How to invite to a network business. How to invite people to Network Marketing (MLM)? How to invite businessmen to network marketing

How to invite to network business correct, and most importantly effective? This is the right question from a beginner who wants to wisely invest his time in order to create a profitable network business as quickly as possible.

Psychological aspect

Most unsuccessful networkers play a game called market awareness. They consider it right to convey information about their company or product to as many people as possible.

Usually everything ends sadly, because along with them there are hundreds of thousands of the same networkers doing exactly the same thing...

And the problem is that for the people on the “other end of the line” their offer is pure spam, and it does not pass through the candidate’s perception filter

You need to understand important psychological points. Understand who people really are

We are all inherently selfish and view everything from the point of view of our own benefit. Therefore, people will willingly pay attention to what you present from the point of view of their benefit, give them what they want

When you communicate with a person in person, you need to first understand what motivates this person in life. What does he want?

You will be surprised, but according to statistics, 80% of people don’t want anything. This is the standard unevenness of our society. Most people want a stable, salaried job and do not want to change anything in their lives

I will tell you right away that it is much easier to find the other 20% of people who internally want change and are ready to do something for it, rather than try to do something with these 80%

Even if you persuade a person to join your business, it will be a one-time deal, since a partner who is not motivated from within, when faced with the first difficulty, will simply give up and do nothing.

Therefore, before inviting you to a network business, you need to find an interested candidate. A person who is already looking for what you offer

The Internet, of course, can help us a lot in this matter.

If earlier we made cold contacts on the street, and we had nothing to do but simply sort through people to find these 20%, then modern Internet tools allow us to easily reach our target audience and work precisely, spending hundreds of times less effort

If you are interested in what these tools are, you can read the article on my blog “” where I described in detail all the possible options for attracting and recruiting people via the Internet

How to invite to a network business via the Internet

Although the Internet allows us to invite people to online business almost on full autopilot, I would not recommend that you do this from the very beginning.

You may have heard about autonomous recruiting funnels, in which I am the No. 1 expert in the Russian-speaking space, but all this will work great for you when you reach a certain level of expertise and popularity on the Internet


Statistics show that a person who doesn’t know you well is unlikely to agree with you for a personal consultation. Therefore, task No. 1 in Internet marketing is to establish strong contact with the candidate

And this process can and should be automated very easily. Modern Internet services allow you to collect contacts of candidates and send them the necessary information on complete autopilot. They can also send instant messages to your entire list of contacts with “one” keystroke

Establishing contact is an important, intermediate stage that will allow you to create trust with your candidate and transfer him to a personal “meeting”

Initially, candidates are “cold” people who do not trust you and are reluctant to agree to your help

Therefore, task No. 2 in Internet marketing is to create trust with these people. Regular valuable content that you provide to your candidates copes well with this task.

By the way, you can read how to build this entire system in my new book “How to get 10 partners per month and even more in the first line”, where I laid everything out in great detail literally on the shelves

And task No. 3 in this intermediate link is to involve your candidates in your business. Again, you can use all the methods that I described in the article “”, but as I said earlier, personal involvement will work most effectively for you

Invitation to network business through personal involvement

1 benefit of personal involvement is maximum efficiency

The Internet allows you to create an incredible audience reach! I claim that you can make it so that 300 people every day will get acquainted with your business offer, and of course then it will all work automatically

But it will initially be very difficult for a beginner to create a good flow of candidates, so it makes sense to use each contact as effectively as possible. And this is only possible through personal communication.

2 benefit is niche and target audience

Training on developing your niche and choosing a target audience is certainly great. But until the end you can decide on all this only in practice!

Remember! People need to sell what they want to buy and to those who already want to buy

The mistake most networkers make is that they want to work with one audience, but in the end a completely different one buys from them.

It is personal contact with the candidate that will allow you to quickly find your target audience and a niche in which you can create a large empire

3 benefit is experience

Many networkers have a fundamentally incorrect belief. They were told that it was enough just to give information. But this model worked well in the 90s, when people clung to every opportunity, since there were very few of them

Today, if you simply give information, it will work against you!

