What does choosing a profession mean to me? “Profession is an important choice in the life of a ninth-grader” methodological development (9th grade) on the topic. The problem of professional self-determination of personality

Municipal educational institution "Kosh-Agach secondary school named after V.I. Chaptynov"


Topic: “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

There are many professions in the world. They are multi-faceted. Each is necessary, each is needed by people. My grandmother works as a history teacher, and my other grandmother worked as a teacher all her life. primary classes. And my grandfather teaches technology at school. They all love their work and cannot imagine their life without school. I think that a teacher is a profession, of course, important, necessary, interesting and very responsible. Everything we learned at school, everything or almost everything we learned, we learned thanks to the teacher, his painstaking work, his patience. We probably won’t be able to fully appreciate the work of a teacher, but we’ll probably understand when we grow up. If there were no teacher, the children were not smart, they would not have learned anything. And then there would be no professions: no doctors, no policemen, no tractor drivers, no salesmen, no military, no builders - none at all. Therefore, the profession of a teacher is the most necessary profession and necessary!

My dad is an employee of the Federal Security Service. It ensures law and order and protects society from external and internal threats. Serving in the Russian FSB is a great responsibility. After all, only a strong, intelligent and courageous person can protect us.

And my mother works at the tax office. She collects taxes, thereby benefiting everyone. I like her work, and I believe that the profession of a tax inspector is also responsible and important.

My brother is studying to be a doctor. I believe this is a noble profession. After all, doctors help people, bring goodness and hope. But being a doctor is also a very big responsibility. After all, health depends on the sensitivity of the doctor. And often people's lives. My mother says that a doctor should be kind and attentive. The profession of a doctor is a feat; a doctor has no right to make a mistake; if he makes a mistake, he can lose the patient. This profession also fascinates me.

There comes a time in every person’s life when he needs to decide on his future profession. And then the question arises, how, among such diversity, choose a profession that will bring you joy, to which you are ready to devote your whole life, give all your strength... I am 10 years old, I study in the 4th grade, I really dream of becoming an actor. I like to watch interesting good films. I closely follow the actors, listen to how they speak, watch how they play. The profession of an actor is difficult, but at the same time interesting. In the evenings I speak to my parents and relatives. I play small roles at school events, dance to music, and do complex stunts. I try to please everyone. And I think that everyone likes it, because they clap their hands for me for a long time. I hope that in the future my dream will come true, and for this you also need to be an excellent student.

There are a lot of professions on earth and each is important, everyone chooses the profession that he needs.

The issue of choosing a profession has been relevant for for long years. What a person will do in the future will significantly influence financial position, social status, a society with which you will have to intersect and communicate for the rest of your life as a whole. However, before becoming a specialist in a certain industry, you have to go a long way, starting from the very thought of “who to be” and ending with obtaining all the necessary knowledge and experience for work.

Where does choosing a profession begin?

The conversation about the profession begins from childhood. Even young children are asked: “What do you want to become in the future?” Children answer this question in different ways: someone says that he wants to become a doctor, someone - a teacher, boys like pilots, astronauts, and someone even answers that he wants to become President. It is worth noting that even the games that children play reflect the interests of children, where they either treat someone, or build something, cook, and so on.

Someone's childhood dreams come true, and someone changes his mind many times about this or that type of activity. If the child is very passionate about something, he needs to be helped to develop his abilities in this area, prompt and direct in the right direction.

In the modern world, many different professions are emerging. Thanks to computerization, the choice of specializations has increased. It became possible to work not only in the office, but also remotely, for example, at home at a computer via the Internet. To have a clearer understanding of the diversity of professions, you can divide them into certain groups.

Basic classifications of professions

You can distinguish types, groups and departments of professions.

Types of professions are determined by subject of work:

  • sign systems;
  • nature;
  • technique;
  • artistic image;
  • Human.

The distribution of professions into groups is carried out based on working conditions:

  • household microclimate;
  • moral responsibility;
  • unusualness;
  • open air;
  • extremeness.

Depending on the means of labor, the following departments of professions are distinguished:

  • automatic;
  • mechanical;
  • manual;
  • theoretical;
  • functional.

The problem of choosing a profession

The future profession is the main link for the implementation of normal human life. Therefore, it is very important to choose a profession exactly the one where you can show yourself on the good side, be needed for society. The problem of choice is that at the moment there is great amount professions, among which you need to choose only one.


