How to edit an autumn photo in Photoshop. Autumn photographs, adding movement. Photography lesson. Automatically collected non-personal information

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It's no secret that autumn is a time of inspiration. Some mechanism is triggered that forces people to create: write poetry, paintings, compose music, and, of course, take photographs. Let's look at the photograph, or rather its processing in autumn style.

Let’s take a photo like this and open it in a RAW converter:

There is no need to configure anything special. The only thing you should pay attention to is the brightness of the image. We will increase it by processing the photo in Photoshop, so if there are very bright areas in the photo, it is better to dim them.

Click "Ok". The photo opens in Photoshop. Make a copy of the layer (Ctrl+J):

For further processing you will need the "Color Efex Pro" plugin. It is not included in the standard package of Photoshop. It needs to be downloaded separately. In the plugin interface, select "Cross Balance". The default settings are fine. If something doesn't suit you, you can adjust it. There are no restrictions here. The point of the treatment is to make the colors warmer, but they should not change completely. The original colors just need to become a little more beautiful and richer.

Something like that:

Now let's move on to lighting. We will do it using a curve. Create an adjustment layer and brighten the image.

Overexposed areas can be smoothed out with a mask.

No further processing is necessary. It all depends on the photo and personal preference.

Let's make the photo more contrasty and warmer. To do this, use “Brightness/Contrast” and “Color Balance”:

That's all.

To achieve a similar effect without using third-party plugins, you can create a Color Balance adjustment layer and set the settings as in the following screenshot. The settings will vary for different shots, so don't stick to them strictly.

The screenshot shows the difference between the processing options, but it is removed by the additional time spent searching for the appropriate settings.

Let's look at another example.

Open Raw:


Open in Photoshop:

Create a duplicate layer and open Color Efex again. We use the same settings, only this time we set the Strength value to 50%. The default settings make the photo too red.

Click "OK" and change the layer blending mode to Soft Light. Using a mask we correct bad places:

Using a curve we make the photo lighter. We remove places of overexposure with a mask:

Here's the whole process step by step:

Explanation of editing steps:
1 - Open the original.
2 - Convert Raw
3 - Using Color Balance, we make the photo warmer.
4 - Use curves to lighten the photo.
5 - With Color Balance we add another autumn effect.
6 - Using Levels, select the blue channel and shift the white point towards yellow.
7 - Levels again. Let's make it lighter.
8 - Using Vibrance we increase the saturation.
9 - Remove excess stains.
10 - We darken where necessary and carry out general tonal correction.

That's all. Good luck with your experiments with autumn photographs.

Photoshop lesson in which Alexey Kuzmichev will tell you about autumn tinting of photographs. November has already begun and most likely many people have accumulated a large number of autumn photographs, so today we will learn how to process them.

The final result of the lesson is shown in the screenshot below.

Open the photo with which we will work.

First of all, let's work with the color in the photo. To do this, we will use the “Selective Color” adjustment layer.

In the Red Channel:

  • Meaning Blue set it to -31;
  • Yellow +25;
  • Black+85 to add contrast. And we will definitely monitor the results.

  • Yellow +25;
  • Black +30.

Next in line is the Green Channel:

  • Purple +10;
  • Yellow -6;
  • Black +100.

Blue, Blue and White channels:

  • Reduce Black up to -100.

This way we enhance the highlights - they become more contrasting and the photo acquires additional volume.

Black channel:

  • Blue +2;
  • Yellow -2;
  • Reduce Black to -3 for a slight haze to appear.

Close the adjustment layer and look at the result after applying it. If it seems that the effect is too strong, then you can lower the Opacity of this layer. In our example, we will lower it to 80%.

After this manipulation, we may have small defects on the skin. Therefore, now we will quickly correct them. Create a merged copy of the layers using the keyboard shortcut "Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E". We will not carry out detailed retouching. Now let's just smooth out the skin a little. For this we will use a regular filter. Go to "Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur" (Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur). Since the photo was taken from a fairly large distance, this can be done.

Let's set the radius to 2 pixels to hide all the main defects.

Well, to return a little skin texture, we will use “Filter -> Noise -> Add noise” (Filter -> Noise -> Add noise).

Set the effect to 3% and click “OK”.

Now add a Mask to this layer and fill the mask with black. To do this, simply select the layer mask and press the key combination "Alt+Del".

Now take a white brush. Set the brush opacity to 30% and pressure to 50%. We begin to slowly tint those areas that are problematic, thereby masking the defects.

The next step is to soften the hard shadows that are present around the nose. To do this, create an empty layer and take a regular brush. In the settings, reduce the transparency and pressure to 15%. Next, while holding down the Alt key, select a color from a light area of ​​the skin and carefully brush over the dark areas where we need to soften the shadows.

Create a Selective Color adjustment layer again. In the Red Channel:

  • Blue -8;
  • Black +3.

Yellow channel:

  • Yellow -85.

White channel:

  • Black-10, in order to enhance the highlights.

Close the adjustment layer. The opacity can be reduced a little if the effect is too strong. In our case, we will reduce it to 80%. At this stage the photo looks like this.

The next step is to create a “Color” adjustment layer. Choosing a color a0ad86. Set its blending mode to “Multiply” and reduce its opacity to 25%.

Create a “Gradient” adjustment layer. We choose the color for it from black to white. The white part should be at the top. Scale 100%, Angle 90, Style - Linear.

Change the blending mode for this layer to “Soft Light” (Soft Light) and lower the Opacity and Fill to about 70%.