It is my deep conviction that you need to be able to sell your network business at a high price! Keywords sell high

And selling is not spam and selling with the words buy, buy, buy

This is effective marketing that hits the target! This is an autonomous recruiting funnel that works like an expensive Swiss watch

When you know what to say to hook a candidate. When you know what to say and show to create a relationship and engage the candidate. And of course, when you know exactly what you need to say and do for a person to become your partner

And this is how you understand the experience that can most quickly be acquired through personal communication!

Unfortunately, in this short article I could only slightly lift the curtain for you.

But if you understand that this is the future. If you want to understand this in more detail, build a successful online business and easily get partners via the Internet?

Download my new book at the top right or immediately below this article and come to my free master classes, where you can get the latest and most valuable information on building a successful MLM business via the Internet and inviting people to an online business

Take action

Good luck and success to you in business

See you

How to invite people to an online business correctly and effectively

Alexander Ivanov

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Every now and then I get asked how to be successful in the MLM business, how to promote it into a business, what a networker should do, and so on.

These questions are quite relevant. After all, many people drop out, give up, leave with the conviction that they are not created for this work, that nothing will work out for them and that their efforts are in vain.

What can you do so as not to waste time, but actually achieve some success? Today we will talk about how to invite people to an online business and what secrets you need to know.

Inviting people to a network business or, in other words, recruiting is the main task of a networker. You can learn about how to recruit via the Internet from. And today we will talk, first of all, about how to behave when meeting.

The wider and more active your team is, the more benefits you and your company will receive.

However, initially everyone must understand that he is inviting a person to a successful company, sharing with him information about opportunities and ways to achieve them, and not “selling” him (a product, service) for exclusive benefit.

With the right attitude, working and attracting clients will become much easier and more effective.

Let's start with the simplest steps.

First, you must have thorough information about your product, company, marketing plan and other nuances. Forewarned is forearmed.

Having a complete understanding of how everything works in reality, we can clearly and in understandable language explain to a person what we offer him and what he can get from it.

Of course, the obvious truth is a pleasant appearance, competent speech, the ability to formulate thoughts, goodwill and restraint. After all, no one wants to devote even a minute of their time to an unsmiling, tense, and God forbid, unkempt person.

To win over you must demonstrate a successful, self-confident and educated businessman, and not a frightened, confused and uncollected slob.


Making an impression on someone when you are in a hurry is one way to attract the attention of a potential client. And even if it sounds strange, practice shows that the method works and has an inexorable effect on a person’s subconscious.

When a person sees that you are in a hurry, he unconsciously begins to respect your time with more respect. The thinking and logic of your interlocutor at such moments is as follows: “You are in a hurry, but you took the time to communicate with him, which means that the information you want to convey to him is very important and matters.”

Remember, you’ve probably found yourself in a situation where someone is in a hurry and is trying to tell us about something, we begin to listen more attentively, while we comment briefly and to the point.

How to create such a situation? It’s very simple, you can start with:

  • “I’m in a hurry, but I want to discuss something important with you.”
  • “I’m running out of time, but I’ll tell you something anyway.”
  • “I’d really like to discuss this over a cup of coffee, but we only have five minutes, so listen.”


Don't forget to give compliments. We all know how they affect us. The person immediately turns into a pleasant and interesting interlocutor, and our mood is conducive to setting aside as much time as we like for conversation.

However, you should not say banal phrases. The compliment must be sincere. This can make a person more open and accommodating:

  • If this person is familiar to you, say something about his work, success in business, excellent form.
  • If you attract a person through cold contact, notice his stylish watch, pay attention to his pleasant voice and well-spoken speech, which will be very useful to him if he accepts your offer.


Today there are three ways to invite a person that are used.

Direct approach

The direct approach is the type of invitation that is based on an offer to talk about earning opportunities.

Money and the opportunity to increase it are a temptation for everyone. However, you need to act subtly and competently. A person must understand that this income is a way to earn income without disrupting their usual lifestyle.

For example, you can start with:

  • “Have you thought about finding an additional source of income besides your current job?”
  • “I know a great way to increase your income without any investment.”

Indirect approach

This tool is a powerful weapon in the hands of those who master it. This method is based on a request for help.

Offering a product or service to a person must be done competently; it is an art. After all, everyone understands that this proposal is based on the benefit of the one who offers. And in essence this is true.

But an indirect approach makes it possible to approach a person without his obviously biased attitude and demonstrate his proposal on behalf of someone who is not interested in attracting him.


  • “I think I have found a successful company where you can earn a good income. You have impressive experience in marketing, could you look through the materials and tell me what you think about this?”

Well, a very indirect approach

This approach uses several psychological tricks at the same time.

You structure the conversation in such a way that the person understands that you are not at all interested in attracting him, but you are looking for partners and want to find out if he has any interested people.


  • “There is an excellent opportunity to earn money, are there anyone among your friends who is looking for additional income?”;
  • “I don’t think the business I’m making money from now would suit you, but maybe you know someone who would like to make a profit while working from home?”

And if in most cases, with a direct approach, a person perceives network marketing with hostility and it becomes more difficult to capture his attention, then curiosity works here.

And before the interlocutor starts thinking about potential partners among his acquaintances, he will want to hear the details and will be extremely attentive. After all, why is it worse?)

There are many more effective tools and secrets for an MLM agent.

And the companies that deserve the most attention, in my opinion, are those that are suitable for the majority of people who make purchases on the Internet, and that can be used as a main or additional direction, in parallel with one or another grocery business.

Among these, for example, I include the CashBack service Switips, about the advantages of which I wrote

In order to master them, attend trainings, webinars, and also subscribe to my blog to find only the necessary and relevant information for yourself.

Subscribe to the blog’s Telegram channel -


First of all, start inviting your friends. It will be easier for you to communicate with them, and you will practice your skills in inviting other people into the business. Bring your mentor with you to your first meetings. He will help you tell you more about the possibilities of working in the company, and also teach you how to overcome objections.

Write a list of all your friends. These can be not only those people with whom you communicate, but also those with whom you meet on the way to work, ride in the same minibus, etc. Please include your phone number next to it if you know it. Then start calling. Information can be open, when you immediately say that you want to meet and talk about cooperation in a network company, or closed, when you only intrigue an acquaintance, but do not say what will be discussed during the meeting.

Depending on how close the person is to you, the phrases for conversation may be different. For example, offer to meet to talk about a job for you or, if the person is having financial difficulties, tell them that you have an interesting offer for them. You can also invite a friend to your place for tea, but tell him in advance that you want to discuss something with him.

During the meeting, tell us about the company, why you chose it and the principles of building the business. Speak confidently and smile. Don't be unfounded. Show printouts of your income if you have already achieved some success. Videos, films, books - everything will help you inspire a person to work in this company. At the end of the meeting, be sure to find out if the interlocutor has any questions, and also listen to his opinion about this work. Don't rush the person to make a decision right away.

The next appointment is recommended within 24-48 hours. At this time, the person will think carefully about the information received, and questions may arise. During the second meeting, repeat the basic principles of work to your friend so that the information is better absorbed.

Be prepared for the fact that not all of your friends will want to join your company. You can agree that they will be your regular customers, and you will sell them products at a discount. In addition to your acquaintances, ask your spouse or parents to write lists of their relatives and friends.

Some people treat network companies with distrust and often even refuse to listen to information. Firstly, this may be due to the fact that a person is encountering network marketing for the first time, and has once heard unpleasant reviews about financial pyramids from friends. Secondly, your interlocutor may have become a victim of scammers by joining the company, investing a lot of money, and in the end was left with nothing. Your task is to remove the negativity. Agree that financial pyramids exist, but you need to be able to distinguish them from honest network companies. Don't argue with your interlocutor. This will make you even more angry and unwilling to listen to you. Use your personal experience. Tell us why you came to this company and what its advantages are. Some large online companies have no upfront fees. Emphasize this. The interlocutor will have information about your company and will know that it is legal. Perhaps next time he will be able to distinguish scammers from honest companies.

The age-old question is how to invite people to network marketing. This question worries a new distributor. It’s clear that if you master as many recruitment methods as possible and apply them, then the growth of your team (structure) will please you. A as your structures grow, your income will also grow. And to succeed in a network business, you must start recruiting from the very first days.

Having studied and applied these methods, you will be able to choose the 3-5 ones you like the most, with which you will be most comfortable working and master them at a professional level. Then you will definitely get positive results.

There are quite a few methods for recruiting people into an online business. Let's divide them into two types:

1. How to invite people to network marketing in real life
2. How to invite people to network marketing on the Internet.

In this article we will look at recruitment methods in real life.

