Consistency in everything - Sam Carpenter. Book summary

“Consistency in everything” Sam Carpenter “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber”, Moscow 2014.

Conquering chaos

“Live to work or work to live?”

The dilemma of modern man

In the Soviet Union there was an extremely popular electronic game “Well, wait a minute!” The essence of the game was that the hero of the hit animated series Wolf was trying to catch eggs in a basket that were rolling down an inclined shelf from under the “irrepressible” hens. Gradually, the speed of movement and the frequency of “socks of eggs” increased. Unfortunately, this process had no system. The player switched the Wolf from one perch to another with incredible speed, but the ending was already a foregone conclusion. The game could not be won, but you could only hold out as long as you could, depending on your reaction. I would also like to add that, unlike modern computer games— there was no hacking code, additional “lives”, etc.

I came across the word systematic approach at the turn of the last century in one of the recruiting agencies. A young specialist, trying to show “the full breadth of her knowledge,” unexpectedly asked: “Do you have systems thinking?” “Of course!” I instantly reacted and immediately took the pen, believing that now, as if from a “cornucopia”, tricky tests/problems would rain down to confirm this competence. But how wrong I was! The girl simply put a “tick” in front of this question in the questionnaire " and moved on to the next interview! I believe that with the help of this specialist, the number of systemically minded people in Russia has increased significantly. :-)

Surely you are familiar with the type of employees whom I personally call “kings/queens of chaos.” These “specialists” turn their work into an endless tangled tangle that only they themselves can figure out. Work is not carried out according to the planned plan, but as problems arise in various areas of the work. After this, with feigned heroism they rush to “plug the gap,” raising such a fuss around the “problem” that it is simply impossible not to notice their activities! , set as an example, etc.

All modern books on business can be safely divided into two main groups - written by theorists and practitioners (there are, of course, exceptions in the form of subgroups - a practicing theorist or a theoretically “savvy” practitioner, but this is rare). Sam Carpenter clearly falls into the group of practitioners with a distinctly “do-it-yourself” approach. A man to whom, more than ten years ago, an insight “descended” that turned his whole life upside down. The idea of ​​the book is quite simple, and therefore relevant - instead of fighting the system, try to fit into its mechanism. The whole world, including business, is built on a systematic basis. If you were able to realize this and rearrange your actions/thoughts in accordance with a systematic approach, the gain will not be long in coming.

Sam has been the owner of Centratel, an American telephone directory service, for many years. Building your own successful business forms the basis of the book. It all started with common truths that many businessmen either neglect or do not pay due attention to, namely: strategic goal, basic principles of work, methods of work. And here, attention, Sam Carpenter argues that the development of these documents should be carried out directly by the business owner, as opposed to the generally accepted concept of their development at the company’s strategic sessions. The statement is highly controversial, although the author provides a strong evidence base.

A systematic approach, in the author’s understanding, is the development of clear regulations (business processes) and strict adherence to them. Most of the book is devoted specifically to setting up regulatory activities, again using the example of Centratel. Here I still completely disagree with Sam; in my understanding, a systematic approach is a much broader option. But anyway, successful example introducing consistency into the company’s work deserves attention. Once again I return to the topic of “great” businessmen who fundamentally try to work contrary to the system and tenets of business. Perhaps this book will give them another good opportunity to think about the correctness of their own approach, and not only in business!

PS “There is no need to fight against the system - you should put it at your service”

Douglas Adams "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

Sincerely, Kozulya Igor Ivanovich
Member of the Guild of Marketers.
Marketing expert, MBA.


Systematicity in everything. Unique technology to improve efficiency

Book Systematicity in everything answers questions such as: can the system help in business and if so, how? Is the business system itself?

Sam Carpenter - About the Author

Sam Carpenter CEO of Centratel, a national directory service for which he has worked for 28 years. Founder of a non-profit organization helping children in Pakistan affected by the massive 2005 earthquake. Has experience in journalism and publishing.

Consistency in everything - Book review

The basics - we begin to see the world in a new way

We all remember from school that a system is a collection of interacting elements. True, during our school years we hardly understood that it has a huge advantage: it helps us work many times less and accomplish many times more.

By following the system, you will notice how stress will gradually disappear from your life, and work will finally begin to bring pleasure. There's just one catch: you have to master the system. See it and learn to perceive it correctly.

The world is actually a very logically built system. To resist its laws means dooming yourself to suffering that could easily be avoided. To do this, we need to understand: everything that happens around us is a fait accompli. This is a given, and not entirely dependent on a person. Such a vision will help not only in business, but in any area of ​​life.

At the same time, no one asks you to turn into a machine and forget about the high. Having learned what principles drive environment, you can start working on the spiritual. This way you will find almost complete harmony, because you will take care of both the material and the moral, your inner world.

