Private notice board xml upload. Batch uploading of advertisements in XML format is a timely solution! Description of unloaded objects

What is batch uploading of ads and how to work with it? Do you need batch unloading? What are its benefits? We will tell you about this and much more now.

The Internet today provides a lot of unique opportunities for the rental and sale of real estate market. And the leading role in the development of the information space rightfully belongs to the largest portals working with real estate databases throughout Russia and abroad.

As a rule, individual real estate agencies, developers and other online platforms operate with hundreds or even thousands of properties. In turn, the portals work with tens and hundreds of developers, agencies and sites. The popularity of sites directly depends on the regions where advertisements are placed, types of real estate and forms of transactions.

The faster ads are placed, the faster potential customers will pay attention to them and the faster sales will grow. And in order to quickly place a larger number of advertisements on a larger number of sites, a modern automated approach is needed.

Batch uploading of advertisements is perhaps the best solution for publishing advertisements. All major ad placement resources offer this service.

What is batch upload?

It's actually simple.

Batch uploading is loading advertisements from a file generated by an agency, developer, etc. onto the site. Typically, the file is created in XML format (for reference: an acronym for eXtensibleMarkupLanguage).

The goal is obvious - less self made, less routine. Did you previously spend a lot of working time on posting ads? Moreover, did you have to manually update each ad weekly or monthly?

Let's leave this dubious pleasure to conservative fans manual labor and automate the process to the maximum using batch uploading. You only need to generate a file that matches the upload format ONCE. Next, update it when data about objects in your database changes.

The file in XML format saves and transmits all the same object parameters as when submitting advertisements manually. In other words, all information in advertisements remains complete and unchanged when uploaded in XML format.

What formats are there?

As a rule, each large site– your own ad format. You can familiarize yourself with the format of the portal site on this page.

But in order not to change the format for submitting ads for each site, you can use the Yandex.Real Estate format, with which most sites interact. And here is his description.

This is the most universal format that is accepted by most platforms. True, there is one significant drawback - the lack of support for submitting advertisements for commercial real estate. Therefore, to submit advertisements to this section You will have to use the submission format offered by the platform

Who needs batch downloading of ads?

First of all - large agencies and developers who need to place 100 or more advertisements at a time. Instant automated loading of information about objects saves time and keeps the ad database on sites up to date.

So, your actions:

  • Prepare the download in the most convenient format for you.
  • Register on the website website.
  • Send a connection request to xml@site. Please include a link to the XML file in your email.
  • Carry out a test file download together with the manager.
  • Correct errors in the file if necessary.
  • Evaluate the convenience of upload reports in personal account client.

Features of uploading to the site:

  • Uploading objects is free to all regions except Moscow and Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, Krasnodar Territory.
  • For new clients - free unloading for 2 weeks in Moscow and Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, and Krasnodar region.
  • Competitive prices for placement of objects in Moscow and Moscow Region.
  • Support for your own XML format and support for the Yandex.Real Estate format.
  • Automatic update unloading at least once a day.
  • Report on the results of the upload in your Personal Account.
  • Report on views of your objects in your Personal Account.
  • Possibility of paying for unloading, both online and by invoice.
  • Availability of additional options that increase unloading efficiency.

Are you interested in promotional materials and website portal statistics? This information is waiting for you

It's only begining!

In our following materials you will receive answers to the most popular questions:

  • How to correctly compose an XML file?
  • The manager found errors in the file. How to avoid them?
  • Typical and unusual errors when creating an upload.
  • How to make unloading as efficient as possible in a short time?
  • Popular paid services.

The one who owns the information owns the world. And those who know how to work with it receive income!!

For representatives of online stores, real estate agencies and private realtors working from their own electronic database advertisements, a batch upload of offers from your site to the “site” is provided, followed by daily synchronization and the possibility of automatic relaying to partner sites.

The advantage of our automatic download

For free

Connecting and regularly loading ads is completely free.

No limits

There are no restrictions on the number of advertisements. It is only important that the ads are real and relevant.

Connection speed

Our service accepts ready-made (the most popular) xml upload formats: Yandex.Market, Yandex.Real Estate,, website.Ads.

Additional promotion

Display (rebroadcast) ads to most popular services such as "Yandex real estate" and others (coming soon)

Principle of operation

You generate an XML file with the objects necessary for loading. We check this file once a day and synchronize it with your advertisements on our website.
. If the XML file contains new ad, it is uploaded to our website.
. If the ad already published on our website, it is updated.
. If a previously loaded object absent in an XML file, or the object’s update date is older than 3 days, the ad is marked as irrelevant and after 3 days is moved to the archive.

Accepted formats

We currently accept downloads in the following formats:

  1. - for offers on goods and real estate;
  2. Yandex.Real Estate is a specialized feed about real estate, with possible relay to partner sites.
  3. Estate - a specialized feed about real estate.
  4. Yandex.Market is a popular format for online stores.

Connect ads import via xml

To fill out the form, you must log in to the site.