Before I begin to describe methods of inviting people to network marketing, I want to note a very important thing. By inviting a person to an online business, you are offering him the opportunity to change his/her life for the better and he/she must decide for himself whether to take advantage of this opportunity or get stuck where he/she was before.

How to invite to network marketing in Real:

1. Warm market. To begin with, you need to make a list of acquaintances of 100 people (gradually you will see that in fact you have much more than 100 and continue adding them to this list).

Let's make a list of everyone you know. Friends, relatives close and distant, neighbors, classmates, fellow students, your hairdresser, fitness trainer, etc. This list may even include people with whom you simply say hello and exchange a few words. Perhaps you don't even know their names. This will give you the opportunity to introduce yourself.

Make a list and start working with it every day. Don't offer it directly. Invite them to a meeting for tea or coffee, for example. Chat, listen to your interlocutor, and when they ask you how you are doing, you can tell them what amazing business or product you have discovered.

Everything must develop gradually. If your company's product can be offered as a treat, then this is a great opportunity to demonstrate all its wonderful qualities and thus create a desire to use it.

Tip #1: when compiling a list of acquaintances, do not write phrases like “this one will be interested” and “this one will not be interested” next to the name. You never know in advance who will be interested in your offer and who will not. Those. no bias.

Tip #2: For close family or friends, work with your sponsor who already has experience. They don’t yet perceive you as a seasoned businessman, because... they know you from a completely different perspective and know that you are still new to this business.

2. Cold contacts. When the list of warm contacts ends, we switch to the cold contacts method.

Cold contacts these are people you don’t know, but are trying to establish contact with. A complete stranger cannot treat you with warmth, so let’s call him a “cold contact.” Then, by talking to him and arousing his sympathy, you melt the ice.

The purpose of cold contacts– this is perhaps a pleasant acquaintance, a chance to get his/her phone number for further conversation or to get a recommendation from him/her for other potential contacts.
You need to behave very friendly, smile, then the person you approach to talk to will perceive you positively.

Can do surveys for 3-4 minutes or just ask some question, like “How to get to some street?”, because this is where your office or something else is located. Slowly a conversation begins. You can introduce yourself and ask his name. And then ask him if he has heard about your products and such a wonderful company, take the phone number to make an appointment and give him your business card.

Of course, this is very brief and this is the art of communicating with strangers. But this can be learned.

3. Distribution of leaflets in public places. You need to distribute a lot of leaflets to get any results. This is a paid method, because... Leaflets must be ordered from a printing house. Of course, the flyer should contain your contact information.

4. Posting advertisements on pillars. Advertisements can be prepared on a computer and then printed in large quantities. The ad must have a tear-off spine on which your phone number will appear.

5. Submitting an advertisement in a newspaper. The text of your ad should be directed to. The circulation and the day of release are also important. It is better for the announcement to be published on weekdays.

Now watch the funny video How you can’t invite people to Network Marketing:

In the next article we will talk about how to invite people to network marketing V Internet.

What methods do you know of how to invite people to network marketing? Please share in the comments.

Good day, dear Friends!

Today I will tell you:

“Where to start and how to move towards success”

You have already read the three previous articles!
If not, here are links to them:

In previous articles, I told you about the types of “Cold contacts” and “Warm contacts”. We have discussed with you methods of working with your fears. We figured out what an MLM business is and what makes it unique.

Over the past 14 years of interaction with Faberlic, I have gone through different paths of development:

1) She was simply a privileged buyer - she solved the problems of her face and every year she fell more and more in love with Faberlic products;

2) I was a Leader and gathered all the consultants of my city under “my flags,” but still I built a business only on emotions and desires. There was no awareness or understanding of the principle of building a business at all. We had to do everything at random.

At this stage, I completed “Fire, Water, and Copper Pipes”! This journey took me almost 8 years.

3) The next stage of formation in MLM has become conscious and productive! Construction stage: Business - relationships, Business - plans, Business - projects, Business - calculations! It is during these 4 years that I think through every step towards my Success!

Right now, my three projects and several more are being implemented and are bringing results!

You ask: “Why am I telling you about this?”

Because I really feel sorry for the time I missed.

The time when I simply received “Pleasure” from working in MLM, without planning and not developing at the speed with which I could...

And I don’t want you to make the same mistake.

