Return of watches of proper quality. Can watches be returned or exchanged? How to return a defective watch back to the store

On May 27, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree N 471 “On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government Russian Federation regarding the return or exchange of technically complex goods. This document equated watches with technically sophisticated goods and significantly limited the opportunities for consumer terrorism. Thus, another project of the Association of Watch Market Participants, which has lobbied for this decision for three years, has ended in success.

However, the document contains a reservation: not all watches have become “complex”, but “wrist and pocket watches, mechanical, electronic-mechanical and electronic, with two or more functions.” What are clock functions, how to calculate them, and how has it changed in general legal status hours?

If you read the lines of the decree formally, it turns out that a relatively inexpensive multifunctional quartz watch is a technically complex product, and some mechanical Jaquet Droz, each copy of which is a watchmaking art, but with only one hand, does not fall into this category.

The way out here is seen in the fact that the buyer needs to be properly informed about the consumer properties of the watch. Namely, that a watch, even with only three hands, is a multifunctional device, because. as a time instrument provide 3 functions:

  1. measuring time in hours;
  2. measuring time in minutes;
  3. time measurement in seconds.

A separate function is the display of the date (i.e. calendar), not to mention the chronograph, time in a second time zone, and so on. Almost all modern quartz movements have a low battery warning function. In addition, an equally important function of a watch (especially for women) is an accessory, i.e. an item used to complement the wearer's appearance or style.

This information must be provided to the buyer in the documentation attached to the watch (passport, warranty card), as well as on the official website. For example, the Tissot company did the right thing by posting on its website a text that may be strange, but very useful from a legal point of view (see inset).

It is wrong to limit yourself to oral communication only, because in the event of a dispute, the buyer, foaming at the mouth, will assure that during the sale the seller did not say anything like that to him, and the court will unequivocally take his side based on the principle “words cannot be sewn into deeds”.

Taste and color

What has changed for watchmakers with the release of the decree?

The main thing is that now the client does not have the right to demand the return of a serviceable watch just because he did not like it.

Based on Art. 25 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the buyer has the right to exchange a non-food product of good quality for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased if it did not fit in shape, size, style, color, size or configuration. An exchange request can be submitted within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase.

Until the summer of this year, the watch could be changed, like a regular blouse, which created a stream of “returns” after March 8 and other holidays. However, now the situation has changed: by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 2016 No. 471, watches are also included in the “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned and exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, size, style, color or configuration”.

Included, but with a reservation about two or more functions. Therefore, in order to save yourself from far-fetched reasons for returning watches of good quality on the grounds listed in Art. 25 of the Law, the seller must inform the buyer about the consumer properties of the watch, i.e. about the fact that even a watch with one hand is a product with two functions: the first is measuring time in hours, the second is an accessory.

What to do if the seller did not inform the buyer about the multifunctionality of the watch? Article 25 of the Law contains six grounds, in the presence of at least one of which the consumer can be refused: sales receipt or cash receipt or other document confirming the payment for the specified goods.

Even watches that have been worn at least once are already used. Thus, if a “puncture” came out with proper information, the way out is a thorough check of the goods, the task of which is to determine whether the following are stored:

  • consumer properties of the watch (i.e. do the parameters meet the specified requirements);
  • presentation (whether there are scuffs, scratches, nicks and other mechanical damage);
  • are there any signs of use (traces of metal wear in the contact parts of the bracelet, bracelet and case, bracelet lock; wear of the strap holes; sweat marks on the inner surface of the strap; dust and dirt in the recesses of the back cover, etc. etc.) .

Deviations on any of these three points are sufficient grounds for refusing to return the watch to the customer.

Difficult case

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", in the event that defects are found in the goods that are not specified by the seller, the buyer, at his choice, has the right to declare one of the requirements:

  1. replacement for a product of the same brand (the same model and (or) article);
  2. replacement for the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;
  3. proportional reduction of the purchase price;
  4. immediate gratuitous elimination of product defects or reimbursement of expenses for their correction by the consumer or a third party;
  5. refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods.

These requirements have a different "price" for the store: the most unpleasant is the termination of the contract, while points 4 (repair) and 3 (price reduction) are not so painful. But the right to choose one of the five requirements is given to the consumer. And if he wishes to terminate the contract of sale, the seller is not entitled to repair the goods.

