Department of Project Management and Personnel Development. Project office of the Russian government Problematic issues that the project office will need to solve

The Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects was formed in order to ensure interaction between federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations, scientific and other organizations when considering issues related to the strategic development of the Russian Federation and implementation of priority projects.

Presidium of the Council

To resolve current issues of the Council's activities, the Presidium of the Council is formed. Its main tasks, in particular, include:

a) propose issues for discussion at Council meetings;

b) create a list of priority projects and programs and evaluate their implementation;

c) make decisions on the start and completion (including early) of the implementation of priority projects and programs, approve significant intermediate and final results of projects and programs, as well as make changes to priority projects and programs;

d) form management bodies for priority projects and programs in accordance with the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

e) monitor the implementation of priority projects and programs and evaluate whether key indicators of project activities have been achieved.

Main directions of strategic development and priority projects

A list of main directions of strategic development has been defined, within the framework of which priority projects and programs are developed and implemented:

  • Healthcare
    • priority project
    • priority project
    • priority project
    • priority project “Implementation of an automated system for monitoring the movement of medicines from the manufacturer to the final consumer to protect the population from counterfeit medicines and promptly remove counterfeit and substandard medicines from circulation” (“Medicines. Quality and Safety”)
    • priority project
    • priority project
    • priority project
    • priority project
  • Education
    • priority project
    • priority project
    • priority project
    • priority project
    • priority project
  • Mortgage and rental housing
    • priority project
  • Housing and communal services and urban environment
    • priority project
    • priority project
  • International cooperation and export
    • priority project
    • priority project
    • priority project
    • priority project
  • Labor productivity
    • priority program
    • priority project
  • Small business and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative
    • priority project
  • Reform of control and supervisory activities
    • priority program
  • Safe and high-quality roads
    • priority project
  • Single-industry towns
    • priority program
  • Ecology
    • priority project
    • priority project

One of the key requirements for priority projects in these areas is that their implementation in the first one and a half to two years should provide a tangible social and/or economic effect for citizens and the business community, ensure a qualitative change in the existing system and create a new quality of life .

Federal Project Office

The role of the Federal Project Office is played by the Department of Project Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation; its key tasks, in particular, include:

a) ensure the formation and maintenance of a portfolio of priority projects and programs;

b) coordinate project proposals, passports and consolidated plans for priority projects and programs;

c) monitor the implementation and functioning of the project management system in the Government of the Russian Federation, including the achievement of performance indicators by the Federal Project Office and federal executive authorities, as well as submit relevant reports and proposals to the Presidium of the Council;

d) ensure that, with the participation of interested government bodies, assessments and other control activities are carried out in relation to priority projects and programs, and the results of their implementation;

e) provide methodological support for project activities in the Government of the Russian Federation, issue methodological recommendations for organizing project activities and coordinate activities for the application of such recommendations;

f) coordinate work to develop the professional competence of civil servants in the field of project activities;

In general, the task of the Federal Project Office is to help federal and regional government bodies organize their project activities so that the implementation of project approaches does not violate the fulfillment of current obligations.

Project committees

The project committee is the main body for managing the implementation of a priority project or project program. Such a committee can be formed both for the implementation of all priority projects and programs within the relevant area, and for a separate priority project or program.

The head of the project committee is the curator of the relevant area or priority project with the rank of Deputy Chairman of the Government.

Decisions of the project committee of a priority project or program are mandatory for implementation by federal executive authorities.

According to the main tasks of the project committee:

Consider incoming project proposals at the next meeting;

Approve draft passports of priority projects or programs;

Approve the consolidated plan of a project or program, make changes to it and make decisions on passing milestones and stages controlled at the level of the project committee;

Coordinate the activities of executive authorities and project or program participants within the framework of the project or program implementation;

Review information on the progress of the priority project or program, as well as approve reports on the implementation of the project or program and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the project or program manager.

Social and business councils

Public and business councils act as auxiliary bodies for managing project activities, within which business and public associations interested in the results of the implementation of priority projects participate in determining the basic requirements for project results and in accepting intermediate and final results, as well as in monitoring and evaluation project implementation.