The system has a big advantage. It can and should be changed and improved. Stop thinking that the past plays a decisive role in your existence. What happened to you as a child is certainly important. But what's more important is whether you can cope with unpleasant memories and move forward with a positive mindset. For a person who wants to master a systematic approach, this should become the main rule.

Learn to separate systems. There are thousands of them, and every day you come across them, whether you like it or not. You need to be able to look at life from above, see yourself and what is happening around you in it.

The world will not change from endless complaints. You can think as much as you like that you are unlucky, but your neighbor is doing well. You can blame the government, the employer, the parents, the school - but what will change from this? Is it worth worrying about something that you yourself cannot change, such as the politics in the country?

It will be much more effective to focus on those levers that are within your personal control. Everything that happens is just a collection of interconnected processes in which you are a participant. Analyze which ones you can change and stop throwing accusations and complaints! Start improving your consciousness.

True freedom is possible, but it must be achieved. Serenity and momentary pleasures will not make you happy forever. Happiness can be achieved if you see the details and organize the space correctly. And, of course, do not give in to illusions.

If you work ten hours a day, seven days a week, then after a while (in a year or 15 years, it doesn’t matter) you will feel that you are reaching a dead end. The main reason for the failure of many business projects is their inefficiency. Cannot create good company, constantly experiencing stress and being in a state of nervous overstrain. Difficulties and problems undermine the manager and employees. And, by the way, the same thing happens to people in family life. External stimuli and everyday life begin to tire, and as a result, relationships turn into chaos.

Chaos is the enemy and the opposite of systematicity. And if your life is already similar to it, then the time has come to change everything. Especially if you understand that there is nothing to lose, because it definitely won’t get worse. When life seems to be going down the drain, stop and think about what you were doing wrong. Something you can easily give up and try a new strategy.

The decision to look at the situation from above, to rise above it, always helps to find a way out of the crisis. Take a look at your business that you think is about to fail. Your company is nothing more than a pattern of actions that are repeated from time to time. Each action has its own beginning and end. When one thing ends, a new one arises. Moreover, everything you do at work (and in your personal life) is absolutely predictable.

A great way to sort everything out is to keep records. Write down what may be related to your business, and first of all:

- goals,
– methods,
– the main principles of work.

Without documentation, you will not be able to move to the level of systems thinking, since it helps you see linear connections and hierarchy, and this is exactly what the system loves so much.

And also learn to deal with stress. If your health fails, how are you going to work? Your body is a system, and all you need now is:

– see yourself from the outside and think about what causes your health problems. Perhaps you sleep little or sit constantly, limiting physical activity. Nothing happens for nothing - rid your life of reasons feeling unwell;
– create a goal and stick to ways to achieve it. Outline what you will do whenever you feel depressed again;
– don’t give up on these actions – remember that the system can only be supported by systematic actions!

Don't forget to pay attention to personal connections. Be friendly, congratulate friends and family on holidays, give gifts, listen and tell interesting stories. Communication is an important component of business, and the more you work on yourself, the more clients and simply good people they will be drawn to you.

Systems thinking: Steve Jobs

The same documentation

We already know that writing down all the actions taken on the way to the goal is very useful. And not just useful, but necessary. Although, like everything useful, documentation seems to most to be a boring and time-consuming task. Yes, we are lying if we say that this is easy to do. You will need time and brainstorm, however, if you skip this step, you will not rise higher. Think about whether it’s worth learning to think systematically at all.

When the desire to procrastinate is greater than you, think not about how lazy you are to do boring things. Without unnecessary emotions, tell yourself that you simply must do them. Whether you like the task or not - at the moment it does not matter, it must be completed, and you must build on this.

Write down your goal and begin to develop principles that not only you, but also your subordinates will follow. Do not hurry. It's better to think things through rather than hastily drafting principles because you'll end up spending even more time redoing them.

Proceed also to the formulation of methods, each of which will correspond to a particular process of your activity. So, armed with these three documents, you can easily protect yourself from unnecessary stressful situations. More precisely, in any case, you will periodically feel that you have reached a dead end. But you have goals, methods and principles! This means that you know how to act - the manual has been drawn up, you need to re-read it again and move forward.
Be sure to define your life cycles. Roughly speaking, decide what hours are easier for you to work and when your productivity tends to zero. Everything is simple here. Listen to your body and try to meet your needs for rest and sleep. You should not burden yourself during periods of physical weakness - your lifestyle should be combined with work. It’s much worse when work adjusts to natural cycles.