Factors in choosing a profession are usually distinguished as external and internal. Let's take a closer look at both.

External factors include the place of the profession in the labor market, wages, the opinion and attitude of others towards this species activities. The prestige of the profession plays a special role. However, this can cause certain difficulties in further employment due to large quantity specialists from the same industry.

Internal factors imply the ability of the person himself, who is faced with the choice of who to become.

External factors influencing the choice of profession

Demand, which also applies to external factors, characterized by instability. Professions that are in demand today may be unclaimed after a certain period of time.

Even to wages special attitude, one should take into account the fact that the profession itself cannot guarantee high earnings. Here we also need to consider the possibility career growth. Since, being representatives of one profession, someone can be in a high position and have good income, and someone, on the contrary, holds a low position and receives a small salary.

It is necessary to evaluate the real opportunity to obtain a profession. Here, the financial situation plays an important role, since it is difficult to get into the budgetary form of education upon admission.

Internal factors influencing the choice of profession

The type of specialist he will become depends on his character and personal qualities. Don't set the bar higher than your capabilities. You should not plunge headlong into medicine if chemistry and biology were complex and incomprehensible subjects. A good programmer will not come out of someone who was not friends with mathematics and computer science. A teacher without creativity, patience and love for children will doom himself to mental illness.

You should do something where you can really apply everything necessary knowledge. Work should be enjoyable and interesting for the employee himself, not only from its material side, but also from its content.

The role of school in choosing a profession

The problem of choosing a profession should be considered at school itself. Here, like nowhere else, the abilities of students are demonstrated, their knowledge is assessed, and the level of communication skills in communication with peers and teachers is monitored.

The class teacher should devote more than one class hour to this topic. Choosing a profession is very difficult for a child, because for now his steps are controlled by parents and teachers. Here, however, it is worth making a decision on your own, because his future life depends on it.

Definition future profession requires a lot of time. For this purpose, schools conduct special classes for career guidance; they are asked to fill out questionnaires aimed at studying the abilities and preferences of students. Students write an essay on the topic “My future profession.” All this is done in order to help each student in this difficult choice, directing him to the right actions.

“My future profession” is an essay in which the desires and views on this or that activity of a particular child should be described. This is the first step to start a conversation with your child about what he can become, realistically assessing all his qualities, mental abilities and interests. Before this task, the teacher needs to give clear instructions on how to write an essay on the topic “My future profession.” It is important to convey the significance of the topic and explain why it is given for writing.

“My future profession” is an essay for which it is not enough to just give a mark.

The role of parents in choosing a child’s future profession

Parents are people who know their child from the cradle, who saw how he developed, what he liked from childhood. Throughout the entire time, they were present nearby and solved some problems together. They are the best able to characterize their daughter or son and say in which area their child could succeed.

Of course, parents should often talk with their children about their future. The future profession plays a very important role in a person’s life, so it is impossible to leave a child alone with the choice of what to become. Parents should analyze the situation in the world together with their children and decide in advance. This is necessary so that the school can pay due attention to those subjects that will be required in the future for admission. If your financial situation allows, seek the help of tutors and purchase all the necessary books for studying.

Today, there are a huge number of specialized courses that help children fill knowledge gaps in certain school subjects. Here, things that may not be explained in school are studied more thoroughly. Courses in English- an excellent option for those who need the language in the future. All this, of course, is not free, but if finances allow, it will be a very wise investment.

Most in-demand professions

The future profession must meet the requirements of modern society, therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to study the demand for certain specialists. The in-demand professions of the future, or rather some of them, are presented below.

Since production is developing more and more every year, society will need engineers, especially in the chemical and oil industries.

Since it is almost impossible to imagine a modern person without computers, IT specialists will always be in demand.

IN Lately due attention is paid to the environment environment, so workers in this area will always be needed.

Professionals in the field of beauty, health and entertainment are people without whom one cannot imagine the world.

Construction is constantly evolving. It needs both labor force(in other words, in builders) and in architects.

Where to go to study?

After graduating from school, students will experience a new level. This stage can be either admission to colleges, schools, or higher educational institutions. You can enter the first institutions after 9th grade, which means you can go to work earlier and earn money. If you want to receive higher education After college or school, you can simultaneously work and study part-time. This path is usually chosen by those who want to quickly become financially independent from their parents, or those who simply need money.