Main functions of the public and business council:

Participate in defining key requirements for project or project program results, quality results and key performance indicators;

Prepare and send to the project committee a conclusion on the passport of a priority project or project program;

Participate in the acceptance of intermediate and final results of a project or project program, as well as in organizing monitoring, evaluation and other control activities for a project or project program;

Representatives of the public and business council are members of the relevant project committees.

Director of the Project Management and Personnel Development Department

Powers and functions of the department

1. prepares for submission to the Government of the Russian Federation draft federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation and other documents that require a decision from the Government of the Russian Federation on issues related to the established scope of activity of the Department;

2. prepares, within its competence, conclusions on draft federal laws and other acts, financial and economic feasibility studies for these projects;

3. prepares for approval in the prescribed manner draft acts and decisions of the Ministry on issues related to the established scope of activity of the Department;

4. summarizes the practice of applying the legislation of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Department;

5. regarding project activities:

5.1. performs the functions of the departmental project office of the Ministry in accordance with paragraph 6 of the functional structure of the project activity management system in the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 15, 2016 No. 1050 “On the organization of project activities in the Government of the Russian Federation”;

5.2. develops regulations on the organization of project activities in the Ministry;

6. in terms of work on the preparation and implementation of the Ministry’s activity plans, as well as the implementation of the principles of openness of the Ministry:

6.1. coordinates the work of departments of the Ministry and federal services subordinate to the Ministry to develop, make changes, and prepare a report on the progress of implementing the Ministry’s activity plan for the medium term;

6.2. ensures, together with the departments of the Ministry, the preparation of the annual activity plan of the Ministry and monitoring the progress of its implementation;

6.3. exercises control over the reflection in the activity plans of the departments of the Ministry of the items of the Ministry's activity plan, implementation plans and detailed plans and schedules of state programs of the Russian Federation, the responsible executor of which is the Ministry (hereinafter referred to as the activity plans);

6.4. carries out assessment and monitoring of the achievement of key performance indicators of the departments of the Ministry;

6.5. coordinates the work of the departments of the Ministry responsible for organizing work on the main mechanisms (tools) for implementing the principles of openness of the Ministry;

6.6. organizes work in the Ministry on mechanisms (tools) for implementing the principles of openness “Adoption of the Ministry’s activity plans, their public discussion and expert support”, “Formation of Ministry reporting” and “Organization of work with reference groups of the Ministry”;

6.7. ensures the development of a material incentive system based on an integrated assessment, expressed in monitoring the implementation of activity plans, key performance indicators and other performance criteria;

7. in terms of state programs of the Russian Federation:

7.1. conducts analysis and monitoring of the state program of the Russian Federation “Public Finance Management and Regulation of Financial Markets”, performs, within its powers, the functions of the curator of this state program of the Russian Federation in accordance with the act of the Ministry regulating the management of the implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation, the responsible executor of which is the Ministry;

7.2. takes, within the limits of its powers, including jointly with the federal project office and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, participation in the elaboration of issues of legal regulation, coordination and updating of methodology, informatization of project activities and state programs of the Russian Federation in federal executive authorities;

8. In terms of public service and personnel issues, it carries out:

8.1. formation of personnel to fill positions in the federal state civil service (hereinafter referred to as personnel, civil service), possessing the necessary professional and personal qualities;

8.2. ensuring uniform approaches to the implementation of personnel work and its methodological support in the departments of the Ministry;

8.3. analysis of the need and organization of attracting personnel to fill civil service positions in the Ministry, including through interaction with educational organizations that train students in specialties and areas of vocational training necessary to fill civil service positions in the Ministry, organizing the conclusion of agreements on targeted admission and agreements on targeted training;

8.4. preparation of proposals for the formation and improvement of the staff structure of the Ministry and the implementation of organizational and staffing measures;

8.5. preparation of proposals for the implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts on the civil service and submission of these proposals to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation;