Until the summer of this year, the buyer of the watch during the warranty period could present any of the claims to the seller in the presence of any defect. After the watch received the status of a technically complex product, the situation changed.

For technically complex goods (hereinafter referred to as TST), clause 1 of Art. 18 of the Law stipulates restrictions on consumer rights depending on the period that has elapsed from the date of the transaction. The most painful requirements for the store 1), 2) and 5) the client can present only within 15 days from the date of receipt of the goods. If the defect arose later, the buyer can only talk about repairs or a reduction in the purchase price, which significantly improves the situation of the store.

However, in some cases, the consumer retains the right to present any of the requirements, including the return of goods. The Law clearly identifies three such situations:

  • discovery of a significant defect of the goods;
  • violation of the deadlines established by this Law for the elimination of defects in goods;
  • the impossibility of using the product during each year of the warranty period in the aggregate more than thirty days due to the repeated elimination of its various shortcomings.

Therefore, after a period of 15 days from the date of sale, the answer to the question about the nature of the defect, i. whether it is significant. The definition of a significant defect is contained in the preamble of the Law: it is “an irreparable defect or a defect that cannot be eliminated without disproportionate costs or time, or is detected repeatedly, or reappears after its elimination, or other similar shortcomings.”

Let's consider three typical cases.

Option A: In a watch that cost 40,000 rubles in the store, a manufacturing defect of the mechanism was revealed, repair is possible only by replacing it. At the same time, the price of the mechanism is 10,000 rubles, the labor costs for its replacement are 2,500 rubles. Such a disadvantage can be qualified as MINOR, especially if the mechanism is mass-produced and is not exclusive, etc.

Option B: The watch has a unique mechanism, which accounts for most of its value, it is impossible to carry out repairs on the spot - it is necessary to take it to the factory or wait a long time for specific parts. Or the dial, made in some exclusive technique, was destroyed, and was the main object for which a person bought a watch. In these cases, the deficiency can be qualified as SIGNIFICANT.

Option C. At the first appeal, the deficiency was recognized as insignificant (option A). After a couple of months, EXACTLY THE SAME drawback was revealed, which was again eliminated without significant material and time costs. And after a couple of months, history repeated itself, and the shortcoming was revealed the SAME as the first and second time. In this case, the defect that has come to light for the third time must be qualified as SIGNIFICANT.

Three rules

Thus, three rules can be formulated to minimize the number of warranty returns:

Give the buyer at the same time with the watch as complete information about the product as possible, incl. list of functions and the "Not a Malfunction" section.
Inspect the claimed watch to determine:

  1. the presence of a defect declared by the consumer;
  2. if there is indeed a deficiency - the reasons for its occurrence;
  3. the nature of the deficiency, i.e. is it significant

Find out if 15 days have not passed from the date of the conclusion of the purchase and sale transaction to the date of filing a claim.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

dated May 27, 2016 N 471 "On amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the return or exchange of technically complex goods"

1. Supplement clause 11 of the list of non-food products of good quality that are not subject to return or exchange for a similar product of a different size, shape, size, style, color or configuration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55 “On approval of the Rules for the sale certain types goods, a list of durable goods that are not subject to the buyer's requirement to provide him free of charge for the period of repair or replacement of a similar product, and a list of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1998, N 4, art. 482; N 43, art. 5357; 2002, N 6, art. 584), after the words “household gas equipment and devices” by the words “; wrist and pocket watches, mechanical, electronic-mechanical and electronic, with two or more functions.

2. Supplement the list of technically complex goods approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2011 N 924 "On approval of the list of technically complex goods" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2011, N 46, art. 6539), paragraph 13 as follows: "13. Wrist and pocket watches, mechanical, electronic-mechanical and electronic, with two or more functions.

The watch is a multifunctional device. As a time device, they provide several functions - measuring the current time in hours, minutes and seconds, and also have a water protection function (within various limits). In addition, as an accessory, the watch performs the function of demonstrating the status and style of the owner, giving completeness to his image.

When purchasing a watch, it is not always possible to guess the first time. Poor ergonomics, insufficient illumination, inappropriate shape. Many reasons can make you think about the question: can watches be returned and how much can be returned for them?