Admission to higher education educational institution requires careful preparation, which should begin at least six months before admission. To study on a free form of education, you must successfully pass the entrance exams. Unfortunately, not everyone gets the chance to study for free, while possessing very good knowledge. When entering a higher education institution, you need to be prepared that you will be offered to study at your own expense. It follows from this that obtaining the coveted diploma will cost a lot of money.

To summarize, it must be said that a person, when deciding on a future profession, must be one hundred percent sure that this is exactly what he needs, exactly what will give him positive emotions. Spontaneity is out of place in this matter.

Human life is a series of numerous choices. Serious ones, on which the future depends (for example, choosing a life partner), and everyday, everyday ones (what to cook for dinner - casserole or vegetable stew).

Profession - gender labor activity, which requires certain preparation and is usually a source of subsistence.

Choosing a profession can be considered perhaps the most difficult. After all, this is a choice of what place a profession will take in a person’s life, what he can get from his future work how the features of the specialty will relate to others life values and plans to see if their profession will interfere with them.

Choosing a profession, on the one hand, looks into the future (at least not far away): what do I want to do, what difficulties may I encounter on the way to the profession? On the other hand, look inside yourself: how ready am I to overcome obstacles to achieve my goal? To accept correct solution, it is important to consider the main factors influencing the choice of profession.

So, since childhood, the girl dreamed of entering the law academy and working as an investigator. The wish came true. Studying at the institute is pure pleasure, interesting subjects, anticipation of exciting and extraordinary work, and the police uniform suits her. Towards the end of the academy, the girl began to have thoughts about starting a family and having children. It must be said that she also could not imagine her life without a prosperous and harmonious family. However, the profession of an investigator requires irregular and intense working hours, night trips and urgent business trips are not uncommon. Naturally, there is not enough time for family. In such a situation, a contradiction inevitably arose between two life goals. Of course, this does not mean that all investigators, geologists, and sea captains are forced to constantly be torn between work and family. However, when choosing a profession, a person must imagine in advance its specifics and possible difficulties. Then he will be able to find a compromise, and as a result, “the sheep will be safe and the wolves will be fed.”

When a young person chooses a profession, he is interested in his profession being popular with employers not only today, but also in 10-20 years. This is called stability of demand for a profession. Along with the “eternal” professions - builder, doctor, teacher, etc., the transport, chemical industry, high technology, communications, new professions at the intersection of traditional ones, economic management, and the social sphere are becoming relevant.

A person is more successful in the activities that he likes. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to pay attention to what is interesting to do and what gives you pleasure. For example, if a person likes to organize other people and be a leader, most likely, professions that require the ability to work with a team (manager, teacher, coach) will suit him.

What influences the choice of profession.

What factors determine a person’s choice of a particular profession? In practice, it turns out that inclinations are taken into account last, but the opinion of parents has a huge influence. 8 factors for choosing a profession /According to E.A. Klimov/:

1. Position of senior family members

There are elders who are directly responsible for how your life turns out. This concern also extends to the question of your future profession.

2. Position of comrades, girlfriends

At your age, friendships are already very strong and can greatly influence your choice of profession. We can only give general advice: the correct decision will be one that suits your interests and coincides with the interests of the society in which you live.

3. Position of teachers, school teachers

By observing the behavior, academic and extracurricular activities of students, an experienced teacher knows a lot about you that is hidden from unprofessional eyes and even from you.

4. Personal professional plans

In this case, the plan refers to your ideas about the stages of mastering the profession.

5. Abilities

The uniqueness of one’s abilities must be judged not only by academic success, but also by achievements in a wide variety of fields. different types activities.

6. Level of claims to public recognition

Planning your career path, it is very important to take care of the realism of your claims.

7. Awareness

It is important to ensure that the information you acquire about a particular

professions did not turn out to be distorted, incomplete, or one-sided.

8. Tendencies

Tendencies manifest themselves in favorite activities, on which most of their free time is spent. These are interests backed by certain abilities.

Mistakes in choosing a profession

1. Choosing a profession “for the company”

Often a person does not own necessary information, not confident enough in himself, not ready to take responsibility for his choice. In such a situation, the choice of profession is made “for the company.” No matter how difficult and exciting it may be, you still have to make a decision. And in such a situation, you want to be close to someone who is confident in himself, who has already made a decision and is convinced of its correctness. However, there is a danger that the profession chosen for the sake of the company does not meet the interests and abilities of a person, and after only a year and a half of studying at school, college or university, disappointment, dissatisfaction, and a desire to “start all over again” arise. There is a possibility that the profession chosen in this way will not suit you. However, you should remember that the profession that your friend likes may not like or suit you.