8.6. organization of competitions for filling vacant positions in the civil service (including the preparation of proposals for the composition of the competition commission, the timing and procedure for its work) and the inclusion of federal civil servants (hereinafter referred to as civil servants) in the personnel reserve of the Ministry on the basis of a unified methodology for holding competitions for replacement vacant positions in the state civil service of the Russian Federation and inclusion in the personnel reserve of state bodies, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2018 No. 397 “On approval of a unified methodology for holding competitions for filling vacant positions in the state civil service of the Russian Federation and inclusion in the personnel reserve of state organs";

8.7. organizing competitions to fill the vacant position of head of a federal state unitary enterprise subordinate to the Ministry;

8.8. ensuring the formation of the personnel reserve of the Ministry, organizing work with the personnel reserve and its effective use, including the preparation of a draft regulation on the personnel reserve of the Ministry;

8.9. ensuring the career growth of civil servants of the Ministry;

8.10. organizing activities to increase the motivation of civil servants of the Ministry to effectively and conscientiously perform their official duties;

8.11. implementation of measures aimed at promoting compliance by civil servants of the Ministry with ethical standards and rules of official conduct for the dignified performance of professional work;

8.12. organization of certification of civil servants of the Ministry and heads of territorial bodies of federal services under the jurisdiction of the Ministry, appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - heads of territorial bodies, federal services), and qualification exams, including preparation of proposals for the composition of the certification commission, the timing and procedure of its work;

8.13. organizing events for the professional development of civil servants of the Ministry, including additional professional education and other events for the professional development of civil servants;

8.14. preparation of necessary documents and materials for the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as for sending to the Government of the Russian Federation and the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation for the assignment of class ranks to civil servants of the Ministry and federal services, as well as for the assignment of special ranks to employees of the Federal Customs Service;

8.15. organization of work to encourage and reward civil servants and workers holding positions that are not positions in the civil service of the Ministry, federal services and their territorial bodies, employees of organizations subordinate to the Ministry, and other organizations;

8.16. analysis of the practice of personnel work and personnel development, preparation of proposals for its improvement to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation;

8.17. organization of the preparation of draft acts of the Ministry related to entry into the civil service, its completion, conclusion of service contracts, appointment to civil service positions, dismissal from civil service positions, dismissal from civil service of civil servants of the Ministry, heads of territorial bodies, and exit of civil servants of the Ministry for retirement, as well as registration of relevant decisions of the Ministry (representative of the employer);

8.18. organizing the preparation of draft acts of the Ministry related to the appointment and dismissal of heads of organizations subordinate to the Ministry, employees filling positions that are not civil service positions, the conclusion, amendment and termination of employment contracts with them;

8.19. organizing verification of the authenticity of personal data and other information submitted by a citizen when entering the civil service, as well as obtaining access in the established form to information constituting a state secret;

8.20. organization of internal inspections;

8.21. implementation of functions for the prevention of corruption and other offenses in the activities of civil servants of the Ministry, heads of territorial bodies, workers holding certain positions on the basis of an employment contract in organizations subordinate to the Ministry, as well as ensuring the activities of the Ministry to ensure compliance by these persons with restrictions and prohibitions, requirements for the prevention or resolving conflicts of interest, fulfilling their duties established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on combating corruption (hereinafter referred to as the requirements for official conduct);

8.22. ensuring the activities of the Commission of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to comply with the requirements for official conduct of federal civil servants and employees of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and to resolve conflicts of interest;

8.23. organization of analysis, verification of the reliability and completeness of information on income, property and property-related liabilities submitted by citizens applying for civil service positions in the Ministry, civil service positions in territorial bodies of federal services, appointment to which is carried out by the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, individual positions in organizations subordinate to the Ministry, as well as information on income, expenses, property and property liabilities submitted by civil servants, heads of territorial bodies, employees holding certain positions on the basis of an employment contract in organizations subordinate to the Ministry; analysis and verification of compliance by civil servants, heads of territorial bodies, employees holding certain positions on the basis of an employment contract in organizations subordinate to the Ministry, with requirements for official conduct; analysis and verification of compliance by citizens who filled civil service positions in the Ministry, included in the lists established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, with restrictions when they entered into an employment contract and (or) a civil contract after dismissal from the civil service in cases provided for by federal laws;