Fields marked ( * ) are required to be filled out.

Partnership: We will be grateful if you place ours on your website and send the address of this page to us along with your application for hosting the feed. This required condition!

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is XML upload and why should I upload objects to your website?

XML-feed (or XML-feed) is a database of your products, uploaded in XML format. Automatic data upload (XML upload of advertisements) saves sales specialists time on routine work of adding and editing information in advertisements.

How does batch uploading of ads work?

You create an XML feed with advertisements for the products you want to place. Our script regularly checks the XML feed using the link you provide and adds or updates information about objects on our site completely automatically.

You don’t have to create an XML feed from scratch, but simply connect one of the popular formats that you already have.

Can I place multiple batch uploads for different ad types?

If you have different uploads with different types of offers, you can connect several. In this case, you do not need to connect uploads of different formats with the same list of advertisements.

What is the difference between the website.Real Estate xml file and the Yandex.Real Estate feed?

The website.Real Estate format expands and complements the Yandex.Real Estate format.

Therefore, any valid upload in Yandex format..

However, there are some differences, which you can familiarize yourself with on this page. Taking advantage of these differences, you will be able to upload to us more accurately and completely completed advertisements, as well as commercial real estate.

Can only legal entities upload advertisements automatically?

We accept xml feeds for various products from:

  • Online stores
  • Private sellers
  • Portals, boards and CRM systems
  • Other physical and legal entities, which automatically generates an xml file with the unloading of goods.

What is the price(cost) of batch uploading to your website?

Standard connection and service for batch uploading of ads (without quantity restrictions) is absolutely free. The only thing we ask is that you post news about the beginning of our cooperation on your website, as well as place information in the “Partners” section, if there are appropriate sections.

There will always be a free opportunity to batch upload objects on our project. At the same time, we are currently working on premium tariffs to more effectively promote your properties on our website. As soon as this type of service is ready, we will definitely inform you about the possibilities.

How to make an xml feed and upload objects in batches?

If you have not previously encountered the concept of a feed and have no idea how to do it technically, you need to contact the developers of your website, database or CRM so that they modify the functionality software, which will regularly generate an xml feed with a permanent link in one of the above formats.

Our RealtyPult service offers realtors and real estate owners to automate the process of uploading advertisements to real estate websites - to simplify the publication of offers on regional and federal boards.

Offline XML upload to the RealtyPult website occurs regularly (several times a day) and this absolutely free. Our robot synchronizes with your XML feed about four times a day. At the same time, there are absolutely no quantitative restrictions; we can process any number of positions.

By using the feature of regular offline ad uploading, you are highly likely to expand your audience and receive many more views and calls. When using this service, objects are updated several times a day on all sites you select on the Internet.

Advantages of offline uploading of announcements in XML format to boards:

  1. High efficiency - automation of the publication process increases the likelihood of obtaining a positive result.
  2. Time saving - automatic loading of advertisements onto boards minimizes the loss of personal time by 91%.

Currently importing real estate to the RealtyPult website free.

Automatic uploading of advertisements to partner sites

In addition to uploading in XML to the RealtyPult website, it is possible to connect regular automatic uploading to real estate websites(RealtyPult partners). It is carried out automatically by our RealtyPult service; just select the Internet sites you like in your Personal Account.

The cost for real estate for automatic uploading is the same as for manual publication through your personal account on the RealtyPult website. Prices for advertisements are set by the Internet sites themselves in the partner’s personal account.

Both paid and free placement are possible; on the page for calculating the cost of publication you can find sites that meet the necessary criteria.

Both individuals and legal entities can use the service of regular automatic uploading of XML advertisements to boards.

Our RealtyPult service provides its users with a full report on published advertisements with backlinks and view statistics.

The sale of residential and commercial real estate, the search for buyers and shareholders, tenants and landlords in the 21st century are carried out in 75% of cases via the Internet. This process can be carried out either on your own or autonomously, which is much faster and more convenient.

Publishing advertisements manually if there are a large number of them takes a lot of time. On average, a user spends 10 to 15 minutes manually filling out a questionnaire for one object. When using functions related to offline publishing using special programming interfaces, this problem is completely absent.

We wish your business success!

The feed with ads for Yandex.Real Estate is compiled in YRL (Yandex Realty Language), developed by Yandex.

YRL is based on the XML (Extensible Markup Language) standard. Like XML, YRL does not allow the first 32 ASCII characters to be used in text fields (exceptions include tab, line feed, carriage return). The standard also strictly requires encoding the following characters in the text:

Code for YRL file
\" "
& &
> >
" "
Character to replace Code for YRL file
\" "
& &
> >
" "


File encoding is UTF-8.

Document title

The YRL document must begin with a standard XML header with a null character on the first line.

Root element

The root element of a YRL feed (realty-feed) must contain a generation-date element with the date the feed was created and offer elements, each of which must contain information from one ad. To specify a namespace in XML, use the xmlns=\"http://webmaster.. attribute.