I told you about myself for a reason, I recommend that from the first steps you think through what you want to achieve in MLM?!

What results will satisfy ALL your desires and aspirations?!

Who should you become to achieve your goals?! What qualities and skills do you need to acquire?

Take your goals as a basis and it will become clear to you who you need to attract to your Team.

Determine what positions you will be in invite people to network marketing. Who will they be in your structure:

  • Preferred customers? How many of them will you have? The entire network or only 30-40%, how much?!
  • Sellers? Also, how many will there be? What volume will each of them do: 100, 200, 500, or maybe 1500 points? It doesn’t happen - you say! Happens! I personally know such people!
  • Leaders – Holders of structures? Again – how much and with what volumes?! Who will they be on your team: Leaders, Vice-Directors - WHO?!
  • Partners, future Precious Directors?

What qualifications do you want to achieve?

For example, “General Partner” is the highest level in the Faberlic marketing plan!

And who is this “General Partner”?!

Have you ever considered the "Ladder of Success" at Faberlic?

What qualifications are there? How are they different from each other?

Let me help you!

“General Partner” is 24 “Diamond” structures under it!
And who then are these “Diamond” structures?

Who are they, how do they live, what do they breathe?!

You're probably starting to understand where I'm going with this?

Of course! To achieve the qualification of a “General Partner”, you need to find 24 - the same as you - thirsty, purposeful, “steadfast tin soldiers”.

So: starting invite people to MLM always remember what your strategic goal is!

Of course, don’t close your doors to anyone!
But identify those 24 “Diamond” Partners among them!
And never stop there, never!

If you do stop, then you have to make up for lost time. There is a loss of time, energy and other resources in order to gain the same speed again (I know this from my own experience)!

How to invite people to MLM?

1) You need to figure out: WHOM are you inviting and WHERE are you inviting!

2) Business cards, advertisements, leaflets and events should be aimed clearly at the target audience you need!

— If these are Preferred Customers (PP), then everything is delicious about the product and discounts;

— If these are Sellers, then good things about the product are mixed with earnings, with income from the Company, from Promotions and Discounts;

— If for the Leadership position of business group organizers (OBG), then all the previous ones are mixed with Marketing opportunities and Career Growth;

— If for an Affiliate position, then here you need to show 90% “Where the money is” and only 10% talk about the product!

All opportunities for Bonuses and Marketing plan, for Privileges and Recognitions, for Strategic planning for achieving the highest results!

3) If different target audiences came to the event, then after the event, separate them and schedule the next meeting based on their “interests”!

Don’t mix “everyone together”, otherwise there will be no result! Some will get tired and disappointed, others will get scared and leave the network!

4) Tell EVERYONE who comes about all the possibilities (read above), but let THEM choose what they want!

Thus, everyone who comes to MLM can, after a while, move from one target audience to another.

This is usually what happens, but you have to offer them this transition. Otherwise, they will go to another Company or another structure!

5) Transfer your regular Clients to the category of Consultants. They will either refuse on their own (they like that you serve them), or they will gladly agree! If you don’t transfer, they may go to another consultant in his structure.

These are the most basic rules for invitations to network marketing.
Use them and make your invitation plan:

  • What events will you host?
  • Which ones will be more, and which ones will be additional?
  • What type, method, technology will you use for inviting and recruiting?
  • What phrases will you have on your leaflets and advertisements, and who will they be aimed at? Always remember what position you are inviting for, and formulate your offer based on this.
  • What will you talk about and what actions will you take when potential consultants come to you?
  • What will you “involve” them in after registration? What action plan will you develop for them?
  • What types of control and support will you discuss immediately at the first meeting? What agreements will there be?

There is an indisputable rule of life: It is necessary to agree “on shore” about the rules, tasks, rights and interaction between you before setting sail!

“Either you lead in the dance, or you will be led...”

Perhaps for someone I answered his question “How to invite people to MLM?”
But for some it only lifted the curtain on the necessary steps towards this matter.

If you have more questions than answers on this topic, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with my powerful step-by-step video course:

In it I give step-by-step actions for inviting you to MLM, supporting different target groups in the structure, and describing all the activities that are necessary for inviting and training consultants in your Team!

This is a concentrate of all my knowledge and experience that led me to great results!

This is where I will end my article.

My next article will be aimed at analysis: « How to get interested in network marketing? »