2. Choosing a profession based on the external image of it.

Some professions seem very attractive from the outside. But very often a person does not understand what enormous preparatory work needs to be done in order to achieve the desired success.

When choosing a profession, you cannot pay attention to its external, attractive side; you need to learn as much as possible about the content of the work.

3. Transferring the attitude towards a person to the profession itself.

It happens that you start to like a profession because it belongs to a person you like. And having already entered such a specialty, the young man little by little discovers for himself that his interest was mistakenly taken for interest in the profession.

4. Identification of an educational subject with a profession.

Even if you really like a certain school subject, it does not follow that you will like the work associated with it. It’s one thing to emotionally discuss the actions of literary heroes in class, and quite another to make a living by reading every day a hundred pages of text from books being prepared for publication, correcting all spelling errors in them and editing unsuccessful phrases.

The main thing to remember is that a school subject is not yet a profession. Interest in it does not mean that you will like the work associated with it.

5. Selection solely on the basis of prestige.

For example, some young people choose economics education based on this attribute. And they do not take into account the fact that activity in such an area, as a rule, requires specific character qualities - for example, extreme punctuality and resistance to monotonous, monotonous activities, resistance to stress. Working as an accountant in a bank does not mean handling millions. It is unlikely that a good employee will turn out from someone who went to study economics not because he feels an interest in such an activity, but because it is “cool”. It also happens the other way around: a person feels a calling to some activity and wants to do it, but abandons his intention because, according to his environment, it is not prestigious.

In the profession, like most other phenomena in life, there is a fashion. But what is fashionable is not always the best or most suitable for a person personally. Choosing a profession based on fashion is not entirely logical. After all, by the time you finish your studies and start working, fashion will most likely change.

6. Choice in spite of, in spite of something or someone.

“Parents and friends say that a bear stepped on my ear - well, it’s okay if they see me on the stage, we’ll see what they say then.” There are very few cases when the choice of occupation, despite any barriers and restrictions, leads to success in life. If someone has irreparable speech impediments, then his attempt to “challenge” circumstances by becoming a TV presenter is unlikely to lead to anything other than making him a laughing stock. Although in other areas of activity that do not place such strict demands on oral speech, this person could achieve success.

Choosing a profession is a matter that significantly influences a person’s fate, and it is not very smart to do it “to spite” someone or something. 7. Insufficient consideration of one’s abilities.

7. Insufficient consideration of one’s abilities.

With a great desire, spending a lot of time and effort, you can become an expert even in something for which you have absolutely no ability. It's just very mediocre. And if these efforts were applied to what corresponded to one’s abilities, the results achieved were much better.

8. Focus on the opinions of random people.

Often, when choosing a profession, teenagers are guided by the opinions of people who have a very vague idea of ​​the profession they are being pushed to choose. Sometimes those around you really like to give advice on who and what to be, even if their own ideas about the world of professions are limited only to everyday, stereotypical judgments. In principle, only someone who knows both the profession and the person very well can give informed advice on whether a particular profession is suitable for a person.

(to help those choosing a profession)

The importance of choosing the right profession

Choosing a profession, a job that provides professional growth, material wealth, and public recognition is one of the most important concerns and problems of every person. But it is often solved at the level of intuition, or even under the influence of mood, superficial impressions, parental whim, through trial and error.

The negative consequences of mistakes in choosing a profession are often not taken into account and not calculated. Let us cite the opinion of a famous publicist: “Having taken a job that is not according to your abilities, taking a place that is not yours, it is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to be an honest person in general.” That's right. A mediocre worker, as a rule, is self-confident, prone to lies, laziness, envy, flattery, and sometimes even extortion. Thus, he tries to fill the emptiness of the soul and become at least somewhat significant and significant.

The French thinker Saint-Simon wrote that the cause of almost all troubles in society is “failed vocations, violence against inclinations, imposed professions and the resulting displeasures and evil passions.” The above is true not only in relation to “high” intellectual professions, but also to ordinary professions. A mediocre politician, military leader, manager, lawyer, doctor is a real disaster. But there is a lot of trouble and damage from an incompetent plumber, teleworker, turner and baker, whose hands and head are clearly not suitable for the work being performed. Hackwork and marriage not only economically, but also morally impoverish society.

