rules for selling banking services are discussed in the following video training: