History of the company. Your personal browser. Important milestones in the history of Apple development in recent years

Phase I Establishment of the CTR Company (1896-1914)

The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR), which was the prototype of IBM, was founded in 1911 by Charles Flint, who was known as the "Father of Trusts" because of his desire to combine enterprises. Flint's preference for large organizations was not without reason: managing such enterprises led to economies of scale, which resulted in additional profits and business expansion.

The International Time Recording Company, founded by Charles Flint, quickly becomes the absolute leader in its industry. As for the Computing Scale Company, which Flint also took part in managing, its activities were not so successful. That is why Flint decides to combine these enterprises and believes that the financial resources of The International Time Recording Company will help strengthen the position of the second organization.

In an effort to obtain a merger of manufactories that produce similar but non-identical products, which would help to significantly reduce the risks of doing business in a changing market environment, Flint carries out another merger: The Tabulating Machine Company, which was sold by Herman Hollerith in connection with with a sharp deterioration in his health. As a result of this merger of companies, the CTR holding is formed. In the future, the company producing tabulators will be taken as the basis of CTR and will play a decisive role in its development, which is why it is worth considering the history of its formation in more detail.

In the 1880s, Herman Hollerith, founder of The Tabulating Machine Company, invents equipment for working with punched cards. Such devices, called tabulators, were capable of performing numerous data counting operations. The successful use of Hollerith's tabulators by the Baltimore Department of Public Health and the Surgeon General's Unit of the War Department prompted Hollerith to enter a competition to select devices for use in the census process. As it turned out during the competition, when performing the given calculations, Hollerith's equipment spent much less time than competitors' devices, as a result, a contract was signed with the creator: the tabulators invented by Hollerith were chosen for use in the US census in 1890.

After the census, the equipment becomes widely used in other American companies for the purpose of fast data calculation, and Hollerith receives several awards, which allows him to create the Tabulating Machine Company in 1896 to sell his own products. Hollerith's company was an example of a traditional enterprise that uses labor-intensive technologies to create computing devices. Hollerith both occupies the role of director of the enterprise, and is its owner. Based on this, we can conclude that The Tabulating Machine Company at the stage of its formation has a functional organizational structure.

At the first stage of development, CTR produces various devices in their application: scales, watches, automatic meat slicers and coffee grinders, which, according to Charles Flint, helps to reduce the risk of ruin in the event of a sharp change in demand for the company's products, and also allows you to significantly increase income in favorable conditions for doing business.

At this stage, despite the mergers made by Flint, The International Time Recording Company, Tabulating Machine Company, Computing Scale Company do not completely lose their independence and continue to sell their products independently. From this it follows that, as before the merger, labor-intensive technologies prevail, but already at this stage, due to the expansion of the scale of the business, which requires increasing labor productivity, CTR begins to make the transition to the use of capital-intensive technologies.

With regard to strategies, the company in this time period is more likely to protect previously made investments, as evidenced by the mergers of enterprises produced by Charles Flint, which means that the company resorts to the use of horizontal integration within defensive strategies.

In addition, the production of computing devices is organized within only one product line. Considering the technologies and strategies used by the company at this stage, we can conclude that CTR is characterized by a functional organizational structure. However, already at this stage, top management is separated from the owner of the company. (fig.1)

Stage II Thomas Watson Sr. is a director of the company.

The second stage in the development and formation of the company begins with the arrival of Thomas Watson, who managed to bring the company to a new level.

First of all, Thomas Watson makes a significant change in approaches to personnel management and pays more attention to the buyer. From his point of view, the right approach to people brings more results in doing business than investing in capital. That is why scientific management is being applied in the company: managers seek to find an individual approach to each employee based on his personal qualities, skills and abilities, find ways to motivate him to maximize labor productivity, and also encourage decent results, which allows employees to see in the management of their chief assistant.

In 1916, Watson invests in staff education, and there is also a practice of retraining workers when market conditions change. According to the head, educated employees will be able to meet the needs of the buyer with great success, which will positively affect the number of customers of the enterprise. In addition, Watson insists on the neat appearance of his employees. This approach to personnel management is successful for CTR because it helps to maximize productivity through both training employees who put their knowledge into practice, and following the preferences, tastes of customers, and also treating them carefully.

CTR is gaining great success in the market. In 1919, the company's profit is $13 million. The reason for this is the following company policy regarding the production and marketing of its products: CTR focuses on the production of large custom-made counting systems for both the state and private consumers, while CTR's competitors are more focused on mass production of inexpensive typewriters for office space. Also unlike other companies competing in this industry, CTR provides an opportunity for leasing. This policy of the company allowed it to sell products in conditions of less competition.

During this period, when buying tabulators, the company also requires its customers to purchase special cards that cannot be used with devices manufactured by other enterprises, which makes it almost impossible for customers to purchase and test CTR competitors' products.

CTR also enters into a cross-licensing agreement with its main competitor, Remington Rand, which can be viewed as a defensive strategy, as this agreement limits the entry of other companies into the market, and therefore aims to maintain and protect previously made investments.

These steps towards the elimination of competition in the market by IBM lead in 1932 to government intervention in its activities. The trial in this case ends in 1936: due to the fact that 85% of computing devices are supplied to the market by IBM companies, the company is accused of monopolizing the industry - the company is prohibited from related sales. However, this limitation does not affect the well-being of the organization.

At this stage, on the contrary, the state provides great assistance in the development of the enterprise: during the Great Depression, the company fulfills government orders that support the demand for the company's products during the economic crisis.

So, for example, the US Congress adopts the Social Security Act: the problem arises of the need to draw up information on employment in the near future a large number population. It is IBM that undertakes this work and successfully copes with the task, which favorably affects not only the company's income, but also its authority. In addition, in 1935, the Social Security Administration placed an order with IBM for the production of more than 400 computers, as well as 1,200 punchers.

The company at this stage brings huge profits. In 1928, its income, like that of Ramington Rand, was $5.3 million, but the sales of the main competitor IBM were almost three times higher.

With regard to the technologies used, in connection with the improvement of the products offered, CTR is completely moving to the use of capital-intensive technologies.

During this period, IBM's activities were characterized by both defensive strategies and offensive strategies.

In the course of expanding geographical markets, the company merged with the American Automatic Scale Company of Chicago in 1917, and in 1920 with the Ticketograph Machine Company. The takeover of companies that produce products in the same industry indicates the horizontal integration that takes place in the development of the enterprise. This fact confirms the defensive strategies used by the company at this stage.

To increase sales, the company begins to capture new geographic markets.

The following events from its history speak of the geographical expansion carried out by the company as part of offensive strategies during this period: in 1914, CTR opened a branch of the International Time Recording Company in France, in 1917 a sales representative was appointed in Brazil, but already in 1930 in San In Paulo and Rio de Jaineiro, IBM concentrates its production facilities, at the same time they begin to sell in the Netherlands and Japan, and in China in 1936, a division of IBM China is created with headquarters in Shanghai.

Due to the increase in influence on the world stage, the creation of subsidiaries abroad in 1924, CTR was renamed International Business Machines (IBM).

A change in business strategies at this stage of the formation and development of IBM has a direct impact on its organizational structure: the creation of branches abroad, complicate its management system, there is a transition from a functional organizational structure to a divisional regional one.

Stage III Growing influence. World War II 1938-1951

Great importance in the development of the company at this stage was played by the World War, in which IBM has significantly changed the way it does business.

During this time period, as in the early years of its existence, IBM pursued a policy aimed at creating favorable working conditions. In 1942, special programs were created for the training and employment of people with disabilities, piece work was excluded. wage, which has improved and stabilized the financial situation of workers, and workers are also provided with payments, benefits, and an insurance system is being introduced.

To maintain supply, which increased in demand during the war, IBM is building a plant in Endicott, which allows not only to significantly increase the volume of output, but also to seize new commodity markets that are in demand during wartime.

During the Second World War, demand from both the state and private consumers increased significantly. Sales revenue tripled the company's revenue to $147 million.

The US military needed high-speed calculators capable of solving a number of problems related to ballistics and the creation of atomic weapons, the proceeds from the sale of which went to help the relatives of soldiers killed in the war. The need for equipment used for military purposes prompted IBM to develop and create a new device that went down in history as the world's first large-scale computing computer The Automatic Sequence Control Calculator (ASCC), the hallmark of which was a faster response to requests.

In 1945, Watson decides to open a scientific laboratory that allows him to improve his products.

In this period of time, when the demand for goods in a difficult economic situation on the part of private buyers is declining, the company becomes dependent on government orders, which does not allow it to independently expand its products, create completely new models due to the possible risk of a decrease in demand in this case. for goods. IBM is forced to produce only that equipment and those computers that are in demand from the US Government. This fact prevents diversification, investing in new product markets as part of an offensive strategy.

However, as in the previous stage of development, the company continues to expand markets, divisions appear in Spain, Thailand (1948) and India (1951). In 1949, the World Trade Corporation was created to manage trade abroad. Along with geographic expansion, the company has also engaged in unrelated diversification, namely investment in the production of weapons for government purposes, which increases the number of product lines. The technologies used by the company were still capital-intensive, however, in connection with the opening of laboratories, the company began to introduce scientific ideas into its developments. As for management, the organizational structure at this stage continues to be divisional and regional.

Stage IV Intensive growth and development of the company

This period of development of the company is marked by its intensive growth, transformation into a modern corporation.

In 1952, Thomas Watson Jr. takes over as President of the company, who will play a significant role in the development of the enterprise, turning it into a business giant.

First of all, after coming to the management of the company, Thomas Watson officially fixes all the unspoken rules related to respect for the personality of the employee and the buyer, which have prevailed since the inception of the company and provide a favorable environment for the enterprise.

Also, Thomas Watson Jr. continues to develop the company's capabilities related to production. He invests in the development of scientific developments, creates laboratories, complicates the technologies used. The reason for IBM's focus on the introduction of scientific technologies is the scientific and technological revolution that was taking place in the United States at the time under consideration.

The aggravated political situation in the world also contributes to the development of information technologies. In the conditions of the Cold War, the Government is aware of the need to use computers and supports their development, which has a positive effect on the development of the company.

The company begins collaborating with the MIT Lincoln Laboratory to design and build air defense computers. With the development of the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE), IBM gains access to MIT research on the first digital computer. The company created six SAGE computers (the largest computers in the world), each of which cost $30 million.

Cooperation with the state in the production of special equipment, access to laboratories enable IBM to produce the first serial computer IBM 701, designed for scientific research and computing. Another significant difference between the IBM 701 and previous devices is the presence of a magnetic tape in it, designed to store information. The IBM 650, the IBM 305 RAMAC (with memory disk), the IBM 1401, and the IBM System/360 family of compatible computers were soon created.

In 1953, IBM creates the Heart-Lung Machine, with which Dr. John Gibbon successfully performs the world's first operation on open heart person.

The year 1957 is included in the history of IBM as the year of the creation of the then most popular programming language FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation).

In 1959, the company develops the world's first printer, which will be in demand until the 1980s, and three years later implements the SABER ticket reservation system for American Airlines and typewriter Electric.

In 1969, using IBM computers, NASA landed a man on the moon.

Since at this stage IBM is making a big breakthrough in development, significantly improving approaches to creating equipment, as evidenced by the creation of laboratories, scientific research, and as a result, the design and launch of computers that perform complex tasks and are used for medical operations, like military, and accounting calculations, and even in astronautics, we can conclude that the company is beginning to widely use not only capital-intensive, but also science-intensive technologies.

At this stage, as in the previous ones, geographical expansion continues: the opening of offices in Singapore (1953) and Hong Kong (1957), the creation of a division in Egypt (1954), the placement of a research laboratory in Switzerland (1956). In addition, diversification is also taking place in the policy pursued by IBM: the company is expanding the range of products offered, increasing the number of product lines, since, in addition to computing devices, devices used for military purposes continue to be produced, and printers are also being created, typewriters, devices for medical operations.

Since more and more companies are starting to use scientific developments, and the number of product lines is also increasing, it can be concluded that at this stage IBM adheres to a matrix organizational structure, which contributes to a more harmonious interaction of enterprise departments with each other regarding the improvement of products, and management is also carried out both from the production side and from the design side, which deals with the introduction of new technologies.



The head of the company

Complementary goods

Project group











Stage V Computers become personal

This period does not start well for IBM.

In 1971, IBM loses its president, who skillfully managed its activities: Thomas Watson resigns due to a heart attack. Until 1981, Frank Carey takes his place, and John Opel holds the position of CEO. Under their leadership, with the creation of the IBM System 370, a more user-friendly and at the same time compatible with the IBM S/360 system, the company continued to grow until 1984.

At this stage, the improvement of manufactured devices also takes place: computers are beginning to be used not only for scientific purposes, but also in everyday life, which indicates the company's desire to protect previously made investments, distribute its products through defensive strategies. For the first time, portable computers, credit cards, as well as magnetic disks and floppy disks used to store information were created.

As for offensive strategies, in this time period, IBM is also investing in the creation of new, previously non-existent models of computers and devices. For example, in 1974 IBM produces Systems Network Architecture (SNA), a network protocol for computers. In 1980 - IBM 3380, a device that allows you to store about 2.52 billion characters. In 1981, the first Personal Computer, which collects all the functions most desired by the consumer. The small computer has 128 KB of RAM and a color screen. However, the company's success is soon followed by failure. IBM decides to abandon the use of vertical strategies, namely the independent production of all the parts necessary to create personal computers, in favor of buying them from competitors. Thus, important components (operating system and microprocessors) are beginning to be purchased from the main competitors of Microsoft and Intel. This decision reduces the level of monopoly power exerted by IBM in the market for product sales.

With the arrival of John Aker to the management of the company, IBM begins to invest even more actively in the development of science, conduct research in the field of mathematics and physics, which will soon make it possible to make a significant breakthrough in technology, thanks to which it becomes possible to use banking services, as well as purchase services. of this or that product online - IBM is working on creating the Internet. Such a policy on the part of the company's management speaks of the widespread use of science-intensive technologies in the creation of products; in order to apply innovative solutions, it is necessary to accumulate and apply deep knowledge from various fields of science.

However, by the end of the 80s, IBM begins to fail, its revenues are significantly reduced: revenue falls from $5 billion in the 1980s to $3 billion. sales of PCs, HP is engaged in the production of printers, Oracle copes with the release of software. The reason for such a serious failure is the massiveness of the company, causing difficulties in management and additional costs for its maintenance, which, of course, does not allow IBM to successfully compete with less diversified enterprises.

At this stage, IBM is increasingly using and developing science-intensive technologies in connection with the improvement of existing models and the creation of new devices and systems. As for strategies, IBM both invests in previously created product markets and creates new ones, i.e. combines defensive strategies with offensive ones. The organizational structure does not change and remains matrix.

Stage VI Return of leadership positions. IBM today.

The period under review begins with a change in the head of IBM. Louis Gerstner becomes CEO in 1993, thanks to whom IBM regains leadership in software development.

First of all, Gerstner manages to make the size and variety of products the main advantage of the company. He also begins to pay great attention to the development of the service sector.

Gerstner decides to "revive" units that have not been fully functioning for a long time. It changes the role played by IBM Research. This division has been engaged in developments for a long time, which as a result were not introduced into production and did not bring profit. So Gerstner decided to retrain his research staff into the service industry, specifically helping consumers solve problems they encounter while using IBM devices. Gerstner also pays great attention to the development of the Global Services division, which develops devices that best meet the growing demand of consumers, and the Systems and Technology Group, which improves the computers produced and expands the tasks they perform.

The policy pursued by Gerstner began to have a favorable effect on the economic performance of IBM already in 1994. This year, for the first time since the beginning of the 90s, the company not only does not generate losses, but also receives income. (Company loss in 1993 - $9 billion) This is mainly due to the mass use of the Internet, in connection with which IBM begins to sell the servers necessary to run the network, and also helps customers create their own websites. This move by IBM can be seen as a related diversification in connection with investment in products directly related to the core developments and technologies of the enterprise.

The successful development of IBM is also facilitated by the steps taken by the state in the direction of economic restructuring: the United States is striving to develop small-scale production that meets consumer demand, aims to expand the service sector, and also concentrates on creating high-tech products, which stimulates the growth of IBM, a rapidly developing company. exactly in this industry.

In 1994, IBM enters into an agreement with Cyrix to jointly create computer chips. IBM also acquires Lotus Development, which produces software. However, Lotus Development does not lose its independence, IBM only provides support to the company in development, while getting the opportunity to use the software produced by Lotus Development. In 1996, IBM acquires Tivoli Systems Inc., which develops tools for network management. In 1997, IBM acquires Unison Software, which operates in the field of management computer systems, and in 1998 by CommQuest Technologies, a company involved in the development of wireless chips. The year 2002 enters the history of the company with the merger with the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, which brings the company significant profits to this day. Thus, the numerous acquisitions made by the company prove that at this stage the company resorts to defensive strategies, namely horizontally integrating with enterprises working on the production of the same products.

As for technologies, the company, as in the previous stages, continues to use high technologies, since the devices manufactured by the company require more and more precise developments and research. The organizational structure of the company is changing from matrix to network: the branches created by IBM throughout its history of formation, at this stage of development, operate with greater independence, however, they rely on a single information network of the enterprise and use management solutions, developing technologies that are developed by the company's divisions such , as Systems and Technology Group and Global Services.

“The apple does not fall far from the tree,” says folk wisdom. We have an excellent opportunity to investigate how right the Russian proverb is. After all, today's article is dedicated to the legendary Apple(from the English "apple"), which was founded by no less famous.

We introduced this person to our readers earlier, and now it's time to get acquainted with his "brainchild" - Apple, the largest manufacturer of personal and tablet computers, audio players, mobile phones and software.

Apple was founded in 1976 Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. She has already crossed her 35-year milestone and boasts some achievements.

At the time the company was founded, Steve Jobs was 21, Steve Wozniak was 25, and Ronald Wayne was 41. This significant event took place in the house of foster parents of Steve Jobs, or rather in the garage:

Please pay attention to this fact. Special attention. Many well-known global brands that are worth billions of dollars started their journey in an ordinary garage.

Many newcomers who want to open their own business think that it takes a lot of money to open their own business, that they need to rent a business premises, purchase goods or equipment, and hire a bunch of staff.

As a result, even at the start, a rather large amount accumulates, which the beginner simply does not have. And this amount usually scares a person away. Of course, there are types of businesses that need fabulous money to open from the first days.

Look for ideas that don't require a lot of money to implement, and that this business can be started in your parents' garage or even right in your room. But back to Apple.

Apple is the most powerful brand in the world and the most valuable company in the world

In May 2011, according to the ranking of the research agency Millward Brown, the Apple brand was named the most valuable brand in the world. According to Forbes data for October 2012, the Apple brand broke into the lead in the ranking of "most influential", ahead of brands such as, and IBM.

In November 2013, the market capitalization of the company, that is, its actual value, is about 472 billion dollars, and the company reached its maximum capitalization in September 2012, when its market value was estimated at more than $700 billion., making Apple the most valuable company in history!

Apple is headquartered in the small town of Cupertino., which is 75 km from San Francisco, California. Interestingly, the number of people in Cupertino is even smaller than the number of Apple employees - the company currently employs 60,400 employees!

What distinguishes the multi-thousandth Apple company from its competitors and allows it to earn billions of dollars?

The company, historically a manufacturer of PCs and software, has expanded its market segments in the 21st century, entering the next orbit of development with new audio players, smartphones and tablet computers.

Apple is certainly a leading company, an innovator company, and in this it is very similar to its co-founder Steve Jobs.

The merits of Apple are undeniable, because iPod audio player made a real breakthrough in the world of digital music, iPhone smartphone turned our vision of mobile phones upside down, and iPad tablet set the vector for the development of the digital devices market.

All these “i-gadgets” have become an integral part of the image of a businesslike, respectable and successful person. I won’t be surprised if smart “Apple” devices with an “ai” prefix generally displace such names as “audio player”, “telephone” and “tablet computer” from everyday life.

Tim Cook, Apple's CEO since 2011, said he was very proud that the company was entering the holiday season "with the best iPhones, iPads, Macs, iPods ever and full confidence in the potential of our new product line."

The production of these new products, which are in high demand around the world, really improved the financial situation of Apple dramatically.

As Steve Jobs said at the presentation of the first iPhone in 2007: “We didn’t create a new phone, we reinvented it”

And at the presentation of the Internet tablet iPad 2 in 2011, he announced the advent of the era of post-computer devices.

According to him, they are simpler and more understandable than conventional PCs, and it is behind them that he sees the future, while his competitors are only "trying to find the optimal balance in new PC models."

And even if these same competitors in the person of the founder of Microsoft call the iPad just “a good reader and no more”, time will tell who is right.

And therein lies the essence of Apple. More precisely, one of many. After all, if you unravel the secret formula for the success of an apple company and master the art of creating such popular and beloved products and devices, you can become fabulously rich.

I note that after the appearance of the tablet, some online publications began developing special applications for it, for example, the most popular magazine in the United States, Time, developed a whole concept for its iPad version.

However, is it really only innovation and high technology that helped Apple reach the pedestal on which the company is comfortably located today?

After all, now Apple is more than new IT technologies and modern production. Apple stands for aesthetic design, unique reputation, recognizable style, successful image and a whole culture in the consumer electronics industry. In a word, Apple is a legend.

And let them say that "it's easy to find out if a person has an iPhone - he himself will boast of it in the first five minutes of meeting" and "the main purpose of the iPad is to show that you can afford an iPad."

There is some truth in every joke, and the fact that “apple” jokes have appeared indicates that all these “i-things” have leaked into our market, have taken root there and have fallen in love.

Although this is true. Today, Apple products are, first of all, a symbol of the wealth and prosperity of its owner. People Who Buy an iPhone for the First Time Don't Do It Because of It technical features but rather because of getting the status.

After all, if you figure it out like this, then for the same price you can buy a gadget that is more sophisticated in technical terms, but whose name is not so well known. Perhaps this feature should be adopted.

If you are running a business or planning to create one, then you need to aim not only at the technical parameters of your product or service, but also at its social aspects. If you manage to create a product that is cool to own, then your business will work as it should.

To dot the “i” in this “Apple” set-top box, I’ll say that Apple is even more than a manufacturer of i-gadgets.

After all, the company stood at the origins of the creation of personal computers, its history is complex and interesting.

One of the merits of Apple is that it was this company that paved the way for the production of personal computers with its Apple II series of PCs. In addition, Apple was the first to see the great possibilities of the graphical interface and the computer mouse, introducing them into its products.

Let's outline the important stages of Apple's long journey in order:

1976 is the year of foundation of the company.

One version of the origin of the name says that Steve Jobs wanted to see the company on the first pages of the telephone directory, hence the name on "a", and according to the second version, he simply carried out his threat to name the company "Apple", because nothing better was invented.

By the way, this is what the first Apple Computer logo looked like.

By the way, this logo was invented by the third Apple co-founder Ronald Wayne(Ronald Gerald Wayne). He is also called one of the biggest losers in the world, because he lost a tenth of the company for just $2,300.

The fact is that when they opened Apple, Ronald Wayne did not have confidence in the favorable future of this company. In addition, he had property, which he risked if things were in this business went badly.

Legally, all members of the company were liable for any debts of the company, even if they arose through the fault of another partner. Jobs and Wozniak had nothing at the time. They risked almost nothing, and Wayne could lose his property, which could go to the benefit of creditors if things went wrong.

Let me remind you that officially the company Apple Computer Inc. was registered on April 1, 1976, and Wayne gave up his share on April 12, that is, less than 2 weeks later. Thus, he deprived himself of a potential fortune of 70 billion dollars!

Let me remind you that in September 2012, Apple was worth more than $700 billion, and 10% of this amount is $70 billion. And we will return to the history of the company, or rather the logo.

The logo created by Ron Wayne did not take root in the company. It was used for about a year, after which they decided to replace it with something simpler and more understandable. As a result, Steve Jobs turned to designer Rob Janoff, who created this logo:

This logo was created in just a week, and it was bitten so that it was strongly associated with an apple, because without a bite it could be confused with a tomato.

The Apple logo is simple, clear and recognizable. He flashes in films, in meeting places successful people and increasingly in everyday life. They say that even the president of Samsung, main competitor Apple in the smartphone market, afraid to eat apples in crowded places: what if the paparazzi take a picture of him with a bite?

By the way, this logo existed in the company from 1976 to 1998, after which it was replaced with a monochrome one:

Now let's get back to Apple's history. In 1976, the Apple I programmable computer was launched.

1977-93 - release of various models of Apple II computers. It became the company's first mass-produced computer.

1980 Apple is holding the largest IPO in history since 1956 (the year Ford went public).

Thus, Apple becomes a public company, and now its shares are traded on the NASDAQ stock market and the London Stock Exchange. In 2012, the company's shares for the first time exceeded $500, and in the same year they reached $700 on NASDAQ electronic trading.

1980 - characterized by the disastrous release of the Apple III PC. This computer turned out to be quite raw. It constantly broke down, and besides, there were very few offers for it on the computer software market.

Problems with their sales lead to the fact that Jobs lays off 40 employees, and the media talk about the imminent collapse of the company.

By that time, Jobs had lost interest in the Apple III project and turned all his attention to the Apple Lisa project. And around the same time, Jobs begins the first “graters” with other co-owners of the company and the board of directors.

Jobs was a tough enough man. He always wanted it to be the way he wanted, which is why conflicts arose with employees, engineers and partners.

The fact is that for the development of a project in companies like Apple create special working groups that solve the tasks. Each group has its own leader. And Jobs used to get into the affairs of this or that group and make significant amendments to previously developed projects.

Something like this happened with the Lisa project. Imagine that a computer project has been developed and work is in full swing on it. Then Jobs appears and orders everything to be done differently. Naturally, all this terribly slowed down the work, and since Jobs was a perfectionist, he did not calm down until he brought every little thing to an ideal state.

This led to delays in the delivery of projects and, accordingly, to a shortfall in the company's profit, which was terribly disliked by shareholders. As a result, Jobs was removed from the Lisa project. which upset him greatly.

1983 - Steve Jobs invites the highly experienced John Scully to the post of company president, at that time CEO PepsiCo. The phrase, with which Jobs managed to "poach" a top manager of Pepsi into the director's chair of Apple, has become one of the most famous statements in business - "Are you going to sell soda for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?" Scully chooses Apple and leads the company until 1993.

True, Jobs would soon regret it, saying that Scully's job offer was the most bad decision in his life.

1984 – Apple introduces a new 32-bit Macintosh computer, named by developer Jeff Raskin after his favorite variety of apples. True, Jeff led the project at the beginning, and then he was sent on a forced vacation, and the project was headed by Steve Jobs.

The release of Macintosh computers strengthened Jobs's position in the company, since thanks to the release of this model, it was possible to increase the company's profits.

After that, the company ceases production of the uncompetitive Apple III family of PCs. The Macintosh series becomes the company's core business.

1985 - Due to conflicts in the leadership, the company leaves its co-founder Steve Jobs. Although leaving the company does not sound quite right. In fact, he was fired from his own company.

Despite the fact that the Macintosh sold, but not as well as planned. Shareholders accused Steve Jobs of building uncompetitive computers, and Jobs accused shareholders and executives of overpricing the Macintosh.

Jobs considered the main villain to be Scully, who had once been dragged from Pepsi. As a result of this confrontation, the board of directors chose John Scully as a more experienced leader who could improve Apple's business.

In the same year, Jobs founded NeXT. Later, in 2005, in a speech to the alumni of Stanford University, Jobs would say that leaving Apple was the best and right decision at that moment.

Working with Scully does not bring Apple much success. All this time, the company has been teetering on the brink of survival. As a result, after a significant drop in Apple's market value, John Scully is fired by the board of directors.

Jobs at NeXT is also doing pretty well. As a result, Apple's new management decides that the company needs a drastic change and that only Jobs can spearhead that change.

It is worth noting that NeXT was doing so badly that Jobs had to curtail all computer production, leaving only software development afloat.

Subsequently, the developments made became the basis of the Mac OS operating system.

1996 Returns to Apple's director's chair. The company buys Jobs' NeXT for as much as $430 million. I note that over the years of its existence, Apple has repeatedly absorbed various companies operating in the IT technology market - Siri, Anobit Technologies, etc.

From 1996 to 1998 Apple has changed dramatically. It was decided to abandon many projects. More than 3,000 employees were laid off. The company has focused its efforts on four main areas:

  • stationary models of computers for professionals Power Macintosh G3
  • portable computer models for professionals PowerBook G3
  • stationary models of computers for ordinary consumers iMac
  • portable computer models for ordinary consumers iBook

1998 – As a result of the work done in the arena of computer technology, a new futuristic model iMac G3, which became the fastest-selling computer in the history of Apple, appears.

In parallel, Jobs begins to hatch the idea of ​​​​creating his own chain of stores that will sell apple products. He was not happy with the fact that Apple products are on the same shelf with other brands.

He wanted his products to be sold in a special way. So that sellers do not put it on a par with other goods.

And this is another highlight that makes Apple products above their competitors. When you believe that your product is special and try to make it so, then it will be so. Jobs didn't like mediocrity. And he always tried to combine elegant design and the latest technology in his products.

2000 - the collapse of the dot-coms. Dotcom literally translates to “.com”. Dotcoms are companies related to the Internet. Apple has never been a company that can be called dot-com. But it was very dependent on this market, because Apple products are focused on PC users, and with the advent of the Internet in our lives, “computer and Internet” have become practically inseparable words.

So, in 2000 in the United States there was a collapse of companies related to the Internet. The value of shares of such companies began to fall, including the value of Apple shares.

This crisis has spilled over to other sectors of the economy. In general, there is an opinion that it was the collapse of dot-coms that provoked the subsequent collapse of the global economy in 2007-2008, the consequences of which we still feel.

I wrote more about the collapse of dot-coms and the crisis here:

Why am I even now writing about the crisis? What does the crisis, dot-coms and Apple have to do with it, you might ask?

In fact, this is very important, because it was the crisis that served to change the direction of Apple's development. It was the collapse of the dot-coms that forced Steve Jobs to look for new markets, thanks to which his company could not only survive, but also prosper.

As a result of the search for new technological solutions, such devices as the iPod, iPhone, iPad appeared, as well as various software that users of apple products love so much.

According to Jobs, the computer in the future should become a multifunctional complex, consisting not only of a monitor, system unit and keyboard, but also of various peripheral devices such as a player, telephone, etc.

Jobs began to embody his idea with the creation of high-quality software. among which I would especially like to note the emergence of a universal media player iTunes.

It was with the advent of this software that Apple became one of the key players in the music market. The fact is that the music market then also experienced not the most better times.

With the development of the Internet and the advent of the mp-3 format, pirates have bitten the music market. And the appearance of iTunes, or rather the iTunes Store. which will be discussed below, allowed to increase sales of legal content.

With the advent of iTunes, there was an urgent need for a music device that would work with this software. And so the iPod was born.

2001 - presentation of the iPod audio player.

Parallel to the launch of the iPod, Apple opens the first two Apple Stores. Experts predicted the failure of this idea, but as of September 2013, 413 stores are open and successfully operating in 14 countries around the world.

The Apple Store isn't just a hardware store - it's a geek's paradise!

2003 - presentation of the iTunes Store online music store.

The key feature of this store was that it was possible to buy songs by the piece, and not the whole album, as was customary before, and also that the main buyers were the owners of apple products.

The iTunes Store predicted a million sales in its first 6 months of operation. As a result, a million songs were sold out in 6 days of work.

2007 - the release of the iPhone smartphone, which was announced by Steve Jobs himself.

It was under his leadership that Apple was able to open up new market segments. In the same year, the company changes its official name from Apple Computer to simply Apple, in connection with entering the market. consumer electronics.

The appearance of the iPhone is due to the fact that with the development of mobile technology, the demand for cameras and digital cameras. The developers of mobile devices began to combine the phone, camera and audio players.

Jobs understood that the market for audio players was doomed and would soon be swallowed up by phones that combined all these devices. And then he set the task for his subordinates to develop a new phone that would combine all these functions and, according to the Apple tradition, be elegant and convenient.

Time Magazine will subsequently recognize the iPhone as Invention of the Year!

2008 - The iPhone is ranked #2 in the ranking of the most useful modern technologies, according to PCWorld.

2008 - Apple releases the world's thinnest laptop called the MacBook Air

The 2000s were a real triumph for Jobs and his team. Almost every year Apple surprises the world with something and makes the army of its fans more and more.

2010 - Apple releases the iPad tablet computer.

The most interesting thing is that the idea of ​​tablet computers with a touch screen was proposed back in 1988 by students at the University of Illinois. They then worked on the theme "What will be the personal computer of the year 2000" as part of a competition held by Apple.

By the way, it looked like this:

In the same 2010, the iPhone 4 takes 1st place in the list of the best phones in the Bestseller and Image categories according to Mobile-Review.com.

2011 - Steve Jobs leaves in August for health reasons, and in November he died.

Love for their work in many ways ensured the company's success. The “parent” inherited some of his individual character traits to his “apple” - this is a love of innovation, creativity, courage and style.

From September 2012 year, the iPhone 5 goes on official sale.

They joke that the iPhone is the smartest phone, and it has the highest percentage of owners who are much dumber than their phone)

I don’t know about the IQ of smartphone owners, but the fact that there are a lot of them is a fact. The number of pre-orders for the fifth iPhone reached 2 million per day!

Evgeny Chichvarkin, the former founder of Euroset, who now lives in London, is probably among the happy owners of the smartphone. According to him, he intended to change the iPhone 4S to the iPhone 5 as soon as its sales begin in Foggy Albion.

As for Russia, Apple's smartphones have won a wide audience here too. While some argue that the iPhone would sell better if Russian market went under the translated name "yaMobilco"

However, Apple is already widely known in our territory. It positions itself as a manufacturer of simple devices designed for the convenience, communication and entertainment of people. Although all this technology of the future, sold already in the present, is very, very expensive.

If you look at the official Russian site www.apple.com/ru, you can see that the keywords in the description of the company's products are not dry specifications, but enthusiastic glossy epithets.

Apple doesn't just have "12 megapixels, 17 inches, 3GB", it has limitless possibilities, amazing quality, a great display and the world's most advanced operating system!

Everything from Apple works automatically, easily and discreetly - laptops are "faster than you can imagine", iPhones "do everything for you" and iPods that "sword fights become sharper and zombie hunting more effective!"

Apple protects its technical developments very jealously. The company monitors the quality of its trademark, opens branded stores and creates an entire ecosystem of software and numerous applications.

Regarding Apple, they say that the company has "patented a patent for patenting a patent." Quite a truthful remark, because as of October 2012, the company received 5440 patents for its inventions and design projects!

Protecting intellectual property rights, Apple sues one firm, then another, while winning and losing litigation. So, Nokia accused Apple of violating 10 patents, and Apple filed a lawsuit against Samsung. She, however, was found not guilty by a British court, but patent battles continue.

Apple now has the highest margin, both in terms of sales and prestige and design. The company is not going to stop there. In fact, Apple "fruits" with real "golden apples", and I will wait with interest what other "i-gadget" the company's developers will surprise us with. So, Apple, step behind you.

P.S. By the way, do you know what the “i” prefix means in the name of Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac)? The answer is simple - internet

The history of the Rosneft oil company is inextricably linked with the history of the domestic oil industry. The first mention of the enterprises that are now part of Rosneft date back to the end of the 19th century. In 1889, for example, exploration of oil fields on Sakhalin began.

The main assets of Rosneft Oil Company were created during the Soviet period, when the full-scale development of new oil and gas fields began. In the 1990s, numerous enterprises of the fuel and energy complex and other related enterprises of the public sector of the economy were merged into vertically integrated companies along the lines of the world's largest corporations -
with their subsequent partial or full sale to private investors. Much of the oil industry has been privatized. The management of oil and gas assets that remained in state ownership was carried out by the state enterprise Rosneft, which in September 1995 was transformed into an open joint-stock company Oil Company Rosneft.

During the crisis of 1998, Rosneft encountered serious financial and operational difficulties: a decline in production due to the high depletion of the resource base, an extremely low level of utilization of refining capacities, and a reduction in retail sales.

In 2002-2004, the Company began to restore its positions by acquiring new licenses and expanding the geography of its activities. In 2002, Rosneft received a license for the development of the Kaigansko-Vasyukansky area (Sakhalin-5 project), in 2003 - a license for the Veninsky area (Sakhalin-3 project). The oil company OJSC Severnaya Neft was acquired, which significantly strengthened Rosneft's position in Timan-Pechora, as well as the Anglo-Siberian Oil Company, which owns a license to develop the Vankor field in Eastern Siberia.

Since 2004, a new stage in the development of the Company has begun. In a short period, it has significantly increased the efficiency corporate governance, carried out serious work on the consolidation of oil production and processing assets, improved financial discipline. Already in 2005, Rosneft took a leading position among Russian oil companies in terms of production volumes.

In 2006, Rosneft shares were first placed on the London Stock Exchange. The total amount of the placement amounted to 10.7 billion dollars - this is the fifth largest IPO in the world and the largest among Russian companies. The Company was trusted by such global energy players as BP and SINOPEC, which bought large blocks of shares, and about 150,000 Russian individuals also became shareholders of Rosneft.

As a result of the acquisition of a number of oil and gas assets in Russia, oil reserves and production volumes, oil refining capacities have been significantly increased, and the retail network has been expanded. In 2007, Rosneft already provided more than 20% of the total oil production in the country, producing more than 100 million tons of oil.

Despite global economic crisis At the end of 2008, the Company once again became the leader in terms of production growth rates among Russian and international competitors. Work continued to optimize and improve the efficiency of all areas of activity, unfavorable market conditions at the end of the year became one of the incentives for this work. The Company managed to achieve significant results in improving the corporate governance system and increasing the level of information transparency.

In 2009, the largest field in Eastern Siberia, Vankorskoye, was put into commercial operation. The successful development of the field made Vankor the largest production project in the modern history of the Russian oil industry and allowed it to enter the top ten oil projects in the world.

In 2010, there were fundamental changes in the management policy, an update of the Company's strategy was initiated. The program for the modernization of oil refineries has been activated in order to meet the requirements of the Technical Regulations for the quality of motor fuels. Subsoil use rights have been obtained for a number of new promising areas, including those on the Arctic shelf of the Russian Federation. Shares in four refineries in Germany were acquired, thanks to which the total processing of the company increased by more than 20% - up to 61.6 million tons. According to the results of the year, the most high rate absolute increase in oil production among Russian companies.

In 2011, the Company continues to actively replenish its resource base. In particular, two licenses were obtained based on the discovery of deposits, for the Baikalovsky block in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and for the Buzerovsky block in the Samara Region, and two certificates confirming the discovery of the discovery of the fields named after. N. Lisovsky and Sanarsky in the Irkutsk region. The discovery of deposits in extremely difficult geological conditions became possible thanks to the use of innovative methods and the modernization of exploration technology.

In 2011-2012, unprecedented agreements were signed with ExxonMobil, ENI, Statoil on joint work on the shelf Russian Federation.

In 2013, Rosneft becomes the largest public oil and gas company in the world after the completion of the acquisition of TNK-BP. BP turns into the largest minority shareholder of NK Rosneft with a 19.5% stake.

In 2014, despite the crisis in oil market, Rosneft once again confirmed its status as the leading Russian oil and gas corporation, the largest taxpayer in the Russian Federation, providing a significant part of all tax revenues of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation, and one of the leaders in the global oil and gas industry as a whole. During this year, the main events in the industry were related to projects implemented with the participation of the Company. This includes the successful completion of exploratory drilling at the new Pobeda field in the Kara Sea, the discovery of the Kara oil and gas province, the commissioning of the first well on the world’s largest drilling platform Berkut in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and the start of production using a unique drilling rig.” Hawk" on Sakhalin in the North Chayvo.

The highlight of 2014 was the discovery of a large oil and gas province in the Kara Sea, whose explored resources are comparable in volume to the current resource base of Saudi Arabia. The discovery significantly increases the mineral resource potential of Russia and for a long time will allow the country to remain among the leaders in oil and gas production. The new field was given a symbolic name - Pobeda. Only the first well made it possible to put on balance the total initial recoverable reserves of 130 million tons of oil and 396 billion cubic meters of gas.

At the XVIII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, dedicated to the theme of building confidence in an era of transformation, Rosneft signed a record number of agreements (more than 50), which both expanded previously reached agreements with Russian and foreign partners and opened up new horizons for cooperation in all areas of the Company's business .

In January 2015, Rosneft began oil production at the Arkutun-Dagi field using the Berkut drilling platform, the largest in the world. The volume of production at the field upon reaching the planned capacity will reach 4.5 million tons per year. In March, the Company completed the acquisition of a 100% stake in SANORS Holding (ZAO Novokuibyshevsk Petrochemical Company). The synergistic effect of integration will strengthen the vector of petrochemical development and increase the added value of production.

The research expedition "Kara-winter-2015", organized by the Company with the participation of the "Arctic Research and Design Center" and specialists from the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute", has become the largest Arctic expedition in the world in terms of volume and scope of work in recent years. 20 years.

Integral privatization deal

In 2016, Rosneft not only demonstrated strong operating results, but was also able to provide significant support to the Russian budget thanks to the implementation of the privatization deal and tax deductions. The main success of Rosneft, of course, was the completion of an integral transaction for the privatization of a 19.5% stake in the company and a controlling stake in Bashneft, as a result of which the state received 1.04 trillion rubles (in general, the volume of the company's payments to the budget for 2016 year exceeded 3 trillion rubles). According to Igor Sechin, the privatization of the Company's shares made it possible to ensure that the total amount of funds received by the budget in the amount of 30% of all privatization revenues in Russia since 1991.

"This deal was a tectonic shift in how the company is perceived by investors," Wood Mackenzie said in a report. “Rosneft has made a breakthrough in its international strategy.” It is no coincidence that at the final press conference in 2016, President Vladimir Putin called Rosneft "one of the most efficient energy companies in the world." According to analysts, the deal was the largest in the global oil and gas industry in a year and served as proof that investing in Russia is profitable.

The powerful synergy effect that the merger of Rosneft and Bashneft will provide will certainly contribute to the development of the Russian economy. The effect is due to the optimization of mutual oil supplies, transportation and logistics costs, a reduction in the cost of drilling services, the joint use of the infrastructure of producing assets, modern technologies and know-how. Rosneft's successful experience in integrating TNK-BP is a guarantee for the speedy monetization of this effect. “We will work on maximizing the synergy effect,” Igor Sechin promised at the annual meeting of shareholders. “In the first two quarters of 2017 alone, the synergistic effect from the integration of Bashneft in monetary terms amounted to more than 40 billion rubles.”

Growth of capitalization

In 2016, the value of Rosneft shares on the Moscow Exchange increased by almost 60% (this indicator is not only higher than market indices, but also significantly exceeds that of its main Russian competitors). In the first half of the year, Rosneft for the first time in its history became the largest company in Russia by market capitalization. In December, the company's market capitalization exceeded 4 trillion rubles. The quality of Rosneft's assets, as well as the emergence of new professional investors as shareholders, was highly appreciated by the market.

Industry experts have repeatedly pointed to the fundamental underestimation of Rosneft, which is also exacerbated by the country factor and politically motivated sanctions. However, in the long term, in their opinion, the company has enormous potential for further capitalization growth due to the activities of all business areas: production, refining, oilfield services and trading. This is stated in the reports of the largest investment banks, which predict an increase in the value of the global depository receipt (GDR) of Rosneft to $9 apiece and note that the capitalization of $100 billion, which was before the crisis in the 2000s, is quite achievable.

"Rosneft's competitive advantage will be driven primarily by the record number of high-yielding new fields coming on stream, which is helping to generate free cash flow and is expected to generate substantial dividend payouts," Bank of America said. Almost all leading analysts recommend buying Rosneft shares, noting, among other things, the significant potential for synergies from the integration of the acquired assets of Bashneft.

Geological exploration and production

In 2016, the company again achieved growth in all key areas. The next milestone in hydrocarbon production has been conquered - 265 million toe. e. per year (growth by 4.3%). The main positive growth factors were the integration of Bashneft's assets in October 2016, the commissioning of production facilities at the Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye and Suzunskoye fields, increased efficiency at mature assets, and the implementation of an intensive drilling program, reliably supported by the presence of a developed in-house service block.

Rosneft outperforms its competitors in terms of the efficiency of its exploration work. As of January 1, 2017, the recoverable reserves of oil and condensate of the Company under category АВ1С1+В2С2 amounted to 12.2 billion tons and 7.6 trillion m3 of gas. During 2016 alone, the Company discovered 13 fields and 127 new deposits with total reserves of 207 mmtoe. by categories АВ1С1+В2С2. The replacement rate for hydrocarbon reserves according to the Russian classification was 126%. Increasing the resource base is one of the Company's key priorities.

The scale of seismic exploration in 2016 was increased by 58%. At the end of 2016, Rosneft completed 2D seismic work on land in the amount of 2.8 thousand linear meters. km and 3D seismic work - 7.9 thousand square meters. km, demonstrating an increase of 27% and 29% respectively. Completed testing of 85 exploration wells with an efficiency of 80%.

The volume of production drilling increased by 35% over the year, to 9.3 million meters. A new record for the company was the commissioning of more than 2.6 thousand new wells, which is 43% higher than in 2015. Moreover, the share of horizontal wells was 32% in 2016. At the end of 2016, the number of operating drilling rigs reached 280 units (+26% compared to 2015). Currently, Rosneft's own divisions perform more than 50% of drilling, exploration and well completion operations.

At the end of 2016, Rosneft introduced into experimental and industrial development 37 fields with total recoverable oil reserves of more than 500 million tons, including large fields - Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye in the YaNAO, Suzunskoye in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Naulskoye in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, named after O.A. Moskovtsev in KhMAO. The company operates extremely efficiently on mature assets, applying advanced technologies in the field of drilling, stimulation of production and increasing the efficiency of oil recovery.

Rosneft pays great attention to the development of hard-to-recover reserves. The era of “easy” oil reserves is coming to an end, but Russia has unlimited potential in the field of TRIZ. It was the successful development and application of new technologies, including horizontal drilling methods, that allowed the Company to begin the effective development of hard-to-recover oil reserves, the production of which increased 15 times in 2016.

The share of Rosneft in oil production in the Russian Federation is about 40%, and in world production - more than 5%. Active development of exploration and production in the near future will provide the Company with up to 98% success rate in geological exploration, a fundamental increase in the technological success of production drilling and sidetracking while maintaining economic efficiency. Rosneft plans to increase annual production to 30 million tons of oil by 2022 through organic growth.

"Is our strategic advantage- notes Igor Sechin, - huge conventional oil reserves on land in regions with developed infrastructure. Our strategic prospects are colossal shelf reserves. Our analysis shows that the existing reserves allow us to produce 500 million tons of oil more in 20 years than the current technical plans suggest. But this can only be done if the efficiency of production processes is improved.”

Among the key measures proposed by the Company are an increase in the commercial drilling rate, the use of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, an increase in the share of horizontal well drilling to at least 40%, an increase in the efficiency of internal service, the use of standard solutions in construction processes, revision of standard solutions in favor of innovative ones.

Rosneft's new strategy will expand opportunities in oilfield services. The company plans to invest in IT solutions for drilling. “We understand,” Sechin says, “that the future in well construction lies with the large-scale use of highly automated drilling complexes, robotization of construction processes, and the development of technologies for completing high-tech wells of complex architecture. These are super-long horizontal, horizontally branched and multilateral wells”.

The total investment of Rosneft in 2016 amounted to 750 billion rubles. They were mainly aimed at increasing production drilling in Western Siberia and developing new projects. According to Igor Sechin, Rosneft is planning an investment program in the amount of 1.1 trillion rubles for 2017. The priority for the company will be the development of new promising fields in Russia: Suzunskoye, Lodochnoye, Russkoye, Kuyumbinskoye, Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye, Srednebotuobinsky (Taas-Yuryakh project), as well as the gas assets of ROSPAN, Kharampur, Kynsko-Chaselskoye field. An investment program in the amount of approximately 1.3 trillion rubles is planned for 2018.

Offshore projects

The company is the largest subsoil user on the Russian shelf: Rosneft owns 55 licenses for areas of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation. Hydrocarbon resources in these areas amount to about 41.5 billion tons of oil equivalent.

Rosneft has implemented a large-scale program for the geological exploration of subsoil areas on the shelf and has more than doubled its license obligations. In the field season of 2016, Rosneft performed 2D seismic surveys in the waters of the Barents, Pechora, Kara, East Siberian, Chukchi and Laptev Seas in the amount of more than 33,000 linear meters. km. More than 4,000 sq. km of 3D seismic surveys.

In 2017, Rosneft started drilling at the Khatanga license area ahead of schedule. The start of exploratory drilling of the northernmost well on the shelf of the Eastern Arctic was given by Russian President Vladimir Putin during a teleconference with the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin. By preliminary estimates The resource potential of the Laptev Sea is about 9.5 billion tons of oil equivalent. Based on the results of the preliminary analysis of the recovered core from the Tsentralno-Olginskaya-1 well, the Head of State was informed about the discovery of a large oil field. Core sampling showed high oil saturation with a predominance of light oily fractions, which confirmed the geological model developed by Rosneft specialists. “We are on the verge of opening a new oil and gas province. This group of fields with convenient logistics to the Asian market will be the most efficient and extremely attractive project in the company's portfolio,” said Igor Sechin. In the next five years, Rosneft plans to increase investments in the development of the Arctic shelf by 2.5 times - up to 250 billion rubles.

Oil refining

Rosneft has 18 refineries in Russia and abroad. In 2016, the volume of refining at the Company's Russian refineries increased by 3.3%, and at foreign refineries by 4.8%. The output of light oil products last year increased and reached 56%, the refining depth increased to 71.2%. The reduction in the production of fuel oil at the Russian refineries of Rosneft by almost 15% was accompanied by an increase in the production of Euro-5 gasoline and diesel fuel by more than one and a half times.

“The main strategic task of the company,” Igor Sechin said in a report at the shareholders' meeting, “will be to increase margins along the entire value chain. In conditions of high competition in global markets, it is important to “get closer” to the end consumer. This is the only way Rosneft will maintain premium sales and respond as quickly as possible to changes in market conditions. Therefore, the Company will prioritize the development of processing assets in developed and growing consumer markets, the creation of trading and sales hubs. Rosneft assigns a special role to petrochemistry in its strategy. The company expects that global demand for petrochemicals will grow faster than GDP growth and consumption of petroleum products. And this will create additional prospects for this line of business. Rosneft aims to bring the share of oil and gas chemistry to 20% of the total refining capacity of Rosneft. And this goal is quite achievable, especially given the fact that investments will be implemented with the involvement of project financing, as well as qualified partners with necessary technologies, developed sales channels for products.


In 2016, Rosneft allocated 44.1 billion rubles for innovative development. A set of measures was implemented to improve the efficiency of research and development and innovation activities of the Company, including the formation of the Corporate Research and Development Complex (CRPK) as a single unit of the Company on the basis of a number of corporate KNIPIs. Today, KNPC has a strong infrastructure and research potential: it includes 26 corporate institutes with about 12,000 employees. KNPC is represented in all regions of the Company's operations, including abroad; KNPC's design products cover all business areas, from field development to retail.

It should be emphasized that Rosneft sponsors a program of large-scale scientific research in the Arctic. During the expedition "Kara-summer-2016", organized company, for the first time in Russia was applied unique technology to change the drift trajectory of icebergs by external influence.

Rosneft expects to switch to a new, "digital" model of work. The company agreed with the industry leader - General Electric - to create a joint venture that will introduce modern digital technologies and new industrial Internet standards at Rosneft assets. The introduction of the latest digital solutions based on the Predix and Meridium platforms will allow optimizing the systems for collecting, processing and analyzing industrial data “from the well to the nozzle at the filling station”. Rosneft relies on accelerated digitalization of business, industrial Internet technologies, which will fundamentally strengthen the control of material flows and eliminate the human error factor.

Far Eastern Shipyard

On behalf of the President of the country, Rosneft is implementing a large-scale project to create a shipbuilding cluster in the Far East, the core of which will be the Zvezda shipbuilding complex. In September 2016 in the city Big Stone Vladimir Putin took part in the launch ceremony for the first stage of the shipyard. “We have every reason to believe that the new enterprise will be better in many respects than our main competitors in the world,” the President of the Russian Federation said. As the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, reported to him, all construction and installation work at the main facilities of the first stage was completed in strict accordance with the schedule, and at the open outfitting slipway they are being carried out ahead of the previously approved plan.

The head of state also inspected the zone installation work complex, where modern specialized cranes with a lifting capacity of 320 tons were delivered at the end of August 2016. The equipment was manufactured under a joint contract between DVZ Zvezda and China Heavy Industry Corporation Nantong (CHIC). According to the contract during 2016 - 2017. on construction site Zvezda shipbuilding complex, CHIC will supply four cranes with a lifting capacity of 320 tons, four cranes with a lifting capacity of 100 tons, as well as a unique Goliath type crane with a lifting capacity of 1200 tons. Cranes of this type allow the construction of several ships from large blocks at the same time.

In June 2016, between JSC DVZ Zvezda, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) and Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (BSIC) signed a contract for the construction and supply of a transfer dock with a capacity of 40,000 tons, which is being created for the construction of marine facilities at the shipyard.

It is worth recalling that the main tasks for the construction of new shipyards in the Far East were formulated by the President back in May 2009 during a working meeting in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. It is this moment that should be considered the beginning of the creation of a shipbuilding cluster, which is being formed on the basis of the Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Center (FSCRC). Production of the vessels will begin this year, with a pilot order scheduled for 2019.

As for the Zvezda product line, the enterprise will produce high-tech, large-capacity vessels, offshore drilling, exploration and production platforms, service fleet vessels, including ice-class vessels. In order to gain experience in modern shipbuilding and subsequently localize production in Russia, DTSSS plans to create joint ventures with foreign technology partners: to develop projects for ice-class vessels with Damen, drilling platforms with Keppel and ship equipment with General Electric.

Rosneft provided the shipyard with a pilot order: four multifunctional ice-class reinforced supply vessels and five green tankers of the Aframax type, powered by natural gas and meeting high environmental standards.

In December 2016, the creation of the Eastern Mining and Metallurgical Company, a joint venture between Rosneft and the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC), was announced. In accordance with the agreements reached, the joint venture will become the anchor supplier of large-format steel sheets to meet the long-term needs of the Far East shipyard.

By 2024, the shipyard will create more than 7,500 highly skilled jobs, and Rosneft has already allocated funds for the construction of six residential buildings.

At the launch ceremony of the first stage of the shipyard, Vladimir Putin said that the development of civil shipbuilding and the commissioning of new production capacity is one of the key strategic tasks to strengthen the industrial potential of the Russian Far East. The President noted the importance of implementing Rosneft’s comprehensive strategy in the Far East, which not only increases hydrocarbon production capacity, but also supports scientific research, implements social projects, and creates infrastructure for high-quality growth. “All this reflects a thorough, responsible approach to business development, sets a good benchmark for other major Russian and foreign companies on investing in the Far East,” Vladimir Putin noted.

Trading bet

In 2016, Rosneft significantly strengthened its positions in the international market. The company successfully diversifies deliveries between western and eastern directions. At the end of 2016, annual contracts were signed for the supply of oil to Belarus with a total volume of up to 10.2 million tons and to Germany - up to 7.3 million tons. At the international economic forum in St. Petersburg, the contract with PKN Orlen for the supply of oil to the Czech Republic was extended for three years. The contract provides for the possibility of increasing deliveries to PKN Orlen up to 15.8 million tons of oil and is an example of Rosneft's successful strategy in traditional markets. In the promising Asian market, Rosneft's leading position will be strengthened by an unprecedented contract with PetroVietnam for the supply of up to 96 million tons by 2040 in the amount of $36 billion, also concluded at SPIEF. In general, Rosneft is significantly increasing supplies to the east. In 2016, they grew by 8.6% to 43.1 million tons. As a result, Russia caught up with Saudi Arabia in terms of oil supplies to China, while three years ago, Saudi companies supplied China with twice as much oil as Russian companies.

At the beginning of 2017, Rosneft and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) signed an additional agreement to increase oil supplies in transit through the territory of Kazakhstan and extend the contract concluded on 06/21/2013 until 12/31/2023. Deliveries in the period from 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2023 will amount to 70 million tons, while the total volume of oil supplies under the above contract, taking into account the previously sent 21 million tons, will reach 91 million tons over a 10-year period. Rosneft has a successful experience in implementing contracts for the supply of oil to China. In the period from 2005 to 2016, the Company entered into a number of long-term contracts under which Rosneft has already supplied more than 186 million tons of oil worth more than $95 billion. Rosneft is also one of the leaders in the supply of petroleum products to China; from 2009 to 2016, the Company supplied about 30 million tons of petroleum products worth more than $19 billion.

In order to secure feedstock for its growing network of international refineries, Rosneft is expanding its oil trading activities and seeking to close more supply deals with other producers. Rosneft is interested in having a lot of options in trading - to be able to choose how each supply of raw materials is sold - from transportation through oil pipelines or by sea, to mixing or oil refining. Unlike Shell, BP and Total, which produce fewer commodities than Rosneft, Russia's largest oil company relies on partnerships with trading companies to send a large share of its exports by sea. Singapore's Trafigura Group, Switzerland's Glencore and other traders enter into supply agreements with Rosneft. At the same time, Rosneft competes with them for deals with other producers in order to ensure the activity of its own oil trading.” Experts talk about potential subsidiary Rosneft in Geneva Rosneft Trading SA in the rapidly growing international trading market. In 2016, the first LNG shipment was delivered to Egypt. That contract became for Rosneft entrance ticket to the global LNG trading market - after all, as a rule, to participate in international tenders, it is necessary to confirm the experience of organizing LNG supplies.

In the competitive struggle for the oil market, two strategic approaches: price dumping and establishment of partnerships with oil importers. The main adept of the "price war" was Saudi Arabia, which abandoned any restrictions on oil exports and set the price for its oil deliberately below the market price. The Russian strategy in the oil market is completely different. Rosneft is expanding its presence by establishing partnerships and joint ventures with key oil consumers, building global integrated chains. “Russia is not going to play the role of an extra in the current price war,” Igor Sechin said. - As you know, Rosneft has the lowest operating costs: $2.5 per barrel (excluding taxes and transport), and we are rapidly increasing our share of the global oil market. For 10 years (from 2005 to 2015), our share in the oil market (plus condensate), according to IEA statistics, increased from 1.9% to 4.9%, and after the acquisition of Bashneft - up to 5.4%.

“Perhaps the most striking example of a global integral approach,” continues Sechin, “is Rosneft's entry into the Indian market, which the world leaders in the oil and gas industry consider one of the most attractive and promising. In order to gain a foothold on it, Rosneft used the format of transcontinental business. The company has created alliances with Indian partners, involving them in the development of promising oil and gas provinces in Russia. This laid the foundation for an energy bridge between countries. Then the Russian company entered the capital of India's leading refinery, located in the city of Vadinar. Thanks to its active presence in the Venezuelan market, Rosneft will be able to obtain significant synergies from the processing of heavy feedstock from Latin America at the facilities of the Indian plant. In addition, a modern refinery with a comprehensive infrastructure will create an energy hub in Vadinar that provides oil products to the markets of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. It is these global integral chains that are at this stage the best way stay competitive."

integral approach

During 2016, Rosneft successfully implemented a strategy to attract strategic partners, leaders of the global oil and gas industry, to Russian promising projects. This strategy makes it possible to ensure efficient exploration and production of hydrocarbons. In addition, thanks to the integrated approach, consumer countries are interested in obtaining guaranteed volumes of raw materials, in the extraction of these volumes, their transportation and delivery to the final consumer. This approach minimizes the risks of the participants, guaranteeing them a profit along the entire production chain. Attracting investments from partners, Rosneft offers them complex, hard-to-reach projects that require long-term investments. However, oil consumers are interested in partnership because of the possible shortage of resources and price fluctuations. And in the end, they share the risks - both the exploitation of deposits and the marketing of products.