Set the blending mode for this layer to “Darken” (Darken) and lower the Opacity to 60% and the Fill to 40%.

Create a Selective Color adjustment layer again. In the Yellow Channel:

  • Blue +7;
  • Purple +35;
  • Yellow -38.

Neutral channel:

  • Blue +15;
  • Purple +4;
  • Yellow +6.

After that, reduce the Opacity of this layer to 60%.

Create an adjustment layer “Color” (Color). Select color by number 827460 . Set the layer blending mode to “Hard Light”. Reduce Opacity and Fill to 50%.

To enhance the contrast, you can duplicate the Selective Color Correction layer. To do this, go to the layer below and press the key combination “Ctrl+J”. Next, drag the layer to the very top, change its blending mode to “Soft Light” and reduce its opacity to 30-35%.

After this, create an adjustment layer “Juicity” (it can also be called “Vibration”) (Vibrance).

  • Juiciness +35;
  • Saturation +12.

Well, the final layer is “Color Balance”. Let's add a little tint to the "Light" Tone:

  • Upper +5;
  • Average -2;
  • Lower -5.

Now you can sharpen the final image. Create a combined copy of all layers “Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E” and go to “Filter -> Sharpen -> Unsharp Mask”. Select the Effect and Radius that will look best on your photo. In our case:

  • Effect 100;
  • Radius 1,4.

We get the final version of photo processing.

Video tutorial:

In this tutorial you will learn how to change the season in Photoshop. We will turn spring into autumn with color correction and falling autumn leaves. This is a very simple tutorial that will help you change your photos in just a few steps.

So let's get started!

Final result:

Step 1. Add a Source Photo

Open Photoshop. Create a new document. Add an original image of a spring landscape. In this tutorial I used a beautiful image spring forest, which you can download from the link at the beginning of this lesson.

Selective color correction(Selective Color) is a Photoshop adjustment layer with which you can color correct your photos. Selective color correction is used to create black-and-white effects in a photo while keeping certain areas of the photo in color. You can also use this correction for fundamental change colors, for example, changing seasons in a photograph, as in this lesson. You can also use selective color correction to correct skin color.

Step 2: Use Selective Color Correction

Click the icon Create a new adjustment layer or fill layer(Create new fill or adjustment layer) at the bottom of the layers panel and select the option from the menu that appears Selective Color Correction(Selective Color).

In the screenshot below, you can see that this adjustment layer has a drop-down menu Colors(Colors): Red, Yellow, Green, Light Blue, Blue, Purple, White, Neutral, Black(reds, yellows, greens, cyans, blues, magentas, whites, neutrals and blacks). We will only change the settings for some of these colors.

Step 3. Turning Spring into Autumn

Because Each photo is unique in its own way in terms of color tones, you will need to use different color settings for the adjustment layer Selective Color Correction(Selective Color) if you are using a different source image. Therefore, play with all the colors to get best result. Autumn has beautiful orange, red and gold tones. Therefore, to change spring into autumn, you must change mainly the green and yellow tones.

Set the settings for Reds(Reds) tones.

Set the settings for Yellow(Yellows) tones.

Set the settings for Greens(Greens) tones.

Step 4. Add Autumn Leaves

Create a new layer on top of all other layers and adjustments. Download the original image with autumn leaves from the link at the beginning of this lesson. Next, let's go File - Place(File > Place) and in the browser window that appears, select the original image with leaves. Name the leaf layer Autumnleaves 1 (Falling Leaves 1). You may have to apply scaling to the leaf image, depending on the size of your working document. Duplicate the leaves layer Autumnleaves 1 (Falling Leaves 1). Name the duplicate layer Autumnleaves 2 (Falling Leaves 2).

Step 5

Change the scale of the leaves layer Autumnleaves 1 (Falling Leaves 1) to approximately 50-60%. Go to layer Autumn Leaves 2(Falling Leaves 2) and using the tool Eraser(Eraser Tool), using a soft brush, delete the leaves in the central part of the scene (the main idea is to prevent the two layers of leaves from layering too much on top of each other).

After the trip, I “put all the photographs on the table” due to lack of free time and, only two years later, I returned to this series. I didn’t like the color of this photo initially, since the combination of bare stones and green trees caused a slight dissonance. The photo seemed too contrasty and I decided to change the entire tonality of the photo, changing the color of the leaves and turning summer into autumn.

Summer to autumn

Why did I tell you this story? Do not rush to throw away photographs that at first glance seem uninteresting to you. Perhaps by properly cropping or changing the tonality of the photo, you can improve them.

1 Any action in Photoshop can be done in several ways. In this tutorial I will be using Selective Color. This tool allows us to adjust the color we have chosen.

2 Open our photo and go to Image-Adjustments-Selective Color.

3 Select the color we need (in this case green, we change the color of the leaves) and set the parameters indicated in the screenshot.

4 Cyan we remove, and Magentaand Yellow we raise to the maximum, since both of these shades are present in the color of autumn leaves.

5 NB! You must remember that all values ​​used in this tutorial apply specifically to this photo! Using the example of another work, the values ​​may be slightly changed. Don't be afraid to experiment!

6 We get the following result:

7 Go to Selective Color again and set the following values:

8 We get:

9 In the photograph we see too much red. Let's remove it to get a more saturated yellow color. For the last time we go to Selective Color:

10 Final photo:

This tone looks much more interesting, it harmonizes better with water and stones and makes the color contrast of the photo weaker.