Always rise above your circumstances. Take action and be objective in seeing the world. This will allow you to gain control over your life and make sure that you become happy man really. You can be the master of your destiny. And that's exactly why you need documents. Some starting points who will show the way in the darkness.
When emotions stop getting the better of you, you will act clearly and harmoniously. Problems will not be able to throw you off balance. Detachment will allow you to look at things logically and with a cool head. This is another plus systematic approach.

Let's highlight the basic principles that you should remember:

- Opportunity for advancement up the career ladder. Development is a very important component, so do not deprive your employees of this opportunity. When a person, starting from the bottom, can reach the top, he automatically understands that he is capable of more. Promotion is a great incentive;
– when choosing actions that will help solve a problem, give preference to the most effective ones. Or, at least, strive to find the most successful way to convey the essence of a new approach based on systematicity. And for it to work, allow employees to draw up documents. Doing what you agree with and what you yourself have proposed is much more pleasant. And don't forget to make the methods logical. No one wants to participate in a senseless adventure if it does not have a drop of logic. And if you decide to reward people for timely adjustments and initiative, you can safely call yourself a good boss.

Tips that will bring you even closer to consistency

When you come to work, work. Do not use Odnoklassniki or the dating site. Do what you or are paid to do. Behave the same way at home. If you have crossed the threshold of an apartment, clear your brain of worries and worries. Stop yourself from thinking about work matters. Every task has its own time. Do not overshadow your rest with worries, and your work with thoughts about rest.

When creating documents, do not “hang” on any issue for too long. Being meticulous will only result in you wasting hours of valuable time. Everything you put into your documents should be effective and fairly simple. Therefore, forget for a moment about perfectionism and the desire to always do everything with five points. True, there are two exceptions - principles and, of course, purpose. When working through them, spare no effort. These two components of your success simply must be as accurate and ideal as possible.

Think about what mistakes (about five) you have made before. Remember the biggest and most annoying ones, those that entailed a number of other mistakes. Let's reveal a secret - they all happened only because you once decided to do nothing. For example, if you failed a session, it means you didn’t prepare for the exams. You were fired from your job because you did not fulfill the obligations required of you at the proper level. When you're lying at home, instead of going for a run, you choose. You give preference to one action and refuse another. In fact, even inaction is a passive action, but it does not lead to the result that you would like to achieve.

What to do about it? The answer is obvious. You are required to choose something that is related to the activity. In almost any situation, you will be right in choosing to be active. Don't put off until later what you can do perfectly right now. Did you want to go to the hairdresser? Go. Is there a book you bought a few months ago waiting on the shelf? Start reading. Did you promise to call a friend last week? Do it!

The problems that arise along your path should spur the desire to cope with the situation and take it into your own hands. If everything went smoothly in life, a person’s need to improve would disappear. Obstacles help us remember that it is time to think and do something new. So stop being afraid of them. Enjoy the opportunity to show yourself in the best light.

And also determine whether you have enough courage. It manifests itself in different ways and does not at all mean that you should walk along dark streets at night. We are talking about another phenomenon, the essence of which is easy to understand from examples. Do you, say, go to the gym on a precise schedule and without skipping? Can you stick to the diet prescribed by your doctor? Do you always come to work in a good mood, even if you got up on the wrong foot in the morning? It is all these seemingly small actions that create courage. Develop it and get rid of procrastination. Give up laziness and a lot of new opportunities await you.

Solve problems the moment they come. Don’t move them to tomorrow, otherwise the pile of unfulfilled tasks will sooner or later scare you with its size. The word “automation” would be very helpful here. It will help you shed the burden of postponed tasks and act, forgetting that you don’t want it at all.
Just tell yourself that from now on you will stop being a procrastinator. You don't need pressing deadlines. You do everything on time because it is right. Because this is how it should be done, and not otherwise. Deal with one problem and move on to solving others. This is a systematic view of life.

By accustoming yourself to this rhythm, you will be able to boast of unsurpassed self-discipline. Moreover, you will have a lot of time freed up. The main thing is to always use your head and not do reckless things! If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Remember this always when you want to quickly get rid of the matter.

Pay attention to those you work with. Hire good people and they will quickly turn into good employees. A hardworking person should be given a chance to show his abilities. Be sure to take into account the fact that best employees needed and Better conditions. Worthy wage, convenient office, creating conditions for efficient work. It is impossible to demand returns from people without providing something in return.

Thanks to an established system and developed documentation, people will want to stay at the enterprise. They will know exactly what to do in a given situation, and they will not be afraid to make mistakes. Which is logical - because you explain to them your position: the one who does nothing is not mistaken. And “doing nothing” is a direct path to a dead end.
Employees should not be afraid of you. Let us remind you that they cannot be deprived of the right to draw up the main documents of the company. Trust your people, delegate the process. However, do not diminish your importance. You are the director of the company, and you are responsible for it. Don't play around with democracy, maintain your authority.