A striking example of this approach is the involvement of Indian partners in the development of East Siberian deposits. Rosneft completed the implementation of the project to create a unique international energy hub based on the so-called Vankor cluster in a short time. The share of Indian state-owned companies in it amounted to 49.9%. At the same time, Rosneft retained a majority stake in the capital, control over operating activities society, as well as 100% control over the overall infrastructure of the cluster. The achieved estimate of the Vankor project is $3.4 per barrel of hydrocarbon reserves (according to the category 2P of the PRMS methodology) and reflects the high potential of the project's resource base.

On the basis of OOO Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha, an international consortium was also created, which, in addition to Rosneft (a 50.1% stake), included BP and state-owned Indian oil and gas companies. IN Lately Rosneft is increasingly acting as a Eurasian integrator. And experts do not exclude that in this case we are talking about a trend, a kind of strategy for creating Eurasian energy hubs.

Entry of Indian companies into Russian projects complemented the breakthrough to India, where Rosneft received a stake in the Vadinar refinery, with infrastructure including a deep-water port that can handle ultra-large VLCC class tankers , and a network of 3,000 gas stations. An important factor that determined the choice in favor of this asset, has become a high level of technological equipment of the plant (11.8 according to the Nelson index), which makes it possible to ensure an outstanding economics of the project (the average refining margin over the past six months is over $10 per barrel). The capacity of the Vadinar refinery is 20 million tons, the depth of processing is 95.5%. Commenting on the deal, Igor Sechin said: “This is a historic event for the company - Rosneft is entering one of the most promising and fastest growing markets in the world. The project creates unique synergy opportunities for both the Company's existing assets and Rosneft's planned projects, and opens up prospects for increasing the efficiency of deliveries to the markets of other Asia-Pacific countries, such as Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Australia.” According to recently published data from the International Energy Agency, India will become the world's main driver of growth in the motor fuel market: by 2040, motor fuel consumption in this country will double to 10 million barrels per day, and already in 2017, gasoline consumption will grow by 12%.

Vladimir Putin called for building a Eurasian partnership on the basis of a "broad integration contour." And Rosneft implements the ideas of the President in practice. Another example of the company's integral approach was the agreement with Beijing Gas on the acquisition by Chinese partners of a 20% stake in Verkhnechonskneftegaz PJSC. The transaction price was about $1.1 billion. As a result of the transaction, a vertically integrated structure of cooperation will be created: the Chinese company acquires a stake in one of the largest producing fields in Eastern Siberia with a developed infrastructure and access to the ESPO oil pipeline, while Rosneft, in turn, gets the opportunity to enter the domestic gas market of China using swap gas supplies.

The total funds received by Rosneft as a result of transactions for the entry of partners from India and China into promising Russian projects amount to about $ 6 billion.

global energy company

In general, in 2016 Rosneft continued to strengthen its positions in the global oil and gas market through efficient M&A deals. The "Indian scheme" began to be implemented with Indonesia: memorandums were signed with the oil company Pertamina on the acquisition of shares in Russian fields. In accordance with the memorandum on the North Chayvo project (Sakhalin Island), the parties intend to agree on legally binding documentation for the acquisition of up to 20% of Pertamina's stake in the project. Another memorandum provides for the entry of Pertamina into the project for the development of the Russkoye field in a share of up to 37.5%.

At the same time, an agreement was signed on the establishment of a joint venture to implement the project for the construction of the Tuban oil refining and petrochemical complex in the eastern part of the island of Java (Indonesia). A feasibility study for the project is currently under development. After the development of the feasibility study, a decision will be made on investments in the construction of the refinery. The design capacity of primary processing of the Tuban complex is planned at the level of 15 million tons/year. The project provides for the construction of a large fuel oil catalytic cracking unit, as well as a petrochemical complex. It is assumed that the complex will be able to receive VLCC class supertankers with a deadweight of up to 300,000 tons. The document regulates the distribution of shares between the participants of the joint venture (Rosneft - 45%, Pertamina - 55%).

It should be noted that the Tuban refinery construction project is strategic for Indonesia (no new refineries have been built in the country since 1994). At the same time, Indonesia is a rapidly growing market, and projects for oil refining and petrochemicals in this country are of great interest. In the coming years, the authorities plan to create powerful refineries in Indonesia (according to the government's plans, oil refining capacity should increase from 1 million barrels to 2.3 million barrels per day by 2020).

During a visit to Jakarta, Igor Sechin noted that now Indonesia imports oil products produced from Russian oil, mainly from South Korea and Singapore, and it is important for Rosneft to supply oil to the country directly. “Ten years ago, Indonesia produced 71 million tons of oil, today it is 38 million tons, and by 2030 it will be 11 million tons,” the head of Rosneft said at the Russia-ASEAN summit. - And this is with the growth of consumption. Of course, this creates conditions for our interest both in terms of supplies, participation in processing, and trading.”

Observers note that the planned projects of Rosneft in the field of refining and petrochemistry in the region are original and, at the same time, will complement each other. The creation of a JV with Pertamina, an equity stake in Essar Oil Limited and the construction of a Tianjin refinery in China are elements of a long-term strategy. Their implementation will create unique synergies in the region and give impetus to the rapid development of Rosneft's trading division.

Rosneft also plays an important role in European oil refining. At the end of 2016, during the restructuring of a joint oil refining and petrochemical complex with BP in Germany, Rosneft received shares (from 24% to more than 54%) in three German refineries. As a result, the Company controls more than 12% of the German oil refining industry (with a capacity of 12.5 million tons per year), which makes it the third player in the German oil refining market.

In Russia, the Company also plans to develop joint oil refining projects with foreign partners. In September 2016, Rosneft and China's Sinopec signed a legally binding agreement at the Eastern Economic Forum on the preparation of a joint preliminary feasibility study for a project to build and operate a gas processing and petrochemical complex in Eastern Siberia. It is assumed that the annual capacity of the first stage of the complex will be 5 billion cubic meters of raw natural gas with the release of up to 3 million tons of high-tech polymers and petrochemical products for sale mainly in the Russian and Chinese markets. The resource base of the project is the oil and gas fields of Rosneft in the Yurubchensky cluster in Eastern Siberia. In addition, Rosneft and ChemChina will work on the project of the Eastern Petrochemical Company, the parties intend to create a joint venture to implement it (the parties' shares in the joint venture Rosneft - 60%, ChemChina - 40%).

Rosneft is also expanding its presence in promising upstream projects abroad. Rosneft and PDVSA agreed to increase the share Russian company in JV Petromonagas up to 40%. An important event for the company was the agreement, according to which it acquires from Eni up to 35% in the concession agreement for the development of the Zohr field, as well as 15% in the project operator, the joint venture of Eni and EGAS: Petroshorouk. The cost of the stake acquired by Rosneft is $1.125 billion. The company becomes a participant in a project to develop the largest hydrocarbon field in Egypt, together with world majors - its long-term partners: Eni and BP. Upon completion of the transactions between Rosneft, Eni and BP, the shareholding structure of the concession agreement can be formed as follows: Eni - 50%, Rosneft - up to 35%, BP - up to 15%.

The discovery in August 2015 of this field was a significant event for the oil industry - according to Eni, a 100 sq km open area could contain up to 30 trillion cubic feet of dry gas (5.5 billion boe) in place. And this despite the fact that the reserves of the Israeli Lefiafan field, about the discovery of which the world media have long made noise, range from 14 to 20 trillion cubic feet. The successful development of Zohr will supply Egypt's needs for decades to come. natural gas, since it accounts for more than a third of the country's gas reserves. This deal is a true example of the fact that Western and global businesses are seeking to break through the sanctions blockade and establish close relations with Russia's largest oil company, inviting it to participate in a joint project to develop the Mediterranean shelf. According to experts, participation in the development of a unique producing asset will provide Rosneft's trading division with a significant amount of physical resources, which, in turn, will provide the company with the opportunity to actively expand its presence in the markets in the Middle East - Europe.

In 2020, after the Zohr project reaches its planned capacity, Rosneft's gas production will increase by 9 billion cubic meters per year. Efficiency of monetization of this volume of gas is ensured by proximity to important sales markets. Rosneft also plans to export gas from this project to the European market and the Middle East, depending on the economic attractiveness of export options. Moreover, it is worth noting that 9 billion cubic meters is only a basic development model without additional exploration potential. Participation in the project will allow the company to gain invaluable experience in the development of offshore fields (Rosneft is already implementing a project to develop gas fields on the shelf of Vietnam and has sufficient technological experience). In addition, according to experts in the field of the oil market, following the closing of the deal, Rosneft will be able to increase the geological reserves of hydrocarbons by about 250 billion cubic meters.

In general, for most players in the oil market, the integral approach of Rosneft, which implies cooperation with partners along the entire production chain - from production to processing of hydrocarbons and petrochemicals - now seems to be an ideal way to stand out in the competition.

The results of 2016 indicate that the role of Rosneft in the processes taking place on the oil market is colossal. The privatization deal for the sale of 19.5% of the company's shares made it possible to draw the attention of potential investors to the Russian oil industry. And strong operating results strengthened Rosneft's position as one of the leaders in the global energy industry, which will play a significant role in reformatting the oil and gas market.

Over the past five years, Rosneft has turned from a regional player into a global major, the largest public company in terms of production, reserves and business scale, as well as the most efficient in terms of operating costs. In order to consolidate its success, the Company proposes to adopt a new strategy and a new organizational structure. The basis of the strategy should be a qualitative change in the company's business due to a technological breakthrough, the full-scale use of digital technologies in all areas of activity, permanent job to reduce costs, increase the marginality of the processing segment due to the flexibility of the basket.

As part of the new strategy, Rosneft will switch to a holding management structure with the allocation of business segments responsible for financial results. As a "pilot" project, it is proposed to implement a project to allocate retail business Rosneft. This will significantly increase the capitalization of RN-Retail and attract strategic investors. Almost 90% of retail is already consolidated into a single sub-holding, and the consolidation of retail assets has proven its effectiveness. Rosneft expects that the holding structure will make it possible to allocate financial resources more efficiently, increase the return on invested capital and increase returns for shareholders.

According to Igor Sechin, the implementation of the Rosneft 2022 strategy will allow the Company to increase capitalization by 25-30%. “The main thing is a significant increase in efficiency and competitiveness. We have set a goal for the company to achieve in the long term the cost price at the level of Saudi Aramco. This guarantees Rosneft and the Russian oil and gas industry leadership in the global energy sector,” summarizes the head of Rosneft.

history of the companyApple(Apple) started in a garage, like many other American startups. Its founders are two friends: and Steve Wozniak.