Meanwhile, according to generalized data, 20–30% of workers in various fields activities are “out of place”, as evidenced by failure to meet production standards, job descriptions, excessive fatigue, fraught with serious illnesses. And 70–80% of workers and specialists are not satisfied with their chosen profession for these and other reasons. The more complex and responsible the work, the more such cases there are.

The problem of choosing a profession has objective origins and grounds. What are they? There are persistent differences between people, as well as between professions. The speed of reaction, awareness of information and decision-making in a large group of people varies significantly; About 1120 variations of temperament and character were also identified. A certain combination of certain human characteristics explicitly or implicitly gravitates towards specific groups of professions.

Each profession (and there are tens of thousands of them) has its own requirements for a person, its own character, its own calculations. As they say, we choose and we are chosen.

By connecting the right person with a profession or position that matches his individual characteristics, you can get a big win in increasing productivity and quality of work, reducing injuries, occupational diseases, increasing well-being, income, satisfaction with work and life. These are the effects and potential of choosing the right profession.


Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in your life.

Don't leave the choice of your future profession to chance.

Use information from professionals.

You must choose a profession thoughtfully, taking into account your abilities, inner beliefs, real opportunities, weighing all the pros and cons.

To this end:

  • study yourself more deeply: understand your interests (what is interesting only as a hobby, and what can become a profession), inclinations, character traits and physical capabilities;
  • think about your strengths and weak sides, main and secondary qualities;
  • Explore careers that match your interests and abilities;
  • read specialized books and magazines;
  • outline a pre-selected profession or group of related professions;
  • talk with representatives of your chosen professions, try to visit the workplace of these specialists, familiarize yourself with the nature and working conditions;
  • think about how, where and when you can try your hand at your chosen profession;
  • get acquainted with educational institutions where you can get your chosen profession;
  • compare personal qualities and capabilities with the nature of the profession you have chosen;
  • Having made a decision, do not give up in the face of difficulties: be persistent in achieving your goals.

Principles that should guide a person choosing a profession

Principle of Consciousness

A person who clearly understands:

  • what he wants (aware of his goals, life plans, ideals, aspirations, value orientations);
  • that he is (knowing his personal and physical characteristics);
  • what he can (knowing his inclinations, abilities, talents);
  • what the job and the workforce will require of him.

Principle of correspondence

The chosen profession must meet (correspond to) the interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health of the person and at the same time the needs of society for personnel.

Activity principle/b>

You have to actively look for a profession yourself. In that big role called upon to play:

  • practical test of strength in clubs, sections, and electives;
  • reading literature, visiting excursions and educational institutions during the “Days of open doors»;
  • meetings with specialists;
  • independent contact with a psychologist or vocational consultant.

Development principle

This principle reflects the idea of ​​the need to develop in oneself the qualities that are needed for any profession. These are mental processes (thinking, memory, attention), and the following character traits: hard work, conscientiousness, diligence, organization, diligence, independence, initiative, the ability to endure failures, endurance, perseverance.

Mistakes and difficulties when choosing a profession

1. Ignorance of the rules for choosing a profession:

  • choosing a profession for the company;
  • transfer of attitude towards a person to the profession itself;
  • identification of an educational subject with a profession;
  • orientation to professions highly qualified;
  • inability to determine the path to obtaining a profession.

2. Ignorance of oneself:

  • ignorance or underestimation of their physical features;
  • ignorance or underestimation of their psychological characteristics;
  • inability to correlate one's abilities with the requirements of the profession.

3. Ignorance of the world of professions:

  • passion only for the external side of the profession;
  • prejudice regarding the prestige of the profession;
  • ignorance of the requirements of the profession for a person;
  • outdated ideas about the nature and working conditions of a particular profession.

Questions that are useful to know the answer to when planning your professional career

  • What skills and abilities do you get the most satisfaction from?
  • What are your main interests and favorite pastimes?
  • What are your favorite academic subjects?
  • What would you like to do every day for 8 hours, year after year?
  • What is your dream job?
  • Where do you imagine your occupation will be in 10 years?
  • What would be your ideal job? Describe it in as much detail as possible. Imagine yourself in this job. Who do you work with and how do you spend your time?
  • What are your criteria for choosing a profession (required and desirable)?
  • What strengths and skills do you have that make you feel qualified for the job that seems ideal to you?
  • What gaps in your knowledge and skills do you need to close to land your ideal job?
  • If your ideal job is not currently achievable, what kind of work could you do to move you in your chosen direction?
  • Who can you consult with to get information useful for career planning?
  • What are your immediate and long-term career goals? Write them down and strive to complete all points.