However, we have not yet answered the question of how to find a person capable of developing the system together with the entire team. Let's start with the fact that he:

– is not late;
– before the interview, learns at least a minimum of information about the company, its goals and principles;
- impressive disciplined person;
– strives to improve and move up the career ladder;
– does not run from one place of work to another;
- good looking.

The list can be continued, but the essence is clear. Define your criteria and make sure the candidate meets each one. If you didn’t pass one point - alas, you will have to say goodbye. Cruel? Perhaps, but consistency requires clarity. Don't allow yourself any concessions. If you decide to hire a person who is suitable in all aspects, look for just such a candidate.

The entire team, all your employees must move towards one common result - to produce quality goods(or service). That’s why it’s so important that people think along the same principles and share the company’s goals. Without quality, you will lose customers. Not all, but most of them will go to competitors, which you obviously don’t want.

Promptly correct the situation if the client is dissatisfied with the service or product. It is much better for him to remember how you came out of the situation with dignity and solved his problem. This best option The opposite is where the buyer only remembers your inaction. Huge difference, isn't it? All this can easily be applied in friendly relationships. By showing respect and not forgetting about people, you already become a person with whom you want to communicate. And friends in this case are no better or worse than clients.

Organize yourself and your time. Do not store unnecessary items on the table; assign each item its place. Work on improving your internal atmosphere. Employees must communicate with each other; ringing silence cannot reign in the team. It’s easier to discuss issues than to hush them up and dialogue only with yourself. Stick to this rule. Spend time with the team, organize meetings, let them speak. This doesn't mean you have to chat all day long. Your main task is to maintain the golden mean so that communications do not interfere with work.

No one requires you to be in the office 24 hours a day. When you manage the system, it itself can maintain its state at the most comfortable level. An important rule: you must always be available. Keep your mobile phone nearby, check your email and Skype - in short, keep track of all the resources through which they may try to contact you. Don't leave your company to the mercy of fate. In the end, if the system is truly a system, no one will bother you about minor details.

Observe your activity peaks. Is it easier for you to concentrate in the morning or do all your main tasks closer to dinner? Try to get as much done as possible during your active period. This will pay off in your ability to relax during times of low energy.

Systematic approach from Synergy

Sam Carpenter
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber
Genre: Business
Format: FB2, EPUB, PDF
Quality: Originally electronic (ebook)
Illustrations: No illustrations

We often perceive the world incorrectly as a chaotic jumble of random elements and interactions, but in fact everything consists of ordered systems, each of which can be improved. With this book, you can gain systems thinking and then apply it to your business. There are no abstruse theories or mystics in the book. The author used his systematic approach, described in the book, in his business and was able to increase the company’s profit tenfold, reducing working week from 80 to 2 o'clock. Now he runs an international consulting company and several other businesses and non-profit organizations. Thanks to systems thinking and looking at business as a “system of systems,” you will be able to:
achieve good result for the entire business as a whole, having analyzed internal systems and processes;
increase profits, loyalty of your customers and independence of company employees;
reduce the level of stress, disorganization and - as a result - reduce work time, spent on achieving results.

Additional Information:

Quotes from the book
Is it possible?
Now I work only two hours a week instead of eighty. Yes, I am rich: I have achieved success entirely on my own. Mine small business I've been leading for 28 years, and this book tells the story of how I turned it from chaos into a machine that stimulates me and my employees.

Like twice is two
Any business is initially a system: a set of processes that together are guaranteed to produce the desired result. The more you focus on improving your business systems, the better results you get.

Circle of influence
A concept made popular by Stephen Covey is that the circle of influence demonstrates the level of control. Imagine your circle of influence. How big is it? If your circle is only thirty centimeters in diameter, you are unlikely to be able to stand in it.

Rigidity and flexibility
Require your employees to strictly follow all instructions, but remember: if something can be improved, it should be done right away. The method is like a rock - solid and unassailable until management decides to change it.

Automated accounting system
All actions are based on theory" automated system accounting." If something can be done immediately, do not delay. As in large stores retail, we update the database and calculate profits during the transaction.

It's simple
Always keep your word. Provide high quality. Don't try to deceive yourself or others. Always start and finish work on time. Don't complain. Your job is to lead the caravan and leave the barking dogs behind.

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Name:Sam Carpenter | Systematicity in everything. Universal technology efficiency improvement (2014)
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Sam Carpenter

Work the system


© Sam Carpenter, 2012

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by law firm"Vegas-Lex"

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (

Dedicated to Linda, of course


If I had eight hours to cut down a tree, I would spend six hours sharpening the axe.