A lot of money has been spent, but the purchase does not fit or has a flaw. What can be done in such a case? Let us consider in more detail the situations when it is realistic to return the money, when there is no such possibility, and when such an opportunity is very illusory.

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Conditions for the return of watches according to the law of the Russian Federation

The legislation explains in detail the algorithm of actions and provides two options for resolving the dispute. Such products are subject to the norms of the law, which speak of the right of the buyer to receive money or other goods in return. But only if there is a clear problem with the quality of the product.

If a defect is found in mechanical, electronic, radio clocks, or other varieties of such goods, the seller will return the amount received. Replacement of goods with any other, can occur only with the consent of the buyer. Although the law provides for the right to provide a quality product similar to the first purchase, if you are not sure, it is easier to take the money.

The shape of the product, the sound of the alarm clock and other properties that cannot be objectively measured are not grounds for a refund. In this case, the law limits the right of the buyer.

The peculiarity of the sale of such products is that they are included in a special list that does not give the right to exchange. The list was amended in 2016. Paragraph 13, which now sounds like this: "...wrist and pocket mechanical, electronic-mechanical and electronic, with two or more functions." That is why return the alarm clock to the stores selling household appliances or offer to change the wall clock because of a whim will not work. Aesthetic considerations and ideas about reliability and beauty are not taken into account.

Is it possible to return a watch, the quality of which corresponds to the declared one?

If you need to return goods of good quality, then there is practically no chance of getting a refund. The thing is that chronometers of various modifications are included in the list of technically complex products. Technically complex goods - in the list of products that are not subject to return or exchange. That is, the law does not oblige to replace these products at the request of the buyer, as can be done with other goods.

Is it possible to return the watch, in a store, on an online marketplace or in mall by negotiating with the seller? This option does not give 100% success. However, it is worth using it. How effective the negotiating position will be depends on the goodwill of the seller. The law is on the side of the producers in this case.

However, we should not forget that the hype around the sale of goods with a flaw, even a small one, can force compromises. In the eyes of buyers, the company will lose the status of a reliable supplier, lose the trust of counterparties and, ultimately, receive considerable financial damage.

Sample claim for the return of goods of good quality

There are no special requirements for the preparation of letters of claim, the law does not put forward. In such a statement, in order to return previously purchased goods to the store, you must specify the basic details and describe the situation in sufficient detail:

  • Full name of the buyer, home address, contact numbers;
  • time and place of purchase, preferably with details;
  • indicate the reason for the return;
  • attach a photo or video that confirms what was said;
  • offer a return or replacement period;
  • put signature and date.

If it is not possible to submit the appeal yourself, it is better to send it by the recommended letter. A receipt will be proof that the letter has fallen into the hands of the seller and now you will need to give a reasoned answer.

The seller must consider such a claim without delay, that is, in a few days. If he does not consider such a letter, but there is a mark of receipt, there is a reason to transfer the letter for response to government agencies. You can also write a lawsuit to the court and try to reimburse not only the cost, but also the moral / material costs.

However, the returned item must be clearly defective. This breakdown or the presence of low-quality elements is an oversight or negligence of the seller. If during the judicial investigation the opposite is found out, the applicant risks considerable monetary costs for a lawyer and receiving a counter-claim from the company.

Can I return a defective watch?

This is the sole responsibility of the seller. He must immediately respond to the identification of a faulty or low-quality product.

If the buyer determines that the purchased product does not meet the declared characteristics, he has the right to take his money back. As an option: you can choose something suitable from the same price position.

Consider how it is possible in practice to return watches of inadequate quality.

An expert may be involved to assess the quality. During the time allotted by law for the return quality goods, an expert conclusion can be drawn. If it is not issued according to the standards, the expert's opinion can be used as an argument in the negotiations. You can already bring to the court session full report. It would be useful to send along with the complaint to state bodies a copy of such an examination.

Despite the fact that we are talking about a technically complex product, it is subject to unconditional replacement if:

  • defects that cannot be corrected;
  • breakage or flaws in the hull, parts, mechanisms;
  • the product cannot perform its function;
  • there is no necessary accuracy, quality in the measurement of time.

In this case, the rights of consumers are protected by law. But if there are differences in the vision of design, decoration and other parameters that do not affect functionality, the watch cannot be returned or exchanged.