Want – aspirations of the individual (desires, interests, inclinations, ideals).

Can – personal capabilities (state of health, abilities, level of knowledge, character, temperament).

Necessary – society’s needs for personnel, and awareness of the need to expend certain efforts to achieve vital goals

Student's personal professional plan

Characteristics of the professional plan

  • Certainty, clarity of plan (if a person indicates a single profession and the corresponding type of educational institution).
  • Completeness of the plan (when all the necessary factors for choosing a profession are taken into account: the orientation of interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health, level of education, etc.).
  • Stability of the plan over time (confidence in the correctness of the choice and the desire to implement it).
  • Realism of the plan (reliance on real social and psychological possibilities for implementing choice).
  • Logical validity and internal consistency (correlating a person’s aptitudes and abilities with the requirements of the profession).
  • Moral justification plan (if the motives of the profession relate to the content of the activity).
  • Consistency plan with the needs of the labor market.

Stages of forming a professional plan

When drawing up a personal professional plan, you must:

  • determine what type of activity you are interested in; analyze the extent to which inclinations to work in the spheres of “man-nature”, “man-technology”, “man-person”, “man-sign system”, “man-artistic image” are expressed; draw up a formula for the profession of interest;
  • find out which professions are needed in the labor market of the city or region in which you live;
  • compare the data obtained and draw a conclusion in which area professional activity you could work;
  • get acquainted with the professions of interest, talking with their representatives, using profession charts, special literature; consult with parents; consult a doctor;
  • correlate your individual characteristics with the requirements of your chosen profession;
  • find out the content of the profession of interest, working conditions, prospects for professional growth;
  • get acquainted with possible ways to master the profession; visit educational institutions at “Open Days”;
  • analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various ways of obtaining general educational and professional training.

Professional suitability

The following degrees are distinguished: professional suitability.

1. Unsuitability. It can be temporary or practically insurmountable. It is talked about in cases where there are deviations in health that are incompatible with work. However, this does not mean that a person cannot work - work in this profession can worsen a person’s condition. Contraindications are not only medical, but also psychological: certain strong personal qualities will be an obstacle to mastering a certain profession.

2. Suitability. It is characterized by the fact that there are no contraindications, but there are no obvious indications. In other words, neither for nor against. “You can choose this profession. It’s possible that you will become a good worker.” Approximately these words can characterize this degree of professional suitability.

3. compliance. There are no contraindications and there are some personal qualities that meet the requirements of the profession. For example, there is a expressed interest in certain objects of labor (technology, nature, people, art) or successful experience in this field. At the same time, compliance with other professions is not excluded. “You can choose this profession. And it’s very likely that you will be a good worker.”

4. Vocation. This is the highest level of professional fitness. It is characterized by the fact that in all elements of its structure there are clear signs of a person’s compliance with the requirements of the chosen type of work. We are talking about the signs by which a person stands out among his peers who are in equal conditions training and development. “It is in this area of ​​work that people will need you most.”

To discover your calling, it is important to boldly “try on” yourself for a variety of professions; you need to practically try your hand at different types of work.

What you need to know when choosing an educational institution

Perhaps your chosen profession can be obtained at several educational institutions. In this case, the problem of choosing an educational institution arises. The right choice can be made by learning everything about these educational institutions.

When collecting information about an educational institution, you should get answers to the following questions.

  • What level of education does the educational institution provide (vocational, secondary specialized, higher)?
  • In what specialties and specializations is it carried out? professional training?
  • What qualification is awarded upon graduation?
  • What forms of training are provided (day, evening, correspondence)? Paid or free training? What is the payment amount?
  • What are the requirements for applicants (age, health, gender, level of education)?
  • What is the procedure for admission to the educational institution (deadlines for submitting documents, deadlines for passing exams, benefits for applicants)?
  • How long is the training?
  • Does the educational institution provide assistance in finding employment for graduates?
  • Are there any preparatory courses? When do they start working and what is their cost?
  • When are “Open Days” held at the educational institution?
  • Where is the educational institution located and what is its full name?