Abraham Lincoln

I'm not exaggerating at all: this is one of the most useful business books in history. Should I not know? I make a living from reading books: teaching creative people around the world how to build profitable, sustainable, and fulfilling businesses. Here are three main questions I get asked all the time.

“Opening your own business is so difficult. Where to begin?"

“I work very hard, but I earn little. How can you improve your efficiency?

“I feel stressed and anxious all the time. How to run a business without going crazy?”

The answer to these questions is always the same: learn to look at everything systematically. Any business is initially a system: a set of processes that together are guaranteed to produce the desired result. The more you focus on improving your business systems, the better results you get. Simple as two and two.

However, at the word “system” most people roll their eyes. We were taught to think that working algorithms, instructions, documentation, etc. are boring and bureaucratic. Nothing like this. This is what happens when you start improving your systems.

You earn more by working less.

You devote more strength and energy to performing the work to the highest quality.

You make far fewer mistakes.

You quickly and clearly correct mistakes.

You feel calmer, more collected and in control.

In most cases, complete business systems are the result of sober, rational and straightforward thinking. This is a skill that can be learned quickly. This is a method that can be used to correct any aspect of life.

While creating own business I constantly apply the ideas of the book “System in Everything.” As soon as the first edition came out, I began recommending it to my readers and clients. Glad you have this book in your hands. She will help you accept right decisions, have time to do more and enjoy the process.

Preface to the third edition

Consistency in everything

This book is not like others. Its main idea is not to provide new information, although it is given here. The main goal is to help you gain a new perspective on life so that you can control everything and achieve what you want. I call this a “mini-awakening” understanding. I will tell you about it in.

After my epiphany, I changed my life. I used to eke out a miserable existence. Now he has come to peace and prosperity. Now I work only two hours a week instead of eighty. Yes, I am rich: I have achieved success entirely on my own. I've been running my small business for 28 years, and this book tells how I turned it from chaos into a machine that motivates me and my employees to move forward by providing highest quality services in your industry. The book describes how I overcame all obstacles. You can do it too. This is not a theory, this is a fact. Having improved your knowledge in business, perhaps for the sake of freedom and prosperity you will do something else, or maybe not. Those who follow my strategy become super effective, and most of them continue to do what they were doing before. Some people eventually give up, while others soar up the career ladder. There are no tricks or mysticism here. There are no complexities of the Six Sigma methodology. No aggressive advertising. No trickery. Everything discussed here, including understanding the system from the inside, is absolutely logical. Sounds intriguing? A promising start?

Our whole life consists of puzzle pieces. To achieve what you want, it is enough to see them, do right choice, and then assemble them so as to obtain the desired result. My book is not a frivolous shake of the air without any specifics. Having formed systems thinking, I explain the necessary mechanical steps to achieve peace and prosperity (part -). I also reveal many other problems, which we will talk about in more detail later.

There are no tricks or illogical advice in this book. The main idea is simple: contrary to popular belief, the internal mechanisms of the world are logical. There is an obvious order to everything if you abandon preconceptions and consider the very essence of life. Having accepted this new idea Having penetrated deeper, it will be easier to put everything in order to get what you want. In addition, controversial, stereotyped assumptions about work, business, politics, health and personal relationships are being replaced by facts. The main thing is that the differences between theory and reality are erased. So you won't look back at public opinion, momentary thoughts and what is considered right. By seeing reality as it is, you can confidently make decisions, apply them consistently, and achieve the results you want. And all because the laws of reality are unchanged.

Four and a half years have passed since the first edition was published. Back then, I hoped that my book would help readers take more control of their business and life. This idea may have seemed daring and presumptuous, but it lived up to my hopes. But more on that later.

Each of us has two sides to our personality - emotional and logical. Unlike popular psychological books or videos, I argue that it is necessary to separate them. Otherwise, we mix them into a gray mass and neither side is fully expressed. And I disagree that the path to freedom and prosperity begins with getting rid of personal emotional problems. the main task- organize life principles. Set up the mechanism, and your emotional state will immediately improve. Can a person with emotional problems achieve wealth and freedom? Certainly. We all know examples of such people. But, regardless of the presence of emotional problems, a person’s path to financial well-being and freedom is long.

Current page: 1 (book has 22 pages total) [available reading passage: 6 pages]

Sam Carpenter
Systematicity in everything. Versatile efficiency technology

Sam Carpenter

Work the system


© Sam Carpenter, 2012

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters

* * *

Dedicated to Linda, of course

You need to choose the simplest explanation that requires minimal reasoning and principles.

William of Ockham 1
William of Ockham (1285–1347) - English philosopher, supporter of nominalism, one of the progenitors of modern epistemology and philosophy, one of the greatest logicians in history. Note ed.