8.24. maintaining, recording, storing and issuing work books of civil servants and workers holding positions that are not civil service positions of the Ministry;

8.25. maintaining personal files of civil servants and workers holding positions that are not civil service positions of the Ministry, heads of territorial bodies, as well as heads of organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

8.26. registration and issuance of service certificates to civil servants and employees holding positions that are not civil service positions of the Ministry, heads of territorial bodies, as well as heads of organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

8.27. preparation of draft official regulations of the Ministry, vacation schedules for civil servants, employees holding positions that are not civil service positions of the Ministry, and heads of organizations subordinate to the Ministry, as well as other draft acts of the Ministry on issues related to the regulation of official time and rest time;

8.28. maintaining a register of civil servants of the Ministry;

8.29. application in personnel work in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation of the federal state information system “Unified Information System for Personnel Management of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the unified system);

8.30. consideration and submission for approval to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation of plans for the rotation of civil servants of federal services;

8.31. organizing and conducting rotation of heads of territorial bodies;

8.32. providing civil servants of the Ministry with advisory assistance on issues related to the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation on civil service and anti-corruption;

8.33. preparation of reports and certificates on personnel work in the Ministry;

8.34. preparation of proposals for material incentives and non-material motivation of civil servants of the Ministry, including the development of provisions on bonuses for completing particularly important and complex tasks, as well as providing methodological assistance to departments of the Ministry in these matters;

8.35. maintaining military records in the Ministry, booking for the period of mobilization and during wartime citizens who are in reserve and working in the Ministry, compiling reports on the number of citizens working in the Ministry, who are in reserve and reserved for the period of mobilization and during wartime;

8.36. ensuring compliance in the Ministry with the legal rights and interests of civil servants, heads of territorial bodies, workers holding certain positions on the basis of an employment contract in organizations subordinate to the Ministry, who have reported a fact of corruption that has become known to them;

8.37. control over the expenses of civil servants, heads of territorial bodies, workers filling certain positions on the basis of an employment contract in organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

8.38. monitoring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on combating corruption in organizations subordinate to the Ministry, as well as the implementation of measures to prevent corruption offenses in them;

8.39. provision to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of information for compulsory pension insurance and the issuance of an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (hereinafter referred to as the insurance certificate) to civil servants entering work for the first time, as well as for the issuance of an insurance certificate when the insured person’s information changes or in the event of loss by the insured person insurance certificate;

8.40. preparation of proposals and execution of necessary documents for sending Ministry employees to diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation abroad as financial attaches;

8.41. carrying out other measures to improve personnel work and develop the personnel of the Ministry;

9. in terms of assessing the effectiveness and development of personnel, carries out:

9.1. building and improving the system of assessment, training and development of personnel in order to provide the Ministry with personnel with the necessary qualifications;

9.2. organizational and methodological guidance, consulting and coordination of the activities of structural divisions of the Ministry on issues of assessment, training and personnel development;

9.3. formation of standards for the implementation of processes and procedures for assessment, training and development of personnel;

9.4. consolidation of the needs of the structural divisions of the Ministry, acting as internal customers, in the assessment, training and development of personnel;

9.5. request for training and development needs of different categories of personnel based on an analysis of the results of the assessment;

9.6. formation of an action plan for assessment, training and development of personnel;

9.7. organization and implementation of procedures and processes for assessment, training and development of personnel and (or) implementation of complex projects for assessment, training and development of personnel;

9.8. methodological support for procedures for assessment, training and development of personnel for specific tasks of the structural divisions of the Ministry;

9.9. information support during the implementation of procedures, processes and projects for assessment, training and development of personnel;

9.10. organizing professional training for Department employees, their retraining, advanced training and internships;

9.11. monitoring the market for service providers for assessment, training and development of personnel and selecting the optimal option for implementing the tasks at hand;

9.12. preparation of proposals for the development and improvement of IT support and automation of service and other functions assigned to the Department;