The reason for the return can only be the impossibility of operation for its intended purpose, low quality characteristics.

Return of watches under warranty

Returns and exchanges of watches that have an unexpired warranty period , will require contacting service center or to the seller.

In order to be able to return the watch to the store during the action, you will need to prove the correct operation.

Chronometers famous brands serviced by service centers in major cities. These centers provide full repair and maintenance services.

In most cases, a guarantee is provided for a year or more. For example, Swatch watches have two years to return.

Usually, a long-term guarantee is a confirmation of quality. Such watches are undoubtedly returnable, but this is not required, since they will serve for a long time and without problems.

Can watches be returned within 14 days?

In order to clearly define the dates and terms of the return, we will once again look at the norms of the law that protects the rights of consumers.

Can watches be returned within 14 days? This is only possible if expert opinion and only in connection with defects critical for the operation of the product.

Up to 7 days return goods after a remote purchase on Internet sites, sales sites.

The return period is extended if the warranty obligation is established at a later date for any of the objective reasons. The "Rule of 14 days" applies to the entire product range:

  • compact wrist watch;
  • accurate chronometers;
  • portable alarm clocks, desktop options.

The most important thing is to deliver the letter of demand to the store within 14 days (or 7 days). The letter contains a request to return the money or receive another, suitable product.

Sample claim for the return of a watch of inadequate quality

To exhaust all possibilities of return wrist watch without litigation, take advice and review the text of the claim. After filling out such a document, it is necessary to hand it over to the representative of the company. Can be sent by postal notification.

Return or exchange process

If it was possible to agree, you can exchange the watch for a new one or take the money in 10-15 minutes. To do this, personal data is verified and after verification, money is issued. If the buyer decides to replace the product, then the manager offers other, similar in properties, models.

How to return a watch to the store in a complete set and without broken seals? It is important that all seals, seals, tape with which the product is packed are in place. Well, if there are receipts and instructions. It is advisable not to throw away the packaging and documentation confirming the purchase until the end of the warranty period and the period for checking the quality characteristics of the goods.

If found mutual language fails and the seller refuses to accept the watch, you must immediately contact the founders, the management of the store or the seller company. If this does not help, you have to use the court. The application is drawn up by lawyers who can continue to represent the interests of the client during the trial. You can also apply for government agency quality control - Rospotrebnadzor.


Yes, watches can be exchanged and returned, however, products of the appropriate quality are unlikely to be returned. Unless at the request of the seller and to maintain a positive image, the store will agree to make concessions. But if the goods are of poor quality, the documentation has been preserved and there is an expert opinion, in addition to a refund, you can try to get additional compensation.

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Returning smartwatches to the store: terms, return and exchange rules

In this article, we will look at how computer equipment and electronics are returned, whether it is possible to return or exchange smart watches when buying in a store or via the Internet. How to return such a product if 14 days have not passed and receive money for it. For each situation, we have attached a claim for return or exchange, which you can download.

We will rely on the Consumer Protection Act and the information of our lawyers, and will provide you with sample returns claims in different situations. But each case is individual, so if you want to avoid complicated procedures and get free personal consultation our lawyers, follow the link:

Is it possible to return smart watches of good quality?

Almost all computer equipment and electronics belongs to the list of technically complex goods, which means that there may be problems with the return or exchange. Let's look into this in more detail.

You have decided to return a good quality smart watch. The reasons for returning are different:

  • I didn’t like the product: it doesn’t match the interior in terms of color, shape, etc.
  • hurried with the purchase (found cheaper or picked up another model), changed their minds

Check if your product is on the list of technically difficult devices or on the list of goods of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged.

If you find a smart watch in one of these lists, then it will be difficult to return or exchange this product, even if you have all required documents and even if no more than 14 days have passed.

Technically sophisticated goods of good quality (without flaws) are not subject to exchange or return within 14 days from the date of purchase, because. belong to the group of technically complex household goods, for which warranty periods are established (according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of 19.01.1998).


If your product is not on these lists, then you can return to the store within 2 weeks, not counting the day of purchase, and exchange it for another model. And if another product that suits you is not available, then the seller is obliged to return your money.

Return of technically complex goods of good quality

Large stores are often loyal to customers and can exchange goods. Check out the return and exchange rules of some Russian hypermarkets, perhaps your case will be considered there.