If I had eight hours to cut down a tree, I would spend six hours sharpening the axe.

Abraham Lincoln

I'm not exaggerating at all: this is one of the most useful business books in history. Should I not know? I make a living from reading books: teaching creative people around the world how to build profitable, sustainable, and fulfilling businesses. Here are three main questions I get asked all the time.

“Opening your own business is so difficult. Where to begin?"

“I work very hard, but I earn little. How can you improve your efficiency?

“I feel stressed and anxious all the time. How to run a business without going crazy?”

The answer to these questions is always the same: learn to look at everything systematically. Any business is initially a system: a set of processes that together are guaranteed to produce the desired result. The more you focus on improving your business systems, the better results you get. Simple as two and two.

However, at the word “system” most people roll their eyes. We were taught to think that working algorithms, instructions, documentation, etc. are boring and bureaucratic. Nothing like this. This is what happens when you start improving your systems.

You earn more by working less.

You devote more strength and energy to performing the work to the highest quality.

You make far fewer mistakes.

You quickly and clearly correct mistakes.

You feel calmer, more collected and in control.

In most cases, complete business systems are the result of sober, rational and straightforward thinking. This is a skill that can be learned quickly. This is a method that can be used to correct any aspect of life.

When creating my own business, I constantly apply the ideas of the book “System in Everything.” As soon as the first edition came out, I began recommending it to my readers and clients. Glad you have this book in your hands. It will help you make the right decisions, get more done, and enjoy the process.

Josh Kaufman

Preface to the third edition 3
Third official edition in English; The book is being published in Russian for the first time. Further, the author also provides a preface to the first edition in English. Note ed.

Consistency in everything

This book is not like others. Its main idea is not to provide new information, although it is given here. The main goal is to help you gain a new perspective on life so that you can control everything and achieve what you want. I call this a “mini-awakening” understanding. I'll talk about it in Part I.

After my epiphany, I changed my life. I used to eke out a miserable existence. Now he has come to peace and prosperity. Now I work only two hours a week instead of eighty. Yes, I am rich: I have achieved success entirely on my own. I've been running my small business for 28 years, and this book tells the story of how I transformed it from chaos into a machine that motivates me and my employees to move forward by providing the highest quality service in our industry. The book describes how I overcame all obstacles. You can do it too. This is not a theory, this is a fact. Having improved your knowledge in business, perhaps for the sake of freedom and prosperity you will do something else, or maybe not. Those who follow my strategy become super effective, and most of them continue to do what they were doing before. Some people eventually give up, while others soar up the career ladder. There are no tricks or mysticism here. No complications of Six Sigma 4
"Six Sigma" six sigma) is a manufacturing management concept developed at Motorola in the 1980s and popularized in the mid-1990s when Jack Welch adopted it as a key strategy at General Electric. The essence of the concept comes down to the need to improve the quality of outputs of each process, minimize defects and statistical deviations in operational activities. Note ed.

Our whole life consists of puzzle pieces. To achieve what you want, you just need to see them, make the right choice, and then assemble them in such a way as to get the desired result. My book is not a frivolous shake of the air without any specifics. Having formed systems thinking, I explain the necessary mechanical steps to achieve peace and prosperity (Parts II-III). I also reveal many other problems, which we will talk about in more detail later.

There are no tricks or illogical advice in this book. The main idea is simple: contrary to popular belief, the internal mechanisms of the world are logical. There is an obvious order to everything if you abandon preconceptions and consider the very essence of life. Having accepted this new idea, penetrating deeper, it will be easier to put everything in order to get what you want. In addition, controversial, stereotyped assumptions about work, business, politics, health and personal relationships are being replaced by facts. The main thing is that the differences between theory and reality are erased. This means that you will not look back at public opinion, momentary thoughts and what is considered right. By seeing reality as it is, you can confidently make decisions, apply them consistently, and achieve the results you want. And all because the laws of reality are unchanged.

Four and a half years have passed since the first edition was published. Back then, I hoped that my book would help readers take more control of their business and life. This idea may have seemed daring and presumptuous, but it lived up to my hopes. But more on that later.

Each of us has two sides to our personality - emotional and logical. Unlike popular psychological books or videos, I argue that it is necessary to separate them. Otherwise, we mix them into a gray mass and neither side is fully expressed. And I disagree that the path to freedom and prosperity begins with getting rid of personal emotional problems. The main task is to streamline life principles. Set up the mechanism, and your emotional state will immediately improve. Can a person with emotional problems achieve wealth and freedom? Certainly. We all know examples of such people. But, regardless of the presence of emotional problems, a person’s path to financial well-being and freedom is long.