\n 2010-10-05T16:36:00+04:00\n \n...\n\n...\nDate format

All dates and times must be specified in accordance with ISO 8601. In general, in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+00:00, where:

    MM - month;

  • mm - minute;

    ss - second;

    00:00 - time zone indication (for Moscow - +03:00).

In-feed ad requirements

    The ad feed must be hosted on your domain and provided as a URL link.

    The feed structure must comply with the YRL format.

    The feed must contain only valid ads. An ad for which all feed fields are filled in according to the YRL format is considered valid.

    In the feed, you need to transfer only those parameters that are specified in the ad.

    If your ad has multiple values ​​for the same parameter (for example, several photos), use several identical tags.

    Each advertisement must be dedicated to one property.

    The feed must have at least 20% unique ads.

    Every advertisement posted by a real estate agency must clearly identify the agency.

    To add new information to an ad, you must update the existing ad, but do not delete or duplicate it. The updated declaration must have the same internal-id .

    There should be no HTML code in the texts of advertisements and in the description of the characteristics of objects.

    Publication period is limited for different types advertisements

    Ad type Terms and conditions

    About selling a room

    Updated no earlier than 45 days ago

    About long-term apartment rental

    About long-term room rental

    About long-term house rental

    Created no earlier than 90 days ago

    Updated no earlier than 45 days ago

    About long-term garage rental

    Created no earlier than 30 days ago

    Updated no earlier than 30 days ago

    Ad type Terms and conditions

    About selling an apartment on the secondary market

    Created no earlier than 90 days ago

    Updated no earlier than 45 days ago

    About selling a room

    Created no earlier than 120 days ago

    Updated no earlier than 45 days ago

    About long-term apartment rental

    Created no earlier than 7 days ago

    Updated no earlier than 14 days ago

    About long-term room rental

    Created no earlier than 25 days ago

    Updated no earlier than 24 days ago

    About long-term house rental

    Created no earlier than 30 days ago

    Updated no earlier than 30 days ago

    About the sale of a garage or parking space

    Created no earlier than 90 days ago

    Updated no earlier than 45 days ago

    About long-term garage rental

    Created no earlier than 30 days ago

    Updated no earlier than 30 days ago

    About the daily rental of garages, as well as the sale and daily rental of houses, plots and apartments in new buildings

    Creation and update dates do not affect the validity of the ad.

  • The feed must contain relevant advertisements. An advertisement is considered relevant if it contains reliable information about a real object that can be bought or rented.

    Must be no less relevant.

For our users who wish to automatically post a large number of advertisements from our databases to the website, we have implemented a special service and all the conditions for this.

1. What is “bulk upload of ads via XML”?

This means that a large number of advertisements at once (hundreds or even thousands and hundreds of thousands) can be described in a special text file, structuring the data with so-called XML tags, thanks to which our site will receive all your advertisements “at once”, decipher them and, after checking If it is filled out correctly, it will be placed in our database. After which they will be displayed in general list UBU announcements. Users will be able to view them, and you will receive calls and requests. If the ads are filled out correctly, then you get the opportunity to receive traffic potential clients not only from UBU search, but also from search engines(Yandex, Google, etc.).

2. Automatic bulk uploading of advertisements. How automatic is uploading to UBU?

In order to upload hundreds of thousands of advertisements, you do not need to fill out a single field of a single advertisement. No “manual” sending of advertisements through your personal account page.

And in the future, without exception, all updates to your XML file will be sent to UBU 100% automatically.

Every hour, the UBU robot will pick up your data, without you having to take any additional steps to ensure the upload.

As a result of this, living objects are immediately included in our database. All contact information, pictures, phone numbers, prices - everything is saved. After each hourly check, changes in your XML file come into force on our website, new advertisements are added, irrelevant ones are deleted, posting dates are updated, etc.

3. In what thematic sections of the site is uploading possible?

UBU Properties:

  • Any residential real estate
  • Country and foreign real estate
  • Land plots, garages and parking spaces
  • Commercial real estate

It is planned to launch the service in the "Transport" category and in all other sections of UBU soon.

4. Who might be interested in this?

  • Real estate agencies and private realtors
  • Aggregators and message boards, both with narrow and broad topics
  • Owners of various software and services for realtors
  • Interagency databases and any companies engaged in the rental and sale of residential andcommercial properties in any region of Russia.

5. How to start uploading advertisements to UBU?

  1. Prepare an xml file (feed) and publish it on the Internet. Save the link.
  2. Register on by following this link (!!!), indicate who you are: an individual or a representative of a company. It is important to enter as much information as possible.
  3. Send a link to the xml feed (from step 1) by e-mail: [email protected], also indicate the email address you used when registering on
  4. Your personal manager will contact you shortly and inform you about the start of mass unloading.
  5. We welcome your feedback and suggestions

6. How to pay?

You can choose any payment system and payment method convenient for you ( bank card, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, QIWI, phone balance via SMS, via Internet banking, cash in the terminal, etc.)