If a technically complex product has a flaw, read on.

How to return a smart watch with a malfunction under warranty?

Has it been less than 15 days?

If a malfunction is discovered within the first 15 days from the date of delivery of the goods, then you have the right to return the goods or exchange them for the same or a similar one with a recalculation of the price.

Important: the countdown begins exactly from the moment you receive the goods. If you paid for the goods, and delivered it to you in a week, then the period of non-guaranteed return is calculated from the day of delivery.

The money must be returned to you within 10 days, and a replacement must be provided within 7 days from the date of application (if with a quality check, then within 20 days).

Important: if the price of a product has risen since the moment of purchase, you have the right to demand compensation for the difference in price.

Has it been more than 15 days?

After this period, you can only count on the warranty repair of the goods.

However, if the repair lasts more than 45 days, or if the problem is unrepairable or repetitive, then you have the opportunity to request a replacement or a refund.

You can also claim damages related to the sale of a device of inadequate quality to you. For example, compensation for the cost of transporting goods to the place of repair.

Here are a few claims, among which you will find the right one for you:

Replacement during repair

While you are waiting for the repair or replacement of the goods, you can request a replacement from the seller during this period. You must provide a replacement within 3 days.

How to return a smart watch with a malfunction under warranty

  1. if the warranty period has not expired, you should contact the seller (manufacturer, importer) with a written claim, drawn up in duplicate, with clearly defined requirements (copies of all necessary documents, such as a cash receipt, sales receipt, warranty card, etc. are attached to the claim .).
  2. the seller accepts the goods and replaces them with another one, or conducts a quality check (in your presence). Don't forget to get the acceptance certificate from the seller.
  3. during the check, the seller is interested in establishing that the cause of the problem was your fault, therefore we recommend that you be present at this check (you have such a right). The result of the check may be the satisfaction of your request for a replacement, or a refusal.
  4. if you have a dispute with the seller about the causes of the malfunction, the seller is obliged to conduct an independent examination (where you can also be present) at his own expense. If the examination reveals a manufacturing defect, the seller is obliged to replace the goods. If, on the contrary, the defect arose during operation, then you will be left with defective goods and will be required to pay the seller the costs of the examination.
  5. if the consumer does not agree with the seller and the results of the examinations, then he has the right to apply to the court with a statement of claim.

If you bought a smartwatch online from an online store

Proper quality

If the product has not yet been delivered to you, you can already refuse it. After the transfer, you can opt out within seven days. If the seller has not attached documents specifying the procedure and terms for returning goods of good quality, you can refuse the goods within three months from the moment of its transfer.

To be returned, the product must not be in use, its presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the product, are preserved. If there is no such document, then you can refer to other evidence of the purchase of goods from this seller (screenshot personal account online store, purchase notification by e-mail or SMS).

If the product in the online store is different from what was brought to you, this can also serve as a reason for returning it to the seller and receiving the money back. In this case, you can download the appropriate claim and present it to the seller: Claim for failure to provide complete and reliable information about the product purchased remotely

In case of refusal of the goods, the seller must return to the consumer the amount of money paid under the contract, with the exception of the seller's expenses for the delivery of the returned goods from the consumer, no later than ten days from the date the consumer presents the relevant demand.

Note: Refundable any goods, purchased via the Internet, even technically complex and goods from the list of non-returnable goods.

Defective goods

If defects are found in a product purchased remotely (in an online store), you have the right to:

  • replacement for a smart watch of another brand (model, article) with recalculation of the price;
  • reduction in the purchase price;
  • free repair or repair compensation;
  • refund.

If the goods were delivered to you with violations, such as in terms of quantity, assortment, quality, completeness, container and (or) packaging of the goods, you can notify the seller of these violations no later than 20 days after receipt.

The seller is obliged to accept the goods, perform a quality check or examination. Based on the results, a decision is made on the satisfaction of your requirements. If you disagree with the results of the examination, you can challenge them in court.

If you bought a smart watch with a malfunction on credit

If the seller is ready to return the money for the goods purchased on credit or on a loan, then the following rules apply:

You must return the amount in the amount of the loan repaid by that time with reimbursement of the fee for providing the loan, i.e. interest.