Friends began to collect computers and sell them. After a few dozen of them were sold, they formalized their business by creating a company Apple Computer Inc.. It happened April 1, 1976.

Until 2007, the company had its original name. Since 2007Computer" was removed, as the company began to work not only in the field of computers and software, but also in household appliances.

"First personal"

The advantage of a computer Apple was that he was actually the "first personal" for real. An older brother « Altair» could only deal with the most simple functions. Jobs and Wozniak managed to create a more advanced machine.

Apple II

After the initial success, Apple quickly began to gain popularity. Released in 1977 AppleII has become truly massive. At first it was released with an 8-bit operating system, and a little later - with a 16-bit one.

Late 70s - early 80sXX century Apple II and their modifications were the most common personal computers (PCs) in the world. Over 5 million Apple II computers have been sold worldwide.

Listing on the NASDAQ stock exchange

In 1980, one of the largest in the history of the stock market (at that time) the company's initial IPO took place - Apple Computer Inc. started selling its shares. The company's shares are traded on one of the world's largest stock exchanges - NASDAQ.

A difficult stage in the development of Apple

In the spring of 1981, Steve Wozniak was in a plane crash, and was forced to retire for a while. In addition, there were problems with sales. Apple III. All this led to the fact that Jobs was simply forced to fire about 40 Apple employees.

Journalists and all media have already sentenced businessApple to death. This is where the history of the company should have ended...

New company president

In early 1983, Steve Jobs invited Apple to become president of Apple. John Scully who at the time held a similar position in PepsiCo. It was hard for Jobs to manage the company's affairs on his own.

As a founder, Jobs felt deeply about the company's failures. He perceived them as his own, so misunderstandings and various frictions began to arise between him and Scully.

First Macintosh

In 1984, Apple first introduced a new 32-bit computer. Macintosh. It was a real breakthrough in the history of the company's development. It was thanks to the Macintosh that the company mainly made a profit in the future.

For two decades, the company has produced Macintosh computers based on Motoro processors.lla, equipped with a proprietary operating system. This platform is released only under the "Apple" brand without any third party licenses.

Crucial moment

In 1985 happened 2 important events in the history of Apple's development:

  1. US President Ronald Reagan presented the founders of the company with medals for a powerful technological breakthrough.
  2. Steve Jobs, who disagreed with the board of directors of the company, left his post.

lingering fall

After the departure of the founder and spiritual leader the company continued its decline. Although various measures have been taken to release products other than PC, further development they didn't get it.

By 1997, Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy - its debts amounted to nearly $2 billion.

Return of Steve Jobs

Perhaps the history of Apple would have ended at the turn of two millennia if not for the return to the post of head of the company's founder, Steve Jobs.

In 1997, he returned, and by the end of 1998, the company began to show the first small profit, removing the stigma of "bankrupt" from himself. It was a real success for Apple and Jobs.

To the new millennium with new technologies

On the threshold of the third millennium, the revolution in the world of new technologies was in full swing. Steve Jobs "caught the wave" and began to bring Apple to new product markets:

  • In 2001, the company introduced an audio player iPod which quickly gained popularity.
  • In 2003, the company opened iTunes Store is a popular online supermarket for digital audio, video and gaming content.
  • And in 2007 entered the market of mobile phones with touch smartphone iPhone.

New heights

Having noticeably squeezed competitors and taken a strong place in the market, Apple continued and continues its development, which, however, decreased in 2016.

In 2010, it was released to the market iPad tablet computer.

The release and sale of products such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad, which were in high demand around the world, improved Apple's financial position, bringing the company a large profit.

Important milestones in the history of Apple development in recent years

  • In August 2011, Apple first became most valuable company world by market capitalization, beating oil company ExxonMobil, until the end of the year they changed places more than once, but since January 2012, Apple managed to gain a foothold in the first line for a long time.
  • On September 21, 2012, Apple shares during trading reached their maximum - $705,07 per share, capitalization amounted to $662.09 billion.
  • In 2013, Apple pioneered mass production 64-bit ARM architecture chips by releasing 64-bit 2-core microprocessor Apple A7.
  • In 2014, the corporation introduced its first personal, wearable device - Apple Watch. On November 13, 2014, Apple again broke its record in the stock market - its capitalization was $663.43 billion.

In 2016 at the annual conference WWDC-2016 Apple announced that the brand's devices will work on the principle of end-to-end encryption: information will be encoded on the device that transmits it and decoded by the receiving gadget.
This is planned to be used when making voice calls, as well as on the new messenger.


market sale desktop notebook

Computers with the image of a seven-color apple have long ceased to be a curiosity. They can now be found almost everywhere - in publishing houses, advertising agencies, design studios. The high popularity of Apple computers among layout designers and designers can be explained by many reasons, but high quality, user-friendly interface and reliability of the equipment of this brand were noted by everyone. Throughout its history, Apple has experienced ups and downs. Technical developments based on IBM PowerPC processors have been replaced by computers based on the Intel x86 platform, and Apple is preparing to release even more powerful models of computers equipped with a reliable and convenient MacOS operating system. Distinctive features of these computers are high computing power, ease of installation and configuration. However, in recent years, the company has become better known not as one of the largest computer manufacturers, but as a manufacturer of mobile devices and gadgets.

A Brief History of Apple

Thirty years ago, on April 1, 1976, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded a small computer company. The third co-founder, Ronald Wayne, fearing that this idea had no future, sold his 10 percent stake in the company for $800. The head office of the firm, which would become the world leader in the digital player market and the largest computer manufacturer, was located in a small garage.

In those days when computers were expensive and were the prerogative of large scientific centers and scientists. Huge machines, sometimes occupying two rooms of free space, and consuming energy as small factory could hardly claim to be widely distributed among people. But still, even then, a young engineer Steve Wozniak, who dreamed of having his own personal computer, decided to make computer technology accessible to everyone. This principle has become the main concept of Apple.

Influenced by his friend, Wozniak continued to work on the first personal computer, which they assembled together in Jobs' father's garage. They succeeded in making their dream come true due to the fact that by that time the first inexpensive microprocessor had appeared on sale, which became the basis of the new Apple I personal computer. The first batch of 50 computers was purchased by Paul Terrell, the owner of the Byte Shop computer store. The sale went surprisingly well, allowing friends to pay off their debts and put the young Apple company on its feet.

In the subsequent time, several more modifications of the Apple computer were created, it was not easy to find money for their production and leave the garage. Financiers at that time did not want to invest in this venture. But there was one rich man and believed the guys. He gave them money and opened a line of credit at the bank. With this money, it was possible to expand the company, hire staff and set up the production of computers.

Even then, sales of computer equipment from Apple beat all records, not only in the United States, but abroad. The company quickly grew rich, the value of its shares constantly grew. But in 1981, after a terrible plane crash, Steve Wozniak left the company. Left alone, Steve Jobs decided to hire an experienced manager, John Scully. After that, the first Macintosh computer, equipped with a mouse and a graphical operating system with familiar desktop icons, brought real glory to Apple.

The Macintosh then cost relatively less than all its previous prototypes, so it quickly earned recognition from people. Successful advertising and high sales quickly made Sitva Jobs famous, for many he became the embodiment of the American dream.

The determining factor in the rapid spread of Macs among the population was the possibility of developing software for it by third parties. The emergence of a large number of various programs contributed to the fact that the computer has become indispensable in solving many problems. Aldus, later renamed Adobe, then introduced the first layout program, Pagemaker, which revolutionized typography. All publishing houses began to buy computers for themselves, so since then it has been considered that the Macintosh is a computer for designers. In addition, computers have become an integral part of the educational process, they were purchased in large quantities by institutes, universities and schools.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were the fathers of the idea of ​​a personal computer in every home, which Bill Gates later brought to life so brilliantly. Since its inception, Apple has maintained a strict policy that the operating system it has developed is installed only on computers manufactured by it. In turn, they supplied computers only in finished form and carefully protected them from fakes and copies. This was the main reason that over time they ceased to occupy a leading position in the computer sales market, but at the same time they were able to maintain their individuality.

During the heyday of Apple, there were many clones of existing Macs that could run their software. But the company's activities have always been aimed at protecting their rights and tried to make it so that it was not profitable to produce clones. They succeeded, but attempts to develop a computer that somehow resembles the Macintosh continue even now, although they are of course very far from their quality.

The widespread use of cheaper and more affordable computer equipment from other manufacturers and the dominance of the software market from Microsoft turned the Macintosh into computers not for everyone, but for the elite. But, one way or another, those who have become users of Apple technology love their Macintosh computers and advise them to their friends. The company's slogan that technology should be convenient for people first of all is observed to this day, and many of its ideas are taken as the basis of everything that is sold on the computer market today.

Some time after such a resounding success, Steve Jobs had a conflict with John Scully about the way the business was run. The dispute was decided in favor of Sculley, who managed to get a majority in the city council and kick Jobs out of the company. This was a big blow for Steve. After leaving Apple, Steve Jobs organized new company NeXT, which was engaged in the creation of computers for the needs of scientists and educational institutions. He focused on developing a fundamentally new operating system.

At the same time, he purchased an animation studio from Lucas, which later became known as Pixar and became the most successful animation studio in Hollywood. It was on it that the first full-length animated film in 3D computer format was created. Later, Walt Disney bought it, and Steve Jobs himself became the owner of a 7.4% stake in Disney.

At this time, the IBM company appeared on the computer equipment market, which became the main competitor to Apple. Things were not going well at Apple, it was on the verge of bankruptcy, and the question was already being decided who would buy it first. Then the board of directors decided to return its founder, Steve Jobs, to the company, who agreed to re-lead Apple and quickly put things in order in it. He significantly reduced the lineup Macintosh computers, reduced staff and production, introduced the Macintosh computer to the world with an all-new tenth version of the Mac OS operating system, based on his own development of OpenStep.

Apple, meanwhile, began to gain momentum again, financial affairs have improved significantly, and its permanent leader Steve Jobs continues to delight his fans with technical innovations such as a super-thin laptop, iPod and iPhone. Apple is conquering the market for selling music and video via the Internet.

More than 30 years after its founding (as of June 2010), the company's value was about $65 billion (Financials).