Yes, you can turn on the switch with one move, and your life will become the way you want. The switch is in your head, which means it is always at your disposal. It turns out that not everyone wants to achieve more with less effort. Some people want to get more done while working the same amount of time, or simply become more efficient at work and at home. And many simply want more control over life, more meaning. My book serves all of these purposes simultaneously. She teaches you how to become more effective.

Is there anything new in the third edition compared to the second? Very little. In my defense, I can say that basic realities do not change over time. We can only give them a simpler explanation. That is why I have prepared a new edition. It's much more readable. I made thousands of small edits. I want the reader to make it easier and faster understood essence. Also, I am very pleased that I have created a better description of what I believe.

The basic message remains the same: 90% of people struggle with difficulties all the time. At first glance, it seems that the problem is this: they have not chosen the right direction, are disorganized and spend too much time on trifles. And it is true. But at a deeper level, the underlying reason for the struggle is obvious. However, since most of us struggle day after day with poor results, we do not try to go to the deeper level and eliminate the causes of the problems. People tend to rush around the surface, complicating what is actually simple.

How could I make “significant changes” to the book when the second edition was published only two years ago? By explaining the concept repeatedly in my speeches and in the media, I have become better at communicating ideas. Another reason is that over the course of these several years, I “passed through” my ideas every day. In addition, thanks to communication with readers, I became convinced of the success of my own method. People have used it in the most different situations and on by example proved to me how it works. I also spent three years creating blog posts and learned to write more effectively.

I will borrow a well-known and, in my opinion, ideal metaphor that best reflects the essence of the book: “bottom up.” And in previous editions I constantly used this approach, but I did not give it a name. In business, this means collecting ideas from consumers and producers about how to improve the system, and passing these ideas on to managers for further processing and approval. And this is not a manifestation of democracy at all - I rather view business as a benevolent dictatorship. Rather, this is a recognition of the obvious: best ideas come to those who work on the front lines, interact with consumers and create the product.

Someone may think that I am luring you into my faith. In group classes, when I start talking about my mechanized approach to life, someone who lives by the “follow your bliss” principle (I was once one of them) is sure to shake their head in disapproval. Such people believe that they should soar above the world and focus on the spiritual. They consider spiritual quests to be the highest, noble cause, which should not be interfered with by insignificant trifles. But when they hear that we are all spiritual beings living in a mechanical world, they nod approvingly. Until we learn to control the mechanisms of life, we will not be able to gain the freedom that will allow us to understand what is beyond reality. We will be forced to constantly return to it. Before focusing on the sublime, we must understand the essence of the physical world, with its dull and perhaps primitive principles. The superbly organized world that we encounter every day can be considered a powerful source of spiritual strength. It is enough to stop judging him and see him for who he is. Spirituality must be understood through the application of mechanics. Try this approach if other theories don't meet your expectations.

And again to the question of improving quality: the point is to improve the system. This is a book about systems. It is a system in itself. This is a closed mechanism with many rotating wheels, each of which serves a common task: to achieve the goal. Like life itself, a book cannot be perfect. There is always something that can be improved. This is the problem with publishing that I have managed to get around.

I have a kind of contractual relationship with the publisher Greenleaf Book Group. Our agreements are fundamentally different from 99.9% of agreements between authors and publishers. By retaining copyright on the manuscript, I can make changes at any time. Often for an author achieve publication of your work means completely losing all rights by transferring them to the publisher. As a result, the manuscript goes to the editor, who, depending on competence, style, worldview, interest in the topic of the book and experience, changes the original version beyond recognition. The author has no rights. The final word on the content of the book and all interpretations rests with the editor. “Here,” says the newcomer to the publisher. “I want my book published, so take it and do with it what you want.” After this, you can only wish the author good luck if he suddenly decides to make changes or demand a new edition. If you want to correct something, the publisher will need to approve almost every line, and often the authors do not receive permission to make changes at all.

With enthusiasm, I began making edits to correct the shortcomings (including getting rid of the cover photo). The basic idea remained the same, but the style needed to be refined. This gave me great pleasure, because in the second version I wanted to do everything right. The second edition was also to be published in paperback. This time I opted for white glossy. When the second shipment arrived, I was sure that this the option would be ideal. But the cover looked unprofessional, and despite numerous grammatical and syntactical edits, the writing was clumsy.

Several months passed, Greenleaf Book Group agreed to publish my book. We signed the agreement, and preparations began for the publication of the third printed version. This time two first-class editors worked on the book: the structure was completely changed, thousands edits The book was due to be released in hardcover in the spring of 2009. But when she came out, I again I was in for a disappointment! The new cover was great, but the glossy material was so absorbent that it showed fingerprints. And a lot could have been said better! Six months later, while preparing the fourth edition, we worked on the cover and made many changes. The book came out, and, of course, I was disappointed again.