In the case of a consumer loan (loan), you must return the amount paid for the goods and reimburse interest and other payments under the loan agreement.

Frequent problems

The seller refuses to accept the smart watch for warranty repair and sends it to the manufacturer's service center.

You have the right to file a claim with both the seller and the manufacturer. By sending you to the manufacturer, the seller wants to relieve himself of additional responsibilities.

During a visual inspection, the seller blames the buyer for the breakdown and refuses to accept the smart watch under warranty

If you are sure that the malfunction was not your fault, ask for an examination.

If you have already tried to return the goods to the store and were refused, ask our lawyer and he will tell you how to proceed in your situation.

Return Details

Attention! IN

write a claim

After that, you just have to wait. Either your claim will be satisfied and you will receive your money back, or you will receive a reasonable refusal. The store may refuse to exchange or refund, guided by the fact that the breakdowns were your fault, but this must be proven. In this case, the watch is sent for a special examination, which will reveal the true cause of the breakdown.

Can watches be returned or exchanged?

If you are not to blame for the failure of the accessory, then you will receive your funds back.

It is clear that in a situation where the thing has ceased to be liked or broken, the buyer simply wants to return the purchased goods. But it happens that the seller, for some reason, refuses to return or does not want to replace a failed accessory. Watches have long ceased to be just an object that shows time. Now it is an accessory that can decorate a man and a woman, giving a certain status and individuality.

What you need in order to exchange or return money for a watch:

  • for this we need the watch itself, on which there are no visible and invisible damages;
  • then, whole and undamaged packaging, with serial numbers. Without it, there is no chance to exchange or receive money for any goods;
  • in the case of buying expensive watches, you will definitely sign a deal agreement and receive a cash receipt, they will also be needed;
  • to be aware and understand whether the watch is returnable, you need to familiarize yourself with the rights of the consumer or contact a specialist.

I would like to immediately note that the return of watches, and even more expensive ones, can be problematic, but it’s still worth a try. If you have kept the cash receipt, which is a must when buying any product, then take it and go to the salon where you bought the watch.

Return Details

After arriving at the store, you will need to explain the reason for the return of the goods. If you came two or three days after the purchase or agreed in advance with the seller on the return, then it will not be difficult to return the watch. The seller will make a replacement for another model or return your money.

But with all this, you need to remember that watches belong to a certain group of goods that are not subject to return or exchange. In other words, the store employee can simply refuse to return Money or exchange for another model.

Attention! IN a list of items that cannot be exchanged or returned, includes electronic watches, accessories made of precious metals and inlaid with precious stones. All the rest (mechanical and quartz) can be easily exchanged, unless, of course, there are all grounds and conditions for this.

If you were refused a refund, in case of several breakdowns during the warranty period, then follow the following tips. You will need write a claim(in duplicate) addressed to the manager of the store where you purchased the watch. They must indicate that the watch broke several times during the warranty period. Important! If you are not sure whether the watch can be returned, then remember that the goods can be returned if there are receipts and 14 days have not passed since the date of purchase.

Then demand termination of the purchase agreement for the accessory and demand a replacement or a full refund. Attach the cashier's receipt and a copy of the warranty receipt to the claim, which states that the watch has been repaired several times. This document is signed by the store manager.

After that, you just have to wait.

Can I return the watch within 14 days if I don't like it?

Either your claim will be satisfied and you will receive your money back, or you will receive a reasonable refusal. The store may refuse to exchange or refund, guided by the fact that the breakdowns were your fault, but this must be proven. In this case, the watch is sent for a special examination, which will reveal the true cause of the breakdown. If you are not to blame for the failure of the accessory, then you will receive your funds back.

Advice! In the event of such situations, it is advisable not to hesitate and immediately contact a lawyer for help. You will be able to ask all your questions, to which you will receive clear and detailed answers. And, as the proverb says: "Familiarized means armed."

It is clear that in a situation where the thing has ceased to be liked or broken, the buyer simply wants to return the purchased goods. But it happens that the seller, for some reason, refuses to return or does not want to replace a failed accessory. Watches have long ceased to be just an object that shows time. Now it is an accessory that can decorate a man and a woman, giving a certain status and individuality.