10. In terms of other functions, performs:

10.1. participation in events in the field of mobilization training and civil defense;

10.2. preparation of certificates, analytical materials and opinions on instructions from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the leadership of the Ministry and consideration of requests from deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, appeals from federal executive authorities, organizations and citizens on issues related to the scope of the Department;

10.3. ensuring timely and complete consideration of oral and written requests from citizens on issues within the competence of the Department, making decisions on them and sending responses within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

10.4. preparation and submission to the leadership of the Ministry of proposals for the creation of coordination, advisory bodies and working groups (including interdepartmental) on issues within the competence of the Department;

10.5. ensuring, within its competence, the protection of information constituting state secrets;

10.6. work on the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents generated in the course of the Department’s activities;

10.7. consideration of draft acts submitted for approval on the activities of federal services and organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

10.8. coordination of draft regulatory legal acts on issues within the competence of the Department, prepared by federal services subordinate to the Ministry and other federal executive authorities;

10.9. other functions established by orders of the Ministry, instructions of the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, who coordinates and controls the activities of the Department.

In order to improve the efficiency of the public administration system, starting in 2016, the President and the Government initiated a transition from traditional work on orders and manual regulation to a more modern and flexible project management. The design office of the Russian Government (Federal Project Office) plays a significant role in this process. It works on an ongoing basis and is designed to select the most important social and economic programs and projects, monitor their implementation and provide support to other government agencies in introducing new initiatives.

Structure and tasks of the Government Project Office

The existing management system in the Russian Federation is largely outdated and ineffective; the instructions of various managers often contradict each other, and the principle of continuity of assignments is violated. Therefore, on the initiative of the President of Russia, the activities of the bureaucratic apparatus are being reformed and transferred to the project track. This applies to both state and municipal levels.

Project management will force officials to adhere to certain principles in their work, focus on the final practical result, and not carry out numerous activities “for show.” The principles of such management are limited time, finances and resources, the uniqueness of each new idea and focus on a predetermined specific goal.

Resolution of the Government of Russia No. 1050 of October 15, 2016 approved the Regulations regulating the organization of project activities in the Government of the Russian Federation. Among the permanent governing bodies in this area are:

  • The Presidium of the Council for Strategic Development under the President of the Russian Federation, which will form a portfolio of initiatives, make decisions about their start and end, and evaluate the results achieved;
  • federal level;
  • departmental coordination bodies and offices.

The Department for Project Activities of the Government acts as the Federal Project Office. His powers include:

  • ensuring the activities of the Presidium of the Council and interaction with it regarding the implementation of priority programs (coordination of proposals, passports and plans for their implementation);
  • making personnel decisions - coordinating the candidacies of administrators, managers, executive secretaries and senior officials of each plan, as well as presenting the composition of expert groups, public councils and project groups;
  • interacts with authorities at the federal level and the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, various organizations regarding program monitoring;
  • assesses and monitors the progress and results of priority initiatives, prepares appropriate proposals and recommendations;
  • takes part in the work of departmental level coordination bodies;
  • provides methodological support, issues the necessary recommendations, coordinates the creation of an automated information system on this issue, and also develops an incentive system for employees actively participating in the development of program activities;
  • coordinates regulatory acts prepared by executive bodies at the federal level regarding the development of project activities and the appointment of heads of departmental offices.

The office quickly developed a number of practical recommendations, in particular regarding the preparation of proposals and passports of priority programs, as well as the possibility and procedure for making changes to them. To avoid red tape, the Government has established a strict schedule for the passage of important initiatives to avoid red tape: no more than 5 days from the date of receipt of the proposal from the ministry, or 15 days if there are comments. It is expected that thanks to this approach, it will be possible to significantly reduce the number of interdepartmental approvals and, accordingly, reduce the time for the actual implementation of the idea.

In order to promote new beginnings in the regions, similar offices have already been created in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. They included, in addition to regional (territorial) officials and regional representatives of federal structures, also representatives of business and the public. Education and training is provided for them with the involvement of government representatives and leading experts from international consulting companies.