What I haven't talked about so far is the key point: through constant frustration and the resulting countless revisions, the quality of the book has improved significantly. Yes, I am prone to nitpicking and self-flagellation, but thanks to all these attempts to improve the previous versions, the new one turned out to be quite tolerable. Yet thousands more changes were made to the next edition, and my editors at Greenleaf again helped me polish the book. As I already said, the message of the book remained almost unchanged - only the presentation form was improved. Now, from the height of my experience, I realized what I should have understood even then: the book will never be the way I originally wanted it to be. Not in the second, not in the third, not even in the fourth editions. I know better!

In any case, as an aspiring writer, I had the unique opportunity to revise the book repeatedly. There were eight print versions in total, the content of which I had complete control over, taking advice from the world-class editors and designers at Greenleaf. So what's the result? The new version was always better than the previous one. This is not bragging: the constant evolution of the book demonstrates the process of improvement of the system that lies at its core. In addition, this story highlights the benefits of personal freedom - the ability to follow your own path.

I really hope that the book will help you not only develop the ability to see current processes, but also understand that the key to achieving goals is in the endless improvement of these processes. Try to constantly improve the systems of your world, and soon you will not have to rush to solve problems and you will have time and money for the life you have always dreamed of. I hope you understand this.

The book contains many examples, but it is not a collection of anecdotes and life stories. I want to dig deeper and help readers change their lives by giving them clear, actionable advice. This is a professional guide to working on the systems of your life. There are many details given here. And if you want to go further, you can take advantage of my multimedia course. It goes beyond the book and is designed to bring out procrastinators 5
Procrastination (English procrastination, from Latin procrastinatus: pro - instead, ahead and crastinus - tomorrow) is a concept in psychology that denotes the tendency to constantly postpone unpleasant thoughts and deeds for later. Note lane

Business owners out of stupor. The program is designed for one to three months and is called “Work the System Academy” (more details in the applications section and on the website Some readers, after becoming familiar with the systems approach, created special departments in their companies, along with sales or information technologies. Such a department can be called comprehensive: it organizes the work of other departments, helping them improve efficiency and uniting them into a single business mechanism. The Academy shows business owners quick ways to implement this method (a consulting department has recently opened).

I want to write another book for a wider audience. My vision is that it will be about three times as subtle as this, will be simple to understand, and will still have an emphasis on systems thinking. But I haven't been able to start yet new book: this not yet completed, despite all the work done. Will this edition be the final version? Probably not, but it's a step towards completion. On its website 6
All information on the site, as well as on other Internet resources, links to which are given in the book, is presented on English language. Note ed.

In moments of inspiration, I post my notes. Join us! And check out the list of books I recommend reading:

Here's more about improving the system. Just as I was finishing up the manuscript, I was on the phone with my wife Linda (she was in Seattle and I was in Bend). At the last minute I asked her if I had missed anything. And she replied: “Yes, I missed something.” She said that I forgot to talk - at the very beginning of the book - about the inevitable period of difficulty before it becomes easy, and about the emotional trauma that awaits you at the very beginning entrepreneurial activity or company reorganization. I asked Linda to write down her thoughts. Half an hour later I received a message on e-mail. Here's what she wrote:

I'm standing on a deck overlooking Puget Sound. In one hand there is a cup of coffee, in the other there is a phone on which I am talking with Sam. He's still in Bend. I've been living in our apartment in Seattle for two weeks now and working 16 hours a day. I came here to retire and finish my part of the work on the “Academy of a Systematic Approach” project on time. Sam remains in Bend and works at the same grueling pace. We are working together to create an online mechanism that will later be managed by other systems. We have been working on the project for nine months now, and its launch is scheduled in a couple of months.

Sam and I talk about the physical and mental costs. The load is heavy for both of us. And during the conversation I remember what I forgot about... about how it all began. Like everything new - at a crazy pace. But what most people forget is that we all have a choice: we can continue to climb... or we can relax and just go with the flow, knowing that this is the only way. the right way. Both when starting a company and when reorganizing it, the owner must think carefully about this. It will definitely be hard before it gets easy. This is necessary to move to another level. Zen philosophy says: “Don’t suffer because things are not as they should be. Accept everything as it is and focus your energy on making sure everything is the way you want it to be.”

And one more thing: remember that business is art. The ability to patiently climb the growth curve, endlessly overcome numerous obstacles, improve no matter what, create masterpieces from the mistakes of the past, overcome storms is priceless. Successful business– an independent unit that creates value for all its participants. It doesn't matter whether you're stumbling, sauntering, or rushing toward the end result. In any case, do not underestimate your deeds and your participation.

Sam Carpenter

Revised for third edition, November 2012