Watch exchange or return process

What you need in order to exchange or return money for a watch:

  • for this we need the watch itself, on which there are no visible and invisible damages;
  • then, whole and undamaged packaging, with serial numbers. Without it, there is no chance to exchange or receive money for any goods;
  • in the case of buying expensive watches, you will definitely sign a deal agreement and receive a cash receipt, they will also be needed;
  • to be aware and understand whether the watch is returnable, you need to familiarize yourself with the rights of the consumer or contact a specialist.

I would like to immediately note that the return of watches, and even more expensive ones, can be problematic, but it’s still worth a try. If you have kept the cash receipt, which is a must when buying any product, then take it and go to the salon where you bought the watch.

Return Details

After arriving at the store, you will need to explain the reason for the return of the goods. If you came two or three days after the purchase or agreed in advance with the seller on the return, then it will not be difficult to return the watch.

The seller will make a replacement for another model or return your money.

But with all this, you need to remember that watches belong to a certain group of goods that are not subject to return or exchange. In other words, a store employee may simply refuse to refund or exchange for a different model.

Attention! IN a list of items that cannot be exchanged or returned, includes electronic watches, accessories made of precious metals and inlaid with precious stones. All the rest (mechanical and quartz) can be easily exchanged, unless, of course, there are all grounds and conditions for this.

If you were refused a refund, in case of several breakdowns during the warranty period, then follow the following tips. You will need write a claim(in duplicate) addressed to the manager of the store where you purchased the watch. They must indicate that the watch broke several times during the warranty period. Important! If you are not sure whether the watch can be returned, then remember that the goods can be returned if there are receipts and 14 days have not passed since the date of purchase.

Then demand termination of the purchase agreement for the accessory and demand a replacement or a full refund. Attach the cashier's receipt and a copy of the warranty receipt to the claim, which states that the watch has been repaired several times. This document is signed by the store manager.

After that, you just have to wait. Either your claim will be satisfied and you will receive your money back, or you will receive a reasonable refusal. The store may refuse to exchange or refund, guided by the fact that the breakdowns were your fault, but this must be proven. In this case, the watch is sent for a special examination, which will reveal the true cause of the breakdown. If you are not to blame for the failure of the accessory, then you will receive your funds back.

Advice! In the event of such situations, it is advisable not to hesitate and immediately contact a lawyer for help. You will be able to ask all your questions, to which you will receive clear and detailed answers. And, as the proverb says: "Familiarized means armed."

Can quartz watches be returned or exchanged?

Watches of inadequate quality, regardless of their model or design, are legally subject to return. Moreover, this must be done within two weeks (the day of purchase of the chronometer with 20 is not taken into account). What specific rights does the consumer have in this case?

They are standard and are as follows:

  • The buyer can return the watch and claim back the money paid for it;
  • If the buyer has already repaired the chronometer, he has the right to demand that he be reimbursed for the cost of the repair;
  • Also, the consumer may require the seller to provide repair of the chronometer at his own expense;
  • A defective model can be replaced with a similar serviceable product.

You can also exchange watches for another model - in this case, their value is recalculated.

Can watches be returned within 14 days? After two weeks of operation, you can return the chronometer to the store, but this procedure will be quite complicated due to special specifications products. Despite the difficulties, such a product can still be exchanged for a similar one or demand money if:

  • The watch cannot be repaired, and the manufacturer is to blame for the breakdown;
  • If the chronometer has already been under warranty repair once, and the procedure for its restoration lasted at least 45 days;
  • If the repair of a faulty model is too long or very expensive;
  • If the clock has already been repaired more than once, and the total number of such days was exactly a month within one year.

Any of the above reasons is enough to contact the seller.

Watch returns under consumer protection law


All the rest (mechanical and quartz) can be easily exchanged, unless, of course, there are all grounds and conditions for this. If you were refused a refund, in case of several breakdowns during the warranty period, then follow the following tips.

You will need to write a claim (in duplicate) addressed to the manager of the store where you purchased the watch. They must indicate that the watch broke several times during the warranty period.

Attach the cashier's receipt and a copy of the warranty receipt to the claim, which states that the watch has been repaired several times. This document is signed by the store manager.

Can quartz watches be returned?

I bought a mechanical watch for 16 thousand rubles, came home, tried it on again, the bracelet turned out to be tight. Returned to the store the next day, wanted to change the watch for another with the right size of the bracelet.