The federal office should help all levels of government organize work on specific large-scale initiatives without compromising their standard responsibilities.

The experience of those regions where the project method was introduced several years ago and which have already gone through their own path of mistakes, for example, is taken as a model. In addition, it is planned to identify pilot regions in which to develop “master plans” suitable for all subjects.

What areas does the Federal Office lead?

To date, a number of priority areas have already been identified on the most important issues; for each issue, a corresponding project committee is created, the work of which is led by a curator - the relevant Deputy Prime Minister. The strategic areas in which the Federal Office will monitor the progress of initiatives include, in particular:

  • Healthcare(initiatives to improve care for mothers and newborns, introduce new information technologies in healthcare, develop emergency medical care for residents of hard-to-reach areas, improve the quality of medicines and control their turnover).
  • Education(development of an up-to-date educational environment with the introduction of digital technologies, training of highly qualified workers and specialists taking into account new standards, increasing the innovative component in the activities of universities, the possibility of affordable additional education for children).
  • Rental housing and mortgage.
  • Urbanism and infrastructure(high-quality housing and communal services and the development of a modern urban environment focused on the comfort of residents, safe roads, comprehensive solutions to the problems of single-industry towns).
  • Export potential and international connections(a system of cooperation between business representatives from different countries, in particular in the agricultural sector and industry).
  • Increased overall productivity, development of entrepreneurial initiative and small business.
  • Reforming the supervisory and control activities of government bodies.
  • Ecology(preservation of wildlife and prevention of increased pollution of water, air and land resources).

During 2017 alone, more than 200 billion rubles will be allocated from the state treasury for these priority areas. Also, serious financial incentives and career growth are provided for participants in successful endeavors, thanks to which senior management wants to prevent sabotage on the ground. It is assumed that the bonus of an official involved in the implementation of priority initiatives will depend not only on his immediate superior, but also on the project manager. In this case, three types of bonuses are possible: one-time (for a new current proposal), quarterly (for the work directly carried out, taking into account personal labor costs and the role in the implementation of the program) and final (based on the results of implementation).

Another distinctive feature of the new organization of work will be personal responsibility for the implementation of the plan on the part of its leader. This could be, in particular, the deputy of the relevant minister, the director of the relevant department, or the head of a specialized organization, for example, one of the development institutes.

Problematic issues that the project office will need to solve

Innovations always face certain problems that have to be solved both operationally and by introducing them into legislation or regulations. This case is no exception.

In particular, according to many experts, the following problems will fall on the shoulders of the leadership of the Federal Office:

  • Resolving disputes about leaders of specific ideas. Some ministers want to personally manage all processes, but this is hardly possible due to lack of time. Representatives of the office consider the best option to be the level of deputy minister or department director, who will be able to constantly allocate time for this work. However, the difficulty here may be the fact that then senior officials will have to report to the manager as part of the implementation of the program.
  • Establishing cooperation between government and local business. Businessmen consider it necessary to conduct, at least according to an abbreviated procedure, an assessment of regulatory impact, and not be limited only to discussion in the project group. In this matter, office workers appeal to the high-quality and efficient activities of the curator, the public and business council and expert groups who are able to see additional risks and promptly initiate changes to the plan.
  • Managing conflict between performers. When introducing new methods, the implementing specialist may find himself in a difficult situation: he will be forced to simultaneously report to his immediate superior (minister, head of administration) and to the head of the priority program being implemented. This will lead to increased workload on the official and the emergence of conflicts. A solution could be an automated report on the program, without unnecessary paperwork, as well as the ability to work on a priority task in your free time (vacation, weekends, evenings and nights). Compensation for this will be the opportunity for self-realization, career growth and tangible material incentives.

To solve the problem with personnel training, it is planned to organize a training center for project managers on the basis of RANEPA. There, specialists from ministries, departments and regions will be able to gain unique soft-skills in terms of the ability to work as part of a single team with horizontal connections.

It is expected that the Federal and regional offices, working in constant interaction with each other, as well as with business structures, will be able to increase the efficiency of the Russian economy, support business initiatives and solve the most pressing social issues.