The seller told me that the watch is not subject to return and exchange, because. they are included in the list of goods that cannot be returned. I came home, looked at the list and did not find a watch there.

Can you tell me why the watch can't be returned? Cat29.11.2015 at 18:04 If the watch is mechanical without jewelry, it will be returned. 11/30/2015 at 11:10 No, you can’t, read on the Internet what they write about this. The watch belongs to the devices, therefore, if it is of high quality, it cannot be returned or exchanged within 14 days.
Consumer11/30/2015 at 15:19 Mechanical watches are subject to exchange and return. Cm.

Return of watches (mechanical and electronic) of proper quality

In other words, the store will accept a faulty chronometer if the consumer proves that he used it in accordance with the attached instructions. The buyer may have to prove that he was not involved in the breakdown. If it was not possible to reach a compromise with the store, an examination will have to be appointed. It is also worth remembering that the warranty applies exclusively to the watch movement, and not to the strap or bracelet. In order for the product to be accepted, a competent claim must be drawn up.
In other words, according to Rospotrebnadzor, this List should be used exclusively for the purposes formulated in its title.
This means that I have the right to refuse the watch without a shortage within 14 days after the purchase! But after all, the list given in clause 11 of the List is not a list of TSTs, as many would like to see, but just a listing commodity groups. This list does not include many TSTs, such as refrigerators, microwave ovens, and much more. And in general, dear consumer, why did you decide that the clock was not mentioned in paragraph 11? Wrong, mentioned! Only they are called not according to the popular, but according to the scientific: “instruments.” An unexpected answer to a simple question about a complex product Let's ask the question: What is a watch? All-Russian classifier products” (OK 005-93) approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1993 No. 301 (as amended


And this only confirms the conclusion we have already made: the List approved by Decree No. 575 is not a List of TSTs, but solves a narrow task - it lists TSTs, the replacement of which can be requested only if there is a significant deficiency. Thus, the absence in the List of such goods as watch means the following: - the consumer has the right to make a demand for the replacement of watches of inadequate quality if there is any defect in the watch; - the consumer has the right to make such a demand only if there is them a significant disadvantage.

In the first two weeks after purchase, the consumer has the right to return a chronometer with a mechanical or quartz movement. Moreover, this can be done even if the product simply did not like.

After that, you just have to wait. Either your claim will be satisfied and you will receive your money back, or you will receive a reasonable refusal. The store may refuse to exchange or refund, guided by the fact that the breakdowns were your fault, but this must be proven.

In this case, the watch is sent for a special examination, which will reveal the true cause of the breakdown. If you are not to blame for the failure of the accessory, then you will receive your funds back.

Which models are subject to exchange and return? Electronic wristwatches Watches with built-in electronics that perform two or more functions are considered either “technically complex goods” or “electronic equipment”.

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.10.1998 N 1222, of 06.02.2002 N 81) ALL-RUSSIAN CLASSIFIER OF PRODUCTS BY TYPES OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITYOK 034-2007 (CPE 2002) Subsection DL ELECTRIC AND OPTICAL EQUIPMENT33.50. 11 Wristwatches and pocket watches with cases made of precious metal or metal clad precious metal 33.50.12 Other watches designed to be worn on oneself or with oneself, including stopwatches However, there is an opinion that quartz watches can be returned. watch, but they didn’t fit her: she didn’t like the shape, and the bracelet turned out to be uncomfortable. Is it possible to return such a watch if it is new and 5 days have passed since the purchase? Mikhail The buyer has the right to exchange or return a high-quality, but unsuitable non-food product within 14 days after the date of purchase (Art.

Consumer Rights Protection Law). However, the law stipulates that this right cannot be exercised if your purchase is included in the List of quality goods not subject to exchange and return (for a complete list, see the issue of our column at /). As for wrist watches, the following options are possible: 1) Electronic watches.

In this case, the store may refuse to exchange or refund your money, since this purchase falls under paragraph 11 of the “forbidden” list: “electronic equipment”. 2) A watch whose bracelet and (or) dial is decorated with elements of precious metals and (or) precious stones. The store also has the right not to accept this beauty from the buyer, since, according to paragraph 9 of the List, high-quality items made of precious metals and items with rates of precious stones are not subject to exchange and return.